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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

整合社群關係的OLAP操作推薦機制 / A Recommendation Mechanism on OLAP Operations based on Social Network

陳信固, Chen, Hsin Ku Unknown Date (has links)
近幾年在金融風暴及全球競爭等影響下,企業紛紛導入商業智慧平台,提供管理階層可簡易且快速的分析各種可量化管理的關鍵指標。但在後續的推廣上,經常會因商業智慧系統提供的資訊過於豐富,造成使用者在學習階段無法有效的取得所需資訊,導致商業智慧無法發揮預期效果。本論文以使用者在商業智慧平台上的操作相似度進行分析,建立相對於實體部門的凝聚子群,且用中心性計算各節點的關聯加權,整合至所設計的推薦機制,用以提升商業智慧平台成功導入的機率。經模擬實驗的證實,在推薦機制中考慮此因素會較原始的推薦機制擁有更高的精確度。 / In recent years, enterprises are facing financial turmoil, global competition, and shortened business cycle. Under these influences, enterprises usually implement the Business Intelligence platform to help managers get the key indicators of business management quickly and easily. In the promotion stage of such Business Intelligence platforms, users usually give up using the system due to huge amount of information provided by the BI platform. They cannot intuitively obtain the required information in the early stage when they use the system. In this study, we analyze the similarity of users’ operations on the BI platform and try to establish cohesive subgroups in the corresponding organization. In addition, we also integrate the associated weighting factor calculated from the centrality measures into the recommendation mechanism to increase the probability of successful uses of BI platform. From our simulation experiments, we find that the recommendation accuracies are higher when we add the clustering result and the associated weighting factor into the recommendation mechanism.

社群網站轉換行為模式初探 / The Model of Switching Behavior on Social Networking Sites: An Exploratory Research

賴冠陵 Unknown Date (has links)
網路使用者對社群網站的依賴日漸加深,同時,使用者卻在不同社群服務供應商之間不斷轉換,綜觀過去研究,多著眼於服務供應商與使用者的關係,有鑑於此,本研究欲探討影響社群網站消長的主要因素,進而修正既有轉換行為模式,發展社群網站轉換行為模式。本研究收集667份有效問卷,以鎖定效應(包括轉換態度、主觀規範、轉換成本、過去轉換行為、多方尋找傾向)、品質、易用度、個人化、網站形象、滿意度、涉入度、使用頻率、互動頻率為自變項,轉換意圖為中介變項,轉換行為為應變項,研究結果發現鎖定效應能有效預測社群網站轉換意圖與轉換行為,轉換意圖正向影響轉換行為,進一步發現個人化、網站形象、涉入度、網站使用頻率會直接影響轉換行為,並根據社群網站的特性,將轉換成本重新分類,以供未來社群相關研究參考。 / This research was done to study the switching behaviors of social networking sites users. Data was obtained via an empirical survey of 667 social networking sites users. The findings of this study indicate that mooring effects(including attitudes toward switching, subjective norms, switching costs, and variety-seeking tendencies) appears to have a stronger influence both on user’s switching intentions and switching behaviors, and a positive relationship between switching intentions and switching behaviors. Furthermore, the personalization, website image, involvement and frequency of use have direct influence on switching behaviors. According to the characteristics of social networking sites, this study classifies the categories of switching costs for further research.

基於堆疊圖方式之社群媒體階層式議題的視覺化探索架構 / TopicWave: Visually Exploring Topics of Hierarchical Time-Oriented Data

