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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

拍賣機制的實證研究:由美國eBay 拍賣網站觀察得標價的決定

陳嘉宏, Chen, Chia Hung Unknown Date (has links)
Lucking-Reiley (2000) 提到eBay 是全世界最大消費者導向拍賣之 一。Bajari and Hortacsu (2004) 指出線上拍賣存在資訊不對稱, 本研究觀察eBay 拍賣網站潛在競標者對DVD 標的的出價行為,亦即,觀察 得標價如何被決定及競標者的出價策略為何。 本研究結論如下:起標價格、賣方聲望回饋、出價次數對得標價 為正向影響且顯著,拍賣天數對得標價為正向效果但不顯著。賣方聲 望回饋愈高,愈有經驗競標者的出價策略是愈晚出價。競標者出價策 略為晚出價, 採取自動出價並出價一次。

365.5行:論營利部落客勞動階層及彈性勞動樣貌 / Blogging as a new job? Analysis on blogger's labour market segmentation and status of labour flexibility

林昶宏 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在了解部落客營利模式類型,及背後資本運作邏輯,並探討身處其中的部落客勞動樣貌,包含報酬多寡、創作自主程度,以及部落客選擇成為專業工作者後的勞動處境。 研究發現,目前部落客可從網路與實體營利,前者包含網路廣告、廣告文合作;後者以出書、雜誌專欄、廣告行銷合作、帶旅行團等較為常見。部落客營利模式出現,起因於資本看上社群經濟的潛力,以及利用素人部落客生產文化商品的成本較低,藉以達到降低市場風險、節省成本增加利潤的目的。 從勞動者角度出發,流量作為部落客聲望來源,限制部落客可採行的營利模式、影響營利機會與報酬多寡,聲望低者僅限於網路營利,營利機會少,報酬通常不高;聲望高者則能跨足實體,常有合作廠商自動上門,報酬往往相當可觀。特別的是,流量甚至被中介者操作,以流量100、500、1000做為廣告文章案件媒合的具體區隔標準,流量越高報酬越多。聲望高低也影響到部落客創作自主,不過除了聲望高者具有規約的協商權力,部落客在「無欲則剛」、「愛惜羽翼」的前提下,也會捍衛創作自主。 本研究尚將營利部落客區分為業餘愛好者與專業工作者,差別在於專業部落客仰賴部落格衍生的營利模式維生,且聲望較高。受訪的專業部落客,月平均收入皆超過一般上班族,然而為維持生計,多以網路營利為輔,實體營利為主,足見在台灣「部落客」難以成為職業,但可當成職業跳板,轉型為自由工作者(freelancer)。專業部落客面臨「工作不穩定」、「工作與休閒界線模糊」、「必須自我訓練」、「無企業福利」等處境,但因為從事自身興趣相關工作,因此心甘情願。

企業社會責任認知及企業志工參與對組織公民行為之影響 / The influence of perceived corporate social responsibility and voluntary participation on employees’ organizational citizenship behavior

