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中國大陸社會養老保險體制改革之研究黨梓云 Unknown Date (has links)
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影響中老年人養老準備之因素探討 / Elderly Preparation for Retired Life溫雅媜 Unknown Date (has links)
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公務人員退休所得替代率之探討廖振威 Unknown Date (has links)
公務人員新退休制度自84年7月1日施行至今已屆滿10年有餘,對於公務人員退休撫恤的保障雖已獲致初步成效,但政府卻面臨日漸沉重的財務負擔。有關公務人員退休所得替代率的問題,在與國內勞退新制下本國勞工及國外公務人員退休所得替代率比較後有明顯偏高的現象,經考試院決議採取甲案並將替代率上限訂為95%。評析公務人員退休所得替代率偏高的原因,在於公保養老給付享有年利率18%優惠存款利息所致,在採行新制後,據銓敘部統計共有八萬多的公務人員受到影響。本研究以模擬分析的方式,評估公務人員擔任主管職務及非主管職務人員退休所得替代率,在新、舊制度下所產生的利息收入差異,並分析其中原因。 / 研究得到以下幾點結論:(1)公務人員退休所得因納入公保養老給付優惠存款利息,導致所得替代率介於80%~131%之間,確實有偏高的現象;(2)改革方案中,擔任主管職務退休人員所須扣除的優存利息幅度,職等越高者幅度越小,甚至有13職等以上擔任主管人員的優存利息是完全不需扣除的現象;(3) 擔任非主管職務退休人員所扣除的公保優存利息幅度高於擔任主管職務退休人員,其中又以中階非主管職務人員扣除最多;(4) 造成此種現象,主因在於公務人員薪資結構上的問題。公務人員在職月薪包含本俸、專業加給及擔任主管人員的主管職務加給,其中高階主管的主管職務加給加上專業加給幾乎等同於本俸,甚至有超過本俸的現象。如此在計算所得替代率時,自然會產生較小的值,而領取較多的公保優存利息。
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臺灣以房養老方案執行之經驗 —「公益型」與「商業型」模式之探討 / The Implementation of Reverse Mortgage Program in Taiwan: A Study on “Welfare model” and “Commercial Model”盧柏亮 Unknown Date (has links)
歸結上述服務提供方的經驗與觀察,「公益型」以房養老主要面臨預算限制、福利資格門檻過高、缺乏統一的專責單位、缺乏法源依據之困境;而「商業型」方面,子女不同意申辦、找不到通知義務人、非單獨持有房屋、民眾對貸款金額不滿意與民眾尚不了解以房養老為其主要的困境。此外,抵押權年限的規範、申貸者往生後其配偶的居住問題、通知義務人之設定三者為制度上的爭議點。老年者之申貸動機方面,除了基本生活開支的需求外,不願尋求子女提供生活費用、籌錢聘請看護或入住安養中心、提升生活品質、避稅的遺產規劃等皆為可能之動機。由此,本研究建議應修改法令使以房養老不受抵押權年限限制,在未修法之前,銀行應於契約中確保未來延長貸款之保障,此外,可適度放寬通知義務人之規定、考量申貸者死亡後配偶之居住問題,以及讓「商業型」以房養老連結更多社福資源,以期待能發展出更臻完善的以房養老制度。 / Taiwan has launched two models of reverse mortgage (RM), i.e. “welfare” and “commercial” models. Although the period of RM development in Taiwan is relatively shorter than in other countries, there has been some experience in implementation. In order to explore the main differences between the two models, experience and difficulties in implementation, disputes in institutional design and the consideration and obstacles of the elderly in applying for RM, this study adopts qualitative research methods and uses semi-structured interviews to collect data. The interviewees include staff involved in the experimental RM program in Taipei City and staff of banks that offer RM programs. Moreover, this thesis also collects and analyzes documents related to the implementation of RM.
