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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


任晟蓀 Unknown Date (has links)
國民中學各項教育目標中,以促進學生身心健全發展、學習適應、生活調適、職業陶冶、以及擁有基本的知識和完美的人格最為重要。而此皆有賴輔導工作的導引促其實現;是故輔導工作實已成當今國民中學靈魂之所在。然輔導工作在國中的推展,則以校長的領導與輔導教師的策劃最為重要;校長是否能有效領導?輔導教師所受的專業教育背景是否足以勝任輔導工作之策劃與實施?以及輔導教師的工作滿足情形為何?皆為當今學校輔導工作應予重視的問題,因此,本研究的主要目的在探討國中校長領導型式與輔導教師教育背景對輔導教師工作滿足的影響。 本研究的樣本採分層系統取樣法,分別取自台灣省各縣市及台北市、高雄市所屬之國民中學。每個受試者分別填答二種問卷,計出寄出四八八份問卷,經追蹤收回後共得四二一份,再刪除廢卷,餘有效問卷為四一O份。 資料處理採用4×3多因子獨立樣本設計,自變項有二:一為校長的領導型式,係根據「領導行為描述問卷」得分分類而成,分別包括高關懷高倡導、高關懷低倡導、低關懷高倡導、低關懷低倡導四種類型。二為輔導教師教育背景,係依據教育部台(62)參字第五二六七號令,區分為輔導本科系、相關科系、其他科系三種。依變項則為輔導教師的工作滿足,乃為根據「明尼蘇達滿足問卷」所改編的「輔導教師工作滿足問卷」上的三種得分,將輔導教師工作滿足,分成外在滿足、內在滿足、一般滿足三種。再根據上述三種工作滿足的得分,分別進行三次N不相等變異數分析。若達.05顯著水準,則進行薛費氏法事後比較工作。 本研究共計五章、十四節,第一章為緒論,旨在闡述研究動機與目的,提出研究問題與假設,確定範圍與步驟等。第二章為文獻探討,分別就工作滿足、領導型式、教育背景三方面詳加探討,作為本研究理論依據。第三章為研究設計與實施,分別就研究樣本的選取、使用的工具和資料處理方式提出說明。第四章結果與討論。第五章結論與建議,乃就研究結果發現,提出結論與具體建議,俾供參考。 研究結果發現:(1)輔導教師工作滿足確因校長不同的領導型式而有所差異。無論在外在滿足、內在滿足上、一般滿足上,皆以高關懷高倡導型最佳,低關懷低倡導型最差。而高關懷型又優於低關懷型,高倡導型也優於低倡導型。(2)輔導教師的內在滿足會因教育背景的不同而有所差異。其他科系與相關科系皆優於本科系。(3)校長領導型式與輔導教師教育背景對輔導教師工作滿足無顯著的交互作用。 據此,本研究建議:(1)培養國中校長對領導理論的瞭解與應用之能力。(2)促進國中校長對輔導工作之重視與推展。(3)健全國中輔導工作組織與充實輔導工作設施。(4)確立國中輔導工作經費專款專用制度。(5)全力支持輔導教師專心從事輔導工作。(6)充實全體教職員基本輔導概念。(7)促進國內輔導系、所,質與量的均衡發展。(8)提倡能力本位的輔導師資訓練制度。(9)擴大辦理輔導教師在職進修制度。(10)確立執行秘書與輔導教師的合法地位。(11)樹立輔導工作的新形象。(12)合理地調整輔導教師工作待遇或給予適當地職務加給。(13)建立全國輔導工作溝通綱(14)對未來研究類似問題時應注意事項之建議。

人格特質、學校組織氣氛對國小輔導教師專業倫理行為之影響 / The Influence of Personality Traits and School Organizational Climate on the Professional Ethical Behavior of Elementary School Counselors

