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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Efeitos da suplementação parenteral com selênio e vitamina E nos valores hemáticos e séricos de cavalos de enduro / Effects of parenteral supplementation with vitamin E and selenium in hematic and seric values of endurance horses

Etchichury, Mariano 13 December 2004 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos da suplementação parenteral com vitamina E e selênio em determinados parâmetros hemáticos e séricos usados comumente na clínica diária em cavalos de enduro. Foram utilizados seis cavalos em treinamento das raças Árabes e Anglo-árabes em um delineamento em Cross Over de dois períodos de 84 dias cada, divididos em grupos Tratamento e Controle. Não foi observado efeito de tratamento para as variáveis peso, hematócrito, contagem eritrocitária, hemoglobina, leucócitos, freqüência cardíaca, concentração de hemoglobina corpuscular média, uréia, glutationa peroxidase, creatinina lactatodesidrogenase, creatiniquinase, gammaglutamiltransferase e glutationa peroxidase. Os valores de enzimas lactatodesidrogenase e creatiniquinase em repouso ficaram muito por cima dos níveis de referência em ambos grupos. No dia 70 foi observada diferença significativa (p < 0,05) para volume corpuscular médio e hemoglobina corpuscular média, correspondendo o valor menor ao grupo tratamento. As conclusões extraídas deste estudo são: 1. A suplementação parenteral de selênio e vitamina E não influi nos parâmetros analisados em cavalos que treinam e competem em provas de até 60 km. 2. Apesar de inconstantes, os achados nos valores de volume corpuscular médio e hemoglobina corpuscular média podem sinalizar uma tendência de adaptação ao exercício destes valores hematimétricos em animais com melhor defesa antioxidante. / The aim of this study was to measure the effects of parenteral supplementation with selenium and vitamin E in predetermined hematic and serics parameters commonly used in endurance horse daily clinic. Six Arab and Anglo-Arab horses in endurance training were used in a Cross Over experimental design of two periods of 84 days each, divided in Treatment and Control groups. No treatment effects was detected for weight, packed cell volume, red blood cell count, hemoglobin, leucocytes, heart rate, mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, reduced glutathion, urea, creatinine and lactatodeshidrogenase, creatinikinase, gammaglutamiltransferase or glutathion peroxidase. The lactatedeshidrogenase and creatinikinase values were high than those used as reference in both groups. In 70\'th day was observed a statistical difference (p < 0,05) for mean corpuscular volume and mean corpuscular hemoglobin parameters, with the lowest value in the treatment group. The following conclusions were extracted from this trial: 1. A parenteral supplementation with selenium and vitamin E had no effect in the examined parameters in horses training and competing in races till 60 km. 2. Despite the inconsistence of mean corpuscular volume and mean corpuscular hemoglobin finds, this observation can indicate an exercise adaptation tendency of this hematimetric values in horses with better antioxidant defense.

Indicadores de bem-estar de linhagens de poedeiras comerciais leves alojadas em cinco densidades no sistema convencional de produção de ovos / Welfare indicators of strains of light commercial laying hens housed at five densities in the conventional system of egg production

