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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'accessibilité aux services pour les femmes autochtones victimes de violence familiale qui demeurent en communautés éloignées

Bergeron, Anne-Sophie 24 April 2018 (has links)
Tableau d’honneur de la Faculté des études supérieures et postdoctorales, 2012-2013. / Cette recherche vise à rendre compte, à partir d'une perspective féministe intersectionelle, du rôle de différents facteurs d'oppressions qui structurent l'expérience d'accès aux services de santé et aux ressources psychosociales des femmes autochtones victimes de violence familiale et demeurant dans des communautés isolées. L'analyse de contenu des entretiens de type focus group, réalisés auprès de 19 répondants de deux communautés autochtones isolées, révèle le cumul et l'interaction de divers systèmes d'oppression qui créent des inégalités de fond, structurant les positions relatives des victimes de violence. Elle suggère la nécessité de considérer les différents systèmes de pouvoir qui affectent directement leur accessibilité aux services. Les résultats de la recherche indiquent que le facteur géographique est une variable significative dans l'accessibilité aux ressources pour les femmes autochtones victimes de violence et qui demeurent en communautés éloignées, mais que son influence ne peut être comprise qu'en tenant compte de l'interférence de plusieurs autres facteurs qui entravent le recours à ces ressources. Ce mémoire s'inscrit dans le cadre d'une recherche menée par Lyse Montminy et al., en collaboration avec divers partenaires du milieu, sur la problématique de la violence dans les communautés autochtones du Québec. Il s'appuie sur l'analyse des données secondaires issues de cette recherche. / This research aims to bring out, from an intersectorial feminist viewpoint, the influence that some factors of oppression exert in the structuration of experience of native women, victims of domestic violence and living in isolated communities, when accessing health and psycho-social services and resources. Content analysis of 19 focus groups interviews realized in two isolated native communities reveal a cumulation and interaction of different oppression systems creating fundamental inequalities that structure the relative positions of the victims of violence. It suggests the necessity to take into account the power systems that may compromise access to these services. This thesis is part of a larger research project led by Lyse Montminy et al., and realized with the collaboration of ground communities partners, on the topic of violence in Quebec native communities. It relies on the analysis of secondary data gathered in this research.

The position of the whistle-blower in South African law

Isparta, Louise Dorothy 10 1900 (has links)
The position of the whistle-blower is known to be a precarious one, with the whistle-blower often either regarded as a hero or a reprehensible traitor. Various pieces of legislation have attempted to remedy their precarious position, especially within the employment relationship, and in which the whistle-blower more often than not has the most to lose. The study at hand has the specific objective of comparing the position of the whistle-blower in terms of South African Law, against 16 specific measurables, and in comparison with the position of the whistle-blower in New Zealand, Australia (Victoria) and the United Kingdom. In the main, the protection offered to the whistle-blower within the South African context, is embodied within the Protected Disclosure Act 26 of 2000 (hereinafter referred to as the “PDA”).In examining the protection afforded to the whistle-blower in South Africa, it is concluded that the framework involved extends much further than just the mere provisions in the PDA. However, there are admitted challenges in respect of this framework as discussed, both legislative and non-legislative, especially in respect of duties of disclosures placed on persons in circumstances in which concurrent protection is not afforded to the whistle-blower. With reference to the comparison in respect of the measurement parameters set, it was found that the PIDA (UK) meets the least amount of the measurements set, with the PDA A (Australia, Victoria) meeting the most of the measurements; the PDA NZ is equally balanced in meeting and not meeting the measurements and the PDA meeting less of the measurements than not, but still meeting more than the PIDA. It was found that had it not been for the catch-all provision contained in section 4 (1) (b) of the PDA, the PDA would have ranked last. / Mercantile Law / LLD

La tutela giudiziale e stragiudiziale del consumatore nel diritto dell’Unione europea / La protection judiciaire et extrajudiciaire du consommateur dans le droit de l’Union Européenne / The judicial and the extra-judicial consumer protection in the EU Law

