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Die individuellen und gesellschaftlichen Aspekte des Lebens mit Behinderungen in Ungarn. / Lebensgeschichten von Studentinnen und Studenten mit körperlichen Behinderungen / The individual and social aspects of living with disabilities in Hungary. / Life stories of physically disabled students.Gábor, Eszter 20 February 2013 (has links)
Ungarn ist ein postkommunistisches Land, in dem für lange Jahrzehnte Armut oder Erwerbslosigkeit, verursacht durch eine Behinderung, neben anderen unerwünschten sozialen Problemen, in der Politik dethematisiert oder weitgehend ignoriert und mehr oder weniger als ´selbstverschuldet´ angesehen wurden. Menschen mit Behinderung waren und sind heute noch in Ungarn immer wieder stigmatisiert und ausgegrenzt. Die fehlende Wahrnehmung dieser Problematik und die geringe staatliche Unterstützung für Menschen mit Behinderung sowie deren Segregation im Bereich der Bildungs- und in der Beschäftigungspolitik hat in Ungarn eine lange Tradition. Dies kann man besser nachvollziehen, wenn man bedenkt, dass für Menschen mit Behinderung erst seit der politischen Transformation (1989) und besonders durch die neue Regelung im Hochschulsystem (2002) ein Zugang zum Hochschulstudium ermöglicht wurde.
In dieser biografietheoretischen Studie beschäftige ich mich mit einem bisher kaum erforschten Thema: die Lebensgeschichten und Lebenssituationen von Menschen mit einer oder mehreren körperlichen Behinderung/-en in Ungarn, die ihre Kindheit und besonders ihre Schullaufbahn vor den politischen Transformationsprozessen (1989) erlebten und denen, gerade durch das neue politische System und insbesondere durch die geänderten Bedingungen im Bildungssystem (2002), die Teilhabe an Bildung – in diesem Fall das Studieren – ermöglicht wurde. Die bisherige Schul- und Bildungsforschung, aber auch der gesellschaftliche Diskurs in Ungarn, befasste sich vorwiegend damit, den schulischen Misserfolg von Kindern mit geistigen aber auch mit körperlichen Behinderungen zu erklären. Diese neue Erscheinung – Studierende mit Behinderung –, bot sich für mich als ein neues und spannendes Forschungsfeld an. Interessant in diesem Zusammenhang ist, dass bei den Student/-innen als Defizit benannte niedrige Schulqualifikation und damit ein Grund mehr für die Stigmatisierung als ´leistungsschwache Menschen´ nicht vorhanden ist, trotzdem werden sie in Interaktionen auf ihre Behinderungen reduziert und weiterhin in der Gesellschaft diskriminiert; d. h. die Behinderung (Abweichung) bleibt als Stigma erhalten.
Im Fokus der vorliegenden Studie standen also das Verstehen der Prozesse der Stigmatisierungen und Diskriminierungen auf der individuellen und auf der gesellschaftlichen Ebene, die Problematik der institutionellen Einschränkung der Teilhabe und deren Aus- und Wechselwirkungen auf die Einzelbiografie. Von zentraler Bedeutung sind in den rekonstruierten Lebensgeschichten dieser Studie die Diskriminierungs- und Stigmatisierungsprozesse aufgrund einer Behinderung im Kontext von Selbsteinschätzung und Fremdzuschreibung (Selbstbild–Fremdbild). Diese Prozesse sind durch eigene biografische Erfahrungen sowie auf der kollektiven Ebene u. a. durch die historischen und politischen Traditionen des Landes geprägt. Anhand der Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Studie lässt sich festhalten, dass Student/-innen mit Behinderung im Laufe ihres Lebens ein sehr großes Entwicklungs- und Handlungspotenzial zeigen. Die persönlichen Leistungen werden aber von ihnen selber kaum positiv erlebt oder als solche wahrgenommen. Dies resultiert aus der Diskrepanz zwischen der Selbsteinschätzung und der Fremdzuschreibung, die auf starken Diskriminierungen in der Gesellschaft fußen und mit den fehlenden Möglichkeiten an gesellschaftlicher Partizipation (Teilhabe) einhergehen. In dieser Studie wurde dementsprechend auch danach gefragt, welche Erfahrungen zu welcher Strategie der Bearbeitung von Stigmatisierungen und Diskriminierungen aufgrund einer körperlichen Behinderung geführt haben. Dabei konnten Erfahrungs- und Handlungsmuster im Kontext der Gesamtbiografie nachvollzogen werden. So konnten nicht nur die Stigmatisierungsprozesse in gegenwärtigen Situationen in Ungarn analysiert werden, sondern auch, wie sich