熊凱文, Hsiung, Kai Wen Unknown Date (has links)
如何透過視覺化探索勢力消長情形,是近年來頻繁被探討的問題,常見之做法會針對帶有時間屬性的時間關聯資料 (time-oriented data)來進行觀察,而以社群媒體為例,重大議題通常是透過意見領袖提出具有關鍵性之觀點,而得以分歧出新議題並吸引其他社群媒體上之閱聽人加入討論,上述之過程牽涉評論之階層資料其層次隨著時間變化分歧與合併,然而,能夠透過視覺化之方式同時觀察上述特性有其挑戰性。本篇論文將針對階層式資料提出一套整合方式,稱為TopicWave,特別是帶有時間變化屬性的資料,希望透過改良動態圖形視覺化工具,結合 Sunburst 與 ThemeRiver Graph,實作 Facebook 上公開文章之評論(comments)行為隨時間變化的趨勢,而透過直覺式互動功能之設計。透過案例分析和使用者測試,本論文提出的方法能清楚呈現評論關係隨時間之變化與階層式結構,達到組合式創新之效果。 / In recent research, it is a frequently asked question about how to explore the topic trend during a time interval. If we want to analysis and discuss this question, time-oriented data will be the most appropriate dataset. For example, on social media platform, major issues are commonly formed by opinion leaders, people will be attracted by opinion leaders and join in the commentary on a topic. The above-mentioned procedure will involve in commentary hierarchy level increasing or decreasing while time changes, however, it is challenging when we want to explore these properties using traditional visualization techniques. We propose TopicWave, a visualization design that combines ThemeRiver Graph (time-oriented visualization) and Sunburst (hierarchical data visualization). It can visualize the trend of a post’s comment on Facebook Page. TopicWave can clearly present hierarchy and time-varying trend of a Facebook post’s comment data at the same time through the intuitive design of interactive on visualization.

分享脈絡:社群媒體訊息散播行為視覺化 / ShareFlow: Information Diffusion Visualization with Social Media

魏浩翔, Wei, Hao Xiang Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文針對社群使用者在社群網路文章上的互動行為進行研究,以視覺化工具Shareflow探索互動過程中造成資訊擴散的意見領袖以及傳播路徑。本研究主要分成兩個部分,第一部分為單一篇文章的分享路徑視覺化,基於階層化邊線綑綁(Hierarchical edge bundles)方法,根據控制點的引導將鄰近邊線進行綑綁,透過邊線捆綁舒緩資料量過大時造成之視覺混亂(visual clutter)問題。第二部分為粉絲專頁文章視覺化,分析多篇文章中具有多次分享、留言行為之使用者,呈現整體社群中積極活動的使用者以及其相關文章的視覺化。最後提供即時互動操作介面,以並列方式呈現出資料的廣度和深度,本研究的貢獻為提供一套視覺化工具,協助使用者探索臉書社群網路中的資訊散播過程以及發掘積極活動的臉書使用者。 / In this thesis, we propose a visualization tool, “Shareflow”, for observing the user activities in social media posts, and to explore opinion leaders and the propagation path caused by the information diffusion. Our approach contains two parts. The first part is a visualization of propagation path for a post in Facebook fanpage. Based on hierarchical edge bundles, we optimize the layout to reduce visual clutter caused by excessive information. The second part is visualization for a summary of posts in Facebook fanpage. It provides a tool for analysis the active users through their sharing and comments activities; In addition, we provide a real-time interactive interface, which demonstrates the breadth and depth of information concurrently.

社群商務之熟人經濟與關係行銷 / Acquaintance Economy and Relationship Marketing of Social Commerce

