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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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以MEGA-PRESS頻譜編輯技術偵測大腦乳酸 及探討平均頻譜次數與擬合參數之影響 / The detection of lactate in human brain using MEGA-PRESS spectral editing technique and the affect between times of average spectrum and fitting parameters

粘政緯, Nien, Cheng Wei Unknown Date (has links)
乳酸(Lactate)是一種人體內常見的代謝物,也是無氧代謝後的最終產物。人體在運動過後血液中的乳酸濃度會上升,但在一般情況下大腦中的乳酸含量非常低,正常人腦乳酸濃度約低於0.5毫莫耳(mM),由於腦乳酸的低濃度,以及在磁共振頻譜中的乳酸訊號與大分子(macromolecular)部分訊號重疊,導致在正常大腦中不易得到乳酸的頻譜訊號。近年來,有文獻指出在3T的磁場下利用MEGA-PRESS技術可以量測到乳酸在大腦經由低氧與高氧交替過程中的改變,而Mescher-Garwood(MAGA) point-resolved spectroscopy sequence(PRESS)頻譜編輯技術是由原本的PRESS脈衝序列再增加兩個選擇性的脈衝,透過頻譜相減消除不具有J-耦合特性的代謝物,來針對具有J-耦合特性的代謝物訊號做測量。本研究的目的為在3T的磁場下,利用MEGA-PRESS技術量到乳酸的頻譜訊號之外,再藉由不同的擬合(fitting)方式以及處理頻譜平均次數來得到不同條件下乳酸頻譜的標準差及變異係數值,以衡量利用在視覺刺激下是否能得到大腦視覺區中乳酸的改變差異,並提供一份乳酸對擬合參數的改變及平均次數多寡的參考依據。


