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表見證明之研究 / A Study on “Prima-Facie Beweis”

邱玉樺 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文所研究者係一特殊之間接證明,所謂間接證明,乃證據法則中舉證方式之一種,其特殊之處,則須配合經驗法則之運用。在不同程度之經驗法則運用下,間接證明可以區分出不同之種類。如果存在典型事象經過蓋然性之經驗法則,而使法院推定某一待證事實之存在時,即使系爭事實並未被具體明確的證明,亦不違法。此與一般之間接證明就有所區別,因為依據特殊的間接證明,某種程度上,事實之認定仍然值得信賴,進而達到舉證責任減輕,或者使法官避免為真偽不明判決之效果。 這樣特殊之間接證明,在德國法上有「表見證明」,在日本法上有「暫時推定」,在英美法上有「事實說明自己」,以上特殊之證據法則都係從判例法上發展而成的,可見此種特殊之間接證明有存在之意義與必要性。本論文即針對相關之問題與爭議提出整理與討論,並研究相關制度在我國實務上之發展情形,希冀能為民事程序法上之證據活動,提供一具有安定性之規則與方向去使用相關之制度,同時達到追求個案正義之目的。 綜上所述,本文將以表見證明為研究之核心,試從間接證明、舉證責任之分配、自由心證、事實上推定以及實體法規範體系等角度,探討表見證明於我國證據法上之定位(請參酌第二章、第三章、第四章);同時以英美法上之事實說明自己原則作為比較之對象(請參酌第五章);並且說明實務上在特殊之現代案件類型中,運用相關制度之問題與實益(請參酌第六章),期能探求表見證明制度於我國證據法上之適當性、適用依據、適用範圍並類型化個案;最後,將實務判決中運用經驗法則之用語與表見證明制度之要件、效果等相互對照,以統整回顧整本論文之研究成果(請參酌第七章)。

自由心證之運作 —以間接證明模組建立作為自由心證運用合理化之基礎為核心 / Operations of Free Evaluation of Evidence Principle —On Building Models of Indirect Proof as Legitimized Ground

劉奕榔, Liu, Yi Lang Unknown Date (has links)
職司審判之法院,其職權係為「認定事實」與「適用法律」。就事實之認定,我國採取「自由心證原則」,亦即事實應如何透過證據證明、推論而得,授權由法官於個案中認定,然該原則中「自由」之意義,係具有其具體之內在內涵與外在限制,並非由法官恣意判斷。過去之實務與學說並未就此為深入之闡釋,迭生審級平行與垂直判決之歧異,及人民對法院判決之非議。從而根本之道,應係完整建構自由心證原則之實質意義,由運用之主體、客體、內在內涵、外在限制及其作用等面向,並提出其運用之模組,具體化此立法者規範之不確定法律概念,使運用該原則之法官,得以有依循及參考之路徑。 而自由心證原則內涵中,最常於訴訟中運用者,即為「間接證明」,因主要事實由直接證據直接證明乃少見之情狀,而由間接證據證明間接事實,進而依間接事實之推理作用,推論主要事實存否之情形,乃訴訟中之常態。然間接證明之內涵中,「間接事實之內容與數量」、「推理作用之內涵」、「間接事實間推理作用所得證明主要事實之射程」,皆係高度個案裁量運用之認定,然現今實務之運作,卻出現審級間運用內容及結果極為歧異之現象,從而應探究其內涵,並嘗試提出運用之模組,供運用之法官思考。 自由心證與間接證明作為具有高度實務操作性格之訴訟法原則,其運用之 良窳,已實際影響具體個案事實認定之問題。為改善及斧正目前實務運作上出現之認定歧異、迭經發回之問題,亟須透過以上之研究,提出訴訟中運用之方式,以及其於事實審間、事實審與法律審間運用之審查、互動關係,使該二抽象原則具有一定法安定性,而有一定運用之軌跡可循。 / The court, to act as trial institute, has its major authority to “determine the fact” as well as “apply the law”. As for the fact-finding, our country adopts “Free Evaluation of Evidence Principle”, which authorizes the judge to determine case by case how the fact is proved and inferred through the evidences. However, the meaning of “Free” in that principle is constructed with concrete inner connotation and outer restriction, and not decided by the willfulness of the judge. In the past, courts and scholars didn’t elaborate that principle in depth, which has given a rise to the discrepant verdicts between different courts and criticisms from the people. Consequently, the fundamental solution is to build the substantial connotation of free evaluation of evidence principle, by means of the observations of its operating subject, object, inner connotation, outer restriction and function as well as its operating model, and to reify this uncertain concept of law regulated by legislator, so as to find a way to follow and refer to by the judge. The most commonly-adopted content of free evaluation of evidence principle is “Indirect Proof ”. Owing to proving the direct fact through direct evidence is rarely seen in lawsuit, the application of proving indirect fact by indirect evidence, and then inferring the existence of direct fact through the inferring function of indirect fact, is much common in each case. Nevertheless, in the meaning of Indirect Proof, the “content and amount of indirect fact”, “content of inferring function” and “scope which the direct fact could be inferred from the direct fact” are determined by large-scale discretion of the judge case by case. As a result of the discretion, the circumstances of divergent operating contents and consequences are emerged. Therefore, the connotation of that principle should be analyzed and the operating models are tried to addressed, hoping to provide for the judge to take into account. “Free Evaluation of Evidence Principle” and “Indirect Proof”, which are conducted as civil procedural principle in a highly individually case-operating nature, substantially influence the fact-finding in specific lawsuit with its odds and ends of operation. In order to improve and correct the discrepant fact-finding and constantly-verdict-reversing problems appearing in the courts at present, it is necessary to bring up the ways to operate the two principles as well as the reviewing and interacting relationships between trial courts and trial court and trial of law, and to establish specific legal certainty, legal steability and operation standards.

