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Sledování dynamiky růstu a výnosu ječmene jarního HE 748 při tradičním zpracování půdy a různém způsobu využití slámyPáleš, Jan January 1979 (has links)
No description available.
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Invented exoticism : the development of artistic forms and inlaid colouring technique to explore the aesthetics of the cultural uncanny in an individual's visual experience with glassChoi, Keeryong January 2016 (has links)
This practice led research explores the possibility of cultural dislocation intrinsic to my glass art practice. The research on cultural dislocation is explored through both my practice and viewers’ interaction with the major works created during the investigation. The development of Korean glass art in the late 1980s provides an important example of the influence of a universalised culture in the course of adopting, adapting, and assimilating it, and why the artistic medium of glass is still perceived as ‘foreign’ by some artists and viewers in Korea. The artistic aim in creating a vase form, by combining porcelain and glass, is deeply inspired by the history of the materials in Western and Eastern cultures, including the history of European (or Western) imperialism and the influence of the colonial legacy on the development of glass art in Korea. By creating a formal visual vocabulary that informs the possibility of expressing the cultural ambiguity of the material, the resulting artworks were made to deliberately not fit into either Korean or British visual culture. Instead the works were created to fit into a pseudo Korean-British or British-Korean image intended to challenge the individual’s projected expectation of another culture (derived from cultural stereotypes). This research addresses the possibility of highlighting the individual’s cultural stereotypes, cultural relocation and bicultural identity in art. Applying the results related to these findings to the ‘aesthetics of the cultural uncanny’ present in my creative practice, the research was directed by the following research aims: - To extend the discourse about the uncanny to my artistic approaches by identifying what the exotic implies for individuals, both in Britain and Korea. - To develop the use of the experience of the uncanny as an expressive tool within my own creative practice through the medium of glass introducing an unexpected juxtaposition by combining English manufactured porcelain elements. - To develop an artistic language with respect to cultural stereotypes within contemporary glass art by analysing individuals’ engagement with my artwork.
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How same-sex marriage became legalised in Taiwan: : A study of the Act for Implementation of Interpretation J.Y No. 748Wang, Xin January 2021 (has links)
When Taiwan’s Civil Code of Marriage banned same-sex marriage, it contradicted the nation’s constitutional freedom and equality clauses. In order to implement the Right to Marry and Freedom of Marriage amendments, Taiwanese LGBTQ activists took legal action to change this inequality within the marital status. This thesis analyses how Taiwan came to legalise same-sex marriage through litigation and legal reform. By examining the legal grounds, motivation and strategies that went into implementing the same-sex marriage law in Taiwan, the analysis follows the stages of legal reform and evaluates the legal consequences based on the legal theory. Also, the theories of Nussbaum and Pierson allow for viewing the issue from both legal and philosophical theoretical aspects. Finally, after examining the Act for Implementation of J.Y Interpretation No. 748, this thesis aims to show the full picture of the establishment of the same-sex marriage law in Taiwan and how the result of implementing same-sex marriage laws benefits both the LGBTQ community and Taiwanese society. The conclusion addresses some challenges and future hopes for Taiwan, as it is the first nation to have legalised same-sex marriage in Asia.
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Applying Earned Value Managementin Service Projects : A Case Study at Saab Surveillance / Tillämpning av Earned Value Management i Service ProjektJansson, Caroline January 2019 (has links)
For organisations to stay competitive, continuous improvements and development are needed.Organisations handling complex services, structured in projects, find difficulties in understanding the project performance. Understanding the project performance is important in order to achieve the ability to implement improvements and development activities in projects. Furthermore, project performance needs to be understandable for the whole organisation in order to be able to prioritize. There are several applicable methods available for handling the evaluation of performance. One method is Earned Value Management, EVM, which incorporates project scope, schedule and cost parameters in order to create project control.The purpose of this study is to investigate how EVM could be implemented for evaluating performance in projects handling repair and maintenance based on the EVM standard ANSI/EIA-748. The purpose is also to identify needed adaptations in the projects to make it possible to implement EVM. The EVM standard contains important steps and activities needed in order to be able to aggregate values and evaluate performance.The result of this study presents adaptations needed for EVM implementation based on the EVM standard ANSI/EIA-748. The study concludes that some structural and managerial changes need to be done before EVM can be implemented. The organisation needs to formulate common guidelines for structuring work and organisations, as well as formulate and define common reporting structures for documentation and reporting. In addition, the way of handling planning, and budgeting need to be reviewed and customised. The organisation also needs to continuously work with the knowledge and understanding about the importance of the business and the evaluation, to create a successful EVM implementation and a sustainable business. / För att organisationer ska kunna vara konkurrenskraftiga krävs kontinuerlig förbättring och utveckling. Organisationer som är organiserade i projekt och som hanterar komplexa tjänster, finner svårigheter i att förstå projektets prestation. Detta är viktigt för att kunna genomföra förbättringar och utvecklingsaktiviteter. Dessutom måste projektets prestation kunna förstås av hela organisationen för att skapa möjligheter att prioritera. Det finns flera tillgängliga metoder som kan användas för att hantera detta. En metod är Earned Value Management (EVM), som innehåller projektomfång, tidsplan och kostnadsparametrar för att skapa projektstyrning.Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur EVM kan implementeras för att utvärdera prestanda i projekt som hanterar service och underhåll, baserat på EVM-standarden ANSI/ EIA-748. Syftet är också att identifiera nödvändiga anpassningar i projekten, för att göra det möjligt att implementera EVM. EVM-standarden innehåller viktiga steg och aktiviteter som krävs för att kunna aggregera värden och utvärdera prestanda.Resultatet av denna studie presenterar anpassningar som behövs för implementering av EVM, baserat på EVM-standarden ANSI / EIA-748. Studien drar slutsatsen att vissa strukturella och ledande förändringar måste göras innan EVM kan implementeras. Organisationen måste formulera gemensamma riktlinjer för strukturering av arbete och organisationer, samt formulera och definiera gemensamma strukturer för dokumentation och rapportering. Dessutom måste sättet att hantera planering och budgetering granskas och anpassas. Organisationen måste också kontinuerligt arbeta med kunskap och förståelse om verksamhetens betydelse och utvärdering, för att skapa en framgångsrik EVM-implementering och en hållbar verksamhet.
