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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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許雅惠 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的主要目的在於了解現代女性之原生家庭經驗、戀愛經驗與婚姻觀、婚姻行為意向間的關係。為達成研究目的,本研究參考文獻編製了「婚姻觀量表」、「戀愛經驗量表」,另採用「父母婚姻關係量表」、「與父分化量表」、及「與母分化量表」做為研究工具,對大台北地區20-50歲之女性,進行問卷調查收集資料,有效樣本共437份。所得資料以描述統計、t 檢定、單因子變異數分析、Pearson積差相關、多元逐步迴歸分析等統計方法進行分析討論。主要的研究發現如下: 一. 女性之婚姻觀與婚姻行為意向之現況:女性婚姻觀較偏向正向婚姻觀,亦即女性們較偏向婚姻是必要、重要、長久、且偏好婚姻勝於單身;婚姻觀會因婚姻狀態、有無戀愛經驗而有不同,但不因年齡及社經地位的不同而有異。未婚女性較偏向選擇結婚,結婚意向會因年齡及有無戀愛經驗而有不同,但社經地位不影響。巳婚女性在面臨挑戰時,大都是偏向會用心維持婚姻,維持婚姻意向不因年齡、社經地位、及有無戀愛經驗之不同而有所差異。 二. 女性的婚姻觀與原生家庭經驗、戀愛經驗之關係:原生家庭中父母的婚姻關係之親密程度與和諧程度與女性婚姻觀間都有顯著相關;原生家庭中親子關係與女性的婚姻觀間無關;戀愛經驗的「溝通與分享」、「欣賞與差異處理」、「獨立與自主」、「身體與性親密」都與婚姻觀間均呈顯著相關。而迴歸部分,對未婚女性而言,戀愛中的「溝通與分享」、「獨立與自主」可以有效預測其婚姻觀。而對巳婚女性而言,戀愛中的「溝通與分享」、「欣賞與差異處理」、「父母婚姻關係的親密程度」、及社經地位可以有效預測其婚姻觀。 三. 未婚女性的結婚意願與原生家庭經驗、戀愛經驗、及婚姻觀之關係:戀愛中的「身體與性親密」及「婚姻觀」與未婚女性的結婚意向呈顯著正相關。而迴歸部分,「婚姻觀」與年齡能有效預測未婚女性結婚意。 四. 巳婚女性維持婚姻意願與原生家庭經驗、戀愛經驗、及婚姻觀之關係:與巳婚女性的維持婚姻意願達顯著相關的因素有「婚姻觀」及戀愛中的「溝通與分享」、「欣賞與差異處理」、「獨立自主」及「身體與性親密」。迴歸部分,因年齡層不同而有所差異,對30歲以下的巳婚女性而言,主要預測因素是「欣賞與差異處理」、及「與母親密」;31歲以上的巳婚女性,預測維持婚姻意願的主要因素則是「婚姻觀」。


王世中, Wang, Shih-Chung Unknown Date (has links)
電腦科技與通訊設備的日新月異,為人類社會創造空前的便利與益處,然而,新興資訊科技亦製造了許多倫理道德困境與嚴重的社會問題。當整個人類社會尚未建立一套規範使用行為的遊戲規則之前,資訊科技所帶來的社會與道德問題如竊取個人隱私資料、未經授權入侵電腦系統或資料庫或故意散播電腦病毒等犯罪行為,已先如雨後春筍般出現,為人類帶來不少的危機。在人類大力發展科技以滿足需求與慾望時,倫理考量可促使人類對基本人性價值進行反思與檢討。藉著資訊倫理概念的建構,充實資訊科技使用的秩序內涵,當可確保人類的尊嚴及社會體系的健全發展。 相較於其他形式的組織,政府可謂掌握了最龐大的人力、財力、物力,而政府的一些作為,也都與民眾的生計息息相關,如以儲存於政府電腦系統中的民眾隱私資料為例,倘若此些資料不慎外流或遭人盜取,不僅可能造成受害者之損失,並且也可能會導致人民質疑政府的能力,甚至對政府產生不信任(distrustful)的感覺,而影響政治體系的正常運作。基此觀點,本研究乃以公部門組織為研究客體,並擇選台北市政府公務人員為實證調查之對象,以了解渠等資訊倫理態度。以下謹將本論文內容結構,摘述於后: 第一章:緒論。說明本文之研究動機、目的、範圍、方法及限制,並對若干重要名詞予以界定。 第二章:資訊倫理文獻之探討。檢視資訊倫理相關文獻,本章分為三節,第一節筆者由簡述資訊倫理的起源與發展出發,並探討資訊倫理的範圍,繼而從倫理哲學學說之內涵,嘗試發掘資訊倫理的哲學理論基礎;第二節,筆者則由數個資訊倫理相關行為模型中,發掘影響個人資訊倫理態度之因素;在第三節中,筆者對資訊倫理相關文獻研究進行檢閱、彙整與分析的工作。 第三章:實證研究設計。基於前章文獻探討之結果,確立本研究之研究焦點與假設,此外,本章並對問卷設計、研究對象、抽樣方法以及資料分析方法作一說明。 第四章:調查統計分析。主要係運用統計軟體,就問卷調查的結果予以統計整理,並加以分析說明。細言之,本章將說明填答問卷之台北市政府所屬機關公務人員的個人基本資料、渠等對資訊倫理的認知態度,並實證分析個人變項以及組織變項是否會影響行政人員資訊倫理態度。最後,筆者並以第二章文獻探討結果為基礎,嘗試探究調查數據所隱含的內在意涵。 第五章:結論與建議。乃將文獻探討與問卷調查之結果予以綜合性的歸納、整理,最後並就落實倫理再造工程、提昇公務人員資訊倫理認知,提出個人的淺見與建議。

