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現階段我國亞太金融中心金融創新可行發展方向AHP分析層級程序法之應用曾維州, Tseng, Sha-Qille Unknown Date (has links)
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以研究支持債券(Research Backed Obligation, RBO)為各類新藥研發計劃募資的風險與報酬 / A Model of the return and risk of various new drug development projects using Research Backed Obligations陳朕疆 Unknown Date (has links)
新藥研發為一高風險、高報酬的產業,股票或債券投資人通常不願承擔那麼高的風險。本研究利用類似Mortgage Backed Securities的概念,發行RBO(Research Backed Obligation),募集50億美金的Megafunds,投資在200個藥物上。RBO包含了Senior bond、Junior bond,以及Equity三個tranche。Senior與Junior的利率分別為5%與8%,在4年與6年後到期,Equity不發利息或股利,而是於投資期間結束後,領回基金總額扣除Bond後的價值。
本研究使用2003-2011年共5820個新藥臨床實驗結果,依照藥物型式、對應疾病分為59類,將各種藥物於各階段臨床實驗的成功機率帶入模型。每種藥物模擬5000次。最後得到投資各種藥物時,Senior bond與Junior bond的違約機率與違約時的期望損失,以及Equity報酬率的期望值與標準差。
分析模擬的結果,可得到除了其中三種藥物之外,Senior與Junior bond的違約機率皆分別在5 bp與2.5 %以下。至於Equity的部分,除了其中四種藥物的報酬率較低外,多數藥物年化報酬率的期望值在8-16%間、標準差在14-15.5%間。各藥物的風險並不會差太多,然而各種藥物報酬率的期望值彼此間有所差距。故以RBO投資新藥產業時,仍需注意投資的藥物種類。 / Biomedical innovation has become riskier and more difficult to finance with traditional sources such as private and public equity. Here we propose a financial structure called RBO (Research Backed Obligations) which is similar to Mortgage Backed Securities. In RBO structure, a $5 billion ‘Megafunds’ is financed by issuing Senior bonds, Junior bonds, and Equity. Senior bond and Junior bond tranches yield 5% and 8% annually, due within 4 and 6 years, respectively. Equity tranche does not pay any interest and obtain the residual asset after all debt obligations have been satisfied. ‘Megafunds’ will be invested on the 200 biomedical programs at various development stage to reduce the portfolio’s risk.
We use the historical clinical trail data of 5820 new drug programs from 2003 to 2011. These drugs are classified into 59 groups by molecular type and disease area. Success rates of each development stage are imported into our simulation model, 5000 simulations for each drug group. The simulation result included the default rate of the Senior bonds and Junior bonds, loss of the bonds when the bonds default, and the expected value and standard deviation of the Equity return.
We show that except for 3 drug groups, the default rate of Senior bond and Junior bond are less than 5 bp and 2.5% respectively for all the drugs. The expected return of Equity are between 8-16% of almost all the drug, although 4 drug groups show poorer performance. The standard deviations are between 14-15.5% for all drug groups. Consequently, almost all the drug groups have similar risks, but the expected return of the Equity tranche of these drug groups are quite different.
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外匯期貨暨選擇權之研究─金融商品開放與金融規範析論黃志松, HUANG, Chih-sung Unknown Date (has links)
第四章為外匯期貨契約。除了介紹外匯期貨契約的起源、經濟功能及法律概念與規範意義外,並對保證金之制度及法律性質加以說明。另外,則對美、日、新加坡之外匯期貨交易制度進行比較,並特別介紹互相結轉沖銷系統(MOS)及全球交易系統 (Globex)。最後,則針對外匯期貨交易中之避險及投機操作,逐一舉例說明分析。
第六章為金融規範分析-Laffer Curve 於政府修法時之應用。本章為法律之經濟分析,筆者嘗試將成本效益分析、博弈理論(Game Theory)及諮商(Negotiation)策略應用到政府之立法上面。探討法令規範之最適規模及其與時間函數之關係,並檢討「立法從嚴、執法從寬」暨「惡法亦法」之不當。 第七章為結論與建議。本章以摘要方式將前述章節內容做一總結,並對正草擬中之國內期貨交易法提出筆者淺見,俾供參考。 / GATT is the most important organization which governedrld trade since it was founded in 1948. since China15th trader in the world,so it certainly cannotutside of GATT.China's special case has given rise to certain legalonomic problems,which have made its participation intill remain unsolved.legal issues come from China's request for "resumptioninal membership".This request will cause difficult whens to some rights and obligations under GATT such asion ticket,grandfather clause and non-application clause.ms GATT will "acknowledge" China's orginal seat,butneeds to negotiate is terms and obligations as a newant.economic problems are caused by China's non-marketic system and its claim for developing country status.hough China has carried out many reforms on economicure,major GATT contracting parties still think China'sy and trade regime are not liberlized enough to fit GATT.ina's great potential export power makes other countriesant to give China special treatment which other developingies enjoy.to China's reform of its trade system,China only has toake tariff concession without undertaking other importments which some East European countries have made. Chinareally like to avoid discriminatory quantity restriction special safeguard clauses,but other contracting partiest likely to permit this.use of changes in international circumstances, theation of China's participation has made no progress during991.After 1992,the negotiation begin to accelerate,butcan' t reach a certain conclusion.
