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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


陳俊宏 Unknown Date (has links)
網路科技的進步,帶來了便利,但同時也帶來了過量的資訊。身心發展未達健全的青少兒,在面臨過多且未完善過濾的訊息下,往往容易形成錯誤的概念認知。網路的世界何其多變,網路的訊息更是難以守門而傳播,加上網路發展及保護機制都未達一定水準,網路安全也是值得探討的問題,而青少兒在這樣的情況之下是否有足夠的辨識能力了解網路資訊的安全,從而有安全的網路使用行為,都是現今社會需要注意的地方。 本研究以資訊素養及網路安全素養概念為出發點,用來分析中台灣地方青少兒對於網路安全素養概念的認知及影響源。本研究以中台灣六縣市國小三年級399位小學生為調查對象,所得資料以描述性統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、相關分析及卡方檢定,針對人口基本背景、媒體使用及網路安全素養之間進行考驗研究及回答假設問題。 研究結果發現,中台灣青少兒在媒體使用行為上,網路使用情況明顯受到較多因素的影響,而越是受多越多管制與缺乏使用的情況,青少兒對於網路安全素養概念的認知就越有不同的情況產生。但更可發現的是,青少兒對於「安全」概念的定義並未清楚,對於真實社會與網路之間的關係容易將之混為一談,兒童對於網路安全素養往往也以真實社會中的安全定義來審視之,而無法真正的來處理虛擬世界中的許多問題。以本研究的調查來看,青少兒建立網路安全素養的腳步需更進一步拓展,除了正規教育外,親屬間的相互影響將可能是青少兒對於網路安全素養另一項重點來源。


吳雲道, Wu , Yun-daw Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在了解國民中學教師資訊素養與教學效能的關係,主要探討不同背景變項、環境變項之國民中學教師,在資訊素養與教學效能的差異情形。 本研究之研究對象,乃以苗栗縣之公立國民中學教師為主,抽樣18所公立國民小學312位教師,調查結果以平均數、標準差、t 考驗、單因子變異數分析、薛費事後多重比較法、皮爾遜積差相關等統計方法,進行資料處理分析,獲致下列結論: 一、苗栗縣國民中學教師資訊素養與教學效能整體是屬於「中上」程度的表現。 二、苗栗縣國民中學教師資訊素養因教師背景變項不同而有顯著差異。 (1)男性教師在資訊素養上表現高於女性教師 (2)師大學歷的教師在「資訊操作」、「資訊應用整合」,高於一般大學學歷的教師。 (3)主修資訊科系之國中教師高於非資訊本科之國民中學教師。 (4)任教科目是電腦的苗栗縣國民中學教師在「資訊應用整合」、「資訊操作」、「資訊倫理」、「資訊認知」、「整體層面」上的得分都是最高。 (5)資訊研習時數在61小時以上的國民中學教師其資訊素養亦較高。 (6)苗栗縣國民中學教師不同年齡、服務年資、職務及研習項目在資訊素養上沒有明顯差異。 三、苗栗縣國民中學教師教學效能因教師背景變項不同而有顯著差異。 (1)男性教師在教學效能上高於女性教師。 (2)任教科目是電腦的國民中學教師在「教學策略」、「教學技巧與評量」「教學氣氛」、「教學規劃」、「整體上」層面上的得分都是最高。 (3)苗栗縣國民中學教師不同資訊研習時數在「教學策略」、「學技巧與評量」、「教學氣氛」、「教學規劃」、「整體教學效能」層面有顯著的差異存在。 (4)苗栗縣國民中學教師不同資訊研習項目在教學效能上有顯著差異存在。在「整體教學效能」層面,資訊研習項目是網路應用及網頁製作、電腦及多媒體教學製作的國中教師高於資訊研習項目是光碟教學應用及製作的國民中學教師。 (5)苗栗縣國民中學教師不同年齡、學歷、修業科系、服務年資、職務、在「整體教學效能」層面,無顯著差異。 四、苗栗縣國民中學教師資訊素養與教學效能不因教師環境變項不同而有顯著差異。 五、苗栗縣國民中學教師資訊素養與教學效能間有顯著正相關。 基於以上研究結果,本研究針對教育行政單位與未來研究提出建議,以作為教育與研究之參考。 / This research explored the relationship of information literacy and teaching effectiveness, and analyzed the differences of information literacy and teaching effectiveness among junior high school teachers by different background and environment factors. The samples of this study are 312 teachers of 18 junior high schools locating in Miaoli County. The results are analyzed by means, standard deviations, frequency, t-test, one-way ANOVA, pearson’s product-moment correlation, Scheffé method , canonical correlation. The finding were as following : 1.