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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Квестбук по Екатеринбургу: концепция путеводителя : магистерская диссертация / Questbook to Yekaterinburg: travel guide concept

Самусенко, Ю. А., Samusenko, Yu. A. January 2020 (has links)
Магистерская диссертация посвящена концепции квестбука по Екатеринбургу. К настоящему моменту на рынке путеводителей представлены квестбуки по целому ряду городов: по Москве, Санкт-Петербургу, Иркутску, Владимиру, Казани, Калининграду. Квестбук по Екатеринбургу к настоящему моменту на рынке не представлен. В работе представлен экскурс в историю появления и развития путеводителей в России и за рубежом. Кроме того, рассматриваются современные тенденции на рынке путеводителей в России и в Екатеринбурге в частности. Для разработки концепции квестбука по Екатеринбургу был осуществлен анализ рос¬сийского рынка квестбуков, определены визуальные и содержательные особенности квестбуков. В результате исследования разработаны визуально-полиграфические и структурно-содержательные особенности квестбука, был определен читательский адреc. / The master's thesis is devoted to the concept of the Yekaterinburg questbook. To date, the market of guidebooks presented questbook in a number of cities: in Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Irkutsk, Vladimir, Kazan, and Kaliningrad. The quest book for Yekaterinburg is not currently available on the market. The paper presents an excursus into the history of the appearance and development of travel guides in Russia and abroad. In addition, current trends in the travel guide market in Russia and in Yekaterinburg in particular are considered. To develop the concept of a questbook to Yekaterinburg, an analysis of the Russian market of questbooks was carried out, and the visual and content features of questbooks were determined. As a result of the research, visual and printing and structural and content features of the quest book were developed, and the reader's address was determined.


