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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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我國海岸巡防機關組織績效之探討─以各地區巡防局為例 / The study on Organization Performance of ROC Coast Guard: The Case of The Coastal Patrol Office

錢雅清, Chien,Ya-Ching Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣四面環海,海岸線綿長,而海岸巡防業務為鞏固臺灣周邊海域安全的第一道防線,為有效遂行海岸、海域治安的維護、海洋法律秩序的維持及海上人命的安全工作,維護我國家海洋權益,實有賴充實現代化編裝,強化海巡能量。然因國家財政日益困難,不論員額編制、經費預算均逐年緊縮,為使有限資源發揮最大效用,實需強化績效評估機制以提昇機關效率。本文嘗試以經濟學上的生產效率概念,以資料包絡分析法(DEA)之產出導向模型,建構一個海巡機關整體相對效率評估模式,強化績效評估之公正性,根據實證結果,探討技術無效率原因,對主管機關提出政策建議,並對後續研究提出建議。 本文係以「業務性質相當」且屬「同層級」之各地區巡防局為研究對象,以2001─2004年之投入及產出資料進行機關整體效率評估。實證結果資料顯示:在不同投入產出組合下,地區巡防局整體技術效率平均值介於134.72﹪與230.30﹪之間,代表在產出上仍存在改善空間。經比較各地區巡防局之相對效率,以中巡局整體效率最佳,東巡局最低,主要係因規模無效率所致,至其他地區局則因純技術無效率所致。 惟有關犯罪行為之查緝產出究應隨投入增加或減少,方稱為有效率,實難論斷,復囿於樣本數有限,不適於採迴歸分析方式探討造成各地區巡防局技術效率差異之可能影響因素,亦為本文之研究限制。海巡署於2005年7月1日以任務編組方式實施「地區責任制」,建議未來研究可以13個巡防區為研究對象,同時納入岸、海勤務之投入及產出,並藉以擴大樣本數,以兩階段分析法,利用迴歸分析模型探討各巡防區效率差異之可能因素,更具鑑別力及公正客觀性。


陳盈瑞 Unknown Date (has links)
宋儒由心性面論王述霸的觀點,主要自王安石發端,經過二程及朱熹、張栻等人,形成一條「心術」、「義利」乃至「天理人欲」的發展脈絡。這條脈絡,正與理學成形過程相互表裡,其間不但突顯了內在理路深化的痕跡,更可得見兩宋心性論述的發展,與現實環境的影響亦有莫大關係。其中,熙豐變法造成的政治效應,及對王安石理財、征利的批判,正是促成宋人將思想聚焦於「義利」的重要催化劑,進而衍成心性體系中,確保「由義行」以避免「有所為而為」情形出現的內聖理論之探究,並在皇輿南渡後,隨著復讎大義與「天理」、「人欲」的貫連論述,進一步直入理、欲的嚴格分判之內聖工夫的思考中。而本文就著王霸議題觀察到的「至誠惻怛」一詞,正是宋儒以心性觀點區別王霸之根據,或可代表理學於宋代上升的標誌,值得學界重視。   若就內涵來說,心性論述實突顯了有宋儒學的內聖傾向,這傾向以工夫論及相應之王道境界說為其大端,並在「道」的看法上,高標出獨立、終極之至善根據的意義,同時,亦一併突出了孟學的影響力。換言之,心性之儒強調內在工夫的要求,以確保「道」、「天理」的純粹至善之發,從而使精微之「道心」體現於人世,特別是人君身上,來敦促一道德政治──如王道<關雎>、<麟趾>及「鳶飛魚躍」之境的實現。因此他們崇尚三代、貶抑霸道,成就所謂「帝王之學」的規模,期使王道理想再現。雖然宋儒中亦存在不少反對心性的觀點,如孫復、李覯、司馬光、蘇氏父子及葉適等人,即由史實角度出發,強調「尊王」,重「名位」分別,並認為「道」之平施於天地日用、貫徹於歷史上的各朝代、各種政治間,因此他們重視功業,適度肯定霸者,不以王道為唯一圭表,更不以三代體制為嚮,甚至反對心性之儒那般著重內聖工夫的帝王學論述,從而使宋代儒學面貌,有了分立多采的呈現。然而,伴隨理學發展及日後朱學的獨大,心性觀點的王霸論暨其相關觀念,自然勢不可遏,成為了影響日後王霸探討的主要推手。 此外,應一併強調的是,今人看待思想史上的王霸論述,總後設地認為「尊王賤霸」是《春秋》大旨,更是傳統儒家的一貫看法,然如本文所言,倫理學意義上的「尊王賤霸」說自韓愈明確點出後,一直要到王安石時代,方成為宋人看待王霸關係的重要成見,而南宋以降朱學的影響力,更是此概念深入人心的關鍵。換言之,這是理學思潮下的成說,並非自古相沿的儒家定見,是故今日看待這個儒學史(或曰孟學詮釋史)上的重要問題,當更為謹慎,不可無限制地放大其解釋廣度。