das Stigma-Management im Laufe des Lebens, aber auch durch die politischen und gesellschaftlichen Transformationsprozesse veränderte. Auf diese Fragen liefert die empirisch fundierte Typenbildung der vorliegenden Studie unterschiedliche Antworten. Bei den von mir konstruierten Typen der Bearbeitung der Behinderung – genauer gesagt, der Bearbeitung von Stigmatisierungen und Diskriminierungen – wird vom Einzelfall auf gleichartige Fälle geschlossen, die nach ähnlichen Regeln funktionieren. Dabei werden die Verallgemeinerungen nicht im numerischen, sondern theoretischen Sinne vorgenommen. Gerade die historische und politische Gegebenheit Ungarns verstärkte und vertiefte die Diskriminierungsprozesse gegenüber Menschen mit Behinderung, wobei die Auswirkungen der politischen und gesellschaftlichen Transformationsprozesse erst durch die Ergebnisse dieser interpretativen Studie näher betrachtet und in ihrer Komplexität besser verstanden werden können. Die Analyse beinhaltet also sowohl die Rekonstruktion des biografischen Verlaufs im persönlichen Umgang mit einer körperlichen Behinderung bzw. mit den Stigmatisierungen aufgrund einer körperlichen Behinderung; sie bezieht aber auch den gesellschaftlichen Umgang mit Behinderungen und dessen Wandel mit ein. Gesellschaft und Individuum werden dabei nicht als dualistische Gegensätze betrachtet, sondern in ihrem Wechselverhältnis und ihrer gegenseitigen Bedingtheit untersucht.
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Att finna sin unika egenart och bygga en positiv självbild för elever med utvecklingsstörning : - en fallstudie / To find an unique individuality and build a positive self-image for students with intellectual disabilities : - a case studySvensson, Maria January 2015 (has links)
I läroplanerna för grund- och grundsärskolan står att läsa om skolans uppdrag att låta varje elev finna sin unika egenart för att aktivt kunna ta del i samhället. Många lärare inom och utom särskolan bär på frågan om hur de ska möta elever med utvecklingsstörning på bästa sätt. Utifrån syftet att undersöka hur elever med utvecklingsstörning uttrycker sig kring bilden av sig själva och hur de ser på sina möjligheter att verka i samhället, samt genom arbetets frågeställning, söks efter hur elever med utvecklingsstörning beskriver bilden av sig själva och sig själva i relation till sin egen utvecklingsstörning, hur de beskriver samhällets syn på gruppen utvecklingsstörda samt hur de beskriver sin framtid som samhällsmedlemmar. Goffmans stigma-teori, tillsammans med Anonowskys KASAM, används som arbetets teoretiska ramverk. Självbilden, hur du ser på och värderar dig själv, står i nära samklang med samtidens syn på människa och samhälle. Dels formas bilden av dig själv genom reflektion över det egna jaget, dels genom interaktion med omgivningen. Vi har alla olika förutsättningar med oss in i livet som underlättar eller försvårar processen att bygga en självbild som är hållbar och ger en rättvis spegling av vår identitet. En sådan förutsättning är att ha en intellektuell funktionsnedsättning, en utvecklingsstörning. Samhällets syn på personer med utvecklingsstörning har varierat genom tiderna. Uttryck som ”sinnesslö”, ”bildbar” och ”obildbar” säger mycket om hur en tidigare samtid såg på funktionsnedsättningen. Idag förs diskussioner kring begreppet ”utvecklingsstörning”, vilka värderingar som ligger bakom och vad begreppet signalerar i ett samhällsperspektiv. Denna fallstudie bygger på en kvalitativ metod som gett möjlighet att lyfta fram nyanser, samband och underliggande värderingar. Via semistrukturerade intervjuer beskriver fyra respondenter från gymnasiesärskolan synen på sig själva och andra. Den hermeneutiska ansatsen innebär tolkning och förståelse av beskrivningar av självbild och hur den formats i skolkontexten. Särskoleklassen beskrivs som en trygg plats för lärande och byggande av vänskapsrelationer, en plats för tillhörighet och sammanhang. Tydligt blir ändå att alla fyra respondenter är medvetna om den samhälleliga stigmatisering som funktionsnedsättningen utvecklingsstörning bär på. Samtidigt är det en ljus framtidsyn, ett vanliggörande, som målas upp av respondenterna där banden till föräldrar blir allt vagare och där önskan finns om en egen bostad, familj, barn och arbete.