RENATO JOSE QUILICHE ALTAMIRANO 21 November 2023 (has links)
[pt] Esta dissertação apresenta uma abordagem baseada em dados para o problema de predição de desastres recorrentes em países em desenvolvimento. Métodos de aprendizado de máquina supervisionado são usados para treinar classificadores que visam prever se uma família seria afetada por ameaças climáticas recorrentes (um classificador é treinado para cada perigo natural). A abordagem desenvolvida é válida para perigos naturais recorrentes que afetam um país e permite que os gerentes de risco de desastres direcionem suas operações com mais conhecimento. Além disso, a avaliação preditiva permite que os gerentes entendam os impulsionadores dessas previsões, levando à formulação proativa de políticas e planejamento de operações para mitigar riscos e preparar comunidades para desastres recorrentes. A metodologia proposta foi aplicada ao estudo de caso do Peru, onde foram treinados classificadores para ondas de frio, inundações e deslizamentos de terra. No caso das ondas de frio, o classificador tem 73,82% de precisão. A pesquisa descobriu que famílias pobres em áreas rurais são vulneráveis a desastres relacionados a ondas de frio e precisam de intervenção humanitária proativa. Famílias vulneráveis têm infraestrutura urbana precária, incluindo trilhas, caminhos, postes de iluminação e redes de água e drenagem. O papel do seguro saúde, estado de saúde e educação é menor. Domicílios com membros doentes levam a maiores probabilidades de serem afetados por ondas de frio. Maior realização educacional do chefe da família está associada a uma menor probabilidade de ser afetado por ondas de frio. No caso das inundações, o classificador tem 82.57% de precisão. Certas condições urbanas podem tornar as famílias rurais mais suscetíveis a inundações, como acesso à água potável, postes de iluminação e redes de drenagem. Possuir um computador ou laptop diminui a probabilidade de ser afetado por inundações, enquanto possuir uma bicicleta e ser chefiado por indivíduos casados aumenta. Inundações são mais comuns em assentamentos urbanos menos desenvolvidos do que em famílias rurais isoladas. No caso dos deslizamentos de terra, o classificador tem 88.85% de precisão, e é segue uma lógica diferente do das inundações. A importância na previsão é mais uniformemente distribuída entre as características consideradas no aprendizado do classificador. Assim, o impacto de um recurso individual na previsão é pequeno. A riqueza a longo prazo parece ser mais crítica: a probabilidade de ser afetado por um deslizamento é menor para famílias com certos aparelhos e materiais domésticos de construção. Comunidades rurais são mais afetadas por deslizamentos, especialmente aquelas localizadas em altitudes mais elevadas e maiores distâncias das cidades e mercados. O impacto marginal médio da altitude é não linear. Os classificadores fornecem um método inteligente baseado em dados que economiza recursos garantindo precisão. Além disso, a pesquisa fornece diretrizes para abordar a eficiência na distribuição da ajuda, como formulações de localização da instalação e roteamento de veículos. Os resultados da pesquisa têm várias implicações gerenciais, então os autores convocam à ação gestores de risco de desastres e outros interessados relevantes. Desastres recorrentes desafiam toda a humanidade. / [en] This dissertation presents a data-driven approach to the problem of predicting recurrent disasters in developing countries. Supervised machine learning methods are used to train classifiers that aim to predict whether a household would be affected by recurrent climate threats (one classifier is trained for each natural hazard). The approach developed is valid for recurrent natural hazards affecting a country and allows disaster risk managers to target their operations with more knowledge. In addition, predictive assessment allows managers to understand the drivers of these predictions, leading to proactive policy formulation and operations planning to mitigate risks and prepare communities for recurring disasters. The proposed methodology was applied to the case study of Peru, where classifiers were trained for cold waves, floods, and landslides. In the case of cold waves, the classifier was 73.82% accurate. The research found that low-income families in rural areas are vulnerable to cold wave related disasters and need proactive humanitarian intervention. Vulnerable families have poor urban infrastructure, including footpaths, roads, lampposts, and water and drainage networks. The role of health insurance, health status, and education is minor. Households with sick members are more likely to be affected by cold waves. Higher educational attainment of the head of the household is associated with a lower probability of being affected by cold snaps.In the case of flooding, the classifier is 82.57% accurate. Certain urban conditions, such as access to drinking water, lampposts, and drainage networks, can make rural households more susceptible to flooding. Owning a computer or laptop decreases the likelihood of being affected by flooding while owning a bicycle and being headed by married individuals increases it. Flooding is more common in less developed urban settlements than isolated rural families.In the case of landslides, the classifier is 88.85% accurate and follows a different logic than that of floods. The importance of the prediction is more evenly distributed among the features considered when learning the classifier. Thus, the impact of an individual feature on the prediction is small. Long-term wealth is more critical: the probability of being affected by a landslide is lower for families with specific appliances and household building materials. Rural communities are more affected by landslides, especially those located at higher altitudes and greater distances from cities and markets. The average marginal impact of altitude is non-linear.The classifiers provide an intelligent data-driven method that saves resources by ensuring accuracy. In addition, the research provides guidelines for addressing efficiency in aid distribution, such as facility location formulations and vehicle routing.The research results have several managerial implications, so the authors call for action from disaster risk managers and other relevant stakeholders. Recurrent disasters challenge all of humanity.

基於電影拍攝手法之電影場景情緒探勘 / Emotion Discovery of Movie Content Based on Film Grammar

廖家慧, Liao, Chia Hui Unknown Date (has links)
數位化的今天,電影逐漸成為人們日常生活的一部份,電影資料的內涵式分析也成為目前重要的研究主題。透過電影拍攝手法,我們知道電影視聽覺特徵與情緒之間有密不可分的關係。因此,在本研究中,我們希望利用探勘電影視聽覺特徵與情緒的關聯來達到自動判斷電影場景的情緒。 首先,先由人工標記訓練場景的情緒,之後,我們對所有的場景擷取定義的六類特徵值。特徵值包括電影場景的顏色、燈光、影片速度、特寫鏡頭、聲音和字幕六類。最後,我們利用Mixed Media Graph演算法來探勘場景情緒與特徵值之間的關聯,達到自動判斷電影場景情緒的功能。實驗結果顯示,準確率最高可達到70%。 / Movies play an important role in our life nowadays. How to analyze the emotional content of movies becomes one of the major issues. Based on film grammar, there are many audiovisual cues in movies helpful for detecting the emotions of scenes. In this research, we investigate the discovery of the relationship between audiovisual cues and emotions of scenes and the automatic emotion annotation of scenes is achieved. First, the training scenes are labeled with the emotions manually. Second, six classes of audiovisual features are extracted from all scenes. These classes of features consist of color, light, tempo, close-up, audio, and textual. Finally, the graph-based approach, Mixed Media Graph is modified to mine the association between audiovisual features and emotions of the scenes. The experiments show that the accuracy achieves 70%.

