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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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57. 老人保健施設における転倒事故と痴呆との関係

兼松, 美紀, 三宅, 正恵, 井上, 真寿美, 河上, 敬介, 鈴木, 重行 01 April 1993 (has links)
No description available.


渡邊, 利恵, 中西, 啓介, 鈴木, 重行, 柴田, 澄江, 清水, 英樹, 橋本, 淳, 内堀, 充敏 20 April 1997 (has links)
No description available.


木村, 宏恒, Kimura, Hirotsune 10 March 2005 (has links)
No description available.


呂長運 Unknown Date (has links)
俄語中,有一群動詞是表示不同的運動方式(有時是藉著交通工具),這就是運動動詞。由於語言和文化上的差異,對於所有的外國學生,包含台灣學生在內,學習運動動詞(帶前綴的運動動詞)時,確實造成不小的困擾。此外,在俄語中的運動動詞有定向和不定向的區分,俄國人能夠很清楚地分辨它們,但相較於沒有這種概念的台灣學生來說,在選擇定向或是不定向的運動動詞時,往往會使用錯誤。更值得一提的是 — 帶前綴的運動動詞不僅在俄語教學中是一項很大的挑戰,而且它們在構詞、詞彙、語法和語義等方面也有許多不同的特性。這些原因都是造成台灣學生在學習俄語運動動詞時所會面臨到的問題。本論文從語言歷史的角度出發,探討俄語中運動動詞的意義在歷史演進中的改變;其次,以構詞、詞彙、語法和語意這一方面的理論,來分析運動動詞所具有的特徵(例如:派生詞和非派生詞;及物動詞和非及物動詞;詞彙的直義和轉義;詞彙的隱喻意義和借喻意義;語義場等);同時,以功能修辭學的觀點來解析運動動詞在功能語體中扮演的角色。


蕭文昌, Hsiao, wen-chang Unknown Date (has links)
當新創企業發展初期,競爭對手看不上你,等到企業成長到可能影響到整體市場占有率時,企業受到競爭對手的挑戰與攻擊便接踵而來。因此新創企業如何在策略發展上進行縝密佈局,將有助於企業順利通過死亡之谷,並持續往成長之路上邁進。 本研究試圖將茂迪的成功策略發展模式轉化為特定的目標及指標,建立適用於新創企業的平衡計分卡。在萌芽期時企業在取得營運所需的風險性資金後,在財務構面上發展的策略為降低營運所需的成本,及使資金做最有效運用,在客戶構面上如何取得客戶對產品的信賴,以及萌芽期夥伴信任關係的建立,在內部流程構面則以改進製程技術,著重技術研發為此時期的重點,另外藉由完善的服務爭取客戶的信任,在學習成長構面此時需要的是高素質人力及透過經驗學習提昇公司的創新能力與員工的生產力。 在成長期此時期的策略在財務構面是追求營收的成長 並積極開發新客戶及市場的成長,在顧客構面則在資本有限的情況下,發展最適合企業本身的利基市場,另外在內部流程構面藉由策略聯盟取得這時期所需的資源,在學習與成長構面訓練與發展策略性技能與專業能力是這時的重點。 在穩定期此時期在財務構面於集中市場取得所需的資金後,藉由上下游整合與購併等策略擴大企業的規模,在顧客構面在企業茁壯的同時仍兼顧營運風險管理追求股東權益極大化,在內部流程構面由專業代工走向自有品牌,藉由發展目標市場行銷提昇品牌價值,在學習與成長構面則以吸引及留住有技能的員工及透過知識管理使公司的理念與願景能貫徹實行。 新創企業相對於大企業而言,缺乏較明確的策略佈局,導致平衡計分卡在策略執行上的發揮效用有限,有鑑於此本研究試圖以新創企業成功的策略發展模式,結合平衡計分卡發展出適合新創企業導入平衡計分卡的參考架構,以期能對台灣新創企業的發展有所助益。


