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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Man lernt nie aus: Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung - Schwerpunkt: Bildung : Tansania-Partnerschaftssonntag 'Rogate', 17. Mai 2020

23 June 2021 (has links)
No description available.

No more hats thrown into the Olympic rings: an analysis of the Olympic bidding process

Shoemaker, Megan Marie 11 August 2016 (has links)
This research seeks to determine the necessary conditions for the United States to host another Olympic Games. To lay the foundation for my research, I historically trace the declining number of cities bidding for the Olympics. While exogenous factors such as political protests, terrorist acts, and boycotts contribute to a decline in the number of candidate cities from 1968 to 1984, modern disinterest in hosting the Olympics is motivated by endogenous dynamics derived from the bidding process. To determine how the bidding process affects the likelihood of hosting the Olympics and uncover the roots of successful bids, I analyze four case studies of former United States bids. These case studies include: Denver’s withdrawn bid for the 1976 Winter Olympics, Los Angeles’ successful bid for the 1984 Games, Boston’s relinquished bid for the 2024 Olympics, and consequentially, Los Angeles’ bid for the 2024 Olympics. I argue the structure of the bidding process inherently favors special interests with the most to gain from hosting the Games at the expense of the city as a whole. Stemming from the central condition of public support, I deduce six underlying conditions that are pivotal for successful bids: 1) the use of existing facilities and infrastructure; 2) absence of opposition groups; 3) private funding; 4) ‘insurance’ measures against cost overruns; 5) alignment of Olympic plans and urban development; and 6) greater use of the region. These conditions do not guarantee a successful Olympic bid, but are fundamental for the Olympic Games to return to the United States.

Assessment of Patient Satisfaction and Willingness to Pay for Ready-Made Bifocals and Reading Spectacles in a 35 Years or Older Clinic Population in Granada, Nicaragua

Hookway, Larry Allen 01 January 2011 (has links)
Background: The World Health Organization estimates that there are 517 million people in the world who are visually impaired due to uncorrected presbyopia. Equal sphere ready-made bifocal and single vision reading spectacles are an inexpensive alternative to custom made spectacles. Methods: A visual satisfaction questionnaire was administered before patients were examined at an outreach clinic and again after ready-made bifocals or reading spectacles were dispensed. The results of both sets of questions along with presenting acuities, corrected acuities, refractive data, and willingness to pay were analyzed. Results: There was an unmet need of 38% (of the 338 subjects that needed glasses only 208 had them). There was no gender bias; the unmet need was higher in the rural areas (47% rural, 36% urban). Those who could not read were 3.4 times less likely to have the glasses they needed than the literate. Unmet need decreased with every level of education. Those without any schooling showed 77% prevalence of unmet need and those with university education had an unmet need rate of 32%. Ready-made spectacles were dispensed to 89.5% of those examined. The ready-made bifocals were very well accepted, with the percentage of subjects giving the highest satisfaction rating improving from a presenting value of 11% to 89.4% with the bifocals at distance and from 6.6% to 89.4% at near. Distance visual acuity of 20/40 or better improved from the presenting value of 60% to 84.5% and near vision of 20/40 or better improved from the presenting value of 44% to 97%. With ready-made single vision readers, functionally good near vision (20/40 or better) improved from a presenting value of 38% to 97%. The highest ranking for near satisfaction improved from 6.3% to 86.6%. The subjects indicted that they would be willing to pay US$18.39 to replace the bifocals and US$16.67 to replace the readers. Conclusion: There is a high unmet need for vision correction in the population over age 35 in Nicaragua. Dissatisfaction with distance and near vision is very high. Although custom made glasses are ideal, ready-made bifocals and ready-made single vision readers are an acceptable and affordable alternative.

