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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

多次檢索相關判斷變化之研究--以國立臺灣師範大學教育系碩士班研究生撰寫學期報告為例 / Changes in multiple searches of relevance judgments in writing term papers - a case study of education graduates of NTNU

張育芬 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的旨在探討教育系碩士班研究生多次檢索相關判斷變化之情形,研究過程蒐集使用者的多次檢索相關判斷之結果,並分析相關判斷之變化方式:影響相關判斷變化之因素,及變化方式、變化因素與研究對象的關聯性。 本研究在研究方法上採文獻分析法、問卷調查法及訪談法,研究對象以12位國立合灣師範大學教育系碩士班研究生撰寫學期報告為例進行實證研究,研究過程由研究者代理進行多次檢索,檢索結果由使用者進行相關判斷。 多次檢索相關判斷之變化,經由實證研究的結果發現:多次檢索現象之成立;多吹檢索相關判斷之結果趨向「部分相關」,其中以中度相關最多;相關判斷隨著多次檢索次數增加,從中、高度相關至中、低度相關的部分相關朝向二極化;多次檢索相關判斷之變化方式,在二吹相關判斷變化主要傾向「下降」的變化方式,三次相關判斷變化主要傾向「持續不變」的變化方式,四次相關判斷變化主要傾向以「前二次相關判斷傾向維持不變」的變化方式為主;影響相關判斷變化的兩大主因為「主題聚焦」及「文獻內容」,前者可讓使用者逐漸釐清檢索問題,後者可加強使用者對主題的了解,二大主因呈現研究過程中的變動狀態;影響使用者相關判斷變化由低度相關轉為完全不相關(2→1)的變化因素最可能為「主題聚焦」;多數使用者在相關判斷的變化方式上傾向低度相關轉為完全不相關(2→1)或中度相關轉為低度相關(3→2)的偏好,而多數的研究對象產生相關判斷變化的主要因素為「主題聚焦」及「文獻內容」。


李大為, LI, DA-WEI Unknown Date (has links)
第一章前言 本部份將先定義電傳視訊,簡介此系統的基本架構,例舉國外一些實驗性或已運件的 系統的發展狀況,討論視訊與傳統媒介和新興電子媒介的互動,分析視訊在社會資訊 化所扮演的角色。 1.發究動機:國內已於今年八月開放視訊服務,如何吸收國外發展經驗配合我國國 情,使此項服務發揮其功能,實為一重要之研究課題。 2.研究架構:本論文以視資訊資料庫為重點,先由技術和內容兩層面深入的分析其 所提供的資訊檢索服務,再討論各項衍生功能,接著探討將面臨的政策及法令問題, 最後透過綜合討論,經由對國外經驗的歸納整理,反觀國內發展此項服務的客觀環境 ,討論可能遭遇的問題,從而規劃出未來發展的方向。 3.研究方法:本論文以文獻探討為主,在技術層面將採用導題訪問的技巧,在政策 法令層面可能配合進行小規模的個案研究。 第二章資訊檢索 1.技術層面 (1)基本組成:概述目前的主要系統及各國的發展狀況,再轉入對視訊資料庫硬體 設備的深入研究。 (2)編確標準:討論現行視訊系統編碼標準的優劣,兼論世界標源的建立。 (3)檢索方式:簡介視訊資料庫的結構及通用的檢索方式,並比較使用者親和性與 適用狀況。 (4)配置技巧:分析三種視訊系統資料庫傳輸網路,介紹CATEWAY 的技術,並比較 各系統配置技巧的優劣。 (5)頁面設計:概述各視訊系統的圖形能力及資料庫中每頁資訊版面的編輯,探討 圖形及彩色的運用。 (6)競爭能力:比較各視訊系統資料庫及其周邊設備的價格,兼論各系統的市場競 爭力。 (7)我國視訊系統之評估:針對資料庫規格、編碼標準、中文輸出入及傳輸方式、 圖形能力及彩色、容納頁數、檢索方式、配置技巧、特殊功能及周邊設備之價格等逐 項加以評估。 2.內容層面 (1)資訊輸入:主要探討資訊提供者的結構及資訊的來源與蒐集方式,並分析圖書 館及資料中心利用視訊系統和成為資訊提供者的可能性。 (2)資訊輸出:討論資料庫中所儲存各項資訊的市場需求及收費標準,兼論廣告的 發展潛能。 (3)我國視訊系統之評估:配合本次對資訊提供者的調查結果,檢視我國資訊提供 者的結構,探討現階段國內對資訊的需求狀況,再從而分析我國新設視訊資料庫在供 給面所扮演的角色及遭遇的問題。 第三章衍生功能 1.電子郵件:簡介國外系統的運作狀況,討論遭遇的問題及帶來的影響。 2.電子交易:簡介國外系統的運作狀況,討論遭遇的問題及帶來的影響。 3.電子銀行:簡介國外系統的運作狀況,討論遭遇的問題及帶來的影響。 4.電子監控:簡介國外系統的運作狀況,討論遭遇的問題及帶來的影響。 5.電傳軟體:簡介國外系統的運作狀況,討論遭遇的問題及帶來的影響。 6.電傳運算:簡介國外系統的運作狀況,討論遭遇的問題及帶來的影響。 7.群內服務:簡介國外系統的運作狀況,討論遭遇的問題及帶來的影響。 8.其他服務:概述未來視訊科技進一步發展之後所可能出現的嶄新服務。 第四章政策及法令 1.視訊資料庫的經營權與所有權及管理問題,兼論公共資訊服務的謎思和私有視訊 系統及資料庫的擴張。 2.視訊資料庫的保護,以著作權及穩私權為主要討論範圍。 3.視訊資料庫在跨國資訊流通中所佔的角色,概述開發中國家對先進科技資訊的需 求狀況。 4.我國視訊資料庫在政策及法令層面上所存在的問題:分析國內發展視訊資料庫的 政策,檢討現行法令的適用性,評估建立私有視訊系統及資料庫之可行性,同時以D- IALOG 為個案研究對象,討論我國現階段對國外資訊的需求狀況。 第五章綜合討論 1.將四層面的討論內容作一總結。 2.經由結論的引伸,檢討我國現階段發展視訊資料庫的步驟,並結合國外經驗,嘗 試為己浮現的問題提出答案,並試圖擬定我國未來的推廣策略和發展方向。

