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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Integration av de globala målen och miljömålen : - ett näringslivsperspektiv

Wiklund, Sofia January 2018 (has links)
2015 infördes de Förenta Nationerna (FN) 17 globala mål med syfte att skapa en socialt, ekonomiskt och ekologiskt hållbar värld. Sveriges näringsliv har anammat dessa mål snabbt och arbetar aktivt med dem. Många företag tycks föredra de globala målen framför Sveriges nationella miljömål. Samtidigt har regeringen slagit fast att de svenska miljömålen ska finnas kvar. Relationen till miljömålen upplevs som oklar, enligt regeringen ska de utgöra det ekologiska benet av de globala målen. Myndigheter förespråkar värdet av miljömålen och företag upplever att lagstiftning motiveras utifrån miljömålen. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur de två målsystemen skulle kunna integreras på ett sätt så att näringslivet upplever det som effektivt och värdeskapande. För att undersöka detta gjordes analys av interaktionerna mellan de globala målen delmål 12.2 – 12.5 (inom Hållbar konsumtion och produktion) och miljömålen samt intervjuer med företagsrepresentanter. Analysen av interaktioner gjordes enligt sjustegstrappan utvecklad av Nilsson et al. (2016) och studerade huruvida det finns en röd tråd mellan de globala målen och miljömålen – om de strävar åt samma håll. Genom intervjuerna studerades hur företag upplevde de två målsystemen och vilken funktion målsystem har. Resultatet av studien visade att på målnivå korrelerar de globala målen och miljömålen relativt väl. De flesta interaktioner bedömdes som svaga synergier. Inga delmål stod i helhet i konflikt med miljömålen på målnivå. De starkaste synergierna bedömdes vara till En begränsad klimatpåverkan, Giftfri miljö, Skyddande ozonskikt, Ingen övergödning, Grundvatten av god kvalitet och Levande skogar. Intervjuerna visade dock på konflikter mellan målsystemen på en övergripande nivå, det vill säga i systemens utformning. Att kommunicera två målsystem samtidigt anses inte effektivt av företag och de globala målens helhetsgrepp och globala karaktär föredras. Att de båda målsystemen är utformade på olika sätt innebär att de passar för olika aktörer med olika behov. Om de globala målen och miljömålen strävar åt samma håll, vilket denna studie gör troligt, behöver detta dock inte utgöra en konflikt. Frågan för hur systemen ska kunna integreras kan då snarare fokuseras till hur gränssnittet mellan de två systemen ska utvecklas. Utifrån de förutsättningar som finns idag med nuvarande system skulle en fortsatt kartläggning av interaktioner liknande denna studie kunna bidra till en bättre förståelse för kopplingen mellan de globala målen och miljömålen. Denna kartläggning skulle företrädelsevis delvis kunna göras i workshopformat med representanter från näringsliv och myndigheter. Om miljömålssystemet skulle utvecklas är en möjlighet att införa systemöverskridande indikatorer som också visar på Sveriges tolkning av de globala målen. / In 2015 the United Nations (UN) agreed on 17 Global Goals to create a socially, economically and ecologically sustainable world. The business sector in Sweden has quickly adopted these goals and works actively to achieve them. Many companies seem to prefer the Global Goals over the Environmental Objectives. Meanwhile, the government has decided that the Environmental Objectives will be retained. The relation between the Global Goals and the Swedish Environmental remains undefined; the government has stated that the Environmental Objectives will represent the Swedish implementation of the ecological part of the Global Goals. Governmental agencies promote the Environmental Objectives and the business sector experiences that laws are motivated by the Environmental Objectives. This study aims to investigate how the two goal systems could be integrated to be efficient and value-adding for the business sector. To investigate this, the interactions between the Global Goals targets 12.2 – 12.5 (regarding Responsible Consumption and Production) and the Environmental Objectives were analysed and interviews with business representatives were conducted. The analysis of the interactions followed a model developed by Nilsson et al. (2016) and aimed to find whether there is alignment between the Global Goals and the Environmental Objectives. The interviews aimed to study how business sector experiences the two goal systems and what function a goal system may serve. The result of the study showed that the two goal systems correlate on a goal level. Most interactions between the systems were classified as weak synergies. No interactions were, on goal level, classified as conflicts. Reduced Climate Impact, A Non-Toxic Environment, A Protective Ozone-Layer, Zero Eutrophication, Good Quality Groundwater and Sustainable Forests were considered to have the strongest synergies to the Environmental Objectives. However, there seemed to be conflicts on a general level, i.e. in the structure of the systems, according to the results of the interviews. It was expresses that communicating the two goal systems simultaneously is inefficient and profitless. The global and holistic perspective of the Global Goals was also preferred by the business sector. The fact that the two goal systems are designed differently means that they suit different actors with different demands. However, this does not have to be a problem if two systems strive towards the same direction which seems likely according to the results of this study. The question as to how the two systems could be integrated could then be reformulated to how the intersection between the two systems could be improved. An extended analysis of interactions between all Global Goals and the Environmental could hence be useful for the understanding of the intersection. This mapping could preferably partly be conducted in the form of a workshop with representatives from business sector and governmental agencies. If the Environmental Objectives were to be changed, it would be an opportunity to introduce cross-system indicators that also show the Swedish interpretation of the Global Goals.