謝欣芸 Unknown Date (has links)
社群商務(Social Commerce)最早在2005年在雅虎官方部落格Yahoo Search Blog首次成為一個字詞,其後十幾年變化出更多形式,包括團購、募資、購物網站的論壇、社群網站等多元形式。本研究著重於探討在社群網站上的社群商務行為。 社群網站除了友誼聯繫與資訊交流的功能外,也提供越來越多服務及平台機制,其中一項即是社群商務。依台灣網路用戶來看,超過九成的網路用戶每月都會使用Facebook,是亞太區滲透率最高的市場,因此本研究將以Facebook作為觀察社群商務的代表社群平台,觀察賣家在社群平台上進行關係行銷的方式。 依照賣家面向的顧客類型可以分成主要面向認識的人與主要面向陌生人等兩種經營社群商務模式,由於不管是認識的人或陌生人,大家在Facebook上大家都互為「好友」,因此賣家向Facebook好友銷售商品的行為稱為「熟人經濟」。本研究透過個案訪談法分析社群商務中熟人經濟之商業模式與賣方進行關係行銷的作法。 / The term social commerce was first introduced by Yahoo Search blog in 2005. Since then, the scope of social commerce has expanded to include group buying, crowdfunding, forum of online store, and social networking site. The study focuses on the activities of social commerce on social networking site. Social networking site provides more and more services besides the functions of keeping connections and sharing information, and one of them is social commerce. More than 90% of the Taiwanese internet users are Facebook monthly users, so Facebook will be the observational social platform in this study. The way that sellers do relationship marketing will be analyzed in this study. This study classifies two social commerce categories according to whether the major customers that sellers sell products are to people that the seller knew or to strangers. Owing to whether seller knew the customer before or not, they call each other “friend” on Facebook, and the behavior that sellers sell goods to friends is called “acquaintance economy.” This study analyzed the acquaintance economy and relationship marketing of social commerce through interview method.

垂直性社群平台的價值獲取策略探討 / The Study on Value Capture Strategies for Vertical Social Networking Platforms

張語珊, Chang, Yu Shan Unknown Date (has links)
垂直性社群平台將定位聚焦在特定主題,匯聚對特定主題有興趣的人。由於 使用者在不分眾社群平台與分眾社群平台之間,表現出多棲的行為。在Facebook崛起後的台灣社群平台市場,分眾是進入社群平台市場的機會點。然而,對平台企業而言,成功經營的關鍵挑戰是能夠以平台創造的價值建立收益流。因此本研究探討以下問題: 一、 垂直性社群平台如何獲取價值? 二、 影響垂直性社群平台營收模式發展方向的關鍵因素為何? 三、 驅動垂直性社群平台營收持續成長的關鍵策略為何? 為回答上述三大問題,本研究採取多個案研究法,針對三家個案平台依序分 析其營收模式的建立、主要營收驅動力的作用過程、營收成長策略。從分析結果,本研究得到以下的結論: 一、 垂直性社群平台獲取價值的方式主要有兩種型態:其一是藉由掌握對大量 高同質性「社群成員邊」及「外部的資訊搜尋者邊」購買決策的影響力,吸引以此群人為目標客群的廠商,並與廠商在新市場進入策略或行銷或銷售等面向合作。其二是藉由對目標客群偏好需求的瞭解,推出實體商品。 二、 社群成員的特質是影響垂直性社群平台營收模式發展方向的關鍵因素。 三、 社群成員成長策略是驅動垂直性社群平台營收持續成長的關鍵。 / The position of a vertical social networking platform focuses on a specific topic, and members of the vertical social networking are interested in this specific topic. Due to multi-homing behavior of users between social networking platforms which focus on specific topics and social networking platforms which do not focus on specific topics, after the growing of Facebook in Taiwan, focusing a specific group gives platform-based companies opportunities to enter the social networking platform market. However, what the biggest challenges in running a successful platform is to establish revenue streams by the value that the platform creates. The present study tries to answer the following three questions: 1. How does a vertical social networking platform capture value? 2. What are the key factors that affect the development direction of revenue model for a vertical social networking platform? 3. What are the key strategies a vertical social networking platform use to drive revenue growth? By analyzing the platform value capture mechanisms, this study concludes that: 1. Vertical social networking platforms capture value by two way mainly: first, on the basis of influence on consumer decision-making, vertical social networking platforms attract firms to cooperate on market entry strategies or marketing. Second, vertical social networking platforms could launch physical products based on understanding needs and preferences of users. 2. The common characteristic of the community members is the key factor that affects the development direction of revenue model for a vertical social networking platform. 3. The community member growth strategy is the key to drive community platform revenue growth.


