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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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專利藥到期後之策略探討:以美商在台子公司為例 / A Study on the Business Strategy of the Expiration Issue in the Pharmaceutical Industry—Giving A Case Study on a Foreign Subsidiary in Taiwan

許家鳳 Unknown Date (has links)

台灣食品產業中小企業策略形態分析-以M調味料製造公司為例 / A Case Study of SME’s Business Strategy in the Condiment Industry

敖秉中 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣中小型調味料製造業者從2011年開始計畫將事業策略朝向生產高優質產品、有市場區隔或有差異化的產品、及有健康訴求的產品發展,以加強市場競爭力。經營方面則朝多元化發展,例如結合休閒娛樂、觀光景點、餐飲、共通品牌、甚至是與觀光業及地方文化等行業結合,透過異業結盟或合作,強化經營績效。這樣的變化不是調味料製造廠家可以預料的,也難以在台灣以外的相同產業見到,這就是台灣市場的特色。 本研究以台灣某一家小型調味料製造公司進行個案研究,與企業高階主管訪談,將訪談內容歸納、彙整並應用次級資料進行分析。 本研究採策略形態分析法,探討現階段事業策略的執行與企業內部條件、外部環境之配適;並將分析結果做為未來策略調整的主要依據,同時依自身的能力及資源選擇未來發展之經營策略。依據現有策略分析提供對個案公司未來調整策略建議如下: 一、 「產品與服務串聯」及「行銷資源整合」是食品調味料產業最重要的策略。 二、 預防因餐飲消費市場變化速度加快,致使讓產業發生巨大的變化,造成對產 品與通路的影響。 三、 「品牌行銷」、「服務升級」、「掌握通路」是產業未來的關鍵成功要素。

策略分析與策略績效衡量架構之探討-以A大陸台商為例 / Strategy analysis and strategic performance measurement framework development-A case study of Taiwanese enterprise in China

邱奕鈞, Chiu, Yi Chun Unknown Date (has links)
2008年,中國實施勞動合同法與爆發全球金融海嘯,使大陸各行各業在遭受訂單下滑的同時,也面對人工成本增加的雙重考驗。隨著2009年7月的景氣增溫,以及中國政府擴大內需的政策,企業的訂單雖增加,但卻又發生勞工短缺的問題。2010年第一季以來,中國各地又開始陸續調漲最低工資,造成許多勞力密集的產業面臨外移或西進的抉擇。大陸台商在所歷經的重重挑戰,其實都是商業世界的常態,企業必須因應外界局勢的轉變,調整策略方向,並將策略貫徹校準到組織、流程及每一位員工的身上,方可淬鍊出新的競爭優勢與抵抗力,在下一波變局的挑戰中克服衝擊並開創新局。 個案公司為某專業五金產品設計、製造之大陸台商,在1994年即已進入中國大陸設立生產製造的據點。個案公司之產品具有產業環境快速變化、市場競爭、產品生命週期短、產品組合少量多樣等特性。本研究首先針對個案公司當前所面臨的挑戰與管理議題進行說明,然後運用策略形態分析法,重新擬定策略方向,再以平衡計分卡的精神,從財務、顧客、內部流程與學習成長四個構面引導出符合策略方向的策略性議題,制定策略性目標與關鍵績效指標,以提供管理階層與全體員工明確的量度,做為未來績效薪酬的考核依據,以確保組織行動與策略方向一致。最後並針對每個策略性目標提出初步行動方案,做為個案公司啟動變革的行動藍圖。 / Law of The People’s Republic of china on Employment Contracts has been effective since 2008, which inevitably increases the labor costs for all companies. In the same year, all the industries suffered the steep downturn of incoming orders caused by the worldwide financial crisis. Although corporate received more orders since July of 2009 resulting from the minor recovery of economy and the policy of internal expansion, the shortage of labor issue appeared. Since the first quarter of 2010 and onward, the minimum wage was set to higher level again, which makes those labor-intensive industries confront the decision of either move out of China or relocate to the west. These challenges to the companies in mainland China are nothing but common to the business world. Corporate must cultivate its capability to adjust its strategy and align its organization, processes people and resources with its strategic direction so as to confront the fast changing environment and gain its competitive advantages. The subject company in this research is a Taiwanese company specialized in providing design and manufacturing service of sheet metal. The subject company set up its manufacture facility in mainland China since 1994. Currently the product line is characterized with fast changing, competitive, and low volume high mix. This research first analyzes the challenges and management issues faced by the Company, followed by the development of new strategy base on an application of the strategic posture approach. By a further use of a balance scorecard framework, the strategic issues for finance, customer, internal process, and learning and growth perspectives are derived. With the development of the strategic performance indicators, a clear strategy-focused performance management framework is provided and referenced for future assessment of incentive-based compensation system. With organizational behavior aligned with the strategic direction, the initial action plans for every strategic target would be proposed as an action blueprint for corporate revolution of the company.

