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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

合作式標註工具輔助網路探究式學習在資訊素養教育之成效評估研究 / The Effects of Web-based Inquiry-based Learning with Collaborative Reading Annotation Support on Information Literacy Instruction

陳毓婷, Chen, Yu-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
過去研究指出因為欠缺基礎數位素養,敏銳度不足造成國內學生面對大量網路訊息時,降低了過濾資訊的能力,因此建立起資訊篩選與評估的機制,培養數位閱讀能力與資訊素養,成為近幾年來熱門的議題。本研究以「閱讀知識合作標註學習系統」結合網路探究式學習,發展「合作式標註工具輔助網路探究式學習模式」,期望能創新資訊素養教學,為學生找到有效提升資訊尋求能力的新方法。 研究採用準實驗研究法,以新北市某國小五年級兩班共50名學生為研究對象,進行「網路資訊評估與判斷」的主題合作探究學習,其中一班25名學生被隨機分派到採用「合作式標註工具輔助網路探究式學習模式」為實驗組,另一班25名學生被隨機分派到採用「討論版工具輔助網路探究式學習模式」為控制組,以先備知識及認知風格作為背景變項,探討兩種不同學習模式的學生在學習成效、認知負荷、科技接受度與學習滿意度的影響與差異。 研究結果發現,相較於「討論版工具輔助網路探究式學習模式」,採用「合作式標註工具輔助網路探究式學習模式」對於中、低先備知識者以及場地獨立型風格學生的學習成效有很大助益;不論是採用哪一種學習模式的學習者在學習中,並不會產生過大的認知負荷;而在評估科技接受度以及學習滿意度上,低先備知識的學生認為採用「合作式標註工具」比採用「討論版工具」輔助網路探究式學習的幫助更大,同時在學習滿意度也更為顯著。 最後基於研究結果,提出發揮工具的優勢發展系列推廣課程,以及延伸應用批判性思考學習對教師進行教學的建議,以及未來可深入長時間發展、探究式學習的互動歷程行為、學習遷移等相關探討與研究,希望能作為資訊素養教育推廣下,研究領域探討議題的新方向。 / The past studies have suggested that the lack of basic digital literacy and acuteness has reduced Taiwanese students’ ability to filter information when facing a vast amount of Internet information. As a result, establishing a mechanism for selecting and assessing information, as well as cultivating digital reading ability and information literacy have been the hot topics in recent years. By combing the Reading Knowledge Collaborative Annotation Tool (CAT) with the Web-based inquiry-based learning, this study has developed the “Web-based Inquiry-based Learning Model with the Collaborative Annotation Tool,” hoping to innovate the information literacy instruction and find new ways to effectively improve students’ information search capabilities. In this study, a quasi-experimental study method was adopted, and 50 fifth-graders from two classes in a certain elementary school in New Taipei City were selected as the research subjects to conduct the collaborative inquiry-based learning on the theme of “Internet Information Assessment and Judgment.” Among them, 25 students from one class were randomly assigned to the experimental group of adopting the “Web-based Inquiry-based Learning Model with the Collaborative Annotation Tool,” while 25 students from another class were randomly assigned to the control group of adopting the “Web-based Inquiry-based Learning Model with the Discussion Board Tool.” With prior knowledge and cognitive style as background variables, the influences and differences in students’ learning effectiveness, cognitive load, technology acceptance, and learning satisfaction in two different learning models were thoroughly explored. The research results found that compared to the “Web-based Inquiry-based Learning Model with the Discussion Board Tool,” the “Web-based Inquiry-based Learning Model with the Collaborative Annotation Tool” showed much higher benefits in the learning effectiveness for students with middle and low prior knowledge and with field independence. Both of these two models produce would not produce excessive cognitive load on students during the learning process. As for the assessments on technology acceptance and learning satisfaction, students with low prior knowledge considered that the Web-based Inquiry-based Learning Model with the Collaborative Annotation Tool was more helpful for them than the one with the Discussion Board Tool, and they also showed a higher significant level of learning satisfaction. Lastly, based on the research results, this study suggests that the advantages of the tool can be used to further develop a series of promotion courses, and the use of critical thinking learning can be extended to the teaching for teachers. Also, this study suggests that the long-term in-depth explorations of the interactive course behavior of inquiry-based learning, transfer of learning, and other relevant studies can be conducted in the future, hoping to provide as new directions of topics for the research field when promoting information literacy instruction.