Tramarin, Sara 13 June 2017 (has links)
Le travail réalisé a pris en considération en premier lieu le droit international privé de l'UE, puis des aspects plus à proprement parler de « droit international procédural », en se concrétisant par une « systémisation » et une cartographie des voies de recours proposées au consommateur par le droit européen pour les litiges transfrontaliers. La première partie, concernant la loi applicable aux contrats internationaux du consommateur et le tribunal compétent dans le droit international privé de l'Union européenne, permit d'identifier les problématiques de droit international privé sous-jacentes aux contrats et aux litiges internationaux en matière de consommation, qui sont exacerbées dans le domaine du commerce électronique. La thèse traite deuxièmement la protection du consommateur par l'assouplissement et la simplification des procédures ordinaires et la protection du consommateur par des procédures collectives transfrontalières. Enfin, la thèse concerne la protection du consommateur par les procédures alternatives au contentieux ordinaire. / The thesis analyzes, under various aspects related to private international law and international civil procedure of the European Union, the status of the protection offered to the European consumers in their international contracts, in particular in relation to the objectives and in the context of the single market. The thesis is divided into three chapters. The first chapter deals with consumer protection in the international private law of European Union (regulation (UE) 1215/2012 and regulation (CE) 593/2008). The second chapter deals with the protection offered to consumers by european international civil procedure with reference to individual and collective litigations. The third chapter deals with alternative dispute resolution (ADR) and with on-line dispute resolution (ODR) and analyzes EU directive 2013/11/UE and regulation (EU) 524/2013. / La tesi analizza, sotto vari aspetti relativi al diritto internazionale privato e processuale dell’Unione Europea, lo stato della protezione offerta al consumatore europeo nei contratti e nelle controversie internazionali, con uno specifico riguardo alle tutele di carattere processuale e giurisdizionale. La tesi si articola in tre capitoli, che investono gli ambiti in cui tale tutela può esplicarsi, ovvero, l’individuazione di un foro e di una legge applicabile favorevoli agli interessi del consumatore, la semplificazione delle regole di procedura nelle controversie individuali internazionali, la possibilità di dare luogo a procedimenti transfrontalieri collettivi e la creazione di un sistema efficace di risoluzione delle controversie internazionali in via stragiudiziale anche on-line. Il primo capitolo ricostruisce dapprima il sistema di diritto internazionale privatodell'Unione europea in materia di contratti di consumo, dando conto del contesto politico ed economico in cui si inserisce ed alla cui luce devono esserne letti gli obiettivi. Vengono quindi individuati i principi e gli obiettivi che fondano le norme di diritto internazionale privato in materia di contratti internazionali del consumatore, le quali si caratterizzano per l’essere ispirate a finalità materiali, ovvero, volte a permettere di individuare un foro competente ed una legge applicabile che siano in grado di bilanciare tra loro le esigenze dei consumatori e degli operatori del mercato, con la conseguenza di favorire l’esplicarsi degli scambi commerciali e della concorrenza nel mercato unico. Ciò avviene garantendo al consumatore l’applicazione della legge e la competenza del foro a lui più prossimi, ovvero quelli del suo paese di residenza abituale (la cui coincidenza permette peraltro una riduzione dei costi delle liti transfrontaliere) e la prevedibilità delle soluzioni agli operatori del mercato.Il capitolo traccia quindi lo sviluppo normativo e giurisprudenziale delle norme di diritto internazionale privato europee in materia di contratti del consumatore, prendendo in particolare in considerazione le più recenti sentenze della Corte di Giustizia che, dal 2010 ad oggi, hanno ridefinito l’ambito di applicazione delle norme contenute nel regolamento (CE) 44/2001 (Bruxelles I), oggi rifuso nel regolamento (UE) 1215/2012 (Bruxelles I-bis), e nel regolamento (CE) 593/2008 (Roma I), insistendo sulla definizione del concetto, volutamente aleatorio, di “attività diretta” e sul suo ruolo di preminenza nel connettere la fattispecie contrattuale allo Stato della residenza del consumatore per permetterne la competenza dei giudici e l’applicabilità della relativa legge. Viene svolta infine una analisi critica sull’interpretazione fornita dalla Corte di Giustizia che rischia, nel concreto, di rendere le norme in oggetto applicabili in maniera variabile dai giudici nazionali, garantendo alle volte una tutela troppo estesa o troppo ristretta al consumatore, senza riguardo per l’esigenza di certezza giuridica degli operatori del mercato.