“Upper-high”level performance was found on the whole in relation to the teaching-information literacy and teaching effectiveness of the junior high school teachers of Miaoli County .. 2. Significant differences were found between the background variables of the junior high school teachers of Miaoli County in relation to the teaching-information literacy. 2.1 Male teachers scored higher than female teachers in relation to the teaching-information literacy . 2.2 Teachers graduating from “National Normal Taiwan University” scored higher on “information operation” and “information application” than teachers graduating from other universities . 2.3 Teachers majoring in computer sciences scored higher on information literacy than teachers of not this major. 2.4 Teachers teaching in computer sciences scored higher on information literacy than teachers of teaching other subjects. 2.5 Teachers researching and studying above 61hours scored higher on information literacy than teachers of researching and studying under 20 hours. 2.6 No significant difference was found between age 、teaching experience、duty and the items of researching and studying on information literacy. 3.Significant differences were found between the background variables of the junior high school teachers of Miaoli County in relation to teaching effectiveness. 3.1 Male teachers scored higher than female teachers in relation to teaching effectiveness. 3.2 Teachers teaching in computer sciences scored higher on teaching effectiveness than teachers of teaching other subjects. 3.3 Teachers researching and studying above 61 hours scored higher on teaching effectiveness than teachers of researching and studying under 20 hours. 3.4 Teachers researching and studying items on internet application scored higher 0n teaching effectiveness than teachers of researching and studying other items. 3.5 No significant difference was found between age 、 higher degree、teaching experience、duty and course of majoring on teaching effectiveness 4. No significant difference was found between the environment variables Of the junior high school teachers of Miaoli County in relation to teaching-information literacy and teaching effectiveness. 5. There is a positive correlation between information literacy and teaching effectiveness . These results can be used by education administratives, school principles ,and future research. Keywords:Information literacy;Teaching effectiveness