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Estrangeiro em uma terra estranha : racialização e estigmatização dos imigrantes haitianos em Lajeado, Rio Grande do SulDiehl, Fernando January 2017 (has links)
Esta dissertação analisa o processo de formação do estereótipo dos imigrantes haitianos no município de Lajeado, buscando descrever o papel do imigrante como um sujeito estrangeiro nas relações sociais, sendo aquele indivíduo na qual exerce funções importantes em um determinado contexto ao mesmo tempo em que é mal visto pela população local. Para compreender isso, apresenta-se as teorias migratórias para analisar a diáspora haitiana e como a partir de seu processo histórico, os haitianos buscaram na imigração, formas de identificação e ascensão social. Posteriormente demonstra-se como o Brasil tornou-se uma porta de entrada para esses imigrantes, qual foi o contexto para isso ocorrer. Adentrando então, na sua chegada ao Brasil, especificando o caso de Lajeado. Os dilemas que foram apresentados pela população local, como os acordos dos empresários e a contratação dos haitianos para a região sul do país, evento esse que ocasionou no estranhamento da população estabelecida com a chegada de um grupo estrangeiro indesejado que surge repentinamente na cidade. Esta dissertação aborda as condições que ocorrem para que grupos étnicos sejam racializados e dominados por grupos dominantes. Demonstrando como o caso dos imigrantes haitianos em ratifica que nos diversos contextos em que imigraram eles tornaram-se um grupo étnico estigmatizado e racializado. A dissertação visa enfatizar como a formação do estereótipo do imigrante haitiano na cidade ocorre a partir de dois vieses, o primeiro é que os haitianos foram racializados e o segundo foi a sua estigmatização por parte da população local estabelecida de Lajeado em suas relações sociais cotidianas. Em um primeiro momento a população local utilizou-se de categorias raciais já existentes sobre a imagem que elas têm do brasileiro negro para com os haitianos, mas a mesma foi ressignificada posteriormente através de um processo de categorização de um novo estereótipo para com esses imigrantes. Constatando que através de uma rede de fofocas de informações falsas e exageradas sobre os imigrantes haitianos foram transmitidas pela população estabelecida da cidade. Estas características dos haitianos que corroboraram para a formação do seu estereótipo na região. / This thesis analyzes the process of stereotyping of haitian immigrants in the city of Lajeado, seeking to describe the role of the immigrant as a stranger subject in social relations, being an individual in which performs important functions for a certain context at the same time that it’s bad seen by the local population. To understand this, this thesis presents migratory theories to understand the Haitian Diaspora and how from their historical process, the Haitians sought in immigration, forms of identification and social ascension. Later shown how Brazil has become a gateway for these immigrants, what was the context for this to occur. Entering then, upon their arrival in Brazil, specifying Lajeado’s case. The dilemmas presented by the local population, such as the agreements of the businessmen and the contracting of the Haitians immigrants to the southern region of the country, which caused the estrangement of the established population with the arrival of an unwanted stranger group that suddenly appears in the city. This thesis addresses the conditions that occur for ethnic groups were racialized and dominated by dominant groups. Demonstrating how the case of Haitian immigrants in Lajeado ratifies that in various contexts in which they immigrated they have been a stigmatized and racialized ethnic group. The thesis aims to emphasize how the formation of the stereotype of the Haitian immigrant in the city occurs from two biases, the first is that the Haitians were racialized and the second was their stigmatization by the established local population of Lajeado in their everyday social relations. At first, the local population used existing racial categories about the image they have of the Brazilian black people towards the Haitians, but it was late re-signified through a process of categorization of a new stereotype towards these immigrants. Noting that through a network of gossip of false and exaggerated information about Haitian immigrants were transmitted by the established population of the city. These characteristics of Haitians who corroborated to the formation of their stereotype in the region.
