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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

以進階的文句推薦方式使用語料庫做為英文寫作之輔助 / A Sentence Recommendation Approach to Using Corpora for English Writing Assistance

洪培鈞, Hung, Pei Chun Unknown Date (has links)
對於大部分的人而言,寫作是一種深度的表達過程,需要詳盡而深入的描述能力及精準而嚴謹的語意呈現。對於非英語為母語的學習者(ESL/EFL)來說,英語寫作尤其是一個困難的過程,常常會因為單字、搭配字(collocation)、句型結構等方面的認知不足,或是受到母語認知的牽制影響,而造成用詞、語法、甚至語意的錯誤。 近年來,語料庫的發展帶來了豐富的語言資源,不僅可以對語言的使用提供許多統計分析上的資訊,也可以做為語言學習者在特定詞語使用上的參照對象。目前語料庫的詞語使用參照以concordance技術為主,提供以特定字詞為基準的上下文例句排列,這種功能對ESL/EFL學習者於寫作過程所提供的參照仍然相當有限;而對於不同的查詢條件,若沒有良善的輸入和比對機制,往往搜尋上的數量和例句品質無法滿足學習者的參照需求;除此之外,對於檢索結果語料庫也沒有評估與排序的概念,學習者往往需要在大量的資訊中篩選出有用的資訊;綜觀以上幾點,目前語料庫技術無法滿足不同程度的ESL/EFL寫作者在參照協助上的需求。 本研究提出一種文句推薦方法,針對ESL/EFL寫作者在寫作過程上的認知不足或不確定,從語料庫中尋找出可用的參照例句,進而提供針對性的協助。我們的文句推薦方法包含三個模組,第一模組是一個彈性的表達元素模組,能針對寫作過程中的語言資訊需求,以規定的表達元素呈現作者的認知需求。第二模組是一個檢索模組,指從語料庫中比對尋找符合作者語意需求的例句。第三模組是一個排序的模組,針對找出的例句,評估其符合作者語意需求的程度,並將之排序,以提升例句參照的使用效率。 本研究依據文句推薦方法實做雛形系統,以British National Corpus和科學人雜誌語料庫(Science America)當例句來源,並依據論文的客觀評估和學習者的問卷調查兩種評估方式來評量雛形系統的成效。經由上述兩種評估方式,本研究驗證雛形系統能針對ESL/EFL於寫作過程中給予一定程度的協助成效,證明本研究的文句推薦方法確實能達成寫作協助的既定目標。 / For most people, writing is a process of profundity. It requires well description of capabilities and excellent semantic of representations. For ESL/EFL (English as a Second Language/English as a Foreign Language) learners, English writing is a particularly difficult process. They have error in words, syntax or semantics because their expressions are constrained by their mother tongue or by lacking of the awareness of vocabularies, collocation, or sentence-structures. In recent years, according to the development of corpus technique, we have rich resource in language. The resource can not only provide many statistical analyses of informations in language research but also can be used as a reference in the use of specific words for the learners. Current corpus technique use concordance which displays the words with their surrounding text to present sentences, but that approach provides very limited references in the writing process for ESL/EFL learners. Also considering the different inquired queries, if we have no well-defined input and retrieval module, the quantity and quality of results could not meet the demand for the learners. In addition, corpus technique doesn’t provide the ranking and evaluating skills to the retrieval results. As a result of that, learners often require filtering a large number of information to find something useful. In view of the above points, current corpus technique is unable to satisfy different degrees of ESL/EFL learners in the writing process. This paper presents a Sentence Recommendation Approach technique. With regard to the inadequate knowledge in the writing process for ESL/EFL learners, we search for useful sentences from the corpus and provide them to learners. Our Sentence Recommendation Approach technique has three modules: one is Expression Element Module. It allows the learners to use some expression elements to represent their demand. Another is Retrieval Module. It means the process of searching the corresponding sentences based on the expression elements in Expression Element Module. The last is Sort Module. It means the process of ranking the results derived from the Retrieval Module. Our research establishes the experimental system to verify the performance of our Sentence Recommendation Approach technique. We use British National Corpus and Science America Corpus for the source of sentences. The evaluation is divided into our objective evaluation and the questionnaire evaluation. Both of them prove that our experimental system does some favor in the writing process for ESL/EFL learners. In other words, our Sentence Recommendation Approach technique really helps the learners in the writing process.

