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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

商業銀行實體分行數位化與行動化轉型策略之研究 / A study on the digital transformation strategies of commercial banks in Taiwan

徐惠萍 Unknown Date (has links)
金融科技的快速發展,對金融業經營帶來了巨大的衝擊。本研究分析國外銀行的分行發展趨勢,發現其轉型的主要動機為降低成本以提高效率及數位化轉型,在經營策略上多有裁撤分行與人力的現象,對現有分行也朝向多元化的經營型態發展;另分析國內銀行發現,過去以實體分行為獲利主要引擎的商業銀行,雖無大量分行裁撤情形,但近幾年在經營策略上也都開始進行數位化的調整。顯見數位化與行動化的浪潮,已對金融業的經營模式造成顛覆性的改變。本研究亦藉由訪談國內具代表性之銀行,瞭解在數位環境下的分行轉型及建置原生數位銀行的實務作法。綜合本研究之分析得到以下結論: (一) 實體分行與數位銀行是相輔相成,經營型態將更多元化與彈性。 (二) 建立重視客戶體驗的企業文化,提升行員銷售與服務加值功能。 (三) 虛實通路整合發揮全通路價值,化競爭為互補,提升競爭優勢。 數位化智能設備的建置是金額龐大的投資,透過本研究也建議銀行業者要審視客戶實際需求與內部流程系統的整合程度,謹慎評估再適量配置。在銀行規劃數位轉型策略上,本研究也提出四大建議: (一) 客製化:學習零售業思維,重視客戶的聲音與市場的需求。 (二) 一致化:效法製造業管理,確保多通路一致性的流程與品質。 (三) 參與性:善用社群媒體經營互動,透過大數據行銷與服務無縫接軌。 (四) 安全性:建立安全可信任交易環境,關鍵風險指標全面即時監控。

穿戴式互動展演創新應用與即時追蹤技術研究 / Interactive Performance Using Wearable Devices: Real-time Tracking Technology and Innovative Applications

鄭仲祐, Cheng, Chung Yu Unknown Date (has links)
近年來越來越多虛實整合技術不斷地湧出,像是電影阿凡達或虛實互動型態的表演。這樣的表演會根據事先預錄好的虛擬角色進行演出,但要成功地演出需要演員們不斷的練習。另外,許多電影利用攝影機捕捉人體姿態來與虛擬角色互動,但此方法受限於燈光環境以及障礙物。 此篇論文運用穿戴式裝置與新一代無線網路藍芽4.0,提出即時追蹤技術套用於這類表演,可使得演出更加豐富並且能即興創作。然而,目前受限於穿戴式平台上的藍芽訊號強度更新頻率每秒只有5至10次且傳輸容量有限,所以本篇論文結合體態感測裝置輔助無線網路藍芽4.0,提升對穿戴者的即時追蹤能力。實驗結果與真實位置只有0.3至0.5秒的延遲時間,並在校內進行兩場互動式展演作驗證成果。未來期許可以將此技術運用於多人展演場,讓更多使用者可以互動體驗。 / Recently, more and more interactive performance technologies appear such as Avatar or virtual-character integrated art perform. Such performs are based on pre-made animations and physics simulations. However, this kind of shows need a lot of practice, and it is impossible that audience or performers play with or interact with the virtual characters. In addition, many moviemakers use high quality cameras to distinguish body postures. Although cameras can record anything with high precision, it is constrained on the light and obstacles of the environments. If we, somehow, can capture the motion of the performers in real time, then we are able to interact with virtual characters and make improvisation possible. This thesis aims to use the wearable sensors and the Received Signal Strength Indication (RSSI) of BLE to track in real-time. However, the update rate of RSSI is limited to 5~10 per second. This thesis proposed a tracking technique which combines with wearable motion sensors to assist BLE localization. The tracking lag can be reduced to only 0.3~0.5 seconds, and also real performance was experimented in the campus. In the future, we hope to use this technique on interactive performance with many people in different places.

