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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Digital 3D-visualisering för ökat medborgardeltagande i detaljplanering : En studie om förnyelse av Älvkarleby kommuns planprocess för detaljplaner

Siirtola, Johannes January 2015 (has links)
I ”Översiktsplan Älvkarleby Kommun 2009” framgår att kommunen vill utveckla de demokratiska formerna och underlätta för medborgarnas politiska delaktighet. Tidigare forskning har visat att behovet av medborgardeltagande ökar i den offentliga planeringen och att planerare kan dra flera fördelar av medborgardeltagande i planprocesser. Ett sätt att öka medborgardeltagandet är att integrera digital 3D-visualisering i planprocessen, ett verktyg som Älvkarleby kommun inte använder i framtagandet av dagens detaljplaner.   Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka den digitala 3D-visualiseringens framtid i en liten svensk kommun. Studien kommer att identifiera inställningen till digital 3D-visualisering hos politiker, planerare och medborgare. Slutligen ska studien också undersöka hur mindre kommuner kan använda digital 3D-visualisering i framtida planarbete för att öka det befintliga medborgardeltagandet. Målet med denna studie är att påvisa för Älvkarleby, och andra kommuner där digital 3D-visualisering inte används, hur de med enkla medel och kostnadseffektivt kan använda 3D-visualisering i framtida planprocesser.   För att identifiera synen på digital 3D-visualisering hos ett urval av kommunala tjänstemän och politiker har det genomförts semistrukturerade intervjuer. För att kvantitativt undersöka medborgarnas syn har digitala enkäter skickats ut via det sociala nätverket Facebook. Under studien har det genomförts åtta intervjuer och 99 enkäter har besvarats.   Politiker, planerare och medborgare inom kommunen är överens om att 3D-visualiseringen kan bidra till att effektivisera och förbättra planprocessen för detaljplaner. Studien har också resulterat i identifiering av de hinder som kan uppstå inom planprocesser med digital 3D-visualisering.   Digital 3D-visualisering som en del i planprocessen för detaljplaner kan medföra att medborgardeltagandet i Älvkarleby kommun ökar. Detta eftersom intresset för det kommunala planarbetet och viljan att bidra hos medborgare kan påverkas positivt av digital 3D-visualisering i planprocessen. Utöver medborgardeltagandet kan också digital 3D-visualisering förenkla arbetsgången hos såväl kommunala tjänstemän som politiker.       Nyckelord: Digital 3D-visualisering, Planprocess, Detaljplan, Älvkarleby kommun, Medborgardeltagande. / In “Översiktsplan Älvkarleby Kommun 2009” is it clear that the municipality of Älvkarleby want to develop the democratic forms and facilitate citizens’ political participation. Earlier research shows that the need for citizen participation increases in public planning and believe that planners can draw multiple benefits of citizen participation in planning processes. One way to increase citizen participation is the integration of digital 3D visualization in the planning process, a tool that the municipality of Älvkarleby not using for local plans today. The purpose of this study is to examine the future of digital 3D visualization in small Swedish municipality. The study will identify attitudes to digital 3D visualization of politicians, planners and citizens. Finally, the study will also examine how small municipalities can use digital 3D visualization in the future planning to enhance the existing civic participation. The goal of this study is to demonstrate to Älvkarleby, and other municipalities where the digital 3D visualization is not used, how to by simple means and cost-effective use digital 3D visualization in future planning processes. To identify the perception of 3D digital visualization, a selection of municipal officials and politicians, semi-structural interviews have been carried out. To quantitatively examine the citizens' attitudes, digital questionnaires have been sent out via the social network Facebook. During the study eight interviews and 99 surveys have been answered. Politicians, planners and citizens in the municipality agree that digital 3D visualization can help to streamline and improve the planning processes for local plans. The study has also resulted in identifying the obstacles that digital 3D visualization may lead to in the planning process. Digital 3D visualization as a part of the planning process for the local planning could lead to increased citizen participation in the municipality of Älvkarleby, as the interest in the planning process increases and the desire to participate are positively affected by digital 3D visualization. In addition to civic participation, the digital 3D visualization can also be used to simplify the workflows for both municipal officials and politicians.         Keywords: Digital 3D Visualization, Planning Process, Zoning Plan, Älvkarleby kommun, Public Participation.