吳嘉展 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討國小輔導教師之人格特質、知覺之學校組織氣氛與其專業倫理行為間的影響情形,並進ㄧ步探討人格特質、學校組織氣氛是否可以解釋輔導教師之專業倫理行為。 研究過程採用問卷調查法,以服務於國內北中南三區之313位國小輔導教師(專任及兼任)為研究對象。研究工具包含「五大人格特質量表」、「學校組織氣氛量表」、「輔導教師專業倫理行為量表」。 本研究以SPSS 17.0版統計套裝軟體進行統計分析,依據所得資料,進行描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、Pearson積差相關、單因子變異數分析、逐步多元迴歸等統計方法來驗證假設,研究結果如下: 一、國小輔導教師之五大人格特質中,以「和善性」特質最明顯,「情緒穩定 性」特質則相對不明顯。 二、國小輔導教師知覺之學校組織氣氛類型中,以「開放型」之比例為最多, 以「約束型」之比例為最少。 三、國小輔導教師在專業倫理之表現上,以「對當事人之責任」之表現程度最 高,「對監護人之責任」表現程度較低 四、國小輔導教師會因輔導倫理了解程度、輔導年資以及學校所在位置之不 同,而在部分專業倫理行為的表現上有所差異。 五、國小輔導教師之人格特質與專業倫理行為間有顯著相關,其中以「外向 性」之關聯性為最高。 六、知覺學校組織氣氛為「開放型」之國小輔導教師,在部分專業倫理行為 上,表現程度高於「封閉型」和「疏離型」之輔導教師。 七、學校組織氣氛中的「教師同僚行為」、「教師親密行為」、「校長支持行 為」,與輔導教師專業倫理行為有顯著相關,其中以「教師親密行為」關 聯度最高。 八、國小輔導教師之人格特質、學校組織氣氛能有效預測其專業倫理行為,其 中以「外向性」之預測效力為最高,其次是「教師親密行為」以及「對輔 導倫理的了解程度」。 最後根據研究結果,針對國小輔導教師、教育行政單位,以及未來研究提出建議以供參考。

聽眼淚訴說:國中資深輔導教師面對個案哭泣行為處遇之研究 / The voices of tears: The study of the treatments of experienced junior high school counselors facing clients' tears

鄧美君 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解資深輔導教師面對個案哭泣行為的處遇行動,研究透過文獻分析、實地訪談資深教師、分析受訪資料,而形成研究發現、結論與建議,以及自我反思。 研究目的有三: 一、 探討國中資深輔導教師如何看待不同輔導階段的個案哭泣行為。 二、 探討國中資深輔導教師在不同輔導階段如何處理個案的哭泣行為。 三、 探討國中資深輔導教師由資淺到資深面對個案哭泣行為之歷程轉變,提供新進輔導教師面對個案哭泣行為處理之掌握。 研究過程一共訪談五位資深輔導教師,以故事軸線的方式,呈現輔導教師們在個別輔導上的經驗。資淺階段的教師們,經歷初期的慌張、急切、不知從何反應的心情寫照與處遇行動,在督導的提醒、經驗的累積、回顧與反思,跨越初期的障礙,並在態度、心情、資源的連結上,有所轉變。進入資深階段後,對於個別輔導三階段,個案落淚哭泣的狀況,在五位資深教師的口中,涵括了各種更深度的意義,對於三階段哭泣意涵的解讀,亦讓輔導教師們在處遇行動上展現了不同的方法與訣竅,並提供給新進教師在處遇行動上的建議。 根據分析結果得知,「研究發現」哭泣個案需要專業輔導人員來處理;處遇 受到性別、時間、輔師議題、導師與家長的限制;以及說明衛生紙的提供與否有不同需要注意的地方。「研究結論與建議」統整了國中資深輔導教師對不同輔導階段個案哭泣行為的解讀與處遇、說明結案階段個案因彼此的關係、輔導架構、以及畢業可隨時回校見到輔導老師,而較少出現個案哭泣的現象,並整理了資淺到資深階段面對個案哭泣行為的轉變;在「研究建議」上,包含對新進教師與未來研究兩部份提出建議。研究最末,研究者針對研究歷程和研究影響省思。 / This research is focus on experienced junior high school counselors deal with the cry of clients. According to the analysis of reference, interview of senior teachers, we can deduce some suggestion, conclusion and introspection. There are three objectives for this research: 1. To realize how junior high school counselors perceive to cry of client of different phase of counseling. 2. To realize how junior high school counselors deal with cry of client of different phase of counseling. 3. What is the difference between the junior and senior on client treatment, and provide new comer some experience of counseling. According to interview five experienced junior high school counselors, the research express as a story form, and provided suggestions for new junior high school counselors and new research.