以競合策略的觀點探討企業虛擬通路與實體通路的互動關係 / Exploring the Interaction Relationship between Virtual Channel and Physical Channel in Enterprises from the Perspectives of Co-opetition Strategy

江馨瑩, Chiang, Hsin Ying Unknown Date (has links)
近年來資通訊科技與網路帶動了電子商務之發展,網路商店如雨後春筍般的成立,許多具有實體通路的企業,亦紛紛投入網路市場建立網路商店以分食網路市場利潤,成為所謂的「虛實整合」企業。而成功的虛實整合企業不僅需要虛實通路間的相互合作以擴增市場,同時也得克服兩通路間可能因業績而產生自相競食的狀況。由此可知虛實通路間存在既競爭又合作的複雜關係。 因此本研究藉由競合策略的觀點,來探討具實體通路的企業經營虛擬通路的過程以及其虛實通路間的競合關係。研究方法上採取質性的個案研究方式,並以特力集團做為深入的個案研究對象。期望研究成果同時帶來實務上與學術上的貢獻。 本研究所得到的結論如下: 1.企業在已有實體通路下經營虛擬通路時,會將虛擬通路部門定位為行銷平台,並採取「網站接單,但實體出貨」的營運方式,同時也會透過品牌、商品品項、品質及價格等方面的統一來避免消費者的混淆。 2. 企業的虛擬通路部門面對實體通路部門時,會透過換位思考的方式運用利誘和施壓之策略,且同時搭配篩選實體合作店與分配訂單的配套措施,使實體通路部門在競爭下與之合作。 3. 企業的虛擬通路部門面對實體通路部門時,打破營運框架引導網站顧客至實體通路消費,並結合自身的核心優勢吸引更多顧客前往網站瀏覽、下單,以提升其營運業績。 / In recent years, Internet brought along the growth of electronic commerce; Internet shops sprung up like mushrooms, and many companies with physical distribution channels one after another have also invested into online marketing to create Internet shops and to share Internet market profits, becoming so-called “click-and-mortar” business. However, for expanding the market successful “click-and-mortar” businesses not only the enterprises need to ensure mutual cooperation between virtual and physical channels, but at the same time also have to overcome mutual cannibalization of the two types of channels. Thus, it can be seen that there exist both cooperation and competition between virtual and physical channels. The study aims to investigate the operations of virtual channels in the enterprises of “click-and-mortar” with existing physical channels. We will analyze “co-opetition” relations between virtual and physical channels by modifying the framework of game theory’s five elements for the situation of co-opetition. Then, we select corporate group Test Rite International Co., Ltd. for our case study subject and use in-depth interview so major approach for the study. We hope the research results bring both academic and practical contributions. The study will examine research problems from three perspectives. Firstly, how does the company position and manage virtual channels under already with established physical channels. Secondly, how does the department of virtual channels cooperate with the department of physical channels for using its resources? Thirdly, how does the department of virtual channels compete with the department of physical channels? Through the case study in our research, we conclude: (1) The enterprise with established physical channels, positions the department of virtual channels as the platform for distribution and performs the operation mode “take orders by website, deliver products through physical channel”, and avoids confusing customers by unification of brands, product items, quality, and price.(2) When working with the department of physical channels, the department of virtual channels develops inducement and suppression strategy by “putting itself in other’s place” thinking pattern. It makes the department of physical channels cooperate under competition by adjusting measures for choosing cooperation with physical channel stores and distribution of orders. (3) By the special strategies, such as attracting customers to visit virtual channels, the department of virtual channels breaks down the operating framework by combining its own advantages, and wins over more customers to visit the webpage for browsing and ordering, by this increasing the operating performance.

支援虛實互動展演之程式環境 / Programming Support for Cyber-Physical Interactive Performance Art

