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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utilizzo dell'esame dermoscopico nella valutazione clinica e nel follow up dei nevi melanocitici in sede acrale dell'età pediatrica: studio retrospettivo osservazionale / Dermoscopy as a method to evaluate clinical aspects and follow up melanocytic nevi affecting acral volar skin in children: a retrospective observational study

Bentivogli, Margherita <1977> 17 April 2012 (has links)
La dermoscopia, metodica non invasiva, di pratico utilizzo e a basso costo si è affermata negli ultimi anni come valido strumento per la diagnosi e il follow up delle lesioni cutanee pigmentate e non pigmentate. La presente ricerca è stata incentrata sullo studio dermoscopico dei nevi melanocitici a localizzazione palmo-plantare, acquisiti e congeniti, in età pediatrica: a questo scopo sono state analizzate le immagini dei nevi melanocitici acrali nei pazienti visitati c/o l’ambulatorio di Dermatologia Pediatrica del Policlinico Sant’Orsola Malpighi dal 2004 al 2011 per definire i principali pattern dermoscopici rilevati ed i cambiamenti osservati durante il follow up videodermatoscopico. Nella nostra casistica di immagini dermoscopiche pediatriche abbiamo notato un cambiamento rilevante (inteso come ogni modificazione rilevata tra il pattern demoscopico osservato al baseline e i successivi follow up) nell’88,6% dei pazienti ed in particolare abbiamo osservato come in un’alta percentuale di pazienti (80%), si sia verificato un vero e proprio impallidimento del nevo melanocitico e in un paziente è stata evidenziata totale regressione dopo un periodo di tempo di 36 mesi. E’ stato interessante notare come l’impallidimento della lesione melanocitaria si sia verificata per lo più in sedi sottoposte ad una sollecitazione meccanica cronica, come la pianta del piede e le dita (di mani e piedi), facendoci ipotizzare un ruolo del traumatismo cronico nelle modificazioni che avvengono nelle neoformazioni melanocitarie dei bambini in questa sede. / Dermoscopy is a cheap, easy to use and noninvasive diagnostic method to evaluate and follow up pigmented and nonpigmented skin lesions. In this retrospective observational study we examined dermoscopic images of 35 acquired and congenital melanocytic nevi affecting acral volar skin in children seen at the Dermatologic Unit, Sant’Orsola Malpighi Hospital, University of Bologna, from 2004 to 2011 in order to define dermoscopic features and to compare the baseline and follow up dermoscopic patterns. Significant dermoscopic changes between baseline and follow up pictures were observed in 88,6% of patients; in particular we noticed a brightening of the lesion in a high percentage of patients (80%) and a total regression in one patient in a period of time of 36 months. It is interesting to note that the brightening of the lesions occurred mainly in sites subjected to chronic mechanical stress such as soles and fingers so we hypothesize a role of repeated traumatism in changes occurring in acral melanocytic nevi in children.

