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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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重整Web-based Java架構至MVC為基礎的Struts架構之研究

郭世偉 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,電子商務蓬勃發展,Web應用系統是企業提供電子商務應用必要的選擇之一。然而隨著軟體使用率的增加與需求變動的頻繁,現有系統架構因不易擴充與維護,造成企業系統開發成本的支出逐漸提高。以Java為基礎的JSP(Java Server Pages)為目前Web應用系統開發的主要程式語言之一。不過企業往往基於建置時間的考量,雖然JSP可以提供程式設計上的彈性,但沒有考慮到系統架構的良好規劃,造成Web應用系統在擴充與維護上的不易。MVC(Model、View、Controller)架構是一個具有層次區分功能的系統架構,而Struts - Framework是一個以MVC為基礎架構的框架,且提供了多項服務功能,因此以Struts - Framework來開發Web應用系統讓我們在開發上更有效率,而在維護上也將更為容易。 本論文希望透過軟體重整工程並配合以MVC為基礎架構的Struts - Framework,提出一套重整流程及對應方法,協助我們將現有系統架構(JSP Model 1架構)轉換成具擴充性且易於維護的新系統架構(Struts架構),以提升系統的擴充彈性,並降低維護成本。


宋育展, Sung,Yuchan Unknown Date (has links)
在許多電子化企業的學術文獻中可以找到,資訊科技帶給企業成本降低、工作效率提高的資訊管理研究。本研究針對企業資訊系統的發展、整合進行研究。將研究的主題鎖定於特定產業-本國人壽保險業,進行企業資訊系統的研究。本國人壽保險業的產業特性特殊,不同於金融業、製造業等資訊系統研究。因此本研究從資訊系統發展的文獻、現存人壽保險企業內的資訊系與外部產業目前所遭遇到的問題為起點,經由訪談的過程,整理出國內本土人壽保險公司在現有的市場競爭之中的需求;並根據需求提出協助國內本土人壽保險公司在市場競爭上與未來發展整合上的參考架構。本研究提出以既有之資訊科技觀點出發,為壽險業者於下一代開發新系統,提供滿足以下特點之建議架構:1. 針對新的商品產生,公司資訊架構能夠協助迅速整合內部流程,快速反應市場需求。 2.以開放性之架構,提供經代(壽險經紀人、壽險代理人)公司、一般保險員(保險業務員)、或是結盟業者(銀行、旅行社等),更多更豐富的銷售資訊、以期進一步達到線上自動化投保之目標。3.以流程整合代替功能整合,從目前保險員手上既有之資訊設備到後端保單核准、以及售後服務、聯合行銷等活動。未來希望以此資訊架構之分析,讓消費者與壽險業者能夠在此一基礎上之平台獲得夠多元、更有利之服務。


胡志鏗 Unknown Date (has links)
近幾年來,知識管理已成為一個與企業競爭力有著密切相關的議題,由於知識經濟時代的來臨,唯有透過不斷蓄積、分享知識以及創造知識,才能讓企業本身更有競爭力,也才能夠不斷的成長下去,雖然在組織中實行知識管理,不能在短期內快速的帶來效益,但以長期來看卻可以讓企業走的更穩健。   人壽保險產業在現今的台灣,已經是個成熟的產業,2003年保費收入高達1.1兆元,平均每人投保率更高達158%,買人壽保險可說是一項全民運動了。而人壽保險業在所有通路中最重要的通路為業務員,也是人壽保險產業接觸客戶的第一線,業務員的素質也是影響客戶服務品質以及銷售績效的最主要因素。      本研究採用探索性研究的方式,對於人壽保險產業業務員進行訪談,瞭解其知識管理需求,並且對於人壽保險產業進行分析及知識管理相關文獻探討,提出一個知識管理系統的建議架構,以及之後建置知識管理系統時所需要考量的構面。     本研究提出之知識管理系統架構之功能有:我的個人秘書、我的保險新知、我的e-Learning、保險分析工具、疑難雜症解答區、互動討論分享區、我的CRM等。   而導入知識管理系統架構時建議所需考量的構面有:管理面、組織面、知識面和科技面等。 關鍵字:知識管理、人壽保險、知識管理系統架構


