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資深新聞工作者的處境分析蔡莞瑩 Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字﹕資深新聞工作者﹑收視率﹑置入行銷﹑市場導向﹑新聞產製﹑控制抵抗 / The purpose of the study is to investigate how audience ratings and placement marketing have influenced the commercial cable news in Taiwan and how news workers are molded by the media from 1996 to 2006.The present study further discusses the transitions of job trend among news workers, as well as how these workers place themselves and make a resistance in the job field.
The research was conducted by in-depth interviews and case studies.
Ten different news workers at different job levels, who belonged to six satellite news stations, were interviewed. From the perspective of viewership, the study indicates that news workers are violently manipulated by media through the ratings.
The cover groups are restrained by pre-interview meetings; and the editing desks and news anchors are also controlled by meetings for ratings.Replacing the manipulation of political power before 1996, news workers are thus constrained by the ratings. Excitement and ratings figures override all standard norms. Gossip, entertainment and visual stimulations are the key factors.
Fortunately, news workers do not wish to constrain themselves under such circumstances.Senior news workers began to seek valuable news topic and intended to resist the ratings by creating a leading image, seeking strength from the external, and increasing individual knowledge and audio-visual techniques.
Placement marketing, the most direct profits for the media, often generates media control as the pressure from the staff of highest level. When the goal value was not achieved, the controlled strength through punishment was often stronger than rewards.
To avoid pressure from ratings, many media workers have chosen to stay at the division of placement marketing.Under such controlling force, media people gradually learned a principle that placement marketing is greater than all others.They did not want to offend the advertisement host, nor would they want to cover any negative news against them.
However, senior news workers had not given up.
They realized the legitimate problems would retreat the placement marketing by means of public strength.It is possible to submit the advertisement host under the achievement of brand leadership.
Thus a wider freedom of manipulation could be gained. As for the negative news, it is possible to sneak across blurredly.
Within the last decade, ratings and placement marketing has discouraged many outstanding media people.The study anticipates to search the survival patterns from these senior workers and a third choice besides leaving and submitting for all media workers.
Keywords : senior news workers, ratings, placement marketing, market-driven, news production, controlling resistance
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奮不顧身下的勞動哀愁:新聞工作者職災類型、成因、組織與法制之分析 / A study of occupational accidents encountered by journalists in Taiwan賴若函 Unknown Date (has links)
然而綜觀上述,可以發現新聞工作者容易發生職災的最根源,來自於媒體結構性的改變,近年來因著不景氣裁員,記者的工作量一人當三人用;同時間各種置入性行銷、拉廣告業務等違反新聞倫理的生態,更容易讓新聞工作者身心俱疲。媒體主管若不改善新聞工作者的勞動條件,便難以避免內在和外在各種職業災害的發生。 / The study aims to investigate different types of occupational accidents encountered by journalists, and to explore whether or not media organizations provide a safe and healthy work environment for their employees, and to finally review the current legal system that regulates the workers’ compensation in the labor force of media and journalism.
Recently, the global economic recession has highly increased the unemployment rates in Taiwan. As a result, the labor condition of journalists has been negatively influenced. Apart from external risks caused at work, mental pressure has greater affected their overall health. According to the interviews of 19 journalists and 5 related personnel, the 6 most occurred occupational accidents encountered by journalists are: “deliberately attack”, “unexpected accident”, “commuter accident”, “natural disaster”, “carpal tunnel syndrome”, and “intervertebral disk herniation and scoliosis”, and “other common occupational accidents for photographers”. As well, there are 4 other types of internal occupational accidents: “karoshi”, “psychoneurosis”, “post-traumatic stress disorder”, and “tumors and cancer”.
In addition, the occupational accidents preventing system for this particular career is not completely developed, thus, only few journalists own safety awareness. In terms of the related regulations, workers’ compensation in Taiwan is mainly made for the blue collars, which is not yet suitable for journalists. Unfortunately, the standard criteria for “karoshi” and “psychoneurosis” are so rigorous that almost no one could receive the subsidies after accidents.
Draw a conclusion of “occupational accidents encountered by journalists”, journalists in Taiwan carry heavy workloads and being demanded to work overtime due to mass layoffs in the industry. It is still difficult to avoid both external and internal occupational accidents if the chiefs of the media organizations do not make necessary changes to ameliorate the structure. Above all, the inadequate labor condition of the media workers should be first improved, so that many occupational accidents can be prevented as the result.
