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醫師對圖書館線上參考服務需求之探討-以長庚紀念醫院圖書館為例 / The Physicians' Needs of Online Reference Services-- A Case Study of Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Library蔡寶卿, Tsai, Bao-Ching Unknown Date (has links)
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媒體素養教育融入九年一貫社會學習領域--第四階段能力指標與課程發展雛議白佳麒, Pai, Chia-Chi Unknown Date (has links)
經初步建立能力指標發展雛議後,依課程設計步驟將指標所欲達到之能力要求與媒體素養學習目標轉換為可行之教案範例,並經專家、學者評鑑後,修正教學目標、教學活動設計、與學習單建議等,最後完成十四個教案範例,教學內涵以教育部公告之媒體素養白皮書的五大核心為基礎,並結合各教科書社會領域之課程,在七到九年級的學習階段中,各年級均有二至三個教學主題,並配合公共電視所製作的教學媒體資源進行教學,希冀以此作為媒體教育現場教師教學應用之參考。 / The development of media literacy has been a focus of governments around the world in recent years. Since the goal of media literacy is to enlighten the students on sense of media and ability of critical thinking, there is no fixed material and teaching pattern for that. In the past, on-site teachers were stuck with the realization of media education. With the revolution of Grade 1-9 Curriculum system and teaching methods, it provides more opportunities and spaces for media literacy. The goal of this research is to integrate the media literacy into the competence indicators and sample teaching plan of Grade 7-9 of curriculum on social studies learning areas, in order to shorten the distance between theoretic statement and action of teaching and bridge the theory and practice.
The design of this research is based on the curriculum development. First of all, we investigate the current situation of media literacy on competence indicators in social studies learning areas in Great Britain, Canada, Australia, and U.S. by literature review and fact exploration. The development plan and advices on the integration of media literacy into competence indicators and learning intension in social studies learning areas are proposed based on comparison of different country’s situation, development requirements and current teaching materials of our country, related theories, and current social and education conditions of our country.
After the initial establishment of competence indicators, we try to convert the ability requirement and learning goal of media literacy appointed by the indicator into viable sample teaching plans according to the curriculum deign procedures. After the assessment by specialists and scholars, the teaching goal, schedule, and suggestions will be modified and 14 sample-teaching plans will be formed. The teaching intensions include the five core concept listed in the Literacy Education White Book published by the Department of Education in 2002. 2-3 teaching themes are set for the teaching of Grade 7-9, combining with curriculums of different textbooks. The teaching is implemented together with the public TV teaching programs. Hope our research is helpful for the on-site teacher of media education.
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國小二年級閱讀教學活動成效評估之研究:以桃園縣為例 / Study on reading teaching activities assessment in the second grade of elementary schools:Taoyuan County case study曾湘怡 Unknown Date (has links)
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資訊素養在資訊科技概論課程實施成效之研究-以台中市某高中為例 / Effectiveness of the information literacy in information technology course - a case study of Taichung one high school黃宥喆, Huang, Yu Che Unknown Date (has links)
本研究提出之建議包括:(一)建置教師教學平台專區於學校網站;(二)建構友善的學校網路環境;(三)提升教師資訊應用能力。 / This study aimed to explore by multimedia teaching at Information Technology course, the influence effectiveness of their information literacy the ability, Taichung City a high school sophomore.
Explore the high schools more than decade to implement information literacy courses the current situation of students information literacy ability, students' personal background and information literacy of the relationship between differences in the use of multimedia teaching students information literacy, as well as the analysis of the effectiveness of the students experienced the course.
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網路式指導在我國大學圖書館利用教育的應用研究 / A study of web-based instruction in the academic library user education in Taiwan方立果, Fang, Li-Guo Unknown Date (has links)
在網路時代,大學圖書館必須找尋適當的方式以提昇讀者的資訊素養。「網路式指導」(Web-based instruction, 簡稱WBI)是運用全球資訊網超媒體與多媒體的特質,創造有意義的學習環境,用以增進或輔助學習的教學系統,目的在於培養學習者自動學習的習慣。網路式指導是大學圖書館未來的趨勢,越來越多的大學圖書館將網路式指導應用在研究技巧與資訊素養的培育上。
最後建議:一、圖書館應思考其利用教育的基本面,選擇最有效率的的指導方式以增進讀者的資訊素養;二、大學圖書館應積極與校內技術、教學與行政單位合作,推廣資訊素養教育;三、研究並提升圖書館利用教育網路式指導的設計與規劃技巧;四、採用國外資訊素養能力指標與實施方案,充實圖書館利用教育網路式指導的教學內容;五、圖書館應致力於網路式指導的發展;六、館際合作共同發展圖書館利用教育網路教學課程。 / In the information age, academic libraries have to find the most effective ways to cultivate users’ information literacy. The web-based instruction (WBI) is a hypermedia-based instructional program which utilizes the attributes and resources of the World Wide Web to create a meaningful learning environment where learning is fostered and supported. WBI in the academic libraries has become the trend of future. More and more academic libraries use WBI to teach research skills and information literacy.