許良誠 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,速度已經成為企業全球化競爭的關鍵要素,但企業無法單憑一己之力,及時地突破技術或市場上的瓶頸,因此,企業需專注於對自身具競爭優勢之價值活動,並集中力量維持與強化企業生存之核心資源,建立不易被取代之優勢,再透過產業間的分工,將產品從研發、設計、製造、組裝、行銷、售後服務,藉由分佈全球不同區域與不同國家的公司分別進行,共同塑造出具備彈性、速度與競爭力的合作方式,而此也就是全球運籌模式(Global Logistics)。其中資訊系統更為全球運籌模式的中樞,擁有完整的資訊系統,才可將分散全球的銷售、生產、庫存、出貨等資訊加以蒐集及整合,並提供做為迅速分析、預測、反應的依據。   筆記型電腦產業是目前台灣最具發展潛力的產業之一,而且台灣筆記型電腦產業所面臨的是國際化的競爭,業者一定要具備優良之全球運籌管理能力才可能接獲國際系統大廠之訂單,所以全球運籌管理對於筆記型電腦代工業者而言是非常重要的課題。因此,本研究將先藉由相關文獻的深入探討,分析目前國內外學者已經提出來之全球運籌管理模式資訊系統架構,接著歸納整理出全球運籌管理運作模式,再針對國內筆記型電腦產業現存問題的分析、現況觀察後,提出符合國內筆記型電腦產業之一般性全球運籌模式(General Global Logistics Models),並將依循著此模式,提出一個可行的全球運籌管理模式之資訊系統架構,最後利用雛型系統之建置,驗證其可行性。希望透過此資訊系統架構,使資訊流能跨越組織藩籬順暢地在供應鏈中往返,使整個供應鏈就像是一個虛擬企業,縮短產品上市時間,以最少成本、最低存貨,提供顧客最大的滿意度。 / In recent years, ”Speed” is a critical factor determining the competitive edge of globalized enterprises. For this reason, a successful manufacturer must first carefully maintain its competitive edge and do its best to increase its core resources for existence before seeking for cooperation of other companies in different areas of different countries to carry out R&D activity, design, manufacturing, assembling, marketing and after-sales service. When these companies cooperatively achieved the complete process of production based on a world industrial labor division system, they created a cooperative method with features of flexibility, speediness and competitiveness. And this is a start of global logistics models. Among these global logistics models, information system is regarded as a hub. With a complete information system, the manufacturer may collect and systematize the information of its marketing, production, stock and delivery coming from different countries and may also make analyses, predictions and responses on this systematized information.   The notebook computer industry is now regarded as one of potential industries in Taiwan. What this industry is faced with is the fierce competition on the global market. A notebook computer manufacturer, who lacks the ability to manage global logistics, cannot obtain orders from world leading buyers of reputable systems. In other words, world logistics management is a very important issue to OEM manufacturers of notebook computers. In this research, the first focus is placed on discussion and analysis made, in accordance with related literature, on the framework of information system built on global logistics management models submitted by domestic and overseas modern scholars. From this discussion and analysis is drawn an operating model of global logistics management. Besides, accompanying an analysis given to the existing problem and an observation given to the present situation of this industry, general global logistics models that meet with the demand of domestic notebook computer industry and the framework of information system built on feasible global logistics management models is submitted. Finally, verification is given to this feasibility through the erection of a model system. This information system is expected to make information flow more easily run in the supply chain over structural barriers and the entire supply chain serve as a simulated enterprise so that products can be more quickly put on the market and customers are satisfied with the least cost and the lowest stock rate.