媒體素養教育融入健康與體育學習領域第二學習階段教學之行動研究 / An Action Research on Intergrating Media Literacy into 2nd Learning Stage of Health and Physical Education

鄭智仁 Unknown Date (has links)
我國教育部於2002年10月24日公佈了「媒體素養教育政策白皮書」,成為亞洲第一個由政府教育主管機關主導媒體素養教育推動的國家。然而時至白皮書頒布即將屆滿四年的今天,真正落實到學校教育的作為卻十分有限。除了相關的研習訓練不足、學校行政人員與家長的質疑之外,有心嘗試媒體素養教學的教師遭遇到的最大困難,在於苦無容易上手的教材可以依循。 研究者以三年來擔任媒體素養研習講師,與參加研習的教師和尋求輔導的教學團隊互動的經驗中發現,不易在教學現場實踐媒體素養教育的原因,在於教師個人對於媒體的知識基模不足,以致於無法自行設計教學活動,而坊間雖有極少數的出版品指導媒體素養教學,但教學活動中往往需要用到大量媒體範例,必須靠教師自行蒐集,而且這些課程多採獨立教學,並非配合現有學科進行融入教學,所以會有教學時間的困難。 因此,本研究在形式上以與現有學科融入教學的方式進行媒體素養教學,翦除教學時間的疑慮,並以降低門檻為原則,發展媒體素養教育融入健康與體育學習領域第二學習階段之教學設計。更進一步藉由實驗教學的過程,觀察並分析學生在媒體素養融入健體領域的學習表現,以評估此套課程的合宜性,以及探討在國小實施媒體素養教育融入健體領域可能遭遇的困難。 根據研究結果提出以下結論: 一、健體領域的七個主題軸中,除了第三主題軸「運動技能」之外,其餘六個主題軸皆有能力指標或課文內容,能直接或間接與媒體素養的五大核心概念進行連結,兩者十分適合進行融入教學。 二、從學生的學習表現可知:切合生活經驗較能引起學生興趣、媒體素養也需要精熟學習、廣告議題是學生的最愛、缺乏實用性的內容學生反應冷淡、新聞議題最不受歡迎、學生樂於接受媒體素養教學、學生只要上課不要作業、一般學科的表現不盡然複製到實驗教學。 三、媒體素養教育融入健體領域教學的難處在於:實際進行有教學時間不足之虞、上課的視聽輔助教材仍需教學者花費心思準備、教學活動需要視聽設備協助教學、學生對健體課旣有的認知難改變、教案中部分能力指標引用牽強。 根據研究結果提出下列建議: 一、對於教育行政機關,建議:建構媒體素養之分段能力指標、以近中遠程計畫落實媒體素養教育之推動。 二、對於未來相關研究,建議:跨領域統整與重大議題連結、發展媒體近用課程、進行質量並重的教學效果研究。 / Our Ministry of Education announced “The Government’s Media Literacy White Paper” on October 24, 2002.Taiwan become the first one country who impetus the media literacy education by the government in Asian. Today, the white paper promulgates soon expires for four years, truly carries out in the school education extremely to be limited. Besides the related study training insufficiency, the school administrative personnel and guardian's question, the most major difficulty to the teacher who attempt the media literacy teaching, there is no easy seat of teaching material to be allowed to rely on. Researcher who held the post of the media literacy lecture for the past three years, discover through the interaction with the teacher who join the seminar or the teaching team who need the counseling, it’s not easily to implement media literacy in the school, lay in the teacher to be insufficient regarding the media elementary knowledge, causes to be unable independently to design the teaching activity, however in the market although had few publications to be allowed to instruct the media literacy teaching, but in the teaching activity often needed to use the massive media model, those had to collect by the teacher voluntarily, moreover most of these curricula taken the independent teaching, didn’t intergrade and coordinated with the existing curriculum, therefore could have the problem in the teaching time. Therefore, this research take the way which the curriculum intergrades with the media literacy teaching, eliminates the anxiety of teaching time, and take reduces the threshold as the principle, the development media literacy education intergrades into the second study stage design of the health and physical education. Further the affiliation by the experimental teaching process, observes and analyzes the student intergraded into health and physical education performance in the media literacy, appraised this set of curricula inappropriateness, as well as the discussion intergrades into health and physical education curriculum possible bitter experience difficulty in the elementary school implementation media literacy education. Proposes the following conclusion according to the research: 1. In the seven major subjects of the health and physical education, besides the third major subject "the movement skill", other six major subjects all has the competency standards or the text content, can be direct or indirectly carry on with the media literacy five big cores concept links, two extremely suitably carries on intergrades the study. 2. Knew from student's study performance: The case which suits the experience of life comparatively to be able to arouse the student interest, the media literacy also needs unceasingly to study, the advertisement subject is the student most loves, the deficient usable content student responded desolate, the news subject is most not welcome, the student to be glad accepts the media literacy teaching, the student so long as attend class does not want the homework, the general discipline performance not to be able completely to duplicate the experimental teaching. 3. The difficulty of media literacy education intergrades into health and physical education: Actual carried on the teaching time insufficiency, the teacher still need to take a lot effort to prepare the media supplementary teaching materials, the teaching activity needs the equipment of media assistance, the student the cognition which had regarding health and physical education is very difficult to change, some parts of the competency standards quote inappropriate. Proposes the following suggestions according to the research: 1. The suggestion of the educational administration institution: Constructs impetus partition competency standards, by the near medium and long-range plan realization media literacy education. 2. The suggestion of the relate research in the future: The cross domain conformity and the significant subject link, the development media nearly with the curriculum, carries on quality and quantity both given due importance the teaching effect research.