蕭奕凱, Hsiao, Yi Kai Unknown Date (has links)
本研究係發想自政治大學「未來馬戲團」的展演活動表演方式,嘗試改進表演方式中的程式技術,以程式化方式整合展演藝術中實體與虛擬的互動平台,我們希望提供導演撰寫較為口語或展演描述方式的腳本敘述如『when ... other-wise ...』,如此一來就可以任意組合實體演員的肢體動作與指示虛擬環境的特效,因此我們採用了一套介接實體與虛擬環境應用程式的領域專屬語言- Digital In-teractive Performance Sketch (DIPS),用以開發客製化的展演程式庫,並佈署於本團隊自行開發的執行引擎 Wearable Item Service runtimE (WISE),提供導演在這個引擎上透過這個DIPS編寫前述口語的程式腳本,讓程式自行互動,達成展演效果的自動變化。 我們的系統會接收來自展演人員穿配的連網感應器上的訊號,並且根據導演寫好的腳本規則,自動根據接收到的裝置訊號判斷出該指示虛擬環境做出什麼樣的效果,以達到展演效果自動變化,完成虛擬與實體展互動的程式支援。 為了減少腳本程式撰寫前須具備的程式邏輯訓練,本研究開發一款所見即所得(WYSIWYG)的視覺化腳本編輯器 DIPS Creator,提供腳本編寫者可以直覺的方式組合編輯器中的展演詞彙方塊,完成腳本設計。 本研究展示了如何以較為口語或展演語意的方式敘述展演規則,以實現虛實互動的程式化,並且提供了具有彈性的客製化展演函式庫及圖形化展演規則編輯器的製作方式,未來可增加多演員層次的抽象支援以展現本研究系統的更多程式化能力,並加入表演階段設計、雙向溝通與規則互斥等能力,擴充系統功能。 / This research was inspired by “The Future Circus”, a cyber-physical interactive performance art developed in National Chengchi University. In this thesis, we pro-pose some mechanisms to support such performance art programmatically in a more effective manner. Specially, we provide a high-level scripting tool for directors to de-scribe the performance rules abstractly in the form of “when ... otherwise ...”, so that directors can compose arbitrary actions and effects easily. Underlying such abstract rules are a domain specific language – Digital Interactive Performance Sketch (DIPS), and a middleware. Wearable Item Service runtime (WISE), developed by our research team. Given a script with those abstract rules, our system will receive signals sent from a sensor on wearable devices of actors, and then it will command cyber environment perform effects, the performance effects or actions according to rules written by the director. Through our integration efforts, the performance effects in the cyber environment will change automatically in a programmatic way. Besides, for users without prior scripting experience, we developed a WYSIWYG GUI editor, DIPS Creator, that allows users to write a script intuitively by dragging and dropping pre-built rule blocks. We conduct a few experiments with real sensor device to demonstrate the programming support of our tool. The preliminary results are satisfactory in terms of prototype support. To further extend our tool for practical performance, we describe in detail a few directions such as support for multiple actor performance stage model-ing, and integrity check of related rules that will make our system more powerful.

雲端多租戶互動展演平台的設計與實作 / Design and Implementation of a Multi-tenant Cloud Platform for Cyber-Physical Interactive Performance Art

王佑霖, Wang, You Lin Unknown Date (has links)
傳統展演中,觀眾和表演者被視為是兩個獨立的個體,表演者與表演者間及表演者與觀眾間互動不多,若使用穿戴式裝置結合科技與藝術的「虛實互動數位展演」,能協助營造現場的互動氣氛,是既新穎又富有創意的表演模式,還能結合故事劇情與觀眾互動,此種互動的情境氛圍,會比一般的資訊傳遞更容易讓觀眾有所感受。 而目前許多表演活動的展演特效系統,都是由特效控制技術人員根據展演人員的動作與節目進程來呈現。如果由展演人員自行操作、建置與管理的話,便需要瞭解特效控制的相關技術,此外也需要和技術人員互相溝通與合作。而彼此觀念、資訊與背景的不同,難免容易造成控制上的失誤、延遲或是溝通不良導致表演效果不佳以致於觀眾不好的視聽感受。基於上述問題,本研究將設計一個基於多租戶概念的雲端互動展演系統整合平台,展演人員只需透過網路連結至展演系統網站,配合連網感應器的穿戴式裝置,不需自行建置、管理系統平台,登入後可依個人需求使用直覺圖形化邏輯編輯器,使用滑鼠拖拉,控制需求,不需繁複的技術教學訓練,便根據穿戴式裝置回傳的感測訊號做出響應式的展演效果變化,達到展演人員可簡單好上手地自行操作展演特效系統,減少與特效控制技術人員合作上的失誤。 / In traditional performance art, viewers and performers are regarded as two independent individuals. There is less interaction between performers and performers, performers and audiences. If wearable devices are used in the "cyber-physical interactive digital performance art", it can help create an interactive atmosphere in the scene. It is a creative, innovative mode of performance, and it also creates a combination between scenario and the interaction of the audiences. The interactive atmosphere is easier for the audience to be affected than ordinary information transmission. Currently, many special effects are presented by the technical staff. They are based on the performers and progression of show. If the special effects are managed by the performer-selves, they need to understand the relative technologies. In addition, they have to cooperate and communicate with technical staff. However, the difference of concept and background between each other, it's hard to avoid the mistake, delay, or misunderstanding of control. It may cause that the poor performance bring audience about the bad auditory and visual feeling. According to above issues, this study will design and implement a multi-tenant cloud platform for cyber-physical interactive performance art. The performers just connect to the performance art system website via the Internet, with the wearable device, and they do not need to set up and manage system platform by themselves. They log in the website, with the GUI editor, and use mouse to control demand. Without complex technical training, the variety of special effects are presented which based on the wearable device’s signal. We suppose that the platform makes the performers operate special effects system by themselves simply and easily. It also reduces the misunderstanding with the technical staff.