3D model z MRI / 3D shape from MRI

Menclík, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
The main aim of the thesis is the reconstruction of three-dimensional surface from a~set of two-dimensional images. For the implementation of this application the programming language Java and its extension, that allows work with three-dimensional models, were chosen. First, viewing of three-dimensional models of two different file formats was necessary to allow. To create the three-dimensional models, the Marching Cubes algorithm was used. This algorithm is decribed theoretically in the text, description of the implementation and correction of deficiencies follows. Finally, the implementation of the inversion procedure of reconstruction of the three-dimensional surface, which is the extraction of two-dimensional images from the three-dimensional model, is described.

Designrekommendationer för 3D-interiör : En kvalitativ studie för 3D-applikationer

Lind, Olof January 2021 (has links)
I dagens samhälle är digitalisering en självklarhet genom olika former av applikationer vilka samspelar med människan. Det ställer höga krav på både användare och utvecklare, att de ska vara anpassningsbara. Inom fastighetsbranschen är visualisering ett väl etablerat verktyg för att kommunicera information, och en del av digitaliseringen sker genom mjukvaror som 3D-applikationer. Det är givet att dessa visualiseringsapplikationer måste förhålla sig till ett antal punkter som vilken information som ska presenteras, hur det ska förmedlas samt vilken nivå av abstraktion att bistå. På senare tid har begreppet användarbarhet blivit väldigt populärt där det grundläggande är att designa med människan i centrum. Det är en strategi för interaktiv utveckling där fokus är användarna och definierar vad folk har för kunskap, vad de arbetar med, gör och känner. Vid utveckling av dessa mjukvaror är det viktigt att just fokusera på individen för att en produkt eller tjänst ska bli så god som möjligt, vilket underlättar acklimatiseringen för slutanvändarna. Denna undersökning har fokuserat på användarupplevelsen av design som koncept samt existerande teorier vilket behandlar principer och element i 3D. Målgruppen har varit utvecklare av 3D-applikationer där undersökningen gjorts på fastighetsspekulanter, deras åsikter har legat som grund för viktiga funktioner inom en mjukvara. Datainsamlingen har skett enligt kvalitativa intervjuer, litteraturstudie och en benchmarkundersökning. Undersökningen har visat att respondenterna i det stora hela bekräftar tidigare forskning, med mindre bortfall. I studien har det framkommit ytterligare delar som är viktiga både från undersökningen med respondenterna och genom benchmarkingen.

Rastreamento de componentes conexas em vídeo 3D para obtenção de estruturas tridimensionais / Tracking of connected components from 3D video in order to obtain tridimensional structures

