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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Techniques d'estimation de la bande passante disponible de réseaux sans fil

Amamra, Abdelaziz 17 November 2008 (has links) (PDF)
L'IEEE 802.11 (Wi-Fi) est le standard de WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network). En conséquence, le marché des produits dotés de la technologie réseau Wi-Fi est en plein essor et a provoqué une véritable révolution dans le monde de l'informatique. Cependant, la communication utilisant le Wi-Fi ne présente pas, pour autant, que des avantages. La grande différence entre le débit théorique et le débit effectif dépend de nombreux paramètres. Il est, par exemple, difficile de faire du streaming vidéo haute définition en utilisant un réseau IEEE 802.11g, alors que le débit théorique le permet parfaitement. La technologie WLAN souffre d'autres contraintes, comme la nature vulnérable du médium sans fil (interférences électromagnétiques, multi-trajet...), l'accès indéterministe au médium, la limitation de la bande passante...Les applications utilisant les réseaux Ad Hoc deviennent de plus en plus complexes et offrent de nouveaux services qui exigent des performances réseau de plus en plus élevées. De ce fait, la Qualié de Service (QdS) dans les réseaux Ad Hoc est un sujet de recherche ouvert. La bande passante est un indicateur très important pour la garantie de la QdS. Dans notre travail de thèse, nous avons étudié l'un des aspects de la QdS qui est la Bande Passante Disponible (BPD) dans les réseaux Ad Hoc basés sur la norme IEEE 802.11. Particulièrement, nous nous sommes intéressés aux différentes techniques d'estimation de la BPD et avons évalué les performances de ces techniques du point de vue temps de réponse et précision des estimations. Ces techniques peuvent être utilisées dans d'autres types de réseaux sans fil ou filaire. Nos contributions sont, essentiellement , le développement de deux nouvelles techniques d'estimation de la bande passante SLOT (SLOps-Topp) et TOPP-NET (TOPP-Non invasive Estimation Technique). Ces deux techniques sont le résultat d'améliorations successives des techniques d'estimation qui existent dans la littérature (TOPP : Trains of Packet Pairs, SLoPS : Self-Loading Periodic Streams et NIMBE : Non Invasive Manet Bandwith Estimation) en mettant l'accent sur la précision et le délai de sondage des techniques d'estimation. Notre troisième contribution est une nouvelle méthode de filtrage adaptatif des estimations nommée ZONE-FILTER ( Filtrage par Zone). Cette méthode combine les filtres EWMA et la mèthode statistique SPC (Statistical Process Control).

IEEE 802.11e無線網路下影像串流之MAC-centric跨層設計 / MAC-centric Cross-Layer Design for Video Streaming in IEEE 802.11e Wireless Network

蘇毓迪, Su,Yu Ti Unknown Date (has links)
近十年來,由於無線網路的普及與人們對於影像串流服務的需求愈高,導致人們迫切需要更好的服務品質。但在IEEE 802.11無線網路中,本身的設計並非針對影像串流來設計,為讓影像串流能在無線網路更有效率,我們必須重新設計適合影像串流的無線網路。本研究首先探討IEEE 802.11 MAC層DCF (Distributed Coordination Function)與802.11e EDCA (Enhanced Distributed Channel Access)機制的潛在問題。由於DCF與EDCA並未特別對影像串流做設計,會導致具有時延(delay time)限制的影像封包等待過久造成失效,卻仍繼續傳送。本研究提出幾個有效方法,改善原本IEEE 802.11無線網路對影像串流傳輸效能不彰的現象。我們將利用跨層設計使MAC層能取得影像串流封包資訊,並改善DCF與EDCA的重傳(retransmission)機制,使用time limit與retry limit混和設計節省不必要的等待時間,並使用single-video multi-level queue改善傳輸效能。最後本研究將利用網路模擬器NS-2 (Network Simulater ver. 2)與影像串流測試實驗架構myEvalvid-NT作不同效能的驗證比較並評估我們所提出方法的有效性。 / Over the past decade, wireless network access and video streaming services have become more popular than ever. People are eager to have better quality of video streaming services over wireless network. However, IEEE 802.11 DCF and IEEE 802.11e EDCA are not specifically designed for video streaming. This leads to the problem of transmitting overdue video packets and thus degrades both the network performance and video quality. In this paper, we propose a hybrid design framework to improve the quality of video streaming. This framework consists of a MAC-centric cross-layer architecture to allow MAC-layer to retrieve video streaming packet information (slice type and transmission deadline), a retransmission mechanism of hybrid retransmission deadline and retry limit to save unnecessary packet waiting time, and a single-video multi-level queue to prioritize I/P/B slice delivery. Simulations show that the proposed methodology outperforms IEEE 802.11e, IEEE 802.11e Timebase and IEEE 802.11e MultiQ in packet loss rate, invalid packet ratio, lost and invalid packet ratio, delay time, jitter, and PSNR.