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”Jag skulle önska att det inte var så byråkratiskt” : En kvalitativ studie om erfarenheterna av bemötandet från socialsekreterare, ur perspektivet av en grupp personer med bipolär sjukdomSvanberg, Carolina January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur en grupp personer med bipolär sjukdom upplever att de blivit bemötta av socialsekreterare på socialtjänsten samt undersöka om det fanns något enligt dessa personer som kunde förändras i bemötandet. Den insamlade datan är från fyra fokuserade, semistrukturerade chattinterjvuer, där urvalet bestått av personer med bipolär sjukdom som har haft kontakt med socialtjänsten. Det viktigaste resultatet som framkommit från den insamlade datan i relation till syfte och frågeställningar, är att stigmatisering gentemot vissa intervjupersoner förekommer i deras möten med socialsekreterare. Dock har en del intervjupersoner också upplevt ett professionellt bemötande där en öppen dialog har funnits. Intervjupersonerna tycker att bemötandet kan förändras genom bättre lyhördhet, förberedelser, mer personlig stöttning och bättre individanpassade åtgärder. / The purpose of this study was to investigate how a group of people with bipolar disorder finds that they have been treated by social security officers in the social services and investigate if there were any things that could change in the treatment. The collected data is from four focused, semi structured, chat interviews, where the selection consisted of people with bipolar disorder who have had contact with social services. The most important result from the collected data in relation to purpose and questions is that stigmatization towards certain interviewees occurs in their meetings with social security officers. However, some interviewees have also experienced a professional response where an open dialogue has existed. Those who have been interviewed think that the response can change through better responsiveness, preparation, more personal support and better individualized actions.
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Estrangeiro em uma terra estranha : racialização e estigmatização dos imigrantes haitianos em Lajeado, Rio Grande do SulDiehl, Fernando January 2017 (has links)
Esta dissertação analisa o processo de formação do estereótipo dos imigrantes haitianos no município de Lajeado, buscando descrever o papel do imigrante como um sujeito estrangeiro nas relações sociais, sendo aquele indivíduo na qual exerce funções importantes em um determinado contexto ao mesmo tempo em que é mal visto pela população local. Para compreender isso, apresenta-se as teorias migratórias para analisar a diáspora haitiana e como a partir de seu processo histórico, os haitianos buscaram na imigração, formas de identificação e ascensão social. Posteriormente demonstra-se como o Brasil tornou-se uma porta de entrada para esses imigrantes, qual foi o contexto para isso ocorrer. Adentrando então, na sua chegada ao Brasil, especificando o caso de Lajeado. Os dilemas que foram apresentados pela população local, como os acordos dos empresários e a contratação dos haitianos para a região sul do país, evento esse que ocasionou no estranhamento da população estabelecida com a chegada de um grupo estrangeiro indesejado que surge repentinamente na cidade. Esta dissertação aborda as condições que ocorrem para que grupos étnicos sejam racializados e dominados por grupos dominantes. Demonstrando como o caso dos imigrantes haitianos em ratifica que nos diversos contextos em que imigraram eles tornaram-se um grupo étnico estigmatizado e racializado. A dissertação visa enfatizar como a formação do estereótipo do imigrante haitiano na cidade ocorre a partir de dois vieses, o primeiro é que os haitianos foram racializados e o segundo foi a sua estigmatização por parte da população local estabelecida de Lajeado em suas relações sociais cotidianas. Em um primeiro momento a população local utilizou-se de categorias raciais já existentes sobre a imagem que elas têm do brasileiro negro para com os haitianos, mas a mesma foi ressignificada posteriormente através de um processo de categorização de um novo estereótipo para com esses imigrantes. Constatando que através de uma rede de fofocas de informações falsas e exageradas sobre os imigrantes haitianos foram transmitidas pela população estabelecida da cidade. Estas características dos haitianos que corroboraram para a formação do seu estereótipo na região. / This thesis analyzes the process of stereotyping of haitian immigrants in the city of Lajeado, seeking to describe the role of the immigrant as a stranger subject in social relations, being an individual in which performs important functions for a certain context at the same time that it’s bad seen by the local population. To understand this, this thesis presents migratory theories to understand the Haitian Diaspora and how from their historical process, the Haitians sought in immigration, forms of identification and social ascension. Later shown how Brazil has become a gateway for these immigrants, what was the context for