中等學校輔導教師對師生諮商雙重關係的經驗探究 / A study on the teacher-student dual relationships of middle school counselors

康家華 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討中等學校輔導教師在校園中同時擔任個案的任課教師和諮商員的雙重關係經驗,以訪談法蒐集資料,經由立意取樣邀請四名任教國中、高中且面臨師生諮商雙重關係的新手和資深輔導教師參與研究訪談,呈現其工作樣貌,並輔以生態系統觀點探討面對雙重關係一事的考量。  四名輔導教師皆曾聽過師生諮商雙重關係一詞且理解其意涵,但在何時聽聞以及考量原因等則印象不一。受訪教師認為雙重關係的優點包含提供學生觀察老師的機會、較易建立關係,可看到學生不同面向的表現並滿足教師本身對親近感的需求,此外亦可連結資源改善學生環境並推廣輔導工作;而其困擾多為內在感受,如擔心個人身為教師的價值觀介入或需要不時思考此議題的煩惱,至於其他負面影響則因皆可處理而未感困擾。 在師生諮商雙重關係的經驗中,受訪者因學校制度而進入雙重關係,並提及同事期待輔導教師協助個案輔導所給予的壓力,然而受訪者也利用自身教師角色連結校內資源提供學生協助。在外圍系統的決策考量上,因受訪老師選擇接受校園中輔導教師同時授課和個案輔導的限制且忘記當初的矛盾,故無法探究各老師的思考過程。在鉅視系統層面,受訪教師認同自身教師角色,皆有責任崇高或需要更主動付出的自我期待屬之。   整體而言,受訪教師接受師生諮商雙重關係的存在,然則不受限制而在此情況下依各自期許盡力而為是其主要因應方式。 / / / To explore the teacher-student dual relationships of middle school counselors, four study participants facing dual-relationships in junior and senior high schools including novice and veteran teachers were interviewed through purposive sampling. The results show their work appearances, assist with the discussion of the consideration facing dual relationships in eco-systems perspective.   The four participants all have heard the teacher-student dual relationships and understand its meaning, but have different impressions of when they heard, and the reasons of consideration. Interviewed teachers think the advantages of dual relationships include providing students the opportunity to observe the teachers, being able to build relationships easier, understanding students’ different performance, and meeting the teachers’ own needs of the close feelings, they also can link resources in order to improve the students’ environment, and promote counseling works. However, the distresses are their inner feelings, such as teachers worry about the personal values involving, or the need for thinking of this topic from time to time. Otherwise, they aren’t troubled with the solvable negative effects.   From the interviewees’ experiences, their duel relationship with students resulted from the system of school environment. They were under the pressure of student individual counseling from their colleagues’ expectations. However, they were able to provide more resources in the school under their role as a teacher. In terms of the decision making of exosystem, how the interviewees processed their conflicts of duel relationship is hard to explore since they have already accepted the reality of teaching and counseling in the same time as guidance counselor (guidance teacher), and forgot about their first thought. When we look at the macrosystem, interviewees’ identified their roles as teachers, and considered it as a high responsibility career, and expected themselves devoted to their career more.   Generally speaking, the interviewees accept the teacher-student dual relationships. Their way to deal with this inner conflict is trying their best according to their own expectation without other limitation.

臺北市國民小學教學輔導教師利用資訊資源之研究 / A study on the use of information resources of the elementary school mentor teachers in Taipei