Moraes, José Evandro de 31 August 2018 (has links)
Foram utilizadas 750 poedeiras comerciais de linhagens brancas com 23 semanas ao início do período experimental, distribuídas num delineamento em blocos completos aleatorizados sendo estes caracterizados pela oncatenação das linhagens com coluna de gaiolas; os tratamentos foram cinco densidades ou taxas de lotação na gaiola (321,43; 375; 450; 562,50 e 750 cm2/ave) com seis repetições, totalizando 150 parcelas experimentais. As dietas experimentais foram à base de milho e farelo de soja, formuladas para suprir as exigências nutricionais das linhagens em todas as fases. O desempenho produtivo e econômico foram avaliados através do peso dos ovos (g), percentagem de postura (%), massa de ovos (g/ave/dia), consumo de ração (g/ave/dia), conversão alimentar por dúzia (kg/dz) e por quilo de ovo (kg/kg). A qualidade de ovos foi avaliada através da gravidade específica (GE), unidades Haugh (UH), percentagens de gema, albúmen e casca, espessura da casca (EC), resistência à quebra (RQ), coloração da gema e índice gema (IG). O bem-estar das aves foi avaliado através de indicadores clínicos, imunológicos e fisiológicos. Para efeito da avaliação dos resultados, foram estabelecidos seis blocos com repetições internas. Os dados foram analisados com auxílio do SAS, sob modelo misto, considerando os efeitos da densidade, período e a interação entre estes, como fixos, além dos efeitos aleatórios de bloco e resíduo. Por se tratar de medidas repetidas longitudinalmente, buscou-se a melhor estrutura de covariância para cada variável. Quando adequado foi aplicado o teste de tukey-kramer para a comparação de médias (p&lt;0,05). O menor consumo de ração, CA/dz de ovos e melhor desempenho econômico, foram obtidos pela densidade 321,4 cm2/ave. Altas densidades de alojamento não influenciaram a qualidade interna de ovos, a % casca e RQ, mas essas variáveis tiveram efeitos dos períodos, com os melhores valores nos primeiros períodos. Altas densidades tiveram efeitos negativos sobre a GE e EC, principalmente no pico de postura das aves. Os ovos avaliados encontravam-se dentro dos valores desejados, mesmo nas maiores densidades, podendo ser classificados como de excelente qualidade. A densidade de alojamento não interferiru (p&gt;0,05) na avaliação clínica das aves, mas o maior espaço proporcionado nas gaiolas do sistema covencional conferiu menor freqüência de lesões nas aves, indicando promoção e melhora ao seu bem-estar geral. Dados de freqüência cardíaca e temperatura da cloaca estavam dentro dos padrões de normalidade para a espécie. Não foram observadas diferenças (p&gt;0,05) das densidades na resposta imunológica das aves, com os títulos dos anticorpos vacinais contra as doenças de Gumboro e Newcastle acima dos níveis do ponto de corte (cutoff). Os tratamentos não modificaram o perfil sanguíneo das aves e não foi possível caracterizar um padrão de corticosterona no plasma e de excreção de metabólitos fecais de glicocorticoides. A técnica de enzimoimunoensaio, empregada utilizando anticorpo primário contra corticosterona e anticorpo secundário anticoelho de cabra, foi capaz de detectar as variações nas concentrações de corticosterona nesses tecidos, contudo, o entendimento do significado desses achados ainda necessita de novas investigações. / 750 commercial laying hens of white strains aged 23 weeks at the beginning of the experimental period were used, distributed in a randomized complete block design, these being characterized by the concatenation of the strains with column of cages; the treatments were five densities or stocking rates in the cage (321,43, 375, 450, 562.50 and 750 cm2/bird) with six replications, amounting to 150 experimental plots. The experimental diets were on the basis of corn and soybean meal, formulated to meet the nutritional requirements of the strains in all the phases. Both the productive and economic performances were evaluated through the weight of the eggs (g), percentage of laying (%), egg mass (g/bird/day), feed intake (g/bird/day), feed conversion per dozen (kg/dozen) and per kg of egg (kg/kg). Egg quality was determined through specific gravity (SG), Haugh units (HU), percentages of yolk, albumen and shell, shell thickness (ST), resistance to breaking (BR), yolk coloration and yolk index (YI). The welfare of the birds was evaluated through clinical, immunological and physiological indicators. For the purpose of evaluation of the results, six blocks with internal replications were established. The data were analyzed with the aid of SAS, under a mixed model, considering the effects of density, period and the interaction between them, as fixed, in addition to the random effects of block and residue. For se tratar de measures longitudinally repeated, the best covariance structure for each variable was sought. When appropriate, the Tukey-Kramer test was used for comparison of means (p&lt;0.05). The lowest feed intake, FI/dozen of eggs and best economic performance, were obtained at the density of 321.4 cm2/bird. High housing densities did not influence the internal quality of the eggs, % shell and BR, but these variables had effects from the periods, with the best values in the early periods. High densities had negative effects on SG and ST, mainly at the laying peak of the birds. The eggs checked lie within the desired values, even at the highest densities and can be classified as of excellent quality. The housing density did not interfere (p&gt;0.05) in the clinical evaluation of the birds, but the greater space provided in the cages of the conventional system conferred a lower frequency of lesions in the birds, indicating promotion and improvement to their general welfare. Data of heart rate and cloacal temperature were within the normal limits for the species. No differences (p&gt;0.05) of the densities in the immune response of the birds, with the titers of the vaccine antibodies against Gumboro and Newcastle diseases above the cutoff levels were found. The treatments did not modify the blood profile of the birds and it was not possible to characterize a standard of plasma corticosterone and excretion of fecal metabolites of glucocorticoids, but the enzyme immunoassay technique, using primary antibody against corticosterone and secondary goat anti-rabbit antibody, was capable of detecting variations in the corticosterone concentrations in these tissues, however, the understanding of the meaning of these findings still requires further investigation.