Pires, David da Silva 17 August 2007 (has links)
Este documento apresenta uma dissertação sobre o desenvolvimento de um sistema de integração de dados para geração de estruturas tridimensionais a partir de vídeo 3D. O trabalho envolve a extensão de um sistema de vídeo 3D em tempo real proposto recentemente. Esse sistema, constituído por projetor e câmera, obtém imagens de profundidade de objetos por meio da projeção de slides com um padrão de faixas coloridas. Tal procedimento permite a obtenção, em tempo real, tanto do modelo 2,5 D dos objetos quanto da textura dos mesmos, segundo uma técnica denominada luz estruturada. Os dados são capturados a uma taxa de 30 quadros por segundo e possuem alta qualidade: resoluções de 640 x 480 pixeis para a textura e de 90 x 240 pontos (em média) para a geometria. A extensão que essa dissertação propõe visa obter o modelo tridimensional dos objetos presentes em uma cena por meio do registro dos dados (textura e geometria) dos diversos quadros amostrados. Assim, o presente trabalho é um passo intermediário de um projeto maior, no qual pretende-se fazer a reconstrução dos modelos por completo, bastando para isso apenas algumas imagens obtidas a partir de diferentes pontos de observação. Tal reconstrução deverá diminuir a incidência de pontos de oclusão (bastante comuns nos resultados originais) de modo a permitir a adaptação de todo o sistema para objetos móveis e deformáveis, uma vez que, no estado atual, o sistema é robusto apenas para objetos estáticos e rígidos. Até onde pudemos averiguar, nenhuma técnica já foi aplicada com este propósito. Este texto descreve o trabalho já desenvolvido, o qual consiste em um método para detecção, rastreamento e casamento espacial de componentes conexas presentes em um vídeo 3D. A informação de imagem do vídeo (textura) é combinada com posições tridimensionais (geometria) a fim de alinhar partes de superfícies que são vistas em quadros subseqüentes. Esta é uma questão chave no vídeo 3D, a qual pode ser explorada em diversas aplicações tais como compressão, integração geométrica e reconstrução de cenas, dentre outras. A abordagem que adotamos consiste na detecção de características salientes no espaço do mundo, provendo um alinhamento de geometria mais completo. O processo de registro é feito segundo a aplicação do algoritmo ICP---Iterative Closest Point---introduzido por Besl e McKay em 1992. Resultados experimentais bem sucedidos corroborando nosso método são apresentados. / This document presents a MSc thesis focused on the development of a data integration system to generate tridimensional structures from 3D video. The work involves the extension of a recently proposed real time 3D video system. This system, composed by a video camera and a projector, obtains range images of recorded objects using slide projection of a coloured stripe pattern. This procedure allows capturing, in real time, objects´ texture and 2,5 D model, at the same time, by a technique called structured light. The data are acquired at 30 frames per second, being of high quality: the resolutions are 640 x 480 pixels and 90 x 240 points (in average), respectively. The extension that this thesis proposes aims at obtaining the tridimensional model of the objects present in a scene through data matching (texture and geometry) of various sampled frames. Thus, the current work is an intermediary step of a larger project with the intent of achieving a complete reconstruction from only a few images obtained from different viewpoints. Such reconstruction will reduce the incidence of occlusion points (very common on the original results) such that it should be possible to adapt the whole system to moving and deformable objects (In the current state, the system is robust only to static and rigid objects.). To the best of our knowledge, there is no method that has fully solved this problem. This text describes the developed work, which consists of a method to perform detection, tracking and spatial matching of connected components present in a 3D video. The video image information (texture) is combined with tridimensional sites (geometry) in order to align surface portions seen on subsequent frames. This is a key step in the 3D video that may be explored in several applications such as compression, geometric integration and scene reconstruction, to name but a few. Our approach consists of detecting salient features in both image and world spaces, for further alignment of texture and geometry. The matching process is accomplished by the application of the ICP---Iterative Closest Point---algorithm, introduced by Besl and McKay in 1992. Succesful experimental results corroborating our method are shown.

Un système intégré d'acquisition 3D multispectral : acquisition, codage et compression des données / A 3D multispectral integrated acquisition system : acquisition, data coding and compression

Delcourt, Jonathan 29 October 2010 (has links)
Nous avons développé un système intégré permettant l'acquisition simultanée de la forme 3D ainsi que de la réflectance des surfaces des objets scannés. Nous appelons ce système un scanner 3D multispectral du fait qu’il combine, dans un couple stéréoscopique, une caméra multispectrale et un système projecteur de lumière structurée. Nous voyons plusieurs possibilités d’application pour un tel système mais nous mettons en avant des applications dans le domaine de l’archivage et la diffusion numériques des objets du patrimoine. Dans le manuscrit, nous présentons d’abord ce système ainsi que tous les calibrages et traitements nécessaires à sa mise en oeuvre. Ensuite, une fois que le système est fonctionnel, les données qui en sont générées sont riches d’informations, hétérogènes (maillage + réflectances, etc.) et surtout occupent beaucoup de place. Ce fait rend problématiques le stockage et la transmission, notamment pour des applications en ligne de type musée virtuel. Pour cette raison, nous étudions les différentes possibilités de représentation et de codage des données acquises par ce système pour en adopter la plus pertinente. Puis nous examinons les stratégies les plus appropriées à la compression de telles données, sans toutefois perdre la généralité sur d’autres données (type satellitaire). Nous réalisons un benchmark des stratégies de compression en proposant un cadre d’évaluation et des améliorations sur les stratégies classiques existantes. Cette première étude nous permettra de proposer une approche adaptative qui se révélera plus efficace pour la compression et notamment dans le cadre de la stratégie que nous appelons Full-3D. / We have developed an integrated system permitting the simultaneous acquisition of the 3D shape and the spectral spectral reflectance of scanned object surfaces. We call this system a 3D multispectral scanner because it combines within a stereopair, a multispectral video camera and a structured light projector. We see several application possibilities for a such acquisition system but we want to highlight applications in the field of digital archiving and broadcasting for heritage objects. In the manuscript we first introduce the acquisition system and its necessary calibrations and treatments needed for his use. Then, once the acquisition system is functional, data that are generated are rich in information, heterogeneous (mesh + reflectance, etc.) and in particular require lots of memory space. This fact makes data storage and transmission problematic, especially for applications like on line virtual museum. For this reason we study the different possibilities of representation and coding of data acquired by this system to adopt the most appropriate one. Then we examinate the most appropriate strategies to compress such data, without lost the generality on other data (satellite type). We perform a benchmark of compression strategies by providing an evaluation framework and improvements on existing conventional strategies. This first study will allow us to propose an adaptive approach that will be most effective for compression and particularly in the context of the compression strategy that we call Full-3D.

