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空屋率對房價之影響 -以台北市及高雄市為例 / A Study on the Relationship of Housing Prices with Vacant Rate in Taipei and Kaohsiung.林文媛 Unknown Date (has links)
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更新地區優先順序評估之研究高筱慧 Unknown Date (has links)
一、建物實質狀況與房價有顯著關係,故居住效用水準的差異會反應在 房價上;而住戶對房價之邊際願付價格會因街廓內不寧適環境屬性的外部效果而減少;另外區位條件及土地利用的優勢對房價有顯著的正面效果。
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綠建築對不動產價格之影響 / The Study of Green Building on Real Estate Price彭逸瑋 Unknown Date (has links)
本文以民國97年至民國101年臺北大學特定之成交資料,運用特徵價格模型分析綠建築標章和綠建築特色對房價的影響。研究結果顯示,隨著房價越高, 綠建築標章對價格影響越大;部分綠建築特色對房價有顯著影響,其中維護頻率低的設備對房價有正面影響,維護頻率高的綠建築特色會對房價有負面影響;因房價越高,綠建築特色設備品質越好,所以維護頻率高的設備對案例的折價影響力也越少。
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都會區房價泡沫形成之研究-以台中市獨立式及集合式住宅為例 / Research on the Bubble in Metropolitan Area-Cases of Detached Houses and Condominiums in Taichung黃雅祺, Huang, Ya Chi Unknown Date (has links)
房地產市場中的獨立式住宅及集合式住宅兩大類商品,其在追求生活品質的同時符合Hotelling模型極小化產品差異的結果,由研究成果顯示集合式住宅渴望在繁榮的鬧區保有安靜的生活環境,而獨立式住宅則是在空曠的郊區追求生活機能,前者為「鬧中取靜」,後者為「靜中取鬧」,換言之集合式住宅與公園綠地等休閒設施距離越近泡沫越大,但對於會帶來大量車流和人潮的交通樞紐及大型遊樂場所等則是距離越遠,泡沫越大,獨立式住宅方面則是距離連鎖餐飲、便利商店等生活機能設施越近,泡沫越大。 / Since there were not many papers focusing on the topic of the relationship between bubbles and housing characteristics, this paper studies the internal as well as the external causes of housing bubble by adopting the canonical Hedonic Pricing Method. By utilizing a constructed unique database composed of Taichung housing transactions, the detailed features of transactions on the detached houses and condominiums can be investigated. The "Building Interior", "Education", "Leisure", "Living Infrastructure", "Location", "Transportation", "Security", and "NIMBY" are collected as the measurement of quality of life in housing characteristics to complement the Star School District impact in the educational buffer. Using the level of house price bubbles as dependent variable and dividing the selected area into 65 school districts, and discover what factors are used for house price speculation.
The results show similar demand on the quality of life, in line with Hotelling Model, in both the transactions of detached houses and condominiums. The residents of condominium; however, prefers living in the prosperous urban area with Serene environment whereas the occupants of detached house would choose to live in the spacious suburban area with decent local living facilities. In other words, the closer the condominiums are with leisure facilities, such as public park, and the further they are with facilities that gathers crowd and traffic, such as transportation hub and entertainment facilities, the larger the bubble. The further the detached houses are with living function facilities such as chain restaurants, convenient stores, the larger the bubble.
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房價泡沫,景氣預測,及小樣本下住宅價格估計之研究 / Three essays about housing price bubble, real estate business cycle prediction and small sample estimation of housing price馬毓駿 Unknown Date (has links)
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房地分離下建物折舊之研究 / An Empirical study of building depreciation on land-price-extracted condition高毓穗, Kao, Yu Sui Unknown Date (has links)
成本法為估價三大方法之一,其中折舊率之掌握至今仍無定論,Malpezzi et al.(1987)、Smith(2004)指出,由於土地無實體損壞及功能性退化,故利用特徵價格法分析折舊時,分析主體包含土地,將造成折舊的低估,而國內先前研究亦指出,分析主體包含土地,可能是使其分析結果不合常理的原因。本研究採特徵價格法,以台南市透天建物為對象,實證結果與Malpezzi等之論點一致,即不包含土地之價格函數,確有較高的折舊率,且呈現凸向原點之折舊型態。不動產價格模型亦顯示,建物壽命前期價格逐年下跌,但至後期將反轉向上,反應出土地之再開發價值。
此外,依不動產估價技術規則之規定,求取建物價格時似乎未考慮外部性退化之價值減損,或將其視為與剩餘經濟耐用年數相關。然而Colwell and Trefzger(1994)指出負面外部性將同時影響土地與建物,本文實證結果發現,外部性退化除對土地價格造成影響外,事實上對建物價格亦產生價格減損效果。此外,外部性特徵對於建物價格之影響視兩者距離相鄰程度而定,故不應將外部性退化視為與屋齡相關,而於考量後推估建物剩餘經濟耐用年數。 / In this paper, we verify that estimated depreciation rate is higher when the land price has been extracted from single-family house prices in Tainan, and the depreciation pattern of building is convex to the origin. We also find that property prices will decrease in the early years and then turn to increase; this phenomenon may testify the benefit in land redevelopment. Moreover, this study shows that external obsolescence would reduce not only the land price but also the building price when the surrounding is unattractive, and the decreasing figures caused by external obsolescence shouldn’t base on house age, but distance between house and unattractive objects.