藥品廣告之法規範與健康素養 / The regulation of pharmaceutical advertising and health literacy

林承宇, Lin, Cheng-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
為國民的健康把關,通常是政府作為實現國民健康權的一種具體作為,有關國民的用藥安全更是政府責無旁貸的責任。本論文著眼於「虛擬藥房」的藥品廣告刺激一般常民用藥的消費過程,政府基於保護國民健康所採取的介入方式是「法規範」對藥品廣告的管理,此種管理方式隨著藥品本身與商業言論的時空變遷會有緊縮或放寬的變革,然而易侷限於專業精英討論的上層層次;後有主管機關意識到常民健康的落實須直達正確的用藥觀念,以健康促進作為彌補上層可能無法下達困境的下層層次。 本論文以為,此二層次對應的概念仍屬「由上對下」的意識,亦即「政府」下對「常民」的概念。這種由上而下的把關做法,在維護國民「健康權」的國家、社會與個人法益上固然有其必要;惟欲落實整體健康權的實踐,仍須回歸「健康素養」的具體貫徹。亦即,本論文主張政府所主導的法規範或健康促進的作為,必須同時伴隨常民健康素養的賦權,兼顧「由下而上」的作法,不斷促使法規範與社會現實互為主體,則法規範才能真實維護與實踐國民的「健康權」。 / It is the constitutional and legal responsibility of the State to protect people’s health and achieve “the right to health” via, among others, the provision of safe medicines. The vast amounts of advertisings have challenged the State to providing safety access to medicines. This thesis focuses on the advertisings of “virtual pharmacies”, and attempts to investigate how they stimulate consumer behaviors. Legally, the State controls pharmaceutical advertising by means of various different legislative and administrative measures. Nonetheless, this “top-down” process has had only limited effects due to rapid social change and the evolution of the protection of commercial speech. This thesis argues that, to fill the gap, the promotion and development of “health literacy”, i.e. a “bottom-up” way, could be the answer to a meaningful control of pharmaceutical advertisings. This thesis conducts empirical analyses and applies them to various theories of political economy regarding pharmaceutical advertising. Moreover, the relationships between “health literacy” and “the right to health” are also elaborated. It is argued that to substantiate the constitutional “right to health”, the best way is to promote and develop the concept of “health literacy”. Only through empowering the consumers with the proper knowledge of “health literacy” can the State, assisted by the implementation of relevant laws, fulfills its responsibility. “Health literacy” is as important as law itself, and the latter cannot satisfactorily operate to arrive at the desired results without the construction of the former.

國中三年級理財教育課程發展之行動研究 / Action Research on Financial Education Curriculum Development in Third Grade of Junior High Schools

張君端, Chang, Chun Tuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討國中理財教育課程發展,研究目的有四:(1)探討國中理財教育課程發展的意義與內涵。(2)探討國中生理財素養能力指標轉化為理財教育課程模式。(3)探討國中理財教育課程發展行動方案,包括課程與教學設計、課程實施,以及學生學習評鑑與課程評鑑等行動方案。(4)探討國中理財教育課程發展行動方案的實施歷程與結果。 本論文採用行動研究法並以問卷蒐集資料,以南投縣某國中之三年級兩班54位學生為研究樣本。依據學生之「理財觀念與規劃」和「儲蓄與投資」前後測成績,用T檢定來分析比較兩班學生理財行為變化。從學生滿意度問卷填答狀況來統計分析學生之學習成效與進行回饋修正理財課程行動方案。本研究結論如下: 一、在「探討國中理財教育課程發展的意義與內涵」方面,經文獻探討和教師會議後選擇「理財觀念與規劃」和「儲蓄與投資」兩單元。 二、在「探討國中生理財素養能力指標轉化為理財教育課程模式」方面,從「理財觀念與規劃」和「儲蓄與投資」兩單元分別發展出各三個國中理財素養能力指標。 三、在「探討國中理財教育課程發展行動方案」方面,將課程發展成包括知識、技能和情意的教學策略、學習成效與滿意度評鑑回饋檢討等行動方案。 四、在「探討國中理財教育課程發展行動方案的實施歷程與結果」方面: (1)本研究兩單元發展行動方案,分別在個別班級內有學習成效且學生滿意度高。 (2)「理財觀念與規劃」的先備知能男性優於女性,但學習成效在性別間無顯著差異。 (3)「儲蓄與投資」的先備知能女性優於男性,且學習成效在性別間有顯著差異,尤其學生對本單元採桌遊教學策略滿意度高於前一單元。 (4)總體學習成效在班級間及性別間無顯著差異。


