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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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失眠認知行為治療的執行程度與治療效果間的關係 / The association between treatment adherence and treatment outcome in Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Insomnia

陳佳琤 Unknown Date (has links)
緒論 失眠困擾對身心健康有重大的影響,除了藥物取向的治療外,失眠認知行為治療(CBT-I)有足夠的實證研究證據肯定其療效,由於在認知行為治療(CBT)的研究中有證據支持參與者在家中,對治療技術練習與執行的程度與療效有關,因此CBT-I的療效可能也與患者對治療技術的執行程度有關,過去雖然也有少數研究探討CBT-I執行程度與療效的關係,但這些研究缺乏針對CBT-I各個治療技術的執行程度評估,因此本研究欲探討CBT-I中,各項治療技術(睡眠衛生教育、放鬆訓練、刺激控制法、睡眠限制法,及認知重建)的執行程度及執行規律程度,與特定療效指標改善程度的關係。 方法 研究參與者含原發性失眠患者22位,共病其它疾患的失眠患者16位,經篩選階段確認符合收案條件後,在接受為期七週的CBT-I團體治療期間,於第二週起需每日填寫執行程度問卷,同時帶領團體的治療師也於治療第三週起,以治療師執行程度評估量表來評估參與者的執行程度。參與者在治療前後另需分別填寫一週睡眠日誌以及睡眠困擾問卷(Insomnia Severity Inventory;ISI),以睡眠日誌中的SOL、WASO、TST、SE,及ISI得分的前後測改變分數,作為代表療效指標之依變項,預測變項則為參與者自評及治療師所評估的各項治療技術之執行程度分數,治療技術包括:睡眠衛生、放鬆訓練、刺激控制法、睡眠限制法,以及認知重建;並分別以平均數代表執行程度,而以變異數代表執行期間的規律程度。 結果 資料分析以皮爾森相關分析檢驗執行程度與療效間的關聯性,在全部樣本中的結果發現,參與者自評對認知重建的平均數與WASO的改善程度有正相關,以及治療師評估CBT-I的平均數與SOL的改善程度有正相關;而參與者自評放鬆訓練的平均數越低、刺激控制法變異數越高,則ISI的改善程度越好,為不符合預期的結果。在原發性失眠組中發現治療師評估睡眠衛生的平均數與WASO的改善有正相關,治療師評估睡眠限制法的平均數與SOL、TST,以及SE的改善有正相關,而變異數與SOL的改善有負相關,以及治療師評估CBT-I的平均數與SOL的改善有正相關;而不符合預期的結果為,參與者自評執行刺激控制法的變異數與ISI的改善有正相關。最後,在共病組中並沒有發現執行程度與療效之間有顯著相關的結果,而放鬆訓練以及刺激控制法兩項治療技術,也沒有與療效指標有符合預期的顯著相關結果。 結論 對於共病失眠患者而言,治療技術的執行評估與療效間未反映出顯著相關,可能因受限於睡眠生理疾患的干擾,使得療效未如原發性失眠組明顯;而就原發性失眠組而言,睡眠限制法的執行程度是與較多療效指標達到顯著相關的治療技術,顯示睡眠限制法的執行對於改善睡眠症狀有所幫助。本研究較為重大的限制在於,治療技術執行程度評估的評分者間一致性有限,後續研究可進一步發展評估執行程度更適當的方法。 / Introduction Insomnia is a common problem that has a significant impact on patients' physical and mental health. In addition to pharmacological therapy, there are sufficient empirical data to support treatment efficacy of cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I). A major part of cognitive behavioral therapy is to teach the patients to learn specific cognitive and behavioral techniques that requires to be practiced at home by the patients. Previous studies have reported an association between the degree of adherence to treatment techniques and treatment effects in cognitive behavioral therapy for disorders other than insomnia. Some studies further explored the relationship between treatment adherence and treatment outcome in CBT-I. However, none of the study looked into the adherence to different treatment components on different aspects of treatment outcome. The aim of this study therefore is to explore the relationship between the adherence to different treatment components in CBT-I and the improvement in different sleep parameters. Method Twenty-two patients with primary insomnia and sixteen patients with comorbid insomnia were recruited for this study. During the 6-week period of treatment with CBT-I, they completed a treatment adherence questionnaire daily. The therapists also evaluated the patients’ adherence weekly after treatment sessions. They were required to keep sleep diaries from one week before to one week after the end of the 6-week CBT-I program. They also completed the ISI and sleep diary for one week before and after the treatment. The treatment outcome variables included the ISI score, and sleep onset latency (SOL), wake after sleep onset (WASO), total sleep time (TST) and the sleep efficiency (SE) from sleep diaries. The treatment components evaluated included sleep hygiene, relaxation, stimulus control, sleep restriction and cognitive reconstruction. The predictive variables included the mean for the adherence degrees and the variance for the adherence regularity of the adherence score evaluated by the participants and therapists. Results Pearson correlation was used to examine the associations between the adherence to respective treatment components in CBT-I and the variables of treatment outcome. In the whole sample, the decrease of the WASO correlated significantly with adherence to cognitive reconstruction evaluated by the patients, and the decrease of the SOL correlated significantly with adherence to CBT-I evaluated by the therapists. Nonetheless, the lower adherence to relaxation and the higher variance of adherence to stimulus control, the more improvement of the ISI. In patients with primary insomnia, the decrease of WASO correlated significantly with adherence to sleep hygiene evaluated by the therapists; the decrease of SOL and the increase of TST and SE showed significant correlation with adherence to sleep restriction evaluated by the therapists; the decrease of SOL showed significant negative correlation with the variance of adherence to sleep restriction evaluated by the therapists; the decrease of SOL showed significant positive correlation with the adherence to CBT-I evaluated by the therapists. Opposite to expectation, the decrease of the ISI score correlated significantly with variability of adherence to stimulus control evaluated by the patients. Finally, in patients with comorbid insomnia, the treatment component adherence did not correlate significantly with any outcome variables. The adherence of relaxation and stimulus control did not show significant correlation with outcome variables. Conclusion In patients with comorbid insomnia, treatment effects were not associated with adherence. This may due to the multifactorial nature of comorbid insomnia. Among the treatment components, adherence to sleep restriction seems to be the most predictive factor for good treatment outcome in primary insomnia. One limitation of the present study is its low inter-rater reliability of treatment components adherence evaluation. Therefore, more appropriate methods need to be developed to evaluate the adherence of treatment techniques.