賴淑婉, Lai, Shu Wan Unknown Date (has links)
教師專業能力的發展及專業地位之建立,是教育品質提升的關鍵。教學輔導教師的設置,在透過教學優良教師的教學視導,以提昇教師同儕之專業成長;冀夥伴教師在教學輔導教師協助之下,解決教學上所遭遇的困難,發展純熟的教學技巧,提昇教學效果。面對社會的變遷,科技的發展,知識的更新,教學輔導教師追求專業成長、增進教學能量是不可避免的,因此,教學輔導教師須具備一定的資訊素養,方能創造支持性教學環境。 本研究透過半結構性深度訪談臺北市國小教學輔導教師,以瞭解教師資訊尋求行為;探討教師如何運用圖書館資源、網路資源及社會性軟體於教學準備;分析教師如何運用資訊資源進行專業成長,協助夥伴教師增進專業知能;並瞭解教師利用Web 2.0社會性軟體的經驗。 研究發現,教學輔導教師多為資深教師,大部分教育程度在大學階段之上,為具有專業知識及豐富的教學經驗者。教學輔導教師具有良好的資訊素養能力,能運用各種管道獲得教學資源,以支援教學;在找尋教學資源時主要考量資訊方便性及正確性;網際網路是教學輔導教師最常使用找尋教學資源的管道,此外,教師從日常生活中獲取的各式資訊,經評估處理後也多能轉化成教學資源。 在利用資訊資源準備教學方面:學校圖書館是教學輔導教師最常利用的一種類型,教師也會利用公共圖書館找尋教學資源,最常使用的資料類型是圖書與報章雜誌;再者,也會配合課程找尋相關的多媒體影音資料支援教學。藉由網路資源,可縮短製作教材的時間;而各式主題網站提供完整豐富的圖片、影片及實作展示等資料,是創造多元化學習情境之利器;以網路多媒體教材支援教學,課堂教學將更生動活潑;透過網路媒介,教學輔導教師間可以互相觀摩教學,分享經驗;教學上遇到問題時,可與相關專家連絡並取得幫助;以Web 2.0社會性軟體為教學輔助媒體,能提升教學效能,並增進學生學習成效。 最後建議:(一)教育主管機關應提昇教師資訊素養與資訊科技應用能力,鼓勵參與網路社群,建立知識共享平台;並以數位典藏資源發展支援課程教學的平台。(二)學校圖書館應尋求館際合作,以協助教學輔導教師利用圖書館資源準備教學及支援教學輔導教師制度。(三)教學輔導教師應積極參與網路社群、充分利用社會性軟體支援教學。 / The development of teachers’ professional expertise and the establishment of professional status are keys to enhance educational quality. As for the installation of mentor teacher, it is mainly to make use of the supervision and instruction by teachers of outstanding teaching to enhance the professional growth of peer teachers. It is hoped that teachers can, under the assistance of mentor teachers, resolve difficulty they encounter in teaching, and thus develop more matured teaching skills, and increase teaching effect. In view of social changes, technological development, and renewal of knowledge, it is inevitable that mentor teachers should pursue after professional growth and enhance their teaching skills. Hence, mentor teachers should be equipped with certain information cultivation before they can create supportive teaching environment. This study exploit semi-structural in-depth interview with mentor teachers from elementary schools of Taipei City so as to understand their information seeking behavior, investigate how teachers make use of library resources, network resources, and social software on their preparation for teaching. Besides, it also analyze how teachers should avail information resources to conduct professional growth, help their partner teachers to enhance professional competence, and illustrate the experiences how teachers use Web 2.0 social software. As learned from the research literature, mentor teachers are mostly senior teachers, and their educational background lies beyond the level of university, considered to be of teachers equipped with various professional knowledge and abundant teaching experiences. In fact, mentor teachers are ones who are endowed with favorable competence of information cultivation, and they are able to make use of diversified channels to access teaching resources to support teaching. With regard to the search for teaching resources, mentor teachers are able to determine the convenience and accuracy of information, while Internet is reckoned to be the most often used channel in search for teaching resources by mentor teachers. In addition, various kinds of information teachers obtained from their daily life can largely, after evaluation and processing, be transformed into teaching resources. For using information resources to prepare for teaching, school library is the type that is most often used by mentor teachers, whereas teachers will also avail public libraries to search for teaching resources, with books and newspaper and magazine reckoned to be the most often used type of information. Furthermore, teachers will, as well, search for related multimedia audio-visual information to support teaching in coping with curriculum. Through network resources, they can help to shorten time spent on production of teaching materials. As for various subject-based websites, they would provide comprehensive and rich pictures, movies, and demonstration of practice and other information, which are considered to be beneficial tools to create context for diversified learning. If multimedia teaching materials from network can be used to support teaching, class instruction can be made to be vivid and lively. Through media of network, mentor teachers can work to observe their teaching among themselves and share experiences, so that when they encounter problems in teaching they can contact experts and obtain help. As Web 2.0 social software is used as auxiliary media for teaching, it can help to enhance teaching efficiency and advance learning effect for students. Suggestions at the end: 1. competent authority of education should enhance information literacy of teachers as well as application capability of technology information, and encourage mentor teachers to take part in network community so as to establish knowledge sharing platform, and develope digital collection resource to support the teaching platform needed for curriculum; 2. school library should seek for inter-institution cooperation to assist mentor teachers to make use of library resources for teaching preparation and support the system of mentor teacher; 3. mentor teachers should effectively take part in network community, and sufficiently exploit social software to support teaching.