黃伊瑩 Unknown Date (has links)
有鑑於大眾媒體往往不斷地複製性別、職業、文化、階層、種族的刻板印象,然而學齡前的幼兒,受限於識讀能力,接觸電視的時間遠遠多過閱讀書籍的時間,因此其電視觀看時間達到人生的第一個高峰,電視無疑地成為幼兒接收訊息最親密的窗口。再者,根據心理學方面的研究,幼兒期是是性別角色發展的關鍵期,他們的性別態度也特別容易受到媒體形塑的性別角色所影響,幼兒在電視或其他媒體中觀察到那些最普及的性別角色特質、互動模式或是身體形象的呈現,日積月累地在幼童社會化的過程中逐步影響他們的認知。 研究者以媒體素養內涵為出發,企圖協助幼兒建立主動思考判斷的能力,解構媒體中刻板印象的影響,以幼兒有興趣常接觸的媒體文本教學,也能有助於的提升幼兒學習的動機與成效。另外,國內外的研究也再再指出了媒體素養教育的成效,因此本研究發展一套以幼兒為對象的媒體素養教學活動,以性別刻板印象這個議題為例,以電視上幼兒喜歡及常接觸的內容為文本,進行教學研究,探討媒體素養教育對解構幼兒藉由媒體所形塑的性別角色刻板的成效。 本研究以台北市某國小附幼大班48名幼兒為對象,分成實驗組與控制組,以幼兒熟悉的媒體文本設計活動,進行12堂的媒體素養教學,於課程前後以「性別角色刻板印象測驗表」進行施測,瞭解有接受媒體素養教學的實驗組幼兒與沒有接受媒體素養的控制組幼兒在性別角色刻板印象測驗上的得分是否有顯著的差異。 根據資料分析,證明本研究之媒體素養教學方案對於解構幼兒性別刻板印象上具有顯著的效果。研究中也發現,以媒體文本為探討內容的課程確實能夠引起幼兒的學習動機與興趣,並且有助於他們對於解構媒體中的性別刻板印象。 最後本研究並對於現場教師、教育行政單位以及未來研究提出建議,以作為強化教師媒體素養專業知能、使用並發展幼兒媒體素養教學課程之參考。

從新聞中的偽科學報導看大學生的科學素養與媒體識讀能力 / Scientific literacy and media literacy: how college students believe pseudoscience in news

王貞懿, Wang, Chen Yi Unknown Date (has links)
科學傳播領域投入大量的心思探討科學素養與媒體識讀能力對於閱聽眾的重要性,一方面是因為閱聽眾有基本的科學素養才足以理解新聞報導中的科學或科技知識,另一方面,透過媒體管道接觸訊息,閱聽人應該要有基本的媒體識讀能力,也就是對於媒體內容能有獨立思考與批判的能力,但卻忽略了媒體中偽科學內容的存在與閱聽眾本身的偽科學信念對於傳播可能的影響與阻礙,這是過去文獻中不曾考量的現象,有鑑於此,本研究綜合探討目前大學生的科學素養、媒體識讀能力與偽科學信念的程度,科學素養、媒體識讀能力與偽科學信念之間的關係,以及媒體使用對其偽科學新聞辨識能力的影響。 本研究於台灣北、中、南、東四地區抽樣調查共1190名大學生,研究結果顯示,大學生在科學素養與媒體識讀能力的表現普通,相信偽科學的程度也不低;而就不同的偽科學信念主題來說,大學生較無法辨識以商業為主題的偽科學。本研究也發現科學素養與媒體識讀能力呈現正相關,與偽科學信念間無顯著相關,而媒體識讀能力與偽科學信念則呈負相關。同時,媒體時間接觸越長的人,其偽科學信念越高,特別是電視的影響最深。在控制多重可能影響的基本背景變項後發現,媒體識讀能力與偽科學信念為解釋偽科學新聞辨識能力的有力變項,本研究論文最後針對這些發現作進一步的討論與建議。 / The current study explores the roles of scientific literacy and media literacy in how people understand or believe the pseudoscientific content in news. Scientific literacy has been considered as an important concept in science communication research for it may explain how well people are able to understand the knowledge in news content, while media literacy is the ability of an audience to think independently and critically of the information provided by media. Past students, however, have not yet suggested a complete picture of how scientific literacy and media literacy together influence audiences’ processing of science news. Past studies have also not yet widely explored pseudoscience in media or its impact on audiences. Pseudoscience subjects such as astrology and medical quackery can be easily found in media content today, even news, with exaggerated or unproved claims. It remains unknown how publics receive such media information, particularly since audiences have preexisting beliefs relevant to these pseudoscience subjects that would be influential. Thus, the present study is aimed to depict the relationship of science literacy and media literacy in reading pseudoscientific news with consideration of audiences’ pseudoscientific beliefs. A survey on college students in Taiwan was conducted with a nation-wide stratified sample of 1190. The results first showed that college students are at mediate levels of scientific literacy and media literacy, and the scores of their pseudo-scientific beliefs are not low, particularly on the pseudoscientific subjects that have a marketing theme or a commercial purpose. The findings also showed that scientific literacy is positively related to media literacy and not significantly related to pseudoscientific beliefs; media literacy is negatively related to pseudo-scientific beliefs. In addition, the study found that media use is positively related to pseudoscientific beliefs; especially the viewing of television. Hierarchical regression analyses further showed that media literacy and pseudo-scientific beliefs have significant effects on how pseudoscience content in news is believed. The implications of the findings and recommendations for future studies are discussed at the end.

