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L’impact de l’utilisation du traitement de texte sur la qualité de l’écriture d’élèves québécois du secondaireGrégoire, Pascal 03 1900 (has links)
Dans les dernières décennies, le présumé déclin de la compétence scripturale des élèves québécois a soulevé les passions. Force est d’admettre que leurs compétences sont lacunaires : tant les rapports du ministère de l’Éducation (Jalbert, 2006; Ouellet, 1984) que les études scientifiques ou gouvernementales (Bureau, 1985; Groupe DIEPE, 1995; Roberge, 1984) révèlent leur incapacité à s’approprier l’écriture. Les TIC pourraient bien faire partie de la solution : on sait pertinemment qu’elles favorisent la réussite scolaire dans certains contextes (Barayktar, 2001; Christmann & Badgett, 2003; Waxman, Lin, & Michko, 2003). Toutefois, modifient-elles le processus scriptural au point d’en faciliter l’apprentissage? Cette question constitue le cœur de l’actuel projet de recherche. Les modèles du processus d’écriture comme celui de Hayes et Flower (Flower & Hayes, 1981; Hayes, 1995; Hayes & Flower, 1980) rappellent que les TIC font partie du contexte de production; à ce titre, elles influencent autant la qualité des textes que les processus cognitifs et la motivation. Elles libèrent notamment des ressources cognitives, puisqu’elles prennent en charge certaines opérations, comme la calligraphie (Daiute, 1983). Partant, le scripteur peut se concentrer davantage sur des tâches plus complexes. Des méta-analyses (Bangert-Drowns, 1993; Goldberg, Russell, & Cook, 2003) attestent que le traitement de texte exerce un effet minime, mais statistiquement significatif sur la qualité de l’écriture. Toutefois, il est associé à des révisions en surface (Faigley & Witte, 1981; Figueredo & Varnhagen, 2006). Rares sont les projets de recherche qui explorent simultanément l’impact du traitement de texte sur plusieurs dimensions du processus scriptural; plus rares encore sont les travaux qui se sont intéressés à ce sujet depuis les années 1990. Pour pallier ce manque, cette thèse de doctorat vise à 1) mesurer l’effet des TIC sur la qualité de l’écriture; 2) décrire l’impact des TIC sur les processus cognitifs de révision et de traduction; 3) mesurer l’impact des TIC sur la motivation à écrire. Pour y arriver, nous recourons à une méthodologie mixte. D’une part, un devis de recherche quasi expérimental nous permet de comparer les scripteurs technologiques aux scripteurs traditionnels; d’autre part, une approche qualitative nous laisse accéder aux pensées et aux perceptions des utilisateurs de l’ordinateur. Les trois articles qui constituent le cœur de cette thèse rapportent les résultats relatifs à chacun des objectifs spécifiques de recherche. Dans le premier texte, nous avons mesuré les effets du traitement de texte sur la compétence scripturale. L’analyse statistique des données colligées nous a permis de dégager une amélioration des performances, strictement en orthographe d’usage. En comparaison, les élèves du groupe témoin se sont améliorés davantage en cohérence textuelle et ont mieux performé en orthographe grammaticale. Le deuxième article propose de faire la lumière sur ces résultats. Nous y étudions donc l’impact des TIC sur le processus cognitif de révision. Ce volet, basé sur une approche qualitative, recourt largement à l’observation vidéographiée. Nous y mettons d’abord en évidence le grand nombre d’erreurs commises lors des séances d’écriture technologiques; nous faisons également ressortir la sous-utilisation du vérificateur linguistique, qui pose peu de diagnostics appropriés ou qui est souvent ignoré des scripteurs. Toutefois, malgré cette sous-utilisation du traitement de texte, des entrevues de groupe font état de perceptions positives à l’égard des TIC; on leur prête des vertus certaines et elles sont jugées motivantes. Ce phénomène constitue le cœur du dernier article, au cours duquel nous tâchons de mesurer l’impact du mode d’écriture sur la motivation à écrire. Nous menons ce volet dans une perspective quantitative. La motivation des participants a été mesurée avec une échelle de motivation. L’analyse statistique des données montre que les élèves technologiques sont motivés intrinsèquement par les technologies, tandis que leurs pairs du groupe témoin sont amotivés. Lors du chapitre conclusif, nous mettons ces résultats en relation, tentant d’expliquer globalement l’impact des TIC dans le processus scriptural. Au terme de notre thèse, nous formulons des recommandations destinées aux praticiens et aux décideurs engagés dans le système éducatif. / The supposed decline of writing skills in Quebecois students’ during the last decades has raised vigorous debates. Admittedly, their competencies show deficiencies. Indeed, reports by the Ministry of Education (Jalbert, 2006; Ouellet, 1984) and research, both scientific and governmental (Bureau, 1985; Groupe