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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


許詩韻 Unknown Date (has links)
廣告在現代社會中所扮演的角色不僅超越商業的領域,更是傳遞社會價值的重要媒介。而台灣在這50幾年內,不論在政治、經濟、社會以及文化等方面均面臨迅速的變遷,廣告中所呈現的社會價值是否也反映了這快速的轉變?抑或廣告仍舊在強化既有的社會價值觀?本研究基於此動機,欲藉由雜誌廣告,來探討家用品廣告中所呈現的文化價值與社會變遷之間的關係;其次,對於性別在廣告中被大量的運用,本研究第二個焦點在於探討廣告中的性別角色呈現與社會變遷之關係。本研究欲採取一個長時間社會趨勢演變的角度,一方面對國內之雜誌廣告中的文化價值、兩性角色以及其他廣告訊息作一整理、回顧;另一方面將探討這些廣告訊息與社會變遷之間的關聯性。 本研究之主要研究結果如下: 一、在廣告中的性別角色呈現上,研究顯示- (一)女性仍是家用品廣告中的主角; (二)廣告中仍普遍呈現刻板的女性形象-女性多扮演裝飾性的角色,或是以家庭主婦角色出現; (三) 兩性在家中空間上的不平等分配-客廳或書房為男性展示權利地位的場域,而女性則以廚房、家務空間為主要活動場所; 二、 在廣告中的文化價值呈現上,研究顯示- (一)隨著社會變遷,廣告文化價值呈現在「群體主義」、「柔性作風」特質上有顯著遞減趨勢;「剛性作風」特質則有顯著遞增; (二)家用品廣告中普遍呈現的文化價值為「不確定性規避」及「群體主義」; (三)文化價值與兩性角色呈現密切關係-「權力距離」、「剛性作風」及「個人主義」三項特質有較強烈的男性傾向;而「柔性作風」及「群體主義」則偏向女性特質。 關鍵字:社會變遷、文化價值、性別角色、內容分析

大陸地區報紙廣告的文化價值分析-以南方日報與解放日報為例:1979~1993 / Reflections of Cultural Values in Mainland China Newspaper Advertisements

朱有志, Chu, Yo Chih Unknown Date (has links)


施哲仁 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的在探討台美兩國汽車廣告之表現方式、品牌個性以及文化價值的差異,希望能藉由本研究對於台灣與美國兩地文化價值有更深入的了解,並透過不同品牌廣告分析其個性的塑造,此為本研究問題所在。 本研究採內容分析法,以1998年到2004年之汽車雜誌為研究對象,進行跨文化之比較分析。本研究發現,台美兩國的汽車廣告表現並無明顯的不同,均是以「理性方式」做為訴求主軸;而在品牌個性中,台灣所表現的「稱職」與「粗獷」面向均高於美國部分;而在文化價值部分,台灣則展現了較高的「權力距離」、「不確定性規避」、「個人主義」、「群體主義」與「柔性作風」,而美國汽車廣告的呈現則是較為積極的「剛性作風」。 另外,對於不同品牌的廣告加以分析,研究發現廣告表現並不會因為品牌不同有所影響,仍舊是以「理性方式」來傳達訊息;在品牌個性的部分則發現,整體汽車產業仍舊是以強調功能/表現的「稱職」面向為主,僅有Benz汽車在「刺激」與「平和」面向上有較突出的表現;而在文化價值的表現上,則發現Benz提供較多的廣告資訊來降低消費者的疑慮,並常以受到他人尊崇的方式來傳達品牌訴求,故在文化價值的「不確定性規避」、「群體主義」與「柔性作風」表現較為強烈。