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金融創新產品之創新擴散研究-以連動式債券為例 / Innovation diffusion of financial innovation products- a case study of structured note馬濟生, Ma, Chi Shen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以台灣地區2002 年以後主管機關核准連動式債券銷售業務開始,到2008 年雷曼兄弟倒閉事件爆發為止,做為研究期間範圍。首先,根據創新擴散與行銷鴻溝理論建構出研究架構,提出探索性假設。接著,透過先導個案之方式針對銀行與壽險業者進行訪談,得出對應探索性假設的初步答案,形成研究假設。最後,再將研究假設設計成問卷,針對所有連動式債券第一線銷售人員進行發放與回收,以進行假設檢定量化分析。
經由本研究結果發現:(一) 金融創新產品存在與科技技術創新相同之創新擴散模式; (二) 金融創新產品擴散過程中,先後採用之不同族群存在不同特性,包括風險承受度、投資預備金額、投資連動債之專業知識程度皆隨時間遞減;(三)金融創新產品擴散過程中,也存在科技技術創新所面臨難以跨越的鴻溝,其中產品單位金額大小是最關鍵之成因。然而,由於金融創新技術相較於科技創新技術較不需要時間與金錢成本去進步改良,因此金融業者僅須透過調整產品單位金額大小,便可輕易跨越鴻溝。也由於金融創新產品此種技術特性,業者其實是有能力同時向不同族群區隔進行銷售,但是礙於主流市場消費者一定要在看到可參考之成功經驗後才敢購買,因此業者仍然會先從早期市場開始銷售,形成與科技技術創新擴散模型相同之模式;(四) 有別於科技技術創新擴散模式當中,早期市場消費者之接受行為擁有降低創新不確定之象徵意義,在金融創新產品擴散過程當中,早期市場消費者之採用行為,並不能代表產品風險已經縮小至一定程度,因為金融市場之風險並不會隨技術進步而消失。然而,主流市場消費者卻存有科技技術創新擴散模型之習性,誤以為早期市場消費者之接受行為代表著金融創新產品之風險已縮小而積極跟進購買,因而承擔了超過原本所能容忍之風險程度,導致最後往往面臨虧損。 / In recent years, many kinds of financial innovation products have been invented
in response to the rising demands of corporate financing, financial institutions’
hedging, and personal financial management of general public. These financial
innovation products can meet different needs of different customers, bring
competitiveness to enterprises, or even help the general public to manage their money
more efficiently, while these are which the traditional financial products cannot
achieve. As a result, the importance of financial innovation goes without saying.
However, in the existing literatures, there are only a few studies concentrated on this
This study took 2002 to 2008 as the research period, which was from the Taiwan
government first approved the business of selling structured notes to the outbreak of
bankruptcy of Lehman Brother. This study first constructed the research framework
and exploratory hypotheses based on the innovation diffusion theory, then explored
the corresponding answers to the initial exploratory hypotheses through interviewing
workers in banks and insurance companies and formed the research hypotheses, and
finally conducted a questionnaire survey among those first-line sales of structured
notes to test the research hypotheses statistically.
This study found that: (a) financial innovation had the same pattern with the
technological innovation diffusion process, but it was because general customers
needed to see a successful example to pursue themselves to accept that financial
innovation; (b) different groups in the innovation diffusion process had different
features, including the level of risk tolerance, the amount of money used to invest, and
the knowledge of investing structured notes, and the level of these features will
gradually decrease as the time point of their acceptance; (c) there also existed a chasm
in the financial innovation diffusion process as the technological innovation diffusion,
and the key to cross the chasm was the price of each product; (d) the acceptance of
earlier customers in the process of financial innovation diffusion did not mean that the
risk of the products had reduced, which was quite different from the technological
innovation diffusion process, and later customers usually perceive lower risk than it
actually was and borne more risk than they actually can afford without knowing the
above difference.
