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斷續性跨期違約傳染模型之建構及其應用 / A Discrete-Time Inter-Temporal Default Contagion Model and Its Applications林國瑞 Unknown Date (has links)
本文以Cousin, Dorobantu and Rullière (2010)的模型為基礎,將由總體因素造成的直接違約相關性和傳染現象同時納入資產違約相關性的來源,進而求算債權群組損失分配和債權群組各期預期損失,並用於評價擔保債權信用憑證和分析其風險特徵。
本文並對合成型的擔保信用憑證作評價以及敏感度分析,發現當單一資產直接違約機率的期望值增加時,會使得各分劵的信用價差上升。當傳染機率 上升時,也會使各分券的信用價差上升。但當直接違約機率的變異數 增加時,對各分券的影響則不一致,因為 上升代表直接違約相關性 上升,故使債權群組損失分配產生厚尾性,資產共同存活和共同違約的機率增加。因為權益分券原先即預期遭受不小的損失,分券價差主要受資產同時存活機率的影響,故 上升時,同時存活機率的上升使權益分券信用價差下降,而先償分券原先預期幾乎不會遭受損失,分券價差主要受資產同時違約機率的影響,故 上升時,同時違約機率的上升使先償分券信用價差下降。故我們可看出直接違約相關性 和傳染發生機率對於各分券信用價差的影響並不相同,故金融海嘯時期市場標準模型-高斯因子結構模型的失效可能原因之一為沒有考慮傳染效應。
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債權人對公司清算決策之研究-KMV模型之應用 / A study of liquidation by creditor based on KMV model邱珮瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
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新巴塞爾資本協定下應用資料採礦技術於信用卡違約機率模型之建置盧音萱 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的即是針對信用卡客戶,利用他們的信用卡使用行為跟基本資料,來預測判斷客戶往後的違約可能性,藉此在發生違約行為之前,先採取因應措施,也就是所謂的Behavior score。
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違約傳染模型及其應用 / A contagion model of defaults and its applications揚濬濂 Unknown Date (has links)
目前市場多以因子聯繫模型(factor copula)作為擔保信用憑證之評價基礎,然而其靜態的性質無法捕捉違約環境之演變,且其對條件獨立的假設經實證資料而遭質疑。本文以Davis and Lo(2001)的違約傳染模型為基礎,傳染是新的一種描述違約相關性的方式,我們將Davis and Lo(2001)的模型作了延伸,改變其違約狀態及傳染形式,讓其應用性更廣,使違約傳染模型能用來評價擔保信用憑證。
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資產群組之動態違約模型──以信用擔保債權為例 / On the Dynamic Characterization of Correlated Defaults in the Pricing of Collateral Debts Obligations陳美君, Chen, Mei-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本文以建構存活率(survival probability) 之動態過程, 提出簡易的動態信用模型, 可應用於資產群組之信用風險衡量, 及評價廣泛的信用衍生性商品。本研究將模型應用於信用擔保債權(collateralized debt obligation, CDO) 之評價, 再延伸至遠期信用擔保債權之評價。模型假設存活率生成函數(survival probability generating function) 之動態過程乃一含有漂浮項(drift term)的跳躍過程(jump process), 以形容信用事件發生對違約可能性提高之現象。為改善卜瓦松過程中每期信用事件獨立之缺點, 本文假設信用事件之發生頻率為三參數之伽瑪分配(Gamma distribution), 使違約事件之傳染效果(contagious effect) 及叢聚現象更為明顯。模型中所有參數均可以信用擔保債權之市價予以校準, 並且理論價格與市價十分相近。本文提供以信評資料估計信用事件發生頻率之方法, 估計所得之損失分配與市價所隱含之損失分配接近; 故本模型可以充份運用信用評等之資訊, 並可以更合理地評價信用資產群組之價值。
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台灣銀行產業違約風險之探討:財會比率變數與違約距離之比較 / The default risk analysis of Taiwan bank industy: the comparison between financial accounting ratios and distance to default蔡宗明 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著商業活動的蓬勃發展、國際間貿易往來頻繁, 銀行所提供的服務及金融商品, 亦順應這些需求不斷增加, 其所扮演的角色及涵蓋的產業已非昔日可比擬; 若是金融產業遭受到衝擊、面臨危機, 很可能會對整個經濟體造成嚴重影響; 因此, 本文將探討何種解釋變數對於銀行營運發生狀況時, 有較佳的解釋能力。文中所選取的解釋變數主要有兩種: 其一來自於常被業界用來分析公司狀況的Altman Z-scores 模型, 本文將採用Altman 對於非
製造業所歸納出的四種財會比率變數, 另一種變數為KMV 模型利用Black and Scholes選擇權評價公式所導的違約距離(distance to default)。於過去的論文, 此兩種模型都常被探討其對公司發生危機時是否具解釋能力, 但於兩者間之比較則少有著墨; 故本文利用2000至2008年台灣的17間上市銀行為樣本, 於Logit 迴歸模型下, 同時以Altman Zscores模型的財會比率變數和KMV 模型的違約距離為解釋變數, 探討何者對於公司的營運狀況發生問題時, 有較佳的解釋能力。實證結果發現, 違約距離對於銀行營運變差的情況, 有較佳且顯著的解釋能力, 故透過檢視違約距離的高低, 將有助於銀行產業及早發現其營運之問題, 以避免情況惡化, 釀成更大的危機。 / As highly development in commercial activities and international trade become more frequently, the role of banks has become much more important than before. If banks are influenced by shocks, the whole economy might encounter serious financial crisis. Therefore, this research aims to discover what variable will have better explanatory power for banks’ operating situation. In the thesis, two kinds of explanatory variables are selected: one is based on the financial accounting ratios from Altman Z-scores model, and the other is distance to default which is derived from Black and Scholes’ option pricing formula. In prior thesis, both types of model have been usually discussed about their