Influência da anemia ferropriva no eletroforetrograma de hemoglobina de leitões /

Cruz, Nathan da Rocha Neves. January 2016 (has links)
Orientador: Aureo Evangelista Santana / Coorientador: Luís Guilherme de Oliveira / Banca: Marcos Augusto Alves da Silva / Banca: Márcia Ferreira da Rosa Sobreira / Resumo: A hemoglobina é uma proteína globular composta por fração protéica (cadeias de globina), fração heme onde ocorre a ligação do íon bivalente de ferro, sendo que, as globinas combinadas ajudam a tipificar as hemoglobina em Hb Adulta (Hb A), Fetal (Hb F) e Adulta 2 (Hb A2). Na deficiência de ferro, que pode culminar anemia por disfunção eritropoiética, prevalente em leitões e seres humanos, a hemoglobina pode ter alterações estruturais denominadas hemoglobinopatias. O estudo determinou a influência do ferro nos tipos de hemoglobina de leitões neonatos. Perante os resultados se verificou que hemoglobina do leitão tem corrida semelhante à humana, e nos animais que apresentaram anemia ferropriva não houve aparecimento do traçado Hb A2, que pode estar diminuída em casos de deficiência de ferro em seres humanos. / Abstract: Hemoglobin is a globular protein consisting of the protein fraction (globin chains), heme fraction which is the binding of the bivalent iron ion, and the combined globin help classify the hemoglobin in Hb Adult (Hb A), Fetal (Hb F) and Adult 2 (Hb A2). The iron deficiency can predispose anemia by erythropoietic dysfunction, prevalent in pigs and humans and the hemoglobin may have structural changes denominated hemoglobinopathies. The study determined the influence of iron to the types of hemoglobin neonate pigs. On the results was found that the pig hemoglobin is similar to human in electrophoresis. The piglets showed deficiency anemia there was appearance of line Hb A2, which may be diminished in cases of iron deficiency in humans. / Mestre

Efeitos do óxido nitroso e do tipo de ventilação sobre a lactatatemia, glicemia e hemograma, em leitões anestesiados com propofol /