Vizstory:視覺化數位童話故事 / VizStory: Visualization of Digital Narrative for Fairy Tales

黃詰仁, Huang, Chieh-Jen Unknown Date (has links)
在現今的社會中,我們可以隨處見到影像被用到各個地方,像是報章雜誌、網站或是兒童圖畫書中,影像可以加深讀者對文字的印象。對一般人而言,這些影像往往比周遭的文字來的更吸引人。尤其,童話故事的文本若以影像的視覺方式呈現,將更可吸引兒童的注意。 因此,本論文研究將文字形式的童話故事文本轉換為影像的視覺化技術。我們利用童話故事的敘事結構、角色等特性,將童話故事依故事劇情分段。從中找出代表每個段落主題與故事全文的關鍵字,並利用全球資訊網的影像搜尋引擎來找出初步的影像集合。最後再為每一段落找尋適合的影像,進而達到視覺化的效果。實驗結果顯示,本研究所提出的視覺化技術,在還原童話故事的敘事結構上,準確率約70%。 / Stories are often accompanied with images, in order to emphasize the effect of stories. In particular, most fairy tales written for children are decorated by images to attract children’s interest. This thesis focuses on story visualization technology which transforms text of a fairy tale into s series of visual images. The proposed visualization technology is developed based on the narrative structure of fairy tales. First, the input fairy tale is divided into segments in accordance with the plot of the story. Then, global keywords for the whole story and segment keywords for each segment are extracted. Moreover, expanded keywords which are important but infrequent in each segment are discovered. These three types of keywords are fed into Web Image Search Engine to find the initial image set. At last, the proposed system filters out the irrelevant images from the initial image set, and selects the representative image for each segment. Experiments show that the proposed method achieves 70% accuracy for the reconstruction of narrative structures of fairy tales.

專利檢索系統與分析方法之探討與革新 / The review and reform of the bygone systems retrieving and the methods analyzing for patents

