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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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臺北市國民中學校園休憩活動空間之研究 / The study of junior high school campus leisure activities space in Taipei City

蔡坤良 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討臺北市國民中學休憩活動空間規畫現況與使用情形,並分析不同背景變項下規畫與使用之差異,進而瞭解學生在下課選擇校園休憩活動空間的原因、活動形式、改善設施及放學欲使用情形,最後歸納規畫校園休憩活動空間之規劃與改善意見。因此研究採用休憩活動空間設置調查表,用以調查校園休憩活動空間之現況資料,並配合休憩活動空間使用問卷調查瞭解學生使用與需求情形,共寄發出1,200份問卷,回收有效問卷共1,072份,最後輔以訪談以深入了解學校規劃與使用情形,根據資料整理,本研究發現結果如下: 一、校園靜態休憩活動空間設置最多為教室、走廊、圖書館、合作社與庭園,其次為戶外劇場,設置比例較少為交誼平臺、交誼室及屋頂花園。 二、校園動態休憩活動空間設置最多為田徑場、室外球場與活動中心為主。 三、不同學校類型在靜態休憩活動空間規畫差異不大,唯有在走廊、圖書館、庭園的附屬設施與戶外劇場設置略有差異;在動態休憩活動空間在田徑場與室外球場附屬設施略有差異。 四、不同學校規模在靜態休憩活動空間規畫差異不大,唯有在走廊、圖書館、合作社略有差異,在動態休憩活動空間規畫差異不大,唯有在室外球場附屬設施略有差異。 五、下課學生較常使用的靜態休憩活動空間,以教室、走廊與合作社為主;動態休憩活動空間以室外籃球場、田徑場與活動中心為主。 六、下課選擇靜態休憩活動空間的原因以距離較近、放鬆身心與同學因素為主;選擇動態休憩活動空間的原因以身體活動、放鬆身心、距離較近與同 學因素為主。 七、下課學生在靜態休憩活動空間從事的活動以聊天為主,其次為睡覺、看書、發呆與散步;動態休憩活動空間從事的活動以聊天、打球為主。 八、在靜態休憩活動空間使用頻率上完全中學使用頻率高於市立國中;在動態休憩活動空間使用頻率小規模與中規模使用頻率高於大規模,七年級使用頻率高於八年級使用頻率,男生使用頻率高於女生。 九、在靜態休憩活動空間學生希望增設或改善的空間以教室、合作社與圖書館為主,並增設音樂聆聽區、電腦設備區與休憩座椅等設施為主。 十、在動態休憩活動空間以學生希望增設或改善的空間以室外籃球場、室內籃球場與活動中心為主,並增設休憩以球類設施與休憩座椅為主。 十一、學生放學從事的休憩活動依序最多為聊天、打球與散步;選擇的休憩活動空間依序最多為教室、走廊與室外籃球場。 根據結論以上結論,提出以下建議: 一、國中校園靜態休憩活動空間以教室、走廊、圖書館與合作社等空間,應優先充實其空間設施,以利學生休憩活動之用。 二、國中校園動態休憩活動空間以室外籃球場與活動中心等空間,應優先充實其空間設施,以利學生休憩活動之用。 三、高樓層校舍應就近增設休憩設施,以滿足高樓層學生休憩活動空間之需求。 四、彈性調整下課時間,利於學生進行多樣化的休憩活動。 五、動態休憩活動空間宜考慮性別的需求作適當的調整 六、國中學生在休憩活動選擇以聊天為主要活動,顯示社交需求應被重視,應此宜多設置休憩座椅,以提供學生下課聊天的硬體需求。 七、以經費持續補助學校進行校園空間改善,以增加休憩活動空間設施。 八、對未來的研究建議可在研究內容上可針對休憩附屬設施如:休憩座椅、閱讀桌椅或球場等設施之規畫形式與使用狀況進行研究。 / This study focuses on the current situation of the planning and use of recreational spaces in junior high schools in Taipei city. An analysis was conducted to find out differences in the planning and use of these spaces under different background variables in order to further probe into the reasons students choose the recreational spaces on campus after class, the activity types, improvement of facilities, and use after school. The recreational space planning and improvement suggestions were then summarized. In this paper, a questionnaire survey was conducted to investigate the current situation of recreational spaces on campus. The questionnaires were distributed to find out the use and needs of the students. A total of 1,200 questionnaire copies were distributed and 1,072 valid copies were recovered. Interviews were also conducted to gain an insight into the planning and use of the school recreational spaces. The study findings based on the compiled data are as follows: 1. Most passive recreational spaces on campus are allotted for classrooms, corridors, libraries, cooperatives, and gardens, followed by outdoor theaters. Friendship platforms, recreational rooms, and roof gardens on the other hand have the least passive recreational spaces. 2. Most dynamic recreational spaces are allotted for track and field, outdoor courts, and activity centers. 3. The passive recreational space planning in different schools is generally the same except for corridors, libraries, ancillary facilities in gardens, and outdoor theater layout that slightly differ. For the dynamic recreational spaces, the ancillary facilities such as the track and field, outdoor courts, etc., differed slightly. 