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Communications paradoxales et conflit intérieur : analyse de la pièce Grand-peur et misère du IIIe Reich de Bertolt BrechtBruneau, Élyse 16 April 2018 (has links)
Ce mémoire présente une analyse de l'aspect comportemental des personnages de la pièce Grand-peur et misère du Ille Reich dans le contexte sociopolitique où l'auteur BertoIt Brecht les fait évoluer, afin de mieux comprendre ce qui pousse, ou plutôt ce qui semble obliger les personnages à adopter des comportements contradictoires. Dans un premier temps, c'est grâce aux concepts empruntés à la pragmatique de la communication qu'il nous est possible de décortiquer l'ensemble des situations de communication développées dans la pièce afin de déterminer les règles, ou lois communicationnelles auxquelles doivent se soumettre les personnages. Puis, la combinaison de ces résultats nous permet de déterminer deux modèles interactionnels représentatifs de la dynamique communicationnelle adoptée entre les personnages ; deux modèles interactifs en totale opposition et ayant pour répercussion directe de déstabiliser l'ensemble du système illustré par l'oeuvre, créant ainsi un environnement dans lequel les personnages agissent et évoluent de manière paradoxale
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Från "Zigenarfrågan" 1956 till "Romers rätt" 2010 : En studie om den strukturella diskrimineringen av romer i två statliga utredningarEhsani, Iman January 2012 (has links)
This thesis will deal with the development of the situation of the Roma minority in the Swedish school system in the period between 1954 to 2010, based on two Swedish Government Official Reports of the group's situation in the Swedish schools. The study is done by the report Zigenarfrågan (SOU 1956:43) and with the report Romers rätt (SOU 2010:55). The report Romers rätt was written by the Delegation for Roma issues and gives an updated picture of the situation of Roma in the Swedish school system. The state investigation Zigenarfrågan, is also important as the latter resulted in the Roma children enrolled in Swedish schools. This work will look at the various governmental investigations by the theory used for analysis called ”structural discrimination theory”. Comparison of these two reports by structural discrimination as theory has shown that Zigenarfrågan good vision and belief in the assimilation proposals, did not lead to desired results. Instead of achieving a homogeneous school, it resulted in a discriminatory school that still lives by the principle of homogeneity. Many of the proposals made in the report Romers rätt shows that Swedish school much because of its international bonds, trying to counter the structural discrimination directed against Roma and other minorities. But the work becomes very difficult when the structural discrimination norms are deeply ingrained in society's various institutional bodies.
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Abraham Palatnik, pionnier brésilien de l’art cinétique / Abraham Palatnik, Brazilian pioneer of kinetic artBeuzard, Marjolaine 15 December 2016 (has links)
Cette recherche analyse la contribution de l’artiste brésilien Abraham Palatnik (Natal, 1928) au domaine de l’art optico-cinétique. Elle s’intéresse au contexte international de sa présentation et de sa réception critique. L’appareil cinéchromatique Azul e roxo em Primeiro movimento distingué à la Première Biennale de São Paulo en 1951, fait de lui un pionnier de l’art cinétique et de l’art technologique. A Rio de Janeiro, dans le cercle de Mario Pedrosa, il fonde un groupe avec Almir Mavignier et Ivan Serpa. La théorie de la Gestalt et l’art des fous d’Engenho de Dentro au centre de leurs discussions, les conduisent à pratiquer un « abstractionnisme sensible ». Formé à Tel Aviv en mécanique et en art plastique avant son retour au Brésil fin 1947, Palatnik met son talent d’inventeur au service de la création artistique et de ses activités industrielles. Artiste et designer, il participe aux mouvements d’avant-garde brésiliens et internationaux. Il intègre le groupe Frente en 1954. Invité à huit biennales de São Paulo jusqu’en 1969 et à la trente deuxième Biennale de Venise en 1964, la diffusion de ses œuvres est en synchronie avec celles de ses pairs « cinétistes ». Elle connaît un essor considérable durant les années 1960 en Europe, en Amérique du Sud et aux États-Unis. L’expérimentation perceptuelle, au cœur de son projet esthétique, induit une forme de participation ludique et cognitive du spectateur. Palatnik explore les propriétés des matériaux immatériels et celles contenues dans la matière. Il réinvente la peinture en utilisant la lumière artificielle, le bois de jacaranda, des objets électromécaniques ou des composés chimiques. / This research examines the contribution of the Brazilian artist Abraham Palatnik (Natal, 1928) to the optico-kinetic art. It is focused on the international context of his exhibitions and the critical reception. The kinecromatic device Azul e roxo em Primeiro movimento was granted by a presentation in the First Biennal of São Paulo in 1951, which made him a pioneer of the kinetic art and technological art. In Rio de Janeiro, in Mario Pedrosa’s circle, he builds up a group with Almir Mavignier and Ivan Serpa. The theory of Gestalt and the art of the mentally ill from Engenho de Dentro, draw into their discussions, lead them to practise an « abstractionism sensitive ». He is specialized in mechanical and in visual art in Tel Aviv before his return in Brazil later in 1947. Palatnik uses his inventor’s talent for the benefits of the artistic creation and for his industrial activities. As an artist and designer, he participates in the Brazilian and international vanguard movements. He joins the group Frente in 1954. He has been invited to São Paulo Biennal eight times until 1969 and in the thirty second Venice Biennal in 1964. The diffusion of his works in synchrony with those of his peers « kinetists », knows a considerable development during the 1960s in Europe, in South America and in the United States. The perceptual experimentation, at the inner of his aesthetic project, involves a sort of playful and cognitive participation of the spectator. Palatnik explores the properties of the abstract materials and those contained in the materiality. He reinvents the paint by using the artificial light, the wood of jacaranda, electromechanic objects or chemical compounds.