林家聖, Lin,Chia Shen Unknown Date (has links)
專利檢索與分析對於企業、研發機構、學術單位等等不同性質的專利權人,在智慧財產經營與管理上扮演著決策參考的重要角色,由於目前存在著許多似是而非的方法與理論,透過適當的檢索方法及分析架構、利用方便的工具進行專利檢索,應用實際的方法進行專利分析,將技術與專利佈署的靜態資訊,授權、訴訟、轉讓、設質等動態資訊這些龐大資料轉化成具有結構化、系統化的統計資料,藉以分析專利權人佈署專利的軌跡,並且提供作為商業決策之參考的分析流程更顯出相當程度的困難,這些種種的困難點出了專利檢索與專利分析正確與客觀的重要性。 因此本研究之目的將包括以下各點: 一、檢討既有國內外專利檢索系統、專利地圖分析方法之優缺;研究國內外數個相關專利檢索系統(國內:Patent Guider、Patent Pilot,國外:Derwent、Delphion)的現況,分析界面、功能的差異,並且探討系統中對於專利分析方法的優缺。 二、檢視過去專利檢索的迷思與探討使用者對於專利分析方法的需求與期望;根據現有專利檢索系統的設計、專利檢索的方法、檢索結果的解讀,提出在整個檢索流程所引發的迷思,衍生探討使用者對於專利檢索與專利地圖的需求與期望;從不同使用者的角度探討專利檢索與專利地圖所應提供的訊息與功能,針對該些需求予以定義,並且分類、分級群組化;並從本章所研究的兩個主題綜合起來,將現狀的專利檢索迷思與使用者需求作為問題探討的重點,並試著在第四章提出檢索流程的步驟與專利分析的新方法。 三、解析專利地圖檢索流程,專利檢索的步驟與流程不外乎如下「釐清檢索的目的、界定檢索的範圍、善用檢索的工具、客觀的檢索方法、呈現檢索的結果」,先判斷使用者的需求在哪裡為出發點,並且還原產業鏈、價值鏈、供應鏈與產品、產值、地區、公司的交互關係,從中尋找深入研究或分析的目標產品、地區、公司,此時方能根據產品組合開始進行技術結構的拆解與專利的對應,若缺乏以上步驟,將會落入過去專利檢索的迷思,也達不到任何作用。 四、設計客觀的專利分析方法,提出新的報表與設計的概念及分析方法,分別界定表格的組成、不同的欄位定義、資料來源、操作界面與方式、限制條件,並且與前章所探討的使用者需求做連結,新設計的報表以產品組合、技術結構作為專利檢索的核心,利用樹狀階層關係展開產品或系統的模組、元件、結構、製程和對應的衍生技術,清楚地界定檢索標的,搜尋正確的專利資料後,還需要客觀可靠的分析方法,從使用者的需求對應設計報表所需的欄位和非專利資料來源,設定表格的定義,最後在解讀表格中數字與欄位的意義。 在檢討了過去專利檢索系統與分析的方法之後,整理出四項現有問題「專利數量迷思、數量指標公式、依賴專利分類、專利導出市場」,這些問題嚴重影響了既有的專利地圖正確性、客觀性與可行性,且本論文歸納提出五個革新「資料來源豐富化、操作界面整合化、檢索流程模組化、檢索方法彈性化、分析方法客觀化」,為了追求專利地圖能對使用者有著更為實際的幫助,應屏除過去的缺失,以嶄新的觀念與方法進行專利檢索與分析以獲得更為正確、客觀且可行性高的豐富結果。 關鍵字:專利檢索、專利分析 / The patent retrieval and the analysis acts an important character as policy-making reference in the intellectual property management regarding the enterprises, the research and development institutions, the academia and so on the other difference assignees. At present, there are many specious methods and the theories about the region. Therefore, it appears difficult to utilize an appropriate tool with an objectively analysis method for transforming static and corresponding dynamic information of patent into structured and systematized data so as to analyze patent disposition path of each assignee. What described above emphasizes the important of accurate patent retrieval and objective patent analysis. Therefore goal of the this thesis includes 4 subjects as below: First, the analysis methods of bygone patent map are studied through reviewing 4 patents retrieval system including domestic and foreign ones. I researched 4 patents retrieval systems which domestic: Patent Guider, Patent Pilot, overseas: Derwent, Delphion, and addressed differences between them by comparing each other’s present situation, data sources, user interface, functions, and so on. Second, the fallacy of the past patent retrieval procedure is inspected. According to the existing patent retrieval system design, the patent retrieval method, and how to read out from retrieval result, this thesis proposes some problems in the past patent retrieval procedure and discusses in detail the user’s demand and expectation for the patent retrieval and analysis. Third, I researched and analyzed the patent retrieval procedure so as to emit a new process. The patent retrieval procedure in steps is nothing more than as follows "sort out a clear goal, limits a reasonable scope, utilize a proper tool, adopt an objective method, present the retrieval result”. It gauges user’s demands first, then finds target products, areas, and companies to be researched and analyzed deeply later from the alternately relations of the actual industry chain, the value chain, the supply chain, the target products with their output value, different areas, and companies. Based upon the new process, the patent retrieval process and result will be clear and useful, if the technical structure of target products is expanded to find out the correspondence between patents and market information. Fourth, chapter 4 of the thesis presents an objective method for analyzing patents. This paragraph proposed new analysis forms with its data sources, definitions, user interface, and the limiting conditions within the analysis method linked to the user’s demand. The core of patent retrieval in the new analysis forms is the technical structure that is expanded as modules, components, structural technology, and process technology in a hierarchical way within the target product. After stacking out the retrieval target, the method defines every analysis forms and non-patent material using an objective and reliable way. After examined past patent retrieval system and the analysis method, the thesis reorganizes four existing questions "the fallacy of patent quantity, the quantitative index formula, the over dependence on patent classification, the patent derives the market". These questions have seriously affected accurateness, objectiveness, and the feasibility of the bygone patent map. Therefore, in order to pursue the patent map to be able to have a more actual help to the user, we should eliminate the past fallacy to carry on the patent retrieval and analysis by the brand-new idea and the method. Besides the conclusion, the thesis also inducts 5 innovations "diversifying the data sources, integrating the user interfaces, modularizing the retrieval process, the flexible retrieval method, the objective analysis method". Keywords: patent retrieval, patent analysis