DIEPE, 1995; Roberge, 1984), reveal their incapacity to appropriate the writing process. ICT might well be part of the solution : it is a well-known fact that they encourage scholastic achievement in certain contexts (Barayktar, 2001; Christmann & Badgett, 2003; Waxman, et al., 2003). However, do they modify the writing process so as to facilitate its learning? This question is at the heart of the current research project. Writing process models, such as those of Hayes and Flower (1981; 1995; 1980), remind us that ICT are a part of the Context component; as such, they influence the quality of the texts as much as cognitive processes and motivation. They unburden the cognitive process by taking on certain functions such as calligraphy (Daiute, 1983). Consequently, the writer may concentrate on more complex tasks. Meta-analyses (Bangert-Drowns, 1993; Goldberg, et al., 2003) show that the use of word processors has a small yet statistically significant effect on the quality of writing. That being said, they are mainly linked to surface changes (Faigley & Witte, 1981; Figueredo & Varnhagen, 2006). Research projects that explore the impact of word processors on the writing process and its various dimensions simultaneously are rare, even more so since the last twenty years. To satisfy this research gap, the present thesis aims at 1) measuring ICT effect upon the quality of writing; 2) describe ICT impact on the cognitive processes of translating and reviewing; 3) measure ICT impact on motivation to write. To this objective, we utilize a mixed methodology. On one hand, a quasi-experimental design allows for a comparison of technological writers to traditional writers; on the other, a qualitative approach provides access to the thoughts and perceptions of computer users. The three articles that constitute the heart of this thesis relate the results pertaining to the stated research objectives. In the first text, we measured the effects of word processing on the quality of writing. The statistical analysis of the dataset allowed us to observe an improvement in spelling, but not grammatical spelling. In comparison, students of the control group showed improvements in their texts’ logical coherence and grammatical orthography. The second article intends to shed light on these results. The impact of ICT on the cognitive processes of translating and reviewing is studied to that effect. This aspect, which is based on a qualitative approach, is largely based on video observation. First, are highlighted the many errors committed when word processing is used. Then, is underlined the poor use of spell checking tools, that oftentimes provide inappropriate diagnostics or that are simply ignored by users. However, group interviews have shown positive perceptions vis-à-vis ICT, despite their poor use. Indeed, they are considered motivating and their benefits, although recognized, do not seem to have an impact. The motivating factor is at the heart of the last article, which measures the impact of writing methods on the motivation to write. A quantitative analysis is used to that effect. The participants’ motivation was measured using a motivational scale. The statistical analysis of the dataset demonstrates that technological students are intrinsically motivated by ICT, whereas their peers of the control group are amotivated. In the concluding chapter, we put theses results in relation with one another so as to explain the impact of ICT on the writing process as a whole. Lastly, we hope to provide possible recommendations to practitioners and decision makers within the educational system.
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(Re)Defining Priorities: Teachers’ Perspectives on Supporting Diverse Learners Within a Flexible Curriculum in a High-stakes Testing AtmosphereHainer-Violand, Julia 20 November 2013 (has links)
This thesis investigates how teachers navigate Common Core State Standards, high-stakes testing, and teacher evaluation while creating their own curriculum to meet the needs of culturally and linguistically diverse students. As a former teacher, I conducted a practitioner research case study of four successful colleagues in a bilingual Pre-K-8 school in Washington, DC. When given flexibility in curriculum, teachers integrated knowledge from their relationships with students to foster a caring environment that supports learning and created their own systems of accountability by deciding what data matters. Teachers centered student engagement as what drives their curriculum and used a variety of differentiation methods based on their own “toolbox” of instructional strategies. Findings suggest a flexible curriculum model allows teachers to be curriculum makers who actively go beyond the standards to integrate knowledge from their practice and relationships with students to create curriculum that successfully supports language learners.
