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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"EMEET/SERVE: geração sob-demanda de hiperdocumentos multimídia a partir de informação capturada em reuniões distribuídas" / eMeet/SERVE: automated generation of multimedia hyperdocuments by means of captured information from distributed meetings

Eleutério, Pedro Monteiro da Silva 05 June 2002 (has links)
A literatura apresenta muitos sistemas que foram desenvolvidos a fim de automatizar o processo de geração de hiperdocumentos multimídia a partir de experiências ao vivo; ambientes educacionais e de reunião são os domínios de aplicação mais comuns. Conforme reportados, os sistemas não contemplam características importantes relativas à evolução de hiperdocumentos Web, tais como a possibilidade de atualizações constantes de conteúdo e de layout, e a independência de plataforma. Este trabalho visa a implementação do sistema eMeet/SERVE, que realiza a geração automática de hiperdocumentos multimídia a partir de informações capturadas em ambientes de reuniões distribuídas na Web. O eMeet/SERVE foi implementado com a utilização da arquitetura LAIAc – proposta neste trabalho – habilitada a suportar a evolução dos hiperdocumentos gerados. As interfaces dos hiperdocumentos gerados pelo eMeet/SERVE foram desenvolvidas a partir de padrões e regras propostas na literatura. Além disso, um mecanismo de sincronização foi implementado nos hiperdocumentos a fim de permitir uma reprodução adequada dos elementos multimídia. A arquitetura LAIAc pode ser utilizada por outros sistemas associados à geração automática de hiperdocumentos. Com a realização deste trabalho, o eMeet/SERVE está preparado para integração com outros serviços implementados no contexto do projeto maior em que se insere, o Projeto InCA-SERVE, visando a evolução contínua dos hiperdocumentos gerados automaticamente. / The literature discusses many software systems developed to automate the process of generating multimedia hyperdocuments from live experiences; educational and meeting environments are the most common application domains. As reported, those systems do not present features considered important towards the evolution of hyperdocuments associated to live experiences, such as support to constant updates of contents or changes in layout as well as independence of platform. The work reported in this document aims at developing the eMeet/SERVE application, a system that allows the automatic generation of multimedia hyperdocuments by means of captured information from distributed meetings environments on the Web. The eMeet/SERVE system is implemented on top of the LAIAc architecture – also proposed in this work – an architecture enabled to support the evolution of the hyperdocuments. The presentation interfaces of the hyperdocuments have been developed according to state of the art heuristics and guidelines. Moreover, a synchronization mechanism has been embedded in the hyperdocuments to allow the appropriate playback of multimedia objects. The LAIAc architecture itself can be used by other applications associated to the automatic generation of hyperdocuments. The eMeet/SERVE is part of the InCA-SERVE Project and, as implemented, it is ready to be integrated with other services implemented in the context of that project; the overall goal is the support to the evolution of the hyperdocuments generated automatically.

Tower? Yes, plane? : En kvalitativ studie av fjärrstyrd flygledningsmiljö / Tornet? Ja, planet? : En kvalitativ studie av fjärrstyrd flygledningsmiljö