4. There is not much variation in dynamic recreational space planning at different schools except corridors, libraries, and cooperatives that showed slight differences. In terms of dynamic recreational space planning, the schools do not differ much except for ancillary facilities of outdoor courts that show slight variations. 5. Students more frequently used passive recreational spaces after class, particularly classrooms, corridors, and cooperatives. The dynamic recreational spaces are primarily outdoor basketball courts, track and field, and activity centers. 6. The reasons for choosing dynamic recreational spaces include: closer in distance, relaxing the body and mind, and influence of peers. The reasons they choose dynamic activities include: physical activity, relaxing the body and mind, closer in distance, and influence of peers. 7. After class, the activities that take place in the passive recreational spaces are primarily chatting, followed by taking a nap, reading, trance, and taking a walk; the activities that take place in the dynamic recreational spaces include chatting and playing ball games. 8. The usage rate of the passive recreational space in complete high schools is higher than that of city junior high schools; the usage rate of the small-scale and medium-scale dynamic recreational spaces is higher than that of the large-scale spaces; the usage rate of the 7th graders is higher than that of the 8th graders, and the usage rate for the boys is higher than that of the girls. 9. In the passive recreational space, the students’ requested additional facilities and improvement of primarily classrooms, cooperatives, and libraries and setup of music areas, computer areas, and recreational chairs. 10. In the dynamic recreation space, the students requested additional facilities and improvement of primarily outdoor basketball courts, indoor basketball courts, and activity centers and setup of ball sport related facilities and recreational chairs. 11. The students’ recreational activities after school in sequence are chatting, playing ball games, and taking a walk. And the recreational spaces chosen in sequence are classrooms, corridors, and outdoor basketball courts. Based on the conclusions above, the following suggestions are proposed: 1. In terms of the passive recreational space on campus of junior high schools,priorities are given to enhancing facilities in classrooms, corridors, libraries, and cooperatives for students’ recreational use. 2. In terms of the dynamic recreational space on campus of junior high schools,priorities are given to enhancing facilities in outdoor basketball courts and activity centers for students’ recreational use. 3. Additional recreational facilities should be set up in the vicinity of high-rise buildings to satisfy students’ recreational space needs. 4. Make flexible adjustment of the class schedule to facilitate students’ versatile recreational activities. 5. Take gender needs into consideration in making appropriate adjustment to the dynamic recreational space. 6. Most junior high school students choose chatting as the recreational activity,showing the need to emphasize social needs. Therefore, additional recreational chairs are recommended for students’ hardware needed for chatting. 7.Continue to grant money to improve the campus space and add more facilities in the recreational space. 8.It is suggested that future researches focus on the planning and usage of recreational ancillary facilities such as recreational chairs, desks/chairs for reading, and ball courts.

