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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Liliputtar, strippor och exotiska stammar : En studie över mänskliga attraktioner på tivoli Gröna Lund under 1900-talet

Hasselgren, Bodil January 2015 (has links)
This paper discuses three different freakshow-attractions at the amusement park Gröna Lund in Stockholm during the 20th century; two tribes from the African continent, the exhibit of people with dwarfism and all female striptease. These attractions have been examined with international and intersectional perspective aswell as their effect on the possible heritage status of the amusement park Gröna Lund and their part in creating a so-called dissonant heritage. The thesis does not examine individual freaks or the amusement often refereed to as burlesque that also was an important part of the amusement park Gröna Lund. By studying the amusement park Gröna Lund’s company archive at the Centre for business history in Stockholm I found the main source material for this thesis. This material consisted of pictures, commercial flyers given out at exhibitions, advertising banners and articles from various Swedish newspapers. The material has then been exposed to both textual and image analysis. The result is that the human attractions at Gröna Lund can, and should, be seen as a part of an international freakshow market - although influenced by social and political trends and institutions. I also argue that the amusement park, and the human attractions are a part of a dissonant heritage, a more intersectional Swedish heritage. This is a two years master’s thesis in Archive, Library and Museum studies.

Community counsellors' experiences of trauma and resilience in a low-income community

Benjamin, Arlene 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Violence is considered a global mental health problem. The rate of violence in South Africa is amongst the highest in the world and much of this violence is disproportionately skewed towards the poorer and historically disadvantaged communities. Low-income communities continue to bear the brunt of historical legacies of violence which are perpetuated through current ongoing cycles of interpersonal and community violence. While much has been documented about trauma and resilience in environments where the violence or traumatic event has ceased, there is a dearth of literature conceptualising trauma and resilience in contexts where the violence persists. Furthermore, even fewer studies have captured how trauma and resilience are conceptualised from the perspectives of the voices who experience this violence daily. The social constructionist framework of this study aims to contribute to the knowledge of how trauma and resilience is constructed by those who experience ongoing violence, and whether resilience and healing does occur in an environment of continuous traumatic stress. The voices of the participants of the study provide an additional perspective from that of community-based counsellors. Their dual experience of living and working in a violent community gives a rich insight into the relationship between trauma and resilience. The study is located in Hanover Park, a low-income community, notorious for its high levels of community violence. The participants are community-based counsellors who volunteer at Organisation X, a community-based ecological intervention that has been developed in response to addressing the cyclical impacts of ongoing violence and continuous trauma. The research design is a purposive in-depth case study of eighteen counsellors, investigating the narratives of their lives within its real-life context. Follow-up focus groups held with the counsellors were guided by ideas and practices of narrative theory. The narratives were analysed using thematic content and experience-centred form analysis. Multi-level themes related to