林家全, Lin, Chia-Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
圖書出版業,包含出版中外圖書、雜誌、有聲出版品與報紙等。近年來,圖書出版業快速發展,國內圖書產量遽增,各種外文書也大量進入台灣市場。這對圖書業者而言,圖書品項管理與流通複雜度也隨之增加。而圖書流通業者,負責圖書批發、運輸倉儲與零售等,上游有多家出版社,而下游面對更多的零售業者,其擁有圖書種類與數量豐富,所以圖書管理複雜度比其他上游出版業者、下游零售業者更複雜。 無線射頻識別系統(Radio Frequency Identity,RFID),以RFID標籤辨識物件(棧板、物流箱,單品)獨特的產品電子碼(Electronic Product Code,EPC),並由建置在各地的讀取器和RFID中介軟體,記錄和擷取對應的物件資訊,對於存貨及物流管理來說,RFID出現帶來新方法讓貨品管理與追蹤變得更有效率。把流動於供應鏈的物件貼上RFID標籤,再以共用EPC網絡服務平台(EPC Network Service Platform)作為資訊共享,則將使物件在供應鏈上下游的資訊能見度(Visibility)更加提昇。 本研究先蒐集RFID相關文獻,而後選定對於RFID有基本認識、知道RFID應用方式的圖書流通公司,了解公司對RFID需求及應用方式,再針對業者的需求與應用方式做分析,即完成業者的RFID需求資訊分析,而後對於業者需求,提出一套RFID資訊系統參考架構,以滿足其對RFID的需求。接著再與個案公司訪談,參酌業者意見,進行參考架構驗證與修正,最後圖書流通業者應用RFID資訊系統架構呈現。而結論部分,則為本研究作個總結,並為後繼的研究者提出相關研究建議。 / Publishers publish magazines, books, videotapes, newspapers etc. When it comes to publishing, it is recently developed very rapidly. Many kinds of books have popped up in book industry and have lead to complexity of books management and distribution. Book distributors play important roles in book distribution and retail. Distributors get the books from publishers and send the books to retailers. Distributors have more books than publishers and retailers, so they face much more management complexity. RFID can identify the object and learn its EPC by reading the object’s RFID tag. We can learn the object’s position by building RFID readers and RFID middlewares at the supply chain nodes. Due to RFID’s track and trace function materialflow and inventory management can enhance. Besides RFID, EPC Network Service Platform can strengthen information sharing between partners and lead to high visibility in the supply chain. We collected RFID references and selected book distributors. These book distributors have known RFID. We tried to understand the RFID requirements of the book distributors and then did the RFID requirements analysis of the book distributiors. Based on the RFID requirements analysis, we proposed a RFID system architecture to satisfy the RFID requirements of the book distributors. Following, we interviewed the book distributors and then verified, revised the RFID system architecture. At last the final RFID system architecture is presented and the architecture is offered to book distributors for reference. About the conclusion, we offered some research suggestions for other RFID researchers.


李雪雯, Lee,Sheue-wen Unknown Date (has links)
企管大師Michael Porter一再強調「差異化」是企業之所以能勝出的主要關鍵,Peter Drucker更宣稱:「知識」將是未來企業唯一,且能夠生產社會與經濟利益的最重要資財。 知識管理可以將知識儲存在組織之內,降低企業的成本,並增加獲利,進而提高企業的競爭力優勢。媒體也是企業的一種經營形態,因此,如何透過知識管理將平面媒體內、外的智慧資本彙整並儲存在組織中,以利組織成員分享與運用,繼而產生獨特的差異性與競爭優勢,已經是媒體越來越關心的重要課題。 但是,知識管理的架構會隨著產業特性與企業需求而有差異。因此,想要幫助平面媒體利用知識管理,來面對未來更激烈的競爭環境,就必須有不同於產業或知識特質的架構與建議。 民國77年的報禁解除,使得國內平面媒體面臨高度競爭的壓力;而科技的日新月益、閱聽人的閱讀習慣與需求的改變,也迫使媒體朝向提供更多元及多樣化的新聞內容服務。 因此,本研究希望透過綜合的分析與探討,找出平面媒體所面臨的問題與困境,試著利用資訊科技的幫助,提出適合平面媒體參考的知識管理整合性系統架構、步驟、作法與建議,以便提升其企業競爭力。 綜合有關知識管理的理論架構,再配合平面媒體產業的特性,本研究試著為傳統平面媒體,規劃出兩種未來可能獲利的經營模式―「新聞來源供應商」與「綜合新聞供應商」,同時為其擬出可行的知識管理架構,以及分4個階段―「認知覺醒與發展策略」、「經營模式與知識確認」、「設計、規劃與導入」,以及「評估與調整」階段,與3大層面―「策略」、「知識」與「科技」的建議。 / Michael Porter, Professor at Harvard Business School and one of the top 50 business intellectuals of our time, claims that “differentiation” is the key to stand out in a highly competitive environment. Peter Drucker, professor of management and the founder of California-based Leader to Leader Foundation, suggests that “knowledge” is the only asset the future businesses could depend on in generating social and economic benefits. Knowledge management is the one way to preserve the knowledge generated in the process of management for an enterprise. It decreases management cost and generates revenue at the same time. Therefore, knowledge management is also a way to enhance competitive edge. Mass media, like other management entities, could also apply principles of knowledge management to enhance their competitive edge. How to integrate the intellectual capital through mechanisms of knowledge management, how to share the knowledge stored in the mechanism in more efficient ways, and, how could the media differentiate themselves from their competitators to enhance competitive edge, have become critical issue not only for management, but also for survival. However, the mechanism or infrastructure of knowledge management is varied for different industries due to the nature of different management requirements. What can be applied in a software company may not be suitable at all for mass media. Two significant changes accelerate and reinforce the innovation of the Press: the law that limits the numbers of content providers and the law that limits the amount of contents were both banned. In the mean time, the overall reading habit change enabled by the innovation of digital technology also facilitates the renovation of Press. News providers are now facing challenges in providing diversified contents for readers of different habits and tastes. This research aims at proposing appropriate knowledge management infrastructures by synthesizing the dilemma as well as opportunities media confront in a digital era. Classical literature regarding knowledge management infrastructure and media studies, especially the properties of the Press, help me frame and identify two profitable knowledge management infrastructures: News Supplier and News Content Provider. More than providing the possible infrastructures, I also concluded four phases to implement the infrastructure and three perspectives as lenses to examine the infrastructures. The four phrases are (1) awareness and strategic development; (2) management model and knowledge assurance; (3) design, plan and implementation and (4) evaluation and adjustment. The three perspectives are (1) strategy, (2) knowledge and (3) technology.