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Les obligations alimentaires à caractère international / The maintenance obligations in private international lawWidiez Rasolonomenjanahary, Gaëlle 23 October 2019 (has links)
Les règles de droit international privé applicables aux obligations alimentaires présentent trois caractéristiques principales. Primo, elles sont de source principalement internationale. Outre quelques règles de droit commun subsistantes, elles proviennent de six conventions de La Haye, d’un règlement européen, d’une convention adoptée sous l’égide des Nations-Unies et de conventions bilatérales et multilatérales. Secundo, elles s’insèrent au sein du mouvement contemporain de spécialisation de la discipline, ce qui implique un démantèlement des grandes catégories juridiques composant le statut personnel. Tertio, au carrefour de plusieurs intérêts, elles sont d’une particulière complexité. L’étude des obligations alimentaires à caractère international nous permet alors dedresser un bilan critique du droit international privé contemporain de la famille produit de manière désorganisée par la Conférence de La Haye et l’Union européenne. Bien évidemment, l’internationalisation des sources a permis des avancées certaines des méthodes du droit international privé. Parallèlement, elle a profondémentmétamorphosé la discipline en l’orientant vers la satisfaction d’intérêts politiques propres aux producteurs de normes au détriment de ses objectifs traditionnels. Prenant acte de ces observations, nous proposons un renouvellement du mode de production normative. L’amélioration des règles critiquables passe forcément par une réorganisation des rôles de l’État, de l’Union européenne et de la Conférence de La Haye dans l’élaboration du droit international privé. / The rules of Private International Law which could be applied to the maintenance obligations have three main characteristics. First of all, they are mainly from an International source. Some of the rules of International Law come from six Hague Conventions, an European regulation, a convention adopted under the United Nations’auspices, bilateral and multilateral conventions. Secondly, they take part in the discipline specialization through the contemporary movement which conclude the abolition of the main legal categories making up the personal status. Thirdly, they have a particular complexity being at the crossroad of several interests. The study of the maintenance obligations at an international scale allows us to critically asses the contemporary private international family law produced in the disorganized manner by the Hague Conference and the European Union. To be clarify it more, the internationalization of its sources allowed clear advance in the private international law methods. At the same time, it has changed the discipline fundamentally by focusing on the satisfaction of the norm setters’ political interests at the expense of its traditional goal. Taking note of these observations, we propose a renewal of the norms’ production method. Indeed, the questionable rules necessarily improve through the reorganization of the roles of the state, the European Union and the Hague Conference in the development of the private international law.
