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空調節能設計公司創業計畫 / Business plan for air-conditioning energy-saving consultant firm陳武松, Chen, Jacky Unknown Date (has links)
空調節能設計公司創業計畫 / None
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台灣飛斯妥:在太陽能板產業中創造競爭優勢及優異表現 / Festo Taiwan: Creating competitive advantage and superior performance in the flat panel and solar industry許勞倫, Roland Schlegel Unknown Date (has links)
台灣飛斯妥:在太陽能板產業中創造競爭優勢及優異表現 / ABSTRACT
“A strategy is a set of related actions that managers take to increase their company‟s performance.
For most companies, achieving superior performance relative to rivals is the ultimate challenge.”
In this case study I want to identify and describe a strategy which Festo Taiwan (Festo Co., Ltd.)
can pursue to achieve superior performance with a competitive advantage in the Flat Panel and
Solar Industry in order to achieve the goals of the corporate balanced scorecard.
The study is based on the following steps of the formal strategic planning process:
1) Analyze the external competitive environment to identify opportunities and threats
2) Analyze the internal operating environment to identify the organization‟s strengths and
3) Define strategies that build on the organization‟s strengths and correct its weaknesses in
order to take advantage of external opportunities and counter external threats. These
strategies must be consistent with the missions and major goals of the organization.
The strategy doesn‟t solely focus on the Flat Panel and Solar industry, it can be applied to other
industry segments and the whole Festo Taiwan organization.
This paper is solely based on the viewpoint of the author and independently from the local
management and any other Festo employees. The context, conclusions and suggestions in this
paper don‟t charge or offend anything done or not done from any parties mentioned. The strategy
must not be applied without the own considerations.
Key words: Flat Panel, Solar, Competitive Advantage, Superior Performance
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太陽能電池公司之財務表現分析 / A study on the financial performances of solar cell companies蔣依倩, Chiang, Anne Unknown Date (has links)
太陽能電池公司之財務表現分析 / The global warming issue becomes more severe in the past decade. In 2007, the former Vice President of United State Al Gore and the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change won the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize. The movie “An Inconvenient Truth”, which exposes the myths and misconceptions regarding global warming, won two Oscars. Al Gore said "It is the most dangerous challenge we've ever faced, but it is also the greatest opportunity we have had to make changes."
To solve the problem, actions are taken. One of the most popular topics is the usage of renewable energy. Governments have aggressive investment plans in the renewable energy sector. Especially of those economic stimulus plans, we find that renewable energy investment plays a significant role. Taiwan government also has aggressive investment plans in the renewable energy sector. On April 23, 2009, Executive Yuan of Taiwan approved the proposal “Green Energy Industry Development Plan.” On June 13, 2009, Taiwan’s legislative Yuan passed in final reading a renewable energy bill aimed at spurring clean energy investment and reducing carbon dioxide emissions.
Solar energy is one of the main streams of renewable energy technology development in Taiwan. Since the technologies applied in the production of solar cells and ICs are quite similar, Taiwan, being the world’s leading contract manufacture of IC, has the comparative advantage to develop the solar energy industry.
The aim of this thesis is to provide the solar energy industry and the general investing public in Taiwan the financial performance comparison of worldwide leading solar cell companies, and to provide more insight of their financing strategies and the solvency of each company. About 5 years ago, the solar energy industry in Taiwan started to boom. The high growth trend was the best prove of the situation. However, the financial crisis in 2008 caused a huge change. Companies those don’t have strong financial resources face serious challenges on their cash flow. Their solvency is weak. Most of the companies reported losses on the forth quarter of 2008. It remained the same on the first quarter of 2009. We found that Motech had the best financial performance in the past five years. Though it was not the No.1 in terms of production scale, but its financial performance was very outstanding. Even with conservative debt leverage, it still outperformed.
However, we see some opportunities even in downturns. So far the industry is subsidized by governments. Along with the decrease of average sell price of solar energy products, we believe the grid parity will be reached sooner. When it reaches grid parity, the demand will increase dramatically for the following decade. Companies those can survive the financial crisis and economy downturns would be the final winners.
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台灣東訊公司物聯網技術的智能家居產品在中國市場的可獲利經營方式及策略彭繼曾 Unknown Date (has links)
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中山先生之權能區分學說的再探討謝政道, XIE, ZHENG-DAO Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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國民中學教師專業共同職能之探討陳韋伊 Unknown Date (has links)
四、另外,就潛在變項為「教師專業共同職能」對觀察變項「教師教學職能」、「班級經營職能」、「人際溝通職能」、「創新職能」、「態度職能」與「學生本位職能」之解釋變異百分比 (r-square)分析,其原始模式之R2為.64、.74、.73、.71、.84與.79,修正後模式之R2為.63、.73、.75、.72、.80與.75。就修正後模式而言,以「態度職能」最能被教師專業共同職能所解釋,其解釋變異量達80%,其次依序為「人際溝通職能」、「學生本位職能」、「班級經營職能」、「創新職能」與「教師教學職能」,其被解釋變異量介於.63至.75間,顯示教師專業共同職能對六大職能具有良好之解釋力。
(四)鼓勵教師增進自我專業成長,提升教學品質 / This paper inquires the joint professional competences of teachers in junior high schools and the further realization of the impact of background variables and thence proposes the suggestions in terms of the results.