張妤禎, Chang, Yu Chen Unknown Date (has links)
企業社會責任(corporate social responsibility,簡稱CSR)的概念與實務發展在近年來已成為一門企業永續經營的顯學。本研究認為,有別於一般組織外部利害關係人的觀點,身為內部觀察者的員工身分具有特殊性,不僅較外部利害關係人更接近公司核心,亦有機會參與公司的企業社會責任政策制定與活動。因此,本研究旨在建構一研究模型,以員工觀點了解企業社會責任認知及企業志工參與對組織公民行為之影響過程與結果,包含探究員工對企業社會責任認知與企業志工參與程度是否與組織認同有正向影響?員工企業社會責任認知與組織認同是否為知覺外部聲望所中介?當員工組織認同提高時,是否增進其工作滿足、組織承諾、顧客導向?   本研究以Kim et al.(2010)所提出的企業社會責任影響員工企業認同模型概念為基礎,並拓展員工可能展現的反應及工作態度構念,以便利抽樣法回收有效紙本問卷201份、有效網路問卷115份,共計獲得316份樣本。經由驗證性因素分析與結構方程模式(Structural Equation Modeling, SEM)分析後得出研究結論如下: 1.知覺外部聲望確實為企業社會責任認知程度與組織認同之中介變數,員工的企業社會責任認知程度對知覺外部聲望有正向的影響,而更進一步影響組織認同。 2.企業志工參與和組織認同具有正向關係,佐證當企業的社會責任相關活動能滿足員工的心理需求時,員工將會傾向認同該企業。 3.組織認同與顧客導向、工作滿足及組織承諾皆存有正向的影響關係。 4.顧客導向、工作滿足和組織承諾皆與組織公民行為有正向的影響關係,其中顧客導向和組織承諾的影響力皆大於工作滿足。 / The increasing development of corporate social responsibility has become a prevalent concern for business sustainability practices. In comparison to the viewpoint of outside stakeholders, employees play unique roles for their company for two reasons: (1) employees are closer to corporate core business (2) employees participate more easily in CSR activities and policy formulation. Therefore, this study aims to establish a model to understand how employees’ perceived CSR and participation in employee volunteer program (EVP) relate to their organizational citizenship behavior. This study also investigates whether perceived CSR and EVP participation has positive effects on organizational identification; whether perceived external prestige mediates the relationship between perceived CSR and organizational identification; and whether organizational identification acts as the antecedent of job satisfaction, organizational commitment and customer orientation. The model concept is based on the model of CSR and employee-company identification established by Kim et al. (2010), and modified by adding some employees’ attitude constructs. The survey, conducted by convenience sampling, consists of a total of 316 participants whose companies have EVP. Utilizing confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation modeling (SEM), the results are as follows: 1.Perceived external prestige is a partial mediator between perceived CSR and organizational identification. Meanwhile, perceived CSR positively affects perceived external prestige, and perceived external prestige has positive relationship with organizational identification. 2.The relationship between EVP participation and organizational identification is positive, which means employees tend to identify with their company when they are mentally satisfied by CSR activities. 3.Organizational identification positively affects variables, such as customer orientation, organizational commitment and job satisfaction. 4.The attitude factors that positively affect employees’ organizational citizenship behavior include customer orientation, organizational commitment and job satisfaction. Further, the impact of customer orientation and organizational commitment are greater than job satisfaction.

從認知、滿意到顧客忠誠─整合性架構之探究 / An integrative study of customer satisfaction and loyalty

吳政諺, Wu, Jheng Yan Unknown Date (has links)
過往顧客滿意架構多集中在購前因素分析或購後行為探討,甚少連結前因後果之整合性架構,故本研究從認知、態度、行為三個面向予以探究,並以關係階段與替代性吸引力雙變數作為調節變項。 本研究針對上海速食業者德克士之消費客群為抽樣對象,共收集有效問卷329份,並利用結構方程模式檢驗研究假說。研究結果歸納如下: 1. 品牌聲望對知覺價值與顧客滿意度皆有正向影響,且知覺價值亦對顧客滿意度有顯著的正向關係。 2. 慣性行為對於顧客滿意到顧客忠誠的路徑具有部分中介效果,結果顯示慣性亦是形成忠誠度的前驅因子之一。 3. 顧客滿意到口碑傳播的路徑並不顯著,但顧客忠誠到口碑傳播卻有顯著的正向關係,代表客群如果只有滿意還不足以衍生口碑行為,需要透過忠誠機制才有足夠強度驅動口碑。 4. 關係階段會顯著調節「顧客滿意到顧客忠誠」以及「顧客滿意到慣性行為」之關係,其他路徑則不顯著。替代性吸引力則對所有路徑的調節效果皆不顯著,此結果可能源於實證對象與競爭企業在消費者的認知中並沒有太大差異或偏好。 / Past researches of customer satisfaction focus on analysis of pre-pruchasing factors or post-buying behaviors. Nevertheless, few studies have adapted integrative structures of combining whole causal connection. The study investigates into three dimensions of cognition, attitude and behavior, taking relationship stage and alternative attractiveness as moderating variables. The study collected 329 valid questionnaires from fast food chain stores, Dicos, in Shanghai and took advantage of SEM to verify research hypotheses. Results and discussions are concluded below: 1. Brand Reputation has positive influence in Perceived Value and Customer Satisfaction. Perceived Value also has significantly positive influence in Customer Satisfaction. 2. Inertia Behavior has mediation effect towards the path of Customer Satisfaction and Customer Lotalty. The result indicates inertia is one of the pre-exponential factors of Customer Loyalty. 3. Customer Satisfaction to Word of Mouth isn’t significant, but Customer Loyalty to Word of Mouth is significantly positive. The result reveals satisfaction is not enough to motivate WOM spreading. Loyalty mechanism is needed to drive WOM behaviors. 4. Relationship stage moderates “Customer Satisfaction to Customer Lotalty” and “Customer Satisfaction to Inertia Behavior” significantly and other hypotheses aren’t significant. Alternative attractiveness doesn’t significantly moderate all of the hypotheses. It may indicate there is no difference or preference to cognition of customers towards Dicos and their competitors.