譚必英, Tan,Portia Unknown Date (has links)
在全球金融朝向國際化與自由化之際,為加速經濟的發展,並因應國際間金融購併發展之趨勢;各國政府無不漸趨放寬或解除管制,使資金與人才的流動更為快速。金融機構也因透過金融控股公司的型態跨業經營,加速併購風潮。過去數十年內,全球購併的活動蔚為風潮,成為全球經濟活動的常態。 我國政府在1990年以前,對於金融事業的監理採為嚴格的限制;但在台灣加入了世界貿易組織(WTO)之後,致使台灣的金融業必須要與國際金融環境接軌,並跟其他國際大型金融機構開始競爭。解決方案之一,以及協助體質較好的本地金融機構加強國際競爭力。此為何後來政府鼓勵購併的濫觴。 回顧台灣產險市場,在2002年簽單保費突破1000億後,成長率不增反降,從2002年的11.55%逐年下滑到2005年的3.36%。相較於亞洲各國成長率逐年增加的情況,這個警訊值得注意。因此,主管機關為促進國內保險市場良性競爭與提升專業經營水準,積極對外招商。2005與2006年為產險業界變遷期間,在此期間有新安產險與原統ㄧ安聯合併案、第一金控出售明台產險給日本三井住友海上、金管會下令清理國華產險,並核准台灣人壽收購國華產險,成立龍平安產險、AIG集團正式完成收購中央產險等,均是台灣產險業界重大事件。 本研究主要是以最近相關外資金融機構購併台灣產險公司之收購活動為主軸,希望籍由2006年外資專業金融保險集團購併本地產險公司之實際個案為例,體地分析其收購之背景、決策過程、收購過程之策略規劃,檢視其執行程序、與未來經營策略規劃,並描繪收購後的初步狀況,以全盤了解該收購案總體面貌,綜之,本個案歸納與分析,得到六項要點:(1)外資機構進行購併活動,須經過詳細評估與分析。(2)擁有本地實際市場經驗,更能掌握適合的購併標的。(3)外資専業技術與全球資源的注入,提昇被購併公司未來競爭優勢。(4)致力降低收購之衝擊是購併成功之重要關鍵。(5)完善的人力資源策略,才能增加購併績效。(6)高度互補潛力,有利於未來高度綜效之充分實踐。 最後,藉由上述之各項結論,提出三點建議作為主管機關與業者未來從事保險購併活動之參考:(1)主管機關需加強審核被收購公司的人力資源策略執行計劃。(2)鼓勵外資專業產險機構來台進行購併活動。(3)對未來金融機構購併非本業之購併案宜更審慎評估。 關鍵字:外資、購併、台灣產險公司、收購過程、策略、執行程序、初步狀況 / Facing the trend of globalization & liberalization of major world wider financial institutions, the governments of key competitors have taken actions separately to loosen or de-regulate their financial regulations in order to speed up flows of talents and capitals accelerating the rampant development of merger and acquisition (M&A) practices among financial institutions. The financial institutions have being actively involved in M&A activities and have subsequently formed the financial holding companies to expand their business operations across various territories. During the past decade, the activities of global merger & acquisition have grown substantially and have become a common economic issue. The government of R.O.C., before 90’s, adopted a relatively strict regulation on supervising the financial industry. After R.O.C. joined WTO; however, local financial institutions immediately encountered severe competitions from foreign global conglomerates. One of solutions to enhance global competence of local financial institutions is to conduct merger & acquisition initiatives within certain parties. With a positive attitude, the government induced intentionally all kinds of attempts, especially M&A initiatives to improve financial strength of local financial institutions. Retrospectively, the Taiwanese general industry once set a milestone on its total written premium which surpassed NT$100 billion in 2002. However, the growth ratio dropped sharply form 11.55% of 2002 to 3.36% of 2005, in comparison with the increasing growth ratios in the other Asian countries. The whistle-blowing was noteworthy. Hence, the authority spared no efforts to induce foreign investments enhancing the vigor of capital market and reform local regulations adopting global standards of financial governance. The local general industry encountered dramatic events in 2005 & 2006. During that period, several mergers have proceeded such as follows. 1.) A merger of Newa Insurance & Allianz President. 2.) The First Financial Holding Company sold Ming Tai Insurance to Mistui Sumimoto Insurance 3.) The regulator ordered to liquidate Kuo Hwa Insurance Co. in 2005. Taiwan Life got approval to purchase Kuo Hwa and set up a new company named Dragon Insurance afterwards. 4.) AIG acquired Central Insurance. One of main subjects of this study is to elaborate the comprehensive process of acquiring a local general insurer by a foreign financial conglomerate. With an objective analysis, we might grasp a clear picture of the acquisition event, witnessing the background, decision making process, acquisition task force, as well as action plans after acquisition. Six tentative conclusions are presented as follow: 1.) A comprehensive due diligent scheme is crucial to a successful acquisition. 2.) With an in-depth experience on local market, a foreign initiator would sort out a better candidate to target. 3.) The injection of advanced professional skills & network resources by the acquirer would reform and upgrade the competence of the acquired company. 4.) One of key factors to a successful M&A initiatives is to mitigate & smoothen with all means the impact to the staff of the acquired. 5.) A well-planned scheme for human resource would induce outstanding performance of the new-formed company. 6.) Highly complementary competences between two parties of the merger initiative will result in a positive synergy in the future. Finally, three suggestive assumptions are referred to the Authority. 1.) A well-planned scheme on human resources after acquisition is crucial to original staff and shall be a major concern to financial governance. 2.) Incentives & inducements to foreign general insurers are urgent and necessary to a reforming market. 3.) A prudent assessment is fundamental to a successful merger initiative by foreign financial conglomerate as well as the local market regulator.