Silva, Helen Roberta Amaral da. January 2016 (has links)
Orientador: Newton Nunes / Banca: Vivian Fernanda Barbosa / Banca: Roberto Thiesen / Resumo: Avaliaram-se os efeitos de diferentes concentrações do óxido nitroso (N2O) e oxigênio, sobre os índices de lactato sérico, glicemia e características do hemograma, em suínos anestesiados com propofol e mantidos em ventilação espontânea ou controlada a pressão associada ou não à PEEP. Para isso, 48 animais machos ou fêmeas, foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em seis grupos, denominados, GN10 (FiO2 a 90% e N2O a 10%), GA10 (FiO2 a 90% e ar comprimido a 10%), GN30 (FiO2 a 70% e N2O a 30%), GA30 (FiO2 a 70% e ar comprimido a 30%), GN50 (FiO2 a 50% e N2O a 50%) e GA50 (FiO2 a 50% e ar comprimido a 50%). Empregou-se, como medicação pré-anestésica azaperona (2 mg/kg por via intramuscular), indução anestésica com propofol (dose efeito) bem como manutenção anestésica (0,5 mg/kg/min). Após a intubação o traqueotubo foi acoplado ao aparelho de anestesia inalatória para fornecimento das misturas de gases preconizadas para cada grupo. Após 100 minutos da indução anestésica, foi administrado por via intravenosa rocurônio (0,6 mg/kg IV), seguido de infusão contínua (0,6 mg/kg/hora) e inciou-se a ventilação controlada a pressão (15 cmH2O). A primeira amostra sanguínea foi coletada 20 minutos decorridos da aplicação da azaperona e imediatamente antes da indução anestésica (M0). Após 40 minutos, nova amostra de sangue foi obtida (M1), seguida de mais três colheitas decorridos 100, 175 e 220 minutos da indução da anestesia, tempos estes que coincidiram com o início da ventilação mecânica (M2), i... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: This study evaluated the effects of different concentrations of nitrous oxide (N2O) and oxygen, on seric level of lactate, glycemia and hematological dynamic, in propofol-anesthetized pigs under spontaneous breathing or in pressure-controlled ventilation with or without PEEP. For this, forty eight animals, males or females, were randomly divided into six groups: GN10 (FiO2 = 90% and N2O = 10%), GA10 (FiO2 = 80% and air = 10%), GN30 (FiO2 = 70% and N2O = 30%), GA30 (FiO2 = 70% and air = 30%), GN50 (FiO2 = 50% and N2O = 50%), GA50 (FiO2 = 50% and air = 50%). Azaperone was administered (2.0 mg/kg IM) as premadication. The induction was performed with propofol at sufficient doses to endotracheal intubation and for the maintenance of anesthesia, the same anesthesic were used (0.5 mg/kg/min). After 100 minutes of the induction, were administered rocuronium (0.6 mg/kg IV) followed by continuous infusion (0.6 mg/kg/h) and started mechanical ventilation (15 cmH2O). Were coleted blood samples in the first moment (M0), twenty minutes after azaperone administration. After forty minutes new blood sample were obtained (M1), followed by three more harvest past 100, 175 and 220 minutes after anesthesia induction (M2, M3 and M4 respectively). The samples were condition in microtubes with sodium fluoride or EDTA. Repeated measures analyses of variance was the statistical method used to evaluate pair wise comparisons of mean were mode, using Tukey's procedure. A P value <0,05 was considered significant. Among the main changes were between groups and moments in HT, RBC, HGB, platelets, WBC, EOS, NS, Lymph, glucose blood and lactate / Mestre

Estudo da ocratoxina em soro sangu?neo de su?nos confinados em diferentes estados brasileiros