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行動電話基地台對住宅價格影響之研究 / The Impact of Cell Phone Towers on House Prices's Research何俊男, Ho,Chung-Nan Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果發現無論問卷調查或特徵價格實證分析皆顯示行動電話基地台對周遭住宅價格影響是負面的,問卷調查的受訪者普遍對基地台設施存有負面觀感,且有高達54.4﹪的受訪者認為該設施對周遭住宅價格的負面影響程度在10﹪以上;而在特徵價格實證分析方面,研究地區內房屋所在樓層較高者(七樓以上)相較於較低者(七樓以下),其住宅價格更容易受到行動電話基地台設施的負面影響,而住宅價格因距離行動電話基地台遠近因素所受到折損程度平均約為2.35﹪,惟行動電話基地台設施之可視性因素對住宅價格的影響並不顯著。 / The cellular phone towers has become another NIMBY, although the absence of domestic research for how detract from real estate's value. The article first use the Questionnaire Investigation method’s way to realize that people’s opinion of cellular phone towers and cognition of the effective level of cellular phone towers on house’s price ; secondly use Hedonic Price Method on real estate's value, by using Regression Analysis’s way to prove the impact of cellular phone towers on house’s price .
In which we found no matter Questionnaire Investigation or Regression Analysis both announces that the effective level of cellular phone towers on house’s price is negative, there are up to 54.4% of subjects involved in the survey though that the negative influence is above 10% ; on Hedonic Price Method’s way, the house whereabouts higher stairs on the area of researchs, its price is more easy effected by cellular phone towers than the lower one. And the house's price is effected by the distance of cellular phone towers that the average of detractive level is about 2.35%.Only the effect on cellular phone towers of the cause of visual by house price was not broad.
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處分時間長短對不良資產處分價格影響之研究-以高雄市為例 / The study of Influences of days on market on non-performing loans prices─ case study in Kaohsiung city江婷, Chiang, Ting Unknown Date (has links)
另特別就處分時間因素而言,實證結果顯示當不良資產處分時間越長,價格越高,因此,應合理延長標的物之市場曝光期,以提高資產的處分價格。雖然延長處分時間,相對機會成本亦增加,但投資人或金融機構應在法務流程上更有彈性,以利不良資產的回收。因此藉由本文之研究成果,希冀提供金融機構或資產管理公司處分不良資產時,應謹慎考量處分時間與處分價格間的得失權宜,擬定最適處分策略。 / Due to the loosening credit in the past few years, Taiwan’s non-performing loans, both in terms of volume and amount, burgeoned, resulting in rapid growth of establishments of asset management companies. NPLs consequently became one asset class that was highly sought after in the overall real estate market in Taiwan.
From past literatures we understand that there are various factors affecting real estate prices. However, most studies focused on the physical attributes of the underlying real estate, rather than non-physical attributes’ effect on real estate prices. Even more rare are studies that focus on the impact of time. Since non-performing loans encompass both performing real estates’ attributes (land and building area, and location) and non-performing real estates’ attributes (characteristics of debtors and days on market), further study on such factors that affect the real estate prices should be warranted.
This paper is to probe the effects of days on market on non-performing loans’ prices. This paper should help investors (including asset management companies) understand the importance of time in regards to its effect on the cost and benefits when disposing NPLs.