利用專利檢索與分析提供產品發展方向-以靈芝產業為例 / Utilzation of patent search and patent analysis as a tool to aid product development: an empirical study of Ganoderma Industry

周書瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究利用專利檢索與分析來探討靈芝產業中專利佈局情況,技術領域現況及發展重點,產業中的競爭者、合作者及廠商,以及得知靈芝於全球、區域或不同國家的產品應用情況。研究範圍以廣泛使用之靈芝(Ganoderma lucidum)及松杉靈芝(Ganoderma tsugae)為主要研究對象,分析範圍包括其子實體、菌絲體及擔孢子各部位外,亦包含其所含之各種活性成分及各類相關應用。 透過分析PCT、美國、台灣及中國大陸之靈芝相關專利,將專利件數、國際專利分類表分析(又稱為IPC分類分析)及專利權人分析等結果製成圖表並對照產業資訊後可得知:(1)韓國及中國大陸為主要的靈芝消費市場,其中中國大陸消費市場正逐年擴大,且產品種類繁多,為全球最重要的靈芝消費市場;(2)靈芝普遍以醫藥品開發及保健產品應用為最主要的技術發展方向,而醫藥品研發則以抗腫瘤及治療免疫或過敏疾病為主要治療的疾病;(3)不同國家靈芝研發領域有些許差異,美國及歐洲國家主要針對特定細胞株或特定疾病之醫藥品開發,而韓國或中國大陸則是以靈芝保健食品開發或傳統複方製劑為主要產品開發方向;(4)靈芝產業中的競爭國家有美國、日本、中國大陸及韓國;(5)台灣有數家廠商於不同國家進行專利佈局,其中中央研究院內靈芝多醣體團隊其專利產出最為亮眼,為國際上具有相當研發能力之機構;(6)台灣靈芝相關的研發能力仍優於中國大陸,專利品質較佳,故於靈芝產業中台灣廠商仍具有相當之優勢;(7)靈芝醫藥品開發之專利佈局以美國最為完整,而中國大陸則是在靈芝子實體栽種及茶代用品的專利數量較其他兩國家為多。 / This study is to explore the use of patent search and patent analysis in understanding the situation of current patent portfolio, technology mainstream development, competitors, collaborators, and their applications within the Ganaderma industry at the national, regional as well as international levels. Ganoderma lucidum and Ganoderma tsugae are the subjects in this study. The areas of investigation included different forms of fruiting bodies, mycelium, basidiospores, their active components as well as their respective applications. In this study, Ganoderma related patents in US, Taiwan, China as well as international patents under PCT (Patent Corporation Treaty) were searched and studied. By incorporating the industrial information together with visual display of the related patent information using tables and graphs, the following conclusions can be obtained: (1) Korea and China are the main consumer markets of Ganoderma in the world, especially China market is expanding every year with various categories of product; (2) the mainstream technologies are health related products such as dietary supplements and medicinal preparations for the use as antineoplastic, immunological or allergic agents; (3) Ganoderma is investigated in various fields among varous countries; for example, the focus of United States and European countries are concentrated in medicinal use of Ganoderma for specific cell line and treatment of diseases whereas China and Korea are concentrated in the dietary supplements and classical complex mixture preparation development; (4) the United States, Japan, China and Korea are the major marketers as well competitors among each other in Ganoderma industry; (5) several firms in Taiwan own patent portfolio in more than one country, and among them Academia Sinica is considered one of the best in the world; (6) the quality and strength of Taiwan patents is considered better than China; as such Taiwan Ganoderma industry should have superior capability in technology development compared to China; (7) in the field of medicinal product development and treatment of diseases, United States is the distinct leader in the patent landscape whereas China patents are concentrated in Ganoderma fruit body cultivation and their use as tea substitutes.

