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Passive revolution and the transfer of power in India and the Gold CoastLarmon, Kirsten Leigh. 10 April 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Uma alegria subversiva: o que se aprende em uma escola de samba? / A subversive expression of joy: what can one learn in a samba school?Ramalho, Simone Aparecida 07 May 2010 (has links)
Este estudo explora a intersecção entre alegria e política. Parte da tese de que a alegria e a festa são possibilidades de agenciamento de forças a favor da vida, que podem produzir combate à homogeneização de existências e linhas de resistência coletivas a um modo de viver que sufoca vitalidades. Fundamentando-se na Psicologia Política de Wilhelm Reich, analisa a trajetória da Ala Loucos pela X, do Grêmio Cultural Escola de Samba X-9 Paulistana, projeto que emerge do encontro de uma escola de samba com o campo da saúde mental, no bojo do Movimento de Luta Antimanicomial. Narra os acontecimentos que compõem a estória desse coletivo de trabalho, de 2001 a 2009, percurso no qual se evidenciam radicais transformações existenciais e socioculturais nas vidas de seus participantes. Pessoas que antes estavam confinadas a corpos deficitários destinados àqueles que recebem a designação de portadores de transtornos mentais hoje descobrem que a alegria de viver pode ser mais subversiva em seus cotidianos do que aquilo que décadas de tratamentos biomédicos puderam lhes trazer. Como recursos metodológicos, este estudo se apoia nos conceitos de alegoria e narrativa, de Walter Benjamin, e de memória coletiva, de Maurice Halbwachs. Buscando entrever pelas frestas dos grandes acontecimentos sociais, encontra no território carnavalesco, considerado por uma longa tradição de pensamento como ópio do povo, a afirmação da vida na cultura popular como alegria e resistência, fazendo pulsar forças dionisíacas e processos coletivos transformadores. Conclui que os itinerários da Ala Loucos pela X testemunham a potência transformadora da alegria e convidam a pensar que encontros com a experiência trágica e plural, nos coletivos subterrâneos que persistem na Pós-Modernidade, podem ser bons alimentos para os dilemas vividos por quem enfrenta o campo do cuidado em saúde mental na atualidade. Constata que para além do mero entretenimento, instituições como as escolas de samba constituem-se como espaços abertos na vida das cidades em que se pode aprender que o convívio com a diferença e a construção de redes de sociabilidades subversivas à ordem social vigente são politicamente possíveis / The present work intends to examine the intersection between joy and politics. It defends that joy and feast act in favor of life, for they can produce lines of collective resistance to alienating ways of life that repress vitality. They can also fight against processes that level people and their existence. Grounded on Wilhelm Reichs Political Psychology, this work analyses the trajectory of Ala Loucos pela X, one of the groups that compose X-9 Paulistana Samba School, through the point of view of the Movimento de Luta Antimanicomial (Anti-mental