Summing up the experience of the providers of RM programs, the main difficulties of “welfare” model include budget constraints, excessively high threshold in participating in the program, lack of an integrated agency to implement RM and legal sources. With regard to the “commercial” model, the main difficulties are: heirs do not agree to apply for RM, difficult to find obligors of notification, without sole ownership of the house, dissatisfactions of applicants with the amount of loans and lack of understandings of RM. In addition, controversial issues of RM include the regulation on the longest period of mortage, the residence issue of spouse after the death of RM applicants and the setting of obligors of notification. Regarding the motives of the elderly to apply for RM, apart from the demands for basic living expenses, other motives include reluctance to receive living expenses from childen, raising money to hire caregivers or stay in a nursing home, promotion of life quality and tax avoidance. Therefore, this study suggests that the regulations on the longest period of RM should be extended and banks should ensure the extention of RM before the amendment of regulations. In addition, the rules on obligor of notification may be appropriately relaxed. The bank should consider the housing problem of applicants’ spouse after the death of RM applicants. Finally, the “commercial” model could connect more social welfare resources for the elderly to develop a better RM system.
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我國勞工退休金新制之研究 / A Research on the New Labor Pension System in Taiwan陳美女 Unknown Date (has links)
20世紀90年代OECD國家養老保障制度的改革主要針對經濟的壓力,以避免經濟增長緩慢、高失業率及在一些國家不斷上升的財政赤字。我國自1950年開辦勞工保險,1984年實施勞動基準法建制第二支柱的勞工退休金制度,期使勞工退休後的經濟生活能得到基本安全保障。惟勞動基準法實施以來,勞資爭議不斷,改革的聲浪與日遽增,終於2004年6月11日立法院三讀通過「勞工退休金條例」,並於2005年7月1日施行。本研究係針對勞動基準法的退休金制度改制的原因,其優、劣比較及勞退新制度對企業與勞工權益影響暨勞工退休金條例之再修法建議等為研究重點,研究方法採文獻資料分析法、深度訪談法與法規分析法,深入探討我國勞工退休金制度與勞工退休金條例修法方向,進而提出具體的修法建議,作為有關單位未來決策與修法的參考。 / Since the German government established the first retirement security system in the world in 1889, more than 160 countries have designed similar plans to protect the retirees. In Taiwan, with big families in the traditional agricultural society, elderly people did not have to rely too much on the retirement system. However, it has become more important nowadays because of the decreasing birth rate and the better hygienic conditions in today’s industrial society, which have made population ageing a problem for the Taiwanese.
According to the statistics, the elderly dependant rate in Taiwan was 13.4% in 2005, forth highest in the Asian Pacific area, right after Japan (30%), Australia (19.4%), and Hong Kong (16.3). It was higher than in other countries such as Korea (12.6%), Singapore (11.8%), and China (12%). Based on some estimates, the elderly dependant rate in Taiwan will climb to 63.8% in 2050, slightly lower than it will be in Korea and Japan. There will not be enough labors to support those people outside of the labor force.
The reforms of the retirement system in the countries of OECD are primarily constructed to improve economic stability. The Taiwanese government started the Labor Insurance in 1950 and established the Labor Standard Law in 1984, which have led to many industrial disputes. Thus, to reform the retirement system, the Taiwanese parliament passed the Labor Pension Law on June 11, 2004, and was effective since July 01, 2005. This study was conducted using three methods, literature reviews, in-depth interviews, and method of regulation analysis. This paper focuses on the causes of the retirement system reform in Taiwan, its advantages and disadvantages, and the new system’s impacts on businesses and labors. It also provides suggestions for future improvements of the retirement system.
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我國退休保險商品發展與經營之研究暨個案分析蔡吉盛 Unknown Date (has links)
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中國大陸勞工退休養老制度的政治經濟分析吳奕霖, Wu, I Lin Unknown Date (has links)
中國大陸的社會保障制度發展有著明顯的地域差異,其財政的制度也高度分權,具體反應在社會保障制度的改革上。北京、廣東與上海享受著改革開放以來的經濟成果,在吸引外來勞動人口上有著先天優勢,相對河南的人口外移有著明顯的對比。背後的意涵代表了富裕省份對於後發省份在社會保障資源上的「榨取」,不利於後發省份養老保險的長期發展。本文認為,2011年《社會保險法》出臺後,對於農民工的社會保障確實有所提昇,也使具有「穩定就業」身分的農民工納入到了城鎮職工養老保險體制內,不過仍然需要觀察其後具體的發展態勢。中國大陸之後的退休養老制度發展,本文認為應該要向實現「全國統籌」的目標邁進,也可以藉由中央分配養老金,使地區養老金收支不均的現象可以有效紓緩。 / This thesis aims to explore the characteristics of labor groups in China, which include urban workers and migrant workers. It also discusses the political economical analysis in the course of development for retirement pensions. There are three important questions that have to be addressed: First, what is the historical course on the Chinese retirement pension? What are the features? Second, how is the retirement pension run for urban workers and migrant workers today? What is the direction for integration? Third, what is the financial situation in running the pensions? Are there any concerns? Above three questions constitute the main issues that will be discussed in this thesis.