Svenska pressens fokus i amerikanska valet : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys över hur svenska nyhetsmedier gestaltade amerikanska presidentvalet 2020 i sin nyhetsrapportering

Storm, Anton, Majed Amir, Rani January 2021 (has links)
2020 was the year of the American presidential election. Joe Biden, the former senator and vice president won against the incumbent president and business magnate Donald Trump. Because of the coronavirus it was an unusual election. Vote counting was not over on election night but continued a few more days and Donald Trump claimed the result to be false.  The study aims to understand what Swedish newspapers focused on under the American election 2020 and what they choose to frame from a political journalist perspective. We focused on four of the biggest Swedish newspapers to see how they differ and relate. To do that we used 29 articles from every newspaper, 116 in total and with help of framing theory and a quantitative content analysis we could find correlations between the four newspapers. Thanks to earlier studies we could compare how Donald Trump was portrayed in 2016 and what both Swedish and American media framed last election.  The study concluded that Donald Trump was mentioned more in the Swedish press than his opponent Joe Biden. None of the vice presidents were ever mentioned as much as the presidential candidates. The study also concluded that more articles focused on the political game more than the political issues, that the articles were more often neutral or negative than positive and that politicians were the most quoted.

Elproduktionsanläggningars påverkan av nätnytta i umeåregionens elnät : En undersökning av energimarknadsinspektionens uppdaterade beräkningsmodell kallad Metod 2020

Grebner Nord, Frida January 2021 (has links)
This study was commissioned by Umeå Energi under the supervision of Rejlers. The assignment consisted of investigating how electricity production facilities affected the grid utility in the region's electricity grid. As the Energy Market Inspectorate in PM - Ei PM2020: 04 developed new calculation methods of grid utility compensation, these were applied in the study. The calculations were then made at four production facilities in the Umeå region's electricity network. In calculations in the study, four calculation variants based on Ei:s Method 2020 were also used. This was due to ambiguities in Ei's memorandum and what the region's tariff setting looked like at low and high load times. For each plant, a retroactive hourly compensation was also developed in relation to the plant's produced energy. What emerged was that each electricity generation plant has an individual impact on grid utility, regardless of the power plant's power type. It also turned out that the compensation varied depending on how the memorandum from Ei was interpreted. The discussion indicates that the network utility compensation has been developed so that the production owner will receive fair compensation. The results also show the challenge of determining a fair grid utility benefit compensation in advance.As a result, retroactive calculations of compensation will there fore be preferred to obtain the actual plant's network's net benefit. / Denna studie har gjorts på uppdrag av Umeå Energi med handledning av Rejlers. Uppdraget bestod av att undersöka hur elproduktionsanläggningar påverkade nätnyttan i regionens elnät. I och med att  energimarknadsinspektionen i PM - Ei PM2020:04 tagit fram nya beräkningsmetoder av nätnyttoersättning så tillämpades dessa i studien. Beräkningarna gjordes sedan på fyra produktionsanläggningar i Umeåregionens elnät. Vid beräkningar i studien användes även fyra beräkningsvarianter baserade på Ei:s Metod 2020. Detta till följd av tvetydigheter i Ei:s promemoria samt hur regionens tariffsättning såg ut vid låg- och höglasttider. För varje anläggning togs även en retroaktiv timbaserad ersättning fram i förhållande till anläggningens producerade energi.  Det som framkom var att varje elproduktionsanläggning har en individuell påverkan av nätnytta, oberoende av produktionsanläggningens kraftslag. Det visade sig också att ersättningen varierade beroende på hur promemorian från Ei tolkas. Diskussionen indikerar på att nätnyttoersättningen är framtagen för att produktionsinnehavaren ska få en rättvisande ersättning. Resultatet visar även på utmaningen med att bestämma en rättvisande nätnyttoersättning i förväg.Därav blir retroaktiva beräkningar av ersättning att fördra för att få fram produktionsanläggningens faktiska nätnytta.