零售業導入Beacon之虛實整合模式分析 / A study on click and mortar business model of Beacon implementation in the retail industry

王冠平 Unknown Date (has links)
虛實整合商業模式及O2O模式等概念在市場上的應用不斷崛起,許多業者紛紛投入電商平台之經營,然在越來越多企業朝電子商務發展的同時,線上消費平台卻傳出一道警訊。目前,全球零售市場的規模在2016年約為22兆美元,其中,電商的份額僅佔了8.7%;即使到了2020年,7成以上市場份額仍由實體通路所把持,此現象催生了「全通路」時代的來臨。 許多人誤以為實體與網路是完全獨立的兩個世界,且兩個世界互相是此消彼長的,但其實不然。目前,實體店面與純電子商務單一的銷售模式已逐漸被打破且面臨僵固不前的窘境,而唯有打造全通路,落實虛實整合並打破通路間的界線,將兩邊的危機化為轉機才是突破現況的新解方。 「新零售革命」正在零售業者間展開,究竟如何同時經營實體店面與網路商店,並進行有效的虛實整合,對於純實體商店或純網路銷售商都是一大挑戰。而過去O2O模式相關文獻多聚焦於經營模式、商業策略上的改變,但在實務上如何實際應用以落實虛實整合仍未有所見。因此,本文將探討企業如何透過新興科技的導入來協助完善O2O模式之整合應用,並探究其行銷策略規劃以創造全通路之經營。 本文藉由瞭解所選擇之該產業極具代表性的實際企業個案騰訊以及燦坤,透過二者經營策略上的創新做法,來檢視其二運用Beacon技術於各市場階段的行銷策略決策,進而剖析管理者在運用物聯網產品於經營模式之思維,深入探究其對於虛實整合問題的見解與作法。 / Since The upgrading integration of Click and Mortar Business and O2O model, more and more companies tried to entry the online business. However, as an increasing number of enterprises got into the e-commerce, there came up a warning. The scale of the global retail market in 2016 was about 22 trillion US dollars, but the market shares of e-commerce only got 8.7%. Even by 2020, more than 70% of the market share will still hold by the physical channel, and this phenomenon let the “Omni-channel Retailing” idea showed up. Many people had mistaken the related worlds between the virtual and physical as completely independent. Actually, the only one side business model of physical store or e-commerce has been gradually broken, and the only way to create the new path is developing the omni-channel retailing method. To fully implement the click and mortar business model and break out the boundaries between the path, it’s the best cure for breakthrough the current situation. The "new retail revolution" is being launched between retailers, but how to operate the physical stores and the online stores simultaneously, it’s a big challenge for pure physical stores or online stores managers. Since past O2O model literatures were focus on the change of business model and business strategies, we haven’t seen the practical application to implement the click and mortar business method. Therefore, this paper will explore how enterprises improved the O2O model by importing new techs, and discovered its management of omni-channel retailing with marketing strategy. At last, by studying the innovative business strategy and the decision-making in each products stage of these two businesses Tencent and TSANN KUEN which selected in the industries. This paper will explore the thinking of the managers by using IOT products in their business model, and understand the insights of the click and mortar business model.

從精實創業觀點探討社群中心之新事業發展模式 / Study of Community Centered Business Model on The Lean Startup Perspective