this to occur. Entering then, upon their arrival in Brazil, specifying Lajeado’s case. The dilemmas presented by the local population, such as the agreements of the businessmen and the contracting of the Haitians immigrants to the southern region of the country, which caused the estrangement of the established population with the arrival of an unwanted stranger group that suddenly appears in the city. This thesis addresses the conditions that occur for ethnic groups were racialized and dominated by dominant groups. Demonstrating how the case of Haitian immigrants in Lajeado ratifies that in various contexts in which they immigrated they have been a stigmatized and racialized ethnic group. The thesis aims to emphasize how the formation of the stereotype of the Haitian immigrant in the city occurs from two biases, the first is that the Haitians were racialized and the second was their stigmatization by the established local population of Lajeado in their everyday social relations. At first, the local population used existing racial categories about the image they have of the Brazilian black people towards the Haitians, but it was late re-signified through a process of categorization of a new stereotype towards these immigrants. Noting that through a network of gossip of false and exaggerated information about Haitian immigrants were transmitted by the established population of the city. These characteristics of Haitians who corroborated to the formation of their stereotype in the region.
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(IN) Visibilidades caleidoscópicas: a perspectiva das mulheres trans sobre o seu acesso à saúde integral / Kaleidoscopic (in)visibilities: the trans womens perspective on their access to the integral healthGrazielle Tagliamento 09 April 2012 (has links)
As mulheres trans são consideradas e tratadas como figuras abjetas, por não se enquadrarem no sistema de normas de gênero e sexualidade vigentes na sociedade. Com isso, há os processos de estigmatização e discriminação à sua identidade de gênero, produzindo a negação de seus direitos enquanto cidadãs, inclusive do direito à saúde integral. Por outro lado, recentemente foram produzidas políticas públicas voltadas a essa população, com o intuito de garantir os seus direitos humanos. Diante desse cenário, buscou-se descrever e compreender como se dá o acesso das mulheres trans aos serviços de saúde e à saúde integral no município de Curitiba, à luz das práticas sociais, individuais e programáticas envolvidas em tal processo. Para tanto, foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas, com a utilização do recurso das cenas, com sete mulheres trans residentes em Curitiba. Para a análise do material obtido, foram eleitas as cenas que mais expressavam o seu (não)acesso à saúde integral, que compuseram, posteriormente, uma narrativa sobre o percurso e vivência delas na área da saúde, tendo como pano de fundo o quadro dos direitos humanos e da vulnerabilidade, e as normas regulatórias de gênero. O exame desse material possibilitou observar que as mulheres trans têm uma trajetória na área da saúde marcada pela violação de seus direitos humanos e à saúde, demonstrando que, por mais que existam documentos que garantam esses direitos, a efetividade destes na vida cotidiana das mulheres trans esbarra em barreiras individuais, sociais e programáticas (que são permeadas e produzidas primordialmente pelas normas regulatórias de gênero), que aumentam a sua vulnerabilidade ao adoecimento. À luz das cenas e narrativas trazidas pelas mulheres trans entrevistadas e considerações apontadas, ao longo deste texto, com base no quadro teórico adotado são oferecidas na conclusão algumas recomendações para o aumento da qualidade das políticas públicas e legislação vigentes, para que assim haja um aumento na efetividade das ações pautadas nesses documentos / The trans women are considered and treated as abject beings, because they dont frame in the system of gender and sexuality norms effective in the society. With that, there are the stigmatization and discrimination processes to their gender identity, producing the denial of their rights while citizens, including the right to the integral health. On the other hand, recently, public politics turned to that population were produced, with the intention of guaranteeing their human rights. Before that, it was looked for to describe and to understand how the trans womens access to the services of health and the integral health in the municipal district of Curitiba happens, to the light of the social, individual and programmatic practices involved in this process. For so much, semi-structured interviews were accomplished, with the use of the scenes resource, with seven trans women residents in Curitiba. For the analysis of the obtained material, they were chosen the scenes that expressed more their (not) access to the integral health, which composed, later, a narrative on the course and existence of them in the health field, having as backdrop the picture of the human rights and of the vulnerability, and the regulatory norms of gender. The exam of that