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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

空調節能設計公司創業計畫 / Business plan for air-conditioning energy-saving consultant firm

陳武松, Chen, Jacky Unknown Date (has links)
空調節能設計公司創業計畫 / None

台灣飛斯妥:在太陽能板產業中創造競爭優勢及優異表現 / Festo Taiwan: Creating competitive advantage and superior performance in the flat panel and solar industry

許勞倫, Roland Schlegel Unknown Date (has links)
台灣飛斯妥:在太陽能板產業中創造競爭優勢及優異表現 / ABSTRACT “A strategy is a set of related actions that managers take to increase their company‟s performance. For most companies, achieving superior performance relative to rivals is the ultimate challenge.” [4] In this case study I want to identify and describe a strategy which Festo Taiwan (Festo Co., Ltd.) can pursue to achieve superior performance with a competitive advantage in the Flat Panel and Solar Industry in order to achieve the goals of the corporate balanced scorecard. The study is based on the following steps of the formal strategic planning process: 1) Analyze the external competitive environment to identify opportunities and threats 2) Analyze the internal operating environment to identify the organization‟s strengths and weaknesses. 3) Define strategies that build on the organization‟s strengths and correct its weaknesses in order to take advantage of external opportunities and counter external threats. These strategies must be consistent with the missions and major goals of the organization. The strategy doesn‟t solely focus on the Flat Panel and Solar industry, it can be applied to other industry segments and the whole Festo Taiwan organization. This paper is solely based on the viewpoint of the author and independently from the local management and any other Festo employees. The context, conclusions and suggestions in this paper don‟t charge or offend anything done or not done from any parties mentioned. The strategy must not be applied without the own considerations. Key words: Flat Panel, Solar, Competitive Advantage, Superior Performance

太陽能電池公司之財務表現分析 / A study on the financial performances of solar cell companies

蔣依倩, Chiang, Anne Unknown Date (has links)
太陽能電池公司之財務表現分析 / The global warming issue becomes more severe in the past decade. In 2007, the former Vice President of United State Al Gore and the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change won the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize. The movie “An Inconvenient Truth”, which exposes the myths and misconceptions regarding global warming, won two Oscars. Al Gore said "It is the most dangerous challenge we've ever faced, but it is also the greatest opportunity we have had to make changes." To solve the problem, actions are taken. One of the most popular topics is the usage of renewable energy. Governments have aggressive investment plans in the renewable energy sector. Especially of those economic stimulus plans, we find that renewable energy investment plays a significant role. Taiwan government also has aggressive investment plans in the renewable energy sector. On April 23, 2009, Executive Yuan of Taiwan approved the proposal “Green Energy Industry Development Plan.” On June 13, 2009, Taiwan’s legislative Yuan passed in final reading a renewable energy bill aimed at spurring clean energy investment and reducing carbon dioxide emissions. Solar energy is one of the main streams of renewable energy technology development in Taiwan. Since the technologies applied in the production of solar cells and ICs are quite similar, Taiwan, being the world’s leading contract manufacture of IC, has the comparative advantage to develop the solar energy industry. The aim of this thesis is to provide the solar energy industry and the general investing public in Taiwan the financial performance comparison of worldwide leading solar cell companies, and to provide more insight of their financing strategies and the solvency of each company. About 5 years ago, the solar energy industry in Taiwan started to boom. The high growth trend was the best prove of the situation. However, the financial crisis in 2008 caused a huge change. Companies those don’t have strong financial resources face serious challenges on their cash flow. Their solvency is weak. Most of the companies reported losses on the forth quarter of 2008. It remained the same on the first quarter of 2009. We found that Motech had the best financial performance in the past five years. Though it was not the No.1 in terms of production scale, but its financial performance was very outstanding. Even with conservative debt leverage, it still outperformed. However, we see some opportunities even in downturns. So far the industry is subsidized by governments. Along with the decrease of average sell price of solar energy products, we believe the grid parity will be reached sooner. When it reaches grid parity, the demand will increase dramatically for the following decade. Companies those can survive the financial crisis and economy downturns would be the final winners.


