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食品產業策略管理與發展之研究張晁祥 Unknown Date (has links)
民以食為天,食品是人類生活所必須,食品產業一般被視為傳統性產業,雖然遭遇全球金融大海嘯湧入,各國購買力普遍衰退,但人類對食品需求卻永遠存在,而且食品產業長期居於製造業產值的第九名之列,其產業發展的重要性,毋庸置疑。近年來面臨全球化、創新、環保、併購及食品安全等嚴峻的議題,不斷考驗著食品業者的經營智慧,展望未來面對環境的衝擊與競爭,除對食品產業建構產銷管理的機制,藉以提昇企業整體競爭力,並應分析產業面臨的環境趨勢與問題,思考企業與產品因應之道,才能找到適當的發展策略與方法,因應今後全球化的激烈競爭。 / Food is what matters to the people, Food is the humanity lives must, Although this wave finance tsunami engulfs the entire world, The global economy falls into the valley booming, but Food industry demand is actually forever exists. In recent years, Not only our country food industry faced with the overseas food big plant steep competition, Original material subjects and so on price intense shake, consumer diet custom change, food security, green environmental protection, innovation and globalization, The unceasing impact test domestic food entrepreneur, The present paper because of the case deliberation, The analysis domestic food industry superior inferiority, Development present situation and the future tendency, Because of the case company's competition and the development strategy, For faced with each challenge food entrepreneur reference in accordance to the countermeasure, Finally and will suggest the domestic food industry future diligently the new direction.
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在尼加拉瓜馬拿瓜市開設Alfresco有機沙拉醬公司 / Alfresco Organic Salad Dressings in Managua, Nicaragua顏莎, Aguilar, Xaviera Unknown Date (has links)
Alfresco LLC is a startup business based in Managua, Nicaragua. The aim of Alfresco is to help create healthy nutrition habits in Central America’s homes by providing fresh, organic, high quality products with no sugar added and free of lactose and gluten.
The salad dressing industry in Nicaragua is relatively mature and it’s characterized by a medium level of fragmentation. However, organic salad dressings are currently inexistent, therefore, this would be a disruption in the lifecycle of the industry. Moreover, since there are no competitors in the organic segment, there is a market gap that has not been covered yet; that is exactly the segment that Alfresco will target.
An initial investment of $4,362 is required to start the business. As shown in the financial section, we forecast to recover the investment in year 3.
One important risk is the fact that there are a lot of substitutes for salad dressings. However, the busy consumers’ lifestyle backed with the heavy advertising efforts and the high quality of our product, will help us overcome this obstacle and succeed in the industry.
Overall, we believe that there is a big opportunity in this industry and we expect to break even before the forecasted time.
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食品產業轉向生物技術產業發展之實證研究-動態能耐的觀點陳怡均 Unknown Date (has links)
本文以多角化作為轉向之定義,並以Teece et al.(1997)提出之動態能耐架構分析研究個案轉向歷程。研究方式採用個案研究法以及質化研究法,深度訪談味全、黑松、卜蜂和金車四家企業的高階經理人,獲得以下五點結論:
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台灣食品產業中小企業策略形態分析-以M調味料製造公司為例 / A Case Study of SME’s Business Strategy in the Condiment Industry敖秉中 Unknown Date (has links)
一、 「產品與服務串聯」及「行銷資源整合」是食品調味料產業最重要的策略。
二、 預防因餐飲消費市場變化速度加快,致使讓產業發生巨大的變化,造成對產
三、 「品牌行銷」、「服務升級」、「掌握通路」是產業未來的關鍵成功要素。
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策略行銷4C分析品牌活化策略-以A食品公司在台為例 / Strategic marketing 4C analysis of brand revitalization strategies- an example of food corporation A in Taiwan陳盈臻, Chen, Yin Chen Unknown Date (has links)
結果發現,A食品公司在四個成本都有多項具體措施,然在專屬陷入成本這一塊目前較沒有強調,又食品產業中若能漸進地提升顧客的專屬陷入成本,有利於品牌商維繫舊顧客關係。因此,本研究在第五章個案研究分析部分針對四種成本各自提供品牌商未來發展建議,包含因應消費者生活型態調整產品與通路策略、聘請專人經營臉書粉專、將可信度納入為代言人選擇標準之一等;其中,本研究提供A食品公司兩個具體解決方案以增加顧客的專屬陷入成本,如屬於促銷相關專屬資產的「建立分級會員制」,以及加強心理層面認同的專屬資產「舉辦主題影片募集活動」,希望提升本學術研究對於實務上之貢獻。 / Lots of new brands provide similar products to the food market, making the Taiwanese food market become more competitive. Some food companies, especially for those historic brands, need to react to those external environment changes and the changes of consumer's taste to achieve the goal of brand revitalization. The food company in this paper refers to companies that produce food products and sell them in general retail stores. Food Company A is the main research target of this paper. Because of the shift in retail channels, Food Company A started to provide food products in new retail channels as opposed to traditional pharmacies. Therefore, this paper analyzed actions after Food Company A started to provide food products in the new channels.
This paper conducted in-depth interviews to discuss the practical actions taken by Food Company A and then analyzed them by using the "Strategic Marketing 4C Analysis". After a complete analysis, this paper provided several recommendations to help Food Company A develop a further plan.
In chapter five, this paper provided different recommendations to different costs, including constantly changing products and channels strategies bases on changes of consumer’s taste, recruiting an expert operating the Facebook page, and considering the credibility of the brand representatives. Moreover, it found that Food Company A did not put enough emphasis on the cost of addiction; therefore, this paper provided two practical plans to enhance the cost of addiction in chapter five to contribute to Food Company A; for example, the different levels of membership and the competition of theme video.
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