Proposta de método de análise de coerência de políticas na interface nacional-global de agendas de desenvolvimento: Estudo aplicado ao PPA 2016-2019 do Governo Federal do Brasil diante da Agenda 2030 da ONU para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável

Aguiar, Marcela Nunes 20 November 2017 (has links)
Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso apresentado como requisito parcial à obtenção de título de Bacharel em Ciência Ambiental. Campo de confluência: Políticas Públicas e Ambiente. Orientadora: Profa. Dra. Patricia Almeida Ashley. Versão aprovada pela banca examinadora em 14 dezembro 2017. / Submitted by Patricia Almeida Ashley (patriciaalmeidaashley@id.uff.br) on 2017-11-20T16:49:06Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) TCC Marcela Nunes Aguiar - Orientação Profa Patricia Almeida Ashley (Uff - Curso de Ciência Ambiental).pdf: 2386258 bytes, checksum: e5eb36e9c31d7d3d269a23b8ab4c1796 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-11-20T16:49:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) TCC Marcela Nunes Aguiar - Orientação Profa Patricia Almeida Ashley (Uff - Curso de Ciência Ambiental).pdf: 2386258 bytes, checksum: e5eb36e9c31d7d3d269a23b8ab4c1796 (MD5) / CNPq - PIBIC 2015-2016 / A Agenda 2030 para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável aprovada por unanimidade pela Assembleia Geral da Organização das Nações Unidas em setembro de 2015, quando comparada com agendas anteriores para o desenvolvimento humano e meio ambiente inova por mostrar interconexão e indissociabilidade entre seus objetivos e metas. Entretanto, a Agenda 2030 mantém o caráter voluntário de agendas anteriores, o que libera os países-membros para escolherem se e como será adotada, não requer que seja ratificada pelos poderes legislativos dos países-membros da ONU e nem condiciona sua adoção como referência para alinhamento dos marcos legais dos países-membros e dos tratados internacionais de comércio e de investimento. Sendo voluntária, fica, então, a sua realização e implementação na dependência da iniciativa e vontade dos governos que queiram adotá-la como referência para o planejamento de políticas públicas. Nesse contexto, visando elaborar uma forma de observar e avaliar a interface entre nível global e nacional quanto à coerência de políticas a partir de documentos que expressem a totalidade do planejamento governamental, adotou-se referencial teórico que entrelaçasse a teoria da complexidade e a coerência de políticas, permitindo uma compreensão de que quanto mais integrado estiver um sistema, mais coerente ele será. Aplicando-se o referencial teórico para análise da totalidade da Agenda 2030, revela-se que a complexidade e coerência de políticas são aspectos intrínsecos na interface global-nacional. Destaca-se o Objetivo de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS) 10 - que trata da desigualdade - e o ODS 12 - sobre produção e consumo sustentável - da Agenda 2030 como os ODS que possuem maior interação com os demais quinze ODS presentes na Agenda. Eles transpassam praticamente todos os problemas que geraram a elaboração de cada ODS e são, portanto, mais densos e, possivelmente, nevrálgicos para a coerência das políticas públicas em todas as escalas (global, regional, nacional e subnacional). Adicionalmente, foi possível construir e testar um método quali-quantitativo de análise de coerência de políticas em instrumentos na forma de planos plurianuais no planejamento governamental quando comparados diante dos ODS da Agenda 2030. O resultado sinaliza, no PPA 2016-2019 do governo federal: quais são os programas de políticas públicas com maior aproximação qualitativa na redação dos seus objetivos diante dos ODS da Agenda 2030; revela quais os resultados distintos do PPA ao se analisar quais os programas que foram mais valorizados em orçamento alocado; e, por fim, a análise combinada quali-quantitativa que aponta quais os ODS da Agenda 2030 são mais valorizados no PPA 2016-2019. O estudo traz contribuições para organismos multilaterais e órgãos da esfera pública, consultorias e sociedade que estejam envolvidos com a coerência de políticas no planejamento e implementação da Agenda 2030 em políticas públicas, visto que as análises têm sido raras ao