individual explanatory power to corporate default risk, but there are few papers comparing them and finding which one is better. Hence, this research takes 17 banks in Taiwan from 2000 to 2008 as samples, and puts them in the same Logit model to find which type of variables has better explanatory power for bank’s operating situation. According to the empirical result, distance to default would perform better than financial accounting ratios, so supervising the distance to default of banks will be useful for banks to find if there are problems in its operation and prevent it from becoming a big trouble in advance.
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國外金融機構違約預警模型--Merton模型之應用 / The Default Predicted Model of Foreign Financial Institutions--An Application of Merton Model郭名峻 Unknown Date (has links)
有鑑於信用風險衡量模型之廣泛使用,以及預測金融機構違約事件之重要性,本研究欲建立能有效預測金融機構違約事件之模型。其中Merton模型之概念被廣泛的應用,包含著名之KMV公司亦以Merton模型之概念建立信用風險管理機制,因此本研究選擇Merton模型之產出-預期違約機率(Expected Default Frequency, EDF)作為預測違約事件之主要變數。
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Pricing for First-to-Default Credit Default Swap with Copula林智勇, Lin,Chih Yung Unknown Date (has links)
The first-to-default Credit Default Swap (CDS) with multiple assets is priced when the default barrier is changing over time, which is contrast to the assumption in most of the structural-form models. The survival function of each asset follows the lognormal distribution and the interest rate is constant over time in this article. We define the joint survival function of these assets by employing the normal and Student-t copula functions to characterize the dependence among different default probability of each asset. In addition, we investigate the empirical evidences in the pricing of CDS with two or three companies by changing the values of parameters in the model. The more interesting results show that the joint default probability increases as these assets are more positive correlated. Consequently, the price of the first-to-default CDS is much higher.
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Credit Spread Dynamics and Default Correlation聶怡婷, Nieh, Camille Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文主為信用價差之時間序列研究,及其和違約相關性之間之互動關係研究。發現信用價差之水準值及波動性,都具有兩個明顯不同的狀態期間,另發現信用價差和違約相關系數之間存在正向關係,且信用價差之高低波動狀態和景氣呈現反向變動。 / In this paper, I empirically investigate the dynamics of credit spread with regime switching analysis. The finding exhibits evidence of two distinctive volatility as well as mean regimes for credit spread changes. Moreover, I document (1) that the volatility of credit spread positively corresponds to default correlation and (2) that lower (higher) volatility regimes corresponds to boom (bust) state of economy.
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Pricing kth-to-Default Swaps: Copula Methods賴偉聖 Unknown Date (has links)
Credit derivatives are instruments that transfer the credit risk from one party to another one. The most common credit derivative is the single entity credit default swap (CDS).A basket default is similar to a single entity CDS except that the underlying obligation is a basket of entities rather than a single reference asset. The copula methods play an important role while we price a multiname product since the assets in the portfolio are not independent. We need to model the correlated default times by using copula functions. In this article, we develop a copula based methodology for pricing -to-default swaps by using market CDS quotes. In order to know the influence of changing price drivers such as correlations and intensities on spreads, we also discuss the sensitivity analysis in this article.
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