分散系統中的飢餓,臨界競賽,死結及終止 / Starvation, Critical Race, Deadlock and Termination in Distributed Systems

王耀輝, Wang, Yao Huei Unknown Date (has links)
分散式系統具有資源共享及運算更有效率等優點,使得分散式系統的應用越來越廣泛,有關分散式系統的研究也越受重視。一些存在分散式系統中的不正常現象,如:死結(deadlock),饑餓(stravation),及臨界競賽(critical race)往往會抵消掉資源共享的好處並且容易產生通訊(communication)的錯誤,另外,保證一分散系統中行程(process)均能正確的執行終止(termination)也是一項值得研究的重要課題。   本篇論文將就分散系統中的死結、饑餓、臨界競賽及中止等問題之過去的文獻提出討論,並分別比較優、缺點,最後列出一些尚未解決及值得深入研究的問題。 / There are some addvantages of distributed systems, such as resources sharing and computing efficiency. Thus, the applications of distributed systems are more prevalent. The research of distributed systems had got great worth. Some undesired or abcdrmal behaviors such as deadlock, starvation, and critical race exist in distributed systems, which often offset the advantages of resources sharing and are prone to communication errors. It is very important to guarantee the processes of a distributed system which can terminate finitely.   In this thesis, we'll have thorough discussions and comparisons of those four properties through literature survey and then point out some unsolved problems at last.