我國歷史檔案館藏檢索系統在Web環境中建置之研究 / A Study of the Construction of the Historical Archival Retrieval Systems in the Web Environment

張淑惠 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要在瞭解國內歷史檔案館藏於Web 環境中建置的規劃過程與執行內涵,主要以國內現正進行國科會「數位典藏國家型科技計畫」且已規劃建置Web檔案檢索系統的中央研究院近代史研究所檔案館為研究對象,探討其Web檔案檢索系統之建置內涵。本研究雖係以近史所檔案館為例,但期望藉由對該館建置經驗之探討,提供國內各歷史檔案主管與典藏單位參考。研究目的包括:探討Web環境中歷史檔案館藏檢索系統建置工作的內涵、Web檔案檢索系統介面的功能與特性、使用者對檔案檢索系統的使用習慣、模式與需求情形,並針對檔案館工作人員、資訊技術人員之Web檔案檢索系統建置作業思維觀點予以並列比較,進而與使用者之檔案資訊檢索需求進行對照比較,作為國內歷史檔案館藏Web檢索系統設計與建置之參考。   本研究採用深度訪談法,首先以近史所檔案館「近代外交與經濟重要檔案數位典藏計畫」為主要研究範圍,對該館工作人員進行訪談,並以參與該館系統建置之中研院計算機中心的資訊技術人員為訪談對象,此外亦針對外交檔案的使用者進行訪談,以便對相關的研究問題進行探討;並採用比較法,針對檔案館工作人員、資訊技術人員於Web檔案檢索系統建構之思維進行對照比較,並依據使用者對Web檔案檢索系統之需求與建置觀點進行剖析。最後將檔案館工作人員、資訊技術人員對系統功能建置之觀點與使用者之觀點進行對照比較,以綜合觀點比較歸納出Web環境中檔案檢索系統的重要特性與功能。   研究結果,本研究分別從「系統建構」與「使用者需求」兩個面向提出研究結論。於系統建構面向得出結論為:(一)檔案描述著錄方面:訂定檔案著錄系統建置方針、協調統整既有作業情境與著錄系統間的作業流程、因應檔案描述著錄作業所面臨的問題;(二)檔案權威控制方面:檔案權威控制方案效能的比較、權威檔合作建置可行性與方案的抉擇評估;(三)檔案傳輸互通標準方面:重視國際相關標準的採用與整合檢索的重要性、研擬訂定核心欄位促成聯合目錄與整合檢索之實現;(四)Web檔案檢索系統使用者介面方面:訂定Web檔案檢索系統使用者介面設計原則、Web檔案檢索系統使用者介面的功能規劃、妥善進行Web檔案檢索系統的營運管理;(五)檔案資訊加值檢索之作法方面:配合國中、高中教科書內容增加主題檔案介紹,進行系統使用者Log檔統計分析並進行檔案使用者資訊檢索行為研究,結合學術領域研究人員人力投入以進行檔案深度描述,運用資訊技術以提昇加值檢索之效能與服務之強化;(六)Web環境中歷史檔案檢索系統發展趨勢方面:藉由觀摩國內外其他單位之規劃建置並掌握重點,由網頁得知他館的經驗分享進而交流合作,與資訊技術人員密切交流以有助於系統的規劃建置。於使用者需求面向則分別從「使用者對Web檔案檢索系統的觀點與使用經驗」及「使用者對Web檔案檢索系統資訊檢索需求內涵分析」兩方面做成結論。有關使用者對Web檔案檢索系統的觀點與使用經驗方面,分別就檔案使用者資訊素養、使用經驗、檔案查詢途徑與使用方式、檔案資訊檢索整體需求、檔案檢索查詢項目使用需求情形、檔案資訊檢索心得觀感、檢索時所遭遇的問題以及對Web檔案檢索系統之期許等提列結論。而有關使用者對Web檔案檢索系統資訊檢索需求內涵分析方面,則以整體架構需求面向、資訊內涵需求面向、資訊檢索功能面向、資訊輸出功能面向、資訊顯示功能面向、檢索點需求面向等提列結論。   根據研究結果,本研究分別從「系統建構」與「使用者需求」兩個面向提出建議。於系統建構面向之建議包括:(一)訂定數位典藏與資訊檢索系統建置的相關標準;(二)建立一專門彙整缺字處理方案的官方正式網站;(三)建立一個累積資訊技術發展成果的知識庫;(四)運用「全宗原則」、採行「控制層次」進行檔案描述著錄;(五)合作建置檔案權威資料庫;(六)遵循檔案傳輸互通標準以因應內部與對外整合檢索之需求;(七)進行Web檔案檢索系統使用者介面整體規劃;(八)進行檔案資訊加值檢索方案之規劃;(九)研擬訂定核心欄位,儘速促成聯合目錄與整合檢索之實現。於使用者需求面向之建議則包括:(一)建立整合性歷史檔案查詢網站;(二)運用資訊技術與人工智能分析以強化檔案資訊內涵分析;(三)提供個人化檔案資訊檢索服務;(四)研擬並發展加值檢索方案。 / This study aims at understanding the planning process and the implementation of web-based historical archive construction in Taiwan by investigating the National Digital Archives Program that is being run by the National Science Council (NSC) and the contents of construction of the achieves of Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica, whose retrieval system was completed. Though the study was based on modern history archives, it is hoped that the study can be a reference of construction for competent units and owners of history archives. The objective of the study is to investigate the contents of construction of Chinese web-based retrieval systems for historical archives; their functions and characteristics; and the habits, behavioral patterns and needs of users. A contrastive study between thoughts and opinions of web-based retrieval system construction of archive crews and IT personnel and the needs of users has been conducted to provide a reference for planning and construction of web-based retrieval system for history archives in Taiwan.   In-depth interviews were conducted with librarians in charge of the Digital Archives of the Diplomatic and Economic Records in Modern History Project, and with IT personnel of the Computer Center of Academia Sinica engaging in the construction of the archival system. Moreover, users of diplomatic files were interviewed for related topics. A comparison of the thoughts and opinions on web-based retrieval system of archive crews and IT personnel has been conducted. Needs and views of users have been analyzed. Finally, a contrastive study between the views on system function construction of archive crews and IT personnel and the opinions of users has been conducted in order to find out the important characteristics and functions of we-based Chinese archive retrieval systems.   