改良式個案推薦機制: 階層式擷取條件與階段式的個案推理演算法 / Enhanced Case-Based Recommender Mechanism:Hierarchical Case-Retrieved Criteria and Multiple-Stage CBR Algorithm

王貞淑, Wang, Chen Shu Unknown Date (has links)
各類電子商務網站上的推薦機制應用已日趨廣泛且成熟。而隨著決策問題日漸複雜,現行的推薦機制發展已經可以看到應用的界限,再也無法貼近使用者所面臨的複雜問題。現行的推薦機制架構需要被重新審視、定義與設計其核心演算法。本研究用更寬廣的角度看待推薦機制,並將改良後的推薦機制視為解決問題的新典範。 首先,本研究定義了改良後的推薦機制所應支援的功能,包括:階層式條件的多維度推薦以及多階段的推薦。多維度推薦機制能夠讓使用者從不同的面向去看待決策問題,而階層式條件則允許使用者針對每個維度再往下設定階層式條件,幫助決策者更貼切的描述所遭遇的問題,如此一來推薦機制所提供的推論結果才能更符合決策者的原意。而多階段推薦則是協助決策者進行一連串的規劃方案,而這樣的推薦結論能夠提供可行方案的遠景,讓決策者能夠預先為可能發生的狀況進行準備,進而深化決策者對目前推薦結論的信心。 除了力求每個(或多個)階段推薦結論的正確性,推薦系統也要與所有的決策階段緊密結合(不僅止於資料搜集階段),所以必須能夠提供決策者行為面的建議,確切的建議決策者應該採取的行動。確切的行為面資訊推薦結論對於決策活動的參考價值更高。 所以,本研究修改了傳統的案例推導法(CBR),試圖讓傳統CBR演算法成為符合改良後個案推薦機制的規範,因為CBR演算法最符合人類求解問題的邏輯程序,因此本研究在改良式個案推薦機制中重現CBR演算法中的4R推理循環。而且為了真正落實修正後的CBR演算法,本研究還結合了基因演算法提出GCBR的概念,幫助改良式個案推薦系統能夠更快速有效的收斂出推薦的結論。 最後,本研究也預期所提出的推薦機制能夠應用於各種不同的領域,而為了驗證所提出的推薦機制執行效率與可行性,本研究也列舉了數個實驗進行的規範方案。本研究所提出的改良式個案推薦機制核心演算法為一概化模型,能夠求解不同型態的決策問題。 / Recommender system can be regarded as fundamental technology of electronic commence web site. Some researchers also claimed that recommender system push the electronic web site to another development peak. Recommender system would need some mechanisms. These recommender mechanisms should be reviewed, redefined and expanded to include particularly case-based mechanism that focus on reality problem solving. Recently, CBR applications had been extended to provide recommendation mechanism based on previous cases. The abstract recommendation problems are usually hard to be formulated in strict mathematic models, and often solved via word-mouse experience. Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) is a paradigm, concept and instinctive mechanism for ill-defined and unstructured problem solving. Similarly to human problem solving process, CBR retrieves past experiences to reuse for target problem. Of course, the solutions of past cases may need to be revised for applying. The successful problem-solving experiences are then retained for further reusing. These are well-known 4R processes (retrieve, reuse, revise, and retain) of traditional CBR. Nevertheless, the case-based recommender mechanism is particularly suitable for reality problem reference because case-style can be used to describe unstructured problem. The next generation recommender mechanism should focus on the real life problem solving and applications. Thus, case-based recommender mechanism can be regarded as a new problem solving paradigm. To enhance traditional CBR algorithm to case-based recommender mechanism, the original CBR should be redesigned. In the traditional CBR algorithm, based on multiple objectives, the retrieved cases could provide to decision maker for references. However, as the decision problem is getting complex, pure multiple objective problem representation is too unsophisticated to reflect reality. Thus, a revised CBR algorithm equipped with capability to deal with more complexity is needed. Additionally, decision makers would wish to achieve the actionable information. The existing recommender mechanism can not provide the actionable direction to decision maker. Based on previous cases provided by CBR, decision maker would further hope that recommender mechanism could tell them how to do. These capabilities should be included into traditional CBR algorithm. Furthermore, traditional CBR has to evaluate all cases in case base to return the most similar case(s). The efficiency of CBR is obviously negatively related to the size of case base. Thus, a number of approaches have devoted to decrease the effort for case evaluation. This research proposes a revised CBR mechanism, named GCBR, which can be regarded as next generation CBR algorithm. GCBR can be applied to reality applications, particularly case-based recommender mechanism. Thus, it can be treated as a new problem solving paradigm. It also intends to improve traditional CBR efficiency stability no matter what kinds of case representation and indexing approaches.