Blagojevic, Dragoljub, Juliano, Jenny January 2022 (has links)
En modernisering av Air Traffic Management pågår för att hållbart hantera den förutsedda ökningen av flygtrafik fram till år 2035. Som en del av denna modernisering har Saab AB utvecklat en produkt, “Digital Tower”, som möjliggör att flygtorn kan fjärrstyras genom ett system av kameror. I syfte om att öka kunskap kring flygledarnas behov och flygsäkerhet i takt med ökad mängd flygtrafik, har denna studie undersökt den kognitiva belastningen inom den operativa miljön av en Digital Tower som är i bruk. I dess nuvarande form har interaktiva gränssnitt inom arbetsmiljön begränsad flexibilitet och anpassningsmöjligheter. Frågeställningen har därför ställts kring hur dessa begränsade anpassningsmöjligheter påverkar flygledares arbete och samarbete. Studien har utgått ifrån en kvalitativ metodik, en contextual inquiry med observationer och intervjuer i kontext där arbetet skedde. Analysen gjordes utifrån Distributed Cognition som teoretiskt ramverk, vilket möjliggjorde en analys av den distribuerade kognitionen mellan aktörer och hur de brukar artefakter inom kontexten. Studiens slutsats är att gränssnittets begränsade anpassningsmöjligheter påverkar den kognitiva belastningen negativt, men anses inte som ett hinder för flygledarnas arbete. Eftersom den centraliserade arbetsmiljön har en stark närvaro av kollegor, har resultatet blivit att kollegorna kan kompensera för gränssnittets brister och avlasta i situationer av hög arbetsbelastning. / An ongoing modernization of Air Traffic Management is in effect to keep up with the forecasted increase in air traffic by 2035. As a part of this modernization a product was developed by Saab AB to control air traffic from remote control towers with a system of cameras, called “Digital Tower”. With the purpose of increasing the knowledge about the needs of Air Traffic Controllers and general flight safety with increased amount of flight traffic, this study researched the cognitive load within the operative Digital Tower environment in service. Currently the interactive interface within the work environment has limited flexibility and possibilities for adaptation. The study has therefore answered the question about how these limited adaptations affect the Air Traffic Controllers work and collaboration between them. The study has used qualitative methods in order to answer the question, by using a contextual inquiry which includes observations and interviews of the Air Traffic Controllers in their context. The result was analyzed by using Distributed Cognition theory, which made it possible to analyze the distributed cognition between people and artifacts within the context. The conclusion of the study is that the limited adaptations of the interface negatively affects the cognitive load, but has not been identified as a crucial interference for the Air Traffic Controllers. The centralized work environment has a strong presence of colleagues, which has led to the colleagues compensating for the limited interface by physically unburden the workload in critical situations.

Hedonické nebo pragmatické preference? Komparativní analýza uživatelů platforem Android a iOS z pohledu UX a informačního chování / Hedonic or pragmatic preferences? A comparative analysis of Android and iOS users from the perspective of UX and information behaviour

Scholleová, Klára January 2021 (has links)
The theoretical part of the thesis presents the evolution of the fields of human-computer interaction (HCI) and user experience (UX) including hedonic-pragmatic model of user experience. It further presents platforms and ecosystems in general, the evolution of smartphone market and the platforms of Android and iOS, and explains the basic concepts of information and consumer behaviour. A part of the thesis is a qualitative study examining the differences between the preferences towards smartphones of Android and iOS users, and differences in their information behaviour. It was found out that the participants - users of both platforms have mostly pragmatic reasons for their platform preference but describe them differently; that Android users seek more information at the time of smartphone purchase decision and that some iOS users, unlike Android users, started using their platform based on observation of others' good user experience with it.

Attitudes to developing sustainable digital products : A human-centered design study on how to support the climate work of digital media service providers / Attityder till att utveckla hållbara digitala produkter och att bemöta dessa : En människocentrerad designstudie om att stötta digitala mediaföretags klimatarbete

Jacobson, Maria January 2023 (has links)
As climate change is becoming an increasingly more alarming threat in society, sustainability as a topic becomes more and more important in relation to a range of business activities, software development being one. Several frameworks for how software development and computing products should be developed and evaluated on the basis of sustainability and climate impact are being developed, but there are no standardized ways to go about this type of work and the topic is still under prioritized in favor of other non functional requirements, like financial aspects. Models for how the climate impact of different parts of the process chain can be estimated are being implemented into the operations of many major companies and goals surrounding reduced emissions are being set. However, these goals are not being translated into the day-to-day operations of developers and other stakeholders developing these digital products. This thesis is centered around a qualitative study that investigates the attitudes of software developers and product owners at the Swedish public service broadcasting company SVT in regards to working with sustainability. The challenges they face in relation to reducing the climate impact of their digital platforms in general, and their streaming platforms in particular, are presented and a stakeholder co-created tool to meet these challenges was prototyped. / I takt med att klimatförändringarna blir ett allt mer alarmerande hot i samhället blir hållbarhet som ämne allt viktigare i förhållande till en rad olika verksamheter, där mjukvaruutveckling är en. Åtskilliga ramverk för hur mjukvaruutveckling och digitala produkter ska utvecklas och utvärderas utifrån hållbarhet och klimatpåverkan är under utveckling, men det finns inga standardiseringar för utförandet av den här typen av arbete och ämnet är fortfarande underprioriterat till förmån för andra icke-funktionella krav, som till exempel finansiella aspekter. Modeller för hur klimatpåverkan från olika delar av processkedjan kan estimeras blir implementerade i många större företags verksamheter och mål kring minskade utsläpp sätts upp. Dessa mål översätts dock inte till den dagliga verksamheten för utvecklare och andra delaktiga medarbetare som utvecklar dessa digitala produkter. Denna studie är centrerad kring en kvalitativ undersökning som kartlägger inställningarna och attityderna till att arbeta med hållbarhet hos mjukvaruutvecklare och produktägare på SVT. De utmaningar de står inför när det gäller att minska klimatpåverkan från deras digitala plattformar i allmänhet, och deras streamingplattformar i synnerhet, presenteras och ett samskapat verktyg för att möta dessa utmaningar togs fram som prototyp.