KRUGER, Cesar Daniel 11 February 2010 (has links)
Submitted by Sandra Pereira (srpereira@ufrrj.br) on 2016-08-05T12:02:02Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2010 - Cesar Daniel Kruger.pdf: 4305938 bytes, checksum: b0a2db06d6603a1f3b55d1c934d1f418 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-05T12:02:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2010 - Cesar Daniel Kruger.pdf: 4305938 bytes, checksum: b0a2db06d6603a1f3b55d1c934d1f418 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-02-11 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior, CAPES / Interest in fungi and the mycotoxins is enormous, not only from the scientific point of view, but also in the economic outlook. There are many problems arising from the farmer to the consumer. Low yields, deteriorating levels in commercial husbandry of animals and disease in them, changes in food, loss of sensory and nutritional characteristics, increased costs resulting from the prevention and treatment of decontamination are among some of the disorders generated by the presence of fungi and their matab?litos. Ochratoxin A occupies every day a major role in the setting of Mycotoxicology due to its importance. Many efforts have been undertaken to define the global situation of occurrence of this mycotoxin. This study focused on a set in specific areas the occurrence of this mycotoxin, which not long ago was ignored in the setting of contaminants in Brazil as well as putting into practice the methods of detection of OTA in pig serum. We collected 400 samples of blood serum from pig slaughterhouses in four different states. These samples were processed and subjected to techniques for determining liquid chromatography with high efficiency to determine concentrations of the toxin in the study. RESULTS: The mean concentration of ochratoxin A in pig blood serum samples with levels above the limit of detection was 23.729 ?g/L. CONCLUSIONS: Ochratoxin A is present in the pork produced in Brazil. All the samples surveyed were above the limit of detection and quantification. The colder climate favors the development of ochratoxin A, demonstrated the highest level of positive samples with limits above 5 ?g/L in the State of Santa Catarina (52%). The state of Mato Grosso showed the highest number of positive samples for ochratoxin A above the limit detectable by the technique used (69%). The State of Bahia showed the greatest number of samples below the detectable limit (64%). / O interesse pelos fungos e pelas micotoxinas ? enorme, n?o s? do ponto de vista cient?fico, como tamb?m sob a perspectiva econ?mica. S?o muitos os problemas gerados desde o agricultor at? o consumidor final. Baixos rendimentos da colheita, deterioramento de n?veis zoot?cnicos na produ??o comercial de animais e doen?a nos mesmos, altera??es nos alimentos, perdas de caracter?sticas sensoriais e nutricionais, aumento dos custos derivados da preven??o e do tratamento descontaminante est?o entre alguns dos transtornos gerados pela presen?a dos fungos e seus matab?litos. A ocratoxina A ocupa a cada dia um papel de destaque no cen?rio da micotoxicologia devido a sua import?ncia. Muitos esfor?os t?m sido empreendidos para se definir a situa??o mundial da ocorr?ncia desta micotoxina. Este trabalho teve como foco principal definir em algumas ?reas espec?ficas a ocorr?ncia desta micotoxina, que h? pouco tempo atr?s era ignorada dentro do cen?rio dos contaminantes nos produtos brasileiros, al?m de colocar em pr?tica a metodologia de detec??o de OTA em soro su?no. Foram coletadas 400 amostras de soro sangu?neo su?no em diferentes matadouros de quatro estados brasileiros. Estas amostras foram processadas e submetidas a t?cnicas de determina??o por cromatografia l?quida de alta efici?ncia para se determinar suas concentra??es da toxina em estudo. RESULTADOS: A concentra??o m?dia de ocratoxina A no soro sangu?neo su?no das amostras com n?veis acima do limite de detec??o foi de 23,729 ?g/L. CONCLUS?ES: A ocratoxina A est? presente no su?no produzido no Brasil. Todos os Estados pesquisados apresentaram amostras acima do limite de detec??o e quantifica??o. O clima mais frio favorece o aparecimento de ocratoxina A, demonstrado no maior n?vel de amostras positivas com limites acima de 5 ?g/L no Estado de Santa Catarina (52%). O Estado de Mato Grosso apresentou o maior n?mero de amostras positivas para ocratoxina A acima do limite detect?vel pela t?cnica utilizada (69%). O Estado da Bahia foi o que apresentou maior quantidade de amostras abaixo do limite detect?vel (64%).

Effects of anemia on periparturient cows / Efeitos da anemia em vacas periparturientes

