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多國性企業內部轉撥計價之研究杜慶福, Du, Qing-Fu Unknown Date (has links)
目前我國因本身資源不足, 極賴對外貿易以求經濟之發展, 唯因受國際政治、經濟等
因素之影響, 迫使國內廠商不得不採取海外投資之方式, 以求生存發展。關於內部轉
撥計價之中外文獻雖多, 唯專論多國性企業者尚未多見, 本文之目的乃在提供多國性
全文共分五章二十節: 首章緒論敘述論文背景提要、企業組織管理、內部轉撥計價之
法、資源調配法之運用, 以及特殊問題之研究。第五章則為結論建議與展望。全文約
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銀行內部資金轉撥計價對績效之影響 / The Impact of Funds Transfer Pricing on the Performance of Departments in a Bank黃天涪, Huang, Tien-Fu Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:銀行、內部資金、轉撥計價、績效 / For the reason that banking industry is the indirectly connected main funds’agent institutions within the financial market, under the most perfect circumstances, deposits absorbed by all of the banks after deducting the reserve can be loaned out. When there are opportune and sufficient capital adequacy, under no predictions, the most ideal loan/deposit ratio should be one minus reserved rate. However, since the economic backgrounds and management environments are different in banks of various regional branches producing obvious differences in supplies and demands of funds, it is hard to completely balance out sources and uses of funds in the operating units. Thus, banks’ internal funds transfer pricing must be disposed properly to avoid occurrence of uncontrollable fund gap producing floating risks.
Furthermore, due to bank’s enormous organizational structure, other than headquarter, various sections, chambers and departments, there are branches everywhere. In order to smoothly achieve the overall goal of the bank, power distribution implementation must be penetrated. In another word, bank policy maker will be the basis for the bank’s overall goal. Separately, after the headquarter, various sections, chambers, departments and branches make their individual goals, through headquarter, various sections, chambers, departments and branches’achievement in their individual goals, will urge the realization of the bank’s overall goal. In order for each unit’s individual goal to be carried out and be executed to enable the success of the mechanism of power distribution system, the setting and
accomplishment of each individual goal must be connected with the examination, critique and reward of the achievements. Thus, how the internal bank division design or select a set of funds transfer pricing system to instruct the appropriate disposition of the entire bank’s funds while producing adequate inducement to raise high achievement to stimulate each unit to try their best in achieving the bank’s overall goal, has been the bank policy maker or asset-liability management department’s ardent subject of discussion. The motive of this research is through a systematic method, aiming at banks under different internal funds transfer pricing system, to make an all-round discussion on the influences the selection of various funds transfer pricing system has on various unit achievements.
Key words:Bank; Internal Fund; Transfer Pricing; Performance
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資訊不對稱情況下之轉撥計價陳惠玲, CHEN, HUI-LING Unknown Date (has links)
以資訊不對稱(information asymmetry )為基本理由。因此合理的移轉價格設計應
以資訊不對稱為前提假設。然而,資訊結構(information structure )這項因素在
過去的論述中並不明顯,因所有的模式均以『完全資訊』(full information)為隱
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由行為觀點分析聯合成本分攤與轉撥計價鐘慧真, Zhong, Hui-Zhen Unknown Date (has links)
本文係針對有關聯合成本及轉撥計價之各種重要分攤方法, 就其理論及行為面作一剖
析, 以期減少分攤問題在管理決策中導致的困擾, 全文約六萬餘言, 共分七章廿二節
, 茲分述如下:
第一章緒論。首先說明研究目的及方法, 並對本文結構及限制作簡明介紹。
第二章分攤問題之探討。說明分攤問題之根源及種類, 及在管理會計中扮演的角色。
其次簡介「行為一致」觀念, 以作為分攤方法比較之基準。
第三章聯合成本分攤方法之介紹。指出聯合成本之定義及必要的假設, 例舉邊際法、
淨變現值法及夏普利法等之應用, 對最近若干學者如勞德貝、莫瑞所建議之分攤方法
, 並作彙總比較。
第五章轉撥計價方法之介紹。敘述轉撥計價之重要性, 就經濟模式法、數學規劃法及
議價法等常用方法之理論及應用, 作一簡介。
第六章轉撥計價之行為面分析。針對前章所介紹之轉撥計價方法, 在維持部門自主權
、評估部門和經理人員績效以及其他可能的決策行為上所發生之問題, 詳加剖析。
第七章結論及建議。將本文各章之分析結果作一總結, 並提出建議事項。
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