網路資訊尋求策略融入數位學習之研究-以Big6結合WebQuest於Moodle為例 / E-learning and information-seeking strategies:Combining Big6 and WebQuest on moodle

謝章威, Sia, Chong Wee Unknown Date (has links)
數位學習近年來快速成長,網路主題探究式學習已經成為人們關注的新學習模式之一,WebQuest是一種非常成熟的網路學習模式,學習者使用的資訊來源多數來自網際網路,由教學者規劃與指引學習過程給學習者,讓學習者可以循序漸進地進行主題探究式學習。眾多研究結果發現,WebQuest學習模式的確有助於提升學習者的高層次思考、合作學習、問題解決能力,因此,WebQuest成為許多教學者與學生喜歡使用的網路學習模式之一。 WebQuest由教學者篩選網路資源給學生,故學生不需自行搜尋資源,考量到資訊社會的來臨,在資訊過載的時代,想要從網際網路上的巨量資訊中,有條理地處理複雜資訊,培養學生的資訊尋求策略在所難免。資訊教育已成為全球發展重要議題,也是我國九年一貫新課程的七大議題之一,而資訊尋求策略與九年一貫資訊教育目標的關係密切,Big6也被認為是培養資訊素養的最佳途徑。 因此,本研究將Big6技能融入WebQuest學習模式之概念,讓學生透過主題探究所提供的鷹架引導學習的同時,也可以訓練學生對資訊的搜尋、處理、分析、展示與應用的能力,希望接近與九年一貫所設定的資訊教育之核心能力目標,並且實作一雛型來驗證此概念。本研究結果顯示Big6技能適合融入WebQuest網路學習模式,而WebQuest & Big6之概念可於Moodle教學平台實現,希望未來提供教學者及學習者使用。 / In recent years, e-learning has developed rapidly and inquiry-based learning network such as WebQuest has become one of the most prominent and latest modes of learning and absorbing knowledge. WebQuest is a sophisticated e-learning tool in which most of the information provided to the learners comes from the web. However, the webs provided are tailor-made and carefully selected by the educators so the learners can engage in the inquiry-oriented lesson step by step and without deviating from the right course. Furthermore, many scholars has discovered that this particular pattern of learning has proven efficient for internet learners to enhance their skills in higher-order thinking, cooperative thinking as well as problem solving. Given these advantages, it is indisputable that why WebQuests is well received by both educators and learners. In view of we are living in an information society where information overloads, it is hence immensely difficult for internet users to select and process viable internet resources. In dealing with this problem, in WebQuest, it is the educators who are responsible to sieve out useful internet resources for the learners instead of leaving them alone and helpless with abundant information. With IT education has become one of the important issues of global development, it is extremely essential to cultivate internet users with such selective skill. Taiwan, in particular, has even listed IT education as one of the Seven Issues within the Grade 1-9 Curriculum. As the Grade 1-9 Curriculum and information seeking strategies are intimately related to each other, the information problem-solving process model of Big6 is thus deemed as the optimal way of cultivating one’s information literacy. Apart from guiding the internet learners with the scaffold of the inquiry-oriented learning WebQuest, my research, moreover, intends to integrate both the Big6 process model and WebQuest together in order to enhance learners’ ability in internet resources searching, processing, analyzing, displaying and application, as so to achieve the goal of the Grade 1-9 Curriculum in promoting IT education. In addition, I will develop a prototype to validate my conception of the combination between Big6 and WebQuest. The result of my research, besides indicating that Big6 can be integrated with WebQuest, has also proven that the combination’s viability on the Moodle’s platform, which I anticipate, will be facilitating both the educators and the learners in the coming future.

