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台灣地區檔案素養評估指標之研究高君琳 Unknown Date (has links)
檔案是歷史與知識的寶庫,倘能積極培育檔案素養,將使得國人具備檔案之基本知識,並進而有效促使國人運用檔案資料。因此,檔案界應儘速訂定出一套符合檔案內涵的檔案素養指標,以作為日後推行檔案教育的基礎,本研究的目的在於 (一) 探討素養以及資訊素養的定義以及內涵,進而探討檔案素養的定義與內涵。(二) 探討各種不同學門素養的定義以及資訊素養的評估指標,制定出一套評估檔案素養的指標。(三) 透過本研究之分析,期能進一步提供台灣地區培育檔案素養之參考建議,以促進社會大眾對檔案專業的瞭解。
就上述研究結果,提出五項建議:(一) 儘速訂定我國檔案素養評估標準;(二) 加強檔案管理人員之檔案素養培訓,可針對本研究之三個面向,十七項能力指標;(三) 編訂檔案素養教育相關之課程教材,建議開設檔案素養相關課程,針對不同的年齡層及學科背景,將檔案教育融入學生課程中;(四) 積極推行檔案素養,辦理與檔案素養相關之推廣活動,以收檔案素養普及化之成效;(五) 評估檔案素養推行之成效,推行檔案素養三至五年後,依據檔案素養評估標準來評估整體的執行成效,以判斷是否達到提昇國人檔案素養的效果,同時可作為日後修訂檔案素養評估標準之重要參考依據。 / Archives is the treasure of history and knowledge. If we can actively cultivate the archival literacy, we will make people have the basic knowledge of archives and make them use archives efficiently. Therefore, the archival sector should build up the indicators of the archival literacy as soon as possible. It will be the foundation of the archival education in the future. The study aims to (1) research the definition and connotation of the archival literacy according to which of the literacy and information literacy; (2) build the indicators of the archival literacy according to the definition of the different professional areas’ literacy and the indicators of the information literacy; (3) through the analysis of this study, we hope we can provide the suggestions and references for cultivating the archival literacy in Taiwan, and promoting the professional archives to the public.
This thesis explored the indicators of the archival literacy based on Delphi methodology. The Delphi panel collaborated with two groups of experts, archival academic experts and the professional archivists. The indicators of the archival literacy was carried out three faces, and seventeen indicators. The three faces include the acknowledgement of the characteristic of archives, archival utilization ability, and archival access ability. The study was ended when all participants’ opinions had reached consensus or stability after two rounds of questionnaire survey.
From the results of the study, we made five recommendations: (1)It is necessary to build up the standards of the archival literacy in Taiwan;(2) We should strengthen archival literacy training to the archivists, according to the three faces and seventeen indicators;(3)We should add the archival literacy’s educational curriculum materials into the students’ courses for different age and disciplines background;(4) We should actively promote the archival literacy. In order to promote the archival literacy, we can hold the archives related promotional activities ;(5) and we will evaluate the effectiveness of promoting the archival literacy after three to five years, it will be very significant references to revise the indicators of archival literacy in the future.
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傳播學門大學生資訊素養能力的研究 / A Study of Information Literacy Competencies for Undergraduate Students in Communication柯雲娥 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要是探討傳播學門大學生資訊素養能力,採疊慧法進行研究,由傳播學門專家、圖書資訊學門專家及大學圖書館館員共同參與,將資訊素養能力分成:資訊需求認知能力、資訊取用能力、資訊評估能力、資訊利用能力、資訊倫理能力等五大面向,透過三回合的問卷反覆調查,當所有參與者的意見達到一致性與穩定性,則視為研究結束。研究結果:界定了傳播學門的資訊素養意涵、建構了81項傳播學門大學生資訊素養能力指標、瞭解美國「高等教育資訊素養能力標準」於國內的適用情形、及獲得傳播學門特色的資訊素養能力。最後建議應訂定我國的資訊素養能力標準、強化傳播學門的課程設計、提供圖書館利用教育之參考、及研擬資訊素養教育相關之課程教材。 / The development of information and communication technology had brought forth human being’s information society from industrial society to post-industrial society. In the information society, the information has already become the part of the necessities of everyday life especially after the blooming of the world wide web. WWW, like an information ocean, provides a rich, easy, and various information. People are not only enjoying the benefits of information utilization from it, but also feel the stress from the massing information. It has already become a life pattern that people keep on learning new knowledge in order to prevent elimination from the modern information society. The major difference between information and knowledge is that information is sort of formulated materials, whereas knowledge is integrated to individual knowledge base after personal recognizing. For people in the modern knowledge economical century, it seems extremely important to get competency of transfer information to knowledge.
