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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

LMM利率模型下可取消利率交換評價與風險管理 / Cancelable Swap Pricing and Risk Management under LIBOR Market Model

廖家揚, Liao, Chia Yang Unknown Date (has links)
許多公司在發行公司債的時候,會給此公司債一個可提前贖回的特性,此種公司債稱為可贖回公司債(Callable Bond),用來規避利率變動風險的金融商品也與我們熟知的利率交換不同,稱為可取消利率交換(Cancelable Swap)。其實可取消利率交換可以拆解成百慕達利率交換選擇權(Bermudan Swaption)加上利率交換,由於利率交換之評價較簡單也有市場一致的評價方法,因此百慕達利率交換選擇權便成為評價的重點。 評價的部分,由於百慕達式的商品有提前履約的特性,造成其封閉解不存在,因此需要利用其他的近似解或是數值方法來求它的價格。由於本文採用BGM(1997)的市場利率模型(Libor Market Model),其高維度的性質導致數狀方法與有限差分法使用起來較無效率,因此本文選擇使用蒙地卡羅法做為評價的方法,同時利用Longstaff and Schwartz(2001)的最小平方蒙地卡羅法(Least Squares Monte Carlo Method)來解決提前履約的問題。 最後,本文將採用2種利率波動度假設與2種不同利率間相關係數的假設,共4種組合,在歐式利率交換選擇權的市場波動度下進行校準,使用校準出來的參數進行評價來得到4種價格。再進行商品的敏感度分析(Sensitivity Analysis)和風險值(Value at Risk)的計算。

狀態相依跳躍風險與美式選擇權評價:黃金期貨市場之實證研究 / State-dependent jump risks and American option pricing: an empirical study of the gold futures market

連育民, Lian, Yu Min Unknown Date (has links)
本文實證探討黃金期貨報酬率的特性並在標的黃金期貨價格遵循狀態轉換跳躍擴散過程時實現美式選擇權之評價。在這樣的動態過程下,跳躍事件被一個複合普瓦松過程與對數常態跳躍振幅所描述,以及狀態轉換到達強度是由一個其狀態代表經濟狀態的隱藏馬可夫鏈所捕捉。考量不同的跳躍風險假設,我們使用Merton測度與Esscher轉換推導出在一個不完全市場設定下的風險中立黃金期貨價格動態過程。為了達到所需的精確度,最小平方蒙地卡羅法被用來近似美式黃金期貨選擇權的價值。基於實際市場資料,我們提供實證與數值結果來說明這個動態模型的優點。 / This dissertation empirically investigates the characteristics of gold futures returns and achieves the valuation of American-style options when the underlying gold futures price follows a regime-switching jump-diffusion process. Under such dynamics, the jump events are described as a compound Poisson process with a log-normal jump amplitude, and the regime-switching arrival intensity is captured by a hidden Markov chain whose states represent the economic states. Considering the different jump risk assumptions, we use the Merton measure and Esscher transform to derive risk-neutral gold futures price dynamics under an incomplete market setting. To achieve a desired accuracy level, the least-squares Monte Carlo method is used to approximate the values of American gold futures options. Our empirical and numerical results based on actual market data are provided to illustrate the advantages of this dynamic model.

評估極值相依組合信用風險之有效演算法 / Efficient Algorithms for Evaluating Portfolio Credit Risk with Extremal Dependence