material made possible to observe that the trans women have a path in the health field marked by the violation of their human rights and their right to the health, demonstrating that, no matter how much documents that guarantee those rights exist, their effectiveness in the trans women\'s daily life bumps into individual, social and programmatic barriers (that are permeated and produced firstly by the regulatory norms of gender), that increase their vulnerability to the illness. To the light of the scenes and narratives brought by the trans women interviewees and of the considerations pointed along this text, with base in the adopted theoretical picture, they are offered in the conclusion some recommendations for the increase of the quality of the current public politics and legislation, so that there is an increase in the effectiveness of the actions ruled in these documents
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Territórios e territorialidades na cidade: práticas jovens na/a partir da escola pública de periferia em Juiz de Fora/MGMoreira, Jader Arierom da Silva 24 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2017-04-19T11:56:55Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-08-24 / O presente trabalho versa sobre os territórios citadinos dos jovens e suas reverberações na escola pública de periferia em Juiz de Fora, município localizado na Zona da Mata Mineira. O principal objetivo é analisar e compreender a dinâmica territorial existente entre estudantes em uma escola - como campo de análise geográfica -, reconhecendo quem são esses sujeitos produtores de territórios que se manifestam tanto na cidade, como no espaço escolar. Toma-se como base a premissa de que o movimento do(a)s jovens vai da casa até a escola e retorna à cidade, posteriormente. Fez-se uso da metodologia de pesquisa qualitativa, mesclando questionários e entrevistas semiestruturadas no diálogo com os sujeitos. O trabalho está dividido em quatro partes: a primeira problematiza a escola como um território na cidade, momento em que se destacam algumas aproximações iniciais acerca do território e seus elementos fundamentais, o poder e as fronteiras. A segunda parte aborda o conceito de bairro e suas relações territoriais cotidianas, envolvendo aspectos como as territorialidades entre e intra-bairros e dando ênfase aos processos de subalternização e estigmatização social. Já a terceira aponta os motivos que levam o(a)s estudantes jovens à escola, frisando o que é ser um(a) jovem errante e subalterno(a) na cidade contemporânea, destaca-se também como os corpos de jovens são considerados territórios e como as territorialidades que carregam consigo surgem e se relacionam na escola. Por fim, a quarta parte apresenta a relação entre as culturas de jovens envolvido(a)s na pesquisa e como se projetam para a cidade a partir do território escolar, principalmente nos eventos de futebol informal, queimada e hip-hop, momentos que permitem também uma análise das relações de classe, gênero e etnia entre jovens. Nesse sentido a escola aqui é vista como reflexo social e condição de reprodução da sociedade e contribui com o movimento dialético do par homogeneidade-heterogeneidade. / This coursework deals with the townspeople territories of young people and their reverberations in public school of the periphery in Juiz de Fora, a city in the “Zona da Mata Mineira”. The main purpose is to analyze and understand the dynamic territorial between students in a school - a geographical analysis of field - recognizing who are these territories producers that manifest as in the city, as in the school space. It is based on the premise that the youth movement goes from home to school and returns to the city, later. It was used the qualitative research methodology, combining questionnaires and semi-structured interviews in dialogue with the people. The coursework is divided into four parts: the first discusses the school as a territory in the city, a moment which some initial approaches about the territory and its fundamental elements, power and borders are highlighted. The second part approaches the concept of neighborhood and its everyday territorial relations, involving aspects such as territoriality between and intra-districts and emphasizing the subordination processes and social stigmatization. The third part points out the reasons that lead the young students to school, stressing what is to be a young wanderer and underling in the contemporary city also stands out as the young bodies are considered territories and how territoriality that carry with them arise and relate in school. Finally, the fourth part presents the relationship between the cultures of the young people involved in research and how to project for the city from the school grounds, especially in informal soccer events, dodgeball and hip-hop, moments that also allow an analysis of class, gender and ethnicity relations among the young people. In this regard the school here is seen as a social reflection and reproduction condition of society and contributes to the dialectical movement of the pair homogeneity-heterogeneity.