彭繼曾 Unknown Date (has links)
這是以台灣東訊公司進入大陸智能家居市場,應用相對少的資源,期待在較短時間獲利模式的研究。 台灣東訊公司是一個以通訊為主體的公司,他擁有較好的技術,主要營業OKI,AT&T德國電信,Cisco等代工為主,近幾年來在品牌的發展是以PBX,電話交換機等較傳統產品經營,根据產品的生命週期,這種基本的通訊產品的市場已趨飽和且Line的智慧手機興起,對通話的方式有不一樣的變革,這整體的環境變遷,造成台灣東訊公司生意的衝擊,因此在三年前就開始力求突破。 有鑑物聯網興起,全球政府致力於智慧星球,智慧城市,其原因是希望使人類生活更加美好,因此台灣東訊公司在這個倡議下定位了智能家居產品,其產品運用互聯網與通訊技術以智慧手機做服務輸出(APPs),且以家庭為中心,向智慧城市延伸,在此策略下設計出智能家居相關產品。 在台灣因IT環境較為成熟,人們意識也先進,台灣東訊公司在智能家居市場取得了領先,在短短兩年市占率已經高達四成(在中高端的範圍裡),其功能是以手機APPs提供:可視對講,安防報警,智能家居功能,這主要的成功因素是 借助許多成熟的環境,例如:WIFI,成熟智慧手機,大量化台灣無線上網吃到飽,使大家已習慣用手機享受服務,當台灣東訊公司智能家居的解決方案,是以APPs為中心,用APPs來監控可視對講,安防報警,智能家居….實現其所有功能,以人為本,使智慧城市最重要的單元(家庭),能因網路,而不論在何時何地皆使家更加美滿。 因台灣市場成功,台灣東訊公司積極的想複製成功經驗至中國,台灣東訊公司因而找來幾個大外商背景中國籍的高階主管加入參與經營,經過一年半的努力開拓,結果以失敗告終,在短短一年半賠掉一個資本額,台灣東訊公司痛定思痛再度出發,重新定義策略,尤其中國在習近平上台後,為了解決社會階層拉大,對立,更是致力投入大量資源在智慧城市,智慧社區……的發展,且在幾個省,幾個市要建立試點,做為模範,再滲透至全國,台灣東訊公司如何在這一波再建高潮,為課題。 本論文將應用邱志聖(2010)的4C架構去分析台灣東訊公司的新轉型的中國策略,借由理論與實際相互輝映,來印證4C。


謝政道, XIE, ZHENG-DAO Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.


