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El Antígeno O de Porphyromonas gingivalis participa en la modulación de los niveles de Interleuquina-8 y de la migración en células epiteliales gingivalesRojas Celis, Ana Victoria January 2018 (has links)
Memoria para optar al título de Bioquímico / La periodontitis es una enfermedad inflamatoria crónica de las estructuras que soportan las piezas dentales, la cual está asociada a un proceso infeccioso causado por un cambio en la ecología local de la biopelícula bacteriana oral. Un 90% de la población chilena presenta signos clínicos de esta patología. Porphyromonas gingivalis (P. gingivalis) se ha propuesto como un agente etiológico clave en la periodontitis. En nuestro laboratorio, se obtuvieron aislados clínicos de P. gingivalis provenientes de individuos sanos, en los que se vio ausencia de la región del antígeno O (AgO) del lipopolisacárido (LPS). En cambio, en aislados clínicos provenientes de pacientes con periodontitis, el LPS está completo. Además, se ha observado anteriormente que cuando células de epitelio gingival (GECs, por sus siglas en inglés) eran infectadas con una cepa silvestre de P. gingivalis (W50) había un aumento del ARNm del Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4), a diferencia de lo que ocurre cuando son infectadas con una mutante isogénica carente de AgO polimérico (cepa ΔPG1051), sugiriendo que el AgO sería importante para el reconocimiento de la bacteria.
Una de las consecuencias de la activación de TLRs es el incremento en los niveles de citoquinas pro-inflamatorias. Esto se ha relacionado con un aumento en la capacidad migratoria en varios tipos celulares, incluyendo a GECs, donde la migración favorece la formación de saco periodontal / Periodontitis is a highly prevalent chronic inflammatory disease in Chile and worldwide that mainly affects the tissues supporting de teeth. This disease is associated with an infectious process caused by a change in the local ecology of the subgingival biofilm. It has been proposed that the bacterium Porphyromonas gingivalis (P. gingivalis) plays a key role in disease onset and progression because this bacterium induces dysbiosis that contributes to the inflammatory process. In a previous study from our group, we observed that the O antigen (OAg) region of the lipopolysaccharide contributes to the inhibition of apoptosis induced by P. gingivalis in epithelial cells, which correlates with an increase in the expression of TLR4.
One of the consequences of the activation of TLRs is the increase in the levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines. This has been related to an increase in the migratory capacity of several cell types, including human oral epithelial cells, where enhanced migration is associated with formation of periodontal pockets. Considering this background, the objective was to determine if TLR4 activation mediated by AgO can increase the levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines and to promote migration an oral epithelial cell line OKF6 / TERT2. For this, the level of TLR4 (flow cytometry), TNF-α, IL-8 and IL-1β (multiplex) and migration (Boyden's chamber) were measured after infecting with the previously mentioned strains. Our results show that infection with P. gingivalis does not change the TLR4 levels on the surface of OKF6 / TERT2 cells, independent of the presence or absence of AgO. On the other hand, levels of IL-8 decreased only with the virulent strain of P. gingivalis W50, unlike the isogenic mutant in LPS that does not produce AgO, which does not change them. These changes are independent of TLR4. Finally, the strain with a complete LPS (W50) produces an increase in migration. However, in the absence of AgO there are not significant changes with respect to uninfected cells.
In conclusion, in this work we found that the AgO of P. gingivalis participates in the modulation of pro-inflammatory marker levels (IL-8) and cell migration, which could contribute to the development of periodontitis / CONICYT-FONDAP 15130011; Fondecyt 1170925; FIOUCH 17/020
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Preparation of Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework-8 (ZIF-8) Membrane on Porous Polymeric Support via Contra-Diffusion MethodTan, Xiaoyu 18 May 2016 (has links)
In the last decade, many attempts were made to put metal organic frameworks (MOFs) in industrial applications, but most of these efforts weren’t successfully. As one of the few MOFs produced on industrial scale, ZIF-8 has interesting pore size, huge internal surface area and great thermal and chemical stability. Therefore, ZIF-8 might become the first MOF, which will be applied in industrial separation processes.