王敏利, Min-Li Wang Unknown Date (has links)
為迎接二十一世紀資訊化社會來臨,歐美先進國家早已注意並投入電信、傳播媒體與資訊科技匯流(convergence)發展之研究與規劃,希冀藉由科技之突破及法規之解禁能使電信、媒體、廣播、資訊、電腦及網際網路等相關產業均產生交互運作及整合,例如美國即於一九九六年完成The Telecommunications Act of 1996之立法程序。在這樣一個廣建通訊網路及普及資訊應用新趨勢之下,電信、傳播媒體及資訊科技未來將朝向多媒體通訊方向逐步匯流,網路架構升級為雙向寬頻網路提供整合性服務,不同的網路平台(network platforms)將可提供相類似之服務,而各擷取資訊之終端設備如電話、電視、PDA(personal digital assistant)及個人電腦等亦會發生突破與變化,這個風潮已呈現在歐美各個原屬不同行業領域之大型企業彼此結盟購併或合縱連橫以及各項新產品之研發。 於全球電信自由化風潮驅動下,如何維持我國電信產業之國際競爭優勢已成為政府當前電信政策修訂之首要方向,而藉由知識之長期累積與有效應用,並轉化為生產力及競爭力提昇,即為知識經濟發展方案之中心課題。目前法律對該等事業之規範仍然各行其是,廣播事業受到廣播電視法、衛星廣播電視法之規範,電信事業受到電信法之管轄,而有線電視事業則受到有線廣播電視法之約束。各種不同事業之主管機關不同,取得經營執照之條件互異,例如特許或許可制、頻譜之分配、執照之有效期間、區域及展延、經營者之條件不同,乃至競爭行為之規範亦有不同,例如交叉補貼、平等接續。 本論文嘗試分析在數位匯流趨勢下,未來產業在朝向整合的管制規範與政策並探討現行電信與傳播相關法律規範,檢視這種各自為政的法律機制是否可因應未來可能產生的整合性新興產業,進而歸納出以服務為基準的法律架構。然而,限於時間與篇幅之故,無法逐一探討各項引發之爭議與影響公平競爭的因素,故以影響進入市場的主要障礙的相關法制--執照的取得為本論文的出發點,探討目前電信、有線及無線電視廣播與資訊服務事業之定義是否有重新加以界定之必要?現有執照發放機制及頻譜分配機制是否有加以改進之必要,譬如頻譜用途之指定、新服務如何取得頻譜(拍賣制是否為最佳方式),以及如何鼓勵頻譜之有效利用等等。 本研究希望經由文獻調查找出歐盟在面對整合趨勢所面臨的問題,以及看待問題的角度與處理問題的方式,從而歸納出因應策略後,配合台灣本土特有的國情文化,考量台灣社會本身的環境,提供政策與法規在面對整合趨勢時,進行修正或立法時的參考。未來的發照制度,必須符合「加速推動資訊化社會」之政策目標,以及促進競爭之原則,除因無線電頻率及其他的物理因素(physical constraints)所造成業者家數限制之情形外,不應限制經營者之數目。發照制度應提升無線電頻率之有效利用。執照的種類應儘予簡化,並以每一事業持用一張執照為發照原則。發照程式應符合客觀合理及比例原則,並儘可能以登記、報備,取代許可、特許程序,以降低行政成本及受管制者之負擔。 首先,我國現行執照發放之制度設計可概分為「特許制」及「許可制」二種,對於第一類電信事業之經營係採「特許制」,第二類電信事業之經營則採「許可制」。經營第一類電信事業之申請案件,均須依行政院公告之業務項目、範圍、時程及家數,並須於交通部公告之期限內提出申請,造成國內外潛在經營者無法依市場變化而迅速投入,不僅貽誤商機,更將減損我國電信市場之國際競爭性。然為配合電信、傳播及資訊產業匯流化發展之趨勢,以及因應國際間對於電信市場解除管制及法規鬆綁之潮流,當前以「事業」為主要分類基準之方式勢將面臨極多挑戰,我國對於電信事業經營前之申請與審查規定,實有配合檢討放寬之必要。 電信事業被區分為第一類與第二類不符合通訊科技匯流以及因此引發之服務與經營方式匯流的大趨勢,未來第一類電信事業與第二類電信事業均將成為電子傳輸產業的一環,應適用單一之管制架構,沒有必要再區分第一類電信事業與第二類電信事業。本文認為應修改電信法,廢除第一、二類電信事業之區別。目前我國電信事業之執照種類,係按照所經營業務種類分別核發,不僅執照種類過多,若業者同時經營多項業務時則須重複申請執照,執照管理及核發所造成之行政成本耗費甚鉅。因此,我國似可參考新加坡的制度,將執照種類予以簡化,針對每一事業核發一張執照,並於執照載明經營業務或提供服務之項目,倘持照人日後欲增加經營業務或提供服務之項目時,則按視其新增業務或服務項目,向主管機關申請或登記,即可辦理執照內容變更。我國應借鏡歐洲聯盟以「報備」制度簡化事業申設程式,承認業者有提供數位網路服務的自由及營業自由,並不需要特別的許可或特許執照,只要報備即可開始營業,僅針對從事資源稀少之無線電頻譜與號碼使用等業務,才需賦予一定義務。 再者,頻譜為珍貴的稀有資源,傳統上,國家對其採用高度的管制,在實證經驗裡,產生頻譜執照發放不效率,無法將資源分配給市場上最有能力的業者;另對頻譜的限制,阻礙頻譜為有效率的利用。本文以為,頻譜資源屬於私有財,國家不應過度干預,市場的力量即能使其達到最佳的配置。為求最大之經濟效益,頻譜之價格應由市場來決定,透過市場競爭的力量讓使用者頻譜之權利由出價最高之人取得,各種分配方法中以拍賣為最接近市場運作的手段;而頻譜用途與交易之管制方面,應落實頻譜財產權制度,讓執照擁有者得自由轉售、出租、分割使用與自由決定應提供何種服務。於財產權制度下,業者得選擇最有利的服務,當其發現服務效率不佳時,亦得變更頻譜用途、出售、出租頻譜執照或將頻譜分割使用,使頻譜效益能發揮至極限。至如何促進頻譜的有效利用以滿足社會整體公共利益,牽涉到管理機關的設置與任務定位是否恰當外;決定程序與方法應透過何種場合選擇,更是避免糾紛且有效達成分配的關鍵。

睡前不同色溫光照對主觀嗜睡程度、腦波、心跳速率與後續睡眠之影響 / Effects of color temperature of pre-sleep light exposure on subjective sleepiness、EEG、heart rate and sleep