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L'importance des funérailles dans la pièce Antigone de la Grèce antique à nos joursYosefi Soran, Elnaz 25 March 2024 (has links)
Titre de l'écran-titre (visionné le 6 décembre 2023) / Cette étude propose l'analyse de la représentation de l'interdiction de l'inhumation par ordre de pouvoirs autoritaires et, plus précisément, dans la pièce d'Antigone de Sophocle et les adaptations d'Anouilh et de Brecht, et dans le roman de Dorfman. À l'aide des réflexions issues des théories de Hegel, de Freud et d'Agamben, l'objectif est de montrer les similitudes et les transformations de l'intrigue initiale et d'interroger comment le personnage d'Antigone est réapproprié et devenu pluriel par les événements historico-politiques dans les adaptations modernes. De manière plus générale, ce mémoire s'intéresse à l'interdiction des funérailles par les États et met en lumière les perspectives philosophiques et psychologiques liées à la rébellion d'Antigone dans quatre textes littéraires ayant le même thème dans un contexte social différent. Notre recherche est divisée en trois chapitres. La première porte sur le concept de théâtre politique et par une analyse de la pièce Antigone et de la situation politique de la Grèce antique, au travers d'une critique de la théorie d'Hegel sur Antigone. Le deuxième s'intéresse à la réévaluation de la Seconde Guerre mondiale basée sur le concept de traumatisme et sa théorisation par Freud, en vue d'une analyse des deux pièces Antigone d'Anouilh et de Brecht et de leurs opinions différentes sur l'adaptation de la pièce Antigone dans le contexte de la guerre. Le troisième se penche sur les diverses adaptations d'Antigone à notre époque en fonction de la situation politique spécifique de cette époque. Et à la fin, il y a une analyse du roman Les Veuves de Dorfman, selon la théorie philosophique et politique d'Agamben sur les crises résultant de gouvernements totalitaires. Comment le théâtre et la littérature peuvent-ils être les porte-parole des moments critiques d'une société et comment un texte ancien peut-il être entendu par l'adaptation de telle sorte qu'il parle de nos vies ? / This study proposes the analysis of the representation of the prohibition of burial going by the totalitarian powers to the theater and the literature, more precisely in the play of Antigone by Sophocles and the adaptations of Anouilh, Brecht and Dorfman. Using reflections from the philosophical theories of Hegel, Freud and Agamben and theories of adaptation, the objective is to demonstrate the similarities and transformations of this play and to question how the character of Antigone is reproduced and made plural by historical and political events in literary adaptations. More generally, this thesis focuses on the prohibition of funerals by the states and highlights the philosophical-psychological perspectives linked to the rebellion of Antigone in four literary texts having the same theme in a context of different social. The thesis consists of research divided into three chapters. The first deals with the concept of political theater and it is an analysis of the play Antigone and the political situation in ancient Greece, and it is a critique of Hegel's theory of Antigone. The second deals with the description of the Second World War based on the concept of trauma and Freud's theory on this subject, and it is an analysis of the two plays Antigone by Anouilh and Brecht and their differing opinions on the adaptation of the play Antigone in Atmosphere War. The third looks at the various adaptations of Antigone to our time depending on the specific political situation of that time. And at the end, there is an analysis of Dorfman's novel The Widows according to Agamben's philosophical-political theory of the resulting crises of our time in totalitarian governments. How can theater and literature be the mouthpieces of a society's critical moments and how can an ancient text be audited through adaptation in such a way that it speaks to our lives?
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The Musical Fallout of Political Activism: Government Investigations of Musicians in the United States, 1930-1960McCall, Sarah B. 08 1900 (has links)
Government investigations into the motion picture industry are well-documented, as is the widespread blacklisting that was concurrent. Not nearly so well documented are the many investigations of musicians and musical organizations which occurred during this same period. The degree to which various musicians and musical organizations were investigated varied considerably. Some warranted only passing mention, while others were rigorously questioned in formal Congressional hearings. Hanns Eisler was deported as a result of the House Committee on Un-American Activities' (HUAC) investigation into his background and activities in the United States. Leonard Bernstein, Marc Blitzstein, and Aaron Copland are but a few of the prominent composers investigated by the government for their involvement in leftist organizations. The Symphony of the Air was denied visas for a Near East tour after several orchestra members were implicated as Communists. Members of musicians' unions in New York and Los Angeles were called before HUAC hearings because of alleged infiltration by Communists into their ranks. The Metropolitan Music School of New York, led by its president-emeritus, the composer Wallingford Riegger, was the subject of a two day congressional hearing in New York City. There is no way to measure either quantitatively or qualitatively the effect of the period on the music but only the extent to which the activities affected the musicians themselves. The extraordinary paucity of published information about the treatment of the musicians during this period is put into even greater relief when compared to the thorough manner in which the other arts, notably literature and film, have been examined. This work attempts to fill this gap and shed light on a particularly dark chapter in the history of contemporary music.
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Interação solo-estrutura de grupo de edifícios com fundações superficiais em argila mole / Soilstructure interaction of a group of buildings on shallow foundations in soft clay soilsReis, Jeselay Hemetério Cordeiro dos 28 April 2000 (has links)
Neste trabalho estuda-se a interação solo-estrutura de grupo de edifícios com fundações superficiais, em maciço de solos de argila mole. O comportamento ao longo do tempo da argila mole é analisado com o modelo reológico de Kelvin. Os parâmetros do modelo são determinados através do ajuste entre as curvas recalque tempo do modelo e as curvas medidas em três prédios, construídos simultaneamente, na cidade de Santos/SP - Brasil. O estudo da interação soloestrutura entre os edifícios do grupo e o maciço de solos utilizou a metodologia de CHAMECKI (1956), onde a superestrutura é modelada como pórtico espacial elástico linear e, o solo é modelado como meio elástico estratificado conforme AOKI e LOPES (1975). Estudos paramétricos demonstram a influência da rigidez da estrutura, do efeito de grupo entre as fundações superficiais, do processo construtivo e das construções vizinhas, na configuração final dos recalques / This work presents a methodology for the soil-estructure interaction analysis of a group of buildings on shallow foundations in soft clay soils. The long term behavior of clay is modeled by Kelvins rheological model. Model parameters is evaluated by back-analysis of measured settlement time curves. The soilestructure interaction is based on CHAMECKI (1956) model, where the superstructure is modeled is a spatial elastic linear frame and, the soil is modeled is an elastic linear stratified half space according to AOKI & LOPES (1975). Parametric studies shows the influence of the superstructure stiffness, the interaction among buildings foundations, and the effect construction steps in the final settlements configuration
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A (Onto)Gênese da nação nas margens do território nacional: o projeto janarista territorial para o Amapá (1944-1956)Silva, Maura Leal da 25 June 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007-06-25 / This work has as objective to study the foundation of the Território Federal do
Amapá as purpose to the integration of this brazilian region nation and fundamentally
to demonstrate that this political autonomy meant the conquest of a brazilian identity.