駐美國臺北經濟文化代表處(TECRO)與美國在臺協會(AIT)特權與豁免之研究 / A study of the privilege and immunity of TECRO and AIT

祝立宏, Chu, Li Hung Unknown Date (has links)
1979年1月1日,美國與我國斷絕外交關係後,為因應新的外交關係發展,美國依其「臺灣關係法」成立「美國在臺協會」處理對臺事務,我國也相應成立「北美事務協調委員會」做為對口單位,雙方並互派駐代表機構,建立了有別於傳統國際法的準外交關係;同時,另依據雙方協定及各自的國內法,賦予對方派駐機構及人員享有相當於政府間國際組織的特權與豁免。此種非邦交國及不被承認政府之準外交代表機構的特權與豁免,經過多年的實踐,其結果如何?為本論文研究與探討的重點。 雖然就協定的內容,我國與美方派駐機構及人員僅享有相當於在美國政府間國際組織的特權與豁免。然經由本研究發現,由於兩國各自的國內法及執行面的因素,雙方派駐機構及人員享有之特權與豁免,在實踐上是有差距的,我駐美館處及人員享有的特權與豁免並不及「美國在臺協會」駐華機構及人員。此外,是否給予不被承認國家派駐之外交代表機構特權與豁免及給予其主張國家豁免的權利,也完全是國家基於政治考量之主權行為,而非國際法之規範;同時,給予一個不被承認國家派駐外交代表機構相當程度的特權與豁免或給予主張國家豁免的權利,也並不會因此就造成國際法上國家或政府承認的情形。由於現今時空環境與國際情勢已有很大的變化,與當年兩國斷交時之氛圍,實不可同日而語。據此,本文亦依研究所得,綜整幾點淺薄意見,以供相關單位及人員參考,期能提升雙方派駐機構及人員的特權與豁免地位,並有效維護我國家及人民的權益。 / In recognizing the People’s Republic of China as the government of China in January 1979, the United States derecognized the government on Taiwan, “the Republic of China,” previously recognized as the government of China. As a matter of public international law, severance of diplomatic relations and derecognition of the government carried some potential important consequences to the ROC government including that it is not diplomatic and sovereign immunity in the US. However, the Taiwan Relations Act (TRA) was enacted by the US Congress in April, 1979 to preserve and promote extensive, close, and friendly commercial, cultural, and other relations between the people of the US and the people on Taiwan. The TRA also created new, quasi-diplomatic agencies to enable the US government and the ROC government to communicate through a novel, non-diplomatic channel. Under the TRA, a Taiwanese official entity known as the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office (TECRO) – previously known as the Coordination Council for North American Affairs (CCNAA) – has been permitted to act as the unofficial instrumentality of the Taiwanese people, in Washington, D.C. Also the Washington–based TECRO has had an American counterpart in Taipei, named the “American Institute in Taiwan” (AIT), specifically established pursuant to the TRA as a non-profit, private corporation responsible for conducting or carrying out all US programs, transactions, and other relations with respect to Taiwan. Though it lacks official status, the AIT’s role in Taiwan closely resembles that of a diplomatic mission. Agreements between the two quasi-diplomatic agencies authorized by their respective government accord the two agencies and their staff the privilege and immunity similar to that of the public international organization. The purpose of this research is to analyze the privileges and immunities of the quasi-diplomatic agencies, and also give a detailed examination of the practice over thirty years on both sides. Through this research, we found that there are differences in practice between two sides due to different internal legal system and enforcement. On the other hand, we also found that the public international law and international circumstances give considerable latitude to the improvement of the privileges and immunities of the quasi-diplomatic agencies.

「夾心餅乾」的修煉史 ─大臺北地區警察心理壓力模型建構 / A qualitative research on Stress : The Process Model of Policemen in General Taipei