基於形態轉換的多種表情卡通肖像 / Automatic generation of caricatures with multiple expressions using transformative approach

賴建安, Lai, Chien An Unknown Date (has links)
隨著數位影像軟、硬體裝置上進步與普及,普羅大眾對於影像的使用不僅限於日常生活之中,更隨著網路分享概念等Web技術的擴張,這些數量龐大的影像,在使用上更朝向娛樂化、趣味化及個人化的範疇。本論文提出結合影像處理中的人臉特徵分析(Facial Features Analysis)資訊以及影像內容分割(Image Content Segmentation)及影像變形轉換(Image Warping and Morphing)等技術,設計出可以將真實照片中的人臉轉換成為卡通化的肖像,供使用者於各類媒體上使用。卡通化肖像不但具有隱藏影像細節,保留部份隱私的優勢,同時又兼具充份擁有個人化特色的表徵,透過臉部動畫的參數(Facial Animation Parameters)設定,我們提出的卡通化系統更容許使用者依心情,來合成喜、怒、哀、樂等不同表情。另外,運用兩種轉描式(Rotoscoping)及圖像變形(Morphing)法,以不同的合成技巧來解決不同裝置在限定顏色及效果偏好上的各類需求。 / As the acquisition of digital images becomes more convenient, diversified applications of image collections have surfaced at a rapid pace. Not only have we witnessed the popularity of photo-sharing platforms, we have also seen strong demand for novel mechanism that offers personalized and creative entertainment in recent years. In this thesis, we proposed and implemented a personal caricature generator using transformative approaches. By combing facial feature detection, image segmentation and image warping/morphing techniques, the system is able to generate stylized caricature using only one reference image. The system can also produce multiple expressions by controlling the MPEG-4 facial animation parameters (FAP). Specifically, by referencing to various pre-drawn caricature in our database as well as feature points for mesh creation, personalized caricatures are automatically generated from the real photos using either rotoscoping or transformative approaches. The resulting caricature can be further modified to exhibit multiple facial expressions. Important issues regarding color reduction and vectorized representation of the caricature have also been discussed in this thesis.

Identification et localisation des préoccupations fonctionnelles dans un code légataire Java