王奕晴, Wang I-ching Unknown Date (has links)
隨著中國大陸(以下簡稱大陸)的改革開放,海峽兩岸的商業貿易日益繁盛,帶動著廣告蓬勃發展,尤其網路廣告的快速成長,已是不容小覷的新興勢力。但由於兩岸五十年的分治產生價值觀的差異,使得在互動交流易產生誤解導致投資失敗、關係惡化,瞭解兩岸文化差異已是刻不容緩。本研究主旨即是進行兩岸網路廣告中文化價值觀與訴求價值觀的差異比較,以瞭解網路廣告中兩岸呈現出的價值觀異同。 研究樣本自兩岸最受歡迎的入口網站中收集文化意涵完整的網路廣告,共收集407則,其中台灣174則、大陸233則。採用Stern(1998)的文化價值觀量表,以及Hetsroni(2000)的訴求價值觀項目,再加上「兩人的情感」以及「異國風情」兩項,共計有27項訴求價值,由三位過錄員(含研究者)進行內容分析,評分者間信度為 .70至 .74。研究結果發現:(1)兩岸在網路廣告產品類別有差異,可能與兩岸的經濟水準有關;(2)文化價值觀整體分析中「社會正義感」、「財富」為台灣顯著較高,「影響力」、「敬重長者」、「多變化」、「刺激」為大陸較高;(3)訴求價值觀整體比較中,訴求「方便性」、「經濟」、「愉悅歡樂」、「個人主義」、「休閒放鬆」、「助人」、及「財物豐富」等價值為台灣顯著較高,而訴求「聰明智慧」則為大陸較高;(4)「網路產品」類別在文化價值觀與訴求價值觀皆未達到顯著差異;(5)在文化價值觀與訴求價值觀都有「歪曲鏡」的現象;。研究最後提出實務上的建議、研究限制以及未來研究方向的建議。 / In past decades, Mainland China(China) has made large improvement in economic power. The amount of business interaction between China and Taiwan has made the commercial industry become booming, and the new growing media—‘web ads’ are no exception. But even thought the people in two regions speak similar language and have shared a part of traditional culture, there are still many misunderstanding between them. Historically, Taiwan and China have separated over 50 years from 1949, leaders in two countries take the different policies to manage and structure people’s life and ideology. Comprehending the different of values will be helpful to cross-strait business interaction, cultural exchange, personal friendship, and so on. The main of this research attempts to get understanding the cultural values and appeal values on Web ads in Taiwan and China, and contrasts values between the two countries. A content analysis was conducted on a total of 407 Web ads with completed cultural meaning selected from the two countries. The cultural values sheet is from Stern’s(1998)study, and appeal values sheet is from Chien Yu-Fen’s(2003) study. Results of the content analysis on Web ads show that there are different productions and frequencies in production categories between Taiwan and China. And there are some important differences of cultural values and appeal values are significant. The most worth to mention is that there are no any significant on values comparison in ‘Web production’ category, and this category seems be possible a production with universal values.

外商廣告公司在越南市場:1992-2002 / Multi-National Advertising Agencies in Vietnam: 1992-2002

