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PC品牌商生態系統建構策略 / The strategy for developing PC brand vendors' eco-system侯永煇, Hou, Yung Hui Unknown Date (has links)
傳統 PC市場在歷經高速成長後,已逐漸歷經高原期而邁入衰退期。面對這個連上下游都競爭十分激烈的環境,所有PC品牌商都面臨生存保衛戰,只是基於各自不同的競爭力而往不同的方向調整。個案公司透過觀察上游作業平台所建構之生態系統找出一個有別於傳統價值鏈垂直上下游整合的零和方法。經由盤點自身的核心能力,配合外部策略機會,找出了有別於其他PC品牌商的策略定位。透過建立平台,架構有利於自己的生態系統,再透過併購,策略投資,策略聯盟,合組合資公司的方法將擁有關鍵核心能力的廠商整合進這個生態系統,強化生態系統的競爭力。在以此吸引更多具有關鍵核心能力的廠商加入,壯大生態系統,產生正向循環。透過打群架的方法與其他生態系統合作或對抗。如此將可協助企業快速獲得轉型所需要培養的人才與能力,爭取時間度過轉型期,邁向新的事業高峰。
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一個績優社區的發展經驗:台北市東華社區發展協會的個案研究 / The Developmental Experience of A Premium Community: A Case Study of Dong Hwa Community Development Association陳尉滿, Chen, Wen Man Unknown Date (has links)
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電子商務商業生態系統之個案研究 / The Business Ecosystem of Ecommerce – A Case Study張嘉耘, Chang, Chia Yun Unknown Date (has links)
時序邁入二十一世紀,隨著科技與技術的日新月異,市場環境與消費者需求更加瞬息萬變,企業如何在追求自我成長的同時,迅速回應外在環境的快速變化,不被淘汰,是現今企業面對的最大課題,亦是學術界與實務界向來熱衷討論的命題。James F. Moore最早提出「商業生態系統」的概念,建議以商業生態系統取代產業,打破過去產業的界線,認為若要成功回應環境與顧客需求,已不再只是依賴單一組織與單一產業,而需透過跨領域的協同合作來完成。
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數位熱浪來襲-亞馬遜公司個案研究 / The Upcoming Digital Heatwave - The Case Study of Amazon.com吳莉珍, Wu, Li Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究同時也對於亞馬遜與其他科技創新公司,例如蘋果、谷歌、微軟等,彼此之間既競爭又合作的關係進行分析與比較,期能對於這個既熟悉又陌生的國際品牌得以進一步了解。 / Amazon was once best known by its e-commerce and was indexed in category of retail sale in many stastistcs study. However in recent year development, Amazon is groupped in Technology Innovation category as well.
The objective of thi thesis is mainly to provide an overview on the development of Amazon through introducing to all about its company history, essential products, services and important competitors. Furthermore, the thesis would like to look into its product ecosystem and industry ecosystem that are formed because the new developed products and competition, as well as the trouble it is facing or will encounter in the future.
Among the products, Kindle, an E-reading device and later in tablet version as well, is one of the most import products in Amazon history. Kindle, serves as the channel between Amazon’s biggest and strongest E-commerce networks and modern digital technology products, such as streaming music and videos, it plays an significant role and worths a chapter to elaborate.
The thesis also examines the relationships between Amazon’s main competitors, like Apple, Google and Microsoft. The relationships can be described as cooperative and competitive at the same time. A chapter on this topic should be very interesting and hope by doing so we can know more about this global company that almost every body in Taiwan knows but does not understand it well enough.
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3C零售連鎖通路產業經營策略之研究--以法雅客為例--范信壹 Unknown Date (has links)
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中等學校輔導教師對師生諮商雙重關係的經驗探究 / A study on the teacher-student dual relationships of middle school counselors康家華 Unknown Date (has links)
整體而言,受訪教師接受師生諮商雙重關係的存在,然則不受限制而在此情況下依各自期許盡力而為是其主要因應方式。 / / / To explore the teacher-student dual relationships of middle school counselors, four study participants facing dual-relationships in junior and senior high schools including novice and veteran teachers were interviewed through purposive sampling. The results show their work appearances, assist with the discussion of the consideration facing dual relationships in eco-systems perspective.