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the application of WBI in the academic library user education in Taiwan. The research was conducted by literature review, web site content survey, web-based questionnaire and semi-structured interview. First of all, the analyses of the literature were reviewed. Second, the web sites of 143 academic libraries were investigated. Third, web-based questionnaire had been applied to determine the users’ experience of WBI. Fourth, semi-structured interview was conducted to understand the management experience of participants. Finally an experimental platform of WBI was constructed for the demonstration of WBI.
The findings of this thesis are as follows: (1) The present use of WBI is limited to text online, digitalized learning materials that fit the Internet characteristics were lacked; (2) There is few well-designed WBI in library user education; (3) The difficulties involved with WBI are more of long term maintenance than technical problem. (4) The content is more important than multimedia.
The suggestions include: (1) Rethinking the fundamental issue of library user education, choosing the most effective way to improve users’ information literacy; (2) The academic libraries must corporate with other technical, administrative, and academic departments on campus to promote information literacy education; (3) Research and improve the skills of designing and planning of WBI in library user education; (4) Adopt the international information literacy standards and projects, to strengthen the implementation of WBI in the library user education; (5) Academic libraries must make efforts on the development of WBI, (6) Cooperating with other academic libraries to develop WBI in library user education.
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國民中小學學生電腦態度.電腦素養及其相關因素之研究 / A Study of Attitude and Literacy Toward Computer and Relationships about Junior Secondary and Primary School Students蔣姿儀, Chiang, Tzu-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
一. 國民中小學學生電腦經驗.電腦資源.電腦態度與電腦素養現況方面
1. 國中與國小學生之電腦經驗有顯著的差異存在.
2. 國中與國小學生之電腦資源部份有顯著的差異.
3. 國中與國小男女學生之電腦經驗部份有顯著的差異存在.
4. 國中與國小男女學生之電腦資源部份有顯著的差異存在.
5. 國中學生與國小學生在電腦焦慮與電腦有用性兩電腦態度上有顯著差異.
6. 國民中小學男學生之電腦態度(焦慮與自信)顯著較女生好.
7. 國中學生之電腦素養(軟硬體.應用與影響.操作.倫理)顯著較國中學生佳.
8. 國民中小學男學生之電腦素養(軟硬體.應用與影響.操作)顯著較女生佳.
二. 影響國中小學生電腦態度方面
1. 電腦經驗與國中小學生之電腦態度有顯著之正相關.
2. 電腦資源與國中小學生之電腦態度有顯著之正相關.
4. 數學焦慮與國中小學生之電腦態度有顯著之相關.
5. 數學成就與國中小學生之電腦態度有顯著之正相關.
6. 認知需求.每星期使用電腦的時間.每星期閱讀電腦書籍及雜誌的.家中電腦週邊設備的情形.自己或與他人共同使用電腦以及是否有電腦學前經驗等六個變項對國中小學生之電腦態度有顯著的預測效果,預測解釋力為32%.
三. 影響國中小學生電腦素養方面
1. 電腦經驗與國中小學生之電腦素養有顯著之正相關.
2. 電腦資源與國中小學生之電腦素養有顯著之正相關.
3. 認知需求與國中小學生之電腦素養有顯著之正相關.
4. 數學焦慮與國中小學生之電腦素養有顯著之相關.
5. 數學成就與國中小學生之電腦素養有顯著之正相關.
6. 每星期閱讀電腦書籍及雜誌的時間.家中電腦週邊設備的情形.自己或與他人共同使用電腦.電腦焦慮.電腦自信以及電腦喜歡等六個變項對國中小學生之電腦素養有顯著的預測效果,預測解釋力約為52%.四.整合模式分析方面1. 國中學生之電腦經驗與電腦資源對其電腦素養之影響,主要是來自直接效果的影響(經驗:57.32%;資源:73.31%), 而認知需求對電腦素養之影響主要是透過電腦態度間接效果的影響(89.06%).2. 電腦經驗與電腦資源對國小學生電腦素養之影響, 來自間接效果的影響約佔(經驗: 67.55%;資源:52.32%),認知需求對國小電腦素養的影響主要是透過電腦態度的間接效果,佔61.29%.