謝翠荷, TA THUY HA Unknown Date (has links)
若與其他國家相比,越南的歷史、政治、經濟等方面發展頗為特殊。越南曾經是法、美等帝國之殖民地,先後與日本、法國、美國等先進國家抗爭。脫離帝國統治之後,1976-1985年越南政府採取計劃經濟政策,全國封閉,自1986年起,越南開始進行市場化經濟改革,並配合對外開放與政治鬆綁,如今,越南變成一個充滿潛力及吸引力的新興市場。 隨著外商企業,『廣告』行業也來到越南。跨國企業除了向越南輸出商品,同時『輸出』行銷、廣告技術。西方國家文化產品席捲越南只是來自商業的企圖,還是資本主義的文化霸權?文化帝國主義形式之一? 本研究透過蒐集,分析二手資料探討越南廣告業的發展,並對在越南跨國廣告公司的十二位負責人、二位越南本土廣告業者利用開放式的問卷進行深度訪談,以瞭解跨國廣告公司十年來如何進入,佔領越南廣告市場以及其目標企圖進一步瞭解文化帝國主義在越南之運作型態。本研究將130則電視廣告以SPSS統計軟體進行內容分析,探討越南廣告內容並瞭解文化價值呈現及西方導向趨勢。 根據命題,研究結果顯示: 目前有接近20家跨國廣告代理商在越南。80%越南廣告市場被跨國廣告公司掌控。越南廣告業剛萌芽,嚴重缺乏廣告附帶服務,所有廣告製造工作要在海外進行。大眾媒體均屬國營,內容貧乏,表面粗糙,消費者相當保守。主要的廣告商品都是國外品牌,大部分是低價錢、重複購買的消費用品。廣告策略簡單,偏向於資訊式廣告。 越南廣告市場富潛力,吸引外商進入。目前廣告在越南的確能夠起影響,改變人的態度與行為,但還不能夠損及越南的文化或成為文化主控者。 在廣告表現方面:在所有採取130則廣告中的產品,沒有屬於高涉入的產品,全部都屬於兩類產品:低涉入/理性和低涉入/感性;來自歐洲地區的產品為多,無本土產品廣告;廣告中使用外國語文的情形,強調產品是先進工業化國家的產品或採用他們之技術的現象相當不普遍; 本研究的貢獻在於,第一,深入探討越南廣告市場的發展背景及現況,提供廣告業者做為參考,降低其進入越南廣告市場的障礙。第二,本研究透過訪問越南跨國廣告公司的高級主管,並整合他們對越南廣告市場的評價及觀點,將研究成果回饋給越南廣告市場及政府作為決策時的參考。 / Abstract: Vietnam is known for its exceptional history, politics and economy. It has been colonized by America and France, and has it has been involved in wars of resistance against developed countries including France, Japan and America. After gaining its independence, the Vietnamese government adopted a closed economy from 1976 to 1985. In 1986 the Communist Party of Vietnam introduced comprehensive economic reform (the Doi moi process), which aimed to develop a socialist-oriented multi-sector market economy under state control. Since opening its door to the world, Vietnam has become a potentially attractive emerging market. With the arrival of multinational clients, advertising was introduced to Vietnam. Multinational companies bring marketing and advertising strategy to this market as well as products. Does this new advertising industry and the multinational companies it represents aim only at profit seeking, or is it also in pursuit of cultural imperialism? This paper focuses on three major objectives. First, it describes the Vietnamese advertising environment in general. Second, it documents the entrance of multinational advertising agencies to the Vietnam market. Third, it analyzes the content of Vietnamese advertising to assess the orientation of its underlying cultural values. The methodologies of in-depth interviews and analysis are used in this paper. The research finds: • Nearly 20 multinational advertising agencies in Vietnam occupy 80% of the market. • The Vietnamese advertising industry is in its primary stage, lacking suppliers. • Most advertisement production is done overseas. • The content of Vietnamese state-owned media is simple and uncreative. Vietnamese consumers are conservative. • Most advertisements are for cheap, foreign-brand consumer products. • Advertising strategies are simple, mostly based on information appeal. • The Vietnamese advertising market is potentially attractive to foreign investors. • In Vietnam advertising might affect people’s attitudes or behavior, but it still has not damaged Vietnamese culture or become “culturally dominant”. In 130 TV commercial samples, there is no high-involvement product advertising. All fall into two categories: low–involvement/rational and low- involvement/emotional. European brands appear most commonly. No local brands are featured. The use of foreign language or emphasis on the country of origin is uncommon in Vietnamese advertising. This paper introduces foreign advertising agencies to the Vietnam advertising environment so that they can avoid potential obstacles when entering the local market. In addition, through in-depth interviews with high-ranking managers of multinational advertising agencies, this paper offers reference material for Vietnamese advertisers and government officials responsible for strategic decisions.

台灣社會變遷與電信廣告內容表現:以中華電信行動通信分公司為例 / Taiwan society change and telecommunications advertisement content: Chunghwa Telecom Mobile Business Branch as an example