Hospital Fight) in Brazil. This thesis also narrates the happenings and events that compose the history of the group of people involved with the samba group mentioned above. From 2001 to 2009, such happenings and events have radically changed the lives of those involved, both socially and existentially speaking. People who had been labeled simply as insane, therefore considered as not socially capable, have found out that living happily can subvert their daily routine much more efficiently than decades of medical biomedical treatment. Concerning the theoretical methodology used, the present work is based on Walter Benjamins concepts of allegory and narrative, as well as Maurice Halbwachs concept of collective memory. Considering important social events, this thesis finds in the samba environment, commonly taken as low culture by an intellectual tradition, that joy and resistance are ways of reinforcing life in popular culture, making Dionysian forces pulse and changing collective processes. It concludes that the paths undergone by Ala Loucos pela X show how socially powerful joy may be, inviting people to think that the tragic and heterogeneous experiences, persistent in post-modern life, can help dealing with the dilemmas faced by those involved with mental health. More than just mere entertainment, samba schools are institutions in which one learns to live with diversity. They are open places in the cities, where nets of social resistance to the status quo might be produced
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張大春「新聞小說」、「歷史小說」敘事硏究. / 張大春新聞小說歷史小說敘事硏究 / Zhang Dachun 'xin wen xiao shuo', 'li shi xiao shuo' xu shi yan jiu. / Zhang Dachun xin wen xiao shuo li shi xiao shuo xu shi yan jiuJanuary 1998 (has links)
鄺可怡. / 論文(哲學碩士) -- 香港中文大學硏究院中國語言及文學學部, 1998. / 參考文獻: leaves 337-384. / 中英文提要. / Kuang Keyi. / Chapter 第一章 --- 導論 --- p.1-27 / Chapter 第一節 --- 小引 / Chapter 第二節 --- 張大春對「新聞小說」、「歷史小說」的論述 / Chapter 一、 --- 張大春「新聞小說」、「歷史小說」的硏究範圍 / Chapter 二、 --- 張大春「新聞小說」、「歷史小說」和「政治小說」 的關係 / Chapter 1. --- 論者對張大春「政治小說」的討論 / Chapter 2. --- 張大春對「政治小說」評論的回應 / Chapter 三、 --- 張大春對「小說」和「新聞」、「歷史」關係的論述 / Chapter 第三節 --- 張大春有關小說敘事形式的討論 / Chapter 一、 --- 強調小說敘事形式的實驗 / Chapter 二、 --- 小說敘事形式的主張 / Chapter 1. --- 展現小說「敘述」本身的價値 / Chapter 2. --- 從傳統敘事形式的破壞改變讀者的期待閾 / Chapter 第四節 --- 張大春「新聞小說」、「歷史小說」及敘事形式的 評價 / Chapter 一、 --- 論者對張大春「新聞小說」、「歷史小說」的評價 / Chapter 二、 --- 論者對張大春敘事手法的評價 / Chapter 第五節 --- 小結 / Chapter 第二章 --- 本文硏究目的和方法 --- p.28-37 / Chapter 第一節 --- 本文硏究目的 / Chapter 第二節 --- 本文硏究方法 / Chapter 一、 --- 從小說的敘事結構探討小說主題 / Chapter 二、 --- 「敘事學」以及其他理論的配合運用 / Chapter 1. --- 敘事學理論框架的應用 / Chapter 2. --- 敘事學的局限以及其他理論的配合運用 / Chapter 三、 --- 文献資料的應用 / Chapter 第三章 --- 張大春「新聞小說」和「歷史小說」的主題脈絡及 寫作背景 --- p.38-59 / Chapter 第一節 --- 「解嚴」前後台灣社會的急劇轉變 / Chapter 一、 --- 政治:「解嚴」帶來的急劇變化 / Chapter 1. --- 「解嚴」以前的政治氛圍(1986-87) / Chapter 2. --- 「解嚴」初年的政治氛圍(1987-90) / Chapter 二、 --- 社會:權力中心的挑戰 / Chapter 1. --- 「解嚴」前後台灣社會的綜合分析 / Chapter 2. --- 台灣社會「傳媒」角色的改變 / Chapter 第二節 --- 張大春「新聞小說」、「歷史小說」的主題脈絡及對 台灣社會的回應 / Chapter 一、 --- 張大春對文學與社會關係的討論 / Chapter 1. --- 文學對社會、政治的影響力 / Chapter 2. --- 文學面對傳播媒體的發展 / Chapter 二、 --- 張大春「新聞小說」、「歷史小說」對台灣社會的 回應 / Chapter 