Value Sensitive Future of Persuasive Technology in Retail : Multi-Stakeholder Approach / Värdekänslig framtid för övertygande teknologier inom detaljhandeln : Ett flerpartsperspektiv

Grossova, Dominika January 2023 (has links)
Persuasive technology is becoming increasingly prevalent in the retail industry, often to influence customer behaviours and increase sales. This study explores multi-stakeholder perspectives on the values, ethical considerations, and possible risks associated with the implementation of such persuasive technologies. It was conducted with a retail agency that develops persuasive technology in the form of an engagement retail platform. Value Sensitive Design (VSD) Framework and ACTVOD Futures Workshop were used to develop value scenario workshops with program managers, designers, and field team members. Value-oriented themes were then derived from a thematic analysis. Values such as ownership and property, identity, and informed consent were often discussed, while human welfare and environmental sustainability were neglected. Also uncovered were several misconceptions concerning artificial intelligence (AI) and a lack of urgency to address ethical concerns among company stakeholders. This study emphasizes the importance of recognizing and addressing the ethical considerations of persuasive technology and develop proactive solutions to make it safe, sustainable, and beneficial for users and consumers. / Övertygande teknologi, så kallad persuasive technology, blir allt vanligare inom detaljhandelsbranschen, ofta för att påverka kundbeteenden och öka försäljningen. Denna studie undersöker flera parters perspektiv på värden, etiska överväganden och möjliga risker i samband med implementeringen av övertygande teknologier. Studien genomfördes på en detaljhandelsbyrå som utvecklar övertygande teknologi i form av en engagerande detaljhandelsplattform. Ett ramverk för värdekänslig design (Value Sensitive Design - VSD) och ACTVOD Futures Workshop användes för att utveckla värdescenario-workshops med programchefer, designers och fältteammedlemmar. Värdeteman genererades sedan från en tematisk analys. Värden som ägande och egendom, identitet och informerat samtycke diskuterades ofta, medan mänskligt välbefinnande och miljömässig hållbarhet försummades. Dessutom påvisades flera missuppfattningar om artificiell intelligens (AI) och en bristande brådska att ta itu med etiska frågor bland företagets nyckelpersoner. Denna studie betonar vikten av att erkänna och hantera de etiska övervägandena för övertygande teknologi och att utveckla proaktiva lösningar för att göra sådana övertygande teknologier säkra, hållbara och gynnsamma för användare och konsumenter.

Evaluation of HCI models to control a network system through a graphical user interface / Utvärdering av MMI-modeller för styrning av nätverkssystem genom grafiskt användargränssnitt

Ekman, Jonas January 2017 (has links)
SAAB has a project under development for a network system with connected nodes, where the nodes are both information consumer and producer of different communication types. A node is an equipment or an object that are used by the army e.g. it can be a soldier, military hospital or an UAV. The nodes function as a part of a mission e.g. a mission can be Defend Gotland. The aim of this project is that the user will rank different missions from the one with the highest priority to the lowest. This will affect the network in a way that the communication between the nodes at the mission with the highest rank will be prioritised over the communication between the underlying missions. A user can via the GUI rank the missions, and then set the associated settings for them. Via the GUI the user should be able to work at three different levels. The first is to plan upcoming missions. The second one is in real time see if the system delivers the desired conditions. The last one is to simulate if the system can deliver the desired conditions. This thesis investigated various HCI models that could be used to create a GUI, to reduce the risk of a user configuring the system incorrectly. The study showed that there are no HCI models that take account for misconfigurations, and therefore a new model was created. The new model was used and evaluated by creating a prototype of a GUI for SAAB’s project and was tested on a potential user. The test showed that the new model reduced the risk of misconfigurations. / SAAB har ett projekt för utveckling av ett nätverkssystem med anslutande noder, med noder som kan vara både informationsproducent och konsument för olika kommunikationstyper. En nod är en sak eller ett objekt inom försvaret t.ex. kan det vara en soldat, militärt sjukhus eller en obemannad farkost. Varje nod tillhör ett uppdrag, tex att försvara Gotland. Målet med projektet är att man ska kunna gradera de olika uppdragen och därmed gradera vilken prioritet dessa noder har i nätet. Noder som tillhör ett uppdrag med hög gradering kommer prioriteras över de underliggande uppdragen i nätverket. En användare kan via ett grafiskt användargränssnitt gradera uppdragen och konfigurera tillhörande inställningar. Via det grafiska användargränssnittet kan en användare även planera, gradera och konfigurera inställningar för kommande uppdrag samt simulera om det går att genomföra. Användaren ska även i realtid kunna se om de önskade inställningarna inte kan leva upp till de önskade kraven, och därmed kunna åtgärda detta.  Detta arbete undersökte olika MMI-modeller som kan användas för att skapa ett grafiskt användargränssnitt som minimerar risken att användaren konfigurerar systemet på ett felaktigt sätt. Studien visade sig att det inte finns några MMI modeller som tar hänsyn till felkonfigureringar, och en ny modell skapades. Den nya modellen användes och utvärderas genom att skapa en prototyp av ett grafiskt användargränssnitt för SAAB:s projekt, som testades på en potentiell användare. Testet visade att den nya modellen minskar risken för felkonfigureringar.