我國偏遠鄉鎮數位落差之跨年度比較分析 / Longitudiual Analysis of Digital Divide in Taiwan’s Rural Areas

林绣雯, Lin, Hsiu Wen Unknown Date (has links)
自2005年起政府投入經費執行「創造偏鄉數位機會推動計畫」,由教育部協調統合各部會資源,共同推動縮減城鄉數位落差,於台灣地區300偏遠鄉鎮設立168個數位機會中心(Digital Opportunity Center, DOC),協助民眾增進資訊應用能力,以期有效縮減城鄉間的數位落差。政府投入大量資源,建構良好的軟硬體設施,提供偏遠地區居民一個好的上網環境,乃為降低偏鄉地區數位落差的不公平現象,提供偏鄉地區民眾在資訊經濟時代能夠有取得資訊的公平機會。 本研究乃透過台閩地區數位落差調查2004年到2006年的數據資料,了解台灣地區各鄉鎮之數位表現在各個面向上是否有提升,更進一步探究,政府偏鄉數位落差政策實施的區域,其數位表現分數之起伏;其次,政府根據2002年之調查界定政策實施的區域,至今數位能力較低之鄉鎮地區是否已有變化?有哪些鄉鎮並未被列入政策實施之重點區域,但卻為數位能力落後之鄉鎮? 本研究所使用的方法為次級資料分析法,資料來源為行政院研究考核委員會於九十三至九十五年,委託學術團體、民間單位進行之三次台閩地區數位落差調查。研究發現,偏鄉地區民眾數位能力低於非偏鄉地區民眾,近年來偏鄉民眾之數位能力雖有進步,但是進步幅度仍小於非偏鄉地區民眾。 在設置數位機會點鄉鎮,其數位表現分數雖低於未設置數位機會點鄉鎮,但設置數位機會點鄉鎮民眾之數位能力確實有進步,且進步幅度大於未設置數位機會點鄉鎮之民眾。數位機會中心點之政策內容,乃為加強民眾在資訊近用上之取得與資訊素養能力之提升,研究發現,民眾網路取得機會增加,但是電腦設備的近用性仍然不足,在資訊素養的提升上是有幫助的,而民眾在工作應用、生活應用與資訊蒐集上之提升,乃政策預期以外之收穫。最後,偏遠程度的確是判斷該地區之數位能力一項重要的依據,然而僅以偏遠程度來判斷該鄉鎮之數位能力,卻是不太精確的,因此在數位落差嚴重鄉鎮之界定上,應以數位落差指標取代地理偏遠指標進行界定,將能夠更精確的界定出數位落差嚴重的鄉鎮,並與數位落差政策作連結。 / In the digital era, computers and networks are important tools to broadcast information among people. People who live in urban areas have deeply felt the convenience that information can rapidly bring about. People in rural areas can not enjoy such benefit since. However, there has been the digital divide due to difficulties to access to resources, inadequacy in computer equipment, non-popularity of network use, and poor ability to use information technology. In order to reduce the gap of digital divide between urban and rural areas, Ministry of Education has implemented the 4-year project for Shortening Digital Divide between Urban and Rural Areas by setting up digital opportunity centers (DOCs). It is estimated that 300 DOCs will be set up in 168 rural areas nation-wide. The Research, Development, and Evaluation Commission (RDEC) conducts the digital divide survey every year since 2001. It aims to evaluate the status of information infrastructure implementation and the results of digital divide reduction. The Digital Performance Score for the individual called Digital Score that was derived from the cross indicator weighting analysis by AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) was helpful in comparing the digital ability among different groups such as people in rural and urban areas. There are three research questions in the thesis. First of all, I use the secondary data, the digital divide survey from 2004 to 2006, to realize the current situation of digital divide in Taiwan. The results reveal that, during 2004-2006 the Digital Score of people in urban is higher than in rural area. People in urban areas made greater progress compared with those in rural area during the three years. People in rural areas still can not catch up with the people in urban. Secondly, to evaluate the performance of DOCs in rural areas, I have chosen 27 rural towns where there are DOCs during 2005. After comparing the towns with DOCs and those without DOCs, the results show that the towns with DOCs have greater improvement for Digital Score. The third research question to assess the categorization of rural areas is appropriate to compartmentalize the Digital Divide areas. A previous study “Strategic Formulation for Public Information Centers in Rural Areas” published in 2002 by the RDEC, has categorized towns in Taiwan into rural and urban areas by geographic and demographics indicators, such as population density and the convenience of traffic. The study uses the secondary data of 2005 to redefine Digital Divide areas by cluster analysis and find that Digital Divide areas are different from rural areas. To categorize digital divide areas, using digital divide indicators is more appropriate than geographic and demographics indicators.