施明儒, Shih,Ming Ju Unknown Date (has links)
蒙地卡羅模擬是在組合信用風險的管理上相當實用的計算工具。衡量組合信用風險時,必須以適當的模型描述資產間的相依性。常態關聯結構是目前最廣為使用的模型,但實證研究認為 t 關聯結構更適合用於配適金融市場的資料。在本文中,我們採用 Bassamboo et al. (2008) 提出的極值相依模型建立 t 關聯結構用以捕捉資產之間的相關性。同時,為增進蒙地卡羅法之收斂速度,我們以 Chiang et al. (2007) 的重要性取樣法為基礎,將其拓展到極值相依模型下,並提出兩階段的重要性取樣技巧確保使用此方法估計一籃子信用違約時,所有模擬路徑均會發生信用事件。數值結果顯示,所提出的演算法皆達變異數縮減。而在模型自由度較低或是資產池較大的情況下,兩階段的重要性取樣法將會有更佳的估計效率。我們也以同樣的思路,提出用以估計投資組合損失機率的演算法。雖然所提出的演算法經過重要性取樣的技巧後仍無法使得欲估計的事件在所有模擬路徑下都會發生,但數值結果仍顯示所提出的方法估計效率遠遠優於傳統蒙地卡羅法。 / Monte Carlo simulation is a useful tool on portfolio credit risk management. When measuring portfolio credit risk, one should choose an appropriate model to characterize the dependence among all assets. Normal copula is the most widely used mechanism to capture this dependence structure, however, some emperical studies suggest that $t$-copula provides a better fit to market data than normal copula does. In this article, we use extremal depence model proposed by Bassamboo et al. (2008) to construct $t$-copula. We also extend the importance sampling (IS) procedure proposed by Chiang et al. (2007) to evaluate basket credit default swaps (BDS) with extremal dependence and introduce a two-step IS algorithm which ensures credit events always take place for every simulation path. Numerical results show that the proposed methods achieve variance reduction. If the model has lower degree of freedom, or the portfolio size is larger, the two-step IS method is more efficient. Following the same idea, we also propose algorithms to estimate the probability of portfolio losses. Althought the desired events may not occur for some simulations, even if the IS technique is applied, numerical results still show that the proposed method is much better than crude Monte Carlo.

基因晶片實驗其樣本數之研究 / Sample Size Determination in a Microarray Experiment

黃東溪, Huang, Dong-Si Unknown Date (has links)


吳雅婷, Wu,Ya-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本文所探討的中心為貝氏模型運用於加速壽命試驗,並且假設受測項目之壽命服從Weibull分配。加速實驗環境有三種,其中第二種環境代表正常狀態,採用加速壽命試驗的方式涵蓋了三種:固定應力、漸進之逐步應力和變量曲線之逐步應力。對於先驗參數,並不是直接給予特定的值,而是透過專家評估,給定各種環境之下的產品可靠度之中位數或百分位數,再利用這些資訊經過數值運算解出先驗參數。資料的型態分成兩種,一為區間資料,另一為型一設限資料,透過蒙地卡羅法模擬出後驗分配,並且估計正常環境狀態的可靠度。 / This article develops a Bayes inference model for accelerated life testing assuming failure times at each stress level are Weibull distributed. Using the approach, there are three stressed to be used, and the three testing scenarios to be adapted are as follows:fixed-stress, progressive step-stress and profile step-stress. Prior information is used to indirectly define a multivariate prior distribution for the scale parameters at the various stress levels. The inference procedure accommodates both the interval data sampling strategy and type I censored sampling strategy for the collection of ALT test data. The inference procedure uses the well-known Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods to derive posterior approximations.

可轉債評價 --- LSMC考慮股價跳躍及信用風險 / Convertible Bond Pricing --- Consider Jump-diffusion model and credit risk with LSMC

丁柏嵩 Unknown Date (has links)
可轉換公司債是一種在持有期間內,投資人可以在規定的時間內將債券轉換為股票,或是到期時得到債券報酬的一種複合式證券。因此,可轉債除了具有債券性質之外,還包含另一部份可視為一美式選擇權的股票選擇權。 本篇論文將可轉換債券評價結合數值分析中的最小蒙地卡羅法(Least square monte carlo),使得在評價可轉債時,能夠具有更多的彈性處理發行公司自行設計的贖回條款與其他各種不同的契約情況。 此外,本篇論文針對股價考慮跳躍的性質,使用Compound Poisson 過程模擬發生跳躍的次數,導入Merton的跳躍模型(Jump-diffusion Model),在Merton的假設下,模擬未來股價的動態變化。 信用風險方面,本文採用Duffie提出的風險CIR模型評價。考慮存活函數(Survival Function)和違約強度(Hazard Rate Function),使用CIR模型描述信用違約強度在可轉債持有期間的動態變化,最後模擬出違約的時點,結合LSMC下的可轉債評價評價法。 最後利率部份,雖然Brennan and Schwartz(1980)認為隨機利率對於可轉換債券的評價,並沒有明顯的效果,反而會降低評價時的效率,但是為了符合評價過程的合理性,本文使用CIR短期利率模型。