薛旭任 Unknown Date (has links)
研究目的:過去的研究已經證實睡前的光照會影響後續的睡眠,包括增加入睡所需時間以及減少第一個睡眠週期或前半夜的深睡。然而這些研究使用數千勒克斯(lux)的強光或特定波長的單色光且照光時參與者需要維持不動的姿勢或是暴露同一光源下6小時以上的時間,因此實驗情境與現實生活有很大的不同,所以目前還不清楚這些研究結果是否可以類推至現實生活中。本研究將實驗情境貼近日常生活,探討現代化生活的光照是否會對睡眠產生影響。 研究方法:本研究採受試者內設計來進行實驗。以市售3000K和5000K兩種不同色溫的光源進行實驗,將亮度固定在300多勒克斯,並將結果與弱光(<10 lux)進行比較。九名21至31歲的正常參與者維持規律睡眠一星期後,前來實驗室三晚分別接受睡前三小時不同的光照以及整夜的睡眠記錄。在三小時的光照期間,每半小時測量一次參與者的腦波和心跳速率,並要求他們填寫卡羅連斯加嗜睡量表(The Karolinska Sleepiness Scale)。睡眠資料的部分,針對三個依變項進行分析,分別為入睡時間、前兩個睡眠週期的深睡期以及Delta波的頻譜功率。 結果:高色溫光源相較於低色溫光源更能降低主觀睡前嗜睡狀態,並影響後續的睡眠,包括入睡時間較長以及深睡期較短。高色溫情境與弱光相比,除了上述變項同樣有效果外,Theta-低頻Alpha波(5-9Hz)的頻譜功率在5000K的光照後,有出現下降的狀況,但其它腦波的頻譜功率並沒有出現光照效果。心跳速率和前兩個睡眠週期的Delta波頻譜功率在各比較上均不達顯著,此外3000K光照和弱光在所有依變項上的比較均沒有統計上的顯著差異。 結論:本研究將實驗情境貼近日常生活後,仍大致可看到與過去研究類似的結果,即睡前高色溫的光照相對於低色溫,會降低嗜睡程度並影響後續睡眠。另外,現代化生活的光照,與弱光相比,會增加參與者的入睡時間以及減少前半夜的深睡,但室內燈強度的低色溫光源並不會對參與者的睡眠產生這些影響。因此本研究結果建議睡前可選擇低色溫的光源,以避免光照對入睡時間及深睡的影響。 / Objective:Previous studies confirmed that light exposure before sleep has negative impacts on sleep, including increased sleep onset latency and decreased deep sleep in the first sleep cycle. However experimental manipulations in those studies, such as exposure to bright light or to monochromatic light of specific wavelength and participants keeping a constant posture or light exposure for more than 6 hours are very different from daily life situation. It was not clear that whether those results could be generalized to everyday life. In our study, experiment condition was designed to approximate everyday life in order to examine the effect of presleep light exposure on daily life situations. Methods:The present study adopted within-subjects design. We used fluorescent light of color temperature of 5000K or 3000K in the experiment and the results were compared with dim light. Nine normal subjects participated in the study. They kept a regular sleep schedule during week before experiment. They came to sleep lab on three experiment nights and exposed to different light for three hours before sleep. During light exposure, EEG power, heart rate and subjective sleepiness were assessed every 30 minutes. For the sleep after light exposure, we analysed sleep onset latency, slow-wave sleep (SWS) duration and delta power after light exposure. Results: Subjective sleepiness decreased, sleep onset latency increased and SWS significantly decreased under color temperature of 5000K compared with color temperature of 3000K and dim light. Theta/low-frequence alpha (5-9Hz) power was lower under the color temperature of 5000K than dim light, but there were no effects of light on other EEG power. Effects of light exposure on heart rate and delta power were not evident. When 3000K compared with dim light, there were no significant differences on all the variables. Conclusion: Compared with previous experiments, our study showed similar results when experiment condition was close to everyday life. Exposure to light of high color temperature decreases participants,sleepiness and influences their sleep by increasing sleep onset latency and decreasing SWS duration. When compared with dim light, exposure to light of low color temperature does not influence sleep. These findings implies that light of low color temperature should be used before sleep in order to avoid the detrimental effects of light on sleep.