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液態新聞:新一代記者與當前媒介境況─以Zygmunt Bauman「液態現代性」概念為理論基礎 / Liquid Journalism and new generation of reporters in Taiwan: A narrative approach based on Zygmunt Bauman’s theory of Liquid Modernity華婉伶 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在以社會學家Zygmunt Bauman的「液態現代性」概念為理論基礎,討論社會「液化」過程中新聞工作本質有何轉變,並探究當前未曾經歷台灣新聞產業蓬勃、初入行即面臨新聞價值、專業與勞動條件不穩定狀態的新一代記者,如何看待新聞工作及其自身角色意涵。
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女性新聞工作者勞動與流動之初探: 以洛杉磯華文媒體為例 / The Study on Female Journalists’Labor-ship and Labor Turnover: An Example of Chinese Media in Los Angeles俞振儀, Yu, Cheng Yi Unknown Date (has links)
與流動因素,以深度的訪談法共訪問美國南加州洛杉磯地區35 位華裔女性新聞工作者,並由女性角度的觀點切入、並結合參與觀察法探討在海外的少數媒體生態中的工作經驗、以及針對走入家庭的女性工作者,嘗試深入瞭解影響她們在面臨工作與家庭的衝突時所作的抉擇及規劃的背後主因。
擾的困境。雖然美國在立法保護及執行上相當徹底,但因國籍背景、文化融入和合法需留權的不同,華裔女性新聞工作者在面對性騷擾問題時,會作出不同的反應及抵抗策略。影響華裔女性新聞工作者流動的因素可分為工作環境、個人因素、及家庭因素。而因美國政策與教育制度對家庭主婦的肯定、職場生態對於婦女再就業給予支持、和家庭結構的不同與經濟因素的考量,使在美的華裔女性新聞工作者,選擇回歸家庭的自主性意願高。 / Abstract
This research primary discusses the working experience and labor turnover of the Chinese female journalists in Los Angeles Chinese news industry. The research utilized
semi-structured Interview method to interview thirty-five Chinese female journalists in greater Los Angeles area. Through the female’s point of views, observation of work
experience in oversea minority media; we will discuss the influence and reasoning of decision when they encounter conflict from their career and family.
The research revealed that female journalist have an advantage over male in the news production industry due to the Los Angeles Chinese media special ecological, reports drawn, news production and distribution. Chinese women gender traits, such as stereotype of sympathy will enable them to establish bonding with the interviewee easier,
as well as advantage in soft news interviews and editing. In the labor experience, many women television journalists have to face with "aesthetic labor" practices and adaption.
Beside the language barrier and immigrant status, many Chinese female journalists have been suffered sexual harassment. Although United States legislature has
a sufficient system for protection and enforcement; however, due to the nationality background, cultural integration and the residence right difference, many Chinese
female journalists are not able to fight back when they are suffering from sexual harassment. They have to react with different strategy and approach.
Generally speaking, working Environment, personal factors, and family factors are three main categories influencing Chinese female Journalists job turnover. On the other hand, United States political policy and education system supports homemaker reemployment. Depends on the economic considerations and family structures; Chinese female journalists Are willing to leave their jobs and stay at home instead.
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新聞學系畢業生的非新聞職業抉擇歷程 / The non-journalistic career decision-making process of journalism graduates in Taiwan潘乃欣, Pan, Nai Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
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甘願,不甘願?論非典型雇用新聞工作者的勞動 / Manufacturing Consent or Not? The Labor of Atypical Employed Journalists江慧珺, Chiang, Hui Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究建議未來新聞產業界建立良好的新聞鑑價制度,並大力推行公民委製新聞平台,藉此提升台灣新聞產業勞動者的勞動條件與新聞產出品質。 / This research examined the labor of atypical employed journalists in the news industry in Taiwan, discussing the relationship changing between the capitalist and the labor during the production process. Atypical employed journalists are on the one hand the temporary workers who suffer the worse labor condition than permanent employees. On the other hand, they viewed themselves as self enterprise that faced external risks alone. Positive speaking, atypical employment was the resistance of traditional rigid discourse. For the sake of freedom and autonomy, workers leaved organizations and anticipated power reversal. Negatively, based on Buroway’s concept of “manufacturing consent,” this study illustrated how atypical employees submitted to the capitalist’s over-exploitation, willing to making out organized by the capital through the ideology formed by bureaucracy, technology and value control.
The results revealed that atypical employed journalists were separated into three kinds: dispatched/contract workers, freelancers and independent/citizen journalists. Generally speaking, those temporary workers’ the labor condition were worse that permanent employees and the type of contracts would affect their working condition and autonomy. Different degree of autonomy could therefore inference occupational identity and consent. Dispatched and contract workers were forced to make consent with the capitalists due to ideal and reality; freelancers seemed to enjoy the freedom and autonomy, but the anxiety to job sustainability forced them to join the competitive game and self-constraint; independent and citizen journalists’ free labor guaranteed the absolute autonomy, but they had to work hard and even self-exploit in order to take advantage of frame disputes in both main stream and personal media. The value conducted during the labor process and the effort they made were out of proportion.
This study suggested establishing complete news valuation system, and supporting community-funded reporting to upgrade the labor condition and report quality in the news industry in Taiwan.
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