劉婷安胥, Liu, Tinganxu Unknown Date (has links)
自針對心理壓力的研究盛行以來,心理壓力和工作績效的關係得到了學界諸多領域的關注。警察是高壓群體,在量化和質化研究的雙重驗證下,得到了學界一致性的認同。而警察的壓力所影響的並不僅只是其個人工作績效,更關乎整個社會的治安狀況。此外,對於壓力而言,局限於測量警察族群的壓力,對於解決問題本身沒有根本性作用。基於以上原因,本研究專注於警察高壓的原因及形成機制。根據非正式預訪談得知所長是警察生涯中壓力最為突出的一個階段,故本研究將目標鎖定在警察階段的所長族群。為了挖掘所長高壓原因及其形成機制,本研究透過質化深入訪談的研究方法,深入訪談了大臺北地區7位男性派出所所長和3位女性所長。經過紮根理論的研究流程和資料分析法,結果發現所長階段的壓力較為嚴重的原因主要在於其特殊的工作特點,以及家庭和工作的難以平衡;就其工作特點而言,包括:壓力多元化、工作時間過長、體力硬線要求高、休假異常、績效結構欠佳、公務冗雜和媒體壓迫。也正是因為工作特點而使得其較難在工作與家庭之間取得平衡。對於女性而言,刻板印象和社會期待均使其在警察工作中處於劣勢,但優秀的表現也會獲得更多的讚賞,與期望破壞理論(Expectancy Violation Theory)一致;而男性也恰正是因為刻板要求和社會期待使得其肩負著和女性警察機制不同但是程度相當的心理壓力。總體而言,警察體制內受到詬病的是績效考核方式,績效結構不合理並且指標沒有上限,專案頻繁,儘管不同來源的所長最終都將自我調整心態到了無可奈何的接受狀態。也正是這一結果,證明目前警察體系內協助警察舒緩壓力的管道較為匱乏,亟需改善和解決。 / The influence by stress on performance is one of the popular research issues. Former qualitative and quantitative researches proved that policeman is one of jobs with high working stress. Stress on policeman not only affect their own working performance but also societal safety. Only measurement of stress cannot make policeman perform better. Thus, this study focuses on causes and mechanism of policeman’s stress. Police inspectors in local police stations are with extremely high working stress according to informal interviews. This study interviewed three female and seven male police inspectors from Taipei City, New Taipei City and Keelung in Taiwan. After data analysis with Grounded Theory, this study concludes that special working conditions and unbalance between family and work are the main sources of stress on policemen. This job is stressful with several traits including multi-faced stress, overtime work schedule, exhausting physical energy, irregular days-off, unreasonable performance evaluation structure, complicated working issues and bothering media. It is these working conditions that make policemen stressful and difficult to make balance between work and family. Furthermore, stereotypes and social desirability burden female policemen. However, consistent with Expectancy Violation Theory, female policemen would also gain more recognition and compliment when they perform positively; Male policemen are required to take over more work for female policemen because of social desirability. In general, the biggest source of stress for policemen in Taiwan is the unreasonable performance evaluation system. It comes out as taking it without other alternatives for most policemen no matter where they were trained before. There has not been effective assistance for policemen within police system in Taiwan.

博物館行銷策略研究—以生活型態論推薦博物館之因素 / Study on museum marketing strategies -Life style as a factor of museum recommendation