檔案描述編碼格式 (EAD) 在中文檔案應用之研究 / A Study on the Applications of EAD in Chinese Archives

賴麗雯, Lai, Li-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
檔案是研究歷史或瞭解過去事情的重要工具,因此檔案館除了需善盡保存檔案之責外,還要提供檢索工具供使用者使用。隨著網際網路的蓬勃發展及資源分享概念的形成,透過WWW,採用更一致、更友善且更便利的方式進行檢索成為一種趨勢,檔案描述編碼格式(EAD)即逐漸發展出來。以此格式所製作的檢索工具,能適當地描述檔案的階層架構,且對於檔案資訊的描述較豐富。由於以標準為基礎且與平台無關,所描述的資訊可被搜尋、檢索、瀏覽,亦可方便資源共享與資訊交換,並有較長久的使用時間。在國外已有許多計畫研究EAD,也有檔案館實際利用EAD編製檔案檢索工具,並放在網站上供使用。為期EAD亦能應用在國內的中文檔案,乃進行本研究。 本研究採文獻分析法與試驗法。藉由文獻分析法,瞭解EAD架構、目前EAD的發展現況及實際使用情形;而試驗法為實際至國內檔案館調閱檔案資料,將這些資料編製成符合EAD格式的檢索工具,並放在網站上,以檢視其是否能在WWW上瀏覽使用。 研究結論為:(1)EAD編碼之檔案檢索工具所含資訊豐富,能在網路上直接檢索,便利使用,並能使檢索工具具有較長久的使用時間;(2)中文檔案編製成EAD格式之檢索工具,部份著錄項目可直接使用,部份則需另行輸入;(3)EAD格式可應用於中文檔案;(4)國外地區較易推展EAD的實施使用。建議有六項:(1)EAD DTD依中文檔案之特質需做調整修改或發展中文版EAD;(2)利用EAD製作中文檔案檢索工具;(3)訂定中文檔案描述相關標準;(4)配合相關軟體的使用;(5)應於文件生命週期初期做好文件整編工作;(6)不可輕忽人工分析與檔案整理的工作。 第一章 緒論..............................1 第一節 研究動機........................1 第二節 研究目的........................2 第三節 研究問題........................3 第四節 預期貢獻........................3 第五節 名詞解釋........................4 第二章 文獻探討..........................9 第一節 檔案描述與檢索工具..............9 第二節 檔案描述標準...................26 第三節 SGML...........................30 第四節 XML............................37 第五節 EAD的沿革......................42 第六節 EAD相關研究計畫................50 第三章 研究方法與步驟...................65 第一節 研究方法.......................65 第二節 研究範圍與限制.................66 第三節 研究工具.......................67 第四節 研究步驟.......................67 第五節 研究實施.......................69 第四章 EAD架構與使用現況................71 第一節 EAD架構........................71 第二節 EAD使用現況....................84 第五章 研究結果與討論..................101 第一節 研究結果......................101 第二節 綜合討論......................140 第六章 結論與建議......................145 第一節 結論..........................145 第二節 建議..........................147 第三節 後續研究建議..................149 參考書目................................151 附錄....................................161 附錄一 EAD DTD 1.0版標籤.............161 附錄二 中文檔案以EAD編碼之實例.......165

雲端運算環境下基於知識本體之資訊檢索系統建置-以半導體產業為例 / Constructing ontology-based information retrieval system in cloud computing environment – the case of semiconductor industry

