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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The evolution and transmission of HA-MRSA ST239 through hospitals in Turkey and intercontinental spread

Aldeljawi, Mona January 2015 (has links)
Next-generation sequencing technology provides high-resolution data for epidemiological surveillance of bacterial pathogens on local and global scales. This approach has been used for many species including Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). In this thesis I demonstrate the utility of these data for understanding the spread of the globally disseminated clone MRSA ST239. I focus both on local and national-level epidemiology through sequence data of 71 isolates recovered from four hospitals representing three cities in Turkey; Istanbul (x2). Ankara and Izmir. I analyse whole genome sequence data from a further 33 ST239 isolates from global sources. These data were combined with previously published data for phylogenetic analysis based only on the core genome. I demonstrate how transmission events can be inferred from this approach on multiple levels; within hospital, between hospitals and between countries. The data pointed to a European origin of ST239, and independent introductions from Europe to Turkey, South America and East Asia. I also demonstrate how whole genome sequence data can be used to develop bespoke PCR assays, based on phage variation, for rapid local epidemiology. Finally, I consider how the sequence data might be used to explain variation in virulence potential, and describe the distribution and transfer of an important phage-borne virulence determinant, sasX, within Europe. Finally, I identified a single isolate with very strong biofilm forming ability likely due to the over-expression of the important adhesion SasG.

Determination of actinide elements in environmental samples by ICP-MS

Truscott, Jason Bedford January 2000 (has links)
Methods for the determination of the actinide elements in water, biological, soil and sediment samples have been developed using on-line solid phase extraction and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Initial applications utilised a commercially available resin, namely TRU-Spec resin, for efficient removal of the matrix prior to elution of uranium and thorium analytes. Comparative analyses of reference materials and natural water samples from Plymouth and Dartmoor demonstrated significant improvement in precision and speed of analysis by using TRU-Spec coupled to ICP-MS compared with alpha spectrometry. Further applications of the TRU-Spec resin for the determination of the transuranic actinide elements neptunium, plutonium and americium, resulted in the successful determination of 239Pu and 237Np in biological reference materials. Detection limits were 700, 850, and 600 attograms (ag) for 237Np, 233Pu, and 241Am, respectively, for a 0.5 ml sample injection, and better than 200 ag/g with 50 ml pre-concentration when sector field (SF) ICP-MS was used. A method for the selective sequential elution of uranium and plutonium was also developed to facilitate the determination of 239Pu without interference due to the 238U1H+ polyatomic ion, caused by high concentrations of 238U in sediment samples. Investigations were performed into the use of a polymeric substrate, which was dynamically coated with chelating dyes such as xylenol orange and 4-(2-pyridylazo) resorcinol, and a silica substrate coated with permanently bonded iminodiacetic acid. The latter was used for the successful determination of uranium and thorium in certified reference material waters. However, the column was found to have a high affinity for iron, making it unsuitable for the determination of the actinides in soil and sediment samples. Subsequently, a polystyrene substrate which was dynamically coated with dipicolinic acid was used for HPLC coupled with SF-ICP-MS. Using this column it was possible to separate the various actinides from each other and from the matrix. In particular, it was possible to separate plutonium and uranium to facilitate interference-free determination of the former. The column also exhibited some selectivity for different oxidation states of Np, Pu and U. Two oxidation states each for plutonium and neptunium were found, tentatively identified as Np(V) and Pu(III) eluting at the solvent front, and Np(IV) and Pu(IV) eluting much later. Detection limits were 12, 8, and 4 fg for 237Np, 239Pu, and 241Am, respectively, for a 0.5 ml injection, and the system was successfully used for the determination of 239Pu in water, biological and soil reference materials.

Inventario de radionuclideos artificiais em agua do mar e sedimentos da costa sul do Brasil

FIGUEIRA, RUBENS C.L. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:44:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T13:57:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 06901.pdf: 9310315 bytes, checksum: 34ec97737bf373b58a295f330b6aa935 (MD5) / Tese (Doutoramento) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN/CNEN-SP

Inventario de radionuclideos artificiais em agua do mar e sedimentos da costa sul do Brasil

FIGUEIRA, RUBENS C.L. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:44:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T13:57:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 06901.pdf: 9310315 bytes, checksum: 34ec97737bf373b58a295f330b6aa935 (MD5) / Tese (Doutoramento) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN/CNEN-SP

Théodore Abu Qurrah : opuscules théologiques : introduction, édition critique, traduction et commentaire historique et doctrinal / Theodore Abū Qurrah : theological opuscula : introduction, Critical Edition, Translation, Historical and Doctrinal Commentary