For Communication field, it has changed the communication media type and communication theory due to the applications of computer mediated communication and internet utilization; furthermore, has influenced the entire communication education. The research paradigm has shifted from the declarative knowledge to procedural and context knowledge, which has provided the problem oriented knowledge and the information handling knowledge. Student needs to equip with environment analysis and problem tracing capabilities. It is called “information literacy” which is a set of abilities to recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information. Hence, being a communication undergraduate student in the modern society, what should owns the competencies of information literacy in order to meet the requirements of the workplace and to bridge the gap of digital divide between human beings.
This thesis explored the information literacy competencies for undergraduate students in communication applying by Delphi methodology. The Delphi panel collaborated with several communication experts, library information experts and academic librarians. Information literacy competency was carried out the following five facets: information needs recognition, information access ability, information evaluation capability, information utilization ability, and information ethics ability. The study was ended when all participants’ opinions had reach consensus or stability after three rounds of questionnaire survey.
Results from experts’ consensus included that: (1) recognized the definition of information literacy in communication, (2) constructed the 81 items of information literacy indicators for the communication, (3) understood the application status for ACRL Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education in Taiwan and (4) acquired the features of information literacy competency of the communication. Finally, it was suggested to build up the local information literacy competency standards, to reinforce the communication curriculum design, to provide the guidance for the library instruction program, and to plan forward the information literacy educational curriculum resource materials.
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公務人員資訊素養與網路學習意願關係之研究:以臺北市區公所為例 / The Relationship between Information Literacy and Web-based Learning Willingness of Civil Servants:A Case Study of the District Office of the Taipei City郭淑華, Kuo, Shu-Hua Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討臺北市區公所公務人員資訊素養(information literacy)與網路學習意願(Web-based learning willingness)的現況及關係,將資訊素養分為認知資訊、取得資訊、評估資訊、利用資訊、資訊倫理等五個構面,網路學習意願分為課程內容、獎勵措施、學習社群等三個構面,設計本研究調查問卷,經由專家審查與進行預測,以信度和效度考驗修正後(資訊素養由五個構面修正為六個構面,增加「資訊價值」構面),再對臺北市的12行政區公所員工,採分層比例隨機抽樣方式進行問卷調查,共發出563份問卷,有效問卷510份。
本研究以描述性統計分析(Descriptive Statistics Analysis)、t檢定(t-Test)、單因子變異數分析(One Way ANOVA)、及Person積差相關係數(Pearson Product Moment Correlation)等統計方法進行分析,歸納結論如次:
關鍵字:資訊素養、網路學習意願 / This study investigates the information literacy and web-based learning willingness of officials in Taipei City District Offices. The information literacy includes abilities to realize information, to obtain information, to evaluate information, to make use of information, and to follow information ethics. The web-based learning willingness is divided into three dimensions: course content, reward system, and learning community.
The questionnaire that the research adopts is reviewed and predicted by experts and revised based on reliability and validity tests (adding “information value” to information literacy). The research objects are officials in 12 District Offices of Taipei City. Total amount of 563 questionnaires are distributed using stratified random sampling method, and 510 of them are valid research data.
The research data are analyzed by Descriptive Statistics Analysis, t-test, One Way ANOVA, and Pearson Product Moment Correlation. The major conclusions are as follows:
I.The cognitive degree of Taipei City District officials’ information literacy as a whole is 80.19%. The mean is 4.01. Among all the facets, information value gets the highest score. Other abilities, from high to low, are: information ethics, obtaining information, making use of information, realizing information, and evaluating information.