1. --- 張大春「新聞小說」、「歷史小說」與社會關係的 討論 / Chapter 2. --- 張大春「新聞小說」、「歷史小說」兩大主題脈絡 / Chapter (i) --- 宣告一切敘述的虛構性 / Chapter (ii) --- 以小說「介入」現實 / Chapter 第四章 --- 張大春「新聞小說」、「歷史小說」敘述元素的綜合 比較和分析 --- p.60-77 / Chapter 第一節 --- 敘述者 / Chapter 第二節 --- 聚焦 / Chapter 第三節 --- 敘述層次 / Chapter 第四節 --- 敘述時間和敘事時間 / Chapter 一、 --- 敘述時間 / Chapter 二、 --- 時間序列 / Chapter 第五節 --- 小結 / Chapter 第五章 --- 〈印巴茲共和國事件錄〉對客觀「呈現」的探討 --- p.78-97 / Chapter 第一節 --- 小引 / Chapter 第二節 --- 〈印巴茲共和國事件錄 〉 對客觀「呈現」的模式 / Chapter 一、 --- 〈印巴茲共和國事件錄〉的「事件敘事」 / Chapter 1. --- 敘事信息量增多 / Chapter 2. --- 敘事者減低介入程度 / Chapter 二、 --- 〈印巴茲共和國事件錄〉的「言語敘事」 / Chapter 第三節 --- 敘事學以外其他元素的運用 / Chapter 一、 --- 新聞報導形式的借用 / Chapter 二、 --- 社會科學的分析架構 / Chapter 第四節 --- 〈印巴茲共和國事件錄 〉對客觀「呈現」敘事模式的 反省 / Chapter 一、 --- 敘事者道破寫作題旨 / Chapter 二、 --- 諧擬「菲律賓政變」的新聞報導 / Chapter 第五節 --- 小結 / Chapter 第六章 --- 〈 將軍碑 〉 從敘事時間的設計質疑歷史書寫 --- p.98-131 / Chapter 第一節 --- 小引 / Chapter 第二節 --- 〈將軍碑〉的敘事時間分析 / Chapter 一、 --- 序列:時間倒錯的淡化 / Chapter 1. --- 小說單元部份的分析 / Chapter 2. --- 小說的整體時間分析 / Chapter 二、 --- 時距:小說的敘事「快板」 / Chapter 1. --- 從敘事學角度的分析 / Chapter 2. --- 影響敘事速度的其他小說元素 / Chapter (i) --- 張大春所言「人物角色意志的速度感」 / Chapter (ii) --- 〈將軍碑〉裡人物角色意志與小說敘述速度的關係 / Chapter 三、 --- 頻率 / Chapter 第三節 --- 〈將軍碑〉與「魔幻現實主義」小說「似是而非」的 關係 / Chapter 第四節 --- 〈將軍碑〉 敘事時間的處理對歷史書寫的質疑 / Chapter 一、 --- 〈將軍碑〉對直線發展時間觀念的破壞 / Chapter 二、 --- 〈將軍碑〉對因果邏輯的破壞 / Chapter 第五節 --- 小結 / Chapter 第七章 --- 〈大說謊家〉敘述者以及敘述交流模式的探討 --- p.132-169 / Chapter 第一節 --- 小引 / Chapter 第二節 --- 《大說謊家》敘述者的基本分析及與「後設小說」的 關係 / Chapter 一、 --- 全知敘述者的顛覆 / Chapter 二、 --- 顯露敘述者的超越 / Chapter 三、 --- 無信無不信的敘述者 / Chapter 第三節 --- 《大說謊家》對傳統敘述交流模式的改變 / Chapter 一、 --- 《大說謊家》的敘述交流情況 / Chapter 二、 --- 《大說謊家》敘述者以外各種干擾的聲音 / Chapter 1. --- 指涉現實世界的「本文作者」 / Chapter 2. --- 指涉現實世界的「編者」 / Chapter 3. --- 指涉現實世界的「本文讀者」 / Chapter 第四節 --- 小結 / Chapter 第八章 --- 《沒人寫信給上校》的敘述層次分析 --- p.170-199 / Chapter 第一節 --- 小引 / Chapter 第二節 --- 《沒人寫信給上校》外、內敘述層次分析 / Chapter 一、 --- 敘述外層 / Chapter 二、 --- 敘述內層 / Chapter 第三節 --- 《沒人寫信給上校》的「換層敘述」及對後設小說的 轉化 / Chapter 一、 --- 小說中換層敘述的分析 / Chapter 二、 --- 小說的換層敘述對後設小說的轉化 / Chapter 第四節 --- 小說從「敘述層次」的設計回應新聞事件 / Chapter 一、 --- 「正文合倂註釋」的敘述層 / Chapter 二、 --- 換層敘述下既超然又局限的敘事者 / Chapter 三、 --- 「向心的」換層敘述 / Chapter 第五節 --- 小結 / Chapter 第九章 --- 《撒謊的信徒》從聚焦設計表現對現實隱價 --- p.200-240 / Chapter 第一節 --- 小引 / Chapter 第二節 --- 《撒謊的信徒》的聚焦分析 / Chapter 一、 --- 敘述者一外聚焦者 / Chapter 二、 --- 受聚焦者兼內聚焦者:李政男 / Chapter 三、 --- 受聚焦者 / Chapter 1. --- 不參與故事發展的受聚焦者 / Chapter 2. --- 參與故事發展的受聚焦者 / Chapter 第三節 --- 《撒謊的信徒》聚焦方式的設計與評價關係 / Chapter 一、 --- 聚焦者觀點之間的落差 / Chapter 二、 --- 「人物一受聚焦者」的並置比對 / Chapter 1. --- 不參與故事發展的「人物一受聚焦者」 / Chapter 2. --- 參與故事發展的「人物一受聚焦者」 / Chapter 第四節 --- 小結 / Chapter 第十章 --- 總論 --- p.241-255 / Chapter 第一節 --- 小引 / Chapter 第二節 --- 張大春「新聞小說」和「歷史小說」的評價 / Chapter 一、 --- 從「上下求索」到「不假外求」的敘事形式探索 / Chapter 二、 --- 小說寫作與閱讀層面的開拓 / Chapter 第三節 --- 本文硏究方法的檢討 / Chapter 一、 --- 「敘事學」轉化運用的試驗 / Chapter 二、 --- 整體硏究方法的回顧 / Chapter 第四節 --- 結語 / 附錄 --- p.256-336 / Chapter 一、 --- 本文敘事學理論框架的設定 / Chapter 二、 --- 凱南《敘事虛構作品:當代詩學》硏究對象資料整理 / Chapter 三、 --- 《大說謊家》第一章新聞元素與《中國時報》 報導比較 / Chapter 四、 --- 《沒人寫信給上校》小說人物與現實對應關係 / Chapter 五、 --- 《沒人寫信給上校》故事事件時間序列 / Chapter 六、 --- 「尹淸楓命案」新聞資料整理 / Chapter 七、 --- 《撒謊的信徒》故事人物與現實對應關係 / Chapter 八、 --- 小說人物李政男與李登輝比較 / 《撒謊的信徒》故事事件時間序列 / 參考書目 --- p.337-384