In this thesis, a synthesis study is presented, which leads to a cheap and convenient way to
fabricate defect-free and thin ZIF-8 membranes on porous polymeric supports showing high selectivity and high gas permeance. The ZIF-8 layers were produced via a contra-diffusion method. Several polymeric membranes were employed as support in this study, such as PAN, PEI, PSU, PA and PTSC. We studied the influence of the polymeric support properties for the ZIF-8 membrane preparation and optimized the ZIF-8 preparation conditions. The ZIF-8 membranes were characterized via scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). For gas permeation test, we chose a Wicke-Kallenbach apparatus to measure membrane’s gas permeance and selectivity. One of the best ZIF-8 membranes exhibited a hydrogen permeance of 3.45 × 10-8 mol m-2 s-1 Pa-1 and
an ideal selectivity of hydrogen over propane of about 500.
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Arvsrätten när efterlevande make saknar arvsberättigade arvingar : Tolkning och tillämpning av regeln i 3 kap. 8 § ÄB / The inheritance law when the surviving spouse has no heir of it's own : Interpretation and application of the rule in chapter 3 section 8 of the Inheritance CodeHolmqvist, Frida January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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"Sous le ciel des Estatz" : les Etats généraux de Lorraine sous le règne personnel de Charles III (1559-1608) / « Sous le ciel des Estatz » : the Estates General of the Duchy of Lorraine during the personal reign of Charles III (1559-1608)Lapointe, Julien 30 March 2015 (has links)
À la tête des duchés de Lorraine et de Bar, Charles III réunit des États généraux communs aux deux principautés pour obtenir le conseil et l’aide des trois ordres. L’habilité de ce duc sera par l’emploi de ce moyen traditionnel d’aboutir au renforcement de sa puissance et souveraineté. Régnant à une époque très troublée par les Guerres de Religion, le prince doit recourir de plus en plus souvent à l’aide de ses sujets pour lever des troupes et fortifier les villes. Pour lever des aides extraordinaires, le duc doit obtenir le consentement des États généraux, qui rarement le lui refusent. La multiplication des aides et leur quasi permanence entraîne un conflit avec les bourgeois de Bar. Saisi par ces derniers, le Parlement de Paris impose au duc la tenue d’États généraux distincts pour la partie du duché qui relève féodalement du royaume – le Barrois mouvant, entraînant la scission des États généraux. L’absence d’unité institutionnelle entre les deux duchés est surtout flagrante en matière d’organisation juridictionnelle. Une puissante Ancienne Chevalerie juge souverainement les procès civils dans le duché de Lorraine au sein des Assises. Mais l’institution est décadente et fait l’objet de débats constants au sein des États. Le duc cherche à imposer sa justice au détriment des juridictions féodales, et entend répondre aux vœux du Tiers État : qu’elle soit bien administrée. Dans le Barrois non mouvant, le duc érige une Cour Souveraine des Grands Jours de Saint-Mihiel. Cette érection est critiquée par la Noblesse locale, évincée au profit de juristes. Le duc ne se contente pas de lutter contre les juridictions féodales. Grâce à ses agents, il parvient à imposer progressivement sa justice au détriment des justices seigneuriales. Les seigneurs s’en offusquent par la voix des États. Enfin, c’est sous le règne de ce prince que les États procèdent à la réformation des coutumes, les modifications apportées traduisant les évolutions de la société lorraine. / As sovereign Duke of Lorraine and Bar, Charles III convened the Estates General common to both principalities to obtain council and assistance from the Three Orders (clergy, nobility & commoners). The agility which with Charles III was able to use this ancient state tool reinforced both his power and sovereignty. During a reign troubled by the French Wars of Religion, the prince resorted time and time again to his subjects to raise troops and fortify city walls.To raise extraordinary taxation, the consent of the