通訊傳播匯流下的頻譜管理框架: 頻譜本質與管理模式之探討 / A Spectrum Management Framework in Convergence Era: To Explore the Connection between Spectrum Nature and Management Regimes

蔡穎, Tsai, Ying Unknown Date (has links)
本文取徑經濟學的公共財概念,試圖從此一角度出發探討頻譜管理從「稀有論」轉向「公有論」的論述正當性,並釐清管理模式與財貨特性之關連。根據研究結果,頻譜資源的原始狀態雖符合公共財定義,但並非任何人所有,其財貨特性會隨著科技發展和法律制度而變動,因此「頻譜公有」的論述並未獲得專家學者支持。 儘管如此,頻譜資源在運用上需避免使用者相互干擾,因此建立一套合理的使用秩序,方能促使資源發揮效用。針對提供商業服務之頻譜,本文建議主管機關在規劃與指配上應給予使用者更多彈性,以類似出租國有地的方式,視頻譜資源為獨立客體並制訂相關法律;其次為放寬技術與用途限制,並在釋出資源後開放頻譜二次交易,讓分配效率得以提升。 長期而言,無線通訊科技將不斷演化,當干擾問題可獲得妥善解決,為追求資源使用效率,本文建議管理模式應朝開放共享的方向邁進。簡言之,「頻譜管理」任務本身就是一種公共服務,政府責無旁貸,唯有充分掌握頻譜資源的供給與需求變化,施政方針才能充分反應使用者需求。 / This research argues that the scarcity rationale could be replaced by public spectrum rationale. The research results show that although the nature of spectrum resource is public good by economic definition, it doesn’t mean the resources are owned by the public. Therefore, the ownership of resources should be clearly defined under the law to prevent users from interfering with each other. For spectrum used in private sector, the allocative efficiency is important for some valuable blocks of spectrum such as 800MHz, 900MHz, 1800MHz, 2600MHz. To improve allocative efficiency, the research result suggest that the government could legislate specific laws on spectrum management, while allowing users to decide how they want to make use of the resources. In the long run, wireless communication technology will keep developing. As long as signal interference can be controlled under specific conditions, spectrum sharing including common regime and license-exempt use should be adopted. A government plays the key role which not only provides management service but should also have a systematic plan for improving spectrum efficiency.

股價波動交互關係的時間特徵 / Time characteristic in cross correlation of stock fluctuations

陳群衛, Chen, Cyun Wei Unknown Date (has links)
本論文在分析 SP500 指數其中交易最為頻繁的 345 家公司在 1996年各月份的股票數據,市場模式的空間特性已經被證實出來[3][4][5],而我們利用卡忽南 -拉維展開來分解股價對數報酬的時間序列, 利用傅立葉分析,並考慮股價對數報酬是否有時間序列重疊,與比較高頻移動平均對時間序列的影響,藉由參考各股市系統的特徵參數來尋找相似或不同之處。 / We present the results of our analysis of time series for a collection of 345 stocks listed in S&P 500, to show that integrated information on collective fluctuations in financial data can be revealed quantitatively by combined analysis, focusing separately on either the deterministic or the stochastic contents of the system. In comparing the fluctuations of high frequency one-day moving averages (HF1MA) of the original prices of individual stocks with those inherited in the trajectories of Brownian particles [1], also comparing the log return with overlapping time interval with the log return without overlapping time interval, we can quantify the time characteristic properties of the whole system which would direct the motions of tracer particles. In this study, we decompose the fluctuations in Karhunan-Loeve expansions and reveal the system-specific collective properties by analyzing those collective modes in their time-wise as well as the stock-wise bases, obtained for either the original prices or those of HF1MA, and for the log return with or without overlapping time interval.