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Uma alegria subversiva: o que se aprende em uma escola de samba? / A subversive expression of joy: what can one learn in a samba school?Simone Aparecida Ramalho 07 May 2010 (has links)
Este estudo explora a intersecção entre alegria e política. Parte da tese de que a alegria e a festa são possibilidades de agenciamento de forças a favor da vida, que podem produzir combate à homogeneização de existências e linhas de resistência coletivas a um modo de viver que sufoca vitalidades. Fundamentando-se na Psicologia Política de Wilhelm Reich, analisa a trajetória da Ala Loucos pela X, do Grêmio Cultural Escola de Samba X-9 Paulistana, projeto que emerge do encontro de uma escola de samba com o campo da saúde mental, no bojo do Movimento de Luta Antimanicomial. Narra os acontecimentos que compõem a estória desse coletivo de trabalho, de 2001 a 2009, percurso no qual se evidenciam radicais transformações existenciais e socioculturais nas vidas de seus participantes. Pessoas que antes estavam confinadas a corpos deficitários destinados àqueles que recebem a designação de portadores de transtornos mentais hoje descobrem que a alegria de viver pode ser mais subversiva em seus cotidianos do que aquilo que décadas de tratamentos biomédicos puderam lhes trazer. Como recursos metodológicos, este estudo se apoia nos conceitos de alegoria e narrativa, de Walter Benjamin, e de memória coletiva, de Maurice Halbwachs. Buscando entrever pelas frestas dos grandes acontecimentos sociais, encontra no território carnavalesco, considerado por uma longa tradição de pensamento como ópio do povo, a afirmação da vida na cultura popular como alegria e resistência, fazendo pulsar forças dionisíacas e processos coletivos transformadores. Conclui que os itinerários da Ala Loucos pela X testemunham a potência transformadora da alegria e convidam a pensar que encontros com a experiência trágica e plural, nos coletivos subterrâneos que persistem na Pós-Modernidade, podem ser bons alimentos para os dilemas vividos por quem enfrenta o campo do cuidado em saúde mental na atualidade. Constata que para além do mero entretenimento, instituições como as escolas de samba constituem-se como espaços abertos na vida das cidades em que se pode aprender que o convívio com a diferença e a construção de redes de sociabilidades subversivas à ordem social vigente são politicamente possíveis / The present work intends to examine the intersection between joy and politics. It defends that joy and feast act in favor of life, for they can produce lines of collective resistance to alienating ways of life that repress vitality. They can also fight against processes that level people and their existence. Grounded on Wilhelm Reichs Political Psychology, this work analyses the trajectory of Ala Loucos pela X, one of the groups that compose X-9 Paulistana Samba School, through the point of view of the Movimento de Luta Antimanicomial (Anti-mental Hospital Fight) in Brazil. This thesis also narrates the happenings and events that compose