朱宥蓉 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以廣告策略、廣告訴求、廣告型式與內容、廣告性別角色呈現及廣告文化價值呈現為變項,探討電信業電視廣告內容與社會變遷的關係。採內容分析法,研究對象為中華電信廣告,取樣期間為1998至2014年(2G商用至4G推出),樣本數為120則。 研究結果發現: 一、廣告策略與訴求:從功能宣告到情境塑造。 產品導入期適合使用宣告型策略讓消費者熟悉產品,並降低衍生產品被接受門檻,當產品發展成熟時,則適合採情境塑造策略向消費者訴說生活理念。 二、廣告型式與內容:由無聲到有聲;從自我到群眾。 隨著高速網路興起加強商業歌曲傳播速度及範圍,廣告由無背景音樂向歌曲發展;廣告重心由早期描述產品讓個人在特定領域更卓越,移轉到多人運用通訊產品相互溝通傳達情感。 三、廣告性別呈現:從男性到兩性;由男性領導女性。 隨著女性意識掘起,廣告由男性移轉到兩性同時擔任主角,但整體而言,男性仍被賦予領導他人的責任,女性則較無發揮所長的機會。 四、廣告文化價值呈現:不喜好風險;訴求柔性作風與群體意識。 經濟不穩定讓人們依賴風險趨避資訊說服他們購買產品;廣告中大量使用柔性與群體訴求符合台灣人民生活的態度與習性。 / This study uses advertising strategy, advertising appeal, advertising form and content, gender role and cultural value as variables, to discuss the relationship between TV commercials content and social changes. In this paper, content analysis is used to study on the commercial ads of Chunghwa Telecom from 1998 to 2014 (2G to 4G period) with samples of 120. The result shows: 1.Advertising strategy and appeal: from functional declaration to situational shaping. 2.Advertising form and content: from silent to sound; from individual to groups. 3.Gender role: from man to both man and woman; man leads woman. 4.Cultural value: risk aversion; show femininity and collectivism.

來源國,廣告訴求,文化價值觀:航空公司廣告在台灣的內容分析法研究 / Examining the Relationship between Country of Origin, Appeals, and Cultural Values in Advertising: A Content Analysis Study of Airline Ads in Taiwan

古楷婷, Gulenok, Kateryna Unknown Date (has links)
Abstract The current study is a content analysis of airlines’ printed ads, exploring an intersection of country-of-origin (COO), advertising appeals (rational and emotional), and cultural values (Eastern or Western). The study focuses on airlines advertising to understand the role of COO and its interaction with ad appeals and cultural values. The goal of the study is to explore the ways in which airlines or service businesses (selling intangible products) communicate with consumers about the values and meanings in their advertising, especially since the market for travel services is growing and the airline industry is facing drastic competition. The statistical analysis showed clear consistent patterns in the use of COO and other advertising appeals: the ads that used COO are more likely to use emotional appeals and express more Eastern values. Adding to our understanding about the branding of airlines, the findings are in line with the literature that claimed emphasis on emotional aspects for service advertisements. Implications for practitioners are also discussed. Key words: airlines, country-of-origin, services, advertising appeals, cultural values, content analysis / Abstract The current study is a content analysis of airlines’ printed ads, exploring an intersection of country-of-origin (COO), advertising appeals (rational and emotional), and cultural values (Eastern or Western). The study focuses on airlines advertising to understand the role of COO and its interaction with ad appeals and cultural values. The goal of the study is to explore the ways in which airlines or service businesses (selling intangible products) communicate with consumers about the values and meanings in their advertising, especially since the market for travel services is growing and the airline industry is facing drastic competition. The statistical analysis showed clear consistent patterns in the use of COO and other advertising appeals: the ads that used COO are more likely to use emotional appeals and express more Eastern values. Adding to our understanding about the branding of airlines, the findings are in line with the literature that claimed emphasis on emotional aspects for service advertisements. Implications for practitioners are also discussed. Key words: airlines, country-of-origin, services, advertising appeals, cultural values, content analysis

從跨文化傳播看兒童雙語教育---以文化價值觀為例 / A Cross-Cultural Perspective on Children's Bilingual Education:Taking Cultural Values as Examples