se verificar coerência de políticas em aspectos quantitativos do orçamento proposto e alocado às políticas públicas. Futuros estudos poderão replicar o método para outros instrumentos de planejamento governamental na amplitude semelhante de PPAs, seja na escala nacional, estadual e municipal. Também poderão avançar sobre a efetivação dos programas dos PPAs na etapa de execução orçamentária e sua atualização em revisões anuais dos PPAs Palavras chave: Desenvolvimento sustentável. Agenda 2030. Coerência de políticas. Complexidade. Planejamento Governamental. / Abstract: The Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development, adopted unanimously by the General Assembly of the United Nations in September 2015, when compared to previous agendas for human development and the environment, is innovative because it shows interconnection and inseparability between its objectives and goals. However, Agenda 2030 maintains the voluntary nature of previous agendas, which frees the member countries to choose whether and how it will be adopted, does not require ratification by the legislative powers of the UN member countries, nor does it condition its adoption as a reference for alignment of legal frameworks of member countries and international trade and investment treaties. Being voluntary, then, its realization and implementation is dependent on the initiative and will of the governments that want to adopt it as a reference for the planning of public policies. In this context, in order to elaborate a way of observing and evaluating the interface between global and national level regarding the coherence of policies from documents that express the totality of governmental planning, a theoretical framework was adopted that intertwined the theory of complexity and the coherence of allowing an understanding that the more integrated a system is, the more coherent it will be. Applying the theoretical framework to analyze the entire Agenda 2030, it is revealed that the complexity and coherence of policies are intrinsic aspects of the global-national interface. The Sustainable Development Objective (ODS) 10 - which deals with inequality - and ODS 12 - on sustainable production and consumption - of the Agenda 2030, such as ODSs that have greater interaction with the other fifteen ODS present in the Agenda, stand out. They address virtually all the problems that led to the elaboration of each ODS and are therefore more dense and possibly nerve-wracking for the coherence of public policies at all scales (global, regional, national and subnational). In addition, it was possible to construct and test a quali-quantitative method of policy coherence analysis in instruments in the form of multi-year plans in government planning when compared to the ODS of Agenda 2030. The result indicates in the PPA 2016-2019 of the federal government: what public policy programs present the greatest qualitative coherence in the writing of their objectives in relation to the ODS of Agenda 2030; the method also reveal distinct results of the PPA when analyzing which programs were mostly prioritised in their allocated budget for implementation, in relation to the other programs; and, finally, the combined quali-quantitative analysis on narratives weighted by budgets, which indicates the hierarchy of Agenda 2030 ODS most aligned in priority in the 2016-2019 PPA. The study brings contributions to multilateral bodies and public bodies, consultancies and society that are involved with policy coherence in the planning and implementation of the Agenda 2030 in public policies, since the analyzes have been rare when there is also concern on coherence of policies in aspects related to the proposed budget allocated to public policies. Future studies may replicate the method for other government planning instruments in the similar totality of public policy range for a period of time, alike PPAs, whether at the national, state and municipal levels. They may also be able to monitor and compare progress on the implementation of the PPAs programs in the stage of effective budget execution and follow-up on updating results on the annual revisions of the PPAs. Keywords: Sustainable development. 2030 Agenda. Policy coherence. Complexity. Government Planning.

