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有關數體的低階加羅瓦同調群 / Various Results on Low Galois Gohomology Groups of Number Fields康瓊如, Kan, Chiung Ju Unknown Date (has links)
數體的低階加羅瓦同調群是最近數論裡面的一大研究主題,本文的第一部分深入討論有關這個主題的一些古典的及最近的結果以及實際的例子,一個重要的主題是有關數體的希爾伯類體所定義的擴張群是否可分解,陳氏的方法應用數結這個概念可證明一些在文獻上所得到的結果。本文深入的探討這些數結而獲得在冪零群上完成的結果。利用這方法可望推廣到可解群的問題上。 / Low Galois cohomology groups of number fields are studied intensively in recent literature which in the first part of this thesis will be revisited with emphasis of giving direct and rigorous definitions and with providing concrete examples, classical and from more recent results from the literature. One important topic is the splitting problem of group extensions induced by the Hilbert class field of a given Galois extension of number fields. Following Tan's approach which relates the splitting problem to the triviality of certain number knots, we elaborate known results on criteria for the splitting by giving new proofs which make use of number knots; we also give a complete result in the case of a nilpotent Galois extension. The case of solvable Galois extensions seems possibly settled using our approach.
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SONESA: 薩爾瓦多養蜂業產品製造及外銷之商業企劃書 / SONESA: Business Plan - Beekeeping, Organic Honey Production and Export. El Salvador杜司華, Oswaldo José Rogelio Ramírez Dueñas Unknown Date (has links)
SONESA: 薩爾瓦多養蜂業產品製造及外銷之商業企劃書 / Beekeeping is the maintenance of honey bee colonies, commonly in hives, by humans. In order to collect their honey and other products that the hive produce (including beeswax, propolis, pollen and royal jelly). The beekeeping dates to 15,00 years ago; efforts to domesticate them are shown in Egyptian art around 4,500 years ago. The Beekeeping has evolved, into what we know now a day, a worldwide industry. Studies had allowed us to have more than one use for the honey on our daily life. The Worldwide Honey market is prognosticated to reach 1.9 million tons by 2015. Most of the consumers are in Europe Countries, having China as the biggest producer with 26% of the worldwide production, EU with 13% followed by US with 5% the rest is divided among other countries.
Due the constant growth of the Honey Industry new countries had come into the picture. Creating new products distinctive from the regions of origin. Using the honey from beauty products to High Organic Quality Honey made of a specific plant blossom, with different properties and flavor. Among the new countries into the Honey Market we can find El Salvador, where new treats had been design to boost the export from these countries and help in the inner production. This paper proposes, taking the already existing business platform the export honey business, to introduce a new product into the existing markets. This product will come from Mango´s Trees and Coffee Bean´s Tree Blossom, creating a unique type of honey. In which thanks to the weather condition in El Salvador it´s possible to have a constant year production.
The present’s trends in the Honey market are the best in order to get in the picture, between the Honey producers in the worldwide market. Maintain the “Know How” to produce a High Quality Organic Honey, which will guarantee a long run success in the honey market sustainability of business model.
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公用事業合理報酬率推估方法研究----以大台北瓦斯公司為例李大中, LI, DA-ZHONG Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 緒論:說明研究動機、目的、方法與限制。
第二章 公用事業的意義、特性與合理報酬率的決定。
第三章 公用事業合理報酬率推估方法介紹:主要介紹比較盈餘法(CE)、現金流量
折現法(DCF) 、資本資產定價法(CAPM)、風險溢價法(RP)、市場一帳面比率法
(MBR) 和介紹特殊方法-未上市公司合理合理報酬率推估方法。
第四章 推估大台北瓦斯合司合理報酬率模型的建立與結果分析。
第五章 結論與建議。
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在西班牙開設Luna Y Comida民宿的商業計畫書 / Business Plan to Open Luna Y Comida Guest House唐雅立, Alexandre Taschereau Unknown Date (has links)
在西班牙開設Luna Y Comida民宿的商業計畫書 / Luna Y Comida is a start-up bed and breakfast business that will open near the old town of Valencia Spain, in the Barrio Del Carmen. It will be a mid-range establishment with 6 rooms that will mainly target customers from the UK, France, Belgium and China, with some occasional Spanish vacationers. The owners will live on the premises and will be able to serve the clients with excellent customer service in their own language (French, English, Spanish and Chinese). This personalized customer service will be at the earth of our success. We aim at providing to our customers a “home” away from home and help reduce the stress usually accompanied with travelling abroad. Internet and social media will play a big role in the marketing strategy, as it is the most efficient and direct way to reach our possible guests. A variety of traditional and on-line promotions will be used to advertise competitively our B&B. These will help make Luna Y Comida profitable by the end of the first year of operation. However, the profits will be modest for this first year, but they are expected to grow during the second and third year of operation.