The four participants all have heard the teacher-student dual relationships and understand its meaning, but have different impressions of when they heard, and the reasons of consideration. Interviewed teachers think the advantages of dual relationships include providing students the opportunity to observe the teachers, being able to build relationships easier, understanding students’ different performance, and meeting the teachers’ own needs of the close feelings, they also can link resources in order to improve the students’ environment, and promote counseling works. However, the distresses are their inner feelings, such as teachers worry about the personal values involving, or the need for thinking of this topic from time to time. Otherwise, they aren’t troubled with the solvable negative effects.
From the interviewees’ experiences, their duel relationship with students resulted from the system of school environment. They were under the pressure of student individual counseling from their colleagues’ expectations. However, they were able to provide more resources in the school under their role as a teacher. In terms of the decision making of exosystem, how the interviewees processed their conflicts of duel relationship is hard to explore since they have already accepted the reality of teaching and counseling in the same time as guidance counselor (guidance teacher), and forgot about their first thought. When we look at the macrosystem, interviewees’ identified their roles as teachers, and considered it as a high responsibility career, and expected themselves devoted to their career more.
Generally speaking, the interviewees accept the teacher-student dual relationships. Their way to deal with this inner conflict is trying their best according to their own expectation without other limitation.
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物聯網 (IoT): 將為汽車產業打造一個全新的商業模式 / An Analysis of IoT and How it is Shaping New Business Models in the Automotive Industry駱傳倫, Lo, Helen Unknown Date (has links)
物聯網 (IoT): 將為汽車產業打造一個全新的商業模式 / We are living in an era of the “Internet of Things” as we are more than ever connected to the Internet with our smartphones, tablets, PCs, and etc. With technological advancement in terms of increased broadband coverage and changes in customer behavior, more and more “things” will be connected in retail, infrastructure, home and office buildings, and etc. The communication of devices opens up new business opportunities with increased involvement of services including IT, financial, data analytics, media, and etc.
Smart mobility is on the rise, specifically with the Connected Car. Vehicle owners and potential consumers are interested in having connectivity inside a car in addition to services that give them access to applications for information, content and entertainment. With many benefits and opportunities in the Automotive IoT field, stakeholders within the IoT ecosystem including service providers, software developers, automakers, hardware manufacturers, and etc. can reap a great deal of revenue through unique business models that require strategic partnerships, technological innovation and value-added services to deliver to the customer.
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於區塊鏈數位生態系統的設計中透過賦權促進利害關係人的集體貢獻度 / Applying Empowerment Strategy to Facilitate Collective Commitment toward Shared Goal of Stakeholders within a Blockchain-based Digital Ecosystem Design郭閎中 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以賦權理論的觀點去檢視這些議題,並提出方法論來解決改善這些議題,期望能夠加速輔助創業家或服務設計者建立去中心化生態系統的過程,並且讓每位利害關係人認知整個生態系統的共同的目標,進一步的為之作出貢獻,達到能力和資源的綜效。 / Blockchain, a de-centralized infrastructure which can breed many kinds of disruptive applications, is a promising platform for next generation digital ecosystems. All applications built upon blockchain benefits multiple advantages, including transactions manageability, scalability, security, visibility, affordability, high availability, etc.
However, stakeholder management in blockchain-based businesses will become a very challenging issue for entrepreneurs to deal with their de-centralize characteristics. Without the management and enforcement of a central party, creating collective efficacy and achieving collective commitment among all stakeholders will be crucial for these entrepreneurs.
This research adopts the empowerment perspective to propose a method to solve this issue and facilitate the design of a blockchain ecosystem toward collective efficacy. The method can be divided into three parts. The first is to analyze and collect necessary data from the source of business logic in the context of blockchain smart contract. The second is to utilize these data and liquefy the resources available in the current ecosystem so that the stakeholders can empower each other without the support of central party. The third is to measure the degree of collective efficacy and collective commitment in the ecosystem design in order to identify the effectiveness of our empowerment method.