El Kharraz, Amal 06 1900 (has links)
Traditionnellement, les applications orientées objets légataires intègrent différents aspects fonctionnels. Ces aspects peuvent être dispersés partout dans le code. Il existe différents types d’aspects : • des aspects qui représentent des fonctionnalités métiers ; • des aspects qui répondent à des exigences non fonctionnelles ou à d’autres considérations de conception comme la robustesse, la distribution, la sécurité, etc. Généralement, le code qui représente ces aspects chevauche plusieurs hiérarchies de classes. Plusieurs chercheurs se sont intéressés à la problématique de la modularisation de ces aspects dans le code : programmation orientée sujets, programmation orientée aspects et programmation orientée vues. Toutes ces méthodes proposent des techniques et des outils pour concevoir des applications orientées objets sous forme de composition de fragments de code qui répondent à différents aspects. La séparation des aspects dans le code a des avantages au niveau de la réutilisation et de la maintenance. Ainsi, il est important d’identifier et de localiser ces aspects dans du code légataire orienté objets. Nous nous intéressons particulièrement aux aspects fonctionnels. En supposant que le code qui répond à un aspect fonctionnel ou fonctionnalité exhibe une certaine cohésion fonctionnelle (dépendances entre les éléments), nous proposons d’identifier de telles fonctionnalités à partir du code. L’idée est d’identifier, en l’absence des paradigmes de la programmation par aspects, les techniques qui permettent l’implémentation des différents aspects fonctionnels dans un code objet. Notre approche consiste à : • identifier les techniques utilisées par les développeurs pour intégrer une fonctionnalité en l’absence des techniques orientées aspects • caractériser l’empreinte de ces techniques sur le code • et développer des outils pour identifier ces empreintes. Ainsi, nous présentons deux approches pour l’identification des fonctionnalités existantes dans du code orienté objets. La première identifie différents patrons de conception qui permettent l’intégration de ces fonctionnalités dans le code. La deuxième utilise l’analyse formelle de concepts pour identifier les fonctionnalités récurrentes dans le code. Nous expérimentons nos deux approches sur des systèmes libres orientés objets pour identifier les différentes fonctionnalités dans le code. Les résultats obtenus montrent l’efficacité de nos approches pour identifier les différentes fonctionnalités dans du code légataire orienté objets et permettent de suggérer des cas de refactorisation. / Object oriented applications integrate various functional aspects. These aspects can be scattered everywhere in the code. There are various types of aspects : • aspects which represent business functionalities ; • aspects related to non functional requirements or to design concerns such as robustness, distribution, and security. The code representing such aspects can be located in different class hierarchies. Researchers have been interested in the problem of the modularisation of these aspects and many approaches were proposed : oriented programming subjects, oriented programming Aspects and oriented programming view. These approaches offer techniques and tools for designing object oriented applications based on the composition of slices of various aspects. The main benefit of the separation of aspects is supporting reuse and maintenance. Consequently, it is well worth identifying and extracting aspects of legacy object oriented applications. Our work mainly focuses on functional aspects. Assuming that the code of a functional aspect or a feature has a functional cohesion (dependencies between elements), we suggest methods for identifying such features from the code. The idea is to identify, in the absence of any aspect oriented paradigm, the techniques used for implementing a feature in the code. Our approach consists of : • identifying techniques used by developers to integrate a feature in the absence of aspect oriented techniques • characterizing the patterns of these techniques • and developing tools to identify these patterns. We present two approaches for the identification of the existing features in the object oriented code. The first one identifies various design patterns which integrates these features in the code. The second approach uses the formal concept analysis to identify the recurring features in the code. We experiment our approaches to identify functional features in different open source object oriented applications. The results show the efficiency of our approaches in identifying various functional features in the legacy object oriented, and can some times suggest refactoring.

Návrh interaktivní naučné stezky v PP Milíčovský les a rybníky / Interactive natural trail in the Milíčovský forest and ponds natural monument

Trnka, Adam January 2011 (has links)
This master thesis is the groundwork for realization of an educational nature trail in the Natural monument Milíčovský Forest and Ponds. The theoretical part deals with the nature protection in the Czech Republic, as a part of the European Union. Moreover, the characteristics of the given area are elaborated in detail with a focus on geology, flora and fauna in this part. In the practical part, I utilised the basic information as a basis for individual panels of the educational nature trail,. The graphical layout of individual panels is attached as an apendix of the thesis. The purpose of this study is to contribute to the protection of natureal values in Natural Natural monument Milíčovský Forest and Ponds. The information provided in this study should have wider impact in the way that they improve general understanding of nature. Furthermore they should extend general knowledge about Milíčovský Forest of its visitors and simultaneously they should reinforce their positive attitude toward nature as a whole.