the history of the group of people involved with the samba group mentioned above. From 2001 to 2009, such happenings and events have radically changed the lives of those involved, both socially and existentially speaking. People who had been labeled simply as insane, therefore considered as not socially capable, have found out that living happily can subvert their daily routine much more efficiently than decades of medical biomedical treatment. Concerning the theoretical methodology used, the present work is based on Walter Benjamins concepts of allegory and narrative, as well as Maurice Halbwachs concept of collective memory. Considering important social events, this thesis finds in the samba environment, commonly taken as low culture by an intellectual tradition, that joy and resistance are ways of reinforcing life in popular culture, making Dionysian forces pulse and changing collective processes. It concludes that the paths undergone by Ala Loucos pela X show how socially powerful joy may be, inviting people to think that the tragic and heterogeneous experiences, persistent in post-modern life, can help dealing with the dilemmas faced by those involved with mental health. More than just mere entertainment, samba schools are institutions in which one learns to live with diversity. They are open places in the cities, where nets of social resistance to the status quo might be produced
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Verticalização e modernidade: São Paulo 1940-1957Okano, Tais Lie 01 October 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007-10-01 / Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo / The present work discusses the vertical growth in São Paulo and the constitution of Modernity. The analysis has focus in the period of 1940 and 1957, entering many aspects: economics, politics, culturals and suitable legislations to the process of the city vertical growth. This process contributed for the establishment of the metropolis, certifying the technological and productive capacity to it, the intensity of the industrial activity. Through the system organization and the analysis of this work studied object, the part of the buildings constructed with elevator between 1940 and 1957, three sub periods in the São Paulo vertical growth were characterized in the transition from eclectic buildings till modern architecture which will dominate after the 50s. / O presente trabalho estuda a Verticalização em São Paulo e a constituição da Modernidade. A análise tem foco no período de 1940 a 1957, levantando-se aspectos econômicos, políticos, culturais e legislação pertinente ao processo de Verticalização da cidade. Esse processo contribuiu para a formação da metrópole, lhe atestado a capacidade tecnológica e produtiva, a intensidade da atividade industrial.
Através da sistematização e da análise de parte dos edifícios construídos com elevador de 1940 a 1957, objeto de estudo deste trabalho, foram caracterizados três subperíodos na Verticalização de São Paulo, da transição dos edifícios ecléticos até a arquitetura moderna que passa a predominar a partir da década de 50.