學前幼兒媒體素養教學手冊之發展 / Developing the handbook for teaching media literacy in preschool

賴慧玲, Lai, Huei-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的在研發我國大班幼兒媒體素養教育教師教學手冊,以做為未 來實施媒體素養教育課程之參考方向。藉由實際事件的舉例與可試行的教學活動解說,期望幼教老師在讀完教學手冊後,能瞭解幼兒媒體素養教育的意涵與重要性,並且依照個人教學需求進行幼兒媒體素養相關概念的引導活動。 本手冊發展歷程首先整理台灣、英國、美國、澳洲、加拿大國家幼兒階段的 媒體素養學習內涵、訪談幼稚園教師以瞭解幼兒媒體經驗、教師感知媒體素養之現況,再根據文獻與訪談的分析結果撰寫手冊,初稿完成後分別以問卷與訪談的方式針對手冊內容進行專家評鑑,整體發現手冊初稿的設計,尤其是教學活動範例的部分,皆較適用於已經具備或熟稔媒體素養知能的幼教老師,對一般不具備傳播教育背景與未曾涉獵相關概念的老師來說使用性較低,最後根據修改建議完成修訂版手冊內容,主要以現場問題為導向,來說明與媒體素養可以連結的部分與可參考的活動及提問方式,涵蓋「閱聽人」、「媒體再現」與「媒體文本」三個面向的學習活動,此外更強調的是讓教師明瞭遇到哪些機會點可以進行媒體素養教育與需掌握的要領(詳見第四章第四節)。 在手冊研發歷程中同時探討幼稚園教師感知幼兒使用媒體的情況、師生一同 使用媒體的狀況、幼師對媒體素養理解狀況與態度。結果發現教師即使進行的教學內容有部分會談論到與媒體內容有關的議題,也鮮少涉及媒體素養的核心概念與面向,再則是如果要針對媒體訊息內容討論必是與原先課程主題極為相關,或是此訊息對幼兒產生不當的影響需要進行全班性的解說與勸導。而雖然教師多贊成可以在幼稚園進行媒體素養教學,但是包括教師本身的認知與態度、幼兒的能力與發展,還有家庭的配合都是需詳加考量的部分。 最後根據本研究所探討的內容、研究結論與限制,提出研究建議,以供教育 行政機關、媒體素養推動機構、師資培育機構、幼稚園與教師、家長及未來相關研究之參考。 / This research aims to develop a handbook for teaching media literacy in preschool. By using examples of real events and feasible teaching activities, we hope teachers could realize the importance of media literacy education for children and conduct media literacy activities on their own demands. This handbook was developed through the following process. First of all, we compared the content of media literacy learning in preschool of five countries, including Taiwan, UK, United States, Australia and Canada. Besides, we interviewed several kindergarten teachers to learn media usage of children and the perception of teachers regarding media literacy. Then we used the literature review and result of interviews to compose the handbook. Furthermore, the draft of handbook were evaluated by professionals. According to the evaluation, we found the handbook might be more useful for teachers with some knowledge of media literacy, and not for those without background knowledge of communication or media literacy. Therefore, the handbook was revised and re-designed by questions to explain the link between media literacy and relevant activities. These activities consist of three main parts, audience, media representation and media texts, with the emphasis on some good opportunities for media literacy education and the skills necessary for teaching media literacy. We also explored how children use media alone or with the teachers through the perception of kindergarten teachers, and the understanding of media literacy and attitudes of these teachers. As a result, we found these teachers may mention media related issues in their teaching, but seldom refer to the core concept of media literacy. In addition, only when the media messages are closely related to the original courses subjects or they may have some bad influences on children will these teachers use them. Moreover, although most teachers agree that media literacy could be contained in kindergarten education, there are still some concerns related to the attitudes and cognition of teachers, the ability and development of children and the support of family. Finally, based on the result of this research, we provided some suggestions for further research on media literacy education. We hope this could be useful for education administrations, institutions of media literacy education, teacher training institutions,kindergarten teachers, and parents.