Estates General was necessary – though rarely was it refused. Nevertheless, the increase of these taxes and their semi-permanence brought the prince into conflict with the bourgeoisie of Bar. They appealed to the Parliament of Paris which compelled the Duke to hold separate Estates General, one for the portion of the fief ultimately subject to the jurisdiction of the Kingdom of France (the so-called Barrois mouvant), the other within the sovereign jurisdiction of the Duke. The lack of institutional unity between the two duchies is particularly blatant in terms of court structure. Civil matters are exclusively presided by the old and powerful Knights of the Duchy of Lorraine at the heart of the assizes. This system is, however, antiquated and highly contested in the Estates General. The Duke strived to divert litigation from the feudal courts into his own courts and, in responding to the wishes of the Third Order, to ensure the proper administration of justice. In the remaining territory subject to the Duke’s sovereign jurisdiction (the Barrois non mouvant), the Duke established a Sovereign Court of Great Days of Saint-Mihiel (Cour Souveraine des Grands Jours de Saint-Mihiel), which was criticised by the local nobility for usurping their feudal jurisdiction in favour of trained lawyers. Thanks to his supporters, reform is not limited to the above feudal jurisdictions, as the Duke’s courts gradually also supplant the manorial courts. Horrified by these developments, the nobility protested in the Estates General. It is under the reign of Charles III that the Estates General reform the custumals to keep pace with the social evolution of the Duchy of Lorraine.
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Estudio del rol de la caspasa 8 en la infección por Trypanosoma cruzi en una linea celular de trofoblasto humano (Be Wo)Carrillo Werner, Ileana Vanessa V. January 2016 (has links)
Magister en biomedicina celular y molecular / La enfermedad de Chagas, causada por el parásito Trypanosoma cruzi (T. cruzi), constituye un problema de Salud Pública a nivel mundial, cada vez más relevante. Durante la transmisión congénita, el parásito alcanza al feto vía sanguínea atravesando la barrera placentaria compuesta por el trofoblasto (epitelio bi-estratificado), estroma vellositario (tejido conectivo de las vellosidades coriónicas libres) y endotelio de los capilares fetales, así como las láminas basales que separan los diferentes epitelios.
La enfermedad de Chagas congénita es producto de una compleja interacción entre el parásito, las respuestas inmunes de la madre y del feto/recién nacido y factores placentarios, siendo estos últimos los menos estudiados. Aún no se conoce con exactitud los mecanismos de invasión del parásito durante la infección congénita. Las bajas tasas de transmisión sugieren la existencia de factores antiparasitarios placentarios locales. Los epitelios constituyen una barrera física contra los patógenos y el recambio de los mismos se considera parte de la respuesta inmune innata.
T. cruzi induce proliferación, diferenciación (sincicialización) y muerte celular programada de tipo apoptosis en el trofoblasto, sugiriendo un aumento en el recambio epitelial en este tejido en particular. La caspasa 8, una molécula relacionada con la apoptosis, es también fundamental en el proceso de diferenciación y no sólo en muerte celular en el trofoblasto. En esta tesis se estudió la participación de la caspasa 8 en respuesta a la infección con T. cruzi en una línea celular de trofoblasto humano (BeWo). Para ello, se trabajó con la línea celular de trofoblasto (BeWo), expuestas a tripomastigotes de T. cruzi (cepa Y) en bajas y altas concentraciones, suero fetal bovino, Forskolina, Staurosporina y/o inhibidor de actividad de la caspasa 8 durante 48 horas. T. cruzi induce clivaje y subsecuente activación de la caspasa 8. La inhibición de esta proteasa permite un incremento de la carga parasitaria a expensas del número de amastigotes en las células infectadas. Así mismo, la inhibición de caspasa 8 altera el proceso de diferenciación y muerte celular sin alterar la proliferación.