"Tekniken ska vara vacker" : användarupplevelsen av mobila webbsidors estetik

Jönsson Lanevska, Alla January 2016 (has links)
Uppsatsen syftar att bidra till debatten om estetikens roll inom MDI genom att undersöka hur gränssnittets visuella estetik påverkar användarupplevelsen av mobila webbsidor. Som teoretisk utgångspunkt användes Tractinskys analysmodell med uppdelning av den upplevda estetiken i en klassisk och en uttrycksfull dimension. En jämförelse mellan sju webbsidor tillhörande e-handelsföretag inom modebranschen gjordes i studiens kvantitativa del. Jämförelsen gjordes även mellan företagens ordinarie webbsidor och mobilsidor. Sidorna med mest kontrasterande egenskaper användes som underlag för den kvalitativa intervjudelstudien. Studiens resultat visar att Tractinskys modell är ett användbart verktyg för beskrivning och analys av mobila enheters upplevda estetik. Mobilsidors upplevda estetik äger aspekter tillhörande den klassiska och den uttrycksfulla dimensionen. Estetiken har inverkan på såväl mobilsidans upplevda användbarhet som interaktionens meningsfullhet. Struktur och visuell balans är nödvändiga förutsättningar för användarens acceptans av en mobilsida. Personlig, engagerande och professionell design minskar de initialt höga trösklarna för ovana användare och påverkar det fortsatta användarbeteendet. De meningsskapande aspekterna så som identifikation och inspiration möjliggör en rikare användarupplevelse och bygger användarens relation till artefakten. / This study contributes to the debate on the role of aesthetics within HCI by examining the effects of visual aesthetics on user-experience of mobile websites. Tractinsky's model of users' perception consisting of two dimensions termed classical and expressive aesthetics was used as a theoretical basis. A quantitative sub-study compared seven mobile and desktop sites belonging to e-commerce fashion retailers. The sites with the most contrasting characteristics were used as cases for qualitative study. The results demonstrate usefulness of Tractinsky's model for analysis of mobile websites' perceived aesthetics. Perceived aesthetics of mobile GUI includes both classical and expressive elements. Aesthetics impacts on both perceived usability of the mobile website and meaningfulness of the interaction. Structure and visual balance are essential for user acceptance of mobile websites. Personal, engaging and professional design increases acceptance of mobile technology and impinges on the continued user behavior. The meaning-making aspects of aesthetics such as identification and inspiration enrich user-experience and deepen users' relationship to the artifact.