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Prestationsmätning i komplexa projekt : - En fallstudie på Saab Aeronautics / Performance measurement in complex projects : – A case study at Saab AeronauticsKanmert, Jacob, Lindh, Joakim, Welin, Joel January 2018 (has links)
Organisationer med komplexa projekt som sträcker sig över ett flertal år finner svårigheter att förhålla sig till projektens fördefinierade parametrar tid, kostnad och omfattning. Skenande kostnader och förseningar är vanligt förekommande i dessa typer av projekt, då projekten omfattar ett samspel av ett flertal aktiviteter och där projektets omfattning ofta förändras. Det finns metoder som verksamheter kan tillämpa för att kontrollera ovannämnda parametrar och i ett tidigt skede kunna identifiera när någon av parametrar tenderar att överskridas. En metod som styrker prestationsmätningar är Earned Value Mangament, EVM. Syftet med studien var att identifiera vart organisationer brister gentemot branschstandarden inom EVM, ANSI/EIA-748. Standarden innehåller viktiga steg för att kunna utföra en korrekt prestationsmätning tillsammans med teorin från Earned Value Management. Resultat studien presentera indikerar på att organisationer måste skapa tydliga riktlinjer hur ANSI/EIA-748 skall tillämpas. Till exempel att alla bryter ner arbetet och fördelar sina budgetar på samma sätt. Studiens resultat antyder också att Rolling Wave är ett lämpligt verktyg för komplexa och långa projekt. Av den anledningen att projektledare inte planerar för mycket i onödan eftersom projektets omfattning ständigt förändras.
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L'artisanat du verre dans le monde celtique au second âge du Fer : approches archéométriques, technologiques et sociales / La Tène Glass-making : archaeometric, technological and social approachesRolland, Joëlle 08 November 2017 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse s'attache à l'étude de l'artisanat du verre du second âge du Fer sous ses aspects économiques et sociaux. La méthode d'étude pluridisciplinaire développée a permis d'approcher les différentes étapes de production, de distribution et de consommation d'une production spécialisée, exclusivement dédiée aux ornements du corps. Les analyses élémentaires en LA-ICP-MS réalisées sur un corpus de plus de 700 objets montrent des évolutions dans les types de verres bruts utilisés par les verriers celtes et produits en Orient ainsi que dans les origines des matières premières. L'étude technologique utilisant l'ethnoarchéologie, l'expérimentation exploratoire des techniques et les études de collections, a conduit à une définition des savoir-faire moteurs et idéatoires impliqués dans la fabrication des parures en verre. La production nécessite l'importation de matières premières et la mobilisation d'artisans spécialisés. La définition et la description de ces savoir-faire montre une phase de simplification technique de la production qui pourrait être lié à une volonté de privilégier l'efficacité et le rendement pour répondre aux besoins d'une nouvelle clientèle. La reconstitution des étapes et des besoins de la production et de leurs évolutions a permis d'approcher les valeurs et les fonctions de signes des parures, redéfinissant ces objets comme des parures de luxe dont la production et consommation évoluent parallèlement à la hiérarchisation de la société laténienne. L'étude révèle une organisation de réseaux de biens, d'artisans et de structures de production, dédiés à la production d'objets de distinction et à des pratiques de consommation ostentatoire. / This thesis aims to approach the Iron Age glass-making through a socio-economic perspective. To do so, a muldisciplinary method has been developed, combining archaeological data with archaeometrical and technological approaches. lt allowed us to reconstruct, step by step, the commodity chains analysis of this craft, only dedicated to jewelry productions, from the raw material production, its transformation into items of adornments but also its distribution and its consumption processes by La Tène societies. The analysis on La Tène Glass characterization (done by LA-ICP-MS), including more than seven hundred glass abjects, permitted to distinguish sands from different origins used to make the imported natron base glass. It also highlighted different recipes according to the chemical features of the glasses. The technological approach, combining ethnoarchaeological and experimental referentials, shown the high-Ievels of expertise required to produce these objects. Moreover, glass abjects production required Near-Eastern raw material, implying transport over long distances and specialized and trained craftsmen. At the end of La Tène period, the observed increase and simplification of production couId be linked with a choice of efficiency in response to new population categories' needs. Glass beads and bracelets are luxury productions and their consumption evolves alongside the hierarchisation of La Tène societies. This study reveals conspicuous consumption practices depending on the networks organization of goods, specialized craftsmen and production structures only dedicated to the production of objects used for distinction.
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