Chirurgia dermatologica pediatrica / Pediatric dermatological surgery

D’Acunto, Carmine <1967> 17 April 2012 (has links)
Le caratteristiche istologiche, immunologiche e fisiologiche della cute in età pediatrica sono responsabili di quadri dermatologici differenti nel bambino rispetto all’adulto, per cui la dermatologia pediatrica sta acquisendo sempre maggiore importanza come branca specifica nell’ambito sia della dermatologia generale che della pediatria. Il problema cruciale che si incontra nel management delle dermatosi pediatriche è legato alle difficoltà diagnostiche incontrate, che comportano spesso la necessità di eseguire una biopsia cutanea. Mentre gli studi epidemiologici relativi alla frequenza delle patologie dermatologiche pediatriche siano ampiamente riportati in letteratura, i dati e le revisioni relative alla chirurgia pediatrica dermatologica, nell’ambito dei servizi di Dermatologia Pediatrica, sono ridotti. Nell’arco dei tre anni di dottorato, la mia attività è stata finalizzata a valutare la possibilità di organizzare un servizio ambulatoriale per i prelievi bioptici in età pediatrica, con il solo ausilio di anestetici topici e locali. Durante i tre anni di Dottorato di Ricerca sono stati eseguiti 296 prelievi. Le biopsie eseguite sono state suddivise in 3 gruppi: biopsie diagnostiche su patologie dermatologiche (108 pz, 36%), biopsie su neoformazioni cutanee (174 pz, 59 %) e biopsie su lesioni follicolari ( 14 pz, 5%). Di ciascun gruppo sono state valutate le patologie riscontrate, l’età, il sesso, l’impiego di anestetico topico associato ad anestetico locale. In 180 (61%) pazienti dopo la biopsia si è proceduto all’applicazione di punti di sutura. Si sono valutati inoltre i vantaggi e gli svantaggi di tale attività ambulatoriale rispetto ai prelievi eseguiti avvalendosi di una sedazione profonda. / The skin of the child has histological, immunological and physiological characteristics responsible for different dermatological manifestations in children than adults, so the pediatric dermatology is gaining increasing importance as a specific branch in the general dermatology and pediatrician. An important problem which is encountered in the management of pediatric dermatosis is related to diagnostic difficulties, which often involve the need to perform a skin biopsy. As epidemiological studies relating to the frequency of pediatric dermatological diseases are widely reported in the literature, the data and revisions to the pediatric dermatological surgery are reduced. During the three years of research, my intent was aimed at assessing the possibility of organizing an outpatient service for biopsies in children, with only the aid of topical and local anesthetics. In particular 296 samples were performed. The biopsies were divided into 3 groups: diagnostic biopsies of skin diseases (108 pcs, 36%), biopsies of skin tumors (174 pcs, 59%) and biopsies of follicular lesions (14 pcs, 5%). Of each group were evaluated pathologies, age, sex, the use of topical anesthetic associated with local anesthetic. In 180 (61%) patients were applied stitches. We have evaluated the advantages and disadvantages of ambulatory activity compared to samples taken using deep sedation / general anesthesia.

Studio istologico e follow-up clinico di carcinomi basocellulari trattati con terapia chirurgica / Histological study and clinical follow-up of basal cell carcinomas treated with surgical therapy

Bertoncelli, Marco <1980> 02 April 2014 (has links)
Lo studio ha posto l'attenzione sul rapporto costo-efficacia tra le metodiche più utilizzate per la rimozione di carcinomi basocellulari: l'asportazione chirurgica e la terapia fotodinamica. Dai dati si evince che la rimozione chirurgica è la metodica più efficace per la minore frequenza di recidive (4.7%) rispetto alla terapia fotodinamica (6%). Questo dato è valido unicamente per i carcinomi superficiali; per i carcinomi nodulari la frequenza di recidiva con la terapia fotodinamica risulta essere più elevata (35%). La chirurgia è una metodica più costosa rispetto alla fotodinamica. La variabile dolore risulta essere minore per la chirurgia rispetto alla fotodinamica. Il risultato estetico invece è migliore per la fotodinamica rispetto alla terapia chirurgica. I costi invece sono più elevati per la terapia chirurgica. Rimane un'ultima considerazione: la terapia fotodinamica richiede talvolta un nuovo intervento a distanza di mesi o anni e pertanto questa scelta comporta costi aggiuntivi. / The study focused attention on the cost-effectiveness among the most popular methods used for removal of basal cell carcinomas: surgical resection and photodynamic therapy. From data it is clear that surgical removal is the most effective method for reducing the frequency of relapses (4.7%) compared to photodynamic therapy (6%). This figure is valid only for superficial carcinomas; for nodular carcinomas frequency of recurrence with photodynamic therapy turns out to be higher (35%). Surgery is a method more expensive than the photodynamic. The variable pain is less with surgery than the photodynamic therapy. The aesthetic result is rather better for photodynamic therapy compared to surgery. The costs however are higher for surgical therapy. One final consideration remains: photodynamic therapy sometimes requires reoperation after months or years and so this choice involves additional costs.