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祖靈的凝視:瓦歷斯‧諾幹作品研究廖婉如 Unknown Date (has links)
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通往光輝之路-論瓦斯涅佐夫創作中的人性思維與俄羅斯精神高鈺茹 Unknown Date (has links)
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薩爾瓦多快速之經濟成長:未來之分析與意涵 / Rapid Economic Growth in El Salvador: Analysis and Implications for the Future孟少白, Erwin Arnoldo Aguilar Maltes Unknown Date (has links)
薩爾瓦多快速之經濟成長:未來之分析與意涵 / The fast, successful economic development in El Salvador has been attracting investors from countries worldwide. Some examples of investments are the United States, which has been investing about one billion US dollars yearly, along with the British Islands, Mexico, Venezuela and France among others investing several hundreds of US million dollars. Addressing this point, the thesis asks: why have there been so many investments in El Salvador? The finding of this thesis is that El Salvador’s policies have been creating an environment which has stimulated economic development. A description of these policies follows that El Salvador’s policies are in accordance with economic theory, while the policies of other countries in the region not exactly. Moreover, El Salvador has performed better than other countries in Central America in several fields. For example, it was ranked the 24th most open economies in the world by the Heritage Foundation (Wall Street Journal 2005), ahead of Italy, Norway, Japan, France, India, etc. Finally, this thesis projects what investment can be done in the future, especially with infrastructure improving very fast. An example of this is the new world class PANAMAX and POSTPANAMAX seaport, which will start operations in 2008, to develop the project of a dry canal to cross from the Pacific to the Atlantic oceans.
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氣候變遷對薩爾瓦多食物保存之影響 / The influence of the effects of climate change on food security in EL Salvador柏愛琳, Irene Maria Blanco Avelar Unknown Date (has links)
Climate change is natural process that refers itself to variations in weather caused by nature or human activity, mainly due to fossil combustion and deforestation that had raised the amount of gas emissions of the greenhouse effect in the atmosphere. Due to geographical situation some countries are more sensitive to these changes than others. Adapting to the new climate conditions becomes a challenge that entails economic costs and resources that affect significantly to countries in their economic development conditions. There is a need for solutions to create a proper setting to generate long-term sustainable growth strategies. Recent studies have pointed out that the most affected area by this phenomena will be Central America and among that region El Salvador . This research will be directed to the possible outcome that climate change will have in agriculture and for that in food security.
El Salvador has been an agriculture base economy that has experienced minor changes throughout time. There have been different kinds of crops that been extremely important in Salvadoran economy, one of them is Corn. It constitutes almost half of the dietary pattern of Salvadoran families. The reintroduction of Agriculture could be a viable alternative for the country’s economy to regain its strength. The main objective of this research is to analyze the relationship between the economic growth model, climate change and the scarce demand of corn consumption in El Salvador.
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2010年中日釣魚臺危機之研究—稀土能源角色分析 / 2010 Study of the Sino-Japanese Diaoyutai crisis- Analysis of the role of rare earth energy江盛宗 Unknown Date (has links)
2010年9月「中」日釣魚台海域撞船扣人事件,最終在中共使出撒手鐧:「禁止對日輸出稀土」,始獲日本願意放人而平和落幕。然而中共這式絕招,卻坐實了美國等西方國家的深刻隱憂,即擔心中共食髓知味,日後頻以稀土資源作為談判施壓的手段。源自1990年起,中國大陸開始大幅開採境內稀土礦賣資源,使之逐步成為世界上主要的稀土礦物出口供給國家,而基於政治上的對立以及對本國高附加價值工業的保護,美國等34個國家特別針對中共、伊朗及北韓等國訂定「瓦聖那協定」英文:The Wassenaar Arrangement),限制中共在稀土礦產提煉技術的取得、研發與發展,將中共的提煉技術約束在「低階技術」層面。同時,美、日等國為因應中共大量開採稀土資源而建立了稀土戰略儲備機制;此兩項國際間針對中共而訂立的限制,使得中共啟發要建立如OPEC(Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries,石油輸出國組織)國家一般,對於本國天然資源有壟斷、獨佔、定價權以及取得國際事務上更強而有力的影響力與發言權的構思。中共利用控制稀土出口配額限制的策略,更在2010年9月中日釣魚台事件中初試啼聲,也如中共所預期的達致「震撼國際」目的。在中共的外匯存底不斷增加,國內的冶煉技術不斷提升的前提下,可預期的中共將會大規模的運用「稀土戰術」在每個國際談判場合博弈,以維護其自身國家利益,未來動向影響實值予持續關注。
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提供薩爾瓦多國民申請留學之整合服務 / Integrated Service for Study Abroad Seekers of El Salvador高杰睿, Jarek Joaquin Garcia Rivas Unknown Date (has links)
提供薩爾瓦多國民申請留學之整合服務 / Integrated Service for Study Abroad Seekers of El Salvador
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