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The letters of Conrad Aiken and Malcolm LowrySugars, Cynthia Conchita January 1988 (has links)
The fascinating relationship between Conrad Aiken (1889-1973) and Malcolm Lowry (1909-1957) has formed the subject of a number of critical studies and fictional treatments. The study of this relationship is of value both for its biographical interest and literary significance, particularly in terms of the literary influence of one writer upon the other. Through Aiken and Lowry's entertaining and extremely articulate correspondence, one has access to what is possibly the most intimate view of this relationship available to date. Although a number of these letters have been previously published, often in incomplete form, In Selected Letters of Conrad Aiken ed. Joseph Killorin, and Selected Letters of Malcolm Lowry eds. Harvey Breit and Margerie Bonner Lowry, three-quarters of the letters have remained unpublished. This volume provides the first complete collection of Aiken and Lowry's correspondence. It comprises eighty-nine letters from the two writers, including photographs, poems, and drawings which they enclosed in their letters, written between 1929, the year when Lowry wrote his first letter of introduction to Aiken, and 1954. This collection contains the complete texts of all letters together with editorial notes and commentary. In addition, it provides textual notes outlining the changes made by each writer at the time of composition. These letters not only reveal the mutual admiration of Lowry and Aiken, and at times their jealousy of each other, but are literary works in their own right. / Arts, Faculty of / English, Department of / Graduate
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La question du support dans la sculpture de Constantin BrancusiApreotesei, Liliana 19 April 2018 (has links)
Par l’étude de la question du support dans la sculpture de Constantin Brancusi (1876 1957), sculpteur moderne qui a révolutionné l’art par ses innovations, nous tentons de définir le cadre conceptuel du support et son statut, par rapport aux diverses expérimentations de l’artiste. L’analyse sera développée afin de déterminer en quoi le support de Brancusi, par rapport aux innovations qui le caractérisent, se démarque du modèle traditionnel. Entre 1907 et 1937, l’artiste entreprend des expérimentations sur le support : d’abord, il l’élimine, ensuite, il l’intègre et finalement, il lui donne en quelque sorte le statut d’œuvre. C’est par une analyse détaillée de trois œuvres : Le Baiser, Maïastra et L’Ensemble monumental de Târgu-Jiu que nous étudierons l’évolution du support. Cela déterminera si les conventions sur la présentation sculpturale seront brisées.
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"Trabalhadores cearenses, uni-vos!": o Pacto de Unidade Sindical em Fortaleza. (1957-1964)Barbara Cacau dos Santos 24 September 2009 (has links)
FundaÃÃo de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Cearà / O perÃodo de 1957 a 1964, no Brasil, compreendeu um momento de enorme ebuliÃÃo do movimento operÃrio. Os trabalhadores se lanÃaram Ãs ruas em luta por demandas de justiÃa social e participaÃÃo polÃtica efetiva na sociedade. No CearÃ, as lideranÃas sindicais construÃram um organismo intersindical, denominado Pacto de Unidade Sindical, decorrente das lutas dos anos de 1950, com o objetivo de centralizar e disputar a orientaÃÃo do movimento sindical nos limites do Estado, estabelecendo relaÃÃes e alianÃas com lideranÃas polÃticas internas e de outras regiÃes do Brasil. As lideranÃas do Pacto Sindical tambÃm partilharam do projeto polÃtico nacional de luta por reformas de base, atravÃs, principalmente, do incentivo à organizaÃÃo de sindicatos rurais. O objetivo desta pesquisa à analisar a tessitura interna do Pacto Sindical, sua composiÃÃo, sustentabilidade, estratÃgias de lutas e alianÃas. E, perceber em que medida suas lideranÃas conseguiram adquirir certo poder de barganha e de decisÃo, junto à esfera estatal. A documentaÃÃo manuseada para esta pesquisa consiste em jornais, atas de algumas organizaÃÃes sindicais cearenses, destacando as atas do prÃprio Pacto Sindical (1963-1964) e depoimentos de sindicalistas.
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Ação política e formação da consciência de classe no pensamento de Wilhelm Reich / Political action and class consciousness formation in Wilhelm Reich\'s thoughtOliveira, André Côrtes de 09 May 2014 (has links)
Nas primeiras décadas do século XX, inicialmente em Viena, depois em Berlim, na busca pela profilaxia da neurose, o psicanalista austro-húngaro Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957) militou por transformações sociais. Este estudo focaliza a relação entre ação política e formação da consciência de classe no pensamento de Reich. Tendo por base formulações do historiador Dominick LaCapra, especialmente sobre contextualização e repetição variada, e utilizando o livro de Reich O que é a consciência de classe?, de 1934, como ponto de partida genealógico, foram analisados textos reichianos publicados entre 1926 e 1934. Os resultados indicaram que a proposta de militância política reichiana, afinada com o otimismo leninista e social democrata da virada do século XIX para o XX, pressupôs a capacidade natural revolucionária das massas e a necessidade de um processo recíproco de educação entre