Forme atipiche di malattia mani-piedi-bocca: La nostra esperienza / Atypical forms of hand, foot, and mouth disease: our experience

Dondi, Arianna <1979> 02 April 2014 (has links)
Introduzione: La malattia mani-piedi-bocca è una patologia infettiva tipica della prima infanzia causata dagli enterovirus, in particolare i sierotipi Coxsackievirus A16 ed Enterovirus 71. A partire dal 2008, ne è stata descritta un’epidemia da Coxsackievirus A6, in genere accompagnata da febbre elevata e che si distingue per lo sviluppo di piccole vescicole che progrediscono a lesioni vescicolo-bollose e a bolle vere e proprie. Inoltre, nei pazienti affetti da dermatite atopica, le lesioni tendono a localizzarsi sulle aree eczematose. Abbiamo quindi svolto uno studio osservazionale prospettico per descrivere le caratteristiche cliniche delle forme atipiche di malattia mani-piedi-bocca. Metodi: Sono stati arruolati i pazienti affetti da una forma atipica di malattia mani-piedi-bocca giunti consecutivamente presso l’Ambulatorio di Dermatologia Pediatrica del Policlinico S.Orsola-Malpighi di Bologna tra gennaio 2012 e febbraio 2014. Abbiamo valutato distribuzione, tipologia ed estensione delle lesioni. In un gruppo di pazienti è stata inoltre eseguita l’identificazione virale sul fluido vescicolare. Risultati: Abbiamo arruolato 47 pazienti (68% maschi) con un’età mediana di 22 mesi. Sono stati individuati 3 aspetti clinici principali: 1) forma acrale (distribuzione delle lesioni prevalentemente acrale), nel 62% dei soggetti; 2) eczema coxsackium (lesioni localizzate su aree eczematose), nel 23% dei soggetti; 3) forma diffusa (estensione delle lesioni al tronco), nel 15% dei soggetti. Inoltre, nell’80% circa dei pazienti si riscontravano macule purpuriche acrali, circa la metà dei pazienti aveva lesioni con aspetto purpurico e il 72% un interessamento dei glutei. In 9 su 11 soggetti genotipizzati è stato isolato il Coxsackievirus A6. Conclusioni: Questo studio ha permesso di descrivere tre fenotipi di malattia mani-piedi-bocca atipica, che deve essere correttamente identificata al fine di non porre diagnosi errate quali varicella, eczema herpeticum, vasculiti, impetigine, e di potere così procedere ad una gestione appropriata della patologia. / Background: Hand, foot, and mouth disease is a pediatric infectious illness caused by enteroviruses, mainly Coxsackivirus A16 and Enterovirus 71 serotypes. Since 2008, an outbreak caused by Coxsackievirus A6 was reported, with high fever and different cutaneous findings such as small vesicles evolving into vesicular-bullous lesions or bullae. Moreover, lesions tend to appear on eczematous areas in children affected by atopic dermatitis. We have set this observational, prospectic study in order to describe the clinical aspects of the atypical forms of hand, foot and mouth disease. Methods: Patients affected by atypical forms of hand, foot, and mouth disease consecutively seen at the Pediatric Dematology Outpatients’ Service of S.Orsola-Malpighi Hospital in Bologna from January 2012 and February 2014 were enrolled. The distribution, typology and extension of the lesions were evaluated. In some patients, viral genotyping was also performed. Results: 47 patients were enrolled with a median age of 22 months. We identified 3 main clinical aspects: 1) acral form (predominantly acral distribution of the lesions) in 62% of the patients; 2) eczema coxsackium (lesions distributed on eczematous areas) in 23% of the patients; 3) widespread form (lesions involving also the trunk) in 15% of the patients. Around 80% of the patients had acral purpuric macules (moderate or severe in 40%), up to 70% had a non-classical moderate or severe vesicular eruption. Around half of the subjects had purpuric lesions and 72% buttocks involvement. In 9 out of 11 genotyped patients, Coxsackievirus A6 was identified. Conclusions: With the present study, we were able to describe 3 phenotypes of the atypical hand, foot, and mouth disease, in order to correctly identify this illness and distinguish it from varicella, eczema herpeticum, vasculitis, impetigo and set up a proper management.

Funzionalizzazione della mandibola dopo ricostruzione con lembo libero rivascolarizzato di fibula "single strut". Al di là del deficit di verticalità.