It is evident that there are changes to today’s law and regulations of endowment insurance for urban and migrant workers. This thesis will use Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong, and Henan province for “Balance of Revenues and Expenditure in Endowment Pension Insurance” as a basis. Also use each province’s “Debt records”, “Standard Economic Growth” “Labor Mobility”, etc. to analyze.
In this thesis it also indicates the development of the endowment insurance for migrant workers and urban workers appears to be having a “path dependency” feature. China’s social security has gone from a unit security to a social security. The social welfare system creates a phenomenon of discrepancy in the system. This thesis deems that in the past, migrant workers’ social security reform development is not effective compared to the government security the urban workers received. The government must help “Second generation migrant workers” create a fair social security system and reach “urbanization” as a goal.
China’s social security growth has a noticeable regional difference; there is also a high separation of powers in the finance system, which reacts on the reform for social security. Beijing, Guangdong, Shanghai enjoy the economic gain after the reform, and attract many foreign labors, gives them dominant advantage. In contrast, Henan, there is big difference in number for migrate workers. Behind this, there is an implication that prosperous provinces create an “extortion” of resources to those less prosperous, meaning there is no care for their endowment insurance growth. Overall this system still has potential for improvement.
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中國大陸養老保險制度中個人帳戶法制之研究 / Study on individual retirement account of pension insurance system in China孫一平 Unknown Date (has links)
中國大陸於1997年向全國推廣個人帳戶制和社會統籌制相結合的養老保險制度。該個人帳戶制度缺乏互濟性,運行效果不彰,又復有空帳運轉、基金挪用等問題。本文利用文獻分析法,欲探究中國大陸養老保險個人帳戶法制之形成過程。養老保險個人帳戶制的改革是國有企業改革、市場經濟體制改革、世界銀行、新自由主義思潮和媒體宣傳、學界背書等因素共同作用的結果。累積式個人帳戶制度一定程度達到了減輕國有企業責任和國家財政負擔、處理通貨膨脹和累積資本的目的,卻缺乏共濟性,無法因應通貨膨脹風險,暴露國民於老年經濟風險之中。未來中國大陸養老保險之改革應回復保障老年經濟安全之主要目標,將個人帳戶制從基本養老保險層次分離,健全社會保險法制,方符合社會保險之理念,保障公民社會安全權。 / It’s in 1997 that mainland of China decides to promote the pension insurance system which has been combined between the individual retirement account and PAYG nationwide. There are some problems existing in such an IRA system such as the lacks of the mutuality, the unsatisfying operation effect, and the operation of the empty account as well as fund misappropriation. With the adoption of the literature analysis method, this paper aims to explore the formation process of mainland China IRA legal system of pension insurance. The reform of IRA system of pension insurance serves as the result of the joint action of numerous factors such as state-owned enterprise reform, market economy system reform, World Bank and neo-liberalism and media propaganda as well as academic endorsement. To some extent, the cumulative IRA has reached the goal of alleviating the responsibility of state-owned enterprises and the financial burden of the State, as well as dealing with inflation and accumulating capital. However, its lacks of the mutuality and inability to deal with the inflation risk will expose the citizens to the risk of the old economy. Therefore, in the future, the reform of pension insurance in mainland China should insist the main goal of guaranteeing the old-age economic security so as to not only separate IRA from basic pension insurance, but also perfect the social insurance legal system, and in such way it will conform to the concept of social insurance and guarantee the citizen's right to social security.
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台灣未來長期照護發展之研究 / The development of the long-term care service in Taiwan陳意千 Unknown Date (has links)
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我國老人福利措施之研究黃金乙, Huang, Jin-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
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