溫俊瑜, Wen, Jiun-yu Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要 無線電頻率不當使用會導致相互干擾,故需要由政府介入管理。任何人或團體,未經政府或代表政府之機構核准並發給執照,不得設置無線電台,發送射頻信息,是世界各國共同遵守的管制無線電頻率基礎。世界各民主先進國家均深知執照核換發是廣播媒介管理的主要手段,將廣播電台應獎勵或禁止之事項,納入執照核換發的評斷標準,透過電臺執照申請、撤銷與換發等方式,藉以制約經營者之不當使用或未能實現公共利益行為,發揮無線電頻率之最高使用效益,達成頻道資源之管制目的。 鑑於有五個廣播電台經行政院新聞局駁回換照與撤銷籌設許可處分案件,均在行政救濟過程被判處原處分撤銷,致主管機關對於電台的管理無法發揮制約的效果,因而引發探討我國及歐美先進國家廣播電台執照核換發作業及其他相關管理措施的動機,俾了解我國在管理廣播電台上之問題。本研究並將該五個電台歸納成四種情形,探究我國現行廣電法令規範,在換照審議及撤銷廣播電台證照管理上,違反法律保留、比例原則、明確性原則、最後手段性原則及信賴保護原則等不符合行政程序法之一般性原則之問題缺失。 本研究探討頻率稀有論、公共利益理論、市場經濟論、社會價值論、媒介接近使用論及財產權論等理論,並分別研析美國、英國及澳洲的廣播執照核換發作業及相關廣播電台管理措施,發現該三個國家都有獨立負責的委員會,並以法律位階清楚的將主管機關的組織職權、換發執照程序與標準、廢止執照或撤銷許可等加以規定;此外,各國都已採行拍賣方式核配新的商用廣播執照;在換照方面,各國亦多有民眾參與監督媒介經營與換照機制;在經營管理方面,各國均允許廣播執照讓售交易,並以上限管制作為避免所有權集中與壟斷的配套;在媒介接近使用方面,除了保障應有的答覆權及更正權外,並開放一般民眾得申請設置低功率的廣播電台;並特別鼓勵民選公職人員候選人透過廣電媒體宣揚政治理念,在不得歧視任何候選人規定下,使各候選人得以公平、平等的接近使用廣播媒介。 反觀我國的廣播業者使用稀有頻率卻未盡公共利益;主管機關開放廣播電台,引進市場自由競爭制度,卻不允許執照轉讓交易,更缺乏電台多重擁有權上限管制措施;對於為了落實媒介接近使用權而開放的低功率小範圍的廣播電台,主管機關卻認為不符合經濟規模,擬將其整合成中功率的商業性電台;而各國均逐漸將頻率執照准予分租或轉讓交易,我國卻仍停留在執照不得出租轉讓或借貸的思維模式。 本研究最後根據研究過程分析之資料,提出具體的改革行動方案及配套措施與結論建議,其中包括主管機關組織分工與權責整合的改造;執照的核發制度、執照的換發制度等程序與標準之法令修正;引進民眾參與核換照監督機制、允許商用執照拍賣、轉讓交易、輔以多重擁有權上限管制配套、落實民眾與政治人物公平接近使用廣播媒介權益、檢討廢止廣告時間限制、儘速開放數位廣播等有效的管理措施等,以供政府機關參考,並引發學界之共鳴。

以睡眠腦波的頻譜分析探討原發性失眠患者入睡過程中的生理激發狀態 / Physiological arousal during sleep onset period in primary insomnia as measured by EEG power spectrum analysis