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金融創新與現金管理帳戶之研究陳友齡 Unknown Date (has links)
美林證券在1977年首先推出「現金管理帳戶」(Cash Management Account;簡稱CMA),該帳戶主要提供的服務包括:買賣貨幣市場共同基金、證券交易管理帳戶、簽發支票、信用卡服務、融資權益、與自動提款機提款等功能。國內之華信銀行於民國89年也率先推出類似「現金管理帳戶」的金融創新產品,稱為「投資管理帳戶」(Money Management Account;簡稱MMA)。美林證券在成功開發「現金管理帳戶」之後,更將該產品結合美林證券本身在財務專業上的優勢,提供全面性的財務金融規劃,根據每個投資人其生命週期中的潛在資金需求及收入,例如:退休基金、結婚基金、子女教育基金等,設計出最適合該投資人的投資理財計畫。
由於美林證券「現金管理帳戶」的推出,打破了美國Glass-Steagall Act長久以來商業銀行與投資銀行業務分離的限制,因此,本論文也將從美國G-S法案的立法精神與基本原理出發,探討美國商業銀行跨足證券業務的發展過程以及G-S法案存在的必要性。並且透過美林證券成功開發「現金管理帳戶」的經驗,來探討我國證券商目前若開發該創新產品,可能會面臨到的障礙並且提供相關建議。
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信用卡與通貨需求之實證研究 / The empirical research between credit card and currency demand梁婉麗, Liang, Woan Lih Unknown Date (has links)
本文實證的變數選擇方面,採用通貨和信用卡的使用分別代表貨幣需求和金融創新以作為分析的重點。實證方法方面,同時採用一般常用的「聯立方程式」-Johansen Procedure和「單迴歸方程式」-OLS、動態OLS(Saikkonen's OLS及Phillips and Loretan's NLS)及FM-OLS來估計信用卡和通貨的關係,並比較這些方法得出的結果。
第一章 導論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究方法與目的 4
第三節 研究架構 6
第二章 信用卡發展、意義及影響 7
第一節 信用卡的發展 7
第二節 信用卡的意義 9
第三節 信用卡對經濟的影響 11
第三章 貨幣需求理論與文獻回顧 14
第一節 貨幣需求理論 14
1.Baumol and Tobin存貨理論 14
2.Hafiz Akhand and Ross Milbourne 16
第二節 國外實證文獻 21
第三節 國內實證文獻 26
第四章 研究方法 33
第一節 單根檢定 33
1.ADF Test 33
2.Phillips-Perron Test 35
3.Perron Test 36
第二節 共積理論-Johansen Procedure估計法 39
第三節 動態OLS估計法 43
1.Saikkonen's OLS估計法 43
2.Phillips and Loretan's NLS估計法 44
第四節 Fully Modified OLS(FM-OLS)估計法 45
第五章 實證結果 48
第一節 資料說明與處理 48
第二節 單根檢定 50
第三節 Johansen Procedure估計法 53
第四節 OLS及動態OLS的估計及比較 63
1.OLS估計法 63
2.Saikkonen's OLS估計法 69
3.Phillips and Loretan's NLS估計法 78
4.小結 83
第五節 Johansen 與OLS估計結果比較 85
第六節 FM-OLS實證結果與OLS比較 87
第七節 本章實證結果 93
第六章 結論與建議 94
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供應鏈金融對核心企業供應商之財務影響-以鴻海富金通為例 / Financial Impact of Supply Chain Finance on Core Enterprise Suppliers: A case study of FnConn Financial (Hon Hai / Foxconn Technology Group)胡碩勻, Hu, Shuo Yun Unknown Date (has links)
隨著科技進步,金融已突破傳統金融模式框架,各個產業都能透過新的金融模式,提供相關服務,提升產業內的財務效率。晚近發展的供應鏈金融(Supply Chain Finance, SCF)就是以銀行、放款機構針對特定核心企業及其上下游企業提供金融產品、服務的一種融資模式,讓資金可以靈活的在供應鏈中流動,讓一些規模較小的企業,不會受到資金不足的限制。供應鏈金融與傳統信貸業務最大的差別在於,透過核心企業的信用能力評估,來分擔對中小型企業訊息不對稱所產生的風險,讓中小企業獲得的充裕資金,以利供應鏈的發展。
透過供應鏈金融為基礎,整合資金需求者、資金供應者及增值服務者三大業者。近年電子商務、互聯網、區塊鏈、大數據等技術的成熟,讓金流、物流相繼與網路平台連結,供應鏈金融因此也有新的發展。2017年3月鴻海集團旗下金融服務平台子公司「富金通」攜手中國網貸(P2P)平台「點融網」共同宣布,推出「鏈結金融」(Chained Finance)平台,率先搶進此市場,透過區塊鏈、互聯網整合而成供應鏈金融平台,初期將業務鎖定於電子製造業、汽車業和服裝業等三大產業的中小企業。由此,便可看出各界對此服務發展潛能的重視。
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