II.The conceptual degree of Taipei City District officials’ web-based learning willingness is 76.19%. The mean is 3.81. Course content scores the highest followed by reward system and learning community.
III.The differences in information literacy between different background variables:
1.Variables such as sex, age, education degree, position, nature of job, and rank of position are not significantly different in terms of information literacy.
2.Officials with different years in service are significantly different in abilities to obtain information, evaluate information, and follow information ethics.
3.Officials with different computer-using experience are significantly different in abilities to obtain information and to make use of information.
4.Officials with or without on-line learning experience are significantly different in terms of information value, obtaining information, making use of information and following information ethics.
IV.The differences in web-based learning willingness between different background variables:
1.Variables such as sex, education degree, position, nature of job, rank of position, computer-using experience and on-line learning experience are not significantly different in web-based learning willingness.
2.Official of different ages are significantly different in dimensions of web-based learning willingness such as reward system and learning community.
3.Official with different years in service are significantly different in terms of reward system.
V.The information literacy and web-based learning willingness are positive correlated with medium degree.
Finally, according to the research results, the researcher provides suggestions for the government, officials, and future studies in order to improve the information literacy and web-based learning willingness of government officials.
Keyword:information literacy,web-based learning willingness
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國立大專院校人事人員網路素養能力之研究楊靜芬 Unknown Date (has links)
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大學校院資訊素養通識課程規劃研究 / A study of designing information literacy courses for university general education張如瑩, Chang, Ju Ying Unknown Date (has links)
由研究結果歸納建議,大學校院資訊素養通識課程在開設方面,應由通識教育中心主動規劃,且可與圖書館共同合作發展課程,將其納入整個教學人力和資源;在課程規劃方面,教師可以「圖書館和資訊素養」為課程名稱,並依《高等教育資訊素養能力標準》為目標彈性設計課程、開發問題導向式學習教材、善用數位學習教材輔助教學,並以數位學習認證規範開發課程與教材;在評量方面可透過學習歷程檔案來評量學生學習成果。最後,應建立資訊素養教材資源交流的平台,互相分享資訊素養課程教材,做為推動資訊素養教育之管道。 / In recent years, information literacy education has gained more and more attention in higher education. Some universities offer courses about information literacy in general education program. With the spirit of general education, these information literacy courses enable students to solve problems independently, as well as communicate and cooperate with others efficiently. However, currently, each university adopts different course names for information literacy courses and each teacher teaches in different ways. Since the aims of these courses are to build up information literacy ability of students, a consensus on the course content and developing suitable teaching methods will help teachers in designing information literacy courses and effectively improve students’ information literacy skills.
The purpose of this study is to explore the current situation of information literacy courses and to understand teachers’ perspectives on course design, and further make suggestions on information literacy courses planning. This study analyzed the information literacy course contents in general education program of 2008 School Year in Taiwan, and investigated teachers’ teaching model and assessment methods through questionnaires and interviews.
Findings show that the numbers of information literacy courses have been increased than that in last year and information literacy course has gotten more attention in universities. The names of information literacy courses are diverse. The contents of information literacy courses mostly focus on information searching, but also emphasize on building background knowledge, evaluating information sources, organizing and presenting information, and recognizing issues of information ethics and information laws. The instructional patterns of information literacy courses have been moved toward e-learning style. Teachers use various activities and materials to design courses, and evaluate students’ learning performance in terms of knowledge, skills and attitudes.
Based on the results, this study suggests that: (1) General education center should offer information literacy courses initiatively. (2) Teachers could cooperate with the library to develop information literacy courses. (3) Use “Library and Information Literacy” as the course name. (4) Designing courses flexibly based on the “Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education”. (5) Developing problem-based learning materials. (6) Use e-learning materials to support teaching. (7) Developing courses and teaching materials in accordance with the e-Learning Quality Certification. (8) Use portfolio to assess students’ learning performance. (9) Establishing an information exchange platform to share the resources of information literacy.