黃彥霖, Huang, Yen Lin Unknown Date (has links)
研究目的:失眠已是臨床上常見的健康抱怨之一,而近年來在探討原發性失眠的病因理論上,又以失眠患者的過度激發(hyperarousal)有較多的實徵研究支持。主要的理論之一為Perlis等人提出的「失眠神經認知模式」,該模式認為失眠患者的睡眠問題乃肇因於其在睡眠時內在的認知運作仍處於過度活躍狀態。後續相關研究透過腦波頻譜分析發現,原發性失眠患者不論在靠近入睡開始或NREM睡眠,都較一般正常睡眠者有增加的高頻腦波活動與減少的低頻腦波活動,顯示失眠患者確實有較高的生理激發狀態與較低的睡眠恆定趨力。而臨床上,失眠患者最常見的主觀抱怨為入睡困難,故本研究希望透過原發性失眠患者在睡眠中的腦波頻譜分析,以探討失眠患者在入睡歷程的生理激發狀態與睡眠恆定趨力的變化,並進一步探討失眠患者睡前主觀激發狀態感受與客觀生理激發測量之相關性。 研究方法:本研究的原發性失眠組共30人(男10人,女20人,平均年齡為36.7歲),正常睡眠者(控制組)共25人(男8人,女17人,平均年齡為34.8歲)。參與者需至睡眠實驗室進行一晚的多頻道睡眠檢查(PSG),以作為睡眠相關呼吸疾患與睡眠相關運動疾患之篩檢,並以入睡前5分鐘至入睡後15分鐘(共20分鐘)所記錄之腦電波(EEG)作為後續腦波頻譜分析之用。另外,參與者須在睡前填寫睡前激發量表(PSAS),以評估參與者在睡前的主觀激發狀態感受。 研究結果:在睡前主觀激發狀態評估中,原發性失眠患者不論在生理激發或認知激發主觀感受上,皆顯著高於一般正常睡眠者(F = 23.950,p < .001;F = 64.235,p < .001)。在PSG記錄的睡眠相關參數上,則顯示失眠患者有較多的入睡後醒來總時數(F = 5.510,p = .023)、較少的階段二睡眠時間與比例(F = 7.088,p = .010;F = 32.616,p < .001)、較少的REM睡眠比例(F = 4.810,p = .033),以及較差的睡眠效率(F = 8.685,p = .005)。在入睡歷程的腦波頻譜分析上,結果顯示失眠患者在睡醒的過渡期有較高的Alpha波功率,在進到睡眠後則有較低的Delta波功率,並且在整個入睡歷程中則是有較高的Theta波功率與Beta波功率。進一步比較兩組在入睡歷程腦波頻譜波段的上升與下降速度,結果顯示失眠患者在入睡歷程中,不論是睡眠恆定趨力上升的速度或生理激發下降的速度,皆顯著較一般正常睡眠者慢。另外,主觀認知激發狀態感受與入睡後的Delta波呈現顯著正相關;而與Theta波的相關上,則主要在入睡過渡階段有顯著正相關;Alpha波則僅與入睡歷程最後階段有顯著負相關;在與Beta波相關上,則從入睡過渡階段到入睡後皆有顯著負相關。主觀生理激發狀態感受則僅有與入睡過渡階段的Theta波有顯著正相關。 結論:本研究發現原發性失眠患者在入睡歷程中,不論在睡眠恆定趨力的上升速度或生理激發的下降速度上,皆明顯較正常睡眠者慢,雖生理激發狀態仍會隨著時間而有所降低,但卻仍維持較一般正常睡眠者高;睡眠趨力雖亦會有所增加,卻較一般正常睡眠者難以發揮較佳的作用,而可能造成失眠患者在入睡歷程中需花費更長的時間才能入睡,且進入睡眠後,仍維持較高的生理激發狀態與睡眠趨力發揮較差,進而可能導致失眠患者較淺眠或難以維持睡眠等問題。 / Introduction:Insomnia is a common healthy complain. The neurocognitive perspective of hyperarousal model of insomnia, as proposed by Perlis(1997), hypothesized that the sleep difficulties in insomniacs may result from enhanced information processing around sleep onset and during sleep. Supporting evidences were primarily from the findings that insomnia patients have increased high frequency EEG activity and decreased low frequency EEG activity during sleep, indicating insomniacs in general have higher physical arousal and lower sleep homeostasis. This study further aims to explore arousal level and sleep homeostasis during the period of sleep onset by comparing the level and change of EEG spectrum in primary insomnia patients and normal control subjects during the process of sleep onset. Methods:30 patients with primary insomnia (10 men, 20women, mean age of 36.7years) and 25 normal sleepers (8 men, 17women, mean age of 34.8years) underwent one night of PSG recording in a sleep laboratory to screening sleep-related breathing disorders and sleep-related movement disorders. They also completed the Pre-sleep Arousal Scale (PSAS) before bedtime. EEG spectrum analyses were conducted for the EEG data collected during the 5 minutes prior to sleep onset and the 15 minutes after. Results:Subjective ratings of both pre-sleep cognitive and somatic arousal were significantly higher in insomnia group (F = 23.950, p < .001; F = 64.235, p < .001) than control group. More WASO (F = 5.510, p = .023), less time and percentage of stage 2 sleep (F = 7.088, p = .010; F = 32.616, p < .001), less percentage of REM sleep (F = 4.810, p = .033), and poor sleep efficiency (F = 8.685, p = .005) were showed in PSG. The EEG spectrum during sleep-onset period showed that insomniacs had higher alpha power in the sleep-wake transition, lower delta power after falling asleep, and higher theta and beta power during sleep-onset period. In terms of the slope of EEG specrtrum change during the period of sleep onset, insomniacs had slower change than normal sleepers in increasing of sleep homeostasis and decreasing of physical arousal. In addition, the correlations between PSAS score and EEG power, cognitive arousal and delta power after falling asleep and theta power in sleep-onset process showed significant positive correlation. Alpha power in the later part of sleep-onset period and beta power around sleep-wake trainsition, on the other hand, showed negative correlations with cognitive arousal. Physcial arousal only showed positive correlation to theta power in sleep-wake trainsition. Conclusions:Patients with primary insomnia showed significantly less and slower increase in sleep homeostatic drive as well as less and slower decrease in EEG arousal during sleep-onset period. Although EEG arousal did showed gradually decreased by time, it still maintianed higher than normal sleepers. Sleep homeostasis did also increase, but may be interfered by the hyperarousal. This may explain the complaints in insomnia patients of difficulty falling asleep, difficulty maintaining sleep, and light sleep.