杜仰高 Unknown Date (has links)
在1993年中國成為石油淨進口國後,年消費量不斷擴大,產量卻無法大幅提升,石油供給不足的缺口正逐步擴大,且依國際能源總署評估,中國將是未來世界能源爭奪上的關鍵國家。 能源因素從1993年以來逐步地成為中國外交方面的思考。中國在處理外交事務越來越重視能源問題。在21世紀的石油價格不斷提升的趨勢對中國經濟造成相當大的衝擊,一旦能源供應短缺,享受經濟快速發展的中國面將臨極大的危險。另外在軍事力量加強的同時中國需要建立石油儲備來因應軍事行動之所需。 從外交戰略而言,中國處於亞洲中心,東接太平洋,西與中亞產油地區接壤,南出巴基斯坦,具備非常有利的地緣戰略優勢。中國需藉助有利的地緣戰略位置,在不流血的「石油戰爭」中儘早規劃以為因應,方不致遭受其它國家的戰略的箝制。 因此,本論文的研究目的在於以1993年至2006年能源因素影響中國外交政策和計劃的追蹤資料,搭配政治分析法, 探討以下問題: 一,分析預測將來中國能源方面的需求趨勢;二,探究能源需求促使中國政府採取何種外交手段。三,在中國外交決策中能源因素扮演何種的決定因素。 / Since 1993, China has become an importer of oil; the oil consumption has been growing. At the same time, China couldn’t increase the oil production, as the result, the lack of oil supplying has continuously increased. If we analyze from the point of international resource consumption, China comes to be the key country between those, who will struggle for the energy resources in the future. Since 1993, energy factor has been implemented to the consideration in the Chinese diplomacy. China has started to pay more and more attention to the energy factor while dealing with its international affairs. In 21 century, the oil price has been increasingly rising, that has become a serious danger for Chinese economy. The sudden lack of energy resources will be the great threat for fast developing Chinese economy. Also, been increasing its military power, China needs to create strategic oil stocks in order to move effectively its military forces. If we consider from strategic point of view, China is in the center of Asia, with Pacific Ocean on its East Coast, bordering with Pakistan on the South, China has very favorable geographical strategic advantages. China needs to use its strategic position for early planning strategy in its “non-blood war” for oil resources. Otherwise, China will face containment from the other countries. The purpose of this study is thus to investigate the following issues based upon the date for the influence of energy factor on Chinese foreign policy and intentions during the period of 1993-2006: 1.Understanding the trends for the future growth of energy demand in China. 2.Investigating what kind of measures can be applying by Chinese government in the face of these trends. 3.Figuring out how big the role of energy factor in the Chinese foreign policy implementation.


翁嘉英, WENG, CHIA-YING Unknown Date (has links)
兒童的能力概念影響其面對失敗時的歸因模式、進而影響其成就目標與學習動機。目前對兒童能力概念發展的研究,對象多以美國地區的兒童為主,極少針對台灣地區的兒童研究其能力概念的發展,因此本研究以台灣地區的兒童為對象,了解在台灣的文化環境下兒童能力概念發展之情形。 / 本研究的受試者為8歲、10歲、12歲的小學生共84人,以結構式訪談的方式,分別針對能力的定義、能力的改變性、以及能力與努力的關係等方面,了解兒童的能力概念發展情形。研究結果發現:在「能力的定義」、「能力是否隨環境而改變」、「能力是否受自身努力而改變」、「變聰明的方法」、「能力與努力的關係」等方面,受試者的回答呈現出年齡發展趨勢。研究者對研究結果加以討論,並提出研究限制及未來研究方向建議。

學科型教室與教學效能之研究-以國立政大附中為例 / Research on Variation Type Classroom and Teaching Effectiveness-A case study on The Affiliated High School of National Chengchi University