運用技術指標建構投資決策之知識架構 / The Knowledge architecture of technical indicators for iInvestment decisions

溫豐全, Wen, Feng Quan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究定義運用技術指標建構投資決策之步驟,明確描述各步驟細節,投資人根據此流程定義,可利用技術指標逐步運算出投資標的之投資價值,作為最終投資決策之依據。同時,本研究建立技術指標、偵測機制等分類架構,讓投資人主觀的投資需求對應(map)到技術指標,建立個人化的投資決策。 / This paper defines the stages that how to build an investment decision with technical indicators and describes the details of each stage definitely. According to the process definition, investors can calculate the investment value of the investment target with technical indicators step by step. The investment value can be the foundation of the final investment decision. This paper also establishs both classificaton models of technical indicators and detect mechanisms. It makes investors map their subjective demand for investment information to technical indicators, personlize their investment descions.

以White的真實性檢定與Stepwise Multiple Testing來檢驗技術分析在不同股票市場的獲利性 / Examining the profitability of technical analysis with white’s reality check and stepwise multiple testing in different stock markets

俞海慶, Yu, Hai Cing Unknown Date (has links)
在使用White的真實性檢定和Stepwise Multiple Test消除資料勘誤的問題之後,有些技術分析確實可以擊敗大盤,在1989到2008,DJIA, NASDAQ, S&P 500, NIKKEI 225, TAIEX這五個指數中。但是在較不成熟的市場或較過去的時間內,我沒辦法找到任何強烈的關係在這些市場與超額報酬間。還有學習策略通常沒辦法獲得比簡單策略更好的表現,代表使用過去最好的策略來預測未來並不是個好主意。我同時還發現在熊市比穩定的牛市更有可能擊敗買進持有的策略。 / In five indices, DJIA, NASDAQ, S&P 500, NIKKEI 225, TAIEX, from 1989 to 2008, some technical trading rules indeed can defeat the broad market even after using the White reality check and stepwise multiple test to solve the data snooping problem. But in the markets like less mature ones or the one which was in the older period, I can’t find a strong relation between these markets and the excess return in my research. And the learning strategy usually can’t have a better performance than the simple one, means applying the rule which had a best record to forecast the future may not be a good idea. I also found that it is more likely to beat the buy and hold strategy when there is a bear market but not a steady bull market.

學術期刊禁止一稿多投之經濟分析 / An economic analysis of the prohibition against multiple submission

林士揚, Lin, Shih-Yang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主旨在於探討學術期刊普遍禁止一稿多投的現象與其成因。文章中將使用考慮出版者以及學術投稿者的兩階段模型來刻劃投稿、審查,以及投稿規則決策的過程。 初步模型將呈現當投稿者無明顯時間偏好以及各期刊審稿延遲時間一致時,一稿一投或是一稿多投規則對於整體學術產業而言並無差異。其後本文第四章將導入差異審稿延遲所帶來的影響並得出擁有較高聲望的期刊為避免在一稿多投制度下次級期刊利用較快的審查速度奪取較高品質的文章因而將不願意開放一稿多投的結論。 本研究後部分章節將分析各投稿規則對於整體產業福利水準之影響並得到以下結論。一稿一投制度不見得會為整體產業帶來福利增進,但由於投稿者與出版者之間利益不一致性的存在終將難以使得一稿多投成為最後的均衡投稿規則。 / This paper attempts to explore “why the journals in most academic fields like economics refuse to accept Multiple-submission (or simultaneous submission).” In this study, we use a two-stage model involving publishers and academic authors to illustrate the process of submitting, reviewing, and the submission policy determining. The first model shows an indifference result for the whole academic industry to adopt a Sole-submission or a Multiple-submission rule when authors’ utility is time-irrelevant and the reviewing delays of both journals are identical. We latter introduce the effect of differentiated refereeing delay of journals on the authors’ submission behavior in chapter 4 and show that a journal with higher prestige will refuse to adopt multiple submission rule to avoid the possibility that a faster reviewing process may give the less prestigious journal ability to “steal” high quality papers from the more prestigious one under multiple-submission. The welfare is further studied in the later sections. We calculate the overall welfare of the industry and find that even thought the current sole-submission system is not necessarily welfare superior than multiple-submission, it seems that the rigidity of the submission rule is hard to be removed due to the conflicting interests between authors and publishers.