2G無線電頻譜回收之研究:以澳門「全城3G」為例 / A Study on 2G Spectrum Reallocation in Macau

黃首豪, Wong, Sao Hou Unknown Date (has links)
澳門電信管理局在2012年1月推出「全城3G」計劃,規定2012年7月8日停用所有GSM服務,16萬2G用戶要在半年內轉移到3G服務,但是外地遊客仍可繼續在澳門使用2G漫遊服務,政府希望透計劃推動3G服務的發展,讓無線電資源更具效率地利用,然而在計劃推行期間澳門出現多宗電信故障,加上澳門廉政公署就「全城3G」計劃所發表的調查報告指有關計劃過份介入市場運作,使得本地用戶失去選擇權,損害用戶及業者的權益,而且不符合公共利益,最終「全城3G」計劃無法如期實行,各業者的2G執照與其3G執照一同延長有效期至2023年6月4日。   本研究利用文獻分析法,透過蒐集澳門「全城3G」計劃的相關資料,分析澳門「全城3G」計劃的得失,與此同時借鏡與澳門政治體制相似的香港政府的頻譜政策,檢視兩地政府在回收2G頻譜的成效。本研究綜合分析下發現澳門與香港回收2G頻譜最大的差異在於香港回收的是兩個閒置的CDMA及TDMA系統,對業者有一定的影響,但是影響民眾的範圍卻很小,而且給予3年緩衝的時間讓業者轉移用戶,而澳門則是停用一個在世界上仍算主流的GSM服務,而且要在半年內轉移十多萬用戶到3G,加上在過渡期間出現5宗電信故障,讓民眾質疑計劃的可行性,最終把技術問題變成社會問題。因此本研究建議政府未來要避免直接介入市場,以間接的方式例如徵收階梯式的頻譜使用費來推動行動通訊業發展,回收頻譜時要以平穩適度的方式進行,以及提高電信故障的罰款。 / In January 2012, the Telecommunications Regulation Bureau of Macau (DSRT) announced its decision to scrap the city’s 2G network and rely solely on 3G capabilities. Effective on July 8, 2012, the policy change left about 160,000 local users without 2G service, primarily affecting local tourists still on the 2G roaming network. DSRT stated that the objectives of its decision were to create more investment opportunities and to facilitate the adequate diversification of economic development. However, during this time, two mobile operators failed to provide stable and adequate network services and the Commission Against Corruption (CCAC) of Macau stated that DSRT’s decision deprived consumers of their right to choose their own cellular network and their right to fair treatment. This prompted the 2G service cancellation to be further postponed until June 4, 2023. This study used literature analysis to review the termination of the 2G mobile network in Macau, and to examine the 2G spectrum reallocation in Hong Kong. This study found that Hong Kong terminated two unused mobile network services (CDMA and TDMA), while Macau is planning to scrap a GSM service which will affect about 150,000 users in Macau. Therefore, opposition to network terminations are greater in Macau than in Hong Kong. At the same time, the failure to provide adequate mobile services by two network operators in Macau led to public mistrust of the government. This study suggests that 1) the DSRT should not have used administrative means to force consumers into using a specific mobile system, and 2) the DSRT should have amended the penalties for mobile operators to closer reflect the current social situation.

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