Gessaroli, Manlio <1964> 04 June 2009 (has links)
Obiettivi: Valutare la modalità  più efficace per la riabilitazione funzionale del limbo libero di fibula "single strut", dopo ampie resezioni per patologia neoplastica maligna del cavo orale. Metodi: Da una casistica di 62 ricostruzioni microvascolari con limbo libero di fibula, 11 casi sono stati selezionati per essere riabilitati mediante protesi dentale a supporto implantare. 6 casi sono stati trattati senza ulteriori procedure chirurgiche ad eccezione dell'implantologia (gruppo 1), affrontando il deficit di verticalità  della fibula attraverso la protesi dentaria, mentre i restanti casi sono stati trattati con la distrazione osteogenetica (DO) della fibula prima della riabilitazione protesica (gruppo 2). Il deficit di verticalità  fibula/mandibola è stato misurato. I criteri di valutazione utilizzati includono la misurazione clinica e radiografica del livello osseo e dei tessuti molli peri-implantari, ed il livello di soddisfazione del paziente attraverso un questionario appositamente redatto. Risultati: Tutte le riabilitazioni protesiche sono costituite da protesi dentali avvitate su impianti. L'età  media è di 52 anni, il rapporto uomini/donne è di 6/5. Il numero medio di impianti inseriti nelle fibule è di 5. Il periodo massimo di follow-up dopo il carico masticatorio è stato di 30 mesi per il gruppo 1 e di 38.5 mesi (17-81) di media per il gruppo 2. Non abbiamo riportato complicazioni chirurgiche. Nessun impianto è stato rimosso dai pazienti del gruppo 1, la perdita media di osso peri-implantare registrata è stata di 1,5 mm. Nel gruppo 2 sono stati riportati un caso di tipping linguale del vettore di distrazione durante la fase di consolidazione e un caso di frattura della corticale basale in assenza di formazione di nuovo osso. L'incremento medio di osso in verticalità è stato di 13,6 mm (12-15). 4 impianti su 32 (12.5%) sono andati persi dopo il periodo di follow-up. Il riassorbimento medio peri-implantare, è stato di 2,5 mm. Conclusioni: Le soluzioni più utilizzate per superare il deficit di verticalità  del limbo libero di fibula consistono nell'allestimento del lembo libero di cresta iliaca, nel posizionare la fibula in posizione ideale da un punto di vista protesico a discapito del profilo osseo basale, l'utilizzo del lembo di fibula nella versione descritta come "double barrel", nella distrazione osteogenetica della fibula. La nostra esperienza concerne il lembo libero di fibula che nella patologia neoplastica maligna utilizziamo nella versione "single strut", per mantenere disponibili tutte le potenzialità  di lunghezza del peduncolo vascolare, senza necessità  di innesti di vena. Entrambe le soluzioni, la protesi dentale ortopedica e la distrazione osteogenetica seguita da protesi, entrambe avvitate su impianti, costituiscono soluzioni soddisfacenti per la riabilitazione funzionale della fibula al di là  del suo deficit di verticalità . La prima soluzione ha preso spunto dall'osservazione dei buoni risultati della protesi dentale su impianti corti, avendo un paragonabile rapporto corona/radice, la DO applicata alla fibula, sebbene sia risultata una metodica con un numero di complicazioni più elevato ed un maggior livello di riassorbimento di osso peri-implantare, costituisce in ogni caso una valida opzione riabilitativa, specialmente in caso di notevole discrepanza mandibulo/fibulare. Decisiva è la scelta del percorso terapeutico dopo una accurata valutazione di ogni singolo caso. Vengono illustrati i criteri di selezione provenienti dalla nostra esperienza. / Objectives: To evaluate the best way for functional restoration of the fibular flap "single strut", after wide resections for oral cavity malignancy. Methods: Out of 62 mandibular reconstructions using fibular flap during a five-year period, 11 cases were selected for rehabilitation by implant supported dental prosthesis. 6 cases were treated without any further surgical procedure but implantology (group 1), overcoming the fibular height deficiency by prosthodontics, while the remainder underwent to distraction osteogenesis before dental restoration (group 2). The fibular/mandibular height discrepancy was recorded. The evaluation criteria included x-rays and clinical measurement of perimplant bone and gum (skin) level and reported satisfaction of the patients, as recorded by a questionnaire. Results: All 11 of the prosthetic rehabilitations were obtained by screw retained fixed prosthesis. The average age was 52; the male/female ratio was 6/5. The average number of implants placed into the fibula was five. The maximum observation follow-up period after loading was two 30 months for the group 1 and 38.5 (17-81) months on average for the group 2. There were no reports of surgical complications. No implant loss were recorded in the group 1, the mean peri-implant bone loss was 1,5 mm. In the group 2 one case of vector lingual tipping during consolidation phase and a fracture of basal fibula cortex with no bone formation were noted. The mean vertical bone gain was 13.6 (12-15) mm. Four implants on thirty-two (12.5%) were lost during the follow-up period. The mean peri-implant bone resorption was 2.5 mm. Conclusions: The solutions used for overcoming fibular height deficiency included: harvesting the iliac crest, the fixation of the flap in an ideal position from a prosthetic viewpoint, the utilization of the "double-barrel" technique, the vertical distraction osteogenesis. Our experience concerns the fibular osteocutaneous free flap that we utilize in oral malignancy as a "single strut flap" because we prefer to preserve the whole length of the pedicle. Both orthopaedic dental prosthesis and vertical distraction osteogenesis are good solutions in order to overcame the fibular height deficiency. The first is based on the same biomechanics of the dental prosthesis on short implants having a comparable crown/implant ratio, DO procedure applied on fibulas, although it seems to be impaired by a remarkable number of complications and a relevant bone resorption around implants, still constitute a good option especially in case of wide fibular/mandibular height discrepancy. What is very important is the right choice of the therapeutic path after an accurate examination of each case. The criteria of selection from our experience are done.