trauma and resilience were constructed by the participants. It was revealed that the trauma effects related to systemic ongoing violence are viewed as maladaptive features of negative resilience. At the same time positive resilience which promotes healing, empowerment and transformation is possible despite negative and violent environments. The perspectives of community counsellors which offer critically important insight into their experience of the context of violence, and the complex interconnecting of individual, interpersonal and social aspects of trauma and healing in disadvantaged communities, could also inform future evidence-based interventions, provide alternate paradigms within which mental health professionals could position themselves to engage in issues of social justice and psychosocial health. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Geweld word wêreldwyd as 'n geestesgesondheidsprobleem beskou. Die voorkoms van geweld in Suid-Afrika, is tans een van die hoogstes in die wêreld en die meeste van hierdie geweld neig om veral die armer en histories benadeelde gemeenskappe negatief te raak. Gemeenskappe in die laer inkomstegroepe is dus die mense wat die spit afbyt, omdat hierdie historiese nalatenskap van geweld deur die huidige voortdurende kringloop van interpersoonlike en gemeenskapsgeweld voortleef. Alhoewel daar alreeds baie dokumentêre bewyse bestaan oor trauma en veerkragtigheid in omgewings waar geweld of traumatiese gebeure beëindig is, is daar 'n gebrek aan literatuur wat trauma en veerkragtigheid vasvang waar geweld die orde van die dag is. Daar is verder nog minder studies wat vaslê hoe trauma en veerkragtigheid uit die oogpunt van die betrokkenes wat geweld daagliks ervaar, gekonseptualiseer word. Die sosiale konstruksionisme raamwerk van hierdie studie beoog om 'n bydrae te lewer oor hoe , indien wel, trauma en genesing beleef word deur diegene wat voortdurende geweld ervaar in 'n omgewing waar aanhoudende traumatiese stres voorkom. Die deelnemers aan hierdie studie verskaf 'n addisionele perspektief van die van gemeenskapsberaders. Hul tweeledige ervaring van leef en werk in 'n gewelddadige gemeenskap verskaf 'n dieper insig in die verhouding tussen trauma en veerkragtigheid. Die buurt waar die studie gedoen is, is Hanover-park - 'n lae inkomste gemeenskap wat berug is vir hoe vlakke van gemeenskapsgeweld. Die deelnemers is beraders uit die gemeenskap wat vrywillige werk doen by Organisasie X - 'n gemeenskapsgebaseerde ekologiese intervensie wat ontwikkel is om die sikliese impak van voortdurende geweld en trauma te verminder. Die navorsingstudie is 'n doelgerigte diepgaande gevallestudie van agtien beraders wat hul lewensverhale binne die werklike konteks ondersoek. Die beraders het die opvolg fokus-groepe gelei deur idees en die narratiewe teorie in die praktyk toe te pas. Die vertellings is geanaliseer deur gebruik te maak van die tematiese inhoud en 'n ervarings-gesentreerde analitiese formaat. Veelvlakkige temas wat verband hou met trauma en veerkragtigheid is deur die deelnemers saamgestel. Dit het aan die lig gebring dat die effek van trauma wat verband hou met voortdurende sistemiese geweld geag word as wanaangepaste kenmerke van negatiewe veerkragtigheid. Terselfdertyd is die positiewe veerkragtigheid wat genesing, bemagtiging en verandering evorder moontlik, ten spyte van negatiewe en gewelddadige omgewings. Die vooruitsigte van die gemeenskapsberaders wat belangrike en kritiese insig in hul ervarings binne geweldsverband bied, die ingewikkelde verbondenheid van die indiwiduele, interpersoonlike en sosiale aspekte van trauma en genesing in benadeelde gemeenskappe kan insiggewend wees vir toekomstige ingryping. Dit kan alternatiewe modelle voorsien waarvolgens beroepslui in die geestesgesondheidveld hulself kan inrig om kwessies van sosiale geregtigheid en psigo-sosiale gesondheids-toestande aan te spreek.