Los resultados entregados en la presente tesis, basados en un modelo in vitro, sugieren claramente que la proteína caspasa 8 está involucrada en la respuesta celular defensiva frente a la infección por T. cruzi, aportando mayores conocimientos acerca de la interacción hospedero-parásito en el Chagas congénito. / Chagas disease, caused by the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi (T. cruzi), constitutes a public health problem around the world, every time more relevant. In congenital transmission, the parasite reaches the fetus through the blood, crossing the placental barrier formed by trophoblast, (bi-stratified epithelium), villous stroma (connective tissue of the free chorionic villous) and endothelium of fetal capillaries, as well as basal laminae that separates both epitheliums.
Congenital Chagas disease is the consequence of complex interaction between the parasite, the immune responses from the mother and the fetus/newborn and placental factors, being the latter the least-studied factor. Even not known exactly the invasion mechanism of the parasite during congenital infection. Low transmission rates suggest the presence of local placental defense mechanisms. Epithelium constitute a physical barrier against pathogens and their turnover is considered part of innate immune response.
T. cruzi induces proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis in the trophoblast, suggesting an increase in trophoblast turnover. Caspase 8 is an essential molecule not only during apoptotic cell death but also during trophoblast differentiation.
On this work we study the role of caspase 8 in response to T. cruzi infection in BeWo cells (a trophoblast cell line). For this, BeWo cells were exposed to T. cruzi trypomastigotes (Ypsilon strain) in high and low concentrations, fetal bovine serum, Forskolin, Staurosporine and IETD-CHO (caspase 8 inhibitor) during 48 hours. T. cruzi induces cleavage of caspase 8 and its activity. The inhibition of caspase 8 activity increases parasite infection by increasing the number of intracellular parasites. As expected, inhibition of caspase 8 does not affect cell proliferation, but disrupts the cellular differentiation and apoptotic cell death.
This results shown in this work, based on an in vitro model, clearly suggest that caspase 8 is implicated in the defensive cellular response on T. cruzi infection providing knowledge about host-parasite interaction on congenital Chagas.
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<div>The heavy duty transportation sector is projected to grow in the coming decades. Increasing the fuel economy of class 8 vehicles would simultaneously decrease CO2 emissions and decrease the annual fuel expenditures that account for nearly a quarter of cargo companies' annual budgets. Most technology that has aimed to do this has primarily been focused on either improvements in engine efficiency or reduction of aerodynamic drag. This thesis addresses a somewhat different approach: the optimization of vehicle dynamics in order to realize fuel savings. </div><div><br></div><div>Through partnerships with Peloton Technology and Cummins, tests and simulations were conducted on corridors with grades up to 5% that indicate fuel savings of up to 14.4% can be achieved through the combination of three strategies: two-truck platooning, long-horizon predictive cruise control (LHPCC), and simultaneous shifting. Two-truck platooning is the act of drafting a rear truck behind a front truck. It has been shown that this not only reduces the drag of the follow vehicle, but also that of the lead vehicle. LHPCC is an optimization of the lead truck's velocity over a given corridor to get "from point A to point B" in the most efficient way possible whilst doing so with a trip time constraint. Last is the use of simultaneous shifting, which allows the follow vehicle to maintain the proper platoon gap distance behind</div><div>the lead truck.</div>
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En utvärdering av Windows 8 Store applikationer som plattform för VOD-tjänster / An evaluation of Windows 8 Store applications as platform for VOD-servicesDilén, Erik, Lundmark, Emil January 2013 (has links)