Based on the research findings, conclusions were made from the following two aspects: system construction and user needs. System constructions are: (1) file description and recording: establishing construction policies for file recording systems, coordinating and integrating the operation workflow of the existing operation environment and recording system, and responding to problems arising out of file description and recording; (2) file authority control: comparing the efficiency of file authority control solutions, and selecting and evaluating the feasibility and solution of collaborative construction of authoritative files; (3) file transfer protocol: focusing on the importance of international protocols and integrated retrieval, and drafting core columns to promote the realization of joint indexing and integrated retrieval; (4) web-based retrieval system user interface: drawing out principles of design for the user interface of web-based retrieval systems, planning functions for the user interface of web-based retrieval systems, and applying reliable operation management of web-based retrieval systems; (5) handling of value-added retrieval of file information: enriching topic file introduction in accordance with junior and senior high school textbooks, producing statistics on and analyzing system user log files and studying the information retrieval pattern of users, combining the manpower of researchers to produce depth description of files, and enhancing the efficiency and optimizing the service of value-added retrieval with information technology; and (6) the trend of Chinese web-based retrieval systems of historical archives: sharing the experience in planning and construction of other archives home and abroad and promoting exchange and cooperation with them over the web, and making close contacts with IT personnel to facilitate system planning and construction. Conclusions on user needs were made according to “the user’s views and experiences of uses of web-based file retrieval systems” and “analysis on the contents of user’s needs for web-based file retrieval system”. Regarding user’s views on and experiences of uses for web-based file retrieval systems, conclusions were reached according to the user’s information attainments, experience of system uses, paths and manners of file retrieval, overall requirements for file and information retrieval, use of options in file retrieval systems, comments on file and information retrieval, problems encountered in retrieving files and information, and expectations from web-based file retrieval systems. As to the analysis of the contents of user’s needs for web-based file retrieval system of users, conclusions have been drawn according to the needs for overall framework; information contents; information retrieval functions; information output functions; information display functions; and information retrieval.   Based on the research findings, suggestions have been made according to “system construction” and “user needs”. Suggestions about system construction include: (1) establishing standards for digital archives and information retrieval systems; (2) setting up an official website for processing characters that do not exist in regular font sets; (3) developing a knowledge base for accumulating IT development achievements; (4) describing and recording files with “level control” according to the “principle of respect des fonds”; (5) constructing a file authority database under collaboration; (6) following the file transfer protocols to meet the requirements of internal and external integrated retrievals; (7) making plans for the user interface of web-based file retrieval systems; (8) working out solutions for value-added file and information retrieval; and (9) drawing out central columns and promoting the realization of joint indexing and retrieval. Suggestions about user needs include: (1) establishing an integrated historical archive inquiry website; (2) applying IT and AI to strengthen file and information content analysis; (3) providing personalized file and information retrieval services; and (4) drawing out and developing value-added retrieval solutions.