Therefore, this paper first explores the different factors that affect the prices of NPLs by using Hedonic price method to build models to determine the prices, and then uses real examples to analyze the relationship and magnitude of time and other factors’ impact on NPLs’ prices.
Empirical data suggests that days on market, location, land area, building area, interest rate, and borrower types all have positive impact on the prices of NPLs. Interest rate, although showed positive relationship, did not fit the hypothesis, which is probably due to investors’ behavior or mindset or increase in cost of funding as interest rate rises. Specifically for days on market, empirical results manifest that the longer the time on market, the higher the resolution price is. Therefore, it is recommended to reasonably lengthen the days on market to achieve higher resolution price. Although the increase in days on market will increase the opportunity cost, investors and financial institutions should be able to enjoy more flexibility in the legal process, thereby resulting in better recovery. Finally, through the research of this paper, financial institutions and AMCs should carefully consider the cost/benefit between time on market and resolution prices to achieve optimal resolution strategy.
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特徵價格法在住宅大量估價模型中的延伸—分量迴歸之應用 / The Extension of Hedonic Price Theory in Housing Mass appraisal Models— The Application of Quantile Regression張怡文, Chang, Yi Wen Unknown Date (has links)
特徵價格模型是傳統常被使用於不動產大量估價的模型,由於模型將造成所有價位的不動產其特徵都具有同樣的邊際價格而無法解釋現實不動產特徵的各種可能狀況,故引發本研究利用分量迴歸建立大量估價模型之動機。研究利用台灣不動產成交行情公報的資料進行台北市大廈的實證分析,針對特徵價格法的延伸與估價準確度做檢視。嘗試應用分量迴歸建立大量估價模型,討論住宅特徵對於價格的邊際影響力於不同價位的住宅是否存在差異,並討論分量迴歸模型的估價精確度。研究採用交互驗證法與重複實驗30次討論模型的估計效果,並利用平均絕對百分比誤差(MAPE)以及命中率(Hit Rate)做為模型預測優劣程度的衡量標準,以討論分量迴歸模型是否可以較最小平方特徵價格模型有更為準確的估計表現。實證首先探討價格分量之下各住宅屬性對於價格的影響狀況,得到大部分住宅特徵對於價格的邊際影響力的確會因住宅價位的不同而有所差異。在估價準確度的部份,經測試得到利用分量迴歸建立大量估價模型的估價效果達研究的預期目標,且其估計表現優於最小平方特徵價格模型。 / 藉由分量迴歸模型,得到隨著住宅價位的增加,坪數與屋齡對於價格的影響力並非呈現一致的趨勢;坪數輪廓與屋齡輪廓出現轉折也為變數增加二次項變數的原因得到實證依據。重複實驗30次的整體表現,分量迴歸模型的MAPE較最小平方迴歸模型低了1.687%;誤差落在正負10%的Hit Rate較最小平方迴歸模型高了3.81%;誤差落在正負20%的Hit Rate較最小平方迴歸模型高了5.14%。30次的實證為分量迴歸模型的估價表現更優於最小平方迴歸模型得到較具說服力的結果。 / Hedonic pricing models are traditionally used for real estate automated valuation models. Because the conditional mean calculated by OLS does not give a complete description of the relationship between dependent variable and independent variables, which leads to the motive of this study. This study inspects the extension of hedonic pricing models and appraisal accuracy, and we attempt to apply quantile regression to real estate automated valuation models and discuss the difference of the marginal contribution in each individual characteristic under different price level. Our study adopts cross validation and repeats empirical process for 30 times, and we use MAPE and hit rate to evaluate accuracy and argue if quantile regression models have better estimation. The empirical results show that the marginal contribution of housing area and age changes with price level; the turning points of area curve and age curve show empirical evidence for including square variables. The entirety performance of repeated experiments points out that the MAPE of quantile regression model is 1.687% lower than OLS model; as error ranged between 10% to -10%, the hit rate of quantile regression model is 3.81% higher than OLS model; as error ranged between 20% to -20%, the hit rate of quantile regression model is 5.14% higher than OLS model. The 30 times experiment of quantile regression models shows a much more persuasive result than OLS models.
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都市更新會造成周圍地區住宅價格上漲嗎 ? —台北市都市更新價格外溢之探討 / Does urban renewal increase the housing price of neighborhood? The spillover effect of urban renewal on housing price in Taipei city.高伊葦, Kao, Yi Wei Unknown Date (has links)
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