Som en effekt av att Video On Demand (VOD) är på stark tillväxt vill June, som en leverantör av mjukvara för TV-branschen, förvärva kunskaper och utvärdera Windows 8 applikationer som plattform för en VOD-tjänst. June har sedan tidigare en webblösning för VOD och vill nu även jämföra och utvärdera bland annat kunskapskrav, tidsåtgång samt fördelar och nackdelar med en Windows 8 applikation ställt mot denna webblösning. Målen med examensarbetet kan delas in i tre delar; en där komplexitet och arbetsinsats vid Windows 8 applikationsutveckling utvärderas, en där verktygen som krävs för att utveckla en VOD-applikation utvärderas och sist att implementera en Windows 8 applikation för VOD. En Windows 8 applikation utvecklades och valda lösningsmetoder dokumenterades. Dokumentation och kunskap som förvärvats under utvecklingsfasen stod sedan som grund för de analyserande och utvärderande målen. Resultatet är en Windows 8 applikation som uppfyller de mål som satts upp för programmeringsdelen samt en analys och utvärdering som svarar mot målen för analysdelen. Ämnen som är centrala genom rapporten är Microsoft, WinRT, VOD, Smooth Streaming, PlayReady, Windows 8 applikationsutveckling samt data caching och utveckling av användargränsnitt i Windows 8. / As an effect of Video On Demand (VOD)-usage growing fast June, as a software provider for the television industry, wants to acquire skills and evaluate Windows 8 applications as a platform for VOD services. June already delivers a web-based solution for VOD and now wants a comparison and evaluation of particular knowledge required, time, complexity, data caching, advantages and disadvantages of a Windows 8 application set against this web solution. The objectives of the thesis can be divided into three parts: one in which complexity and work effort in Windows 8 application development is evaluated, one in which the tools required to develop a VOD application is evaluated and finally implementing a Windows 8 application for VOD. A Windows 8 application was developed and the selected solution methods were documented. Documentation and knowledge acquired during the development phase was then used as a basis for the analysis and evaluation objectives. The result is a Windows 8 application meeting the objectives set for the development part followed by an analysis and evaluation answering the given issues. Matters that are central through the report are Microsoft, WinRT, VOD, PlayReady, Smooth Streaming, Windows 8 application Development, data caching and interface development in Windows 8.
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A Comparison Theorem for the Topological and Algebraic Classification of Quaternionic Toric 8-ManifoldsRunge, Piotr 01 December 2009 (has links)
In order to discuss topological properties of quaternionic toric 8-manifolds, we introduce the notion of an algebraic morphism in the category of toric spaces. We show that the classification of quaternionic toric 8-manifolds with respect to an algebraic isomorphism is finer than the oriented topological classification. We construct infinite families of quaternionic toric 8-manifolds in the same oriented homeomorphism type but algebraically distinct. To prove that the elements within each family are of the same oriented homeomorphism type, and that we have representatives of all such types of a quaternionic toric 8-manifold, we present and use a method of evaluating the first Pontrjagin class for an arbitrary quaternionic toric 8-manifold.
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The solubility of metal 8- quinolinates in non-aqueous solvents : a thermodynamic study.Khin, Thuang January 1971 (has links)
No description available.
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The Effects of Delta-8-tetrahydrocannabinol on Danio rerioBiragbara, Dornu, Azizi, Ava, McGrew, Lori 25 April 2023 (has links)
Delta-8-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), although less potent than THC, can still reduce memory cognition and anxiety. However, Delta-8 can have adverse effects at high doses, like inducing anxiety, confusion, and hallucinations. The brain of Danio rerio (zebrafish) resembles human neuroanatomical and neurochemical pathways and demonstrates robust behavioral phenotypes, making zebrafish an excellent model organism for memory and anxiety. Subjects will be fed 5mg of Delta 8-THC before entering the experimental apparatus. Fish for both memory and anxiety tests will be observed and recorded through Noldus Ethovision Software. For testing memory, five female and five male zebrafish will be individually placed in a three-compartment memory tank. One side of the memory tank will have a star shape, while the other side will have a circle shape. About .83mg of commercial fish flakes will be administered to the fish on the circle side in the first trial, then on the star side in the second trial, and will continue on either side for 20 trials. Correct responses will be scored when the fish are present on the side of the tank used to present the fish flakes. We hypothesize that there will be fewer correct responses for fish fed with Delta-8-THC than the control. For testing anxiety, ten male and female zebrafish will be fed 5mg of Delta 8-THC before entering the diving tank. Typically, zebrafish experiencing anxiety will stay at the bottom of the diving tank, but if they are relaxed, they will be at the top. We hypothesize that fish fed with Delta-8-THC will spend more time at the top of the diving tank than the control.
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