李佳穎, Li, Chia Ying Unknown Date (has links)
本研究針對半導體產業,提供一智慧型搜尋功能,讓使用者在大量資料中能快速及準確地搜尋。為達此目的,本研究中定義知識空間及其組成元素,並發展一組程式以產生該知識空間及知識空間搜尋機制,以提升使用者生產力。所使用到的技術包含:(1)建立知識本體,(2)計算兩詞彙同時出現頻率,(3)計算詞彙與文件關聯度,(4)發展知識空間搜尋環境。 / This study aims to provide an intelligent searching environment which users can search quickly and precisely from a large number of documents in semiconductor industry. In order to achieve the purpose, this paper defines a knowledge space and its composition elements to describe the knowledge of real world, and then develops a program to shorten the searching cost by providing the searching mechanism based on knowledge space. The techniques used in this study includes:(1) Construct 「Semiconductor Industry Ontology」(2) Compute the frequency of two terms appearing simultaneously (3) Compute the interrelatedness between terms and documents (4) Develop searching environment based on knowledge space.

基於不同音樂特徵的音樂檢索方法的效果及效率比較 / Comparing Music Retrieval Methods with Different Music Features

梁敬偉, Liang, Jing Wei Unknown Date (has links)
抽取出音樂當中的近似重複樣式來做音樂檢索可以減少要比對的資料量,但是使用者若使用沒有重複的旋律來查詢便會有找不到歌曲的情況。另一方面,將音樂分段成phrase可以減少樹狀索引結構的空間,亦可減少查詢處理時間,但是使用者的查詢若是跨越phrase的,也將影響查詢結果。 在本論文中,我們比較了以近似重複樣式與phrase兩種不同的音樂特徵用來做音樂檢索的效果以及效率。根據實驗顯示,使用者的查詢是重複旋律的機會大於單一phrase,所以用近似重複樣式作為音樂查詢比對資料效果是比phrase好的。而在1-D List索引結構下,近似重複樣式的效率也優於phrase。除此之外,本論文也提出了一個新的近似重複樣式抽取方法,實驗證明我們的方法是有效的。 / Extract the approximate repeating pattern from music data will decrease the volumes of music data that need to be tested when music retrieve. If the user’s query is not a repeating melody, it can’t retrieve the music that the user wants correctly. In addition, segment the music by phrase will decrease the space that tree-like index structure need, and also decrease the retrieval processing time. If the user’s query is not a single phrase, it will influence the effectiveness of retrieval. In this thesis, we compare the effectiveness and efficiency of music retrieval methods with two different music features (approximate repeating pattern and phrase). According to experiment results, the probability that user’s query is repeating melody is more than the probability that user’s query is a single phrase. Therefore, we are of the opinion that the effectiveness that use approximate repeating pattern to process retrieval is more prominent than the effectiveness that phrase to process retrieval. Furthermore, the efficiency that use approximate repeating pattern to process retrieval is more outstanding than use phrase under 1-D List index structure. Besides, a new approximate repeating pattern extraction method is proposed. Experiment results show that our approximate repeating pattern extraction method can work correctly.

中國近現代思想及文學史資料庫檢索系統 / An Information Retrieval and Analysis System for Historical and Literary Documents in Chinese