陳韋伊 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討國民中學教師專業共同職能之探討。進一步瞭解背景變項因素之影響,最後根據研究結果提出具體建議。 本研究首先採用問卷調查法,從職能之理論出發,推導教師專業共同職能之內涵,並且應用問卷調查與訪談之方法,以獲知國民中學教師對專業共同職能之看法。本研究工具採自編之「國民中學教師專業共同職能之調查問卷」,研究對象為新竹縣、桃園縣等兩個縣巿之公立國民中學教師,問卷計發出600份,回收402份,有效問卷402份,可用率67%,調查結果應用SPSS/12.0統計套裝軟體進行分析,並與新竹地區共5位教師進行訪談,根據研究結果之分析與討論,本研究獲得以下結論: 一、國民中教師專業共同職能計有6個向度、58個題項。 二、教師專業共同職能最重要十大職能:依續為教師能營造互動良好的班級氣氛;教師能建立有助於學生學習的班級常規;教師在教學時能由淺入深、具邏輯性呈現教材;教師教學能引起學生並維持學生學習動機;教師能妥適處理任教班級偶發事件及問題;教師對任教班級能建立良好的溝通方式;教師能激發班級榮譽感與凝聚力;教師能依據課程的性質規劃適切的教學活動及教法;教師能適當調整自己情緒,不遷怒他人並經常反思察納雅言;教師處理事情能從不同的角度看問題。 三、對國民中學教師專業共同職能之差異分析,本研究背景變項有性別、年齡、職務、年資、學歷、學校規模及學校所在地。在性別、年資、學歷、職務上對職能上都沒有差異,但在年齡、學校規模、學校所在地上出現了差異。 四、另外,就潛在變項為「教師專業共同職能」對觀察變項「教師教學職能」、「班級經營職能」、「人際溝通職能」、「創新職能」、「態度職能」與「學生本位職能」之解釋變異百分比 (r-square)分析,其原始模式之R2為.64、.74、.73、.71、.84與.79,修正後模式之R2為.63、.73、.75、.72、.80與.75。就修正後模式而言,以「態度職能」最能被教師專業共同職能所解釋,其解釋變異量達80%,其次依序為「人際溝通職能」、「學生本位職能」、「班級經營職能」、「創新職能」與「教師教學職能」,其被解釋變異量介於.63至.75間,顯示教師專業共同職能對六大職能具有良好之解釋力。 根據上述結論,本研究提出以下建議: 一、對教育行政機關的建議 (一)教育行政機關早日全面執行教師專業發展評鑑提升教師專業職能 (二)師資培育機構加強教師職前專業職能課程,使教師專業共同職能成為職前教師師必備能力 (三)各縣市教育局處推展教師職能工作坊增進教師職能 (四)城鄉差距問題仍然呈現,宜增加小型或偏遠學校資源挹注 二、對國民中學的建議 (一)問卷可提供教師專業共同職能初評之使用 (二)落實教師專業發展評鑑制度 (三)定期舉辦教學觀摩及班級經營檢討會 (四)鼓勵教師增進自我專業成長,提升教學品質 / This paper inquires the joint professional competences of teachers in junior high schools and the further realization of the impact of background variables and thence proposes the suggestions in terms of the results. The contents of the teachers’ joint professional competences are generalized by the competence theory via the questionnaires survey. The perspectives of teachers in junior high schools on joint professional competences are collected by the questionnaires and interviews. The tool is the self-edited Joint Professional Competences of Teachers in Junior High Schools Questionnaires and the subject is the teachers in public junior high schools in Hsinchu and Taoyuan Counties and Cities. There are 600 questionnaires delivered and 402 retrieved with the valid retrieved ratio at 67%. The analysis of survey results is processed by SPSS/12.0 with the interviews with 5 teachers in Hsinchu County and City. The conclusions through the analysis and discussion are: 1. There are 6 categories with 58 items of the Joint Professional Competences of Teachers in Junior High Schools; 2. There are 10 key competences of the joint professional competences of teachers in junior high schools: (1) manage class atmosphere with good interaction, (2) build class rules helping students learn, (3) present instructional materials from easy to hard ones logically, (4) lure and maintain students’ interest by teaching, (5) deal with class contingencies and problems properly, (6) build a good communicative manner with students, (7) initiate the sense of honor and unity of class, (8) plan adequate teaching activities and methods pursuant to the curricular natures, (9) adjust personal emotions properly, prevent from transferring personal anger to others and reflect and accept advices, and (10) view things from diverse perspectives; 3. There are the background variables including gender, age, post, seniority, education, school size and school location concerning the difference analysis of the joint professional competences of teachers in junior high schools. There is no difference for gender, seniority, education and post whereas there is a difference for age, school size and school location; and 4. The latent variable “joint professional competences of teachers” and observable variables “teachers teaching competence”, “class management competence”, “interpersonal communication competence”, “innovation competence”, “attitude competence” and “student-based competence” are processed by the r-square analysis. The corrected R2 is respectively .63, .73, .75, .72, .80 and .75. Thus, “attitude competence” with 80% is the highest explanatory power of teachers’ joint professional competences; others in order are “interpersonal communication competence”, “student-based competence”, “class management competence”, “innovation competence” and “teachers teaching competence” with the R2 at .63-.75, indicating the good explanatory power of the categories on teachers’ joint professional competences. According to the conclusions, the following suggestions are proposed: 1. Suggestions to educational administrations (1) Educational administrations perform the teachers’ professional development & evaluation so as to advance teachers’ professional competences; (2) Teachers educational organizations enhance pre-service courses of professional competences in order to equip teachers with the joint professional competences as the essential competence; (3) County and City educational departments promote the teachers competences workshops to advance teachers’ competences; and (4) Support and add resources to small or remote schools to shorten the gap between urban and rural areas. 2. Suggestions to junior high schools (1) Make the questionnaires available to the initial assessment of teachers’ joint competences; (2) Perform the teachers’ professional development & evaluation system; (3) Hold regular instructional observational meeting and class management review; and (4) Encourage teachers to improve self professional growth for advanced teaching quality.