幼稚園教師對美術活動教學態度之研究 / A study of the kindergarten teachers’ attitude of teaching art

高如瑩 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討幼稚園教師對美術活動之教學態度,主要目的有三:一、編制「幼稚園教師美術活動教學態度問卷」;二、瞭解幼稚園教師對美術活動教學態度之實際情況;三、探討不同背景變項下幼稚園教師對美術活動教學態度之差異情形;四、根據研究結果提出具體建議,做為改善學前階段美術教育之參考。 本研究以調查研究法,調查與分析幼稚園教師對美術活動之教學態度,依據文獻探討的結果編製「幼稚園教師美術活動教學態度問卷」,並經專家效度檢驗以及問卷預試成立正式問卷及建立問卷的效度與信度(Cronbach’s α係數為 .886)。 本研究以台北縣公、私立幼稚園之教師為研究對象,並以「幼稚園教師美術活動教學態度問卷」為研究工具,共發放340份問卷,回收208份問卷,回收率為61%。調查所得資料以描述統計、卡方考驗、單因子變異數分析方法進行分析。 本研究之研究結果為:一、幼稚園教師對美術活動的教學態度分為四個主要取向,分別為「幼兒本位取向」、「美術本位取向」、「教師本位取向」,以及「較少干涉取向」。二、不同教學年資、年齡、專業領域、公私立園所之幼稚園教師在美術活動教學態度上有所差異。 最後,本研究依據研究結果,分別對幼稚園教師、相關教育單位,以及後續美術活動相關研究提出具體建議,以供參考。 / The purpose of research is to investigate the kindergarten teachers’ attitude of teaching art. Four aims of this research are: 1. To compile the “Kindergarten Teachers’ Attitude of Art Activity Questionnaire” as the research tool. 2. To inquire current kindergarten teachers’ attitude of teaching art. 3. To analysis differences among teachers’ attitudes of teaching art on four distinct dimensions: years of teaching, age, professional knowledge of individual teachers, and the types of kindergarten (public and private). 4. To make suggestions for a teacher teaching art in kindergarten, related associations or departments, and someone interesting this topic. Researcher designed the contents of “Kindergarten Teachers’ Attitude of Teaching Art Questionnaire” by following phrases: compile items of questionnaire from literature, evaluate items by five experts to build validity, and using statistical analysis to establish reliability (Cronbach’s α .886). Researcher randomly sampled 340 subjects from kindergartens in Taipei county and delivered the questionnaire and 208 samples were valid (61%). The data were analyzed using: descriptive statistics, χ2 test, one-way ANOVA, and LSD posterior comparisons. The result was: 1. The mainly approaches of teachers’ attitude of teaching art are children-oriented approach, art-oriented approach, teacher-oriented approach, and little-intervention-oriented approach. 2. Significant differences of teachers’ attitude were found between teachers in different years of teaching, age, professional knowledge of individual teachers, and the type of kindergarten. The researcher made recommendations to kindergarten teachers, education administrations, and further related research based on the conclusions.

航空業服務失誤與服務補救之探討 ─以某航空公司客艙服務為例 / Service Failure and Service Recovery In Airline Industry: A Study On Cabin Service of An International Airline

李亭嫻, Lee, Tin Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
航空業面對外部環境的改變、國際油價不斷上漲的考驗,如何降低成本、增加附加價值與提升服務品質來達成顧客滿意並強化競爭力,已成為各家航空公司所努力的方向。航空業由於高度接觸顧客的特性,已由交通運輸業慢慢轉型為服務業,因此本研究的重點在於了解台灣國際航線班機上,客艙環境所產生的服務失誤為何,以及個案航空公司所建議採取的服務補救措施,以關鍵事件技術法(Critical Incident Technique,CIT)為主,文獻比較為輔,蒐集自民國97年1月至民國102年5月間個案航空公司服勤管理課公佈之「客訴案例」研討與建議改善事項,共130份資料,將服務失誤與服務補救分類後,整理分析了解個案航空公司常見的服務失誤以及所採用的服務補救方式,針對研究分析結果提出管理上的建議,作為個案航空公司與航空業界實務上的參考依據。 / Airline industry is facing changes in the external environment and test of rising international oil price. How to reduce cost, increase the added value and improve service quality to achieve customer satisfaction and be more competitive has become the first priority of all airlines. Due to the highly customer contact features, the airline industry has slowly transferred into service industry from transportation industry. This study is focused on what kind of service failures would be in the cabin and the service recoveries which the target airline suggested. The study is mainly based on Critical Incident Technique(CIT), and academic research as auxiliaries, collecting 130 critical incidents since January 2008 to May 2013 from target airline’s customer complaint cases and its suggested solutions. After classifying service failures and service recoveries, the study analyzes service failures in cabin and common make-up solutions of the target airline. In the end, according to the research results, the study proposes several managing suggestions as references to the airline industry.