Electoral politics in Grimsby, 1818-1835

Cooper, C. J. January 1987 (has links)
Large urban parliamentary constituencies and rural (county) constituencies have received much attention in recent years from historical psephologists: the smaller borough constituencies have received comparatively little yet in important ways these were the 'typical' constituencies. This study is an attempt to remedy that hiatus, and is somewhat novel in examining electoral behaviour over a number of elections spanning the period of the first Reform Act. That voting was open is crucial to an understanding of voting behaviour in this period, for in general the smaller the constituency the greater the opportunities for influencing the vote casting of electors. The existence within small boroughs of a large body of independent electors freely expressing their will in the polls may be an image conveyed by campaign literature, yet it was in large measure a fiction. This study emphasises the pervasiveness and significance of 'influence', both legitimate and otherwise, and suggests that political inclination, social class, and even bribery were relatively unimportant when set against the widely spread tentacles of influence as mediated. through property. Family influences too were significant, and it is clear that electors were calculating individuals. A detailed longitudinal study has been made possible by the nature of the available data (pollbooks, directories, corporation records, and a singular collection of letters and election material) and some considerable evidence on spatial distribution of partisan votes has emerged. It has also become clear that voting in parliamentary elections resembled closely that in local elections, and was subject to the same influences and directed by the same organisational machine, however informal that may have been. Finally, the Reform Act of 1832, interpreted by Whig historians as a landmark on the road to democracy, had a quite different impact locally. Formal changes in Grimsby made for a less representative electorate, a regression rather than advance of democracy. The Act left the influences on voters largely unchanged.

The phasing of magnetrons

January 1947 (has links)
by J.C. Slater. / "April 3, 1947." / Army Signal Corps Contract No. W-36-039 sc-32037