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Inclusion in Peacebuilding Education: Discussion of Diversity and Conflict as Learning Opportunities for Immigrant StudentsParker, Christina Ashlee 18 December 2012 (has links)
Ethnocultural minority immigrant students carry diverse histories, perspectives, and experiences, which can serve as resources for critical reflection and discussion about social conflicts. Inclusion of diverse students’ identities in the curriculum requires acknowledgement and open discussion of diversity and conflictual issues. In democratic peacebuilding education, diverse students are encouraged to express divergent points of view in open, inclusive dialogue. This ethnographic study with a critical perspective examined how three teachers in urban public elementary school classrooms with ethnocultural minority first- and second-generation immigrant students (aged 9 to 13) implemented different kinds of curriculum content and pedagogy, and how those pedagogies facilitated or impeded inclusive democratic experiences for various students. In these classrooms, peers and teachers shared similar and different cultural backgrounds and migration histories. Data included 110 classroom observations of three teachers and 75 ethnocultural minority students, six interviews with three teachers, 29 group interviews with 53 students, document analysis of ungraded student work and teachers’ planning materials, and a personal journal. Results showed how diverse students experienced and responded to implemented curriculum: when content was explicitly linked to students’ identities and experiences, opportunities for democratic peacebuilding inclusion increased. Dialogic pedagogical processes that encouraged cooperation among students strengthened the class community and invited constructive conflict education. The implicit and explicit curriculum implemented in these three diverse classrooms also shaped how students interpreted democracy in the context of multiculturalism in Canada. Teaching students as though they were all the same, and teaching curriculum content as if it were neutral and uncontestable, did not create equitable social relations. Explicit attention to conflict provided opportunities to uncover the hidden curriculum and to acknowledge structures of power and domination, creating space for development of critical consciousness. Thus culturally relevant curricula and democratic learning opportunities encouraged social and academic engagement and resulted in the inclusion of a wider range of diverse students’ voices.
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El enfoque intercultural e interdisciplinar en la enseñanza de ELE : "La Ciudad de las Bestias" (2002) de Isabel Allende.Fantechi, Giancarlo 10 1900 (has links)
Ce travail se propose de démontrer la pertinence de l’utilisation du roman La Cité des Bêtes (Isabel Allende, 2002) comme recours pédagogique dans l’enseignement de l’espagnol langue étrangère (ELE) au niveau intermédiaire (B2) et dans un contexte scolaire multiculturel. Dans ce cadre, l’enseignement d’une langue étrangère vise à l’acquisition linguistique et à l’exploration d’une culture différente afin de favoriser la découverte des valeurs de l’autre et son intégration critique, attitude indispensable en vue du développement identitaire de l’individu au sein de sociétés exposées de l’intérieur et de l’extérieur au contact entre cultures. Le roman sélectionné facilite l’accès à des thématiques interdisciplinaires au sein des programmes collégiaux du Québec et encourage une attitude d’ouverture par rapport à la découverte d’autres cultures et valeurs, dans une perspective de disponibilité au questionnement des certitudes culturelles de l’étudiant, conformément aux positions des études interculturelles contemporaines. L’appartenance de l’œuvre au courant littéraire du Réalisme magique permet aussi d’introduire l’exploration de thématiques culturelles spécifiques au monde hispanique. Après un survol de la place de l’interculturalité et de l’interdisciplinarité dans l’enseignement d’ELE, le mémoire analyse la contribution spécifique du roman sélectionné à ces dimensions, pour ensuite procéder à la présentation d’exercices orientés à la pratique et la consolidation de la connaissance grammaticale et du vocabulaire, et au développement d’une sensibilité interculturelle dans les étudiants, à travers des activités individuelles et de groupe élaborées à partir des perspectives du texte. / This research aims at demonstrating the pertinence of the utilization of the novel The City of the Beasts (Isabel Allende, 2002) as a tool for teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language (ELE) at an intermediate level (B2) and in a multicultural context. Within this frame, the teaching of a second language pursues linguistic acquisition and encourages the exploration of a different culture in order to foster the discovery of the values of the other and its critical integration. This attitude shows to be indispensable for the development of the identity of the individual within societies growingly exposed from inside and outside to interaction between cultures. The selected novel allows access to interdisciplinary connections within Quebec’s College programs and promotes an attitude of openness toward the discovery of other cultures and values, requiring availability to question the student’s own cultural presuppositions, according to the tenets of contemporary intercultural studies. The novel belongs to the literary movement of Magical Realism, which helps introduce the students to the exploration of specifically Hispanic cultural themes. After a revision of the place of interculturalism and interdisciplinarity in the teaching of ELE, the dissertation analyses the specific contribution of the selected novel to these dimensions, in order to present exercises oriented toward the practice and the consolidation of grammatical and lexical knowledge, and toward the development of an intercultural sensibility in the students, providing individual and group activities built from the perspectives that emerge from the text. / Este trabajo se propone demostrar la pertinencia del uso de la novela La Ciudad de las Bestias (Isabel Allende, 2002) como útil didáctico en la enseñanza del español lengua extranjera (ELE) de nivel intermedio (B2) en un contexto escolar multicultural. En este marco, la enseñanza de una lengua extranjera aspira a la adquisición lingüística y cuida la exploración de una cultura diferente con vistas al descubrimiento de los valores del otro y a su integración crítica, actitud indispensable para el desarrollo identitario del individuo en sociedades expuestas al contacto entre culturas desde el interior y el exterior. La novela seleccionada facilita el acceso a temáticas interdisciplinarias dentro de los currículos colegiales de Quebec y anima a una actitud de apertura hacia el descubrimiento de otras culturas y valores, en una perspectiva de disponibilidad al cuestionamiento de las certitudes culturales del aprendiente, según los planteamientos de los estudios interculturales contemporáneos. La pertenencia de la obra a la corriente literaria del Realismo mágico permite también la exploración introductoria de temáticas culturales específicas del mundo hispano. Después de revisar el lugar de la interculturalidad e interdisciplinariedad en la enseñanza de ELE, la memoria analiza el aporte específico de la novela a estas dimensiones, para luego proceder a la presentación de ejercicios orientados hacia la práctica y el refuerzo del conocimiento gramatical y léxico, y hacia el desarrollo de una sensibilidad intercultural en los estudiantes, a través de actividades individuales y de grupo elaboradas a partir de los planteamientos del texto.