The New Normal: An Examination of Home Working Environments in Post-Pandemic America

Leshnak, Shelby 29 September 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Ser, tocado en movimiento. Construcción de una experiencia relacional corpóreo - afectiva entre padres e hijos durante la infancia temprana

Palomino Ayala, Silvana Maria 15 June 2023 (has links)
A causa del confinamiento social prolongado por la pandemia covid-19, se vio transformada y perturbada la comunicación entre padres e infantes que comparten un mismo hogar. Durante el confinamiento, compartir espacios para el juego y el dialogo fue complejo, donde los límites entre el inicio y fin de las actividades laborales y recreativas se fueron perdiendo. Generar un tiempo de calidad en familia es necesario para los niños que se encuentran en pleno desarrollo del ámbito físico, cognitivo y emocional. Por consiguiente, la investigación propone compartir un espacio de encuentro entre padres e hijos durante la infancia temprana, con el objetivo de construir una experiencia que los invite a relacionarse a nivel corpóreoafectivo a través de la percepción del contacto con la piel, en movimiento. Para lograr la experiencia, se diseñó una metodología con herramientas de la danza, seleccionadas de soportes práctico-teóricos como el Body-Mind Centering® y el Contacto Improvisación, de modo que surge una propuesta metodológica experiencial y participativa. La investigación logró observar que se construye una experiencia de relaciones corpóreoafectivas dentro de la familia como escenario de vida, las cuales afloran tras la exploración de elementos como la percepción del contacto y el movimiento. Este toque en movimiento despierta afectividad, así como una presencia que brinda seguridad a sus integrantes. En consecuencia, se construye un entono de relaciones horizontales que logran fortalecer la calidad de los vínculos familiares, así como edificar sólidas bases para la comunicación de los infantes con el mundo. Se fomenta una cultura somática en las relaciones familiares para que vivencien desenvolverse desde la percepción amplificada de sus corporalidades a través de una experiencia del arte, en este caso, la danza. / Due to the prolonged social confinement because of the covid-19 pandemic, communication between parents and toddlers that live in the same household was transformed and disturbed. During confinement, sharing spaces for play and dialogue was complex, where the boundaries between the beginning and end of work and recreational activities were lost. Generating quality family time is necessary for children who are in full physical, cognitive and emotional development. Therefore, the research proposes to share a meeting space between parents and children during early childhood, with the aim of building an experience that invites them to relate at the corporeal-affective level through the perception of contact with the skin, in movement. To achieve the experience, a methodology was designed with dance tools, selected from practical-theoretical supports such as Body-Mind Centering® and Contact Improvisation, so an experiential and participatory methodological proposal emerges. The research managed to observe that an experience of corporeal-affective relationships is built within the family as a life scenario, which come out after the exploration of elements such as the perception of contact and movement. This touch in movement awakens affectivity, as well as a presence that provides security to its members. Consequently, an environment of horizontal relationships is built that manages to strengthen the quality of family ties, as well as build solid bases for the communication of infants with the world. A somatic culture is fostered in family relationships to embody an experience of art, in this case, dance.

Proporcionalidad y razonabilidad de las medidas restrictivas de derechos impuestas por la administración pública en un estado de emergencia sanitaria

Muñoz Chinchay, Celinda del Carmen January 2023 (has links)
El presente artículo jurídico estudió la proporcionalidad y razonabilidad de las medidas administrativas restrictivas de derechos fundamentales para el manejo de la crisis sanitaria, en el mismo sentido, analizó la discrecionalidad de la administración pública, para tales efectos se procedió a reconocer las facultades y potestades que posee la misma, enmarcarlas en el escenario de la pandemia y verificar cuales son los límites y parámetros establecidos para el desarrollo de la discrecionalidad administrativa, analizando el contexto en el que se desarrolló la pandemia y en atención a las deficiencias que esbozó el poder ejecutivo al manejar la crisis es que, se sustentó la necesidad de modificar la Ley Orgánica del Poder Ejecutivo para incorporar criterios para que la actuación de la administración pública en un estado de emergencia sanitaria no trasgreda derechos. Para alcanzar los objetivos planteados, se ha empleado un tipo de investigación documental bibliográfico a través del método analítico de las distintas fuentes referentes a la normativa y jurisprudencia tanto nacional e internacional, así como también el estudio de la doctrina, tesis antecesoras y libros. Como consecuencia de este estudio, se determinó que las medidas si fueron proporcionales y razonables, sin embargo, es necesario establecer parámetros mínimos de orientación que permitan a la autoridad actuar en situaciones similares.