供應鏈管理系統架構與物件模型建立之研究-以半導體產業為例 / An Architecture and an Object-Oriented Model of Supply Chain Management System: A Case Study of IC Industry

童寶溢, Tuang, Bao-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
在80年代末期與90年代初期所討論的企業運籌管理與企業再造,都是強調在企業本身的流程管理的合理化、標準化與自動化,然而在90年代末期,由於網際網路商業應用的盛行,使得原本在90年代初期學術界所提的供應鏈管理變得更加可行。供應鏈管理重視在企業間的流程整合,使供應鏈能達到整體的流程最佳化,以提供最終使用者一個低成本、高服務品質的產品,其重點即在企業間的流程整合,運用資訊科技以達到此目的是必然的。雖然供應鏈管理被提出已有十多年之久,但是文獻中大部分僅針對管理層面上,對於系統方面卻仍然停留在企業內運籌系統,因此本研究將提出一系統架構,以達成供應鏈管理之目標。 本研究將依據關於供應鏈管理.供應鏈管理系統相關之文獻,根據文獻之結果,設計一套供應鏈管理系統架構之模型,並且使用物件導向軟體開發之技術與UML建立物件模型,最後選擇其中一功能,開發一雛形系統以驗證此架構之可行性。 本研究希望達成以下的目標:1)利用軟體系統以達成供應鏈之流程整合之目標,;2)建立一供應鏈系統架構模型,以輔助資訊廠商或企業開發供應鏈系統時之系統架構參考模型;3)與遺產系統(legacy system)結合,使用XML,與物件導向技術SOAP,提供遺產系統與供應鏈系統一個整合方案;4)降低系統使用障礙,利用WWW為人機介面,可以降低使用者使用進入障礙;5)降低系統導入成本,利用Internet的特性,企業不一定需要將系統購回,可以藉由網路,到供應鏈應用系統提供者,使用系統。 / Supply chain management (SCM) is the integration of business processes from end consumeis through original suppliers that provides product, services and infoimation. By this definition, we know that SCM is a series of management processes across firms forming a supply chain network. Cooper et al. [1] stated that those processes are customer relationship management, customer service management, demand management, order fulfillment, manufacturing flows management, procurement, product development and commercialization. In this paper, we propose an architecture and an object-oriented (00) model of SCM systems. This architecture contains three main components. The first one is "System Portal" , which is an interface between users and the system objects. The second one named "Object Repository" , which is used to store objects of the SCM system, makes the development, management and usage of these objects easier. The third one is "Database" , which is a universal database to store all data of the SCM system. Then, an 00 Model is developed based on this proposed architecture. This 00 model is graphically depicted using Unified Modeling Language (UML). We believe that the proposed architecture and 00 model in this paper can be used as a reference architecture and a reference model to help system developers to easily build their-owned SCM systems.