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Testing the Limits of Oral Narration: A Case Study on Armenian Genocide SurvivorsZaramian, Reuben 05 January 2012 (has links)
This research discusses communication and meaning in the context of orality, using a variety of theoretical perspectives, including memory theory, media and communication theory, and semiotics. Drawing on the work of Walter Ong, it provides new insight about the characteristics and limits of oralnarration by assessing the memes, tropes, and phraseological units in the oral narrations of Armenian Genocide survivors. This research identifies a list of replicable forms of stories and oral devices that are used by the group in question; it then proposes that oral narration of non-fictional topics designed to convey historical or episodic information to others is intuitive, reactive, directed, fuzzy, and sticky. Concerns about the legitimacy and historical value of the narrations under review do not play a role in this research; instead, the focal point is the meaning embedded in the form and structure of the narrations under study.
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El enfoque intercultural e interdisciplinar en la enseñanza de ELE : "La Ciudad de las Bestias" (2002) de Isabel AllendeFantechi, Giancarlo 10 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Économie politique du développement de l’enseignement du français en Chine au niveau universitaire : entre discours et réalitésBel, David 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Description des stratégies d’enseignement dans la formation des traducteurs : le point de vue des étudiantsArana, Cristina 06 1900 (has links)
L’objectif de notre étude est de dresser un portrait, inspiré des données collectées auprès des étudiants, des stratégies d’enseignement utilisées par les professeurs de traduction.
Les stratégies d’enseignement englobent toutes les méthodes et les ressources qui, de manière organisée et planifiée, sont mises en œuvre afin d’atteindre des objectifs d’apprentissage spécifiques. Ainsi, nous parlons de simples gestes comme la disposition des tables et des chaises, du temps consacré à la présentation de la matière, de la gestion du temps pendant les discussions, des activités en groupe ou individuelles, de l’utilisation du matériel informatique, enfin, de toutes les actions prévues par l’enseignant dans le but de faciliter la construction des nouvelles connaissances chez l’étudiant.
Lors d’une séance de formation, la conception que chaque formateur a de l’enseignement est mise en évidence à travers des stratégies favorisées par l’enseignant. Cette conception, comme l’affirment Loiola et Tardif, est le résultat de théories personnelles fondées sur des connaissances générales plutôt que sur des connaissances pédagogiques. Ces connaissances générales découlent de la rétroaction entre pairs ainsi que de l’expérience en tant qu’étudiants et professionnels. En outre, l’enseignant peut concevoir l’enseignement comme un processus de transmission des connaissances ou bien une manière de guider l’étudiant vers l’apprentissage (Loiola et Tardif, 2001, p. 309). Cette conception deviendra un facteur déterminant dans sa façon d’agir comme formateur.
Bien que la recherche en pédagogie de la traduction ait beaucoup avancé, elle n’a pas encore atteint un niveau de sophistication important en ce qui concerne la recherche à l’intérieur de la salle de classe. Les études empiriques sur les stratégies d’enseignement de la traduction ne sont pas très nombreuses et celles qui existent s’appuient exclusivement sur des données recueillies auprès des enseignants. Or, comme l’affirment Smart et Etherington (1995), il peut y avoir des différences entre ce que les enseignants déclarent à propos de leurs orientations pédagogiques et la perception qu’ont les étudiants à propos de ce qui se passe dans les salles de cours. Pour cette raison, nous avons donné voix aux étudiants en réalisant des entretiens semi-dirigés. Nous avons choisi cet instrument de recherche, car il est un dispositif qui permet explorer le phénomène en profondeur, ainsi qu’un des instruments privilégiés en ce qui a trait à la recherche qualitative en éducation. L’information obtenue des interviews offre une vaste information fort utile à notre étude. / The objective of this study is to provide an overview, based on the data collected from the students, of the teaching strategies used by translation teachers. Teaching strategies include all methods and resources that are organized and planned in order to achieve specific learning objectives. Therefore, we are talking about simple gestures such as the layout of tables and chairs, the time devoted to the presentation of the content subject, the management of time during discussions, group or individual activities, the use of computer equipment. Finally, all the actions planned by the teacher in order to facilitate the construction of new knowledge in the student.