Keňa - vývoj a současnost,problémy a výhledy / Kenya - development and current situation, problems and perspectives

Stonawská, Martina January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to describe historical development of Kenya, analyze its current socioeconomic and political situation and characterize major problems and comparative advantages, which are crucial for its future development. The main contribution of the thesis are my own findings and experience gained during cultural internship in Kenya. The first chapter describes historical development from the beginning of the first settlement on its territory to post colonial era. The second part focuses on demographic indicators, sectorial economic structure, development of macroeconomic indicators in the context of east Africa, political situation and on governmental program called Vision 2030. The last part characterizes key Kenyan advantages and problems with focus on tourism, education and political and religious conflicts. The thesis is closed with future economic prognoses for Kenya.

Multimicronutrientes versus sulfato ferroso: un meta-análisis de los efectos de los tratamientos para la reducción de anemia infantil, en el marco de la meta 1 del objetivo 2 de los ODS al 2030

Pérez Campos, Pamela Milagros, Rona Maldonado, Natalie Chantal January 2016 (has links)
La anemia por deficiencia de hierro es un problema de salud pública a nivel mundial, más aún si se observa en mujeres embarazadas y niños menores de cinco años. En el Perú se ha implementado la estrategia de entrega de multimicronutrientes (MMN) para menores de 36 meses de edad como prevención ante dicho evento. No obstante, esta estrategia se contradeciría con las recomendaciones internacionales. El objetivo de este estudio es generar evidencia científica sobre la efectividad de los tratamientos de la anemia infantil debido a deficiencia de hierro, permitiendo fortalecer las estrategias de lucha contra la desnutrición en el país. Se realizó una metodología de meta-análisis con 7 estudios de ensayos clínicos aleatorizados donde se compara la intervención con MMN versus sulfato ferroso para el tratamiento de anemia a causa de deficiencia de hierro. Los resultados muestran que existen estudios que presentan efectos significativos al recibir como tratamiento sulfato ferroso, así como también MMN. Se realizaron pruebas de heterogeneidad, determinando los estadísticos Q: 13,51 I2: 11,21%. Así como las pruebas de sesgo de publicación a través del gráfico Funnel Plot, y el test de Fail-safe N de Rosenthal, determinándose la muestra necesaria de estudios adicionales que se deben agregar para obtener un OR=1. Se realizó una meta-regresión para evaluar la asociación entre la periodicidad de la administración del tratamiento con MMN y el efecto de cada estudio, encontrándose un p-value= 0,0183 con un grado de libertad, asimismo la variable evaluada presenta un coeficiente de -0,58 con un IC=95%, indicando una relación negativa con la variable independiente OR. De esta manera, el estudio encuentra que los efectos de los tratamientos para la anemia de multimicronutrientes y sulfato ferroso son marginalmente equivalentes y por lo tanto debe priorizarse aquel tratamiento que presente una mayor aceptación de parte de la población y/o presente menores costos de implementación.