于文強 Unknown Date (has links)
Since the emergence of the internet, firms and individuals have quickly adopted and utilized this ubiquitous network to generate profit or enhance social convenience. This paper first discussed the seller side of the internet business; there are numerous ways to make money out of the web, but all can be grouped into 6 business models; they are advertising, content, brokerage, e-Merchant, IT solutions and behind-the-scenes models. Each will be carefully analyzed with clarifying examples. The second part of this paper will focus on the buyer side of the internet; internet has evolved at tremendous rate, about ten percent of the world population now has access to the internet, broadband access is growing worldwide and will become the major type of connection in 5 years. Online spending will increase because users are more willing to buy online or pay for content. Selling advertising will remain the major source of income for the internet content provider, followed by periodic subscription.

當代以巴衝突的宗教因素-以忠信社群(Gush Emunim)之發展和影響為例

蔡業聖 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著猶太人在巴勒斯坦的立國,中東地區的國際關係開始急速緊張。一九六七年六月的六日戰爭,雖然讓以色列在中東地區站穩腳跟,卻帶給信奉伊斯蘭的阿拉伯世界莫大的羞辱。在政治,種族,經濟利益與宗教等多種因素的交互作用下,中東地區成為二次大戰後國際情勢的火藥庫。謀求和解的計畫雖然多次被提出,卻始終未能獲得令人滿意的成果。 透過相關研究,筆者發現以巴衝突中,除了政治是個很重要的因素之外,宗教社群意識所帶來的影響,亦不容小覷。長久以來,由於其獨特政經背景與地理環境,以色列各層面議題,令許多研究者嘗試由不同面向,如政治、經濟、社會、或人類學等殊異角度來探究、觀察以巴情勢。但筆者認為,若深入了解、探討,亦會發現宗教因素在其間所扮演之重要角色。本研究試著從以色列境內的宗教錫安主義,晚近屯墾區運動代表-忠信社群(Gush Emunim)之發展及影響為例,進一步探討其如何影響以巴之間的衝突和中東局勢。 在第二章「忠信社群的發展歷程」部分,筆者首先探討錫安主義和忠信社群的關係。錫安主義為世俗化的猶太知識份子所推動的民族主義運動,長久以來遭受許多人的反對,其中特別是猶太教團體的抗議和攻擊,本研究將探討忠信社群為何會接受並承認此項運動。接著筆者也將探討忠信社群的崛起和發展,以進一步了解他們興起和發展的原因,背景為何。最後,筆者也將他們和其他猶太教團體做個比較,以凸顯他們的差異性,並進而了解他們的特色為何。 在第三章「忠信社群的宗教信念」部分筆者首先探討他們的末世觀和救贖觀。對忠信社群而言,他們相信自身活在末世的氛圍當中,隨著以色列的建國,和一連串的戰爭,佔領行動,他們相信彌賽亞救贖計畫已經展開,本研究將探討他們是如何根據經典和著名的拉比著作來詮釋這些行為和現象。接著筆者也會探討他們的信念核心之一:猶太人和土地的神聖性。最後,筆者將探討他們對反對者的看法。 在第四章「忠信社群在現代以色列和猶太教之間所扮演的角色」部分筆者將探討他們對以色列政治、社會和傳統猶太教的影響。其中會提到他們如何透過政治,社會的力量來動員,推動群眾支持他們的屯墾理念。此外,也將說明他們如何回應傳統猶太教的挑戰和敵視。 在第五章「彌賽亞理論,基本教義理論與忠信社群」部分筆者試圖透過彌賽亞理論基本教義理論來檢視忠信社群。相信此探討能幫助我們更加了解忠信社群。並透過此研究,也期待能夠和彌賽亞理論,基本教義理論進行對話。畢竟彌賽亞理論和基本教義理論只是一個泛稱,許多學者對其的界定有所不同,而每個宗教內部的彌賽亞理論,基本教義特色也有所不同。 在第六章「結論」部分將本論文的研究主題做一簡單回顧,綜合各章節的討論結果,並以當代的彌賽亞理論和基本教義理論的反省做為總結。

網路世代學童之價值觀與網路社會化學習機制參與之關聯性分析-以大台北地區國小五、六年級學童為例 / A study on the relationship between personal values and internet socialization mechanism-A case of grade five and six elementary school students in greater Taipei