化合物半導體產業於無線通訊領域之產業矩陣分析與策略形態分析 / Industrial Matrix and Strategic Posture Analysis of Compound Semi-Conductor Industry in Wireless Communication

郭建華 Unknown Date (has links)
由於無線通訊相關應用持續蓬博發展,使得為關鍵零組件的射頻前端元件及模組相關產業於2006年開始獲利;以及化合物半導體於此領域的元件及模組為矽產業較難取以代,雖其製造流程相似,但其經營環境與矽產業有所不同,故值得深入探討其產業發展是否與矽產業有其不同之處。 本研究乃是針對化合物半導體產業於無訊通訊領域進行描述與分析來達成下列目的:第一、詳細地描述此產業現況及台灣廠商經營模式以提供各界參考;第二、在此產業發展已較為成熟時,檢視和分析此產業是否如矽產業採專業分工,以及找出影響產業垂直整合程度的關鍵因素為何;第三、運用產業矩陣進行產業分析,以供後續研究參考如何運用產業矩陣。 本研究採用司徒達賢教授所提出的產業矩陣分析法進行產業分析與描述,如此將能對此產業能有更系統化、周延且細緻地了解,並透過策略形態分析法深入了解各公司的策略構想為何,來協助釐清此產業較為重要的產業特性為何。 研究結果顯示,化合物半導體於無線通訊產業的IC設計與IC製造是否朝向專業分工,與IDM廠及專業晶圓廠的製程水準有關;以及在手機持續往輕薄短小、高頻率、以及3M(多頻、多模、多媒體)的方向發展下,對各價值單元的影響皆不同。

筆記型電腦新產品開發之協同設計策略-以筆記型電腦品牌商為例 / Strategy in collaborative design for new product development in notebook PCs- a case study for a notebook pc company

李文裕, Lee, Wen Yu Unknown Date (has links)
隨著全球科技迅速發展及國際化競爭的日益升高,競爭型態已由過去個別廠商間的競爭轉變為整體供應鏈體系間的競爭,運用企業間綿密的協同合作關係來強化整體供應鏈的團隊競爭力,已是企業在面對產業競爭的生存之道。本研究以一家國際品牌的電腦品牌商為個案研究的對象,主要在探討企業的新產品開發協同設計策略及如何選擇合作夥伴。本研究透過文獻探討新產品開發流程、產業分析與產業價值鏈的理論、與策略形態法,再透過資料收集與個案公司人員訪談,來分析個案在新產品開發活動價值單元及不同階段的合作模式以了解個案公司新產品開發的協同設計策略、執行狀況與策略夥伴的合作模式。 經由分析本個案,本研究發現地理位置、能力與資源、產品策略與新產品開發流程的複雜度會影響策略合作夥伴的選擇與新產品開發協同設計的合作模式。 / In response to the rapid changing of the technology and market, firms intend to choose the perfect-fit suppliers to be the strategic partner to build their own ECO system. This study aims to explore the corporate’s strategy in collaborative research and development and strategic partner selection- a case study for an international branding PCs company. This study starts with literature review of the new product development, industry analysis, value chain analysis and strat-egy posture analysis. To understand a firm’s strategy selection, I conduct multi-ple interviews with key members of the company regarding key activities of the new product development and collaborative development model at the stages. Through the analysis of this case study, the study found that the geography, ca-pability and resources, a firm’s marketing strategy and complexity of new product development process are the key factors to the choice of strategic partner and the model of collaborative research and development.

網路原生新聞網站經營策略–以《風傳媒》為例 / The Business Strategy of Native Online News Site- A Case Study of Storm Media Group

閻雲襄, Yan, Yun Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
近年來出現許多只透過網路發行,沒有傳統媒體在背後支持,也不屬於任何媒體集團的網路原生新聞網站。本研究旨在分析網路原生新聞網站在不同階段的策略形態,其策略與環境條件如何配合,以及可能會遭遇的困難。 本研究透過個案研究法來進行資料的搜集,以近年來興起的網路原生新聞網站《風傳媒》為例,透過對《風傳媒》總編輯的深度訪談來搜集資料,並且以司徒達賢教授的「策略形態分析法」與「策略矩陣分析法」,來解析《風傳媒》在不同時期的策略形態。 本研究的研究結論如下所示:(一)策略與環境、條件前提的適當配合能創造良好效益:《風傳媒》在成立初期選擇以政治新聞為主要的網站主題,配合即將到來的重大選舉,使《風傳媒》在初期便獲得可觀的流量以及粉絲數;(二)以特色新聞主題切入市場再發展多元內容:《風傳媒》在成立初期以政治新聞與調查報導先建立一定的流量與粉絲之後,再發展多元化的新聞內容,來更廣泛的閱聽眾;(三)《風傳媒》發展過程中遭遇的挑戰:1.有限的資源與人力:重要性相對較低的新聞內容,可以採取較低成本的方式產製;2.必須拿捏好與Facebook之間競爭又合作的關係:從Facebook而來的流量是網路原生新聞網站的重要流量來源,但是Facebook同時也是網路原生新聞網站最大的替代品威脅來源。(四)人力資源是網路原生新聞網站重要的資產:資深記者與編輯的專業、經驗與人脈,會對網路原生新聞網站有很大的貢獻。 / In recent years, some native online news sites, which don’t belong to traditional media or media groups, entered the market. The research focuses on the strategic posture and forms in different stages of native online news site, and how the strategy fits environmental and organizational conditions, and the challenge that native online news sites may have. The research is conducted by case study method and takes the promising native online news site, Storm Media Group as my case study. To collect the information, there was an in-depth interview with the chief editor, and the strategies of Storm Media Group in different periods were analyzed by Dr. Seetoo’s ‘’strategic posture and form analysis method’’ and ‘’strategic matrix analysis method’’. The conclusions are showing below. First, great fits between strategies, environmental and organizational conditions could benefit company very well. Storm Media took politic news and investigation reports as the feature of its site when they entered the market, and this move brought great traffic and fans to Storm Media. Second, it used featured topics to enter market and then diversify the topic of news. Third, the limitation of resources and how to handle the co-optetion with Facebook are the challenges of Storm Media. The news which is less important is produced by low-cost ways. Though Facebook is the important traffic source of native online news sites, Facebook is a great threat of replacement to the site, too. Forth, talented people are important assets to the native online news sites. Experienced journalists and editors can make great contributions to Storm Media.

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