Assisted visual servoing by means of structured light

Pagès Marco, Jordi 25 November 2005 (has links)
Aquesta tesi tracta sobre la combinació del control visual i la llum estructurada. El control visual clàssic assumeix que elements visuals poden ser fàcilment extrets de les imatges. Això fa que objectes d'aspecte uniforme o poc texturats no es puguin tenir en compte. En aquesta tesi proposem l'ús de la llum estructurada per dotar d'elements visuals als objectes independentment de la seva aparença.En primer lloc, es presenta un ampli estudi de la llum estructurada, el qual ens permet proposar un nou patró codificat que millora els existents. La resta de la tesi es concentra en el posicionament d'un robot dotat d'una càmara respecte diferentsobjectes, utilitzant la informació proveïda per la projecció de diferents patrons de llum. Dos configuracions han estat estudiades: quan el projector de llum es troba separat del robot,i quan el projector està embarcat en el robot juntament amb la càmara. Les tècniques proposades en la tesi estan avalades per un ampli estudi analític i validades per resultats experimentals. / This thesis treats about the combination of visual servoing and structured light. Classic visual servoing assumes that visual features can be extracted from the images. However, uniform ornon-textured objects, or objects for which extracting features is too complex or too time consuming cannot be taken into account.This thesis proposes the use of structured light patterns for providing suitable visual features independently of the object appearance.Firstly, a comprehensive survey on coded structured light patterns is presented. Then, a new pattern improving the existing ones isproposed. The remaining of the thesis is devoted to position an eye-in-hand robot with respect to objects by using features provided by light patterns. Two configurations are tested. In thefirst one, an off-board video-projector is used while in the second, an onboard structured light emitter is exploited. The techniques proposed in the thesis are supported by theoreticalanalysis and they are validated by experimental results.

Reconstruction 3D surfacique du fémur proximal à partir de quelques radiographies / 3D reconstruction of the proximal femur surface using a limited number of radiographs