D'Agostino, Pietro 04 November 2019 (has links)
Théodore Abū Qurra (8ème-9ème s.), évêque melkite de Ḥarrān, en Haute-Mésopotamie, a laissé une vaste production en arabe. On lui attribue, également, des opuscules en grec. Ceux-ci, sous forme de lettre, de dialogue, de question-réponse ou d’homélie, sont transmis par de nombreux manuscrits. Les sujets, très variés, touchent à la polémique théologique contre l’Islam d’un côté, et contre les chrétiens non-chalcédoniens (Monophysites et Nestoriens) de l’autre. L’édition de référence étant celle imprimée dans la Patrologia Graeca de Migne (1865), une étude véritablement scientifique s’impose. La production antimusulmane ayant déjà fait l’objet d’une édition, la thèse se propose d’étudier la tradition manuscrite des opuscules antihérétiques et de produire une édition critique des textes, auxquels s’ajoutent également plusieurs écrits jusqu’ici inédits. La thèse se compose de trois parties : dans la 1ère, nous traçons un profil biographique de l’auteur et nous discutons l’attribution des opuscules ; dans la 2ème, nous décrivons les manuscrits et étudions la tradition ; dans la 3ème, nous éditons le texte critique agrémenté d’une traduction française, texte précédé d’une introduction contextualisant les opuscules de Théodore dans la production théologique de son époque. / Theodore Abū Qurra, Melkite bishop of Ḥarrān (8th-9th c.), left a vast production of Arabic texts. Several Greek opuscula have been attributed to him as well. These are in the form of letters, dialogues, question-and-answer and homilies, and they are transmitted by many manuscripts. Their content is multifaceted: it concerns the theological polemics against Islam, on one side, and apologetics vis-à-vis non-Chalcedonian Christians (Monophysites and Nestorians), on the other. Considering that Migne’s Patrologia Graeca (1865) is the current reference edition, a new scientific study is highly valuable. Since the antimuslim production has already been edited, the present study focuses on the manuscript tradition of the antirrhetical opuscula and on their edition. In addition, the text edition of several unpublished writings is provided. This thesis consists of three parts: first, we outline the biography of the author and discuss the authorship of the works; second, we describe the manuscripts and study the tradition; in the third, we publish the critical text accompanied by a French translation. The last section is preceded by an introduction for the contextualization of Theodore’s opuscula in the scope of the theological production of that period.

Christus im Diskurs mit Muhammad - Das Ringen um religiöse Identität / Christ in the discourse with Muhammad - The struggle around religious identity : The discussion of the Syrian Christians with Islam with the help of well-chosen texts of Johannes Damaskenos and Theodor Abū Qurra

Süß, Ina 11 June 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Religion ist für viele Menschen ein wichtiger Bestandteil ihres Seins. Sie identifizieren und definieren sich über ihre Zugehörigkeit zu dieser. Jede konkurrierende Weltanschauung wird dabei meist als Bedrohung angesehen und mehr oder weniger stark in Wort, Schrift oder Tat bekämpft. Besonders die Auseinandersetzung mit dem Islam hat sich in den letzten Jahren drastisch verschärft und führt immer wieder zu heftigen verbalen oder gewalttätigen Angriffen. Das Ringen um Verständigung bzw. Abgrenzung und die damit verbundenen Konflikte und Diskussionen sind jedoch nicht neu, sondern ziehen sich wie ein roter Faden durch die Geschichte. Interessant aus heutiger Zeit ist deshalb die Erschließung der Anfangsdebatte am Entstehungsort des Islams. Auf welche Weise und mit welchen Mitteln setzten sich die unmittelbar von der arabischen Herrschaft betroffenen Christen mit der neuen Religion auseinander? Wie entwickelten sich die Argumentationsmuster in den Anfängen des Religionsdiskurses? Welche hauptsächlichen religiösen Unterschiede wurden wahrgenommen und thematisiert? Anhand einiger Texte des Johannes Damaskenos und des Theodor Abū Qurra soll diesen Fragen auf den Grund gegangen werden. / Religion is an important component of her being for many people. They identify and define themselves over her affiliation to this. Besides, every competing world view is mostly looked as a menace and is fought more or less strongly in word, writing or action. Particularly the discussion with Islam has drastically intensified during the last years and leads over and over again to fierce verbal or violent attacks. Nevertheless, the struggle around notification or demarcation and the conflicts linked with it and discussions are not new, but stretch like a red thread through the history. Therefore, interesting from today's time is the development of the beginning debate in the place of origin of Islam. In which manner and with which means did the Christians immediately affected by the Arabian rule argue with the new religion? How did the argumentation patterns develop in the beginnings of the religious discourse? Which principal religious differences were perceived and picked out as a central theme? With the help of some texts of Johannes Damaskenos and Theodor Abū Qurra should become to these questions on the reason gone.