孫暐, Sun, Wei Unknown Date (has links)
數位人文是近年來數位科技應用的一種重要趨勢,是一個結合數位技術與人文研究的新興領域,透過資訊科學的技術並結合大量數位化的文史資料,輔助文史學者進行較深入的人文研究,彌補並獲得在數位化之前無法用人工逐一比對所觀察到的現象或新的詮釋。 本研究以「中國近現代思想及文學史專業數據庫」的大量文史資料作為基礎,希望建構出一個能協助文史學者對中國近現代史的歷史觀念或現象較有效率的進行分析之檢索系統。本系統讓研究者可以透過具代表性的檢索詞彙與檢索條件搜尋出與欲研究的議題相關的文獻集合,再利用PAT Tree(Patricia tree)技術與自身的專業知識,擷取出研究議題底下的專業關鍵詞彙,並針對有興趣的關鍵詞彙或關鍵詞彙組合進行相關的時序分析,提供研究者以不同的面向觀察並詮釋出新的趨勢和結論。 我們找了一些具有文史工作相關背景經驗的使用者來實際使用本系統,並進行系統滿意度的評估,從評估的結果得知大部份的使用者都給了不錯的滿意度回饋,顯示本系統對於研究者在進行相關的文史研究上,可以達到一定程度的助益。 / In recent years, digital humanities have become an important trend of the application of information technologies. It’s an emerging field by combining information technologies with humanities studies. Historians can make intensive humanities studies through the combination of information science technologies and numerous digitized historical data, finding the new historical phenomenon that cannot be obtained by manual handling the historical data. In this paper, we construct an information retrieval and analysis system based on the text material available at the Database for the Study of Modern Chinese Thought and Literature that can help historians to make historical studies more efficiently. The system can let historians find the key documents which are related to the historical studies they make by representative search word. Besides, the system can use the PAT Tree (Patricia tree) method to extract useful keywords, with the help of historians to finalize the keyword selection. The system can also do the time analysis of one keyword or two keywords and help historians make new conclusions of historical studies. We let some people who have historical work experience use the system and let them evaluate the system. Most of the evaluation results are good. It means that the system can help historians to make historical studies more efficiently.


陳怡茹, Che,I-ju Unknown Date (has links)
隨著地籍管理工作在廣度深度上的增加,使得地籍、土地利用等歷史資料的查詢與檢索日益頻繁,但現階段地籍管理系統之建置方法對於歷史資料查詢之效率較差。本文在探討含時間維度資料庫之建置方法,並利用異動時間與異動註記等欄位及異動紀錄表之建立,令目前地籍管理系統可達到以時間維度,或指定地號,進行地籍資料查詢與檢索。 / The more cadastral management is developed, the more historic data query of cadastre and land use are important. The primary purpose of this study is concentrated on the recoveries of parcel linage and areas on any time profile. The targets of this research are placed on design of spatio-temporal data model, and the analysis of efficiency of data recovery and query.

檔案目錄整合檢索系統之優使性研究 -以ACROSS為例 / Usability of integrated search system on archives: the case study of ACROSS