Akkoul Berkache, Sonia 04 December 2013 (has links)
Pour comprendre et diagnostiquer des pathologies telles que l'ostéoporose, qui est un problème majeur de santé publique et, est un facteur de risque important de fractures notamment la Fracture de l'Extrémité Supérieure du Fémur (FESF), il est essentiel d’aborder ces problématiques en trois dimensions (3D) pour fournir au praticien un outil de diagnostic et de dépistage du risque fracturaire. De plus, la visualisation en 3D de l'anatomie joue un rôle important dans le domaine de la chirurgie orthopédique guidée (assistée par ordinateur). En préopératoire, pour la planification chirurgicale ou la conception de prothèses sur mesure, en per opératoire, pour assister le chirurgien durant l'acte chirurgical et enfin en postopératoire pour le suivi. La reconstruction de modèles anatomiques en 3D peut être réalisée par l'utilisation de techniques d'imagerie 3D directes telles que la tomodensitométrie. Cependant, l'utilisation d'une telle imagerie est limitée à des procédures complexes en raison des contraintes imposées par le coût, la disponibilité et les risques de radiation pour le patient. Ainsi, l'alternative à ce type d'imagerie 3D est de développer des méthodes de reconstruction 3D qui s'appuient uniquement sur quelques radiographies 2D. L'objectif principal de cette thèse est de proposer une technique permettant de reconstruire de façon automatique une surface 3D du fémur proximal à partir d'un nombre restreint de radiographies. Les études précédentes sur la reconstruction de surface ont généralement besoin de connaissances supplémentaires comme l'utilisation d'un modèle générique ou statistique 3D de la forme à reconstruire. La méthode décrite dans cette thèse nécessite seulement les coordonnées 3D de points calculées à partir de quelques paires de clichés radiographiques. Deux approches sont proposées. La première méthode repose sur la mise en correspondance de contours extraits de paires de radiographies et sur un modèle mathématique basé sur le principe de la stéréovision pour le calcul d'un nuage de points 3D. La deuxième technique utilise les résultats de l’approche précédente ainsi que des points extraits d’un autre fémur pour améliorer la précision au niveau de certaines régions sensibles choisies par l’opérateur. La reconstruction du modèle surfacique à partir des nuages de points obtenus par les deux techniques est obtenue par un maillage basé sur l'équation de Poisson. Un recalage 3D/3D est effectué entre le nuage de points calculé et le nuage de points extrait du modèle générique connu ("Gold Standard" obtenu avec des coupes CT-Scan) du même fémur proximal afin de pouvoir comparer la surface reconstruite à un modèle "vérité terrain" et ainsi estimer la précision de la méthode. / To understand and diagnose pathologies such as osteoporosis, which is considered as a major public health issue and, an important risk factor of fractures in particular the proximal femur fracture. The classical tools of diagnosis are mainly based on the analysis of X-rays photographs. These techniques have shown many limitations to carry out the key information for the physician. Through the last decade the 3D visualization of anatomy demonstrated the effectiveness for analysis and diagnosis, particularly for the guided orthopedic surgery (computer aided). In preoperative, for the surgical planning or the design of prostheses, in per operative, to assist the surgeon during the surgical act and finally in postoperative for the monitoring. It is also essential to provide the practitioner with a 3D tool for the diagnosis and analysis of the osteoporosis and the fracture risk. Reconstruction of 3D anatomical models can be achieved by the use of direct 3D imaging modalities such as Computed Tomography. However, such technique is limited to complex procedures because of the constraints imposed by cost, availability and risk of radiation to the patient. Thus, the alternative to this kind of 3D imaging is to develop methods for 3D reconstruction which are based only on few 2D radiographs. The main objective of this work is to propose a tool able to reconstruct automatically a 3D surface of the proximal femur from a limited number of X-ray images. Previous studies on the reconstruction of surfaces usually need additional knowledge such as the use of a 3D generic or statistical model of the shape to be reconstructed. The method described in this thesis requires only the 3D coordinates of points calculated from a few pairs of radiographs. Two approaches are proposed. The first method is based on the matching of extracted contours from pairs of radiographs and on a mathematical model based on the principle of the stereovision for the calculation of a 3D point cloud. The second technique uses the results of the previous method as well as new points, chosen by an operator from another proximal femur to improve accuracy at sensitive areas. The reconstruction of the surface model from this cloud of points is obtained by a meshing based on the Poisson's equation. A 3D/3D registration is made between the cloud of the calculated points and the cloud of the extracted points from the generic model ("Gold Standard" obtained with CT-Scan) of the same proximal femur in order to compare the reconstructed surface with a model "ground truth" and thus estimate the accuracy of the method.

Contributions à l'analyse de visages en 3D : approche régions, approche holistique et étude de dégradations