Paiano, Renan Braga 09 March 2018 (has links)
The objectives of this study were to characterize the hematological and productive pattern during the peripartum in cows with and without anemia, as well as to evaluate the erythrogram in animals that presented metritis puerperal acute (MPA), lameness, acetonemia, increased non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) and cows with different categorization of body condition score (BCS). In study 1, 50 Holstein cows (29 multiparous and 21 primiparous) were used. Blood samples and physical examination were performed at 13 different times: 18 &#177; 3, 12 &#177; 2, 5 &#177; 1, and 2 &#177; 1 before calving, and 7, 14, 21, 30, 45 and 60 days postpartum. Erythrogram evaluations were performed, and red blood cell count (RBC), hemoglobin concentration, packed cell volum (PCV), and absolute hematimetric values of mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), mean corpuscular hemoglobin, RDW, serum concentrations of iron, betahydroxybutyrate (BHBA), AGNE and total bilirubin (TBIL) were determined for the biochemical analyzes. Anemia was classified according to hemoglobin values &lt;7 g / dL and globular volume &lt;24%. The prevalence of anemia was higher in the period 60 days postpartum affecting 18.3% of the animals, the pattern of anemia presented was normocytic, normochromic, regenerative. RBC, PCV and hemoglobin were lower (P &lt;0.05) for animals with anemia. While the animals with MPA and lameness the value of the erythrogram was very similar throughout the postpartum period. No difference was observed between the groups according to the values of NEFA, BCS and loss of BCS during the periods performed in the postpartum period. In conclusion the anemic animals presented the values of the physical examination according to the physiological limits, the anemia did not cause productive losses in the affected animals. It was not evidenced that animals with MPA and claudicants presented a greater reduction of blood crass, excluding the occurrence of inflammatory anemia, and although the prevalence of anemia increased during postpartum, it was not possible to characterize the main cause of the reduction of hematological values between the categorizations. In the second study, blood was sampled from 336 animals (252 multiparous and 84 primiparous) between 21 and 30 days in lactation (DEL) on 7 farms in the State of São Paulo with the objective of characterizing the prevalence of anemia in dairy cows, prevalence of anemia in different categorizations such as: lactation number, BCS at the time of collection, dystocia, retention of fetal membranes, mastitis, digestive problem, lameness and acetonemia, , as well as the analysis erythrogram, biochemical profile, BCS, and milk production among animals with and without anemia. In conclusion, the prevalence of anemia was low (16.3%) and no association with the categorizations performed in this study, it was not possible to characterize the cause of anemia through biochemical analysis. / Os objetivos deste estudo foi caracterizar o padrão hematológico e produtivo durante o periparto em vacas com e sem anemia, assim como avaliar o eritrograma em animais que apresentaram metrite puerperal aguda (MPA), claudicação, acetonemia, valores de ácidos graxos não esterificados aumentados (AGNE) e vacas com diferentes categorizações de escore de condição corporal (ECC). No estudo 1, foram utilizadas 50 vacas Holandesas (29 multíparas e 21 primíparas), foram realizadas colheitas sanguíneas e exame físicos em 13 momentos diferentes: 18 &#177; 3, 12 &#177; 2, 5 &#177; 1, e 2 &#177; 1 antes do parto, parto, e 7, 14, 21, 30, 45 e 60 dias após o parto. Foram realizadas avaliações do eritrograma sendo mensurado a contagem de hemácias (RBC), concentração de hemoglobina, volume globular, além dos valores hematimétricos absolutos do volume corpuscular médio (VCM), concentração hemoglobínica corpuscular média (CHCM), hemoglobina corpuscular média (HCM) e RDW, para as análises bioquímicas foram determinadas a concentração sérica de ferro, betahidróxidobutirato (BHBA), AGNE e bilirrubina total (TBIL). Anemia foi classificada de acordo com os valores de hemoglobina &lt; 7 g/dL e o volume globular &lt; 24 %. A prevalência de anemia foi maior no período 60 dias após o parto afetando 18.3% dos animais, o padrão da anemia apresentado foi normocítica, normocrômica, regenerativa. Os valores das contagens de hemácias, volume globular e hemoglobina foram menores (P &lt; 0.05) para os animais com anemia. Enquanto os animais com MPA e com claudicação, o valor do eritrograma foi muito semelhante ao longo do pós-parto. Não foi observado diferença entre os grupos de acordo com os valores de AGNE, ECC e perda de ECC durante as coletas realizadas no pós-parto. Em conclusão os animais anêmicos apresentaram os valores do exame físico de acordo com os limites fisiológicos, a anemia não provocou perdas produtivas nos animais afetados. Não foi evidenciado que animais com MPA e claudicantes apresentassem maior redução da crase sanguínea, excluindo a ocorrência de anemia inflamatória, sendo que embora a prevalência de anemia aumentasse durante o pós-parto não foi possível caracterizar a causa principal da redução dos valores hematológicos entre as categorizações realizadas. No estudo 2, foram realizadas coletas sanguíneas em 336 animais (252 multíparas e 84 primíparas) entre 21 e 30 dias em lactação (DEL) em 7 fazendas no Estado de São Paulo com objetivo de caracterizar a prevalência de anemia nos animais, prevalência de anemia em diferentes categorizações realizadas como: distocia, retenção dos anexos fetais, mastite, problema digestivo, claudicação, acetonemia, ECC no momento da coleta e número de parto, assim como a análise do eritrograma, bioquímico e ECC e produção de leite entre os animais com e sem anemia. Em conclusão a prevalência de anemia foi baixa prevalência (16.3 %) e nenhuma associação com as categorizações realizadas nesse estudo, adicionalmente não foi possível caracterizar por meio de análises bioquímicas a causa da anemia.