馬振剛 Unknown Date (has links)
根據調查指出,台灣12歲以下的人口上網率已達61%以上,平均三位學童就有兩位曾經使用過網路,足見網路在青少年族群中的滲透力。這些「網路世代」的孩子們在自我概念、人格發展與社會關係,也深受網路的影響,不同於過往世代的成長經驗。 此一新興媒體的影響力,在他們的身上表現的最為明顯。然而,網路是一個多元卻也複雜的媒體。而此時正是兒童價值觀與人格形塑的重要時期,其心智未成熟,無法判斷網路內容與行為的正確性。因此,本研究欲探討網路使用與網路社群關係對此階段的兒童在價觀上的相關影響,並得到結論如下:一、人口背景變項對於學童價值觀的影響力有限;二、自我意向與兒童價值觀具有相當程度之關連;三、網路社會化學習機制的參與,對於兒童價值觀具有影響力。 / Based on survey, the average rate of internet use of those who under 12 years old is beyond 61%.It is obvious that internet has great impact on self concept, personality development and social relation of this "Net generation".They have different experience from other generations. However, internet is a emerging media of variety and complexity. And this is an important period of child personal value developing and personality shaping. Their immature mind may not determine the correctness of internet content and behavior.Consequently, this study examined how internet usage and virtual community affect personal value.

企業部落格社群經營與價值共創之研究 / Virtual Community Development and Value Co-Creation with Customers of Corporate Blogs

吳宜真, Wu, Yi-Chen Unknown Date (has links)
全球部落格的熱潮和影響力,吸引許多國外企業紛紛成立企業部落格,然而台灣的企業部落格仍非常少。本研究欲了解為什麼台灣企業部落格的發展較國外落後,以及台灣已成立的企業部落格,其成立的動機、經營部落格社群的作法,和部落格帶給企業的效益。 本研究以Rogers (2003)的創新決策過程為骨幹,探討台灣企業採用部落格決策的各個階段。並以虛擬社群成員發展的前三個階段:吸引會員、增加參與、建立忠貞,探討企業如何經營虛擬社群,以及透過Prahalad & Ramswamy (2000)提出的共創價值平台的四個要素,評估企業部落格應具備的條件。本研究採取個案研究法,從十家台灣持續經營的企業部落格中,選擇瀏覽人次及部落格上互動最多的三家個案:Yahoo!奇摩拍賣部落格、風潮音樂部落格、毛寶Simple Life部落格,進行深度的個案訪談。另外訪談兩位企業部落格的專家,了解台灣企業部落格的發展概況。 透過個案研究,本研究發現目前台灣已成立的企業部落格,通常是由熟悉部落格的員工提出採用部落格的構想,主管同意給予時間經營,是一個由下而上的過程,和企業一般的決策過程不同。而在企業部落格的經營方面,企業可以和個人部落客合作,提供專業、有趣的內容吸引網友前來。部落格應時常邀請顧客互動,而企業希望以部落格和顧客共創價值,應具備以下條件:企業與顧客都感興趣的主題、顧客可以獲得有價值的資訊和美好的經驗、真實透明的原則、制定網友回應文章的規則。在建立網友忠誠度方面,企業部落格經營者應多呈現個人的特色,並熱情回應網友,時常拜訪網友的部落格,與網友建立關係。 企業若能持續投入時間經營部落格,只需花費少許的錢,能透過部落格與顧客共創價值:與顧客對話、顧客知識、運用顧客口耳相傳的力量。這些價值挹注回企業,能帶來的效益:增加企業的能見度、提昇人性化的品牌形象、澄清媒體錯誤報導、提升搜尋引擎結果的排名。然而,目前台灣企業部落格的數量仍不多,本研究認為原因為:台灣本身部落格的發展起步慢之外;台灣企業看重短期的效益的心態;相較於國外,台灣少有企業高層想以部落格和顧客直接對話;台灣還沒有專業的企業部落格顧問形成,以輔導企業。

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