吳珮君 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以政大附中為個案研究對象,旨在瞭解政大附中學科型教室的規劃理念、調查政大附中學科型教室的運用現況、探討政大附中教師對學科型教室的使用感受、分析政大附中學科型教室與教學效能的關係,進而根據研究結果提出對未來研究之建議,以供後進學校規劃學科型教室之參考。 為達此研究目的,目前政大附中共有24位教師,皆為本研究之問卷調查對象,並訪談政大附中6位教師、實地觀察一位教師上課情形。在資料分析上,問卷調查的結果主要以次數百分比統計及平均數分析,以內容分析法分析訪談所得資料,以描述性的方式記錄實地觀察過程。從研究結果發現得到以下結論: ㄧ、政大附中學科型教室規劃理念秉持空間有效利用、妥善配置及教室使用效 能提升的原則 二、政大附中學科教室情境佈置內容多元豐富,多以學科知識為主,輔以班級 事務,常見學生駐足閱覽 三、政大附中學科教室裡教學資訊設備豐富,教師不僅能熟練地使用學科教室 的資訊設備,且對資訊設備有助教學內容的呈現、教學效果的提升,持肯 定態度 四、政大附中教師肯定教學研究室有助教師交換教學經驗、情感交流、放鬆壓 力及提升教學效果的功能 五、政大附中教師肯定學科型教室之設計意義及運作方式,共用學科教室之教 師,會彼此溝通協調意見 六、學科型教室使用現況與教師教學效能之「教學自我效能信念」、「系統呈 現教材內容」、「多元有效教學技術」、「有效運用教學時間」、「建立 和諧師生關係」、「營造良好班級氣氛」,以及「整體教師教學效能」具 有顯著相關 本研究依據結論,提出建議如下: ㄧ、學科型教室設計有其價值,值得推廣 二、教師可善用學科教室便於進行情境佈置之優點,強化以學科內容相關知識 充實教室情境佈置 三、學科型教室教學設備豐富,教師需提升教學設備使用的知能 四、學校可規劃教學研究室讓同科教師在一起,以利專業對話 五、共用學科教室之教師,應透過溝通協調達成共識 六、學科型教室設計為因應「班級」的需求,需有妥善配套措施 七、學科型教室係因學生需移動到各學科教室上課,應妥善規劃動線 八、未來研究可以進一步地針對採行學科型教室的不同學校,從事長期性的研 究,以瞭解不同學校學科型教室的運作現況及績效 / By conducting a case study on The Affiliated High School of National Chengchi University, the research aims to penetrate the concept of organizing Variation type classrooms, investigate the school’s utilization of such classrooms, discuss the teachers’ feedback, and analyze the classrooms’ relation to teaching effectiveness. Further suggestions are made according to the research results for schools’ reference when it comes to the organization of Variation Type Classrooms. To achieve the above purposes, 24 teachers of The Affiliated High School of National Chengchi University conducted the survey questionnaires, with 6 teachers interviewed and one observed in class. As for data analysis, the questionnaires were analyzed in terms of frequency portion percentage and mean. On the other hand, content analysis was conducted on the information obtained through interviews and the observation process was documented with truthful description. The following conclusion can be derived from the research results: 1. The Affiliated High School of National Chengchi University organized Variation type classrooms with the principle of effective space utilization, proper arrangement and elevated class efficacy. 2. The subject classrooms in Affiliated High School of National Chengchi University are decorated with abundant and diverse subject knowledge supplemented with class affairs that often attract students to read. 3. The subject classrooms in Affiliated High School of National Chengchi University are equipped with abundant information equipment for teaching. Teachers are proficient in the application of such equipment and hold positive opinion on its help with the presentation of teaching contents and the improvement of teaching effectiveness. 4. The teachers of Affiliated High School of National Chengchi University confirm that teaching labs can help teachers exchange teaching experience, share emotions, alleviate pressure and improve teaching effectiveness. 5. The teachers of The Affiliated High School of National Chengchi University approve of the design idea and operation of Variation Type Classrooms. Teachers sharing the same subject classroom can communicate and coordinate with one another. 6. The utilization status of Variation Type Classrooms are closely related to the teaching effectiveness in terms of “self-efficacy for teaching”, “systematic presentation of teaching materials”, “diverse and effective teaching methods”, “effective use of teaching sessions”, “establishment of harmonious relationship between teachers and students”, “creation of pleasant class atmosphere” and “overall teaching efficacy of teachers”. The following suggestions are proposed based on the research results: 1.The design of Variation Type Classrooms is of great value and worthy of promotion. 2.Teachers can furnish subject classrooms with thematic decoration and supplement with subject-related materials. 3.Teachers have to improve their proficiency of teaching equipment operation in order to make use of the abundant teaching equipment in Variation Type Classrooms. 4.Schools can arrange teaching labs so that teachers of the same subject can gather to facilitate professional dialogue. 5.Teachers sharing the same subject classroom should reach consensus through communication and coordination. 6.Supplementary measures must be taken for Variation Type Classrooms to meet the demands of classes. 7.Students have to move to each subject classroom in the Variation Type Classrooms. Therefore, the routes must be carefully designed. 8.Further studies are encouraged to conduct long-term surveys on different schools adopting Variation Type Classrooms to better understand the operation status and effectiveness of such classrooms.