Contributions to the 3D city modeling : 3D polyhedral building model reconstruction from aerial images and 3D facade modeling from terrestrial 3D point cloud and images / Contributions à la modélisation 3D des villes : reconstruction 3D de modèles de bâtiments polyédriques à partir d'images aériennes et modélisation 3D de façades à partir de nuage de points 3D et d'images terrestres

Hammoudi, Karim 15 December 2011 (has links)
L'objectif principal de ce travail est le développement de recherches en modélisation 3D du bâti. En particulier, la recherche en reconstruction 3D de bâtiment est un sujet très développé depuis les années 90. Malgré tout, il paraît nécessaire de poursuivre les recherches dans cet axe étant données que les approches actuelles consacrées à la reconstruction 3D de bâtiment (bien qu'efficaces) rencontrent encore des difficultés en terme de généralisation, de cohérence et de précision. Par ailleurs, les récents développements des systèmes d'acquisitions de rues tel que les systèmes de cartographie mobile ouvrent de nouvelles perspectives d'amélioration de la modélisation des bâtiments dans le sens ou les données terrestres (très précises et résolus) peuvent être exploitées avec davantage de cohérence (en comparaison à l'aérien) pour enrichir les modèles de bâtiments au niveau des façades (la géométrie, la texture).Ainsi, des approches de modélisation aériennes et terrestres sont individuellement proposées. Au niveau aérien, nous décrivons une approche directe et dépourvu d'extraction et d'assemblage de primitives géométriques en vue de la reconstruction 3D de modèles polyédriques simples de bâtiments à partir d'un jeu d'images aériennes calibrées. Au niveau terrestre, plusieurs approches qui décrivent essentiellement un pipeline pour la modélisation 3D des façades urbaines sont proposées; à savoir, la segmentation et classification de nuage de rues urbaines, la modélisation géométrique des façades urbaines et le texturage des façades urbaines comportant des occultations causées par d'autres objets du mobilier urbains / The aim of this work is to develop research on 3D building modeling. In particular, the research in aerial-based 3D building reconstruction is a topic very developed since 1990. However, it is necessary to pursue the research since the actual approaches for 3D massive building reconstruction (although efficient) still encounter problems in generalization, coherency, accuracy. Besides, the recent developments of street acquisition systems such as Mobile Mapping Systems open new perspectives for improvements in building modeling in the sense that the terrestrial data (very dense and accurate) can be exploited with more performance (in comparison to the aerial investigation) to enrich the building models at facade level (e.g., geometry, texturing).Hence, aerial and terrestrial based building modeling approaches are individually proposed. At aerial level, we describe a direct and featureless approach for simple polyhedral building reconstruction from a set of calibrated aerial images. At terrestrial level, several approaches that essentially describe a 3D urban facade modeling pipeline are proposed, namely, the street point cloud segmentation and classification, the geometric modeling of urban facade and the occlusion-free facade texturing

Application des méthodes géophysiques à la prospection archéologique / Application of geophysical methods to the archaeological prospection

Jrad, Abir 17 January 2014 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse porte sur la recherche géophysique de la proche sub-surface appliquée aux objets et structures archéologiques. L'objectif est de définir une méthodologie d'étude géophysique de sites archéologiques dans un contexte Méditerranéen : en France et en Tunisie, ainsi que " l'empreinte géophysique " des principaux objets archéologiques. La méthode géophysique principale utilisée est la méthode magnétique. Les cartographies magnétiques obtenues sont couplées aux cartographies et mesures électromagnétiques et aux tomographies électriques (ERT) et sismiques. Ce volet de prospection sur le terrain est corrélé aux mesures magnétiques de laboratoire, permettant une meilleure contrainte des modélisations directes et synthétiques proposées pour les différents objets étudiés. Dans une première partie, la thèse se concentre sur les structures et objets archéologiques de combustion. Cette partie précise la signature magnétique de ces objets et souligne son rehaussement dû à l'effet du feu. Dans un second temps, la thèse fait porter l'analyse sur l'empreinte géophysiques des structures d'aménagement et sa variation reliée aux différents matériaux et techniques utilisés ainsi qu'aux propriétés du terrain encaissant. D'autres objets sont par la suite étudiés pour une meilleure compréhension des anomalies magnétiques potentiellement produites. La diminution de la qualité du signal magnétique et donc du rapport signal sur bruit est traité vers la fin. / This dissertation deals with the applied geophysics to archaeological objects and structures in the close subsurface. The aims are to define a geophysical methodology for the study of archeological sites in a Mediterranean context : in France and in Tunisia, and also the geophysical signature of the main archaeological features. The main geophysical method used is the magnetic method. The obtained magnetic mappings are coupled with the electromagnetic cartographies and measurements, and with the electrical tomographies (ERT) and the seismic surveys. This ground prospecting is correlated with the magnetic measurements of laboratory, allowing a better constraint of the forward and synthetic modelling, proposed for the various studied features. First, the thesis concentrates on the study of the archaeological structures of combustion. This part specifies the magnetic signature of these objects and underlines the raising owed to the effect of the fire. Secondly, this work analyzes the geophysical imprint of the building structures and its variation connected with the various materials and techniques used as well as the surrounding ground properties. Other objects are afterward studied for a better understanding of the potentially produced magnetic anomalies. Last but not least, the decrease of the quality of the magnetic signal and thus the signal-to-noise ratio, is handled.