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於數位生態系統利用區塊鏈技術設計最大流暢體驗之串連流程機制 / A Method for Utilizing the Blockchain to Design the Linkware toward Maximum Flow Experience in Digital Ecosystem陳建佑 Unknown Date (has links)
近來服務生態系統席捲全球亦顛覆許多傳統產業。服務平台的最大宗旨是提供一個環境來媒合服務提供者與顧客,而本質是消弭提供商與顧客之間的中介者,但不論在平台或生態系統中仍存在中心的統治角色,而這情況出現矛盾,也造就機會。區塊鏈則是可提供解決的機會所在。不僅如此,生態系統運作中,服務為多個利害關係人共創價值的過程,其互動是極為複雜的。因此在生態系統中營造流暢體驗是關鍵議題。本研究發展一個工具讓生態系統設計者可以設計橫跨基於區塊鏈的生態系統並整合各流程的串連流程機制,讓利害關係人在互動過程中具有流暢體驗。 / In recent years, the service ecosystem flourishes around the world and disrupts the traditional market. Originally, matching customers’ needs with providers is the most important mission of a service platform. However, the nature of creating a platform or ecosystem is to get rid of the intermediators, but either in the platform or in the ecosystem, there is still a central firm to dominate them. This situation seems to both be a contradiction and be an opportunity. The chance to deal with this problem is blockchain. Moreover, in ecosystem, service which is provided not only by one stakeholder but also by interactional stakeholders, it becomes more complex and intricate. As a result, creating a swift and even flow in the ecosystem is a critical issue.
In this study, we develop a conceptual framework to build a tool for designers of ecosystem to design the ideal linkware. This study focuses on creating a linkware that can integrate processes across the service ecosystem, achieving the maximum flow experience for the stakeholders within their interaction, and utilizing blockchain.
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開放原始碼軟體平台與互補性資產建構—以Google與 Intel 為例 / Open Source Software Platform for Promoting Complementary Asset Developments–a Case Study of Google and Intel高士翔, Shih-Hsiang (Sean) Kao Unknown Date (has links)
開放原始碼軟體平台與互補性資產建構—以Google與 Intel 為例 / Open source software is Open Innovation only if it has a business model driving it (West and Gallagher 2006). Open Innovation is the paradigm describing the scenario in which firms use a broad range of external sources for innovation and seek a broad range of commercialization alternatives for internal innovation (Chesbrough 2003). The Platform
Leader builds the platform and concentrates its efforts on promoting and directing innovation of complementary products in favor of its R&D direction (Cusumano and Gawer 2002). The author has chosen leaders in two distinctive industry sectors— Google, the leader in search engine industry, and Intel, the leader in the microprocessor business for the personal computer industry—as the case study companies for this research. Both cases fit the definition of open innovation since both Google and Intel have specific business models for their open source
software platforms.
This research explores how industry leaders exploit open source software platforms to realize their specific strategic intents. The research problems are: (1) how companies can incorporate external creativity and innovation to maintain their own innovative momentum; (2)
what are the key factors and strategies for building a successful open source software platform and its ecosystem; (3) how can a company use an open source software platform as part of its strategy to enter new markets and promote development of complementary assets to build its competitive advantages.
The author proposes the following framework to analyze how leading firms design open source platform strategies: (1) analyze the firm’s core competencies; (2) analyze the firm’s strategic intent for their open source software platform; (3) analyze the firm’s strategies for designing the architecture of their open source software platform; (4) analyze the firm’s strategies for designing the ecosystem around the platform.
Based on the analysis of the two comparative cases, the author has been convinced of the following propositions:
1. Firms can use open source software platform to incorporate external creativity and innovations that promote the development of complementary assets and to build or at least maintain their competitive advantage against competitors.
2. Instead of a purely open or purely proprietary platform strategy, platform owners can utilize a hybrid strategy, which combines the advantages of open source and closed source to retain control and differentiation.
3. As opposed to a company-owned open source software platform, a community-owned open source software platform will attract more communities’ involvements and stimulate
more innovation.
4. When developing complementary assets, firms should adopt an open innovation approach to incorporate external creativity and innovations; however, when building their core competencies, firms should adopt a more closed innovation approach to maintain their distinctive competitive advantages.
5. One of the key determining factors of a successful open source platform strategy is the platform owner’s ability to create value and enable every partner within the ecosystem to share some portion of it.
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