Lemaire, Pierre 29 March 2013 (has links)
Historiquement et socialement, le visage est chez l'humain une modalité de prédilection pour déterminer l'identité et l'état émotionnel d'une personne. Il est naturellement exploité en vision par ordinateur pour les problèmes de reconnaissance de personnes et d'émotions. Les algorithmes d'analyse faciale automatique doivent relever de nombreux défis : ils doivent être robustes aux conditions d'acquisition ainsi qu'aux expressions du visage, à l'identité, au vieillissement ou aux occultations selon le scénario. La modalité 3D a ainsi été récemment investiguée. Elle a l'avantage de permettre aux algorithmes d'être, en principe, robustes aux conditions d'éclairage ainsi qu'à la pose. Cette thèse est consacrée à l'analyse de visages en 3D, et plus précisément la reconnaissance faciale ainsi que la reconnaissance d'expressions faciales en 3D sans texture. Nous avons dans un premier temps axé notre travail sur l'apport que pouvait constituer une approche régions aux problèmes d'analyse faciale en 3D. L'idée générale est que le visage, pour réaliser les expressions faciales, est déformé localement par l'activation de muscles ou de groupes musculaires. Il est alors concevable de décomposer le visage en régions mimiques et statiques, et d'en tirer ainsi profit en analyse faciale. Nous avons proposé une paramétrisation spécifique, basée sur les distances géodésiques, pour rendre la localisation des régions mimiques et statiques le plus robustes possible aux expressions. Nous avons également proposé une approche régions pour la reconnaissance d'expressions du visage, qui permet de compenser les erreurs liées à la localisation automatique de points d'intérêt. Les deux approches proposées dans ce chapitre ont été évaluées sur des bases standards de l'état de l'art. Nous avons également souhaité aborder le problème de l'analyse faciale en 3D sous un autre angle, en adoptant un système de cartes de représentation de la surface 3D. Nous avons ainsi proposé de projeter sur le plan 2D des informations liées à la topologie de la surface 3D, à l'aide d'un descripteur géométrique inspiré d'une mesure de courbure moyenne. Les problèmes de reconnaissance faciale et de reconnaissance d'expressions 3D sont alors ramenés à ceux de l'analyse faciale en 2D. Nous avons par exemple utilisé SIFT pour l'extraction puis l'appariement de points d'intérêt en reconnaissance faciale. En reconnaissance d'expressions, nous avons utilisé une méthode de description des visages basée sur les histogrammes de gradients orientés, puis classé les expressions à l'aide de SVM multi-classes. Dans les deux cas, une méthode de fusion simple permet l'agrégation des résultats obtenus à différentes échelles. Ces deux propositions ont été évaluées sur la base BU-3DFE, montrant de bonnes performances tout en étant complètement automatiques. Enfin, nous nous sommes intéressés à l'impact des dégradations des modèles 3D sur les performances des algorithmes d'analyse faciale. Ces dégradations peuvent avoir plusieurs origines, de la capture physique du visage humain au traitement des données en vue de leur interprétation par l'algorithme. Après une étude des origines et une théorisation des types de dégradations potentielles, nous avons défini une méthodologie permettant de chiffrer leur impact sur des algorithmes d'analyse faciale en 3D. Le principe est d'exploiter une base de données considérée sans défauts, puis de lui appliquer des dégradations canoniques et quantifiables. Les algorithmes d'analyse sont alors testés en comparaison sur les bases dégradées et originales. Nous avons ainsi comparé le comportement de 4 algorithmes de reconnaissance faciale en 3D, ainsi que leur fusion, en présence de dégradations, validant par la diversité des résultats obtenus la pertinence de ce type d'évaluation. / Historically and socially, the human face is one of the most natural modalities for determining the identity and the emotional state of a person. It has been exploited by computer vision scientists within the automatic facial analysis domain. Still, proposed algorithms classically encounter a number of shortcomings. They must be robust to varied acquisition conditions. Depending on the scenario, they must take into account intra-class variations such as expression, identity (for facial expression recognition), aging, occlusions. Thus, the 3D modality has been suggested as a counterpoint for a number of those issues. In principle, 3D views of an object are insensitive to lightning conditions. They are, theoretically, pose-independant as well. The present thesis work is dedicated to 3D Face Analysis. More precisely, it is focused on non-textured 3D Face Recognition and 3D Facial Expression Recognition. In the first instance, we have studied the benefits of a region-based approach to 3D Face Analysis problems. The general concept is that a face, when performing facial expressions, is deformed locally by the activation of muscles or groups of muscles. We then assumed that it was possible to decompose the face into several regions of interest, assumed to be either mimic or static. We have proposed a specific facial surface parametrization, based upon geodesic distance. It is designed to make region localization as robust as possible regarding expression variations. We have also used a region-based approach for 3D facial expression recognition, which allows us to compensate for errors relative to automatic landmark localization. We also wanted to experiment with a Representation Map system. Here, the main idea is to project 3D surface topology data on the 2D plan. This translation to the 2D domain allows us to benefit from the large amount of related works in the litterature. We first represent the face as a set of maps representing different scales, with the help of a geometric operator inspired by the Mean Curvature measure. For Facial Recognition, we perform a SIFT keypoints extraction. Then, we match extracted keypoints between corresponding maps. As for Facial Expression Recognition, we normalize and describe every map thanks to the Histograms of Oriented Gradients algorithm. We further classify expressions using multi-class SVM. In both cases, a simple fusion step allows us to aggregate the results obtained on every single map. Finally, we have studied the impact of 3D models degradations over the performances of 3D facial analysis algorithms. A 3D facial scan may be an altered representation of its real life model, because of several reasons, which range from the physical caption of the human model to data processing. We propose a methodology that allows us to quantify the impact of every single type of degradation over the performances of 3D face analysis algorithms. The principle is to build a database regarded as free of defaults, then to apply measurable degradations to it. Algorithms are further tested on clean and degraded datasets, which allows us to quantify the performance loss caused by degradations. As an experimental proof of concept, we have tested four different algorithms, as well as their fusion, following the aforementioned protocol. With respect to the various types of contemplated degradations, the diversity of observed behaviours shows the relevance of our approach.