Tredjemanskontroll - Säker rätt är säkert rättssäker : En studie med utgångspunkt i betänkandet Förbudet mot dubbla förfaranden och andra rättssäkerhetsfrågor i skatteförfarandet (SOU 2013:62) / Third party control : A study based on a public inquiry concerning Rule of Law in tax procedures (SOU 2013:62)

Fjällman, Emelie January 2014 (has links)
SKV and Tullverket have several important tools and methods available in each activity to ensure that taxes and fees are paid and charged rightfully. Among other things they use tax or customs surcharges, targeted and general third party injunctions or targeted and general third party audits. The targeted controls, ergo targeted injunctions and audits, are targeted towards specific persons or documents while during the general controls these are not specified. The methods have repeatedly been the subject of discussions and attempts to simplify the tax procedure and increase the Rule of Law for the individual. The government appointed a commission on March 8 of the year 2012 with the assignment to prepare proposals to increase the Rule of Law in the tax procedure. The assignment was therefore to analyze the areas of tax and customs injunctions, reimbursement because of expenses and agents and also third party controls. This study was delimited, partly due to space considerations, to examine the commission's proposals to increase the Rule of Law regarding third party controls as well as to SKV as the investigating authority. Consideration will therefore not be given to Tullverket as the investigating authority. The system concerning third party controls has repeatedly over the years been the subject of criticism and debate. Not least because of that the general third party controls are indistinct due to the fact that the person who is the subject of the control is not aware of the control and that the procedure is considered to contravene the protection of privacy in the RF and the right to private and family life of the ECHR. It has hence been considered that there is a need for change. The commission would thus investigate and make proposals to increase the Rule of Law but given the precondition that third party control, including general controls, would still remain as control methods. Therefore the commission had to consider a proportionality assessment between the protection of individual privacy and SKV:s control effectiveness. In this study focus was on SOU 2013:62 and the consultation bodies’ responses received on account of the proposals. The commission proposed that the decision making on general third party controls will stay with SKV as the decision making authority and that it should be clarified in the legislative text that SKV has to relate to the principle of proportionality when deciding on general third party controls. The commission also proposed that it should be clarified in the legislative text that SKV only may search for documents and information covered by the decision but that surplus information that was discovered spontaneously also may be used. The commission held that there is no need for clarification of the legislative texts regarding that SKV shall take into account the proportionality principle in the choice of method and choice of control object. The commission also held that there is no need to legislate any imposes for SKV towards the subject of control to inform about the control if the information gathered nevertheless is intended to be the basis for decisions on taxation. Furthermore it was proposed an imposition of legislative texts regarding that the controlled, in connection with the information about the control, should be given the opportunity to request documents and information excluded from the basis for decisions on taxation. That is, after the control is carried out and provided that the information will be added basis for decisions on taxation. The majority of the consultation bodies felt that the commission was inadequate, that the proposals did not add anything new on the merits and that a new commission should be appointed with the mission to increase the Rule of Law in the tax procedure. The studies’ concluding parts contain a pro et contra analysis of the proposals on the basis of the consultation