Boster, Mark Alan 06 1900 (has links)
The recreational use of the Colorado River within the Grand Canyon National Park and National Monument increased on the order of 60 to 70 per cent during each year of the interval 1967 to 1970. Consequently, the U. S. National Park Service instituted user limits to protect and preserve the area commencing with the 1971 season. This limit was established with limited data on the users of the river or about their perceptions of the trip experience. A need existed to collect and analyze this type of data, and to suggest possible management alternatives. This study used a mailed questionnaire to a random sample of past participants in order to collect basic socio-economic data. The analysis was based on a 65% response rate, and consisted of individual question tabulation and multivariate data -cluster analysis. The data show background characteristics of the participants, reasons for taking the trip, reactions to the experience, perceptions of problems associated with the trips, reactions to crowded conditions, and needs for regulatory policy concerning user intensities.

Understanding plant resource use by the ≠Khomani Bushmen of the southern Kalahari

Mannetti, Lelani 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScConEcol (Conservation Ecology and Entomology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Previously, conservation activities were mainly focussed upon the establishment of protected areas that safeguarded and shielded the natural world from misuse, often resulting in the forced removal of indigenous communities. In South Africa, the ≠Khomani Bushmen, were one such group forcibly evicted from their homelands. Today, the community has regained access to their ancestral lands in the form of a land claim, settled in 1999, that awarded the community land rights in the form of six farms and land use rights within the now Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park (KTP). This gave them the right to use and manage their property falling within the park together with the conservation authority responsible for the Park, South African National Parks (SANParks). This study aims to improve our understanding of the use of resources by the ≠Khomani Bushmen. By obtaining insight on resource use and how knowledge of this use is transferred and shared, information on how to better involve and integrate the community in management processes is generated. The study identified the most important plants currently used within the ≠Khomani community and assessed this use. Additionally, social network analysis (SNA) was used to investigate how the social network structure depicts the distribution of knowledge which affects the community’s ability to manage their natural plant resources effectively. In an ethnobotanical survey, over 90 individuals were interviewed, using semi-structured interviews, on the farms awarded to the community. In total, 59 plant species from 28 families were found to be in use. Medicinal plants were most frequently cited (60%), with edible plants comprising a further 20%. Data was also collected on social relations surrounding the acquisition, generation and transfer of plant use knowledge. The knowledge networks all depict isolated individuals on the periphery and a few individuals loosely connected to central structures. This study demonstrates that wild plant use remains an important practice for the ≠Khomani people, primarily for medicinal purposes. It serves as baseline data on plant resources being used by the community and adds to our understanding of how traditional knowledge is being transmitted. The insight provided by SNA depicts the current distribution of knowledge and should be used by the community, as supported by network weavers and SANParks, to achieve their joint management goals. Network weaving can potentially counteract ecologically unsustainable practices, promoting collaboration and the transfer of traditional ecological knowledge. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Voorheen was bewaringsaktiwiteite meestal gefokus op die vestiging van beskermde areas wat die natuurlike wêreld beveilig en beskerm het van misbruik wat dikwels die gevolg was van die geforseerde verwydering van inheemse gemeenskappe. In Suid-Afrika was die ≠Khomani Boesman groep een van die sodanige groepe wat op ʼn indrukwekkende manier van hulle tuislande uitgesit is. Vandag het die gemeenskap weer toegang gekry tot die land van hulle voorvaders in die indiening van ʼn grond eis wat in 1999 vasgestel is, en wat die gemeenskap grond regte toegeken het in die vorm van ses plase en grond regtelike gebruik binne die sogenoemde Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park (KTP). Dit het hulle die reg gegee tot die gebruik en bestuur van hulle eiendom wat binne die park val saam met die bewaringsowerhede wat verantwoordelik is vir die Park, Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Parke (SANParks). Die doel van hierdie studie is om ons begrip te verbeter van die gebruik van hulpbronne deur die ≠Khomani Boesman. Met die verkryging van insig oor hulpbron gebruik en hoe die kennis van hierdie gebruik oorgedra en gedeel word, is inligting oor hoe om ʼn beter betrekking en integrering van die gemeenskap in die bestuursprosesse gegenereer. Die studie het die belangrikste plante geïdentifiseer wat tans gebruik word binne die ≠Khomani gemeenskap met die doel om die gebruik van hierdie plante te assesseer. Sosiale netwerkanalise (SNA) is addisioneel gebruik om ondersoek in te stel oor hoe sosiale netwerk struktuur die verspreiding van kennis uitbeeld wat die gemeenskap se vermoë om hulle natuurlike plant hulpbronne effektief te bestuur affekteer. In ʼn etnobotaniese opname, was oor 90 individuele ondervra op die plase wat aan die gemeenskap toegeken was, met die gebruik van semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude. Dit is gevind dat in totaal 59 plant spesies uit 28 families gebruik word. Medisinale plante was meer dikwels aangehaal (60%) met eetbare plante bestaande uit 20%. Data was ook versamel oor sosiale verwantskappe omringende die verkryging, generering en oordra van kennis in die gebruik van plante. Hierdie netwerk van kennis word alles uitgebeeld in geïsoleerde individue op die periferie en ʼn paar individue wat losweg verbonde is tot sentrale strukture. Hierdie studie identifiseer dat die gebruik van wildeplante ʼn belangrike praktyk bly vir die ≠Khomani mense, hoofsaaklik vir medisinale doeleindes. Dit dien as basis inligting van plant hulpbronne wat tans gebruik word deur die gemeenskap en wat by ons begrip gevoeg word oor hoe tradisionele kennis oorgedra word. Die insig wat deur SNA voorsien word beeld die huidige verspreiding van kennis uit, wat deur die gemeenskap gebruik moet word, as ondersteuning van “network weavers” en SANParks om hulle gesamentlike bestuur doelwitte te bereik. “Network weavers” kan potensieel ekologiese onvolhoubare praktyke teenwerk, wat die samewerking en die oordra van tradisionele ekologiese kennis bevorder.