La gestió i la comunicació en l'accés a les universitats de Catalunya

Prujà i Noè, Jesús M. 20 November 2003 (has links)
A partir de les teories sobre la demanda social de l'escola francesa de Chevalier i Loschak que afirmen, entre altres qüestions, que tota política pública resulta substancialment inamovible quan els operadors públics que en són responsables es troben satisfets amb la seva oferta, aquesta tesi doctoral planteja la hipòtesi que la política d'accés a les universitats públiques catalanes entre 1987 i 1997, que ha generat -i general- una insatisfacció objectiva en una part important de la ciutadania demandant (la que no va accedir a una plaça o no va accedir a la que va sol·licitar), s'ha mantingut invariable a causa de la satisfacció subjectiva dels operadors públics (universitats i Administració).La introducció, històrica i de caràcter general, sobre les institucions universitàries serveix de base a la descripció, més profunda i detallada, del sistema universitari català emergent després de la recuperació de l'autogovern l'any 1980, per a la qual s'ha comptat amb la documentació inèdita de l'arxiu del Consell Interuniversitari de Catalunya. Els perfils de la política pública es reconstrueixen també diacrònicament amb l'exposició de l'evolució demogràfica i econòmica. Aquesta va coincidir amb el fenomen del creixement accelerat de la demanda d'estudis superiors, cosa que va provocar diverses iniciatives públiques per satisfer-la , com van ser la multiplicació de places, de centres i d'estudis, per una banda, i la racionalització de tot el procés de gestió de l'accés a la universitat, per una altra.Així, les universitats i la Generalitat de Catalunya, es van veure obligades a articular formes de comunicació que fessin possible una optimització de recursos (places universitàries). De tot això resulta una reorganització operativa dels processos, basada en la cooperació de tots els actors i la unificació completa de protocols de treball, que és objecte d'una completa descripció tècnica que tanca la part descriptiva de la tesi. Per demostrar la satisfacció dels operadors públics amb aquesta unificació gestora, la investigació utilitza tres tècniques: en primer lloc un qüestionari ad hoc, aplicat sobre els titulars dels òrgans amb funcions de comunicació externa a les universitats (en els casos que s'ha considerat insuficient s'ha complementat amb la tècnica de l'entrevista); en segon lloc, l'anàlisi de las memòries institucionals anuals de les universitats; i, per últim, les informacions que sobre accés a la universitat s'han publicat en premsa escrita.La informació institucional demostra un grau elevadíssim de satisfacció, i les dades revelen que les informacions recollides dels mitjans de comunicació social presenten en un 85% valoracions positives (del 15% romanent -negatives o neutres- cap es qüestiona la legitimitat del sistema de gestió de places universitàries).Després de la demostració empírica de la radical contradicció entre una demanda objectivament insatisfeta (s'adjunten els quadres cronològics) i una oferta subjectivament satisfeta, es constata el manteniment inalterat de la política d'accés a les universitats públiques catalanes al llarg de l'últim decenni del segle XX.Des d'un punt de vista de teoria de la comunicació, seria d'aplicació un dels quatre models de relacions públiques descrit per Grunig, concretament aquestes institucions utilitzen el model de la informació pública d'Ivy Lee per disseminar la informació.La tesi conclou amb una exposició dels factors que poden explicar el fenomen particular demostrat, a partir de relacionar un conjunt de subhipotèsis que emergeixen del resultat mateix de la investigació empírica.. / A partir de las teorías sobre la demanda social de la escuela francesa de Chevalier y Loschak, que afirman, entre otros extremos, que toda política pública resulta substancialmente inamovible cuando sus operadores públicos responsables se encuentran satisfechos con su oferta, esta tesis doctoral plantea la hipótesis que la política de acceso a las universidades públicas catalanas entre 1987 y 1997, que ha generado -y genera- una insatisfacción objetiva en una parte importante de la ciudadanía demandante (los que no accedieron a plaza o no lo hicieron a la que solicitaron), se ha mantenido invariable a causa de la satisfacción subjetiva de los operadores públicos (universidades y administración).La introducción, histórica y de carácter general, sobre las instituciones universitarias, sirve de base a la descripción, más profunda y detallada, del sistema universitario catalán emergente tras la recuperación del autogobierno en 1980, para la cual se contó con la documentación inédita del archivo del Consell Interuniversitari de Catalunya. Los perfiles de la política pública se reconstruyen también diacrónicamente con la exposición de la evolución demográfica y económica. Esta coincidió con el crecimiento acelerado de la demanda de estudios superiores, y que provocó las diversas iniciativas públicas para dar satisfacción a dicha demanda, como fueron la multiplicación de plazas, de centros y de estudios, por un lado, y la racionalización de todo el proceso de gestión del acceso a la universidad.Así, las universidades y la Generalitat de Catalunya, se vieron obligadas a articular formas de comunicación que hicieran posible una optimización de recursos (plazas universitarias). Todo ello dio como resultado