bodies’ responses, my own conclusions and general concluding comments. In these parts my own proposals are submitted for improvement to further enhance the Rule of Law in tax procedures. My own proposals are due to that the commission in my opinion may be deemed deficient in several aspects. / SKV och Tullverket har flera viktiga metoder att tillgå i respektive verksamhet för att säkerställa att skatter och avgifter lämnas och tas ut rätteligen. Bland annat så kan kontrollmyndigheterna använda skatte- eller tulltillägg, riktade och generella tredjemansförelägganden eller riktade och generella tredjemansrevisioner. Vid riktade kontroller, ergo riktade förelägganden och riktade revisioner, är kontrollerna riktade mot specificerade personer eller handlingar och vid generella kontroller är dessa inte specificerade. Metoderna har upprepade gånger varit föremål för diskussioner och försök att förenkla skatteförfarandet och öka rättssäkerheten för den enskilde. Regeringen tillsatte den 8 mars år 2012 en utredning med uppgiften att framställa förslag för en ökad rättssäkerhet i skatteförfarandet. Uppdraget var att undersöka områdena skatte- och tulltillägg, ersättning för kostnader och ombud samt tredjemanskontroller. Denna studie har bland annat på grund av utrymmesskäl avgränsats till att undersöka utredningens förslag som avser ökad rättssäkerhet vid tredjemanskontroller samt till SKV som kontrollerande myndighet. Hänsyn kommer således inte tas till Tullverket som kontrollerande myndighet. Tredjemanskontrollförfarandet har upprepade gånger genom åren varit föremål för kritik och diskussioner. Inte minst för att generella tredjemanskontroller ansetts olämpliga på grund av att den kontrollerade inte har vetskap om att denna är eller har varit föremål för kontroll samt att förfarandet ansetts strida mot integritetsskyddet i RF och rätten till privat- och familjeliv i EKMR. Det har därav ansetts att behov av förändring föreligger. Utredningen skulle således undersöka och lämna förslag för att öka rättssäkerheten för den enskilde men med hänsyn till att tredjemanskontroller, i dessa inbegripet generella tredjemanskontroller, alltjämt skulle kvarstå som metod i SKV:s kontrollverksamhet. Det fordrades följaktligen av utredningen att genomföra en proportionalitetsavvägning mellan skyddet för den enskildes integritet och SKV:s kontrolleffektivitet. I denna studie har fokus lagts på SOU 2013:62 och de remissyttranden som inkommit med anledning av förslagen. Utredningen föreslog att beslutsordningen vid generella tredjemanskontroller ska stå oförändrad med SKV som beslutsfattande instans och att det ska förtydligas i lagtext att SKV ska förhålla sig till proportionalitetsprincipen vid beslut om generella tredjemanskontroller. Utredningen föreslog även att det ska förtydligas i lagtext att SKV endast får eftersöka handlingar och uppgifter som omfattas av beslutet men att överskottsinformation som anträffats spontant får användas. Vidare angav utredningen att det inte behövs något förtydligande i lagtext avseende att SKV ska beakta proportionalitetsprincipen vid val av metod och val av kontrollobjekt. Utredningen angav även att det inte behöver införas någon underrättelseskyldighet för SKV gentemot den kontrollerade om informationen som inhämtats ändå inte är avsedd att läggas till grund för beslut om beskattning. Vidare föreslogs ett införande i lagtext avseende att den kontrollerade ska ges möjlighet att begära handlingar och uppgifter undantagna från att läggas till grund för beslut om beskattning i samband med en underrättelse, det vill säga efter att kontrollen ägt rum och under förutsättning att informationen kommer läggas till grund för beslut om beskattning. Flertalet remissinstanser ansåg att utredningen var bristfällig, att förslagen inte innebar någonting nytt i sak samt att en ny utredning bör tillsättas med uppdrag att öka rättssäkerheten i skatteförfarandet. I studiens avslutande delar redovisas en pro et contra-analys av förslagen med utgångspunkt i remissyttrandena, egna slutsatser avseende förslagen samt allmänna avslutande kommentarer. I dessa delar lämnas egna förbättringsförslag för att ytterligare öka rättssäkerheten, eftersom utredningen enligt min mening får anses bristfällig i flera avseenden.