語意式之旅遊推薦系統以台北市為例之研究 / A study of ontological travel planning recommendation systems for Taipei City

黃少華, Huang, Shao Hua Unknown Date (has links)
近來,旅遊資訊廣被旅遊者在網路上使用。雖然網路上的資訊十分豐富,但是使用者仍常常難以找尋到精準的資訊。而旅遊商品的特性為無形的,所以使用者不能實際地來評估這個服務直到他實際地體驗之後。也就是因為此種特性,所以如何讓使用者在真正體驗到之前能夠取得可信與真實的旅遊資訊變得十分重要。為了解決此問題,語意網絡的概念即出現來解決人與電腦間溝通的問題。而一個本體即是由一個正式化的、某一具有精確規格概念的領域來提供之可實行的平台來發展可信的旅遊資訊服務。 在本論文中,我們探討了旅遊推薦系統的發展、其遭遇的問題、語意網相關之技術包含了:網路本體語言、資源描述架構、和一些目前現有的旅遊本體發展的情況。此外,為了要能提供更智慧化的旅遊行程規劃推薦服務,我們將語意的想法帶入了此領域。我們會提出一個方法讓智慧型旅遊行程推薦服務能在本體論的基礎上實現。所以,一系列的旅遊本體會被建構發展,來讓我們的芻形系統能夠做出行程推薦的服務。此提出的系統能夠驗證語意網的概念在旅遊推薦領域的可行性。它亦能利用屬性與之間的關係來推薦出更智慧型的資訊,找出個人化的景點、活動與行程給旅行者。 / Nowadays, travel information is increasing to appeal the tourists on the web. Al- though there are numerous information provided on the web, the user gets puzzled in nding accurate information. The tourism product has an intangible nature in that cus- tomers cannot physically evaluate the services on oer until practically experienced. This makes access to credible and authentic information about tourism products before the actual experience very valuable. In order to solve these problems, the concept of seman- tic web comes into existence to have communication between human and computer. An Ontology being a formal, explicit specication of concepts of a domain provides a viable platform for the development of credible tourism information services. In this paper, we discuss the development of travel recommendation system, the problems it encounters, the related technology about semantic web including OWL, RD- F/RDFS, and some current circumstances of the existing tourism ontologies as well. Futhermore, in order to make more intelligent travel planning recommendation services, we bring the idea of semantic into tourism domain. We will present an approach aimed at enabling intelligent recommendation services in tourism support systems using ontolo- gies. A suite of tourism ontologies was developed and engaged to enable a prototypical tourism system with recommednation capabilities. The proposed system can verify the feasibility and concept of taking semantic web technology into tourism recommendation systems domain. It also can recommend more intelligent information using properties, relationships of travel ontology, and is responsible for nding personalized attractions, activities and a trip itinerary for travelers.

結合行動應用之自由行旅遊支援平台建置 / The Development of a Travel Supported Platform with Mobile Application for Backpacking