聚光型太陽能產業之機會與挑戰 / Opportunities and challenges of high concentration photovoltaic industry

劉宇軒, Liu, Edward Unknown Date (has links)
聚光型太陽能產業之機會與挑戰 / The last couple of years have proved to be an eventful period for an emerging technology like CPV. CPV industry really needs real demonstrations at scale of technologies that have a clear pathway to costs per KWh or MWh that are competitive with traditional PV arrays. The industry also needs public datasets of performance, with 3rd party testing to provide credibility and clear expectations for operations and maintenance costs. Reliability and robustness of current designs need to be shown in scale of tens of MW and above to prove this technology’s bankability. Overall, due to weak demand and over capacity in the industry, CPV technologies will need to show clear pathways to low $/MWh costs, through demonstrated high energy yields, high reliability, and low-cost materials. CPV industry is viewed as being higher risk than traditional PV projects currently. While the technology has been around for a long time, successful long-term demonstrations with current-design technologies are in short supply. Delta Electronics was one of the foremost companies in Taiwan to start with the strategic alliance of Boeing-Spectrolab partnership to enter this market in late 2005, but decided to end the business in 2009 due to relocation of the internal resources.


陳衍宏 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過文獻的檢閱,將治理能力區分為政策能力、行政能力與制度能力等三大構面。欲藉由2003年台北市發生的SARS疫情的個案,探究這三個構面的能力關係。 本研究藉由紮根理論的研究策略,進行深度訪談與分析,結果發現: 一、制度能力部分 關係資源與動員能力彼此影響,換句話說,市民是否願意接納公共政策,會參照網絡中的關係資源,且彼此相互增強,進而選擇如何應對。 另外對於知識的掌握程度亦是接納公共政策的關鍵因素之一。 二、政策能力與行政能力 相對於文獻所建構的治理能力,透過本研究所建構的治理能力模型,人民(受訪者)對於政策能力與行政能力的認知似有落差。人民對於運作過程似乎漸感無奈,取而代之的是立即的感受(回應力),中期的願景(透過政策行銷)以及長期的能力養成(公民教育)。 本研究共討論、歸納了三種治理模式其一是「企業型政府模式」其二是「公共行政發展模式」第三則是「國家—社會互動模式」。 企業型政府模式實則以市場機制、管理主義為前提,因此可以被涵容在公共行政發展模式中市場治理模式中。國家—社會互動模式中說明了國家行動者存在之必要性,以及社會行動者扮演的角色。 在政策執行工具的選用上,公共行政發展模式無疑給了一個最好的方向,因此本研究以為公共行政發展模式中的三種模式是可以並存在同一個時空下的,無論國家的政治體制或意識型態為何。就層級模式而言,其治理工具便是偏向威權、獨斷的工具;市場模式就是透過競爭與誘因機制設計的工具,而網絡模式的治理工具偏向信任的建構即公民教育。以本研究的個案為例,層級模式的思惟適合用在SARS疫情的控制上;政府無須藉由市場力量,更不用期待社會行動者的利他與信任,因為這是不明的疫情,人民沒有任何的知識基礎應對;而市場模式的思惟可以用在醫療資源的使用與配置上,不使強調競爭面,而是重視流通效率;前者易產生投機(如口罩囤積)後者則仰賴政府統一指導(如資源利用與分配);網絡治理的公民教育適合於復原的社會價值重建,其效果在之後的公衛體系與人民對醫療衛生的風險意識增加。 本研究由「公民認知途徑」為始點探討治理能力的建構,就鑲嵌在網絡當中的行動者而言,其被動員的原因若從治理模式來看無非是:強迫、誘因與信任。最難的部分應該就是信任的建構,此更涉及了公民教育的政策工具介入。 基於公民途徑建構的治理能力,本研究對於政府行動者的期許在於: 1. 加強政策行銷能力:在政策方向上短期內可以促進政策效果亦可為長期治理能力建立良善基礎。 2.公民教育與公民意識的培養,不應只在發生重大的治理議題之後,例如SARS。公民教育可以長期改變公民文化與增進公民意識就網絡治理而言,社會資本等相關論述便是透過公民教育而來。國家身為一個較具一致性的行動者,對此應積極進行投資。 3. 企業型政府所謂競爭機制與管理主義真正的內涵在於:內部競爭係建立在對外展現的效率上,而非官僚本質的改變。許多文獻將官僚自利與人性自利等歸咎於管理主義盛行,有失公允,這種誘因機制的創造應建立在政策議題上而非本質改變上是未來政府可以努力的目標。