影響國民中小學退休教師參與學校志工行為意向因素之研究 / Examining factors influencing the behavioral intention of elementary and junior high school retired teacher participating school voluntary service

林語如, Lin, Yu-Ju Unknown Date (has links)
國民中小學教師的平均退休年齡逐年下降,在這群退休教師當中,有不少身體健康且熱心公益的人,鼓勵他們回到其最熟悉的校園擔任志工,不僅可協助退休教師適應退休生活,更能發揮其所長,改善學校人力不足的現象。本研究係以Ajzen (1985)的計畫行為理論(The Theory of Planned Behavior)為架構基礎,以增進和維持退休教師參與學校志工的意願為主題,整合高齡志工參與動機和相關研究,建構一個對於退休教師參與學校志工行為意向具有預測及解釋力的「學校志工參與行為意向模式」;同時並透過與幾所國中小行政人員和退休教師的深度訪談,從多元角度瞭解影響退休教師參與學校志工的原因,藉以改善這些影響因素,提高退休教師回來學校服務的意願。 經結構方程式模型(Structural Equation Model, SEM)分析方法驗證本研究所建構的「學校志工參與行為意向模式」,和深度訪談分析的結果,本研究發現「行為控制知覺」對於退休教師擔任學校志工「行為意向」的影響最重要,「主觀規範」影響較小,「態度」則無顯著影響,並且在「行為控制知覺」中又僅有「自我能力」具有顯著的影響,表示政府在招募退休教師回來服務時,以促使退休教師覺得具有擔任學校志工的自我能力最為重要,主管機關可以透過宣導擔任學校志工毋須太多的時間與體力、並依據他們的專長、興趣等需求分配工作,提高退休教師回來服務的意願。同時透過深度訪談結果發現,「與原服務學校或過去同事的情感連結」以及「具有被學校需要的感覺」兩項心理層面因素,亦會對於退休教師參與學校志工的意願產生影響。 本研究建議學校單位可透過設立退休聯誼會辦公室、邀請退休教師回來參與學校活動等方式,維繫退休教師與學校之間的情感;並經由多方管道傳達學校需要退休教師協助的訊息、肯定與感謝退休教師的貢獻,使退休教師產生被需要感,提昇回來學校服務的意願。對於政府推行的「退休菁英風華再現」計畫,在計畫內容方面則建議應讓可受到計畫獎勵的志工服務項目範圍擴大,並且降低對於退休教師的津貼補助,將其用於替退休教師購買意外保險、辦理志工學習成長課程等志工福利,鼓勵更多教師願意回來學校服務;同時並透過適當誘因設計如敘功嘉獎,鼓勵承辦此項業務的行政人員積極邀請退休教師回來學校服務。 / In recent years, the average retirement age of teachers in elementary and junior high school has declined. Many retired teachers are still healthy and warmhearted. If we could encourage retired teachers to serve as school volunteers, not only their lives could be more fulfilled, but also the schools could benefit from their professional specialty and then improve the situation of insufficient human resources. This thesis examines the antecedents of the voluntary behavior of retired teachers in the context of an integrated behavioral model that incorporates a wide variety of important factors from previous researches on volunteer behavior into a single theoretical framework provided by the Theory of Planned Behavior. The model was tested using data from a sample of 219 individual respondents by Structural Equation Model. Moreover, four voluntary teachers and six school administrators were interviewed to thoroughly explore factors affecting the success of the “Voluntary Teaching Program” in Taipei County. Overall, the model results indicate that the strongest effects in voluntary behavior of retired teachers are due to behavioral intention, perceived behavioral control, and subjective norm. The key determinant of perceived behavioral control is self-efficacy, suggesting the more capable a person believes he or she is, the more control the person feels about being a school volunteer. Thus, policymakers should constantly devote efforts at broadcasting the information that serving as school volunteers only need a little time and effort. School administrators simultaneously should allocate voluntary tasks by volunteers’ specialty, interest, and other demands. Moreover, the interviews results suggest that both “the emotions connecting with school and past colleague” and “the sense of being demanded” influence the willingness of retired teachers to serve as school volunteers. Based on the research results, we provide policymakers with specific suggestions on ways to encourage this kind of voluntary behavior. For example, with the design of the Associations of Retired Teachers and regular re-union activities, retired teachers will be emotionally attached to schools. In addition, spread news for asking for retired teachers’ inputs and thank them for their devotion, it will make retired teachers feel needed. About the “Voluntary Teaching Program” policymakers should encourage and reward spiritedly for more voluntary teachers, but reduce the grants, and then utilize this grant budget to give some appropriate welfare resources for voluntary teachers such as labor insurance and some courses for spiritual development. Besides, policymakers should provide a few reward incentives for school administrators to encourage them to invite retired teachers to serve as school volunteers.