以視線軌跡為基礎的人機介面 / Gaze-based human-computer interaction

余立強, Yu, Li Chiang Unknown Date (has links)
眼動儀目前的主要用途在分析使用者的觀看行為,藉以改善介面的設計,或幫助身體有缺陷但眼睛還能轉動的使用者與外界溝通。隨著相關技術的發展,眼動儀將可能如同滑鼠、鍵盤一般,成為使用者輸入裝置的選項。本論文的目的在於設計並實作低成本之穿戴式與遠距眼動儀,並將其應用於以視線軌跡為基礎的人機介面,希望能夠增進人與電腦之間的互動方式。由於眼動儀會受到雜訊與角膜反射點等的影響,本研究提出利用瞳孔周圍暗色點比例較高的特性,增加定位之準確性,以改善眼動儀之精確度,此外,頭部的移動亦會造成眼動儀在計算投射位置時之誤差,本研究也針對這個問題提出因應之解決方案。利用前述製作的眼動儀,本論文實作數個以視線軌跡為基礎的人機介面,包括視線軌跡網頁瀏覽器、強化眼睛注視照片區域、井字遊戲、互動式媒體等,並利用眼動儀記錄使用者觀看手機介面的行為。 / Eye tracker, a device for measuring eye position and movements, has traditionally been used for research in human visual system, psychology and interface design. It has also served as an input device for people with disability. With recent progresses in hardware and imaging technology, it has the potential to complement, even replace popular devices such as mouse or keyboard for average users to communicate with the computer. It is the objective of this research to design and implement low-cost head-mounted and remote eye trackers and subsequently develop applications that take advantage of gaze-based interactions. Specifically, we improve the precision of the tracking result by designing a new pupil detection algorithm as well as compensating for head movement. We then present several gaze-based user interfaces, including eye-controlled web browser, attention-based photo browser, interactive game (tic-tac-toe) and media design. We also investigate the feasibility of utilizing the eye trackers to analyze and evaluate the design of mobile user interface.

Storing, caring and sharing : examining organisational practices around material stuff in the home

Zarabi, Roshanak January 2011 (has links)
Homes are a much discussed, but little empirically examined resource for action. Material stuff at home offer resources for social, organisational and individual activities that we routinely encounter and use on an everyday basis. Yet their purposes, storing and sharing practices of use and roles in social and organisational actions are hardly touched upon within Human Computer Interaction (HCI) and Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) academic literature. As a consequence of this, there are critical gaps in understanding home organisation and management methods as a means of informing the design of novel technologies. This thesis is an examination of everyday routines in home, paying particular attention to tidying, storing, retrieving and sharing practices. To examine these practices at home, this thesis presents a combination of two qualitative studies using ethnographically oriented methods. Study one (Home’s Tidying up, Storing and Retrieving) concerns the topic of home storage in practice; investigating how householders create and use domestic storage practices and the methods used to manage their storage at home. Study two (Social Interaction around Shared Resources) concerns social interaction around shared resources, and the methods used to manage sharing practices at home. Semi-structured interviews, fieldwork observation, tour around a home, and a photo diary were undertaken to produce a ‘rich’ description of how householders collaborate in storing and sharing set of practices to manage their everyday routines. Several key finding emerged from the research, that are used to identify important implications for design of home organisational technologies, for example to support effective lightweight interactions, providing user controlled mechanism to make different levels of privacy protection for family members, offering effective awareness of family communications and notifications of the activities of other people around these organisation systems, and making available a range of flexible options for family members to access a shared resource. The thesis make the case that flexible systems should be designed allowing people to categorise things in different ways, and have the values of home asserted in technologies, considering factors such as emotion around the use of space in home organisation to make homes become the unique places that they are understood to be.

Critical analysis and evaluation of interactive and customised applications on mobile television : interactive and customised mobile television applications are evaluated using the views of consumers, advertisers, and telecommunications operators with regard to services and also assessing the usability of mobile devices

Al Sheik Salem, Omar fuad abed al whab January 2011 (has links)
The shift of media from traditional forms to new digital ones has raised the possibility of new kinds of media services, including mobile television. In today's communications market, mobile phones are of increasing importance to users and, since mobile devices are connected most of the time, they have a high degree of location independence. The availability of 3G technology and the mobile devices needed to implement mobile television are now established and available. Mobile television is expected to be an important new service that could penetrate the market place and provide new applications, as well as create a market for new players and new investments, if the appropriate price, content and philosophy for content design are found. This research explores the many potential application areas for mobile TV, with a particular focus on advertising. Various organisations that seek success in this market can utilise the potential for advertising on mobile TV. Ultimately, mobile device users are able to use mobile TV for entertainment and information sourcing. However, a number of challenging issues remain to be addressed. The features that appealed to the consumers were studied in this research. Surveys were conducted to obtain an understanding of consumers' opinions and needs regarding the mobile TV experience. Many users clearly do like to interact with video content on mobile devices. Interactive mobile TV advertising can benefit users who will be able to use an essentially 'free' mobile TV service, funded by an advertising model. This research proposes an environment for interactive advertising on mobile TV and discussion of an implementation of the proposed designs.

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