數位金融時代下行動銀行app持續採用行為研究 / Understanding Consumers’ Continuance Intention toward Mobile Banking in the Fintech Era: A Qualitative and Quantitative Study

梁榕修, Liang, Jung Hsiu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究從金融科技創新應用之觀點,舉行動銀行app之應用為例,整合過去行銷與科技採用之相關文獻,並呼應金融科技時代的創新元素,據此探究使用者對於行動銀行app持續採用行為、與提供未來創新發展上之建議。首先以質化研究的方式,了解行動銀行app使用者的使用原因、使用經驗、對app的整體評價與建議;其次發展出量化研究模型,找出各種影響消費者持續使用意願的因素。 本研究針對「僅使用行動銀行app者」、與「行動銀行app和網路銀行皆有使用者」發放網路問卷調查,在量化研究的部分,首先根據Fintech重要核心價值中的差異化與利基型專業產品,提出競業差異作為研究模型之第一層探討面,結果顯示: 1. 設計美感對使用者能產生正向的情感品質知覺,提升對科技使用的知覺有用性、知覺易用性與降低知覺風險。 2. 品牌聲望有助於提升消費者對於業者所提供之產品與服務的相對優勢。 其次,結合過去創新擴散理論、科技接受模式以及個人知覺風險,作為研究模型之第二層探討面,結果顯示: 複雜性、知覺有用性、知覺風險能顯著影響消費者對於行動銀行app的採用意願。 最後,整合質化訪談發現與量化結果分析,給予結論與建議: 1. 業者可從設計美感加強消費者對於新科技使用的知覺有用性與降低知覺風險 2. 品牌聲望為輔,實質創新為主,首先降低複雜性 3. 從知覺有用性方面創造創新競爭優勢、同時兼顧知覺風險 4. 持續推廣行動銀行app,作為創新發展基礎後盾、與開拓市場之契機。 / This paper takes mobile banking application as an example in the view of FinTech innovation. Combined with findings from marketing and information system research, this study adopts key elements of FinTech innovation to arrive at a more complete understanding of consumers’ continuance intention toward mobile banking. By first taking the qualitative method and conducting semi-structured interviews, we look into consumers’ motivations, experiences, and evaluations of using mobile banking. For the quantitative part our empirical tests involve structural equation modeling. In addition, with the reference to one of main core values of FinTech innovation: differentiation and niche, specialized products, we propose competitive differences among competitors to form our first layer research model, the results demonstrate that: 1. Design aesthetics can increase one’s perceived affective quality of system usage, which in turn, had a significant positive impact on perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and lower perceived risk 2. Brand reputation can positively affect consumers’ sense of relative advantage in terms of the product and service provided by specific vendor. Meanwhile, our research integrates the concepts of Rogers’ innovation diffusion model, technology acceptance model, and personal perceived risk to further propose our second layer research model, and the result shows that: complexity, perceived usefulness, and perceived risk emerge as important antecedents of consumers’ continuance intention toward mobile banking. Lastly, we conclude our analysis of both qualitative and quantitative survey and make suggestions as below: 1. Placing a high value on the influence of design beauty, could increase consumers’ perceived usefulness and reduce perceived risk of new technology. 2. Focusing mainly on innovation while brand reputation subsidiary, and take complexity as priority. 3. Creating competitive advantage of innovation based on perceived usefulness, without overlooking the significant influence of perceived risk. 4. Keeping giving an impetus actively to the usage of mobile banking to solidify foundations of innovation development and increase opportunities in the market.

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