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野性的媒介創業者:台灣有線電視系統先驅者口述傳記研究 / The Savage in Media Entrepreneur: The Oral Biographical Reconstruction of Cable Television Pioneers in Taiwan張煜麟, Chang, Yu Lin Unknown Date (has links)
最終,扣連到傳播生態發展史的論述,本研究發現,這群帶有野性精神的媒介創業者,不僅具有啟動不同資本之交換行動的能動性,他們所具有的創新與創造性行動的力量,更是馴化新傳播的科技特性,使傳播科技得以轉化為日常生活之媒體的關鍵力量。 / This study aims to investigates media entrepreneurial phenomenon which caused by the rise of new communication technology by the viewpoints of economic sociology and entrepreneurship. Based on the unfolding of the oral biography from the cable television pioneers in Taiwan, this study illustrates the action logics of social exchange about media entrepreneurial activities in Taiwan.
Discussed on the contemporary communication phenomenon, entrepreneurship theories and economic sociology theory, this study illustrating the meaning of media entrepreneurship in history, figuring out the overview of media entrepreneurship study, describing the view of ‘media workers as media entrepreneurs’, discussing the meaning and types of ‘media entrepreneurs’, identifying three theoretical dimensions in media entrepreneurial processes, and summarizing the framework of analyzing the media entrepreneurial processes by using the concepts from cultural capitals, social capitals, and symbolic capitals.
According to the work of structural analysis of narration, case reconstruction, and concept crystallization, this study finds: ‘the function of technical agency’, ‘the intermediary of entrepreneurial emotion’, ‘the application of Pao from social codes’, and ‘the project of self esteem and belonging ’ are the core meaning structures about the action logics of Taiwan Cable Television pioneers.
About the problems on social origins of the media entrepreneurial process in Taiwan Cable Television pioneers, this study also finds: ‘the ontology of emotion’, ‘the rules of cultural Yi-Chi disposition’, and ‘the spirit of craftsmanship’ are the social origins from local culture in Taiwan.
In conclusion, this study points out that these pioneers afford the improvisation for the potential of communication technology, and they can domesticate the wildness of new media technology. Further, they can perform the innovation and creative power to encounter the technology-market uncertainty, and overcome the regulation from government.
Finally, this study name there pioneers in Taiwan Cable Television as the ‘Savage in media entrepreneur’, they possess the strong entrepreneurial agency, and they can build the new media ecology for future.
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有線電視MSO發展數位化之關鍵成功因素:以中嘉網路的資源整合運用為例 / The Key Success Factors of Digitalization of Cable TV MSO:A Case Study on the Resource Integration of CNS簡嘉威, Chien, Chia-Wei Unknown Date (has links)
總體論之,MSO應當將自身調整至電訊服務營運商(Telecommunication Service Operator)的角色定位,並積極引入跨領域背景的未來人才,且必須重視對於旗下系統業者的良好整合與管理、顧客關係管理的妥善執行、雙向互動之科技;而本地內容業者的數位化程度、政策制訂與產業發展的配合亦相對重要。另外,理想的組織外部資源整合,以及明確的數位有線電視服務定位,皆將對於該產業的市場發展性影響深遠。本文亦期盼該研究能對數位有線電視平台業者、內容提供者或其它的相關產業鏈局之業者,產生實質上的參考價值。
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我國電信產業發展策略與世界貿易組織貿易協定之研究 / Study for the development strategy of telecommunication industry and GATS in Taiwan杜鴻國, Do, Horng Guo Unknown Date (has links)
電信事業是各種社會活動的重要溝通載具,同時其所具備的商業利益更是龐大,雖然我國已經在電信自由化的路程上邁出腳步,然而電信事業相關資源卻仍然由國家獨佔與把持,加入世界貿易組織後,我國電信事業自由化的程度必然是相關會員國所競相覬覦的市場利益,因此自由化是不但是一條不可回頭的不歸路與必經之路。政府在開放電信事業市場的同時,一方面需要遵守世界貿易組織服務貿易總協定(General Agreement on Trade in Services,簡稱GATS)有關電信事業服務的規範,另一方面又如何將國內既有的電信事業相關業者、政府與國外業者的衝擊降到最低,這將是政府一項艱鉅的政策規劃。本研究主要的研究目的是檢視我國電信法規是否有修改空間使之加速數位匯流發展與符和世界貿易組織的自由精神。