張靖筠, Chang, Ching-Yun Unknown Date (has links)
隨著全球化、網路化的到來,英語已經變成一個全球語言。然而,許多雙語教學隱含的跨文化與價值認同等相關議題卻淹沒在這片英語教與學的熱潮中。本研究藉由語言與跨文化等若干理論視角,對這個課題進行初探性與嘗試性的探討。除了瞭解雙語學校為何吸引人,也從雙語學童學習背景及其家庭文化脈絡的角度,檢視雙語學童的文化認知與文化價值觀在整個雙語學習歷程中的發展為何? 本研究採質化研究中的深度訪談法,研究對象包括十位台中華盛頓雙語小學學生、家長以及中英兩部主任。研究結果發現,雙語學校的盛行正反映了在全球化下,台灣人民對英語高度崇拜的社會文化現象。然而標榜全球化教育的雙語學校卻對本土教育產生不當排擠作用,雙語學童不但沒有展現出應有的宏觀的、批判的國際觀,反而產生貶抑本土語言價值與文化的態度,混種性的文化價值觀更淺藏認同危機。值得注意的是,孩子家庭的文化背景更扮演了直接影響雙語學童文化價值與語言評價的關鍵性角色。因此,本研究建議政府及相關單位在努力推動英語學習時,不要忽略本國語言與文化對一個孩子人格發展的重要性。家長也要有自己的定見,在參考各方建議時要能尊重孩子的個別差異其獨特性,不隨波逐流。 / The purpose of this thesis is using a cross-cultural lens to investigate Taiwanese children’s experience with bilingual education, its effects on children cultural values, and other factors that should be taken into consideration in Taiwan’s current bilingual education system. This thesis will specifically answer the following: What are the motivations of children to study in a bilingual elementary school? What is the role of bilingual education in the development of children’s cultural values, attitudes, and knowledge? What are parents’ perceptions of bilingual education and how does it influence children in various ways? How does bilingual education shape the type of children’s learning experiences under social and familial circumstances? Interviews with ten students, their parents and two deans of the Washington Bilingual Elementary School were conducted. The results indicated that contrary to the main goal of a bilingual school, which is to broaden the international perspectives of students, the mother tongue is devalorized in bilingual classes. Children therefore perceive an uneven social representation of languages, which further influence their cultural identities. Moreover, some parents regard English proficiency as a representation of their high social-economic status. Under a parent’s influence, these children therefore perceive English as a superior language making Chinese inferior, which seriously influences the development of their cultural identities and ethnic attitudes. These cases indicate that the extent to which western values affect children’s cultural identities will significantly depend on the specific social, familial and educational circumstances which shape the bilingual experience. Finally, some suggestions to the institutions of bilingual education and to future research are proposed according to the results of this study.

本地化玉米餅:台灣多力多滋傳播策略案例研究 / Localizing the tortilla chips: a case study of Doritos' communicative strategies in Taiwan

加何塞, José Manuel Galiano García Unknown Date (has links)
無 / This study examines the strategies adopted by the global brand Dorito’s in Taiwan, and contrasts the communicative strategies with those used in Mexican market. The foundation of this analysis resided in Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions. This research has sampled filmic advertisements used in previous and current campaigns in both countries available in social media and video sharing platforms. Cultural values, marketing appeals, and value paradoxes were analyzed, as well as other elements like product design and packaging have been assessed to understand the implications and the role that national culture plays when creating marketing strategies. Product localization and standardization have their implications in this study. Doritos’ brand communicative strategies have been modified to fit into the taste of Taiwanese buyers, adopting different appeals and values than those utilized in Mexican market. Recurrent use of value paradox, in harmony with Doritos’ brand values is found to be consistent in Mexico and Taiwan. One of the most remarkable value paradoxes adopted in branding is irreverence it extends the reach of campaigns, and brand memorability. Product standardization across markets has been a long-time strategy adopted by Doritos, although, some characteristics like flavor and spiciness level were modified in order to fit Taiwanese buyers’ taste. The data set utilized for the purposes of this study was constrained and dramatically reduced by the availability of video-based advertisements publicly available on social media channels of Doritos in each market. Doritos’ brand communicative strategies have been modified to fit into the taste of Taiwanese buyers, adopting different appeals and values than those utilized in Mexican market. Product standardization across markets has been a long-time strategy adopted by Doritos, although, some characteristics like flavor and spiciness level were modified in order to fit Taiwanese buyers’ taste.

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