Variations in hematologic parameters among high-producing dairy cattle on high and low protein diets ; Effects of protein intake and stage of lactation on hematological constituents and activities of red blood cell enzymes of high-producing dairy cattle ; Hemoglobin-binding proteins (Haptoglobin-Hp) in normal healthy dairy cattle sera / Variations in hematologic parameters among high-producing dairy cattle on high and low protein diets

Esievo, King A. N. January 2011 (has links)
Typescript. / Digitized by Kansas Correctional Industries

Patient Use of Herbal Supplements in an Outpatient Hematology/Oncology Medical Clinic

Thomas, C. M., Bossaer, John B. 01 March 2012 (has links)
Primary Objective: According to the National Center for Health Statistics, many Americans use some type of vitamin or supplement. A recent study of cancer patients in the VA medical system found that a significant number of cancer patients do not mention the use of supplements to their healthcare providers. Many of these supplements were also found to interact with or compound side effects of chemotherapy regimens. The purpose of this study is to determine the incidence of cancer patients taking supplements and to determine the completeness of home medication lists in regard to vitamins or herbal supplements.

Hormonal regulation of the anticoagulant Protein S

Hughes, Qunitin William January 2008 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] Every year thousands of individuals suffer from thrombotic related complications that in some cases can be fatal and every year millions of women take some form of hormonal contraceptive. In some cases, there is a cause and effect relationship between the two as users of the combined oral contraceptive pill have an increased risk of developing a thrombotic event. Increased circulating levels of oestrogen cause a prothrombotic shift in the coagulation cascade resulting from upregulation of several procoagulant proteins and a decrease of key anticoagulant proteins. One of the most oestrogen sensitive anticoagulants is Protein S (PS), a product of the PROS1 gene. PS acts as a cofactor to activated protein C (aPC) and the PS-aPC complex serves to downregulate clot formation by deactivating the tenase and prothrombinase complexes via proteolytic cleavage of activated factors VIII and V, respectively. As such, low PS levels are associated with an increased risk of developing thrombotic disorders such as pulmonary embolism, stroke or coronary thrombosis and deep vein thrombosis. During pregnancy when oestrogen levels increase, a steady decline in PS is evident in the early weeks of gestation and continues to decrease to below the normal range in the 2nd trimester, remaining there until post-partum. In addition, reduced free and total PS levels are observed in users of the combined oral contraceptive (COC) pill that contains an oestrogen and a progestin. Interestingly, users of 3rd generation COCs have significantly greater reductions of PS than do 2nd generation COC users. The difference between the two forms is the type of progestin, not the oestrogen, which is predominantly ethinyl oestradiol in the majority of commercially available preparations. At present, a mechanism to describe the relationship between oestrogen and/or progesterone associated with the observed in vivo changes in the levels of PS has not been identified. The aim of this thesis was to define the molecular mechanisms involved in the regulation of PS expression by oestrogen and progesterone. In this study, a Combined Single-stranded conformational analysis and Heteroduplex Analysis (CSHA) iv methodology was optimised for screening both PROS1 DNA and mRNA for the detection of mutations. '...' This may explain why users of 3rd generation COCs display a greater reduction in circulating PS levels compared to 2nd generation users. To investigate potential PS interactions with other proteins that could be hormonally regulated, a yeast-2-hybrid (Y-2-H) screen was performed using the PS molecule as a 'bait' against molecules derived from liver and bone marrow cDNA libraries. A clone that contained a portion of another haemostatic protein, Protein Z (PZ) was isolated and confirmed via sequencing. As no full length PZ clones were identified, a second Y-2-H screen was performed once again using the PS molecule as bait and the PZ molecule as the fish. Interaction between the two proteins was shown to be possible via the successful growth of colonies on triple knock out selective media and by positive ß-galactosidase activity.

IgG subclass concentrations in children in health and disease / by Lorraine Joyce Beard

Beard, Lorraine Joyce January 1990 (has links)
Bibliography: leaves 287-310 / 311 leaves : / Title page, contents and abstract only. The complete thesis in print form is available from the University Library. / Thesis (M.D.)--University of Adelaide, Dept. of Paediatrics, 1991

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