網路教學品質、品牌形象對顧客滿意與行為意向之研究──以政大公企網路學院為例 / A Study of Customer Satisfaction and Behavior Intention by E-Teaching Quality and Brand Image – A Case Study of NCCU E-College

楊忠銘, Yang, Chung-ming Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,由於網路科技與相關基礎建設的日趨成熟,讓網路廣被接受與使用,也對網路教學產生推波助瀾的效應,使網路教學成為全球一日千里,發展迅速的產業之一。   由於網路教學產業發展的前景可期,近年來許多大學院校及私人企業也都紛紛投入開發;但值得我們關心的是,傳統教育與新興的網路教育,到底有何差異?網路教學如何在提供教育的同時,也兼顧到顧客 (學習者)的滿意度呢?   本研究藉由文獻回顧以及與相關人員的深入訪談中找出學員在網路學習上所注重的因素,其中包括網路教學品質(包括:資訊品質、系統品質、服務品質)、教學互動以及品牌形象;除了針對這五個構面的品質表現進行敘述分析,本研究並使用LISREL進行驗證性的研究,瞭解此五構面是否分別和顧客滿意與行為意向有著正向關係,以提供網路教育者設計出更符合顧客需求的課程。   未來,網際網路科技將更加地進步,透過網路的學習也勢必更廣為普及,因此如何提供更優質、更具效率的網路學習環境,來吸引顧客,並建立起長期關係,對網路教育提供者將是很值得研究的議題。 / In less than two decades, the expansion of internet technology and relevant infrastructure are getting ripe to yield many positive results, such as the varied way people communicate and the daily information convey by media has shifted from papers to electronic. Moreover, one of the most noticeable outcomes is the development of learning through internet, the so-called E-teaching, which is undoubtedly becoming a rising industry. E-teaching industry now has been mushrooming and there have been plenty of universities, colleges and individual enterprises joining this trend. Therefore, it is also the time to think about some elementary but crucial tasks of E-teaching. What’ the difference between traditional and such state-of-the-art style of learning, for example, and how to take care of customers' (or E-learners') satisfaction with E-service? By interview with relevant personnel and retrospect with historical references, the research attempts to indicate five important factors that E-learners concern most during their learning process, covering from the internet teaching quality (includes: information quality, system quality, service quality), teaching interaction and brand image. In order to provide E-teaching designers with more practical guiding principles, to build up better courses to meet customers' need, the research tries to figure out the relation between these five factors and customer satisfaction and the behavior intention through the narrative analysis and LISREL based on E-College of National ChenChi University case. In the near future, the internet technology will be more universal, while learning through internet will be accepted more extensively. Meanwhile, how to offer higher quality, better benefit, and attractive elements to catch customers’ eyes and keep long-term relationship with E-learners will be the topic worthy for an advanced study.

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