Investigating the Experiences of High School Physical Science Teachers in the United States During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Weedon, Jessica January 2024 (has links)
The COVID-19 pandemic was an unprecedented event in world history with a global impact. In the United States, emergency remote teaching (ERT) was utilized due to significant changes in the educational system, including temporary closures, shifts to remote and hybrid learning, and the addition of various infection control measures such as the wearing of masks, social distancing, and quarantine guidelines to reduce the community spread of COVID-19. These changes impacted those working and learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. This qualitative multiple-case study sought to describe and compare the professional experiences of four high school physical science teachers in the United States during the pandemic. Data was collected using surveys, participant artifacts, interviews, and focus groups between the spring of 2020 and the spring of 2022. The data were analyzed inductively using holistic and descriptive coding as well as inductively through a cross-case analysis by utilizing social reproduction theory (SRT) and teacher self-efficacy (TSE) theoretical frameworks. Four individual participant case descriptions and a cross-case analysis are reported. The findings indicate that teachers experienced significant changes to their schedules, technology use, instruction, and assessment. Teachers’ ability to communicate professionally was impacted, as was teacher professional development (PD) and evaluation. These changes resulted in learning gaps, which were more significant for struggling and marginalized students. The results demonstrate that the teachers and their students experienced the pandemic differently depending on various factors, such as resource access and school type. The findings indicate that the teachers’ students with more economic, social, and cultural capital were best positioned to access remote learning, which generated social reproduction and exacerbated inequalities. TSE decreased due to a lack of mastery and vicarious experiences, negative social and verbal persuasion, and the teachers’ adverse physiological and emotional states. TSE was also reduced due to ecological factors such as increased uncertainty and role demands, powerlessness, and isolation. The pandemic displayed how inequities across our educational system must be addressed and how the educational system must better prepare and support teachers and students during educational disruptions. The teachers gained a greater appreciation for in-person instruction, became more confident in their use and implementation of classroom technology and remote teaching, and became more aware of inequities among students.

Estrategias de afrontamiento al estrés en un contexto de pandemia: una revisión teórica

Torres Fernandez, Angiella Nikoll January 2022 (has links)
En los últimos años, se ha podido evidenciar el impacto negativo que la pandemia viene causando, donde el estrés ocupa un lugar predominante entre las consecuencias más relevantes, debido a la escasa capacidad de autorregular la perturbación emocional ocasionada por eventos estresantes. El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar las bases teóricas de las estrategias de afrontamiento al estrés en un contexto de pandemia. La investigación fue de tipo cualitativo y el diseño fue de carácter teórico-narrativo. Para el desarrollo de esta revisión, se utilizaron investigaciones que no excedieran los 5 años de antigüedad y se tomó en cuenta artículos científicos y trabajos de investigación; por otro lado, se descartaron investigaciones empíricas que incluyeran como variable los trastornos mentales o afines. Se consultó diversas bases de datos como Renati, Redalyc y Dialnet; teniendo en cuenta descriptores como estrategias de afrontamiento, estrés y pandemia. Los resultados evidenciaron que el modelo de Lazarus y Folkman es la base en que se conceptualiza el afrontamiento al estrés, asimismo, los tipos de estrategias de afrontamiento se encuentran orientados al problema, a la emoción y a la evitación; además, entre los instrumentos que miden el constructo, el más resaltante es el inventario COPE. Se concluye que el afrontamiento al estrés en tiempos de pandemia está compuesto por una serie de respuestas cognitivas y comportamentales que emite el sujeto frente a la perturbación emocional que ocasiona un evento de gran magnitud como al que nos vimos expuestos en los últimos años.

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