With the expansion of computer technology, it is important
to prepare individuals for success in our increasingly
computerized society. Therefore,factors that impact decisions
regarding attitude and literacy of computer should be expored.
Several factors should be considered: (1) individual
characteristics, (2) computer experience, (3) computer resource,
(4) cognitiveneed, (5) mathematics anxiety, and (6) mathematics
achievement. The purposes of this study were : (1) To find
out the situation of information education in junior
secondaryand primary school at present; (2) To find out the
situation of the computer attitude and literacy in junior
secondary and primary school students at present; (3) To
examine the relationship and effects toward computer attitudes
and literacy of many factors. 1251 junior secondary and 1201
primary school students were measured by (1)individual
characteristics and computer experience questionnare, (2)
Cognitive Need Scale , (3) Mathematics Anxiety Scale , (4)
Computer Attitude Scale, and(5) Computer Literacy Test. The
mainly statistical methods are chi-square, pearson product
moment correlation, t-test, canonical correlation analysis,
multiple(stepwise) regression analysis and path analysis.
The results of the analysis of data indicated the following :
(1) There were significant sex and school level differences of
attitude and literacy toward computer. Boys were better than
girls. Primary school students were better than junior secondary
school; (2) There were significant correlations between computer
experience, computer resource, cognitive need, mathematics
anxiety, mathematics achievement, and computer attitude; (3)
There were significant correlations between computer
experience, computer resource, cognitive need, mathematics
anxiety, mathematics achievement, and computer literacy; (4)
Computer experience, computer resourse, cognitive need and
computer attitude were significant predictors for computer
literacy. Computer attitude was the best significant predictor.
Recommendations were made for information education , school ,
family,educational organization and future additional research ,
to improve the attitude and literacy toward computer of junior
secondary and primary school students.
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鄉民全都「讚」出來:初探反國光石化運動的青年網路實踐 / Everybody "Like": Exploring internet practices in youth in Anti Guo-Kuang Petroleum Plant social movement盧沛樺 Unknown Date (has links)
評估探究網路社運的研究結果紛雜,與其說結果歧出,不如重新檢視用以分析的路徑。我認為著眼於技術形式的分析路徑可能有所不足,因此,本研究切換視角,自科技與社會研究中汲取養分,從使用中科技(technology in-use)的角度切入,藉機勾勒數位科技在善於把玩者手中所形成的各色風貌,及其打造有別於傳統社運的抗爭戲碼。文中便整理多樣數位科技在社會運動中快或慢地跳脫原先功能與使用方式的情形,突顯全青盟成員是以長期的網路使用經驗為基礎,才能深具創意地將特定科技依運動階段轉換角色,或是有技巧地應運動階段帶進不同的科技,並在多元的科技間加以協調、組合,或是勝任翻譯者的角色,在運動的聲援者與網路使用者之間快速轉換,將嚴肅的運動資訊應數位平台的特色與文化裁剪為引人共鳴的文本。簡言之,用於加強社交的強勢腳本已在愛用且善用的使用者手中退位,數位科技重新以社會運動科技的姿態登場。事實上,這正反映網路世代對社會運動的想像與行動已難排除長期耽溺的網路經驗,於是,無論是社會對話、群眾串聯、組織形式均深受數位參與文化的潛移默化,開創有別於傳統的社運圖像。 / The findings of cyber activism research that focus on technical forms are diverse and confusing. Thus, I believe it is better to reexamine the way of analysis. The article uses the perspective of technology in-use which draws from Society, Technology, and Science (STS) approach to trace the dynamic of young activists using digital technologies in social movement, as well as the characteristics of contemporary internet-embedded social movements beyond traditional ones. The study shows that digital technologies have departed from original scripts in different degrees. Based on the long-term experiences of using internet, members of National Youth Alliance Against KuoKuang Petrochemical Project creatively changed roles of technologies and tactically composed multiple technologies according to the stages of movement. Moreover, they successfully reedited the campaigns which widely disseminated in digital environment based on their capacity for switching identities between activists and internet users. In short, digital technologies were originally used to strengthen human relations. The skilled users/activists of digital technologies have, however, utilized these technologies to promote social movements. In fact, as mentioned above, it also reveals that the imagination and actions of social movements by net generation cannot exclude their long-term experiences of internet use. Therefore, regardless of social dialogue, mobilization and organization structure which are critical elements of social movement, they all have been deeply influenced by digital participatory culture.