Interprétation des signaux cérébraux pour l’autonomie des handicapés : Système de reconnaissance de mots imaginés / Cerebral signal processing for the autonomy of the handicapped : Imagery recognition system

Abdallah, Nassib 20 December 2018 (has links)
Les interfaces Cerveau Machine représentent une solution pour rétablir plusieurs fonctions comme le mouvement, la parole, etc. La construction de BCI se compose de quatre phases principales: "Collecte des données", "Prétraitement du signal", "Extraction et sélection de caractéristiques", "Classification". Dans ce rapport nous présentons un nouveau système de reconnaissance de mots imaginées basé sur une technique d’acquisition non invasive (EEG) et portable pour faciliter aux personnes ayant des handicaps spécifiques, leurs communications avec le monde extérieur. Cette thèse inclut un système nommé FEASR pour la construction d’une base de données pertinente et optimisée. Cette base a été testée avec plusieurs méthodes de classification pour obtenir un taux maximal de reconnaissance de 83.4% pour cinq mots imaginés en arabe. De plus, on discute de l’impact des algorithmes d’optimisations (Sélection des capteurs de Wernicke, Analyse en composante principale et sélection de sous bandes résultant de la décomposition en ondelette) sur les pourcentages de reconnaissance en fonction de la taille de notre base de données et de sa réduction. / The Brain Machine interfaces represent a solution to restore several human issues such as movement, speech, etc. The construction of BCI consists of four main phases: "Data Recording", "Signal preprocessing", "Extraction and Selection of Characteristics", and "Classification". In this report we present a new imagery recognition system based on a non-invasive (EEG) and portable acquisition technique to facilitate communication with the outside world for people with specific disabilities.This thesis includes a system called FEASR for the construction of a relevant and optimized database. This database has been tested with several classification methods to obtain a maximum recognition rate of 83.4% for five words imagined in Arabic. In addition, we discuss the impact of optimization algorithms (Wernicke sensor selection, principal component analysis algorithm and the selection of subbands resulting from the discrete wavelet transform decomposition) on recognition percentages according to the size of our database and its reduction.

Railway Mobility Hubs: A feature-based investment return analysis

Hidalgo González, Guillermo, Queirós, António January 2019 (has links)
While there has been considerable research regarding the role of Mobility Hubs in cities and transport networks, significant investment is required to develop these facilities. It is the correlation between investment, new users’ attraction and revenue generation that is the key for a sustainable development of Mobility Hubs and this investment must, therefore, be correctly assessed and targeted. This study aims to develop a methodology to determine the viability of investing in Mobility Hub features, weighing the investment on different Hub features and services against expected potential benefits and revenue generation, addressing the question: Can investment in Mobility Hub features be justified and, if so, which features maximize its expected positive impact? Based on a review of literature and definition of possible Hub features as variables, secondary research data was compiled to enable the analysis of expected impacts of each variable/feature in terms of new user’s attraction and revenue generation, which was then used to develop individual Net Present Value analysis of each feature. The result of these analysis demonstrates and concludes that different Hub features have the potential to generate substantially different investment outcomes, and that each feature should be analyzed individually prior to investment decision. It was also concluded by this research that the proposed assessment methodology can be used for future research on other listed Hub features, albeit with the constraint that primary data will be required when secondary research data is not available.

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