Internet GIS as a Historic Place-Making Tool for Mammoth Cave National Park

Epperson, Ann E. 01 December 2010 (has links)
This project laid the groundwork for an Internet-delivered Public Participation Geographic Information System to facilitate exploration and discovery of the past communities of the Mammoth Cave Park area. The emergence of Internet Web 2.0 design along with distributed GIS services allows for anyone to interact with and add to the information found on central Internet sites. Historical geography often relies upon public participation from individuals outside the academic world to provide narrative descriptions, photographs and manuscripts of past places and events to augment information held by institutions and academia. A public-participation website for the Mammoth Cave Historic GIS (MCHGIS) created a central Internet location for dispersed and disparate data related to pre-park communities to be presented with a geographic context. The MCHGIS project allowed for visualization of the pre-park communities in unique ways and contributed new understandings of this pre-park area.

Barnens park : stimulans för alla sinnen / The park for the children : Stimulation for all senes

Forsberg, Ella January 2008 (has links)
Arbetar man med att planera våra offentliga rum har man förhoppningsvis inställningen att dessa rum ska stimulera alla sinnen. För att kunna göra detta måste man veta vad det är som behöver stimuleras. Boverket, den nationella myndigheten för frågor om samhällsplanering, stads- och bebyggelseutveckling, byggande och förvaltning och för bostadsfrågor, är en av de instanser som arbetar för att planera för alla sinnen. Dock ligger fokus fortfarande på att minska de negativa intrycken, och göra platser tillgängliga, till exempel att minska buller, och bygga ledstråk. Att alla sinnena och alla delar av sinnena stimuleras på ett positivt sätt är viktigt, särskilt för barn då deras utveckling är avhängigt det. Miljön runt barnen ska locka till stimulans, men barnet måste själv få använda sin inre motivation. Inget av sinnena är viktigare, men de har olika förutsättningar. Smak-, rörelse och kroppssinnet är till exempel närsinnen och behandlar kroppen och dess närmsta möte med omgivningen. Synen och hörseln är fjärrsinnen som tar in information från långa avstånd. Generellt kan sägas att det är lätt att utforma en park som stimulerar alla fem sinnena, men svårt att utforma en som stimulerar alla delar av dem. Det är också lätt att man utgår från sig själv, och då missar man de delar där barnen inte stimuleras på samma sätt, de grupperar till exempel inte efter form som oss utan efter färg. För att nå dem måste vi alltså ta reda på hur de stimuleras. Min förhoppning är att kvalitetskriterierna presenterade i detta arbete ska kunna användas som en checklista vid planering och utformning av offentliga miljöer såsom till exempel parker. Tillämpningen prövas på slutet genom en utformning av en park efter kriterierna.

The surface energy balance and climate in an urban park and its surroundings / Markytans energibalans och klimatet i en urban park och dess omgivning