國民中學專任輔導教師人格特質、工作壓力與工作滿意度之研究 / The Study of Personality Trait and Job Stress and Job Satisfaction for The Full-time Counseling Teachers in Junior High School

宋宥賢 Unknown Date (has links)
為瞭解臺灣國中專任輔導教師之「人格特質」、「工作壓力」及「工作滿意度」之概況內涵與相關情形,茲以便利取樣與滾雪球之抽樣方式,抽取臺灣國中專任輔導教師共244位為研究對象,運用「個人基本資料表」、「國民中學專任輔導教師人格特質量表」、「國民中學專任輔導教師工作壓力量表」、「國民中學專任輔導教師工作滿意度量表」等為研究工具進行問卷調查,獲得所需資料,後以描述性統計、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析、Scheffe'事後考驗、Pearson積差相關及多元逐步迴歸分析等統計方法進行分析,結果發現: 1.國中專任輔導教師的整體與不同層面工作壓力大致為「中下」至「中等」程度,僅「工作角色與規範限制」層面之工作壓力屬「中等」程度。 2.「性別」、「年齡」、「教育背景」、「服務學校規模」不同之國中專任輔導教師,其整體與不同層面工作壓力並未存有顯著差異,然「婚姻狀況」、「輔導工作年資」及「服務學校所在地區」不同之國中專任輔導教師,其工作壓力則存有顯著差異。 3.國中專任輔導教師的整體及不同層面工作滿意度大致為「中等」至「中上」程度,僅「工作酬賞」層面之工作滿意度屬「中等」程度。 4.「婚姻狀況」、「教育背景」、「服務學校規模」不同之國中專任輔導教師,其整體與不同層面工作滿意度並未存有顯著差異,然「性別」、「年齡」、「輔導工作年資」及「服務學校所在地區」不同之國中專任輔導教師,其工作滿意度則存有顯著差異。 5.國中專任輔導教師之「開放性」、「謹慎性」、「外向性」、「親和性」人格特質與其多數層面工作壓力存有顯著低度負相關,而「神經質」人格特質則與其工作壓力存有顯著低度至中度正相關。 6.國中專任輔導教師之「開放性」人格特質與其工作滿意度存有顯著低度至中度正相關、而「謹慎性」、「外向性」、「親和性」人格特質則與其工作滿意度存有顯著低度正相關,僅「神經質」人格特質則與其工作滿意度存有顯著低度負相關。 7.國中專任輔導教師整體及各層面工作壓力與其整體及各層面工作滿意度間多存有顯著中度至高度負相關。 8.聯合「缺乏決策參與」層面的工作壓力、「資源缺乏或成效不彰」層面的工作壓力、「開放性」的人格特質及「工作不受肯定」層面的工作壓力,此四變項依序高至低可預測國中專任輔導教師「整體工作滿意度」的46.1%。 本研究亦根據上述各項研究結果加以討論,並提出相關建議,以供後續相關實務工作及研究之參酌。 / The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship among personality traits, job stress and job satisfaction for the full-time counseling teachers of junior high school in Taiwan. The study adopted a method of Convenience sampling and snowball sampling to select the research subject. The subjects of this study were 244 full-time counseling teachers of junior high school in Taiwan. The Instruments used in this study were " General information data", " The personality traits for the full-time counseling teachers of junior high school scale", " The job stress for the full-time counseling teachers of junior high school scale", " The job satisfaction for the full-time counseling teachers of junior high school scale", The study adopted a method of questionnaire survey. And the study was analyzed by descriptive statistics, T-tests, One-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation and multiple step-wise regression analysis. The significant findings of this study were as follows: 1.The job stress degree of the junior high full-time counseling teachers were regarded as below the middle level to moderate level. Only the job stress of job roles and rules Restrictions was regarded as moderate level. 2.There were no significant differences in the job stress among these teachers according their different gender, age, academic background and service school size. But there were main differences according their marital status, length of counseling service and the location of service school. 3.The job satisfaction degree of the junior high full-time counseling teachers were regarded as moderate level to more moderate level. Only the job satisfaction of working reward was regarded as moderate level. 4.There were no significant differences in the job satisfaction among these teachers according their marital status, academic background and service school size. But there were main differences according their gender, age, length of counseling service and the location of service school. 5.Significant low negative degree of correlations were found between the personality traits of openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and the job stress. But Significant moderate positive degree of correlations were found between the personality traits of neuroticism and the job stress. 6.Significant low positive degree to moderate positive degree of correlations were found between the personality traits of openness to experience and the job satisfaction. And Significant low positive degree of correlations were found between the personality traits of conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and the job satisfaction.But Significant low negative degree of correlations were found between the personality traits of neuroticism and the job satisfaction. 7.Significant moderate positive degree to high positive degree of correlations were found between the job stress and the satisfaction. 8.The combination of the four Variables like the job stress of " Lack of participation in decision making", " Lack of resources or ineffective", "the effectiveness of the work is not sure" and the personality traits of "openness" can predict the job satisfaction of 46.1%.   Finally, after discussion, the researcher proposed some suggestions for educational instruction and future studies.