During a training session, the teaching design is highlighted through teaching strategies promoted by the teacher. This conception, according to Loiola and Tardif, is in many cases the result of personal theories based on general knowledge rather than pedagogical knowledge. This general knowledge results from peer feedback as well as from teachers’ experience as students and professionals. In addition, the teacher can conceive teaching either as a transmission process of knowledge or as a way of guiding the student to learn (Loiola and Tardif, 2001: 309), which will become a determining factor in its way of acting as a trainer.
There are few empirical studies on teaching strategies in translation, but those that do exist are based exclusively on data collected from teachers. However, as stated by Smart and Etherington (1995), there may be differences between what teachers say about their pedagogical orientations and how students perceive what happens in the classroom. For this reason, we gave voice to the students by carrying out semi-directed interviews. The information obtained from the interviews offers a wealth of useful information for our study.
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The effects of first language literacy skills on second language literacy skills for native Spanish and native English speakersWatkins-Mace, Sarah P. January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Curriculum and Instruction Programs / Michael F. Perl / It has long been believed that how well one reads and writes in his/her first language will help a learner when trying to read and write in a second language. In an attempt to explore this issue more thoroughly, the researcher administered the Spanish Idea Proficiency Test (IPT) and the English Idea Proficiency Test form 3B, along with a questionnaire obtaining specific demographic data (first semester second language grade, grade point average, gender, grade in school, number of semesters studied the second/foreign language, and the number of languages the student had studied) to 96 Kansas high school students (48 Native Spanish speakers learning English in an English as a second language environment; 48 Native English speakers learning Spanish in a foreign language setting).
First, the researcher wanted to determine if first language literacy skills, along with demographic data, predicted second language proficiency scores. Using the 5 reading subscales and the 3 writing subscales from the IPT, as well as the 6 variables from the demographic data, a multiple linear regression was run, along with regressions for each subgroup. It was determined that the 14 variables accounted for 83% of the variance.
Second, the researcher wanted to determine the nature of the relationship between first language literacy skills and second language literacy skills. To this end, several Pearson’s r were figured. While a negative relationship for the first and second language proficiency scores was found, a slight positive relationship was found between the first and second language scores for the two subgroups. Additionally, a significantly positive relationship was found for first and second language reading and writing proficiency scores for the native Spanish speakers. Also, a significant positive relationship was found for first semester second language grade and second language reading scores for native English speakers.
Third, the researcher wanted to determine if there was a difference between the two subgroups’ second language proficiency scores when controlling for the length of time studied. When an ANCOVA was conducted, there was found to a significant difference between the proficiency scores of the two subgroups, with the native Spanish speakers having a higher mean.
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In search of academic voice: the impact of instructional grouping configurations on English language learner academic language productionBrooks, Kathryn A. January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Curriculum and Instruction Programs / Linda P. Thurston / This study utilized an ecobehaviorial approach to investigate the relationship between English language learner language use in middle school content area classrooms and instructional grouping configurations. The participants in the study included 28 native Spanish-speaking students who attended urban middle schools. These students were all identified as being English language learners (ELL) in need of English as a second language support services.
This study used the Ecobehavioral System for the Complex Recording of Interactional Bilingual Environments (ESCRIBE) software to record data regarding contextual factors and ELL student behavior using 15 second momentary time sampling in mathematics, social studies, science, reading, and language arts classes. The program analyzed this data to determine conditional probabilities of various student behaviors given each contextual factor. The focus contextual factor of this study was instructional grouping configurations: whole class, small group, one-to-one, and individual instruction. The focus student academic responses included academic language production (writing, reading aloud, and talk academic), academic language reception (reading silently, student attention, and other academic), and other non-academic responses. In this study, the participants were most likely to produce academic language during small group and one-to-one instruction. They were least likely to engage in academic talk during whole class and individual instruction. If teachers want to encourage ELL students to produce academic language, they should consider using more small group and one-to-one instructional grouping configurations.
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