基於圖像資訊之音樂資訊檢索研究 / A study of image-based music information retrieval

夏致群 Unknown Date (has links)
以往的音樂資訊檢索方法多使用歌詞、曲風、演奏的樂器或一段音頻訊號來當作查詢的媒介,然而,在某些情況下,使用者沒有辦法清楚描述他們想要尋找的歌曲,如:情境式的音樂檢索。本論文提出了一種基於圖像的情境式音樂資訊檢索方法,可以透過輸入圖片來找尋相應的音樂。此方法中我們使用了卷積神經網絡(Convolutional Neural Network)技術來處理圖片,將其轉為低維度的表示法。為了將異質性的多媒體訊息映射到同一個向量空間,資訊網路表示法學習(Network Embedding)技術也被使用,如此一來,可以使用距離計算找回和輸入圖片有關的多媒體訊息。我們相信這樣的方法可以改善異質性資訊間的隔閡(Heterogeneous Gap),也就是指不同種類的多媒體檔案之間無法互相轉換或詮釋。在實驗與評估方面,首先利用從歌詞與歌名得到的關鍵字來搜尋大量圖片當作訓練資料集,接著實作提出的檢索方法,並針對實驗結果做評估。除了對此方法的有效性做測試外,使用者的回饋也顯示此檢索方法和其他方法相比是有效的。同時我們也實作了一個網路原型,使用者可以上傳圖片並得到檢索後的歌曲,實際的使用案例也將在本論文中被展示與介紹。 / Listening to music is indispensable to everyone. Music information retrieval systems help users find their favorite music. A common scenario of music information retrieval systems is to search songs based on user's query. Most existing methods use descriptions (e.g., genre, instrument and lyric) or audio signal of music as the query; then the songs related to the query will be retrieved. The limitation of this scenario is that users might be difficult to describe what they really want to search for. In this paper, we propose a novel method, called ``image2song,'' which allows users to input an image to retrieve the related songs. The proposed method consists of three modules: convolutional neural network (CNN) module, network embedding module, and similarity calculation module. For the processing of the images, in our work the CNN is adopted to learn the representations for images. To map each entity (e.g., image, song, and keyword) into a same embedding space, the heterogeneous representation is learned by network embedding algorithm from the information graph. This method is flexible because it is easy to join other types of multimedia data into the information graph. In similarity calculation module, the Euclidean distance and cosine distance is used as our criterion to compare the similarity. Then we can retrieve the most relevant songs according to the similarity calculation. The experimental results show that the proposed method has a good performance. Furthermore, we also build an online image-based music information retrieval prototype system, which can showcase some examples of our experiments.

以眼動資訊增進基於內容的圖像檢索效能 / Improving the Performance of Content Based Image Retrieval by Eye Tracking

張京文, Jhang ,Jing Wun Unknown Date (has links)
在現今的基於內容的圖像檢索的研究中,會將人的主觀認知考慮進去。因為傳統的圖像檢索中採取低階特徵來找出圖片上可能的重要區域的方法和人的感覺還是有著相當大的語意上的鴻溝。然而藉由考慮人對圖片的主觀認知,可以讓人找到對它而言圖片上重要的部分,再去做圖像檢索,找出使用者想要的圖片。這樣的作法是比較自然且直觀的。還能達到個人化的效果,因為每個人對同一張圖片上覺得重要的物體可能不盡相同。在本論文中的圖像檢索系統採用眼動軌跡當作人的主觀認知來輔助檢索。因為在心理學的研究中有提到,人在看圖片的時候會有較多的凝視點落在他覺得重要的區域上。所以藉由這個理論,本論文利用使用者看圖片的眼動軌跡即時的調整圖片上物體的重要性。最後將重要性高的數個物體去做圖像檢索,找出含有這些對這個使用者是重要的物體的圖片。經由實驗證實,眼動軌跡輔助圖像檢索的確可以減少不重要的物體對圖像檢索的干擾,繼而可以提升圖像檢索系統的效能。 / Recently, researches in Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) focuses on incorporation of knowledge about human perception in the systems’ design and implementation process. This enables the design of more natural and intuitive image retrieval techniques in order to overcome some of the challenges faced by modern CBIR system such as the difficulty to extract important regions of an image. By researches of psychology, user’s eye tracking reflects his interest. So, in my CBIR system, user’s eye movements were used online to adjust the importance for objects in query image. Thus in my system, only those images with important objects will be retrieved. One experiment was performed: record the eye movement of participants on query images. Then compare my approach with a classic CBIR system according to performance. The results reveal that higher retrieval performance of my image retrieval system because of decreasing the influence of not importance objects to image retrieval system.