廖苡蒔 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究依循Web 2.0內容平台的研究成果,探討在科技快速變遷之下,網路新創事業如何尋找創意靈感的源頭活水?如何以精實創業模式,節省時間與資源的浪費,透過社群經營找到商業模式創新的可能性,在競爭激烈的網路產業紅海中,快速搶占市場先機脫穎而出? 首先,本研究針對過去許多學者在網路企業、虛擬社群、商業模式及精實創業等各理論的發展進行探討說明,接著以Eric Ries(2011)的精實創業理論與Steve Blank(2013)的精實創業三原則為研究主軸,融合Wheelwright and Clark(1994)的Design-build-test Cycle之Design Phase、Hagel Ш and Arthur G. Armstrong(1997)建立臨界數量會員的三大挑戰、Gary Hamel(2000)的事業經營模式,成為本研究分析架構的基礎。本研究採取探索性個案研究法,選取iCook愛料理及iPeen愛評網兩個企業個案,進行半結構式訪談,深入了解網路新創事業的起源、理念、發展與作法。 透過分析比較企業個案與文獻理論探討,本研究之發現如下: 一、新創事業的創意靈感來源,來自於對使用者的深入觀察及國外成功案例的啟發。創新商業模式的作法須以「企業價值主張」及「目標客群鎖定」為中心,透過「減法」方式建構最小可行方案,並融合國外創新成功因子及台灣在地文化,提升創新事業的新穎性及適地性。 二、建構虛擬社群的方式,須回歸於「產品功能介面」與「顧客使用經驗」的不斷優化,輔以知名品牌或關鍵人物的口碑宣傳,加速擴散行銷,並善用內容資產及消費者心理分析,加強產品的功能服務及客製化使用程度,以提升顧客對企業品牌的忠誠度。 三、以敏捷開發法創新商業模式,須由草根模式發展核心策略,適時參考顧客的回饋意見,不斷輸入外部知識以避免團隊核心僵化,進而加速產品開發週期循環,並藉由價值網絡的策略聯盟,累積企業的知名度與顧客流量,最後能以自身品牌資產主動創造合作網絡的價值。 最後依據結論提出網路新創事業在經營管理方面的建議,如下所述: 一、深度經營垂直性社群,輔以口碑行銷擴散社群廣度。 二、跨領域整合硬體、軟體、內容、服務各方優勢,創新商業模式的應用。 三、精實創業的過程,講求階段性開發的速度而非精準度,因此團隊成員的專業核心能力為成功的關鍵要素所在,配合顧客回饋意見及創新審核法的檢視,以薄創新的開發方式搶占市場先機。 / Based on the study results of Web2.0, this research attempted to explore how internet new businesses seek for inspiration in the era of rapid advancement of technologies? How can they discover the possibilities of inventing a new business model by taking community as the business center and seize the market in such a competitive network industries by employing the lean startup model to make good use of time and avoid wasting resources? First of all, this research aims at discussing the development of theories of internet enterprises, virtual communities, business models and the lean startup models put forward by scholars. Next, the basic structure of this research is formed by centering on The Lean Startup Model Theory (Eric Ries, 2011) and Three Principles of The Learn Startup Model (Steve Blank, 2013), and further integrates Design-build-test Cycle(Wheelwright and Clark, 1994), Three Challenges of Developing Critical Mass(Hagel Ш and Arthur G. Armstrong, 199) and Business Model Theory(Gary Hamel, 2000). This research adopted an exploratory case study method, where data was collected through semi-structured interviews with two enterprises—iCook and iPeen, to analyze and understand the origin, concepts, development and measures of innovative business network. After this study compared the analysis of the case study of the enterprises and reviewed literatures, the findings of this research are as follows. First, the inspiration of innovative businesses stem from closely studying targeted users and successful cases from overseas. Innovative business models should be “value-proposition-oriented” and “targeting-customer-oriented”, employ “subtraction” to develop a feasible plan and fuse successful elements of abroad cases and Taiwan culture into innovative business models to enhance the novelty and localization of innovative businesses. Second, the methods of establishing virtual communities should put emphasis on ceaselessly optimizing “product function interface” and “customer’s using experience”, cooperate with well-known brands or key men to promote products and marketing, make good use of content assets and customer psychology analyses, and intensify product function services and customization utilities to increase customer loyalty in business brands. Third, agile-development-based innovation business models should center A Grass Roots Model of Strategy Formation to develop core strategies, take customers’ feedback into consideration, and constantly instill external knowledge to avoid core rigidities to further accelerate product development cycle; through value network of strategic alliance, the enterprises accumulate corporate recognition and customer flow. Eventually ebterprises can establish their own brands to actively create the value of cooperative network. Finally, based on the conclusions, this research proposed three suggestions of management for the internet new business as below. First, deeply engage with vertical community and cooperate with word of mouth marketing to extent the span of community. Second, to integrate hardware, software, content and service interdisciplinarily in order to innovate the application of business model. Third, the process of The Lean Startup emphasized on the speed of phased development rather than accuracy. Therefore, the key success element is the professional skills of the entrepreneurial team members, with customer’s feedback and innovation accounting method of viewing the business in order to accelerate the development of innovation to seize market opportunities.

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