鄭伊廷 Unknown Date (has links)
檔案整合目錄檢索系統是利用單一介面檢索多種檔案資料庫,旨在於鼓勵大眾能更普遍知道檔案價值並應用檔案,系統設計者應考量使用者的使用需求。有鑑於目前「檔案資源整合查詢平台(ACROSS)」為國內檔案目錄查詢之重要窗口,故本研究選擇ACROSS系統作為研究個案,融合Jakob Nielsen的優使性五大構面及十項評估準則,由使用者角度探討其優使性,包括記憶性、學習性、容錯性、效率性與滿意度等五個面向。   本研究採用問卷調查法及訪談法蒐集使用者對ACROSS系統之意見,優使性問卷發放對象為北部七間大學的歷史碩博士班學生;訪談對象為十位歷史碩博士班研究生,訪談內容包括對系統之看法、建議及滿意程度,以了解其主觀想法。   本研究結論根據整體優使性評估結果,分析使用者針對「檔案資源整合查詢平台」(ACROSS)介面的正反面意見如下:   使用者感受較正面的功能:(1) ACROSS系統介面各選項功能與操作步驟容易記憶,不需反覆摸索,即能在短時間內,利用該系統順利查檢所需資訊。(2) ACROSS系統架構容易理解,畫面區塊分割情形簡單明瞭。(3) ACROSS系統有助於使用者發現新資訊與獲得新想法。   使用者反應值得改善的功能:(1) ACROSS系統介面字體顏色大小與首頁資源分類應提供較為明顯的彈性調整。(2)ACROSS系統使用指引或錯誤說明品質有待提升。(3) ACROSS系統可視使用者需求彈性調整檢索條件。(4)使用者有檢索需求時會先選擇自身熟悉的檢索工具,而以ACROSS系統作為補充輔助之用。(5) ACROSS系統可因應國際化趨勢,增設英文、日文或是繁簡轉換介面。(6) ACROSS系統無法取代個別資料庫檢索介面。   根據研究結果,另提出四點建議:(1) 改善ACROSS系統之檢索功能與檢索結果之呈現。(2) 以使用者為需求作為整合檢索系統設計主要考量。(3) 落實ACROSS系統整體行銷概念,提昇網站使用的品質與數量。(4) ACROSS系統主管機關可依據優使性評估結果改善系統功能。 / Integrated search system on archives performs simultaneous searches across heterogeneous archival electronic resources through a single entry. In order to allow the public to know value of archives and use archives, the system designers should pay attention to users' needs. Because of the importance of Archives Cross Boundaries on archival search system for Taiwan, this study aims to investigate the usability of Archives Cross Boundaries, and to understand users’ viewpoints toward this system. Five structural perspectives and ten assessment criteria from Jakob Nielsen were analyzed: memorability, learnability, efficiency, error frequency and severity, and Satisfaction. This study evaluated history graduate students’ perceptions of usability and satisfaction of Archives Cross Boundaries. The methodology in this study includes Questionnaire survey and In-depth interview. Questionnaire data were collected from department of History graduate students of seven universities in northern Taiwan. Ten history graduate students were chosen as Interview subjects. In-depth interview was used to collect data, including views on the system, suggestion, and degree of satisfaction. The results were summarized from positive and negative views of the analysis of the user interface for Archives Cross Boundaries as follows: The positive function of users’ feelings :(1) Each option features and the steps of Archives Cross Boundaries easy to remember, and users can find information fast without operating system repeatedly. (2) The architecture of Archives Cross Boundaries is easy to understand, and screen block segmentation situation is clear. (3) The system helps users discover new information and new ideas. The improvable function of users feelings :(1)The font color and home resource classification should provide significant flexibility to adjust.(2) Guidelines or error description of the quality should be improved. (3) Archives Cross Boundaries should be in accordance with user needs flexibility to adjust the search criteria. (4) Users will choose familiar search tool first, and Archives Cross Boundaries as the use of supplementary aids. (5) For responding to international trend, Archives Cross Boundaries can be added to English, Japanese or character conversion interface. (6) Archives Cross Boundaries can’t replace individual search function completely. Based on the findings, and the other put forward four suggestions:(1) Improving the presentation of the search functions and search results of the Archives Cross Boundaries.(2) Integrated retrieval systems to user needs as the main design considerations.(3) The implementation of Archives Cross Boundaries as a whole marketing concept to enhance the quality and quantity of website use. (4) The competent authorities of Archives Cross Boundaries may improve system functionality based on the results of the assessment of the usability.

影像內容檢索中以社群網絡演算法為基礎之多張影像搜尋 / Query by Multiple Images for Content-Based Image Retrieval Based on Social Network Algorithms