Stochastic simulation studies for honeybee breeding

Du, Manuel 29 January 2021 (has links)
Die Arbeit beschreibt ein stochastisches Simulationsprogramm zur Modellierung von Honigbienenpopulationen unter Zuchtbedingungen. Dieses Programm wurde neu implementiert um unterschiedliche Selektionsstrategien zu evaluieren und zu optimieren. In einer ersten Studie wurde untersucht, inwiefern die Vorhersagen, die das Programm trifft, vom verwendeten genetischen Modell abhängt. Hierbei wurde festgestellt, dass das Finite-Locus-Modell dem Infinitesimalmodell in Langzeitstudien vorzuziehen ist. Eine zweite Studie beleuchtete die Bedeutung der sicheren Anpaarung auf Belegstellen für die Honigbienenzucht. Hier zeigten die Simulationen, dass die Zucht mit Anpaarungskontrolle derjenigen mit freier Paarung von Königinnen deutlich überlegen ist. Schließlich wurde in einer finalen Studie der Frage nachgegangen, wie erfolgreiche Zuchtprogramme bei der Honigbiene langfristig nachhaltig zu gestalten sind. Hierbei sind kurzfristiger genetischer Zugewinn und langfristige Inzuchtvermeidung gegeneinander abzuwägen. Durch umfangreiche Simulationen konnten für verschiedene Ausgangspopulationen Empfehlungen für eine optimale Zuchtintensität auf mütterlicher und väterlicher Seite gefunden werden. / The present work describes a stochastic simulation program for modelling honeybee populations under breeding conditions. The program was newly implemented to investigate and optimize different selection strategies. A first study evaluated in how far the program's predictions depend on the underlying genetic model. It was found that the finite locus model rather than the infinitesimal model should be used for long-term investigations. A second study shed light into the importance of controlled mating for honeybee breeding. It was found that breeding schemes with controlled mating are far superior to free-mating alternatives. Ultimately, a final study examined how successful breeding strategies can be designed so that they are sustainable in the long term. For this, short-term genetic progress has to be weighed against the avoidance of inbreeding in the long run. By extensive simulations, optimal selection intensities on the maternal and paternal paths could be determined for different sets of population parameters.

Christus im Diskurs mit Muhammad - Das Ringen um religiöse Identität: Die Auseinandersetzung der syrischen Christen mit dem Islam anhand ausgewählter Texte des Johannes Damaskenos und des Theodor Abū Qurra

Süß, Ina January 2015 (has links)
Religion ist für viele Menschen ein wichtiger Bestandteil ihres Seins. Sie identifizieren und definieren sich über ihre Zugehörigkeit zu dieser. Jede konkurrierende Weltanschauung wird dabei meist als Bedrohung angesehen und mehr oder weniger stark in Wort, Schrift oder Tat bekämpft. Besonders die Auseinandersetzung mit dem Islam hat sich in den letzten Jahren drastisch verschärft und führt immer wieder zu heftigen verbalen oder gewalttätigen Angriffen. Das Ringen um Verständigung bzw. Abgrenzung und die damit verbundenen Konflikte und Diskussionen sind jedoch nicht neu, sondern ziehen sich wie ein roter Faden durch die Geschichte. Interessant aus heutiger Zeit ist deshalb die Erschließung der Anfangsdebatte am Entstehungsort des Islams. Auf welche Weise und mit welchen Mitteln setzten sich die unmittelbar von der arabischen Herrschaft betroffenen Christen mit der neuen Religion auseinander? Wie entwickelten sich die Argumentationsmuster in den Anfängen des Religionsdiskurses? Welche hauptsächlichen religiösen Unterschiede wurden wahrgenommen und thematisiert? Anhand einiger Texte des Johannes Damaskenos und des Theodor Abū Qurra soll diesen Fragen auf den Grund gegangen werden. / Religion is an important component of her being for many people. They identify and define themselves over her affiliation to this. Besides, every competing world view is mostly looked as a menace and is fought more or less strongly in word, writing or action. Particularly the discussion with Islam has drastically intensified during the last years and leads over and over again to fierce verbal or violent attacks. Nevertheless, the struggle around notification or demarcation and the conflicts linked with it and discussions are not new, but stretch like a red thread through the history. Therefore, interesting from today's time is the development of the beginning debate in the place of origin of Islam. In which manner and with which means did the Christians immediately affected by the Arabian rule argue with the new religion? How did the argumentation patterns develop in the beginnings of the religious discourse? Which principal religious differences were perceived and picked out as a central theme? With the help of some texts of Johannes Damaskenos and Theodor Abū Qurra should become to these questions on the reason gone.

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