從資訊-動機-行為技能模式探討N世代青年正確用藥行為 / Study of medication-taking behavior in the Net Generation using the information-motivation-behavioral skills model

葉明佳, Yeh, Ming-Chia Unknown Date (has links)
N世代青年族群是開始以網路為主,資訊傳遞翻轉的新興世代,本研究藉由資訊-動機-行為技能模式(簡稱IMB模式)瞭解影響青年族群正確用藥行為的因子,探討青年族群醫藥素養、個人態度、用藥自我效能、行為障礙感知、醫藥傳播資訊暴露程度及正確用藥行為的發展現況,藉此發現喚起病人或家屬對病人安全及醫療風險認知的切入點,並增加警覺及主動積極性行為,與醫藥人員共同合作。為自己的健康狀態把關。 本研究所採用的方法是網路問卷調查,針對1977年到1997年出生的N世代青年族群蒐集資料,共獲得1,198份有效問卷。 本研究發現青年族群整體的用藥行為偏向經常做到,其中實踐程度由高至低依序為堅持正當藥品取得方式、主動告知身體狀況、看清楚用藥標示和主動諮詢專業。青年族群九成九以上有高醫藥素養,有六成以上的受訪者得到滿分。大部分青年族群偏向「同意」有正向的用藥態度;自我效能整體的認同度偏向於「同意」。受訪者對於用藥行為障礙感知程度整體偏向「不同意」有用藥行為障礙。 多數青年從媒體獲得醫藥資訊的頻率偏向「每月1~2次」為主。整體面向暴露由高至低為專業管道、傳統大眾媒體及新興網路。青年族群前三大醫藥資訊暴露管道依序為Facebook、電視、醫護人員,而BBS、大眾運輸工具看板、海報、傳單、宣傳手冊、產品包裝等是接著依序常用的管道。 醫藥素養只對堅持正當藥品取得方式有統計顯著正向預測力。個人態度和自我效能與用藥行為的四項依變項主動告知身體狀況、看清楚用藥標示、堅持正當藥品取得方式和主動諮詢專業,在相關分析及階層複迴歸分析都顯示有統計顯著正向相關。行為障礙感知與用藥行為的四項依變項主動告知身體狀況、看清楚用藥標示、堅持正當藥品取得方式和主動諮詢專業,在相關分析及階層複迴歸分析都顯示有統計顯著負向相關。 傳統大眾媒體與主動告知身體狀況、看清楚用藥標示和主動諮詢專業,在相關分析顯示有統計顯著正向相關,但階層複迴歸分析都未有統計顯著預測力;堅持正當藥品取得方式在相關分析及階層複迴歸分析都是顯著負向相關。新興網路與主動告知身體狀況和主動諮詢專業,在相關分析及階層複迴歸分析顯示都有統計顯著正向相關;新興網路與看清楚用藥標示,在相關分析顯示有統計顯著正向相關,但階層複迴歸分析未有統計顯著預測力;新興網路與堅持正當藥品取得方式在相關分析及階層複迴歸分析都是顯著負向相關。專業管道與主動告知身體狀況、看清楚用藥標示和主動諮詢專業,在相關分析及階層複迴歸分析顯示都有統計顯著正向相關;專業管道與堅持正當藥品取得方式在相關分析是顯著負向相關,但階層複迴歸分析中是無統計顯著預測力。 本研究的主要貢獻是證實藉由IMB模式的各項因子,都能有效預測部分或全部的正確用藥行為,尤其是個人態度、自我效能及行為障礙感知這三面向,並且呼應行為技能是影響行為的重要關鍵。因此往後如果有醫藥行為要推廣或宣傳時,就可以藉助IMB模式的因子為原型、大綱,相信會有更好的效果產生,也希望有人可以做後續相關研究,證實IMB模式的可行性。 / The Net Generation is the first generation to grow up in the digital world. The goal of this study is to understand the medical behavior of the Net Generation using the information-motivation-behavioral skills (IMB) model and the conditions of health literacy, personal attitudes, medical self-efficacy, the perception of behavioral barriers, the level of media exposure and medical behavior. To emphasize patient safety and medical risks, we tried to find the way to improve the awareness and active behavior to cooperate with medical professionals and to maintain self-health. The 1,198 effective samples were collected from people who were born between 1977 and 1999 through a web questionnaire. The study found that the Net Generation usually had correct medication-taking behavior. The frequency of the behavior from high to low was obtaining medicine through official channels, actively telling self-conditions, clearly reading medication labels, and actively consulting medical professionals. Over 99% of the participants had high health literacy and over 60% got full scores. Most of the participants tended to agree that they had positive personal attitudes and self-efficacy but disagreed they had the perception of behavioral barriers. Most of