王子瑜, Wang, Tzu Yu Unknown Date (has links)
摘要   觀光旅遊是現今十分興盛的休閒活動,根據 2010 至 2012 年交通部觀光局統計資料顯示,國人國內旅遊以非旅行社承辦平均高達約 88%,因此如何有效規劃行程內容及安排各景點間的交通路線,就成為旅遊前的重要準備工作。   檢視目前旅遊規劃的數位服務平台並無法真正解決旅遊需求。故本研究設計與建置一套旅遊支援平台,首先藉由訪談,了解使用者需求,歸納出平台設計重點,分析系統的使用流程,再設計功能模組化與操作介面,最後建置平台並進行原型評估。本平台以雲端資料庫為基礎,無縫結合網站與行動應用兩端的資訊流。使用者在行前利用網站規劃行程內容,完成後上傳至雲端資料庫,網站端內容會自動同步於行動應用端,並以適合行動應用的界面呈現。使用者之行程安排因此更便利與彈性,在行動中亦能利隨時以手機查看行程,並依當地情況修改行程、即時安排交通路徑,使得旅遊行程計畫可以依實際的變化機動調適。而更新後的行程亦同步儲存於雲端。   本研究未來方向可以往更多的服務串流發展,如景點的多媒體內容、社群結合、智慧邏輯排程或外部資訊連結等等。隨著未來資訊技術的提升,將為系統平台帶來更多可能性、讓整體服務擁有更佳的整合性,提供使用者更好的體驗。 / Nowadays, touring is a popular leisure activity. According to statistics from the Taiwan Tourism Bureau, people arranged their own domestic travels as high as 88%. Because backpacking can be economical and more flexible, many young people tend to travel by themselves. Therefore travel planning has become the most important preparation work. How to plan an effective schedule and how to arrange the routes between attractive points are the tasks that backpackers often need to face. However there are few information services for the needs currently. The thesis designed and implemented a travelling support platform. First, the research identified design key elements by interviewing users and analyzing travelling behaviors. Second, the research mapped the touring process into functional models. Finally, we built and tested the platform prototype. This platform is Cloud-based and seamlessly integrates both website and mobile application to achieve the information service. Users use the website to schedule their trips and upload the schedules to the cloud database. Then the user can access the same schedule made at website on the mobile APP synchronously. They can check their schedule while they are traveling on the mobile phones. In addition, they can edit the schedule and rearrange new traffic routes real-time to adjust to the local circumstances. The further developments of the platform will include more integrated services, such as multimedia contents, social network, and intelligent logic scheduling. With the evolution of the technology in the future, the platform will provide better user experience.

旅遊行程自動規劃系統的設計與實作 / MyTripPlan:The Design and Implementation of an Automatic Trip Planning System

陳逸群, Chen, Yi Chun Unknown Date (has links)
近年來隨著全球化的發展,自助旅行的風氣蔚為風潮。背包客可以根據自己的喜好與條件,自己規劃旅遊路線與行程。一般規劃旅遊行程的過程費時而繁瑣,除了必須決定旅遊景點,還必須將景點開放時間、景點停留時間、交通方式、旅遊順序與路線、時間限制、住宿地點、經費等列入考量。 針對旅遊行程規劃,除了參考網友的行程規劃,目前已普遍有景點推薦、行程編輯系統,協助使用者規劃行程。但少有旅遊行程自動規劃系統。因此,本論文研發實作旅遊行程的自動規劃系統MyTripPlan。MyTripPlan具備景點推薦、景點停留與拜訪時間預估、路線規劃、行程規劃及行程調整的功能。 本系統MyTripPlan在離線時,先透過爬蟲程式由景點推薦網站取得熱門景點資訊、由相片分享網站取得景點相片時間以推估景點停留及拜訪時間、由交通查詢網站取得任兩景點間的推估交通時間。在線上時,當使用者輸入旅遊天數等時間限制、並由系統推薦景點勾選有興趣拜訪的景點及餐廳後,系統將運用定向排程演算法推論出符合時間限制的旅遊行程,呈現在地圖上,並結合交通網站,產生行程表。 經實驗效能驗證,以安排旅遊天數七天,五十六個景點所需要的行程規劃時間約為一秒鐘;使用者對於實作完畢的MyTripPlan系統與功能也都有滿意以上的評分。 / Travel planning process is time-consuming and tedious. To plan a trip, not only the attractions, but opening hours, timing cost, travel route, transportation, lodge, budget control and so on also need to be considered. While there are widespread attraction recommendation and itinerary editing systems to assist people to plan their trip, only few trip automated planning systems are developed. In this thesis, MyTripPlan, an automatic trip planning system, is designed and developed. MyTripPlan The system provides users the capability of attraction recommendation, visiting and stay time estimation, route planning, trip planning and itinerary adjustments. In offline process, MyTripPlan collects popular attraction information from web content for attraction recommendation, gets the timestamp of attractions from photo-sharing websites to estimate visiting and stay time, and crawls traffic information from public transportation query site to estimate the travel time between attractions. Given the trip duration, MyTripPlan recommends attractions and restaurants, schedules and produces the trip itinerary automatically based on the team orienteering scheduling algorithm. The generated itinerary takes the user-preferred attractions, visiting and stay time constraints, and transportation information into consideration. MyTripPlan presents the trip itinerary both in map and schedule list. The experiments show that the execution time for trip plan with fifty-six attractions in seven days requires about one second. Moreover, nineteen subjects were invited to evaluate the effectiveness of MyTripPlan. Most users were satisfied and gave excellent rating on the system performance.