Wireless communications infrastructure for collaboration in common space

Metingu, Kivanc 03 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / Modern technology is making virtual environments a part of daily life. However, some constraints about the usage of virtual environments, such as the need for high performance and well-configured computers, prevent users from accessing virtual environments in some places other than special computer rooms. Mobile devices may be used to solve this limitation in a virtual environment. The remote-control approach to access virtual worlds on the Internet or on a corporate network is a new concept that opens new doors to users. First step of this approach is already in use, such as games implemented for mobile devices using the screen of a mobile device as display, and has given satisfying results for some users. This research will take the user, who not only wants to be mobile but also does not want to sacrifice high resolution textures and complex models, closer to his/her goal. Mobile devices provide mobility to the user, but sacrifice not only the reality of the virtual environments but also screen size, which is very important for visibility of complex virtual environments. The hybrid approach with wireless internet connection by using mobile devices as remote control gives the user the advantages of mobility over desktop PCs. On the other hand, the realism provided by high-quality PCs on the server side exceeds the capabilities of mobile devices. / Lieutenant Junior Grade, Turkish Navy

Session hijacking attacks in wireless local area networks

Onder, Hulusi 03 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) technologies are becoming widely used since they provide more flexibility and availability. Unfortunately, it is possible for WLANs to be implemented with security flaws which are not addressed in the original 802.11 specification. IEEE formed a working group (TGi) to provide a complete solution (code named 802.11i standard) to all the security problems of the WLANs. The group proposed using 802.1X as an interim solution to the deficiencies in WLAN authentication and key management. The full 802.11i standard is expected to be finalized by the end of 2004. Although 802.1X provides a better authentication scheme than the original 802.11 security solution, it is still vulnerable to denial-of-service, session hijacking, and man-in-the- middle attacks. Using an open-source 802.1X test-bed, this thesis evaluates various session hijacking mechanisms through experimentation. The main conclusion is that the risk of session hijacking attack is significantly reduced with the new security standard (802.11i); however, the new standard will not resolve all of the problems. An attempt to launch a session hijacking attack against the new security standard will not succeed, although it will result in a denial-of-service attack against the user. / Lieutenant Junior Grade, Turkish Navy

Synchronization analysis and simulation of a standard IEEE 802.11g OFDM signal

Lowham, Keith D. 03 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / Synchronization of orthogonal frequency-division multiplexed (OFDM) signals is significantly more difficult than synchronization of a single-carrier system. The recently approved IEEE Standard 802.11g specifies a packet-based OFDM system that provides a basis for the discussion of OFDM synchronization in a packet-based environment. Algorithms that synchronize the receiver carrier demodulation frequency and phase, the data frame, the OFDM symbol timing, and the data symbol timing are discussed and analyzed in an AWGN channel. System View simulation is used to implement the frame and carrier frequency synchronization algorithms, where the performance of these algorithms is analyzed and they are shown to be useful detection algorithms for Standard 802.11g signal reception. / Lieutenant Commander, United States Navy

Analysis of hardware requirements for airborne tactical mesh networking nodes / An analysis of tactical mesh networking hardware requirements for airborne mobile nodes

Milicic, Gregory J. 03 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / Wireless mesh mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) provide the military with the opportunity to spread information superiority to the tactical battlespace in support of network-centric warfare (NCW). These mesh networks provide the tactical networking framework for providing improved situational awareness through ubiquitous sharing of information including remote sensor and targeting data. The Naval Postgraduate School's Tactical Network Topology (TNT) project sponsored by US Special Operations Command seeks to adapt commercial off the shelf (COTS) information technology for use in military operational environments. These TNT experiments rely on a variety of airborne nodes including tethered balloon and UAVs such as the Tern to provide reachback from nodes on the ground to the Tactical Operations Center (TOC) as well as to simulate the information and traffic streams expected from UAVs conducting surveillance missions and fixed persistent sensor nodes. Airborne mesh nodes have unique requirements that can be implemented with COTS technology including single board computers and compact flash. / Lieutenant, United States Navy

An analysis of the feasibility of implementing ultra wideband and mesh network technology in support of military operations

Herzig, Joseph F., Jr. 03 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / This thesis analyzes the feasibility, functionality, and usability of Ultra Wideband technology as an alternative to 802.11 in wireless mesh networks for multiple DoD contexts. Ultra wideband and wireless mesh network technologies and applications are researched and analyzed through multiple field and lab experiments for usability in current, real-world situations. Hardware and software investigations are conducted to determine any implementation issues between ultra wideband and wireless mesh networks. A detailed assessment is conducted of the various elements and operational constraints for developing an ultra wideband mesh network that can be utilized to improve situational awareness in network-centric operations. Through joint research with Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories, various hardware and software components are developed to create a test bed for tactical level ultra wideband and mesh networking experimentation in a highly mobile environment. This thesis also lays the groundwork into future ultra wideband and mesh networking applications. / Lieutenant, United States Navy