簡單順序假設波松母數較強檢定力檢定研究 -兩兩母均數差 / More Powerful Tests for Simple Order Hypotheses in Poisson Distributions -The differences of the parameters

孫煜凱, Sun, Yu-Kai Unknown Date (has links)
波松分配(Poisson Distribution)常用在單位時間或是區間內,計算對有興趣之某隨機事件次數(或是已知事件之頻率),例如:速食餐廳的單位時間來客數,又或是每段期間內,某天然災害的發生次數,可以表示為某一特定事件X服從波松分配,若lambda為單位事件發生次數或是平均次數,我們稱lambda為此波松分配之母數,記作Poisson(lambda),其中lambda屬於實數。 今天我們若想要探討由兩個服從不同波松分配抽取的隨機變數,如下列所述:令X={(X1,X2)}為一集合,其中Xi為X(i,1),X(i,2),...,X(i,ni)~Poisson(lambda(i)),i=1,2。欲探討兩波松分配之均數是否相同或相差小於某個常數d時,考慮以下檢定:H0:lambda2-lambda1<=d與H0:lambda2-lambda1>d,對於此問題可以使用的檢定方法有Przyborwski和Wilenski(1940)提出的條件檢定(Conditional test,C-test)或K.Krishnamoorthy與Jessica Thomson(2002)提出的精確性檢定(Exact test,E-test),其中的精確性檢定為一個非條件檢定(Unconditional Test);K.Krishnamoorthy與Jessica Thomson比較條件檢定與精確性檢定的p-value皆小於顯著水準(apha),而精確性檢定的檢定力不亞於條件檢定,因此精確性檢定比條件檢定更適合上面所述之假設問題。 Roger L.Berger(1996)提出一個以信賴區間的p-value所建立的較強力檢定,而目前只用於檢定兩二項分配(Binomial Distribution)的機率參數p是否相同為例,然而Berger在文中提到,較強力檢定比非條件檢定有更好的檢定力,而且要求的計算時間較少,可以提升檢定的效率。 本篇論文我們希望在固定apha與d時檢定的問題,建立一個兩波松分配均數顯著水準為apha的較強力檢定。 利用Roger L.Berger與Dennis D.Boos(1994)提出以信賴區間的p-value方法,建立波松分配兩兩母均數差的較強力檢定;研究發現此較強力檢定與精確性檢定的p-value皆小於apha,然而我們的檢定的檢定力皆不亞於精確性檢定所計算得出的檢定力,然而其apha及虛無假設皆需要善加考慮以本篇研究來看,當檢定為單尾檢定時,若apha<0.01,我們的較強力檢定沒有辦法找到比精確性檢定更好地拒絕域,換言之,此時較強力檢定與精確性檢定的檢定力將會相等。 / Poisson Distribution is used to calculate the probability of a certain phenomenon which attracted by researcher. If we want to test two random variable in an experiment .Therefore ,let X={(X1,X2)} be independent samples ,respectively ,from Poisson distribution ,also X(i,1),X(i,2),...,X(i,ni)~Poisson(lambda(i)),i=1,2. The problem of interest here is to test: H0:lambda2-lambda1<=d and H0:lambda2-lambda1>d, where 0<apha<1/2 ,and let Y1 equals sum of X1 and Y2 equals sum of X2, where apha ,lambda,d be fixed. In this problem of hypothesis testing about two Poisson means is addressed by the conditional test.However ,the exact method of testing based on the test statistic considered in K.Krishnamoorthy,Jessica Thomson(2002) also commonly used. Roger L.Berger ,Dennis D.Boos(1994) give a new way to calculate p-value,which replace the old method ,called it a valid p-value .In 1996, Roger L.Berger used the new way to propose a new test for two parameter of binomial distribution which is more powerful than exact test. In the other hand, Roger L.Berger also explain the unconditional test is more suitable than the conditional test. In this paper,we propose a new method for two parameter of Poisson distribution which revise from Roger L.Berger’s method. The result we obtain that our new test is really get a much bigger rejection region.We found when the fixed increasing ,the set of more powerful test increasing, and when the fixed power increasing ,the required sample size decreasing.

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