Gender equality in transport planning in Estonia : A study on Estonian practise

Rikka, Kersti January 2019 (has links)
Based on previous research about gender equality in transport planning there are some obvious inequalities between the two genders. To start with, women's and men's travel patterns are different, the difference occurs in the causes of these travel patterns. For example men´s travel pattern show that they travel mostly from home to work, while women take different trips between home, work, shop and in behalf of others, such as taking children to school. The difference also occurs in with regards to usage of different transport modes and other categories presented in this research. The purpose of this thesis has been to explore why such differences occur and how gender equality is integrated in transport planning in Estonia. In order to study how gender equality in transport planning is managed, a study based on qualitative methods transport agencies experiences with regards to gender equality was carried out. Furthermore, the study was based on literature reviews and interviews. The results show that there is little expertise within this topic in Estonia and even while the topic is known, it is not integrated into transport planning. The results also indicate several challenges such as traditional and stereotypical attitudes towards gender roles in the Estonian society. The conclusion is that there are several underlying problems. It is clear that the respondents have the knowledge about the topic, however not with regards to the transport planning sector. The reasons according to transport planners are that gender equality in transport planning sector is not prioritised. Furthermore, the study could show a resistance in getting information for the research topic which demonstrates how unfamiliar this topic is among those in transport planning sector today. The challenges such as lack of knowledge and lack of expertise are some of the obstacles that needs to be dealt with before gender equality could be successfully implemented and integrated into transport planning in Estonia. / <p>2019-06-07</p>

Länsstyrelsens arbete med Agenda 2030 med fokus på Gävleborgs län

Skoglund, Kerstin January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna rapport är att beskriva vad Agenda 2030 mer generellt handlar om och att mer specifikt spegla Länsstyrelsens arbete med Agenda 2030 i Gävleborg. Arbetet fokuserar bland annat på de lagar och regler som är kopplade till Agenda 2030, olika hållbarhetsmål coh hur arbetet med Agenda 2030 är finansierat. Genom intervjuer och annan datainsamling speglar examensaarbetet de klimatsatsingar som hittills genomförts i Gävleborg, såsom Klimatklivet,, Stadsmiljöavta, Skydd av värdefull miljö samt Stöd till stadsinnovationer. Ett specifikt syfte med detta arbete är att få en fördjupad förståelse för hur Länsstyrelsen i Gävleborg arbetetar med Agenda 2030 och de mål man u nuläget prioriterar vilket är mål 17, Genomförande och Globalt Partnerskap. Att länsstyrelsen i Gävleborg valt att prioritera detta mål är för att det spänner över alla andra måloch att samverkan ger en förutsättning för att övriga mål i Agenda 2030 ska kunna uppnås. Förutoom den interna samverkan mellan de olika enheterna inom Länsstyrelsen i Ägevleborg som skerför att implementera hållbarhetsmålen i Agenda 2030 i den ordinarie verksamheten beslutades det att man skulle samverka med att antal olika aktörer i regionen. Desssa aktörer är bland annat andra myndigheter, kommunerna i Gävleborgs län, Region Gävleborg, industirer, näringsliv och i viss mån ääven provatpersoner. De respondenter som intervjuats under detta arbete har alla varit positiv till samverkan om än den ser olika ut beroende på vilklen typ av aktör i samhället man tillhör. En åsikt som framkommit är att tid och resurser ofta upplevs som en bristvara och att myndighetsutövning kan ta tid. Länsstyrelsen i Gävleborg ingår i olika typer av samverkansplattformar och nätverk och samverkan ser olika ut beroende på vem man samverkar med.  För att nå de globla målen kan polycentrisk styrning (eng: polycentric governance) vara en framkomlig strategi då denna styrform innebär att de beslutsfattande organen samverkar utifrån gemensamma regler som gäller oavsett nivå och strukturer. För att detta ska fungera krävs samverkan. Genom en polycentrisk styrning minskas dessutom möjligheterna för "free-riders" då alla aktörer styrs av samma regelverk.