An analytical look at trumpet solo works by Eugène Bozza, Vincent Persichetti, Halsey Stevens, Alexander Arutunian, Eric Ewazen, and Ernest Bloch

Caldwell, Deborah January 1900 (has links)
Master of Music / Department of Music, Theatre, and Dance / Gary C. Mortenson / This report is an analysis and exploration of the following works: Eugène Bozza’s Caprice, Vincent Persichetti’s The Hollow Men, Halsey Stevens’s Sonata for Trumpet and Piano, Alexander Arutunian’s Concerto for Trumpet, Ernest Bloch’s Proclamation, and Eric Ewazen’s Grand Valley Fanfare. The purpose of this report is to aid performance preparation of these pieces by providing thematic and formal analysis as well as identifying general unifying elements for each piece. Once identified, these patterns will help the performer communicate the broad musical ideas to the audience by finding a balance between the technical aspects and musical statements in each work.

Die diskresie van 'n trustee van 'n inter vivos trust : wysiging en beperking / Simoné Tack

Tack, Simoné January 2014 (has links)
This study focuses on the discretionary inter vivos trust. It specifically investigates what the discretion of a trustee comprises and in which circumstances (if any) the court may amend the trustee‟s discretion as stipulated in the deed of trust. In order to make any meaningful conclusions, the different types of trusts, and more specific the way in which trusts are classified, needs to be researched. An inter vivos trust is classified as a contract for the sake of a third. Consequently contract law rules are applied in the interpretation and amendment of an inter vivos trust. The source, goal and tenor of a trustee‟s discretion, as well as the circumstances wherein this discretion may be amended, are investigated. The general rule is that courts have no discretion to amend a trust, but there is an exception to the rule. In accordance with article 13 of the Trust Property Control Act 57 of 1988 courts do have the power to amend or cancel the deed of trust in certain circumstances. In Potgieter and Another v Potgieter NO and Others 2012 (1) SA 637 (HHA) the court ruled that the power granted by article 13 does not enable judges to create law by amendment of the deed of trust according to their subjective interpretation of what is fair and just. The facts of the Potgieter case serve as problem statement for this study by focusing on the problems and unjust consequences of the strict application of contract law rules on a trust when the court does not take the changing circumstances of the trust founder into account. / LLM (Estate Law), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Die diskresie van 'n trustee van 'n inter vivos trust : wysiging en beperking / Simoné Tack

Tack, Simoné January 2014 (has links)
This study focuses on the discretionary inter vivos trust. It specifically investigates what the discretion of a trustee comprises and in which circumstances (if any) the court may amend the trustee‟s discretion as stipulated in the deed of trust. In order to make any meaningful conclusions, the different types of trusts, and more specific the way in which trusts are classified, needs to be researched. An inter vivos trust is classified as a contract for the sake of a third. Consequently contract law rules are applied in the interpretation and amendment of an inter vivos trust. The source, goal and tenor of a trustee‟s discretion, as well as the circumstances wherein this discretion may be amended, are investigated. The general rule is that courts have no discretion to amend a trust, but there is an exception to the rule. In accordance with article 13 of the Trust Property Control Act 57 of 1988 courts do have the power to amend or cancel the deed of trust in certain circumstances. In Potgieter and Another v Potgieter NO and Others 2012 (1) SA 637 (HHA) the court ruled that the power granted by article 13 does not enable judges to create law by amendment of the deed of trust according to their subjective interpretation of what is fair and just. The facts of the Potgieter case serve as problem statement for this study by focusing on the problems and unjust consequences of the strict application of contract law rules on a trust when the court does not take the changing circumstances of the trust founder into account. / LLM (Estate Law), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Faculty Senate Minutes March 5, 2012

University of Arizona Faculty Senate 05 March 2012 (has links)
This item contains the agenda, minutes, and attachments for the Faculty Senate meeting on this date. There may be additional materials from the meeting available at the Faculty Center.

The position of the whistle-blower in South African law

Isparta, Louise Dorothy 10 1900 (has links)
The position of the whistle-blower is known to be a precarious one, with the whistle-blower often either regarded as a hero or a reprehensible traitor. Various pieces of legislation have attempted to remedy their precarious position, especially within the employment relationship, and in which the whistle-blower more often than not has the most to lose. The study at hand has the specific objective of comparing the position of the whistle-blower in terms of South African Law, against 16 specific measurables, and in comparison with the position of the whistle-blower in New Zealand, Australia (Victoria) and the United Kingdom. In the main, the protection offered to the whistle-blower within the South African context, is embodied within the Protected Disclosure Act 26 of 2000 (hereinafter referred to as the “PDA”).In examining the protection afforded to the whistle-blower in South Africa, it is concluded that the framework involved extends much further than just the mere provisions in the PDA. However, there are admitted challenges in respect of this framework as discussed, both legislative and non-legislative, especially in respect of duties of disclosures placed on persons in circumstances in which concurrent protection is not afforded to the whistle-blower. With reference to the comparison in respect of the measurement parameters set, it was found that the PIDA (UK) meets the least amount of the measurements set, with the PDA A (Australia, Victoria) meeting the most of the measurements; the PDA NZ is equally balanced in meeting and not meeting the measurements and the PDA meeting less of the measurements than not, but still meeting more than the PIDA. It was found that had it not been for the catch-all provision contained in section 4 (1) (b) of the PDA, the PDA would have ranked last. / Mercantile Law / LL. D.

Datenbanken, Inventarisierung, Provenienzforschung

Kern, Lisa 18 April 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Die dritte Sektion der Dresden Summer School behandelte die für die wissenschaftliche Arbeit am Museum zentralen Aspekte Datenbanken, Inventarisierung und Provenienzforschung. Alle diese Punkte sind eng mit dem Thema Digitalisierung verbunden, greifen die genannten Arbeitsbereiche doch mittlerweile standardmäßig auf Datenbanken und elektronische Systeme zur Erfassung, Dokumentation und Erforschung der musealen Bestände zurück. (...)

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