陳貞如 Unknown Date (has links)
因為人口老化,生醫材料的快速發展,使得低侵入性醫療器材產業成長快速,而個案公司因為擁有突破性的產品,因此在這幾年業務成長的速度相當快,組織也在這幾年快速的擴充。在組織擴充的同時,個案公司發現人力資源的制度及人才的缺乏,因此引入職能發展及招募的概念,並同時招募人力資源的人才,而在推行職能工具的同時,因為業務主管多年來都以非結構性的面談及應徵者的基本資料,進行甄選,也招募到某些傑出的業務人員,使得整體的銷售達成率,都一直是兩位數的成長,因此當人力資源主管以人力資源的理論,提供業務主管一套更好的甄選方式時,卻發現人力資源主管與業務主管,對於甄選條件有完全不同的看法。 本研究從文獻資料中,瞭解職能的意義,並且透過不同產業間,職能的比較,及個案公司業務的流程,以理論的方式輔以實際業務主管對於優秀業務人員職能的觀察,分析個案公司職能模型的適用性。另外,本研究也利用個案公司常用的甄選條件,包含業務人員的基本資料,及2005年的績效評分,領導職能及銷售能力職能的評分結果,與表示績效的三個效標進行統計分析,以瞭解個案公司職能模型的效標效度。最後與所有的業務主管訪談,瞭解業務主管對於職能的認知,及列出具有鑑別力的職能項目,以整體分析個案公司職能模型的方式,舉出科學性的證據,支持人力資源主管推行職能工具,並替個案公司找到更好的甄選條件。 本研究的科學分析結果,並無法解決人力資源主管的問題,因此本研究利用推論的方式,對於實務上的困境提出解決的方式,建議人力資源主管應該先與業務主管進行溝通,建立在業務主管前的信賴度,並且暸解業務主管所採用的甄選條件,並以這些甄選條件及職能的內容與業務主管進行討論,找到適合個案公司的甄選條件及職能面試方式。 / Recent years have witnessed significant growth in the market for less-invasive medical products due to increases in the average age of the population and the rapid development of the biomaterials industry. The company that served as the research-site for the present study also enjoyed a high growth rate and organizational expansion thanks to its ability to produce cutting-edge products that were well-aligned to these market trends. Recognizing the need to improve its existing human resource pool and hire new talent during this period of rapid organizational expansion, the company introduced new forms of competency-based internal development and recruitment. However, since the company’s sales managers had relied upon non-structured interviews and reviews of applicants' basic information as recruitment criteria in the past, they felt that the previously-used methods of recruitment had proven effective by their prior outstanding sales performance levels. Accordingly, the HR manager’s attempts to promulgate competency-based recruitment techniques were met with resistance by the company’s existing sales managers. The present study reviews the literature on the competency model by defining it, discussing its overall validity, and comparing competency models that have emerged in various industries. Moreover, it sketches the case company’s business model and offers observations of its outstanding salespersons. Next, the case company’s recruitment criteria, sales-staff information and performance records, leadership competency, and function competency data for the year of 2005 are analyzed according to three sales performance indicators to confirm the criteria validity of its competency model. All of the firm’s sales managers took part in our interviews to test their levels of understanding of competency, as well as to identify distinguished competency items. In short, the purpose of the study was to support the establishment and promotion of more effective HR manager promoting competency concepts and recruitment criteria. The scientific results of the study were unable to solve directly the problems encountered by the HR manager in his attempts to employ competency-based hiring procedures. The study attempted to solve the ensuing differences between the sales managers and the HR manager via theoretical implications and suggestions that the HR manager communicate with the sales managers to augment their mutual trust and understand fully the recruitment criteria employed by the sales managers. In this way, it was shown that increased communication and understanding between the HR manager and the sales managers would lead to better overall recruitment criteria for the case company.

台灣航太企業之組織核心能耐深化與培養 以寶一公司為例

曾煥明 Unknown Date (has links)
航太工業向來屬於資本密集、技術密集與勞力密集的產業,尤其在軍用機與商用客機兩者間基本差異相去有限之前提下,基於軍事機密保護的顧慮,航太製造業也就往往成為歐美各國積極保護且亟欲保留於本土發展的產業。 然而美國911事件與SARS等一連串事件的爆發,致使航空業業績大幅滑落,各航空業者為了維持營運,只能要求飛機製造商降價,以降低採購成本。但因為這段期間,歐洲原有的零件製造技術工人皆已年屆退休,在年輕一輩又紛紛投入尖端資訊產業的風潮下,沒有人願意進入類似所謂「黑手」的航太製造業,再加之各項原物料價格飛漲,在在使歐美各國的航太製造業面臨了無以為繼的斷層危機與虧損風險。積極的尋求外援,也就成為當下不得不之選擇,連帶也使歐美航太產業的保護政策出現了方向上的改變。而台灣過去IDF的成功製造經驗,自然也就成為歐美航太製造業從事外包,以彌補斷層與降低成本上之首選。研究個案所提及之寶一科技股份有限公司,即是在如此的時空背景下,開啟了一系列「知識創新管理」之課題。 以個案公司不具財團背景與國家資源挹注之有限資源下,欲跨足此一技術密集、資金密集之產業,無疑有其先天不足之嚴重限制,本論文透過個案公司之研究,詳細剖析其如何以低廉的設備及有限的資源,加入創意的設計與科學的方法,透過知識上創新管理的功能,製造出符合客戶品質要求之高附加價值產品,並進一步使公司由虧轉營之過程,藉以發揮「小兵立大功」的管理綜效。期待經由本研究能為知識創新管理的成功模式,提出可供辨識之特性與變項。 有關本研究之結論,詳列如下: (一) 技術知識特質雖然會影響組織創新活動的發展,產業結構與產品特質也扮演相當重要的角色。 (二) 資源有限也是促進公司進行知識創新的原因之一 (三) 員工同質性高的公司,在進行重大創新活動時,多會尋求外部知識的援助。

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