Bäckström, Erika January 2005 (has links)
<p>På grund av världens växande befolkning och urbaniseringen blir problem relaterade till fenomenet urbana värmeöar mer och mer påtagliga. Eftersom urbana parker kan minska påfrestningen skapad av urbana värmeöar kan de vara ett kraftfullt verktyg vid klimatdesign i städer. Temperaturen nära en yta bestäms av energiutbytet mellan ytan och luften ovanför och det är därför nödvändigt att man förstår energibalansen vid markytan för att kunna hantera parkernas mikroklimat. Syftet med det här arbetet var att studera skillnaderna mellan energibalansen för olika ytor i parken och i dess omgivning och att relatera skillnaderna i energibalanserna till temperaturskillnaderna.</p><p>Mätningarna utfördes under tre klara sommardagar i parken Humlegården i centrala Stockholm. Mätutrustningen var monterad på en kärra som flyttades från mätplats till mätplats. Mätplatserna representerade olika typiska ytor i Humlegården och i dess omgivning: en skuggad och en öppen gräsmatta, en öppen och en skuggad grusyta och två asfaltytor, varav en löper i nord-sydlig riktning och en i öst-västlig riktning.</p><p>Energiflödena beräknades med hjälp av data för luft- och yttemperatur, vindhastighet, luftfuktighet och nettostrålning.</p><p>Resultaten visade att den tydligaste skillnaden mellan gräs- och grusytorna i parken var att gräsytorna hade ett större nedåtriktat latent värmeflöde under natten och ett mindre markvärmeflöde under hela dygnet. Den mest distinkta skillnaden mellan de skuggade och öppna ytorna i parken var att de skuggade ytorna hade mindre energiflöden under dagen och att de till skillnad från de andra ytorna hade ett nedåtriktat sensibelt värmeflöde under dagen. Den största skillnaden mellan ytorna i och utanför parken var att asfaltytorna hade ett större uppåtriktat sensibelt värmeflöde och markvärmeflöde under natten.</p><p>Under natten var den svalaste mätplasten den öppna gräsmattan, vilken också var den enda mätplasten med ett nedåtriktat sensibelt värmeflöde under natten. Jämfört med de andra ickeskuggade mätplasterna hade den öppna gräsmattan ett mindre markvärmeflöde. Varmaste mätplasterna under natten var asfaltytorna som även hade ett större uppåtriktat sensibelt och markvärmeflöde än de andra ytorna. Under dagen var de skuggade ytorna i parken de svalaste platserna. De var de enda ytorna med ett nedåtriktat sensibelt värmeflöde och nettostrålningen vid ytan var mindre än för de flesta andra mätplatser.</p> / <p>The world’s growing population and the increasing urbanization has made problems related to the urban heat island phenomenon to become more pronounced and since urban parks reduce the stress produced by the urban heat island they can be powerful tools in urban climate design. The temperature near the surface in a park is determined by the energy exchanges between the surface and the air above and it is therefore necessary to understand the surface energy balance of parks to intelligently manage their thermal microclimate. The objectives of this work were to study how the energy balances differ between different surfaces inside parks and in their built-up surroundings and to relate the surface energy balances to temperature differences.</p><p>Measurements were conducted during three clear summer days in the park Humlegården located in central Stockholm. The measuring instruments were mounted on a cart, which was transported from observation site to observation site. The observation sites represented typical surfaces found in an urban park and its surroundings: one shaded and one open grass surface, one open and one shaded gravel surface and two paved surfaces representing streets running in the north-south and east-west directions respectively. The energy fluxes were calculated using air and surface temperatures, wind speed, air humidity and net radiation data.</p><p>The most pronounced differences between the shaded and open surfaces in the park was that the shaded surfaces in general had smaller energy fluxes during daytime and that they had a downward directed sensible heat flux while the open surfaces had an upward directed sensible heat flux during the day. The most significant difference between the grass and the gravel surfaces in the park was that the grass surfaces had a bigger downward directed latent heat flux during the night and a smaller ground heat flux during both day and night. The largest differences between the surfaces inside the park and those in its built-up vicinities were that the paved surfaces had a larger upward directed sensible and ground heat flux during the night than the other surfaces. During the day the north-south directed paved site had a downward directed ground heat flux that was much larger than the ground heat flux for the other sites.</p><p>The coolest site during the night was the non-shaded grass surface, which was the only site with a downward directed sensible heat flux during the night. Compared to the other nonshaded sites the open grass surface had a much smaller ground heat flux. Warmest sites during the night were the paved surfaces, which had a larger upward directed sensible and ground heat flux than the other surfaces. At the built-up sites the walls also contributed with sensible heat flux, i.e. the total sensible heat flux in the built-up area was larger than what comes from the street surface only. During the day the shaded surfaces in the park were the coolest sites. The shaded surfaces had less net radiation compared to the other non-shaded surfaces and were the only sites that had a downward directed sensible heat flux.</p>

People vs. Wildlife : Buffer zones to integrate wildlife conservation and development?