基於.Net平台之可調性多租戶軟體框架 / An Adaptable Multi-Tenant Application Framework Based on .Net Platform

莊偉瓏, Chuang, Wei-Lung Unknown Date (has links)
近年來雲端運算蓬勃發展,為資訊系統的建置與服務帶來巨大的改變,其中一個重要趨勢為軟體即服務,並透過多租戶共享資源達到降低成本的優勢。因此如何讓服務可以共享資源,又能兼顧各租戶的客製化需求,這將會是軟體即服務關鍵成功因素。 為了讓租戶客製化自己的綱要,在多租戶的相關研究中,發展出各種綱要映射技術,各適用不同的狀況,但在開發應用程式時候往往無法預估租戶適合使用何種綱要映射技術。本研究提出可以讓多租戶軟體框架具有綱要映射技術的可調性,應用程式開發時候毋需考慮使用何種綱要映射技術,等租用時候再依據應用程式及租戶的特性決定。本研究將以小量租戶效能最佳的Private Table Layout與適合用於大量租戶的Universal Table Layout為例,提出的可調性多租戶實體模式來建構具有可調性的多租戶軟體框架。此外本研究提出的軟體框架經過技術的封裝,開發者不需要了解多租戶的相關技術,就能完成多租戶應用程式的開發。 / Software as a service (SaaS) is an emerging service model of cloud computing. It’s central defining characteristic is the ability for clients to use a software application on a pay-as-you-go subscription basis. However, to be economically sustainable, a SaaS application must leverage resource sharing to a large degree by accommodating different clients of the application while making it appear to each that they have the application all to themselves. In other words, a SaaS application must be a multi-tenant application. An important multi-tenant research topic is the various kinds of schema mapping technology have been developed in order for our tenants to customize their schema. However, it is hard to determine tenants’ need for particular schema mapping technology in different circumstances. This thesis proposes an adaptable schema mapping technology for a multi-tenant application (MTA) framework. The application and tenants’ characteristics do not need to be considered while applications developers are developing their schema mapping technology. This approach will take examples from the Private Table Layout mapping and the Universal Table Layout mapping to illustrate the features of this adaptable multi-tenant software framework. Furthermore, this thesis argues that, with the approach packaged as a software framework, developers are able to complete the development of a multi-tenant application without full understanding of the underlying technologies.

配合價量關係技術型態在臺灣股票市場的應用 / The Applications of Price-Volume Matching Technical Algorithms on the Taiwan Stock Market

鍾淳豐, Chung, Chun-Feng Unknown Date (has links)
技術分析一直以來是國內投資人在進行股票交易時極為重要的參考依據。學術界對於技術分析的研究常止於指標的獲利性,然而對於技術分析師所倚重的技術型態,則由於涉及指標量化的問題,所以少有學者對此進行研究。Lo, Mamaysky, and Wang﹙2000﹚以核迴歸來平滑股價的波動,並對技術型態加以量化,開啟了學術界研究技術型態的大門。 本研究參考Lo, Mamaysky, and Wang﹙2000﹚的股價平滑模型,並配合價量關係,研究技術型態在臺灣股票市場的有效性。本研究目的在於探討技術型態出現時的報酬率分配是否會和技術型態未出現時的報酬率分配有所不同,並且能否進一步依照不同的報酬率分配來訂定不同的投資策略。除此之外,本研究還探討成交量是否會對股價變動造成影響。 本研究實證結果發現: 1.技術型態出現時的報酬率分配的確和未出現時的報酬率分配之間存有顯著差異。 2.成交量會對股價變動造成影響。本研究發現,在實證模型中加入成交量因子後,技術型態出現時及未出現時的報酬率分配其兩者之間的差異會更加顯著。  3.利用交易策略形成期所模擬出的技術型態交易策略,在未來五年內可以獲得穩定的報酬,並且可擊敗買入持有策略。  4.技術型態的有效性,不會因為類股或股票的不同而有所差異,這是因為技術分析是反應投資人心理狀態及資訊分析後的結果,並不會因為股票特性的不同而改變。

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