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國民小學學生網路使用行為與網路閱讀素養之關係 / The Relationships between Internet Usage Behavior and Internet Reading Literacy of Elementary School Students張爰珏, Chang, Yuan Chueh Unknown Date (has links)
研究工具採用「網路使用行為問卷」、「網路閱讀素養問卷」,並以t 檢定、Pearson積差相關、迴歸分析等方法進行研究資料分析,最後以結構方程式模型建立網路使用行為與網路閱讀素養模型,研究結果如下:
最後,根據研究結果提出各項建議,以供教學實務上及未來參考。 / This research aims to reveal the relationship between internet usage behavior and internet reading literacy of elementary school students.
This study used a questionnaire survey method to collect data. The subjects were collected from the elementary school students in 2011 by the stratified random sampling. The total valid samples were 1182. The research instruments used in this study included "Internet Usage Behavior Questionnaire", and "Internet Reading literacy Questionnaire ". Meanwhile, the collected data were analyzed by descriptive statistic, the t-test and Pearson correlation and regression analysis. Lastly, data were analyzed with Internet Usage Behavior and Internet Reading Literacy by structural equation modeling. The main findings were as follows:
1.There existed gender differences on information browsing and search activities and online game.
2.There existed no gender differences on internet reading literacy.
3.There existed grade differences on information browsing and search activities, community activities, and no grade differences on online game.
4.There existed grade differences on internet reading literacy with girls performed better than boys.
5.Structural equation modeling (SEM) showed that information browsing and search activities and online game activities had a remarkable influence on the internet reading literacy of elementary school students.
6.The study had found that information browsing and search activities have a positive effect upon internet reading literacy, and online game have a negative effect upon internet reading literacy. Community activities had no influence on the internet reading literacy.
Finally, according to the findings, implications and suggestions for teaching and future researches were discussed and proposed.
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影響閱聽人改革電視新聞意願與行動的調查研究三議傑 Unknown Date (has links)
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家庭資源、課後學習對閱讀素養影響之研究─以臺灣、韓國、加拿大、芬蘭為例 / The influences of home possessions and out-of-school-time lessons on reading literacy: the cases of Taiwan, South Korea, Canada, and Finland許瑋珊, Hsu, Wei-Shan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探究臺灣、韓國、加拿大、芬蘭在家庭資源、課後學習與閱讀素養之現況,並分析其關係,進而建構與驗證家庭資源、課後學習對閱讀素養影響之模式,最後依據研究結果提出建議。首先,針對家庭資源、課後學習與閱讀素養進行文獻探討,俾做為研究立論基礎與分析之依據;其次,透過PISA 2009資料庫中學生問卷資料與評量結果進行分析,以了解現況並驗證理論模式;最後,依據研究結果進行綜合討論,以形成結論與建議。茲將本研究之主要結論與建議歸納如下:
最後,本研究依據研究結果,提出相關建議,俾供主管教育行政機關、學校教育人員及後續研究之參考。 / The main purpose of this research was to investigate the influences of home possessions and out-of-school-time lessons on reading literacy in Taiwan, South Korea, Canada, and Finland. The research methods included literature review and data analysis from PISA 2009 database. First, the literature review was the basis of argument and for the development of the model. Secondly, the statistical analysis was conducted by using descriptive statistics, analysis of variance, correlation, and structural eduation modeling. Finally, the comprehensive discussion was based on the research findings, and to draw the conclusions which were summarized as follows:
A.The path leading from home possessions to reading literacy was positive in Taiwan, South Korea, Canada, and Finland. That is, home possessions have significant influences on reading literacy in this four countries.
B.The path leading from out-of-school-time lessons to reading literacy was positive in South Korea. That is, out-of-school-time lessons have significant and positive influences on reading literacy in South Korea. However, the path leading from out-of-school-time lessons to reading literacy was negative in Taiwan, Canada, and Finland. In other words, out-of-school-time lessons have significant and negative influences on reading literacy in Taiwan, Canada, and Finland.
In the end, based on the research results, the researcher proposed some suggestions for educational administrative agencies, school personnel, and future research, attempting to benefit the development of secondary school education in the future.
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