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"Jag tror att våra ord är ingenting" : Om hur ungdomar som deltagit i upplopp beskriver sina livsvillkor, bakgrunden till upplopp samt använder hiphop som symboliskt motståndPålsson, David January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this study is to describe and analyse how young men who have participated in a riot describe their life-situations regarding to their relations to the police, their neighbourhood, employment, the background to the riots and how they use hip-hop as a resistance to subordination. The study is conducted through three semi-structured qualitative group interviews and to some extent field studies. The theoretical points of departure are Slavoj Zizeks theory of violence, which is divided into subjective, symbolic and systemic violence, and subcultural theory. The results of the study show that the young men in their daily life are exposed to by both systemic and symbolic violence, feel secure within their neighbourhood and find themselves harassed by the police. A major finding is that the riot primarily can be understood as an act to get society conscious of their situations, while they found themselves marginalised, lacking employment and youth club. Another finding is that the hip-hop-group “Kartellen” describes how the young men experience their life-situations and that they e.g. are used as a “resistance through ritual” and to get society aware of their life conditions.
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Sociální a kulturní status digitální zábavy / Social and cultural status digital entertainmentVnouček, Petr January 2011 (has links)
This work uncovers perceptions of the Czech society concerning cultural and social role of a digital entertainment (computer games and videogames) as a relatively new interactive media form. The author tries to verify validity of a presumption that the digital entertainment is an object of a cultural stigma that was formed by combination of various factors which are closely specified in the work. According to the author, present perception of the digital entertaiment in society is formed by a media panic that repeated itself regularly in the course of history. Amongst other significant determinants one can find certain stereotypical viewes, efforts of a ruling class to sustain status quo and struggle of various social groups over cultural dominance which leads to hierarchization of cultural tastes. Suggested cultural stigmatisation of the digital entertainment probably leads to a social stigmatisation of players, who submit to social pressures and often adapt their behaviour to general tastes. Essential part of the work is formed by a research based on qualitative and quantitative data collected from teachers and gymnasium (high schools) and elementary school students. The research supports a presumption that the negative view on the digital entertainment is subject to specific generational...
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Hästunderstött socialt arbete - ett samtalsrum med potentiella möjligheter för ungdomar med självskadebeteenden och deras personalCarlsson, Catharina January 2017 (has links)
The thesis examines, through qualitative methods, the role of the horse in equine-assisted social work (EASW) as well as what facilitates or constrains the role of the horse. Specifically, should interaction be understood in the same manner regardless of which individuals that participate? The thesis is based on empirical data collected throughinterviews with eight staff members and nine female self-harming clients, aged 15–21 years, in a residential treatment facility. In addition, video recordings of the human-horse interaction of three staff members and four clients were analyzed, resulting in the additional issues addressed in a second interview. Critical dialogues between patterns and fragmentations in the narratives and video-recordings, as well as a dialogue with participants, while they were viewing videos of their own EASW sessions, led to the conclusion that adding a horse could qualitatively change therapeutic relationships. The results are presented in four articles that provide an image of the complexity of EASW. The summary chapters focus on a synthesized analysis, based on Goffman’sdramaturgical perspective and Hochschild’s emotional rules in which the concepts were applied: backstage, frontstage, impression management, stigma, emotional management, deep acting and surface acting. The analysis demonstrated that defense mechanisms are reduced when the horse is perceived as non-judgmental and therefore less intimidating. Furthermore, the analysis suggests that it is crucial that the horse is regarded as a subject, a transitional object, which can silence the inner critic and create a ‘moment of silence’ that contradicts stigmas and enablesadolescents to regulate their emotions. This leads to possibilities to be more authentic and the relationship between staff and adolescents to be perceived as more authentic. In summary, the work presented in this thesis contributes to increased knowledge about the role of the horse in opposing impression management and surface acting, depending on the high demands on staff to reach outcomes regarding communication, self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-image. The different triads consist of different liaisons, giving rise to unique combinations and the potential to avoid emotional dissonance. The quality of the relationships seems to depend on staff and clients’ attachment orientations. Keywords: Authentic, Emotional work, Equine-assisted social work, Impression management, Moment of silence, Self-harming adolescents, Stigmatization
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