政府是否應介入並課與有線電視系統經營者負有開平等放接續與用戶迴路開放的義務,本研究將進行探討以提出之觀點,大體上可將以下三個剖析方向進行探討:(1).有線電視系統經營者有無主動開放接續之誘因、(2).競爭法之搭售行為、 (3).普及服務反競爭效果之避免。由通訊傳播技術持續的演進,原先所設定的管制方式可能會因網路架構之改變而有不合時宜之處,為保持事前的產業管制彈性,必須隨時因應網路架構與技術變化,定期檢討現有之業務規範。尤其是在現行電信法規下,對於各電信事業的市場界定係以不同法規命令的管制作為區隔,因此現行制度下每開放一個新的業務就會創設出一個新的管理規則與一個新的業務市場,進而產生許多過度切割的市場或是重複管制的可能性。
本研究建議由有線電視系統的平等接續與用戶迴路開放義務兩個面向進行變革方可收全功之益。依現行電信法有線電視系統不需擔負平等接續義務,然而所劃分的有線電視經營區過於狹小無法滿足有效經營所需的經濟規模,因而造成現成財團蠶食後壟斷的現象。在電信產業引入競爭,有兩種基本作法:一在基礎網路層採用「網路競爭」(network competition)模式,而服務平台層則採用「服務競爭」(service competition)模式,且將基礎網路層與服務平台層採分別擁有與管理的模式。
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媒體公(近)用實踐之探討: 以臺北市有線電視公用頻道節目《臺北市民故事館》為例 / 『Taipei Stories』: an experiment and case study of the public access to cable TV葉子豪, Yeh, Tzu Hao Unknown Date (has links)
據此,本研究之創作實踐即以五十支「臺北市民故事館」短片,試驗公用頻道落實地方媒體近用,提升社區意識的可能製作方式。此短片透過口述歷史與數位自述之技巧,提高居民分享社區記憶、建立社區認同、參與社區事務,提升社區公益的意願,以作為公用頻道未來節目企劃製作的參考。 / In Taiwan, the previously prohibited cable television operators were legalized after the Cable Television Law was established in 1993. Like in many countries, cable television has gradually replaced network television as the primary media in Taiwan. The specific cable installation and its business model make cable television a monopolizing media in local communities. According to Cable Television Law, cable television is regarded as a “prospective public utility,” and one of its obligations is to serve the public. Therefore, the cable television public access channel was launched.
The core value of public access channel is to grant the Right of Media Access. However, the practice of public access channel in Taiwan is hampered due to multiple restrictions such as broadcast application law, regulations, business management and the technical thresholds of audiovisual content production. In recent years, many websites, such as YouTube and youKU, have rapidly become the preferred access platform for the public. The necessity of public access channel is being questioned and challenged.
Some studies showed that while audio and video websites can store and play a large number of access videos, their essence remains as “social media” rather than “community media,” such as public access channel. Furthermore, the audio video websites’ search mechanism and the users’ habits can both affect the exposure of the videos and impair the fair access of media.
This study, supplemented with 50 related projects, intends to discuss the future development of public access channel under digital convergence. Through a year’s productions and surveys, the author concludes that the unique local relevance and the importance of providing fair access should be the emphasis of the future development of public access channel.
The creative projects of this study, broadcasted on public access channel, present the public the right to access local media and enhance the community awareness. These projects, digital programs of personal life experiences, were designed for telling Taipei Stories. By employing oral history and digital storytelling techniques, these projects intend to encourage the residents share their community memories, enhance community identity, participate community affairs, and further improve the community charity. In addition, these projects can serve as references for planning and producing programs for public access channel in the future.
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