The Microfoundations of Sustainability: Transforming Ideas into Practice : A qualitative study of Swedish municipalities

Luzhkova, Elena, Hägglund, Johanna January 2020 (has links)
Purpose The aim of this study is to examine how Swedish municipalities work withsustainability and transform ideas into actions in regard to Agenda 2030. This is examined with abasis in microfoundations. We propose that the different levels of microfoundations areinterlinked and that all levels of microfoundations need to work properly to have a functioningprocess of turning ideas into actions. Theoretical Perspective In order to examine this issue comprehensively, a literature review isperformed. Previous research shows that microfoundations can be split into three subcategories:individuals, processes and structure. The analysis is done from the perspective of these threemicrofoundational categories. Method This study is conducted using a qualitative method through a dual case study. Five semistructured interviews are conducted in two municipalities. The interviews are transcribed andanalyzed using the theoretical background. Municipal documents are also used in the analysis inorder to triangulate the data. Conclusion The empirical findings show that all levels of microfoundations are vital for thestudied municipalities when they transform sustainability ideas into actions. The most importantlevel of microfoundations appears to be individuals, however all of the levels are intertwined andit is not sufficient with just one level.

Materialitet - kommunal hållbarhetsredovisnings framtid? : En explorativ &amp; kvalitativ fallstudie på kommunal materialitetsanalys av Agenda-2030 nyckeltalen. / Materiality - The future of Swedish municipal sustainability reporting? : An exploratory &amp; qualitative case study on municipal materiality analysis of Agenda-2030 key figures.

Hultman, Axel, Paulsson, Felix January 2021 (has links)
Studien visar att materialitetsanalys till viss del redan sker i kommunal verksamhet när de upprättar hållbarhetsredovisning. Däremot är denna i många fall mycket ostrukturerad och i vissa fall reflekterar inte kommunerna över att de prioriterar information. Materialitetsanalysen som utfördes av kommunerna visade dels att Agenda 2030-nyckeltalen som är ämnade att användas och implementeras i sin helhet i många fall är svårhanterlig med grund i kommunernas självstyre och unika sammanhang. Vidare visade studien att materialitetsanalysen kan vara användbar för att hitta de nyckeltal bland Agenda 2030-nyckeltalen som faktiskt är användbara för en specifik kommun. Detta eftersom vad som är att anse som materiellt eller inte till största del verkar vara helt beroende på varje enskild kommuns egen uppfattning. Vad som statuerar ett materiellt nyckeltal är alltså mycket beroende på varje enskild kommun. Däremot är det viktigt för kommunerna att nyckeltalet faktiskt går att arbeta med. Huruvida kommunen tidigare haft fram- eller motgångar med nyckeltalet tycks inte vara av någon större vikt. Matrisen låter också kommunerna reflektera kring och analysera nyckeltalen vilket kan utgöra ett gott komplement till nyckeltalen i hållbarhetsredovisningen. Kommunerna är bekanta med Agenda 2030 och vikten av att implementera denna i sin hållbarhetsredovisning. Materialitetsanalysen tillåter detta att ske systematiskt och är användbart för att ta hänsyn till varje kommuns förutsättningar. På så vis närmar sig kommunerna materiella hållbarhetsredovisningar med substans snarare än generella kopior av varandra med intetsägande nyckeltal. Detta innebär också att legitimitetsgapet mot samhället minskas. Explicit tryck i form av lagar för att driva på kommunal hållbarhetsredovisning medför risker. Detta kan bestå av att information tas med för att tillgodose ett lagkrav och inte för att det är materiellt. Materialitetsanalysen har en plats i kommunal hållbarhetsredovisning, detta är möjligt utan att tvinga dit den med lagar. Genom att belysa användbarheten och det värde en strukturerad analys av nyckeltal eller annan information ger hållbarhetsredovisningen kan också en norm bildas som främjar kvalitet framför inställsamhet. / The study shows that materiality analysis to some extent already takes place in municipal activities when they prepare sustainability reports. However, in many cases this is unstructured and in some cases the municipalities do not reflect on the fact that they prioritize information. The materiality analysis carried out by the municipalities showed that the Agenda 2030 key figures that are intended to be used and implemented in their entirety are in many cases difficult to handle and not suitable as a national standard based on the municipalities' autonomy and unique contexts. Furthermore, the study showed that the materiality analysis can be useful for finding the key figures among the Agenda 2030 key figures that are useful for a specific municipality. This is because what is to be regarded as material or not largely seems to be dependent on each individual municipality's own perception. What constitutes a material key figure is thus highly dependent on each individual municipality. On the other hand, it is important for the municipalities that the key figure is operational. Whether the municipality has previously had successes or setbacks with the key figure does not seem to be of any major importance to if it is to be regarded material or not.The matrix also allows the municipalities to reflect on and analyze the key figures, which can be a good complement to the key figures in the sustainability report. The municipalities are familiar with Agenda 2030 and the importance of implementing this in their sustainability report. The materiality analysis allows this to take place systematically and is useful for considering the conditions of each municipality. In this way, the municipalities approach material sustainability reports with substance rather than general copies of each other with bland key figures. Doing this will help the municipal to reduce the legitimacy gap. Explicit pressure in the form of laws to push for municipal sustainability reporting entails risks. This may consist of information being disclosed to satisfy a legal requirement and not because it is material. The materiality analysis has a place in municipal sustainability reporting, and it can take this without being forced to do so by laws. By highlighting the usefulness and the value that a structured analysis of key figures or other information provides in the sustainability report, a norm can also be formed that promotes quality over conformity in municipal sustainability reporting.