the participants obtained medical information through media once or twice a month. The exposure to media from high to low was professional channels, traditional mass media, and internet. The exposure to media channels in order were: Facebook, television, medical professionals, BBS, public transportation boards, and advertising brochures. Health literacy could only positively predict actively telling self-conditions. Personal attitudes and self-efficacy could positively predict four dependent variables of correct medication-taking behavior including obtaining medicine through official channels, actively telling self-conditions, clearly reading medication labels, and actively consulting medical professionals. And, the perception of behavioral barriers could negatively predict them. There were some statistically positive correlations between traditional mass media and correct medication-taking behavior including actively telling self-conditions, clearly reading medication labels, and actively consulting medical professionals. However, there was no prediction in hierarchical regression. There was a statistically negative correlation in Pearson’s correlation and hierarchical regression between traditional mass media and obtaining medicine through official channels. There were statistically positive correlations in Pearson’s correlation and hierarchical regression between internet and actively telling self-conditions or actively consulting medical professionals. However, there was a statistically negative correlation between internet and obtaining medicine through official channels. There was a statistically positive correlation between the internet and clearly reading medication labels but there was no prediction in hierarchical regression between them. There were statistically positive correlations in Pearson’s correlation and hierarchical regression between professional channels and actively telling self-conditions, clearly reading medication labels, or actively consulting medical professionals. There was a statistically negative correlation between professional channels and obtaining medicine through official channels but there was no correlation in hierarchical regression. The main contribution of this study was to support the argument that the IMB model could predict correct medication-taking behavior, especially when personal attitudes, self-efficacy and the perception of behavioral barriers are looked at. Therefore, behavioral skills were the key to correctly using medication. If someone wants to do medical behavior promotions, then the concept of the IMB model could be very effective.

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