張瑋鈴, Chang, Wei Ling Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,隨著數位科技快速的發展,影像資料量迅速的增加,因此影像檢索成為重要的多媒體技術之一。在傳統的影像內容檢索技術中,使用影像低階特徵值,例如顏色(Color)、紋理(Texture)、形狀(Shape)等來描述影像的內容並進行圖片相似度的比對。然而,傳統的影像內容檢索僅提供單張影像查詢,很少研究多張影像的查詢。因此,本研究提出一個可針對多張影像查詢的方法以提供多張影像查詢的影像內容檢索。本研究將影像內容檢索結合社群網絡演算法,使用MPEG-7中相關特徵描述子和SIFT做為主要特徵向量,擷取影像的低階影像特徵,透過特徵相似度計算建立影像之間的網絡,並利用社群網絡演算法找出與多張查詢影像相似的影像。實驗結果顯示所提出的方法可精確的擷取到相似的影像。 / In recent years, with the faster and faster development of computer technology, the number of digital images is grown rapidly so that the Content-Based Image Retrieval has become one of important multimedia technologies. Much research has been done on Content-Based Image Retrieval. However, little research has been done on query by multiple images. This thesis investigates the mechanism for query by multiple images. First, MPEG-7 image features and SIFT are extracted from images. Then, we calculate the similarity of images to construct the proximity graph which represents the similarity structure between images. Last, processing of query by multiple images is achieved based on the social network algorithms. Experimental results indicate the proposed method provides high accuracy and precision.

子樹查詢的索引結構設計 / PCS-trie: An Index Structure for Sub-Tree Query

張詩宜, Shih-i Chang Unknown Date (has links)
隨著電腦以及網際網路的普及,越來越多各領域的資料被數位化,利用電腦幫助儲存及管理資料。有許多資料在數位化的過程中,採用tree的資料結構來表達以及儲存。也因此,如何查詢這些龐大的資料,就成為重要的課題。在本論文中,我們針對具有rooted、labeled以及ordered或unordered等特性的tree結構資料的索引問題,提出稱之為PCS-trie之全新的主記憶體資料庫(Main Memory Database)索引結構,並提出相關的增刪資料及搜尋演算法,以達成加速處理sub-tree query之目標。此索引方法的基礎,在於將tree database中的tree編碼為可完整代表其結構的PREOD code字串,之後再以我們所提出的PCS-trie加以索引。PCS-trie索引結構支援資料庫的動態增刪,且我們也提供了有效率的新增及刪除資料的演算法。本論文中也提出了多種搜尋演算法,使能夠在PCS-trie中進行exact matching、處理query tree含有don’t care部分之查詢、以及fault tolerant等不同類型的查詢。最後,我們以實驗的方法,配合人工產生的實驗資料,來對PCS-trie索引方法的時間及空間等各方面的效率加以檢驗。 / With the popularization of computer and the Internet, more and more data in various domains are digitized in order to take advantage of the power of computing and storing, and use the Internet to spread these informationz. Many data use tree structure to store them in the process of digitization. For this reason, it is a challenge to deal with these enormous data. In this paper, we present an approach to the search problem for these rooted labeled trees. We show a novel index structure, PREOD code Search trie (PCS-trie), and related algorithms for construction and search of PCS-trie, to speed up the sub-tree query to a tree database. The fundamental of this reaseach is to encode trees in tree database by PREOD code, in which the structure information of a tree can be reserved completely. Then we index these PREOD codes by PCS-trie. PCS-trie supports dynamic insertion and deleteion of PREOD codes. PCS-trie can handle three different types of query requirements: exact sub-tree query, query with don’t cares, and fault-tolerant query. Finally, we have conducted a series of experiments to evaluate the performance of PCS-trie and related algorithms. Experimental results obtained by running our techniques on synthetic data demonstrate the good performance of the proposed approach.

英語教學知識結構及教學流程架構之研究 (以九年一貫國小英語課程為例)