Urban Leftovers - Identifying and Harnessing their potential for the Agenda 2030 in Malmö

Kasarabada, Divya January 2020 (has links)
The planning of cities and transformation of social, political and economic structures have resulted in open spaces of two types. First, the type of open space that is planned and designed and the second type, that is undesigned. These undesigned open spaces are referred to as leftover spaces. They are unused roof tops, or space under a flyover that is vacant, or spaces behind a building that are unattractive or a parking lot that is empty on weekends. Their nature, appearance and qualities vary from context to context. Some cities are recognizing the untapped potential of these spaces and are working towards revitalizing them. The narrative of a city can change when these spaces are incorporated into the urban fabric of the city. Malmö, as a city with so much industrial history and one in the forefront of sustainable development, is also home to many leftover spaces. These spaces could be a test ground for working towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Leftover spaces are also already being recognized for different needs such as temporary uses, artworks, tactical urbanism, environmental design. This thesis maps the types of leftover spaces in the city using different methods and suggests a typology of spaces for the city. Case study examples from Scandinavia and strategies that were inferred from them form the basis of linking these spaces to the SDGs. These leftover spaces are not ‘seen’ by the city and pose various challenges such as ownership, funding and the building traditions of Sweden. This discussion will put Malmö, Sweden and broadly Scandinavia among the other studies done on the realm of leftover spaces.

HÅLLBAR UTVECKLING GENOM SLÖJDEN : Hur undervisar textillärare hållbar utveckling?

Fessé, Elisabeth January 2023 (has links)
Det här examensarbetets syfte är att fördjupa kunskap om hur implementering av hållbar utveckling i slöjdämnet i relation till föreskrifter i Läroplanen för fritidshem och grundskola(Skolverket, 2022). Arbetets frågeställningar är: Hur beskriver textillärare sin undervisning i hållbar utveckling? Samt vilket undervisningsinnehåll finns i textilslöjden som kan kopplas till hållbar utveckling? Som metod har kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts med sex legitimerade textillärare som undervisar på högstadiet. Hållbar utveckling är inget nytt inom slöjdämnet, men hösten 2022 trädde den nya läroplanen (Lgr22) i kraft, och i den har hållbar utveckling fått en mer framträdande roll än i tidigare läroplaner. Ut ifrån vad textillärarna berättade om sin undervisning utkristalliserades teman, dessa teman är återbruk, material, materiallära och medvetenhet/värderingar (social hållbarhet). Textillärarnas beskrivningar om arbetet med hållbar utveckling i slöjden är varierat, dels hur mycket de arbetar med hållbar utveckling dels med vilka aktiviteter lärarna beskriver som arbete med hållbar utveckling. Samtliga textillärare nämner att de arbetar med återbruk. Resultatet från intervjuerna med textillärarna analyseras med didaktisk teori samt läroplansteori. Alla textillärare berättar att de strävar efter att arbeta med hållbar utveckling i större utsträckning, men uttrycker att de skulle vilja ha fortbildning och mer tid till att planera undervisningen.

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