una reorganización operativa de los procesos, basada en la cooperación de todos los actores y la unificación completa de protocolos de trabajo, la cual es objeto de una completa descripción técnica que cierra la parte descriptiva de la tesis. Para demostrar la satisfacción de los operadores públicos con dicha unificación gestora, la investigación usa tres técnicas: en primer lugar un cuestionario ad hoc, aplicado sobre los titulares de los órganos con funciones de comunicación externa en las universidades (en los casos que se ha considerado insuficiente se ha complementado con la técnica de la entrevista); en segundo lugar, el análisis de las memorias institucionales anuales de las universidades; y, por último, las informaciones que sobre acceso a la universidad se han publicado en prensa escrita.La información institucional demuestra un grado elevadísimo de satisfacción, y los datos revelan que las informaciones recogidas de los medios de comunicación social presentan en un 85% valoraciones positivas (del 15% restante -negativas o neutras- ninguna se cuestiona la legitimidad del sistema de gestión de plazas universitarias).Tras la demostración empírica de la radical contradicción entre una demanda objetivamente insatisfecha (se adjuntan los cuadros cronológicos) y una oferta subjetivamente satisfecha, se constata el mantenimiento inalterado de la política de acceso a las universidades públicas catalanas a lo largo del último decenio del siglo XX.Desde un punto de vista de teórico de comunicación, sería de aplicación uno de los cuatro modelos de relaciones públicas descrito por Grunig, concretamente estas instituciones utilizan el modelo de la información pública de Ivy Lee, para diseminar la información.La tesis concluye con una exposición de los factores que pueden explicar el fenómeno particular demostrado, así como relacionando un conjunto de subhipótesis que emergen del propio resultado de la investigación empírica. / This doctoral thesis presents the hypothesis that the policy of University admission in Catalonia between 1987 and 1997, that has generated -and generates- an objective dissatisfaction in an important part of the citizenship plaintiff (the one that were not accept or had not been allocated to the wanted place), has been maintained invariable on account of the subjective satisfaction of the public organization (Universities and Civil Service). It is based on on the theories on the social demand of the French school of Chevalier and Loschak that affirm, among others questions, that all public policy turns out to be substantially immovable when the public organization are satisfied with its offering.The unpublished documents of the Inter-University Council of Catalonia (CIC) are the source of the introduction, historical and general, on the university institutions, which is the base of the deepest and detailed description of the Catalan University system, emerging after the recovery of the self-government in 1980.The profiles of the public policy are reconstructed also diachronically, with the exposition of the economic and demographic evolution. This evolution agrees with the phenomenon of the accelerated growth of the demand of University degrees, what caused some public iniciatives to satisfy this demand, such as, on the one hand, the increasing of the number of seats, centers and degrees and, on the other hand, the rationalization of the pre-enrolment process. Thus, the Universities and the Generalitat of Catalonia (autonomous government), were forced to articulate different ways of communication that made possible an optimization of resources (university seats). The descriptive part of the thesis is closed by a complete technical description of the operating re-organization of the processes, based on the cooperation of all the actors and the complete unification of job protocols.The research uses three techniques to show the satisfaction of the public users with this unification managing: First, a questionnaire ad hoc applied to the heads of the organs with external functions of communication from the Universities (in the cases that it has been considered insufficient, they were completed with an interview). Second, the analysis of the annual institutional memories of the Universities. Three and last, the information published in written press about University admission. The institutional report shows a high degree of satisfaction, and the data reveal that the information collected in the social media of communication present 85% positive appraisals (none questioned the legitimacy of University admission system in the negative or neutral remainder 15%)The stable maintenance of the policy of University admission of Catalan Universities is verified along the last decade of the XXth century, after the empirical demonstration of the radical contradiction between an objectively dissatisfied demand (the chronologic pictures are included) and a subjectively satisfied offering.From the point of view of communication theory, one of the four models of public relations described by Grunig would be of application. Specifically these institutions use the model of public information of Ivy Reads to disseminate the information. The thesis concludes with an exposition of the factors that can explain the particular shown phenomenon, and the relating of an assembly of subhipothesis that emerge from the results of the empirical research.