根據概念學習發展以內容為主的音樂查詢之相關回饋機制 / Relevance feedback for content-based music retrieval based on semantic concept learning

江孟芬, Chiang, Meng-Fen Unknown Date (has links)
傳統的音樂檢索系統主要在提供使用者特定音樂的查詢(target search)。除此之外,使用者也有類型音樂查詢(category search)的需求。在類型音樂查詢中,該類型的所有音都共同具備使用者所定義的概念(semantic concept)。這個由使用者定義的概念在音樂檢索系統上是主觀的且動態產生的。換句話說,同一使用者在不同情境之下對於同一首音樂可能產生不同的解讀概念。為了動態擷取使用者的概念,讓使用者參與在查詢過程的互動機制是必要的。因此, 我們提出將相關回饋(relevance feedback)的機制運用在以內容為主的音樂查詢系統上,讓系統從使用者的相關回饋中學習使用者的概念,並利用這學習出的概念來幫助音樂查詢。 由於使用者可能從整首音樂或音樂片段兩種角度來判斷該音樂是否具備使用者定義的概念。因此,本論文提出用以片段為主的音樂模型(segment-based modeling approach)將音樂表示成音樂片段的集合。進一步再從整首音樂和片段中擷取特徵。 其次,我們針對該問題提出相關演算法來探勘使用者的概念。該演算法先從相關和不相關的音樂資料庫中個別探勘常見樣式,再利用這些樣式建立分類器以區分音樂的相關性。 最後,我們分析各種系統回饋機制對搜尋效果的影響。Most-positive回傳機制會選擇根據目前系統判斷為最相關的物件。Most-informative機制則是回傳系統無法判斷其相關性的音樂物件。Most-informative 機制的目的在增加每回合系統從使用者身上得到的資訊量。Hybrid 則是中和前兩種機制的優點。本文中,我們模擬並比較各種回傳機制的效能。實驗結果顯示相關回饋機制確實能提升查詢的效果。 / Traditional content-based music retrieval system retrieves a specific music object which is similar to the user’s query. There is also a need, category search, for retrieving a specific category of music objects. In category search, music objects of the same category share a common semantic concept which is defined by the user. The concept for category search in music retrieval is subjective and dynamic. Different users at different time may have different interpretations for the same music object. In the music retrieval system along with relevance feedback mechanism, users are expected to be involved in the concept learning process. Relevance feedback enables the system to learn user’s concept dynamically. In this paper, the relevance feedback mechanism for category search of music retrieval based on the semantic concept learning is investigated. We proposed a segment-based music representation to assist the system in discovering user’s concept in terms of low-level music features. Each music object is modeled as a set of significant motivic patterns (SMP) achieved by discovering motivic repeating pattern. Both global and local music features are considered in concept learning. Moreover, to discover user’s semantic concept, a two-phase frequent pattern mining algorithm is proposed to discover common properties from relevant and irrelevant objects respectively and based on which a classifier is derived for distinguishing music objects. Except user’s feedback, three strategies of the system’s feedback to select objects for user’s relevance judgment are investigated. Most-positive strategy returns the most relevant music object to the user while most-informative strategy returns the most uncertain music objects for improving the discrimination power of the next round. Hybrid feedback strategy returns both of them. Comparative experiments are conducted to evaluate effectiveness of the proposed relevance feedback mechanism. Experimental results show that a better precision can be achieved via proposed relevance feedback mechanism.

自由語文資訊檢索資料庫系統績效評估工作量模式之研究-以傳播學網際網路資料庫為例 / Free-Text Information Retrieval Database System Benchmark Workload Model-Web Communication Databases

林佳慧, Lin, Chia-Hui Unknown Date (has links)
資訊檢索(Information Retrieval)一直是資訊學界的重要研究領域,但長久以來並未能在其它的學門中發揮其重要性,然而藉由Internet的普及與網路資源的激增,以資訊檢索為基礎的網路搜尋技術,已逐漸成為Internet上相當受到重視的技術之一。雖然全文資訊檢索的技術已存在多時,然而電腦產業一直缺乏一廣泛標準的績效評估,來評估全文資訊檢索系統的產出及價格/效能比,1990年代對全文資訊檢索軟體的大量需求,極需要一個標準、一致的方法,來比較各系統間效能的差異。本研究即針對傳播中文全文資訊檢索資料庫系統為探討的主題,試圖以關連式資料庫績效評估的理論及方法,來建構其工作量模式以進行績效評估。 / Information Retrieval has been a important research domain in Information academic. But it does not play in the other domain for a long time. However the Internet search technology based on Information Retrieval has been an one of the important technologies in the Internet by the spreading of Internet and the growth of network resources. Although the Full-Text Information Retrieval or Free-Text Information Retrieval technology has existed for a long time, the computer industry was lack of a wide, standard benchmark to evaluate the throughput and price/performance of the Full-Text Information Retrieval System. The large demand for Full-Text Information Retrieval System or Free-Text Information Retrieval System software needs a standard method to compare the performance of each system in 90s. This research is focused on the Communication Free-Text Information Retrieval Database System in Chinese, and construct it’s workload model to evaluate by using the theory and method of Relational Database Benchmark.

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