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兒童網路使用與網路媒體素養之研究-以台北縣市國小高年級學童為例許怡安, Hsu, I-An Unknown Date (has links)
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大學檔案素養通識課程規劃之研究 / A Study of Planning Archival Literacy Courses for University General Education陳在眉, Chen, Tsai Mei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究建議後續檔案素養通識課程,可彈性結合本研究歸納出之檔案素養通識課程主題綱要,建立符合教師需求之課程綱要;也可與資訊素養、文史相關通識或圖書館利用教育結合;在課程內容方面,課程設計將理論與實務相結合,使課程內容多元延伸。 / Archival literacy means that someone has the basic knowledge of archives, realizes his needs of archives, and has the abilities of searching, analyzing, choosing, evaluating, using and broadcasting archival resources. However, the concept of archival public access is not as well-known as borrowing books in the library, which means that the concept of archival literacy is less popular than library instruction. To improve the notability of archival literacy, we can follow the example of library instruction to promote archives instruction, or follow the development of general education in Taiwan to offer the archival literacy courses, which can cultivate the ability of archival literacy of college students.
The purpose of this study is to explore the educational philosophy and the necessity of archival literacy and information literacy at home and abroad, and to realize the opinions and expectations of the plan of archival literacy courses from college students and teachers. Furthermore, to offer a much more complete syllabus of archival literacy courses and to make some suggestions of follow-up development.
The study explores the syllabuses of information literacy and archival literacy courses at home and abroad, and integrates the contents of these courses to analyze and sum up some principles that should take into consideration while planning archival literacy courses. According to these principles, we’ll make a list of subjects and units as for the plan of archival literacy courses. The study also explores individual views and considerations by in-depth interviewing college students who had taken a course about archival literacy and teachers that are studying in the field of archives, had been working at the archives, or had lots of experience of archival accessing. From the result we adjust the syllabus to a more flexible module includes five subjects and 22 plain units. The five subjects are: (1) the knowledge of archives, (2) the practical work of archives, (3) archives retrieval, (4) archives access (5) ethic of archives. Teachers could choose any topics or units that exactly meet their demands to combine with their syllabuses.
The study suggests that the archival literacy courses follow-up could choose some subjects or units from the syllabus that the study sorted out to make their syllabuses meet their demands; the archival literacy courses could be combined with historical course or library instruction. Finally, for the content of the curriculums, it should combine theory with practical works. Choose more units like visiting archives or accessing archives could excite the students’ interest and improve their wills to get into the class.
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大學生對科學新聞報導之理解與詮釋 / A study of undergraduates' understanding and interpretation of science news王怡琄 Unknown Date (has links)
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尼加拉瓜的財務素養 / Financial Literacy in Nicaragua米愛蓮, Elaine Miranda Unknown Date (has links)
Financial literacy is the ability to understand how money works, it refers to the set of skills and knowledge that allows an individual to make informed and effective decisions with all of their financial resources. Raising financial literacy levels is a major concern around the world, because it affects how people save, spend, and invest, as well as their ability to create and grow income.
However, Nicaragua is far behind. I started working under the assumption that financial literacy levels in Nicaragua were very low, because of a series of factors. Among them, the macro and micro economic conditions –including poverty level and education-, the unawareness from the government of the importance of financial literacy in people’s lives, the lack of financial advisors nationwide, etc.
To prove my theory, I decided to do a 25 question, online survey in Nicaragua. During a one week period, 343 people from all age ranges answered it and provided me with insights that allowed me to analyze their financial health, as well as their relationship with money. The three main objectives I was looking to accomplish with the survey were: to determine the current situation of financial literacy in Nicaragua, to evaluate the market’s needs regarding personal finance, and to assess the potential market for a personal finance in advisor.
After reviewing the particular socio-economic conditions of the country, I guide you through the questionnaire Nicaraguans had to answer, and provide results and analysis based on them. The lack of financial culture in the country is evident from the beginning till the end of the questionnaire, but the results offer a starting point to increase financial literacy levels.
Some of the main conclusions delivered by this analysis are that people tend to overestimate their financial knowledge and rate their performance and actions better than they actually are, and that most of them are eager to learn about personal finance and lead a healthier financial life.
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公職選舉之競選造勢活動與參與意願之關聯研究 / A Study of the Association between Election Campaigns and Attending Willingness.林金結 Unknown Date (has links)
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