The Driving Factors : Evaluating intuitive interaction with a 3D-device in a car racing game

Walden, Alice January 2017 (has links)
To investigate the topic of intuitive interaction using a 3D-device, a toy car was used as a controller with the Stylaero Board to complete one lap in a car racing game. 20 participants completed the task in 2 conditions, one using the 3D-device as a controller, and one using a standard computer keyboard. The interaction was evaluated using task completion time as a measure of learnability of the device, as well as through subjective reactions from users gathered from a tailored questionnaire with 7 statements rated on a Likert scale of 1-5, and 3 open-ended questions. The performance and attitude towards the 3D-device as a controller was compared to the performance and attitude towards using a standard keyboard. The mean task completion time was significantly lower when using the keyboard. A subscale of the enjoyability of using the device was compared between conditions indicating a significant difference where the 3D-device was rated higher than the keyboard. Furthermore, a significant correlation was found between attitude towards the control device and task completion time in the keyboard, while no significant correlation was found between the corresponding variables for the 3D-device. These results indicate a difference between what aspects are important to users when evaluating a new interface compared to a familiar one. The subjective reactions gathered from the open-ended questions were categorized and sorted into themes using thematic analysis to illustrate the various aspects that were highlighted by users for each interface. The problems faced by participants when using the 3D-device were observed and analyzed in relation to current theories of intuitive interaction to find the driving factors of interaction with a new device.

Recalage hétérogène pour la reconstruction 3D de scènes sous-marines / Heterogeneous Registration for 3D Reconstruction of Underwater Scene

Mahiddine, Amine 30 June 2015 (has links)
Le relevé et la reconstruction 3D de scènes sous-marine deviennent chaque jour plus incontournable devant notre intérêt grandissant pour l’étude des fonds sous-marins. La majorité des travaux existants dans ce domaine sont fondés sur l’utilisation de capteurs acoustiques l’image n’étant souvent qu’illustrative.L’objectif de cette thèse consiste à développer des techniques permettant la fusion de données hétérogènes issues d’un système photogrammétrique et d’un système acoustique.Les travaux présentés dans ce mémoire sont organisés en trois parties. La première est consacrée au traitement des données 2D afin d’améliorer les couleurs des images sous-marines pour augmenter la répétabilité des descripteurs en chaque point 2D. Puis, nous proposons un système de visualisation de scène en 2D sous forme de mosaïque.Dans la deuxième partie, une méthode de reconstruction 3D à partir d’un ensemble non ordonné de plusieurs images a été proposée. Les données 3D ainsi calculées seront fusionnées avec les données provenant du système acoustique dans le but de reconstituer le site sous-marin.Dans la dernière partie de ce travail de thèse, nous proposons une méthode de recalage 3D originale qui se distingue par la nature du descripteur extrait en chaque point. Le descripteur que nous proposons est invariant aux transformations isométriques (rotation, transformation) et permet de s’affranchir du problème de la multi-résolution. Nous validons à l’aide d’une étude effectuée sur des données synthétiques et réelles où nous montrons les limites des méthodes de recalages existantes dans la littérature. Au final, nous proposons une application de notre méthode à la reconnaissance d’objets 3D. / The survey and the 3D reconstruction of underwater become indispensable for our growing interest in the study of the seabed. Most of the existing works in this area are based on the use of acoustic sensors image.The objective of this thesis is to develop techniques for the fusion of heterogeneous data from a photogrammetric system and an acoustic system.The presented work is organized in three parts. The first is devoted to the processing of 2D data to improve the colors of the underwater images, in order to increase the repeatability of the feature descriptors. Then, we propose a system for creating mosaics, in order to visualize the scene.In the second part, a 3D reconstruction method from an unordered set of several images was proposed. The calculated 3D data will be merged with data from the acoustic system in order to reconstruct the underwater scene.In the last part of this thesis, we propose an original method of 3D registration in terms of the nature of the descriptor extracted at each point. The descriptor that we propose is invariant to isometric transformations (rotation, transformation) and addresses the problem of multi-resolution. We validate our approach with a study on synthetic and real data, where we show the limits of the existing methods of registration in the literature. Finally, we propose an application of our method to the recognition of 3D objects.

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