王惠慧 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文將法務部行政執行署所屬行政執行處依據行政執行法為行政執行中,因相關之法律問題,致造成公法上金錢給付義務事件不能很迅速地結案,即有障礙者,統稱之為「行政執行障礙法律問題」。 本論文除第一章為緒論及第八章為結論外,自第二章起至第七章,分章就行政執行名義、行政執行標的、行政執行程序救濟管道、合併執行、輔助性之人身執行-拘提管收部分及執行憑證等法律問題見解爭議之態樣,探討各法律問題態樣於行政執行實務上不同之見解爭議,並論述目前實務作法或提出建議方案。 另為方便參閱本論文涉及之重要條文、司法院解釋、最高法院及最高行政法院相關決議,亦於本論文末摘錄部分內容,以供參考。

應急行動通訊系統設計 / Design of contingency cellular network

黃智賢, Huang, Jyh-Shyan Unknown Date (has links)
當大型災害來臨,通訊系統對救災效益具有不可或缺的重要性。然而,一般公眾通訊系統,如行動通訊網路等,常因各種不同因素導致系統攤瘓,使得協調大批非組織的救災志工,顯得異常困難。現存多個緊急通訊系統的佈建,需仰頼良好的交通運輸。不幸的是,部分道路和橋樑常因大型災害而斷裂或變型,導致災區對外交通運輸中斷,無法快速的將緊急通訊系統的網路元件,運送至災區佈建。我們提出應急行動通訊系統(Contingency Cellular Network, CCN) 以提供災區救災工作的緊急通訊。部分行動基地台雖然結構完整,但因失去與核心網路連線能力或電力供應,而無法提供服務,成為孤立基地台。應急行動通訊網路(CCN) 搭配無線通訊與衛星通訊技術建置一多重跳接無線網路,以恢復孤立基地台與核心網路連線能力;並配備發電機,提供電力,使孤立基地台可提供有限的服務。救災志工和災民無需使用特殊手持設備或額外的訓練,只需使用原有的手機,即可使用CCN的應急通訊服務。CCN可於第一時間,提供大批救災志工和災民通訊服務,以提高救災效益,因而拯救更多寶貴的生命。 本論文主要聚焦在應急行動通訊系統設計所衍生出的相關議題,如 應急網路需求分析、系統架構設計、網路拓樸規劃、網路頻寬規劃、佈署行程規劃等議題。本論文針對網路拓樸規劃、網路頻寬規劃、佈署行程規劃問題以數學模式進行塑模並證明這些問題為NP-Hard問題。因網路拓樸規劃、網路頻寬規劃、佈署行程規劃需緊急完成,我們也提出啟發式算法快速解決這些規劃問題。實驗結果顯示,這些啟發式算法均具良好的效能。 / Communication system is crucial to the efficiency of disaster response operation in the large-scale disaster. However, communication systems, such as cellular networks, usually crashed due to various causes making coordination among disorganized disaster responders extremely difficult. Unfortunately, rapid deployment of many existing emergency communication systems relies on a good transportation system, which is usually not available in a catastrophic natural disaster. We proposed a Contingency Cellular Network (CCN) for emergency communication by connecting disconnected base stations together with wireless links to construct a wireless multi-hop cellular network. CCN can support existing mobile phone users with reduced capability. Such a system can support a large number of disaster responders in the early hours of a catastrophic natural disaster, thus save many lives. Our research addresses the design issues of the network topology of CCN, such as network topology planning, bandwidth management, deployment scheduling and etc., and we take the degree of emergency and population of each stricken area as the priority measure as well as the available resources as the constraint to determine the network topology. Mathematical models of these design issues are proposed and proved as NP-Hard problems. Since the network topology, bandwidth management, deployment scheduling are needed in urgent, we propose heuristic algorithms to solve these problems quickly. Finally, we evaluated the proposed algorithms by simulation. A significant improvement in resiliency is reached.

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