中俄關係的能源因素 / The energy factor in Sino-Russian relations

噢克薩納 Unknown Date (has links)
能源因素在中俄關係的分析顯示,處理政治與經濟兩者間的聯繫幾乎無法與能源安全的問題脫鉤。中俄能源合作對於中國與俄國分別具有不同的意義,主要原因取決於雙方對於能源安全的認知上差異。在中國方面,強調的是能源供應方面的安全;而俄羅斯方面,能源的需求才是首要。然而,中俄對於能源安全認定的差異呈現的是一種互補關係,因此能為彼此的合作奠定良好的基礎。 本論文的主要論點是,中俄合作的重要性是一種很強的經貿互補關係,而能源這個因素在過程中扮演了關鍵。中國與俄羅斯的能源合作以及從該國增加的進口貿易量,符合中國使其海外能源供應多樣化和安全運輸的目標,也同時強化了他的能源安全與經濟的穩定發展。另一方面,中俄能源的合作將提升俄羅斯的出口貿易額,讓俄國在亞太地區的經濟地位可以維持,甚至是強化。鑑於中國對於能源的需求,以及俄國對於本身經濟發展的重視,兩國未來能源合作將可望進一步的深化。 關鍵字詞:中俄能源合作、能源安全、能源外交


張宜華 Unknown Date (has links)
石油為全球重要戰略資源,世界主要國家均制定對外能源策略及能源外交政策,以求在能源供應上得到保障,能源政策成為各國對外政策和外交活動最重要的一部分。放眼未來,至21世紀中葉,石油仍將是世界的主要能源,繼續主宰世界經濟的持續發展。中國當前整體規模相當龐大,近幾年已接近10%的經濟增長速度繼續擴展,使其市場及能源壓力較其他國家更為沉重,石油對中國的經濟發展已經成為「最大的開銷,最大的變數」。 中國採取「兩種資源、兩個市場」的戰略構想,以保障石油供應,國內除加強勘探外,亦注重能源有效使用,更積極建立石油戰略儲備機制;國外,參與全球性多元能源開發合作,建立多元能源措施,採取全球化能源外交,透過能源產業之交流合作,強化對外關係,為能源獲取創造更多機會;惟中國能源焦點並非專注一地,而是廣視全球,以求最大限度增加能源供應安全的實現。 目前中國將焦點集中可由陸路運輸之中亞及俄羅斯,俄羅斯的經濟以能源出口作為支撐,擴大油氣資源出口成為俄羅斯發展經濟的重要舉措。因此,亞洲地區成為俄羅斯積極搶攻的市場,其豐富的能源和中國巨量的需求,為兩國能源合作奠定基礎,但中俄間能源合作計畫進展緩慢,充滿不確定性。俄羅斯基於增加在全球石油秩序和政治格局中的影響力,不會把籌碼完全放在中國,不願意單純成為中國原料產地,多元化的出口策略才能使俄羅斯獲得最大利益。 日本挾巨大經濟實力,誘使東北亞各國競相爭奪俄羅斯石油能源,造成遠東石油管線搖擺不定的主因,惟中國以多元能源戰略應對,希在多變國際政治互動與經貿交流中獲得保障。未來中國更將致力能源多極合作,目前合作雖存困境,但長遠仍存互利條件,不但可增進雙邊貿易及關係,更具鞏固中俄戰略協作夥伴關係重要意義。俄羅斯向中國出口石油為經濟發展需要,可提供參與國際石油市場巨大機會;而中國引進俄羅斯能源,則有利其能源安全保障,將是一個雙贏與互利的合作。

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