Hjert, Carl-Johan January 2006 (has links)
<p>Tanzania is famous for it’s beautiful nature and rich wildlife. Proud of it’s natural heritage, Tanzania has dedicated over 20% of it’s territory as protected areas to shield the wildlife from human interference. But the wildlife is regarded as a menace by the local communities that lives close to the impressive national parks. At the same time, the increasing human population threatens the survival of the large migratory species in the parks by blocking vital dispersal areas.</p><p>This essay describes the human/wildlife conflict around Tarangire National Park and focuses on communities close to park borders. The intention is to examine if a buffer zone could solve the conflict in this area. By studying the political ecology of wildlife conservation in Tanzania, from local to global scale and through a historical perspective, it is concluded that the poor state-society relation as experienced in local communities is a crucial factor for the diminishing wildlife.</p>

Taphonomy of fossil plants in the Upper Triassic Chinle Formation.

Demko, Timothy Michael. January 1995 (has links)
Fossil plants in the Upper Triassic Chinle Formation are preserved in fluvial channel, overbank, and lacustrine deposits. Plant-bearing units in these deposits are classified into seven types based on these depositional environments or subenvironments. Taphonomic characteristics of these assemblages, and of individual plant fossils within them, indicate that most plant fossils have either not been transported far from their growth sites or are preserved in situ. One particular deposit in the central part of Petrified Forest National Park preserves fossil plants in three associations: (1) allochthonous logs in basal lags in a channel-fill/lateral accretion deposits; (2) autochthonous horsetail trunks and parautochthonous horsetail leaves in a crevasse-splay deposits; and (3) parautochthonous and autochthonous cycadaceous, fern and other types of leaves, and erect and prostrate trunks in a paludal/distal splay deposits. Exposures of contemporaneous high-sinuosity channel and overbank deposits in this area enabled the reconstruction of the local paleogeography, paleohydrology, and paleoecology at a high resolution. Fossil plant assemblages of the Upper Triassic Chinle Formation are concentrated in the lower members of the formation. The lower part of the Chinle Formation was deposited in an incised valley system. Depositional, hydrological, and near-surface geochemical conditions in the incised valley system were conducive to preservation of terrestrial organic material, even though regional conditions were characterized by seasonal/monsoonal precipitation and groundwater conditions. Fossil plant assemblages preserved in these types of fully terrestrial incised valley-fills are taphonomically biased towards riparian wetland environments.

Ecological Assessment of Red-Bellied Squirrels (Sciurus Aureogaster) Introduced to Elliott Key, Florida

Palmer, Geoffrey Hamilton January 2012 (has links)
Introduced species present one of the greatest threats to biodiversity of native species, and knowledge of introduced species ecology is imperative for the development of management plans to ensure conservation of native species populations. We sought to determine the distribution and nesting behavior of an introduced population of red-bellied squirrels (Sciurus aureogaster) on islands of the Florida Keys currently managed as part of Biscayne National Park, and document potential for the species to impact native flora and fauna. Squirrels were difficult to observe in the dense vegetation of the subtropical forest, so we relied on their leaf nests, which were highly visible in the canopy of trees, to determine current presence and distribution on the Park's islands. We found nests throughout the mixed-hardwood forests of Elliott Key and Sands Key, and also documented a single, old nest on Old Rhodes Key, the first ever documentation of the species that far south in the Upper Keys. Nests were located in tall trees with more canopy linkages than random focal trees, and nests were placed in the upper canopy on the north side of the nest tree more often than expected by chance. Squirrels selected West Indies mahogany (Swietenia mahagoni) to place nests more often than available in the forest. Squirrels used areas with greater tree density and canopy cover, but lower recent hurricane damage and fewer woody shrub stems, than areas available at random in the forest. Squirrels built nests only in mixed-hardwood forest. Overall, this introduced species exhibited nest site selection behavior similar to other tree squirrels, and appears capable of continued spread despite the initial site of introduction on an oceanic island. Knowledge obtained from this research is being used by managers and applied to an eradication program to remove this invasive species from Biscayne National Park.

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