The contents of the teachers’ joint professional competences are generalized by the competence theory via the questionnaires survey. The perspectives of teachers in junior high schools on joint professional competences are collected by the questionnaires and interviews. The tool is the self-edited Joint Professional Competences of Teachers in Junior High Schools Questionnaires and the subject is the teachers in public junior high schools in Hsinchu and Taoyuan Counties and Cities. There are 600 questionnaires delivered and 402 retrieved with the valid retrieved ratio at 67%. The analysis of survey results is processed by SPSS/12.0 with the interviews with 5 teachers in Hsinchu County and City. The conclusions through the analysis and discussion are:
1. There are 6 categories with 58 items of the Joint Professional Competences of Teachers in Junior High Schools;
2. There are 10 key competences of the joint professional competences of teachers in junior high schools: (1) manage class atmosphere with good interaction, (2) build class rules helping students learn, (3) present instructional materials from easy to hard ones logically, (4) lure and maintain students’ interest by teaching, (5) deal with class contingencies and problems properly, (6) build a good communicative manner with students, (7) initiate the sense of honor and unity of class, (8) plan adequate teaching activities and methods pursuant to the curricular natures, (9) adjust personal emotions properly, prevent from transferring personal anger to others and reflect and accept advices, and (10) view things from diverse perspectives;
3. There are the background variables including gender, age, post, seniority, education, school size and school location concerning the difference analysis of the joint professional competences of teachers in junior high schools. There is no difference for gender, seniority, education and post whereas there is a difference for age, school size and school location; and
4. The latent variable “joint professional competences of teachers” and observable variables “teachers teaching competence”, “class management competence”, “interpersonal communication competence”, “innovation competence”, “attitude competence” and “student-based competence” are processed by the r-square analysis. The corrected R2 is respectively .63, .73, .75, .72, .80 and .75. Thus, “attitude competence” with 80% is the highest explanatory power of teachers’ joint professional competences; others in order are “interpersonal communication competence”, “student-based competence”, “class management competence”, “innovation competence” and “teachers teaching competence” with the R2 at .63-.75, indicating the good explanatory power of the categories on teachers’ joint professional competences.
According to the conclusions, the following suggestions are proposed:
1. Suggestions to educational administrations
(1) Educational administrations perform the teachers’ professional development & evaluation so as to advance teachers’ professional competences;
(2) Teachers educational organizations enhance pre-service courses of professional competences in order to equip teachers with the joint professional competences as the essential competence;
(3) County and City educational departments promote the teachers competences workshops to advance teachers’ competences; and
(4) Support and add resources to small or remote schools to shorten the gap between urban and rural areas.
2. Suggestions to junior high schools
(1) Make the questionnaires available to the initial assessment of teachers’ joint competences;
(2) Perform the teachers’ professional development & evaluation system;
(3) Hold regular instructional observational meeting and class management review; and
(4) Encourage teachers to improve self professional growth for advanced teaching quality.
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聚光型太陽能產業之機會與挑戰 / Opportunities and challenges of high concentration photovoltaic industry劉宇軒, Liu, Edward Unknown Date (has links)
聚光型太陽能產業之機會與挑戰 / The last couple of years have proved to be an eventful period for an emerging technology like CPV. CPV industry really needs real demonstrations at scale of technologies that have a clear pathway to costs per KWh or MWh that are competitive with traditional PV arrays. The industry also needs public datasets of performance, with 3rd party testing to provide credibility and clear expectations for operations and maintenance costs. Reliability and robustness of current designs need to be shown in scale of tens of MW and above to prove this technology’s bankability. Overall, due to weak demand and over capacity in the industry, CPV technologies will need to show clear pathways to low $/MWh costs, through demonstrated high energy yields, high reliability, and low-cost materials.
CPV industry is viewed as being higher risk than traditional PV projects currently. While the technology has been around for a long time, successful long-term demonstrations with current-design technologies are in short supply. Delta Electronics was one of the foremost companies in Taiwan to start with the strategic alliance of Boeing-Spectrolab partnership to enter this market in late 2005, but decided to end the business in 2009 due to relocation of the internal resources.
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城市治理能力之建構:以台北市2003年SARS為例陳衍宏 Unknown Date (has links)
1. 加強政策行銷能力:在政策方向上短期內可以促進政策效果亦可為長期治理能力建立良善基礎。
3. 企業型政府所謂競爭機制與管理主義真正的內涵在於:內部競爭係建立在對外展現的效率上,而非官僚本質的改變。許多文獻將官僚自利與人性自利等歸咎於管理主義盛行,有失公允,這種誘因機制的創造應建立在政策議題上而非本質改變上是未來政府可以努力的目標。
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中俄關係的能源因素 / The energy factor in Sino-Russian relations噢克薩納 Unknown Date (has links)
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中國能源外交:廿一世紀中俄能源合作之研究張宜華 Unknown Date (has links)
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