台灣地區大學生媒介使用、科學素養與科學態度之相關研究 / Media use, scientific literacy and attitude toward science among college students in Taiwan

張云慈, Chang, Yun-Tzu Unknown Date (has links)
在過去幾十年間,科學素養備受國內外學者重視,提升國民的科學素養程度不但被多國政府納入國家重點施政方針,相關調查與具體的教育措施亦成為研究者的關注焦點。大眾媒體向來是一般閱聽眾接觸科學資訊最常見的管道,因此如何讓科學知識能普及於一般民眾,甚至讓非專業人士也能對科學有正面評價並支持科學發展,便成為科學工作者傳遞科學資訊的挑戰。針對民眾科學知識與科學素養的相關研究,近十多年來在國外幾乎不曾間斷。然若回顧台灣本地文獻,大規模的科學素養或科學態度調查則較少出現。為彌補此一研究缺漏,本文擬以全台灣地區的大學在學生為調查對象,透過科學問卷設計,進行全國大學生科學素養與科學態度調查,同時將媒介使用與人口變項納入分析之中,以期了解彼此間的相互關係。 本研究透過隨機抽樣,抽出十一所分別位於台灣北、中、南、東的大專院校,於民國九十八年六月間進行問卷調查與回收,最後共取得1838份有效問卷,以統計軟體SPSS中的t檢定與階層迴歸分析後,研究發現如下:一、在新聞媒介使用上,大學生接觸網路頻率最高,電視次之,報紙與雜誌殿後;二、在科學素養方面,男性、就讀理工組相關科系、念公立大學、在班上成績較佳的學生,有較好的科學素養程度;科學態度與科學素養則無顯著相關;三、除了電視新聞與電視科學內容接觸外,其他種類的媒介使用對科學素養並無顯著影響;四、本研究發現,收看電視的頻率越高,科學素養越低落,且無論新聞或科學節目皆然;五、在控制住所有可能的影響因素後,影響科學素養最有力的變項分別為「公私立大學」、「就讀科系」與「班上成績」,顯示學校教育與過去學習背景是影響台灣地區大學生科學素養程度的最主要因素。 / Over the past decades, a growing number of studies have focused on public scientific literacy and tried to examine it. Public familiarity with basic scientific concepts and principles has been proposed as essential for effective decision-making both in personal daily life and national policy. Quantitative and qualitative studies of the public understanding of science have been conducted in many countries. Those studies have provided valuable insights into to what extent that citizens may have understood important scientific concepts, and furthermore, into the ways in which they seek and use scientific knowledge and how they think about science. There were only few science literacy related studies conducted in Taiwan. Up till now, no representative and population-based study in Taiwan. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to estimate the level of scientific literacy of college students in Taiwan and to explore the relationships between media use, scientific literacy and the attitude toward science. This study conducted a national survey among college students in Taiwan. One thousand eight-hundred and thirty-eight students participating in this study from June 1, 2009 to June 22, 2009. As expected, male, public university students, majoring science and technology, with better academic performance, will have higher levels of scientific literacy. Scientific literacy is negative related to the frequency of watching television, whether news or scientific programs, which suggests TV programs in Taiwan do not provide quality science contents to audiences. After controlling for a range of socio-demographic variables, it is found that public or private university, major, and academic performance have significant effects on college students’ scientific literacy. Findings indicated that educational variables affect the level of scientific literacy of Taiwanese undergraduates the most.

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