How it was up to Janary Nunes as first territorial governor, the task of accomplishing
this integration, in this way he became the Amapá imaginary founder . As central
questions developed by this work, they have the images about Amazony as
conditional element to the construction of the project which originated the
amapaense territory; the administ>ration pretension of Janary Nunes in constructing
a idea of the beginning to a new territory; the janarista administration base
conditioned to the varguista ideals of development to the country; and the search in
forming the amapaense brazilian citizen as fundamental element in the construction
of the Amapá wondered. It was researched the files of the State produced during the
Janary Nunes government (1944-1956) what it was used as sources: the
newspapers of the territorial official press Amapá from this period; government
reports; IBGE sources; official correspondence; Constituent Body Anals from 1946;
books and memorials of this period / O presente trabalho objetivou estudar a criação do Território Federal do Amapá
como proposta para integração desta região à nação brasileira e, fundamentalmente
demonstrar que esta autonomia política significou a conquista de uma identidade
brasileira, até então inexistente. Como coube a Janary Nunes, na condição de
primeiro governador territorial, a tarefa de efetivar esta integração, acabou por se
tornar o imaginário fundador do Amapá. Como questões centrais desenvolvidas por
este estudo estão: a imagem sobre a Amazônia como elemento condicionante para
a construção do projeto que originou o Território amapaense; a pretensão da gestão
de Janary Nunes em construir uma idéia de começo para o novo Território; a base
da administração janarista condicionada aos ideais varguista de desenvolvimento
para o país; e a busca em formar o cidadão amapaense-brasileiro como elemento
fundamental na construção do Amapá desejado. Buscou-se pesquisar os arquivos
do Estado produzidos durante o governo de Janary Nunes (1944-1956), para tanto
foram utilizadas como fontes: os números dos jornais da imprensa oficial territorial,
AMAPÁ, desse período; relatórios de governo; fontes do IBGE; correspondências
oficiais; Anais da Assembléia Constituinte de 1946; livros e memórias da época
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Interação solo-estrutura de grupo de edifícios com fundações superficiais em argila mole / Soilstructure interaction of a group of buildings on shallow foundations in soft clay soilsJeselay Hemetério Cordeiro dos Reis 28 April 2000 (has links)
Neste trabalho estuda-se a interação solo-estrutura de grupo de edifícios com fundações superficiais, em maciço de solos de argila mole. O comportamento ao longo do tempo da argila mole é analisado com o modelo reológico de Kelvin. Os parâmetros do modelo são determinados através do ajuste entre as curvas recalque tempo do modelo e as curvas medidas em três prédios, construídos simultaneamente, na cidade de Santos/SP - Brasil. O estudo da interação soloestrutura entre os edifícios do grupo e o maciço de solos utilizou a metodologia de CHAMECKI (1956), onde a superestrutura é modelada como pórtico espacial elástico linear e, o solo é modelado como meio elástico estratificado conforme AOKI e LOPES (1975). Estudos paramétricos demonstram a influência da rigidez da estrutura, do efeito de grupo entre as fundações superficiais, do processo construtivo e das construções vizinhas, na configuração final dos recalques / This work presents a methodology for the soil-estructure interaction analysis of a group of buildings on shallow foundations in soft clay soils. The long term behavior of clay is modeled by Kelvins rheological model. Model parameters is evaluated by back-analysis of measured settlement time curves. The soilestructure interaction is based on CHAMECKI (1956) model, where the superstructure is modeled is a spatial elastic linear frame and, the soil is modeled is an elastic linear stratified half space according to AOKI & LOPES (1975). Parametric studies shows the influence of the superstructure stiffness, the interaction among buildings foundations, and the effect construction steps in the final settlements configuration
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Can research influence policy decisions? : a project evaluation of a study of the role of the Catholic Church in higher educationAngelico, Teresa, 1956- January 1999 (has links)
Abstract not available
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