游冉琪, Yu, Jan Chi Unknown Date (has links)
在強調差異性、多元消費性的現代社會中,如何以豐富多樣的體驗資源,透過生活型態的觀眾研究調查,開拓「一個博物館,多種生活型態」的生活型態行銷策略,是博物館人要面對的時代考驗。為培養博物館目標觀眾並開發潛在觀眾,博物往往透過多種行銷手法與管道,以吸引觀眾的注意與興趣,在相關研究中顯示,口碑建立往往是最有效的行銷方式。因此,透過「口碑行銷」切入分析具影響力的博物館觀眾族群,可做為博物館開發觀眾之重要方式。 本研究以臺北縣立鶯歌陶瓷博物館為研究對象,研究目的旨在瞭解博物館觀眾的生活消費特性,藉此推測博物館可以開發的潛在觀眾屬性,並探究博物館生活型態及對博物館推薦意願強度之關係,以作為博物館訂定行銷策略之方向與設計博物館各項功能的內容。 依據本研究發現,經由因素分析萃取出5個生活型態因素,依其屬性命名為藝文參與、品牌消費、工作成就、文化教育以及家庭流行;再依據5個因素得分透過集群分析,區隔出5個不同生活型態集群,分別命名為「工作熱衷群」、「流行休閒群」、「就學學生群」、「藝文消費群」以及「家庭導向群」。本研究分析結果亦顯示,博物館觀眾可以依據不同的生活型態分成不同的族群,而不同的生活型態族群亦有不同的參觀模式,並對於博物館服務與設施的推薦意願的亦有所差異。 最後根據研究發現,分別依據不同族群生活型態之屬性與博物館推薦意願之差異,提出不同的博物館行銷策略與方案,以提供博物館開發觀眾之參考。 / In this contemporary society where emphasis is placed on differentiation and diversified consumption, it is a test for contemporary museums to conduct audience lifestyle studies with multi-faceted resources, and to explore a lifestyle marketing strategy for ‘one museum, multi lifestyles’. Most museums usually have to conduct various marketing promotions and through different channels to cultivate target audiences and attract potential audiences. Various related studies indicates that word-of-mouth is usually the most effective marketing strategy. Therefore, through ‘word-of-mouth’ to analyze influential audiences could be an important way to explore potential audiences. This study takes Taipei County Yingge Ceramics Museum, to understand the consumption behavior of museum audience, in order to assume the characteristics of potential museum audiences, and to explore the relationship between museum typology and audiences’ willingness to recommend. This will also serve as the basis for future marketing strategy, and to design various museum functions and contents. Based on the findings, five typology elements were extracted through element analysis, namely artistic participation, brand consumption, work achievement, cultural education and family popularity; then through group analysis these five elements were segregated into different lifestyle typologies, namely ‘workaholics’, ‘popular leisure’, ‘students’, ‘cultural activity consumers’, and ‘family-oriented consumers’. The analysis will indicate that museum audiences can be grouped based on lifestyle. Audiences with different lifestyle backgrounds encompass different visiting patterns, and may differ in willingness to recommend museum services and facilities. Finally, based on the findings of this study, we intend to propose different museum marketing strategies based on audience lifestyle, and their willingness to recommend the museum, to serve as future reference as museums targets potential audiences.

媒體公(近)用實踐之探討: 以臺北市有線電視公用頻道節目《臺北市民故事館》為例 / 『Taipei Stories』: an experiment and case study of the public access to cable TV

葉子豪, Yeh, Tzu Hao Unknown Date (has links)
1993年有線電視法通過,有線電視逐漸取代無線電視,成為台灣主要的傳播媒介。有線電視因其纜線鋪設與經營形態等特性,成為自然壟斷的地方媒體;因此,法律上視其為「準公用事業」,並賦予回饋地方的義務,此為有線電視公用頻道出現的原因。 公用頻道的主要價值是落實媒體近用權,然而受到申播法規、業者經營意願與民眾製作影音內容技術門檻等限制,公用頻道在台灣的成效不彰。近年來新傳播科技興起,影音網站快速成為民眾慣用的近用平台,公用頻道存續意義乃受挑戰。本研究之目的即在探討數位匯流趨勢下,公用頻道的未來。研究發現,影音網站雖能儲存播放大量的民眾影片,但其本質仍屬「社群媒體」,與公用頻道作為社區媒體的功能不同。同時,影音網站的搜尋機制與使用者習慣也影響影片的曝光度,並不能提供一視同仁的公平近用。因此,本文認為,有線電視公用頻道的地方性與公平近用的經營理念,仍是公用頻道未來發展的應屬方向。 據此,本研究之創作實踐即以五十支「臺北市民故事館」短片,試驗公用頻道落實地方媒體近用,提升社區意識的可能製作方式。此短片透過口述歷史與數位自述之技巧,提高居民分享社區記憶、建立社區認同、參與社區事務,提升社區公益的意願,以作為公用頻道未來節目企劃製作的參考。 / In Taiwan, the previously prohibited cable television operators were legalized after the Cable Television Law was established in 1993. Like in many countries, cable television has gradually replaced network television as the primary media in Taiwan. The specific cable installation and its business model make cable television a monopolizing media in local communities. According to Cable Television Law, cable television is regarded as a “prospective public utility,” and one of its obligations is to serve the public. Therefore, the cable television public access channel was launched. The core value of public access channel is to grant the Right of Media Access. However, the practice of public access channel in Taiwan is hampered due to multiple restrictions such as broadcast application law, regulations, business management and the technical thresholds of audiovisual content production. In recent years, many websites, such as YouTube and youKU, have rapidly become the preferred access platform for the public. The necessity of public access channel is being questioned and challenged. Some studies showed that while audio and video websites can store and play a large number of access videos, their essence remains as “social media” rather than “community media,” such as public access channel. Furthermore, the audio video websites’ search mechanism and the users’ habits can both affect the exposure of the videos and impair the fair access of media. This study, supplemented with 50 related projects, intends to discuss the future development of public access channel under digital convergence. Through a year’s productions and surveys, the author concludes that the unique local relevance and the importance of providing fair access should be the emphasis of the future development of public access channel. The creative projects of this study, broadcasted on public access channel, present the public the right to access local media and enhance the community awareness. These projects, digital programs of personal life experiences, were designed for telling Taipei Stories. By employing oral history and digital storytelling techniques, these projects intend to encourage the residents share their community memories, enhance community identity, participate community affairs, and further improve the community charity. In addition, these projects can serve as references for planning and producing programs for public access channel in the future.