國中輔導教師與專任專業輔導人員跨專業合作經驗探討-以新北市北區為例 / The experience of trans-disciplinary cooperation among the professions of guidance teachers, school counselors, and social workers in junior high school

陳思瑜, Chen, Sz Yu Unknown Date (has links)
「國民小學國民中學及直轄市縣(市)政府置專任專業輔導人員辦法」於民國100年頒布,希望透過專任專業輔導人員的進駐,提供青少年與學校輔導工作更專業的協助,期盼學校中的三級輔導能夠更加健全。本研究旨在探討國中輔導教師與專任專業輔導人員(含學校心理師及學校社工師)的跨專業合作經驗、了解專任專業輔導人員加入學校輔導工作團隊後的影響為何?輔導教師對於專任專業輔導人員的期待為何?   本研究以質性研究的方式,以目前服務於新北市北區國中之輔導教師(包含輔導室行政人員、兼任輔導教師及專任輔導教師)為研究對象,進行一對一半結構深度訪談,共訪談六位。以主題分析法進行歸納、統整所蒐集的訪談資料,將實務工作現場所呈現之資料建構出歸納式結論。   本研究結果發現如下: 一、跨專業合作現況: (一)輔導教師與專任專業輔導人員合作內容包含直接服務與間接服務。(二)輔導教師與不同專業合作有不同的合作方式。(三)各專業在合作中有不同角色。(四)輔導教師、學校心理師及學校社工師三方共同合作機會少 二、跨專業合作對學校輔導工作的幫助: (一) 與專任專業輔導人員合作帶來的幫助:(1)加快處遇、(2)與個案晤談更深入、(3)促進與家長的合作、(4)減輕輔導教師負擔、(5)提供不同觀點。(二)與學校心理師合作帶來的幫助:(1)提升專業信任、(2)跳脫學校教育的角度與個案工作。(三)與學校社工師合作帶來的幫助:(1)整合資源、(2)更清楚法規上的規定。 三、對跨專業合作的期待: (一)對專任專業輔導人員的期待:(1)專任專業輔導人員對學校需求的瞭解、(2)專任專業輔導人員提供穩定校內督導、(3)專任專業輔導人員可協助增強初級預防。(二)對制度的期待:(1)補足目前應有人力、(2)增置校內專任專業輔導人員。 / In 2011, Taiwan Government draw up the regulations for elementary school and junior high school to having the professions of school counselors and social workers. With the new regulations, the professions of school counselors and social workers are expected to improve the profession and quality of school guidance networks. The purpose of this study was to explore the experience of trans-disciplinary cooperation among the professions of guidance teachers, school counselors, and social workers in junior high school. This study also wanted to know were there any impact brought in when the professions got into school guidance teams and know the expectation of guidance teachers. This study used semi-structured interviews to collect data from 6 guidance teachers (including managers and teachers) who work in junior high school in North Dist of New Taipei City. Thematic Analysis is adopted to transcribe, analyze and code all recordings. The main findings of this study were as follows: 1. The situation of trans-disciplinary cooperation: The cooperation contents include direct service and indirect service. When working with different profession guidance teachers have different mode. In trans-disciplinary cooperation processes all of the professions have their own roles. However the chance of trans-disciplinary cooperation among the professions of guidance teachers, school counselors, and social workers is less common. 2. The assistance of trans-disciplinary cooperation: The school counselors and social workers could accelerate treatments, deeply work with clients, promote the cooperation with parents, release guidance teachers’ pressure, and provide different views. The school counselors could upgrade trust of profession and use another role working in the school. The school social workers could integrate the resources and they know more about the laws. 3. The expectation to trans-disciplinary cooperation: The guidance teachers expect that the school counselors and social workers could know more about junior high school, provide stable supervision in school, and help primary prevention. From a policy perspective, the guidance teachers expect that the government could fill the vacancy and recruit full time school counselors and social workers in junior high school.

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