as massas e a direção revolucionária sem o qual a revolução não aconteceria / In the first decades of the twentieth century, first in Vienna, then in Berlin, in the search for prophylaxis of neurosis, Austro-Hungarian psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957) campaigned for social transformations. This study focuses on the relationship between political action and class consciousness formation in Reichs thought. Based on historian Dominick LaCapras formulations, especially about contextualization and varied repetition, and using the book Reich What is class consciousness?, 1934, as a genealogical point of departure, reichian texts published between 1926 and 1934 were analyzed. The results indicated that the political activism proposed by Reich, aligned with the Leninist and social democratic optimism in the turn of the nineteenth to the twentieth century, assumed the revolutionary natural ability of the masses and the need for a reciprocal process of education among the masses and the revolutionary direction without which the revolution would not happen
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A noção de couraça na obra de Wilhelm Reich: origens e considerações sobre o desenvolvimento humanoAlmeida, Bruno Henrique Prates de 27 April 2012 (has links)
Esta pesquisa teórica investiga o desenvolvimento da noção de couraça nos primeiros quinze anos da obra de Wilhelm Reich, de 1920 até 1935. Como objetivo central, buscamos responder a seguinte questão norteadora: qual(ais) o(s) sentido(s) de couraça no pensamento de Wilhelm Reich? Visamos, sobretudo, contribuir para o esclarecimento e a discussão dessa importante noção do pensamento reichiano. Em termos de método, a fim de acompanhar o percurso do pensamento do autor, abordamos a obra de acordo com sequência cronológica de publicação. Com essa orientação histórica, elencamos e analisamos textos que, a nosso ver, fornecem subsídios para a compreensão da noção em tela. Além disso, ficamos atentos a prováveis sinônimos e sentidos utilizados, mesmo que o termo propriamente dito não estivesse explicitamente citado. Como preparação do terreno, realizamos uma pesquisa etimológica sobre o termo couraça. Em seguida, elencamos dois autores - o filósofo francês Henri Bergson e o fundador da psicanálise Sigmund Freud - investigados devido à importância dos mesmos na construção do pensamento reichiano como um todo e, possivelmente também, em relação à noção de couraça. Em termos de resultados, os escritos de Reich analisados indicaram que as significações de couraça como defesa, proteção e resistência estão sempre presentes. Dentre os artigos acessados, localizamos a primeira aparição do vocábulo em 1922, como couraça narcísica. Constatamos que, para Reich, a couraça mantém contato com as realidades interna e externa, articula as noções de economia pulsional, ego e caráter, além de estar relacionada à operação do recalque. A princípio, é concebida na esfera psíquica, mas, gradativamente, passa a ser considerada, também, no âmbito somático, principalmente como hipertonia muscular crônica. Ainda, tecemos algumas relações com a visão de Bergson sobre o assunto e com a conceituação freudiana acerca do escudo protetor. Por fim, na esfera do tema saúde-doença, registramos algumas ponderações a respeito da relação entre a noção de couraça e o processo do desenvolvimento humano / This research examines the development of the notion of armor in the first fifteen years of Wilhelm Reich´s work, from 1920 until 1935. As the main goal, we aimed to answer the question: What is (are) the meaning(s) of the term armor in Wilhelm Reich´s thought? We had in view, above all, contribute to clear up and discuss this important notion in Reichian thought. In terms of method, in order to keep track of the author´s thinking route, we followed the chronological sequence of his publications. Based on this historical orientation, we focused and detailed the texts that, in our view, supplies subsidies for the comprehension about the notion of armor. Moreover, we drew our attention to the probable synonyms and meanings, even if the term was not cited. To begin, we researched the etymology of the term. Then, we listed two authors the French philosopher Henri Bergson and the founder of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud investigated because of their importance on the construction of early Reich´s thought and, possibly, concerning the notion of armor. In terms of results, the analyzed Reich´s texts indicated that the significances of defense, protection and resistance are always present. Among the accessed articles, we localized the very first appearance of the word in 1922, as narcissistic armor. We verified that, to Reich, the armor keeps in contact with the inner e outer realities, articulates the notions of drive economy, ego and character, and has relations with the repression operation. In the beginning, it is conceived in the psychological sphere, but, gradually, it is considered in a somatic scope as well, especially as a chronic muscular hypertony. Yet, we wove some relations with Bergson´s view about the theme and with the freudians conception concerning the protective shield. Finally, under the health-disease angle, we pointed out some aspects and relations between the notion of armor and the human development process
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