政府採購政策變遷之研究– 以臺北市政府聯合採購發包中心設置為例 / A Study on the Policy Change of Government Procurement – Case Study of Contract Centers Mechanism of Taipei City Government

呂蕙蕙, Lu, Hui Hui Unknown Date (has links)
有關政府採購研究,現行大部分關注在法律層面、制度層面。本研究擬從政策變遷與宏觀角度切入,就發包中心設置過程因果關係,發現決策者信念、政策中間人、聯盟運作等對政策影響。本文擬透過Sabatier & Jenkins-Smith 所建構政策倡議聯盟架構(Policy Advocacy Coalition Framework,[PACF ]),從不同面相研究觀察,以宏觀之政策面,研究分析市府發包中心重新設置之動態過程。 本研究採文獻分析法、深入訪談及焦點團體訪談法,分析探討1995至2015年臺北市政府聯合採購發包中心設置之政策變遷過程。藉由分析架構內外在系統的影響因素,探討執政輪替與決策者的信念是否為影響政策變遷主要因素。經研究發現:第一,市府倡議聯盟間(發包中心與洽辦單位、集中採購與分散採購)透過政策導向的學習,跨越聯盟達成共識。第二,避免陳水扁時代採購案件延宕,改以折衷版集中採購。第三,柯文哲市長主張集中採購,設置發包中心政策是其競選政策白皮書。第四,市府發包中心設置政策變遷主因,決策者信念與執政輪替。 / With regard to government procurement research, most of them focus on the legal and institutional aspects. This study intends to proceed from the perspective of policy changes and macroeconomics. It will investigate the cause-and-effect relationship of the setup process of the contract issuing center, and discover the impact of decision makers' beliefs, policy middlemen, and alliance operations on the policy. Using the policy advocacy coalition framework (PACF) constructed by Sabatier & Jenkins-Smith , we observe and analyze the dynamic process of the resetting of the city's outsourcing centers. This study used document analysis, in-depth interviews, and focus group interviews to analyze and explore the process of policy changes at the Joint Purchasing and Contracting Center of the Taipei City Government from 1995 to 2015. By analyzing the influencing factors of the internal and external systems of the architecture, it is discussed whether the alternation of governance rotation and decision makers' beliefs are the main factors affecting policy changes. The study found that: First, the city’s initiative among the alliances (contracting centers and contact agencies, centralized procurement and decentralized procurement) through policy-oriented learning, reached consensus across the alliance. Second, to avoid delays in Chen Shui-bian’s era of procurement cases , it used eclectic centralized procurement. Thirdly, Mayor Ko Wen-je advocated centralized procurement and set up a contract center policy as a white paper on his election policy. Fourth, the main reasons for the policy changes in the city's outsourcing centers are decision makers' beliefs and governance rotation.

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