An analysis of network and sensor performance within IEEE 802.x wireless MESH networks in the Tactical Network Topology (TNT)

Davis, Joseph A., Sr. 03 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / The objective of this research is to analyze the network performance and sensor functionality, efficacy and usability of IEEE 802.x wireless MESH networks within a DoD Tactical network environment. Multiple sensor configurations operating with wireless MESH network technologies will be researched and analyzed for performance in expeditionary environment situations. Specifically, this thesis will attempt establish the foundation for the development of wireless MESH "network health" models by examining the performance of sensors operating within a MESH network and define which network performance metrics equate to good quality of service. This research will experiment with different application, sensor, and network configurations of currently available COTS components, such as, voice, video and data hardware. This thesis will lay the groundwork for wireless network MESH predictability, which will enable the optimal use of sensors within a tactical network environment. / Lieutenant Commander, United States Navy

A Study on Fingerprinting of Locally Assigned MAC-Addresses

Djervbrant, Karl-Johan, Häggström, Andreas January 2019 (has links)
The number of WiFi Devices is increasing every day, most people traveling hasa device with a WiFi network card enabled. This is something EffectSoft AB in Halmstad utilizes in their service Flow, to track and count devices. The accuracy of counted devices was however not accurate enough for a commercial use and this is where this candidate Thesis will continue research on how to improve the accuracy. It introduces the fundamental problem on how one cannot directly count transmitted MAC-Addresses to count present devices, since the manufacturers implement features against this such as MAC-Address randomization. It covers how manufacturers are not consistent in their implementation of the IEEE 802.11 standard, how this can be utilized to estimate how many devices are present in the networkwith three different approaches. It also concludes that Control Frame Attacks is not a viable approach any longer to count devices and the best method for counting devices are a combination of Passive Probe Request Analysis techniques. / Mängden enheter som kommunicerar över WiFi ökar dagligen och idag bär de flesta människor en enhet med ett aktiverat WiFi-nätverkskort. Detta använder EffectSoft AB, ett företag i Halmstad till sin teknik Flow för att räkna mobila enheter. Noggrannheten för beräkningen är dock inte tillräckligt bra för att produkten ska kunna vara applicerbar på marknaden och därav handlar denna kandidatuppsatsen om beräkning av mobila enheter. Denna rapport presenterar de problem som man stöter på vid beräkning av mobila enheter som till exempel randomisering av MAC-Adresser. Den täcker även hur tillverkare inte är konsekventa i sin implementation av IEEE 802.11 standarden och hur detta kan utnyttjas genom tre metoderför beräkning av antal mobila enheter. Det fastställs att Control Frame Attack inte längre är en möjlig metod för syftet samt att den bästa metoden för beräkning avantalet mobila enheter är en kombination av olika passiva Probe Request analyser.

Modélisation analytique et contrôle d'admission dans les réseaux 802.11e pour une maîtrise de la Qualité de Service.

Chendeb Taher, Nada 31 March 2009 (has links) (PDF)
La maîtrise de la QoS dans 802.11e EDCA (Enhanced Distributed Coordination Function) ne peut être assurée que par un mécanisme de contrôle d'admission qui empêche le réseau d'atteindre un état de saturation critique et par la même garantit les besoins de QoS des applications voix/vidéo.<br />Ce mécanisme de contrôle d'admission a besoin pour sa prise de décision de prédire les métriques de performances si un nouveau flux est admis. Dans le but de rendre les décisions efficaces, nous choisissons d'utiliser une méthode de prédiction basée sur un modèle analytique. Ce dernier doit remplir deux conditions : 1) fournir une bonne précision de prédiction et 2) avoir une complexité numérique faible et un temps de réponse limité. Vu que la majorité des modèles analytiques de la littérature ne satisfont pas à ces deux conditions, nous développons un nouveau modèle analytique pour EDCA qui est capable de prédire le débit et le délai d'accès des différentes Access Category (AC) d'EDCA.<br />Ainsi, après la modélisation analytique du temps de transmission des ACs en prenant en compte le paramètre de différentiation TXOPLimit, nous développons un modèle analytique pour EDCA sous la forme d'une chaîne de Markov à quatre dimensions. Celui-ci est développé d'abord dans les conditions de saturation puis étendu aux conditions générales de trafic.<br />Pour finir, nous proposons un algorithme de contrôle d'admission à implémenter au sein du point d'accès et qui utilise le modèle analytique proposé. Nous proposons un abaque de solution d'optimisation des paramètres d'accès d'EDCA. Le but étant d'améliorer les performances du mécanisme de contrôle d'admission par l'utilisation optimale des ressources du réseau.

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