民事程序中違法取證可利用性之研究 / A Study on Admissibility of Evidence Obtained Illegally in Civil Procedure

劉承翰, Liu, Chen Han Unknown Date (has links)
違法取得之證據於民事訴訟上可否予以使用,涉及之層面甚為廣泛,最為相關者,即係對於發現真實之手段上,所容許最大界限之所在,此自涉及到民事訴訟制度上之價值判斷,因此欲釐清此一爭議問題,自有必要以民事訴訟之最上位法理,諸如發現真實之追求、民事訴訟制度之目的,以及促進訴訟等相關之基本理念予以探討,本文整理並歸納目前文獻上所提出之諸多理論,以違法取證可利用性之角度切入予以觀察,是否有所衝突抑或係理念相同之處,以尋求此議題於民事訴訟整體架構之定位;此外若係採取禁止使用之立場,為避免實質正義之完全剝奪,即須進一步探討民事訴訟制度之發展,是否已提供足以正當化禁止使用此類證據之正當性基礎,本文並以實務上最為常見之通姦案例為焦點,具體操作評估此理論基礎之可行性。 再者,職司審判之法院為達認定事實之要求,自須依自由心證而為證據取捨並為證據評價,此自為自由心證之內涵,而欲承認違法取得之證據將有禁止使用之可能者,自須探討是否法官得基於自由心證,而享有證據之利用自由,為釐清此一爭議,本文以證據能力之要件、證據能力與證據價值之區分、嚴格證明之要求,並進一步釐清民事訴訟法以及實務運作上對於各種證據能力之規範,以尋求違法取得之證據於自由心證之定位。 對於違法取得之證據倘若欲禁止使用,實務上所面臨到操作上之問題,即係基於何種理論基礎、何種審查方式、於審判程序何種階段予以審查、證據禁止之範圍均須一併納入探討之範圍予以釐清,而民事訴訟上違法取證之議題,外國法已發展出一套運作模式,因此本論文於此同時整理並歸納外國法之文獻,諸如英美法之證據排除法則之運作,以及德國法之證據禁止法則之介紹,並與我國法之制度運作互為參照比較,是否可為我國體系建構上之參考借鏡。 同時再以實務上較為常見之違反程序法,以即違反實體法所取得之證據,予以類型化分類,並以學說見解之介紹與實務見解之觀察與分析,探討是否有較為穩定性之運作模式,以符合法安定性。 最後基於實務見解對於此類議題已有為數不少之判決,本論文即以表格化之方式,予以呈現實務上目前對於證據禁止使用之審查方式為何、證據禁止使用之比例多寡、對於各種類型係以何種原因作為判斷可利用性之考量,期望能較為清楚目前實務見解對此一議題之走向。

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