Desigualtats socioeconòmiques i salut maternoinfantil a Bolívia

Maydana Zeballos, Edgar Humberto 17 June 2010 (has links)
L'objectiu principal d'aquesta tesi és analitzar les desigualtats socials i econòmiques lligades a la salut maternoinfantil a Bolívia, segons les dues darreres estadístiques oficials: Cens Nacional de Població i Habitatge INE-2001, i l'Enquesta Nacional de Demografia i Salut ENDSA-2003.En el primer estudi es va realitzar un disseny ecològic. La unitat d'anàlisi van ser els municipis de Bolívia, sobre la base de dades del cens 2001. La variable dependent és la taxa de mortalitat infantil (TMI) i les independents són els indicadors socioeconòmics categoritzats en quartils. Es va analitzar la relació entre la TMI i els indicadors socioeconòmics mitjançant correlacions de Spearman i l'ajustament de models de regressió de Poisson. En el segon es va realitzar un disseny transversal amb base individual, amb informació de l'Enquesta Nacional de Demografia i Salut de l'any 2003, que va analitzar 7.238 dones que van donar a llum entre 15 i 49 anys. Es van calcular les prevalences i van ajustar models bivariats i multivariats per tal d'estimar les associacions de les variables dependents i independents, mitjançant raons de prevalença i els intervals de confiança del 95%.La TMI a Bolívia va ser de 67 per 1.000 nascuts vius el 2001. Les taxes van fluctuar entre: <0,1 per 1.000 en un municipi de Tarija i 170 per 1.000 en un altre de Potosí. La mitjana de població analfabeta dels municipis va ser 11,7%; d'habitatges que van tenir accés a l'aigua fora d'elles va ser de 90,4% i d'habitatges que mancaven de sanitaris va ser de 67,6%.El 79.2% de dones que van donar a llum van rebre atenció prenatal, 58.7% almenys quatre controls i 66.2% part institucional. Els percentatges van ser inferiors en La Paz i Potosí per a dones que es van realitzar controls prenatals (66.8%); quatre controls prenatals (46.5%) i el part institucional (48.6%). Els menors percentatges dels indicadors es van donar en dones sense estudis i d'ètnia Aimara.La situació socioeconòmica dispar en els municipis de Bolívia, està estretament associada a la TMI. L'educació, l'absència de sanejament bàsic i la precarietat d'habitabilitat, són factors claus que tripliquen el risc de mort. Respecte a l'accés i utilització dels serveis de salut maternoinfantil, poc més de la meitat de les dones ateses es realitzen quatre controls prenatals i part institucional, sent les sense estudis entre 36 i 49 anys, d'ètnia Aimara i dels Departaments de La Paz i Potosí qui menys ho realitzen. / The main objective of this thesis is to analyze the social and economic inequalities associated to maternal and child health in Bolivia, according of two recent official statistics: National Census of Population and Housing, 2001-INE, National Demographic and Health Survey ENDSA-2003.The first study was an ecological design. The analysis unit was the municipalities of Bolivia, based on 2001 census data. The dependent variable was the infant mortality rate (IMT) and the independent socioeconomic indicators are categorized into quartiles. We analyzed the relationship between socioeconomic indicators and IMT using Spearman correlations and adjustment of Poisson regression models. The second study was conducted with a cross-sectional individual basis, using information from the National Demographic and Health Survey ENDSA-2003, which examined 7,238 women between 15 and 49 years who gave birth. Prevalence was calculated and bivariate and multivariate models were adjusted to estimate the associations between dependent and independent variables, using prevalence ratios and 95% confidence intervals.The IMT in Bolivia was 67 per 1,000 live births in 2001. The rates were ranged from <0.1 per 1,000 in some Beni's municipal and 170 per 1,000 in another of Potosí. The average illiterate population of the municipalities was 11.7% of homes had access to drinking out of them was 90.4% homes which bathrooms were not was 67.6% .The 79.2% of gave birth women received antenatal check-ups at least four antenatal check-ups 58.7% and 66.2% institutional child delivery. The percentages were lower in La Paz and Potosi for women who were attended antenatal check-ups (66.8%), four antenatal check-ups (46.5%) and institutional delivery (48.6%). The smaller indicators percentages were in Aymara women ethnicity with non education.The disparate socioeconomic status in the Bolivian municipalities is closely associated with the IMT. Education, bathrooms were not and scarcities of housing are key factors that triple the risk of death. Regarding access and utilization of maternal health services, just over half the gave birth women attended antenatal checks-ups are made four and institutional side, being non education between 36 and 49 years old from Aymara ethnicity and from Departments of La Paz and Potosi were made less.

Fragile Miracles: The creation and sustainability of aunotomous oversight agencies in a politicized bureaucracy. The case of Bolivia

Dove, Suzanne 20 December 2002 (has links)
No description available.

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