杜宗輝, Tu,Tsung Huei Unknown Date (has links)
我國壽險產業在產品、獲利、通路、法令及未來發展方向等各方面的改變,造成各壽險公司必須在經營策略上有所改變。而基於資訊系統對企業影響演進的歷程與策略協同模式的觀點,當代企業,資訊技術已扮演著舉足輕重的角色,從降低成本與提升效率到企業再造與典範移轉。雖然資訊系統是協助組織面對環境改變與企業經營的基礎,也是在知識經濟下以知識為基礎的新產品與服務的基石,但是若企業的策略無法與IT的策略緊密的結合,資訊技術就無法發揮其應有的功效。 老舊系統在面對包括驟變的產業模式、驟變的商業模式、新興的資訊技術與新的資訊技術架構等多面向的衝擊,實在無法協助企業,達到敏捷性企業的境界,因此必需要考慮資訊系統的轉換。然而,老舊系統的轉換卻又是費時、耗錢且冗長的工作,同時,很多企業的系統轉換,並不是一次完成,而是靠一連串的系統改善或再造專案來完成,就更容易造成前後不一致的狀況,而無法達成預期的目標,因此,在進行資訊系統轉換之時,必須要擬定老舊系統轉換策略,才能夠整合各自獨立的專案,朝向一致的目標邁進。 / Life insurance industry of our country is in the changes of various fields such as products, profits, distribution channels, regulations and future thrusts. Lots of insurance companies have to change their strategy. As we knew information technology has been playing very important roles, for example, IT can provide critical revenue opportunities and cost savings during tough times and IT has become both an enabling element and driving force within this rapidly shifting industry, but base on the theory of business IT alignment, if IT strategy could not align with business strategy then it could not work as efficiency as we expected. The need for agility is commonplace across every industry. Could the legacy systems support this kind of change? Unfortunately, most legacy systems prevent businesses from being more adaptable to change. The only way is transforming legacy architectures into reliable, adaptable assets that contribute to ability of an enterprise to respond to continuous, fast-paces change. But transforming the legacy system is time-consuming, expensive and tediously long work, we have to set up legacy systems transformation strategy to ensue successful.

使用ActiveX元件來改善暨有視窗主從企業資訊系統的可部署性 / Improving the Deployability of Existing Windows-Based Client/Server Business Information Systems Using ActiveX Components

程裕繁, Cheng,Bill Yu-Fan Unknown Date (has links)
小型化革命已經造成了企業資訊系統的典範轉移,不久之前以大型主機為基礎的集中架構仍然是企業之重要資訊系統的唯一選擇,時至今日為數眾多的重要企業資訊系統採用了以個人運算裝置為基礎的主從架構。另外一方面,視窗主從企業資訊系統是目前最常見的主從架構企業資訊系統類型,此類企業資訊系統必需將每一支客戶端程式都安裝到每一位使用者的電腦上,這種客戶端程式的人工部署作業一直是資訊管理從業人員的沈重負擔,亦是資訊管理產學界持續戮力解決的重要研究課題。其實ActiveX元件技術的妥善應用將可以有效解決這個部署問題,並且這種解決方案將遠比其它解決方案更具成本效益。研究以此發現為基礎,目的在於克服ActiveX元件技術在企業資訊系統應用上一直無法解決的三項缺點:能力強大所衍生的不安全、技術龐雜所衍生的學習與使用困難,以及元件體積龐大所衍生的網路應用瓶頸,並提出一個以ActiveX元件為基礎的解決方案來自動化暨有之視窗主從企業資訊系統的客戶端程式部署作業。報告的重點內容有四:(一)ActiveX元件技術的缺點克服之道;(二) 所提解決方案的第一個部份,也就是下載架構,採用下載架構開發的企業資訊系統將具備自動化部署客戶端程式的特性;(三)所提解決方案的第二個部份,也就是架構轉換程序,藉由這個程序的指引,暨有的視窗主從企業資訊系統將可以輕鬆轉換成為下載架構,有效解決其客戶端程式的部署問題;(四)兩個研究個案,用來示範下載架構與架構轉換程序的使用,並提供證據來支持下載架構與架構轉換程序的可行性。 / The downsizing revolution has created a deep paradigmatic shift in business information systems (BISs). Not very long ago, large-scale mission-critical BISs were the exclusive province of massive mainframe computers. That is changing rapidly. Today, increasingly large and complex BISs are being built as client/server (C/S) applications. Unfortunately, for the most common C/S BISs, that is, the Windows-based C/S BISs (WinBISs), client programs must be manually deployed to each end-user machine bringing about a heavy BIS maintenance load. ActiveX component technology, if used properly, is more cost-effective than other alternatives in improving the deployment of existing WinBISs. Nevertheless, ActiveX component technology is no magic solution, and thus still has three shortcomings, namely insecurity, complexity, and bulkiness. The purpose of the study presented in this paper is to overcome the shortcomings of ActiveX component technology, and then develop an ActiveX component-based solution to automate the deployment of existing WinBISs. This paper has four main parts: (a) the answers to the shortcomings of ActiveX component technology; (b) the downloadable architecture, which supports the development of automatically-deployed BISs; (c) the architecture transformation process, which transforms existing WinBISs into the downloadable architecture; and (d) two examples of how to use the downloadable architecture and the architecture transformation process. The examples also provide evidence to support the feasibility of such architecture and process.

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