牟藜娟, Mou, Li Chuan (Jean) Unknown Date (has links)
教育部自九十年度起實施九年一貫英語教學課程,由於學生程度不一,班級人數過多,教學媒體不足,研究報告指出應該成立英語教學資源中心,提高教師教學品質,規劃線上輔助教學,以增進學生學習機會及學習效果。 本研究從知識管理角度探索英語線上輔助教學,建構英語教學內容知識結構模式及教學知識流程架構;俾使線上教學具備語意查詢機制,開啟英語線上輔助教學創新模式。 英語教學內容知識框架(English Content Knowledge Ontology)抽象化類別具多重之階層、對等及相依關係。將內容知識抽象化類別實體化,其類別與實體之集合,即為本範例所建構之知識框架。 本研究引介物件導向,視內容知識為一個物件,具有不同之狀態及行為;將狀態與行為封裝,物件與物件間藉由訊息進行協調動作,達成整體運作之功能。學生亦為學習流程中一個物件,具有不同之屬性及行為;透過訊息之交換、進行任務協調,達成學習之最終目的。 以UML表示法建構英語線上學習流程三大模型:功能模型─使用案例模型將使用者對系統的需求模型化,靜態模型─物件模型抽出物件,表現出靜態的結構,動態模型─表示出物件與物件之間訊息的流向。 研究中試圖探討有關國小英語線上輔助教學網站之現況。未來期望架構具備語意檢索機制之網站,採自由選擇學習、多元適切評量模式,能紀錄分析學習及測試結果,建立學習紀錄(包括學習風格、習性、態度及學習效果等等)以期增進學生學習機會,分享教學資源。 藉由新的學習模式,學生可以獲得自我成長的資源,同時希望可以喚起更多關懷英語教學網站之研究與發展,為我們的孩子及新的學習方式注入更多生命力。本研究所建構之模式,希望能作為未來發展兒童英語線上學習之參考,以提昇國內兒童英語教育實施之成效。 關鍵詞:九年一貫英語課程、知識管理、知識本體、語意資訊檢索、物件導向、UML / The Grade 1-9 English Teaching Curriculum was put into practice by the Ministry of Education in 2001. Due to the fact that there are too many students in each class and that there is not enough teaching media, the students fall into different levels in English proficiency. Some research concluded that an English Teaching Resource Centre should be established to enhance teachers’ teaching quality and to provide an on-line teaching aid, hence to give the students more learning opportunities and to improve their learning effects. In this study, the on-line English teaching aid was discussed from the viewpoint of Knowledge Management. English Content Knowledge Ontology and English Teaching Knowledge Flow Architecture were suggested to provide an on-line teaching aid with a semantic retrieval system so as to initiate an innovative model for on-line English teaching aids. The English Content Knowledge, Ontology, a model of English domain knowledge, defines the concepts and their attributes, as well as the multiple relationships between the concepts: Class(vertical), Reciprocity(horizontal), and dependency(grouping)relationships. An “instance” is hypostatized from an abstract class, and the integration of the abstract classes and the instances represent the English Content Knowledge Ontology built up in this research. The present study has introduced Object Oriented concept that deemed the English content knowledge as an object and as an instance with different Attributes and Operations. Encapsulated attributes and operations engaged in coordination among different objects through exchanges of messages, and resulted in the achievement of the overall system operations. Meanwhile, each student would also be an object in the course of the study and possess different attributes and operations. The final goal, learning, could be achieved through the exchanges of messages for mission coordination. UML was applied in the study to construct the three major models in the on-line English learning. Functional Model – Use case Diagram to model the user’s requirements for the system; Static Model – Class Diagram to abstract an object for showing a static architecture; Dynamic Model – Sequence Diagram to describe the information flow among the objects. This research also attempted to explore the present circumstances of the primary school’s on-line English teaching aid websites. It illustrated the needs of developing architecture for a website with semantic retrieval functions, multiple choice ways of learning and diversified modes for learning assessments It will be able to record and analyse the learning effect and test the result, building up learning records (including learning style, habit, attitude and learning effect) in order to provide each student with more learning opportunities and to share teaching resources with all of the teachers. Through the new learning model, the students are able to obtain learning resources to grow by themselves. The present study also urged more concern on the research and development of the English teaching website in order to provide more vitality to our children and their new learning methods. The model built up in this study may serve as a reference in the development of effective on-line English learning for children. Key words: Grade 1-9 English Teaching Curriculum, Knowledge Management, Ontology, Semantic Retrieval System, Object Oriented, UML

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